Theory Equivalence
section ‹Equivalence of Big Step and Small Step Semantics›
theory Equivalence imports BigStep SmallStep WWellForm begin
subsection‹Some casts-lemmas›
lemma assumes wf:"wf_prog wf_md P"
shows casts_casts:
"P ⊢ T casts v to v' ⟹ P ⊢ T casts v' to v'"
proof(induct rule:casts_to.induct)
case casts_prim thus ?case by(rule casts_to.casts_prim)
case (casts_null C) thus ?case by(rule casts_to.casts_null)
case (casts_ref Cs C Cs' Ds a)
have path_via:"P ⊢ Path last Cs to C via Cs'" and Ds:"Ds = Cs @⇩p Cs'" by fact+
with wf have "last Cs' = C" and "Cs' ≠ []" and "class": "is_class P C"
by(auto intro!:Subobjs_nonempty Subobj_last_isClass simp:path_via_def)
with Ds have last:"last Ds = C"
by -(drule_tac Cs' = "Cs" in appendPath_last,simp)
hence Ds':"Ds = Ds @⇩p [C]" by(simp add:appendPath_def)
from last "class" have "P ⊢ Path last Ds to C via [C]"
by(fastforce intro:Subobjs_Base simp:path_via_def)
with Ds' show ?case by(fastforce intro:casts_to.casts_ref)
lemma casts_casts_eq:
"⟦ P ⊢ T casts v to v; P ⊢ T casts v to v'; wf_prog wf_md P ⟧ ⟹ v = v'"
apply -
apply(erule casts_to.cases)
apply clarsimp
apply(erule casts_to.cases)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (simp (asm_lr))
apply(erule casts_to.cases)
apply simp
apply simp
apply simp
apply simp
apply(erule casts_to.cases)
apply simp
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply(erule appendPath_path_via)
by auto
lemma assumes wf:"wf_prog wf_md P"
shows None_lcl_casts_values:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l)⟩ → ⟨e',(h',l')⟩ ⟹
(⋀V. ⟦l V = None; E V = Some T; l' V = Some v'⟧
⟹ P ⊢ T casts v' to v')"
and "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,(h,l)⟩ [→] ⟨es',(h',l')⟩ ⟹
(⋀V. ⟦l V = None; E V = Some T; l' V = Some v'⟧
⟹ P ⊢ T casts v' to v')"
proof(induct rule:red_reds_inducts)
case (RedLAss E V T' w w' h l V')
have env:"E V = Some T'" and env':"E V' = Some T"
and l:"l V' = None" and lupd:"(l(V ↦ w')) V' = Some v'"
and casts:"P ⊢ T' casts w to w'" by fact+
show ?case
proof(cases "V = V'")
case True
with lupd have v':"v' = w'" by simp
from True env env' have "T = T'" by simp
with v' casts wf show ?thesis by(fastforce intro:casts_casts)
case False
with lupd have "l V' = Some v'" by(fastforce split:if_split_asm)
with l show ?thesis by simp
case (BlockRedNone E V T' e h l e' h' l' V')
have l:"l V' = None"
and l'upd:"(l'(V := l V)) V' = Some v'" and env:"E V' = Some T"
and IH:"⋀V'. ⟦(l(V := None)) V' = None; (E(V ↦ T')) V' = Some T;
l' V' = Some v'⟧
⟹ P ⊢ T casts v' to v'" by fact+
show ?case
proof(cases "V = V'")
case True
with l'upd l show ?thesis by fastforce
case False
with l l'upd have lnew:"(l(V := None)) V' = None"
and l'new:"l' V' = Some v'" by (auto split:if_split_asm)
from env False have env':"(E(V ↦ T')) V' = Some T" by fastforce
from IH[OF lnew env' l'new] show ?thesis .
case (BlockRedSome E V T' e h l e' h' l' v V')
have l:"l V' = None"
and l'upd:"(l'(V := l V)) V' = Some v'" and env:"E V' = Some T"
and IH:"⋀V'. ⟦(l(V := None)) V' = None; (E(V ↦ T')) V' = Some T;
l' V' = Some v'⟧
⟹ P ⊢ T casts v' to v'" by fact+
show ?case
proof(cases "V = V'")
case True
with l l'upd show ?thesis by fastforce
case False
with l l'upd have lnew:"(l(V := None)) V' = None"
and l'new:"l' V' = Some v'" by (auto split:if_split_asm)
from env False have env':"(E(V ↦ T')) V' = Some T" by fastforce
from IH[OF lnew env' l'new] show ?thesis .
case (InitBlockRed E V T' e h l w' e' h' l' w'' w V')
have l:"l V' = None"
and l'upd:"(l'(V := l V)) V' = Some v'" and env:"E V' = Some T"
and IH:"⋀V'. ⟦(l(V ↦ w')) V' = None; (E(V ↦ T')) V' = Some T;
l' V' = Some v'⟧
⟹ P ⊢ T casts v' to v'" by fact+
show ?case
proof(cases "V = V'")
case True
with l l'upd show ?thesis by fastforce
case False
with l l'upd have lnew:"(l(V ↦ w')) V' = None"
and l'new:"l' V' = Some v'" by (auto split:if_split_asm)
from env False have env':"(E(V ↦ T')) V' = Some T" by fastforce
from IH[OF lnew env' l'new] show ?thesis .
qed (auto intro:casts_casts wf)
lemma assumes wf:"wf_prog wf_md P"
shows Some_lcl_casts_values:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l)⟩ → ⟨e',(h',l')⟩ ⟹
(⋀V. ⟦l V = Some v; E V = Some T;
P ⊢ T casts v'' to v; l' V = Some v'⟧
⟹ P ⊢ T casts v' to v')"
and "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,(h,l)⟩ [→] ⟨es',(h',l')⟩ ⟹
(⋀V. ⟦l V = Some v; E V = Some T;
P ⊢ T casts v'' to v; l' V = Some v'⟧
⟹ P ⊢ T casts v' to v')"
proof(induct rule:red_reds_inducts)
case (RedNew h a h' C' E l V)
have l1:"l V = Some v" and l2:"l V = Some v'"
and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v'' to v " by fact+
from l1 l2 have eq:"v = v'" by simp
with casts wf show ?case by(fastforce intro:casts_casts)
case (RedLAss E V T' w w' h l V')
have l:"l V' = Some v" and lupd:"(l(V ↦ w')) V' = Some v'"
and T'casts:"P ⊢ T' casts w to w'"
and env:"E V = Some T'" and env':"E V' = Some T"
and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v'' to v" by fact+
show ?case
proof (cases "V = V'")
case True
with lupd have v':"v' = w'" by simp
from True env env' have "T = T'" by simp
with T'casts v' wf show ?thesis by(fastforce intro:casts_casts)
case False
with l lupd have "v = v'" by (auto split:if_split_asm)
with casts wf show ?thesis by(fastforce intro:casts_casts)
case (RedFAss h a D S Cs' F T' Cs w w' Ds fs E l V)
have l1:"l V = Some v" and l2:"l V = Some v'"
and hp:"h a = Some(D, S)"
and T'casts:"P ⊢ T' casts w to w'"
and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v'' to v" by fact+
from l1 l2 have eq:"v = v'" by simp
with casts wf show ?case by(fastforce intro:casts_casts)
case (BlockRedNone E V T' e h l e' h' l' V')
have l':"l' V = None" and l:"l V' = Some v"
and l'upd:"(l'(V := l V)) V' = Some v'" and env:"E V' = Some T"
and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v'' to v"
and IH:"⋀V'. ⟦(l(V := None)) V' = Some v; (E(V ↦ T')) V' = Some T;
P ⊢ T casts v'' to v ; l' V' = Some v'⟧
⟹ P ⊢ T casts v' to v'" by fact+
show ?case
proof(cases "V = V'")
case True
with l' l'upd have "l V = Some v'" by auto
with True l have eq:"v = v'" by simp
with casts wf show ?thesis by(fastforce intro:casts_casts)
case False
with l l'upd have lnew:"(l(V := None)) V' = Some v"
and l'new:"l' V' = Some v'" by (auto split:if_split_asm)
from env False have env':"(E(V ↦ T')) V' = Some T" by fastforce
from IH[OF lnew env' casts l'new] show ?thesis .
case (BlockRedSome E V T' e h l e' h' l' w V')
have l':"l' V = Some w" and l:"l V' = Some v"
and l'upd:"(l'(V := l V)) V' = Some v'" and env:"E V' = Some T"
and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v'' to v"
and IH:"⋀V'. ⟦(l(V := None)) V' = Some v; (E(V ↦ T')) V' = Some T;
P ⊢ T casts v'' to v ; l' V' = Some v'⟧
⟹ P ⊢ T casts v' to v'" by fact+
show ?case
proof(cases "V = V'")
case True
with l' l'upd have "l V = Some v'" by auto
with True l have eq:"v = v'" by simp
with casts wf show ?thesis by(fastforce intro:casts_casts)
case False
with l l'upd have lnew:"(l(V := None)) V' = Some v"
and l'new:"l' V' = Some v'" by (auto split:if_split_asm)
from env False have env':"(E(V ↦ T')) V' = Some T" by fastforce
from IH[OF lnew env' casts l'new] show ?thesis .
case (InitBlockRed E V T' e h l w' e' h' l' w'' w V')
have l:"l V' = Some v" and l':"l' V = Some w''"
and l'upd:"(l'(V := l V)) V' = Some v'" and env:"E V' = Some T"
and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v'' to v"
and IH:"⋀V'. ⟦(l(V ↦ w')) V' = Some v; (E(V ↦ T')) V' = Some T;
P ⊢ T casts v'' to v ; l' V' = Some v'⟧
⟹ P ⊢ T casts v' to v'" by fact+
show ?case
proof(cases "V = V'")
case True
with l' l'upd have "l V = Some v'" by auto
with True l have eq:"v = v'" by simp
with casts wf show ?thesis by(fastforce intro:casts_casts)
case False
with l l'upd have lnew:"(l(V ↦ w')) V' = Some v"
and l'new:"l' V' = Some v'" by (auto split:if_split_asm)
from env False have env':"(E(V ↦ T')) V' = Some T" by fastforce
from IH[OF lnew env' casts l'new] show ?thesis .
qed (auto intro:casts_casts wf)
subsection‹Small steps simulate big step›
subsection ‹Cast›
lemma StaticCastReds:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,s⟩ →* ⟨⦇C⦈e',s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply (simp add:StaticCastRed)
lemma StaticCastRedsNull:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨null,s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,s⟩ →* ⟨null,s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule StaticCastReds)
apply(simp add:RedStaticCastNull)
lemma StaticUpCastReds:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs),s'⟩; P ⊢ Path last Cs to C via Cs'; Ds = Cs@⇩pCs' ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,s⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Ds),s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule StaticCastReds)
apply(fastforce intro:RedStaticUpCast)
lemma StaticDownCastReds:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs@[C]@Cs'),s'⟩
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,s⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs@[C]),s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule StaticCastReds)
apply simp
apply(subgoal_tac "P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈ref(a,Cs@[C]@Cs'),s'⟩ → ⟨ref(a,Cs@[C]),s'⟩")
apply simp
apply(rule RedStaticDownCast)
lemma StaticCastRedsFail:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs),s'⟩; C ∉ set Cs; ¬ P ⊢ (last Cs) ≼⇧* C ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,s⟩ →* ⟨THROW ClassCast,s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule StaticCastReds)
apply(fastforce intro:RedStaticCastFail)
lemma StaticCastRedsThrow:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩ ⟧ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule StaticCastReds)
apply(simp add:red_reds.StaticCastThrow)
lemma DynCastReds:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s⟩ →* ⟨Cast C e',s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply (simp add:DynCastRed)
lemma DynCastRedsNull:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨null,s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s⟩ →* ⟨null,s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule DynCastReds)
apply(simp add:RedDynCastNull)
lemma DynCastRedsRef:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs),s'⟩; hp s' a = Some (D,S); P ⊢ Path D to C via Cs';
P ⊢ Path D to C unique ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs'),s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule DynCastReds)
apply(fastforce intro:RedDynCast)
lemma StaticUpDynCastReds:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs),s'⟩; P ⊢ Path last Cs to C unique;
P ⊢ Path last Cs to C via Cs'; Ds = Cs@⇩pCs' ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Ds),s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule DynCastReds)
apply(fastforce intro:RedStaticUpDynCast)
lemma StaticDownDynCastReds:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs@[C]@Cs'),s'⟩
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs@[C]),s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule DynCastReds)
apply simp
apply(subgoal_tac "P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C (ref(a,Cs@[C]@Cs')),s'⟩ → ⟨ref(a,Cs@[C]),s'⟩")
apply simp
apply(rule RedStaticDownDynCast)
lemma DynCastRedsFail:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs),s'⟩; hp s' a = Some (D,S); ¬ P ⊢ Path D to C unique;
¬ P ⊢ Path last Cs to C unique; C ∉ set Cs ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s⟩ →* ⟨null,s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule DynCastReds)
apply(fastforce intro:RedDynCastFail)
lemma DynCastRedsThrow:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩ ⟧ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule DynCastReds)
apply(simp add:red_reds.DynCastThrow)
subsection ‹LAss›
lemma LAssReds:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨V:=e,s⟩ →* ⟨V:=e',s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:LAssRed)
lemma LAssRedsVal:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h',l')⟩; E V = Some T; P ⊢ T casts v to v'⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨ V:=e,s⟩ →* ⟨Val v',(h',l'(V↦v'))⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule LAssReds)
apply(simp add:RedLAss)
lemma LAssRedsThrow:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩ ⟧ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨ V:=e,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule LAssReds)
apply(simp add:red_reds.LAssThrow)
subsection ‹BinOp›
lemma BinOp1Reds:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨ e «bop» e⇩2, s⟩ →* ⟨e' «bop» e⇩2, s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:BinOpRed1)
lemma BinOp2Reds:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨(Val v) «bop» e, s⟩ →* ⟨(Val v) «bop» e', s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:BinOpRed2)
lemma BinOpRedsVal:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩1⟩; P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩2,s⇩2⟩;
binop(bop,v⇩1,v⇩2) = Some v ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2, s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩2⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule BinOp1Reds)
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule BinOp2Reds)
apply(simp add:RedBinOp)
lemma BinOpRedsThrow1:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e «bop» e⇩2, s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r, s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule BinOp1Reds)
apply(simp add:red_reds.BinOpThrow1)
lemma BinOpRedsThrow2:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩1⟩; P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s⇩2⟩⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2, s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s⇩2⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule BinOp1Reds)
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule BinOp2Reds)
apply(simp add:red_reds.BinOpThrow2)
subsection ‹FAcc›
lemma FAccReds:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e∙F{Cs}, s⟩ →* ⟨e'∙F{Cs}, s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:FAccRed)
lemma FAccRedsVal:
"⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs'),s'⟩; hp s' a = Some(D,S);
Ds = Cs'@⇩pCs; (Ds,fs) ∈ S; fs F = Some v ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e∙F{Cs},s⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule FAccReds)
apply (fastforce intro:RedFAcc)
lemma FAccRedsNull:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨null,s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e∙F{Cs},s⟩ →* ⟨THROW NullPointer,s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule FAccReds)
apply(simp add:RedFAccNull)
lemma FAccRedsThrow:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e∙F{Cs},s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule FAccReds)
apply(simp add:red_reds.FAccThrow)
subsection ‹FAss›
lemma FAssReds1:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e∙F{Cs}:=e⇩2, s⟩ →* ⟨e'∙F{Cs}:=e⇩2, s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:FAssRed1)
lemma FAssReds2:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v∙F{Cs}:=e, s⟩ →* ⟨Val v∙F{Cs}:=e', s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:FAssRed2)
lemma FAssRedsVal:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs'),s⇩1⟩; P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩;
h⇩2 a = Some(D,S); P ⊢ (last Cs') has least F:T via Cs; P ⊢ T casts v to v';
Ds = Cs'@⇩pCs; (Ds,fs) ∈ S ⟧ ⟹
P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{Cs}:=e⇩2, s⇩0⟩ →*
⟨Val v',(h⇩2(a↦(D,insert (Ds,fs(F↦v')) (S - {(Ds,fs)}))),l⇩2)⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule FAssReds1)
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule FAssReds2)
apply(fastforce intro:RedFAss)
lemma FAssRedsNull:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨null,s⇩1⟩; P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩2⟩ ⟧ ⟹
P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{Cs}:=e⇩2, s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨THROW NullPointer, s⇩2⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule FAssReds1)
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule FAssReds2)
apply(simp add:RedFAssNull)
lemma FAssRedsThrow1:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e∙F{Cs}:=e⇩2, s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r, s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule FAssReds1)
apply(simp add:red_reds.FAssThrow1)
lemma FAssRedsThrow2:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1⟩; P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s⇩2⟩ ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{Cs}:=e⇩2,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s⇩2⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule FAssReds1)
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule FAssReds2)
apply(simp add:red_reds.FAssThrow2)
subsection ‹;;›
lemma SeqReds:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e;;e⇩2, s⟩ →* ⟨e';;e⇩2, s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:SeqRed)
lemma SeqRedsThrow:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e;;e⇩2, s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r, s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule SeqReds)
apply(simp add:red_reds.SeqThrow)
lemma SeqReds2:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩1⟩; P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2',s⇩2⟩ ⟧ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1;;e⇩2, s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2',s⇩2⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule SeqReds)
apply(rule_tac b="(e⇩2,s⇩1)" in converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:RedSeq)
apply assumption
subsection ‹If›
lemma CondReds:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2,s⟩ →* ⟨if (e') e⇩1 else e⇩2,s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:CondRed)
lemma CondRedsThrow:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2, s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule CondReds)
apply(simp add:red_reds.CondThrow)
lemma CondReds2T:
"⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨true,s⇩1⟩; P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1, s⇩1⟩ →* ⟨e',s⇩2⟩ ⟧ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2, s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e',s⇩2⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule CondReds)
apply(rule_tac b="(e⇩1, s⇩1)" in converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:RedCondT)
apply assumption
lemma CondReds2F:
"⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨false,s⇩1⟩; P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2, s⇩1⟩ →* ⟨e',s⇩2⟩ ⟧ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2, s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e',s⇩2⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule CondReds)
apply(rule_tac b="(e⇩2, s⇩1)" in converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:RedCondF)
apply assumption
subsection ‹While›
lemma WhileFReds:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨b,s⟩ →* ⟨false,s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⟩ →* ⟨unit,s'⟩"
apply(rule_tac b="(if(b) (c;;while(b) c) else unit, s)" in converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:RedWhile)
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule CondReds)
apply(simp add:RedCondF)
lemma WhileRedsThrow:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨b,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩"
apply(rule_tac b="(if(b) (c;;while(b) c) else unit, s)" in converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:RedWhile)
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule CondReds)
apply(simp add:red_reds.CondThrow)
lemma WhileTReds:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨b,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨true,s⇩1⟩; P,E ⊢ ⟨c,s⇩1⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⇩2⟩ →* ⟨e,s⇩3⟩ ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e,s⇩3⟩"
apply(rule_tac b="(if(b) (c;;while(b) c) else unit, s⇩0)" in converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:RedWhile)
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule CondReds)
apply(rule_tac b="(c;;while(b) c,s⇩1)" in converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:RedCondT)
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule SeqReds)
apply(rule_tac b="(while(b) c,s⇩2)" in converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:RedSeq)
apply assumption
lemma WhileTRedsThrow:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨b,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨true,s⇩1⟩; P,E ⊢ ⟨c,s⇩1⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s⇩2⟩ ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s⇩2⟩"
apply(rule_tac b="(if(b) (c;;while(b) c) else unit, s⇩0)" in converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:RedWhile)
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule CondReds)
apply(rule_tac b="(c;;while(b) c,s⇩1)" in converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:RedCondT)
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule SeqReds)
apply(rule_tac b="(Throw r,s⇩2)" in converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:red_reds.SeqThrow)
apply simp
subsection ‹Throw›
lemma ThrowReds:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨throw e,s⟩ →* ⟨throw e',s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:ThrowRed)
lemma ThrowRedsNull:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨null,s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨throw e,s⟩ →* ⟨THROW NullPointer,s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule ThrowReds)
apply(simp add:RedThrowNull)
lemma ThrowRedsThrow:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨throw e,s⟩ →* ⟨Throw r,s'⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule ThrowReds)
apply(simp add:red_reds.ThrowThrow)
subsection ‹InitBlock›
lemma assumes wf:"wf_prog wf_md P"
shows InitBlockReds_aux:
"P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹
∀h l h' l' v v'. s = (h,l(V↦v')) ⟶
P ⊢ T casts v to v' ⟶ s' = (h',l') ⟶
(∃v'' w. P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v; e},(h,l)⟩ →*
⟨{V:T := Val v''; e'},(h',l'(V:=(l V)))⟩ ∧
P ⊢ T casts v'' to w)"
proof (erule converse_rtrancl_induct2)
{ fix h l h' l' v v'
assume "s' = (h, l(V ↦ v'))" and "s' = (h', l')"
hence h:"h = h'" and l':"l' = l(V ↦ v')" by simp_all
hence "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; V:=Val v;; e'},(h, l)⟩ →*
⟨{V:T; V:=Val v;; e'},(h', l'(V := l V))⟩"
by(fastforce simp: fun_upd_same simp del:fun_upd_apply) }
hence "∀h l h' l' v v'.
s' = (h, l(V ↦ v')) ⟶
P ⊢ T casts v to v' ⟶
s' = (h', l') ⟶
P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; V:=Val v;; e'},(h, l)⟩ →*
⟨{V:T; V:=Val v;; e'},(h', l'(V := l V))⟩ ∧
P ⊢ T casts v to v'"
by auto
thus "∀h l h' l' v v'.
s' = (h, l(V ↦ v')) ⟶
P ⊢ T casts v to v' ⟶
s' = (h', l') ⟶
(∃v'' w. P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; V:=Val v;; e'},(h, l)⟩ →*
⟨{V:T; V:=Val v'';; e'},(h', l'(V := l V))⟩ ∧
P ⊢ T casts v'' to w)"
by auto
fix e s e'' s''
assume Red:"((e,s),e'',s'') ∈ Red P (E(V ↦ T))"
and reds:"P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩"
and IH:"∀h l h' l' v v'.
s'' = (h, l(V ↦ v')) ⟶
P ⊢ T casts v to v' ⟶
s' = (h', l') ⟶
(∃v'' w. P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; V:=Val v;; e''},(h, l)⟩ →*
⟨{V:T; V:=Val v'';; e'},(h', l'(V := l V))⟩ ∧
P ⊢ T casts v'' to w)"
{ fix h l h' l' v v'
assume s:"s = (h, l(V ↦ v'))" and s':"s' = (h', l')"
and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v to v'"
obtain h'' l'' where s'':"s'' = (h'',l'')" by (cases s'') auto
with Red s have "V ∈ dom l''" by (fastforce dest:red_lcl_incr)
then obtain v'' where l'':"l'' V = Some v''" by auto
with Red s s'' casts
have step:"P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v; e},(h, l)⟩ →
⟨{V:T := Val v''; e''}, (h'',l''(V := l V))⟩"
by(fastforce intro:InitBlockRed)
from Red s s'' l'' casts wf
have casts':"P ⊢ T casts v'' to v''" by(fastforce intro:Some_lcl_casts_values)
with IH s'' s' l'' obtain v''' w
where "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v''; e''}, (h'',l''(V := l V))⟩ →*
⟨{V:T := Val v'''; e'},(h', l'(V := l V))⟩ ∧
P ⊢ T casts v''' to w"
apply simp
apply (erule_tac x = "l''(V := l V)" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x = "v''" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x = "v''" in allE)
by(auto intro:ext)
with step have "∃v'' w. P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; V:=Val v;; e},(h, l)⟩ →*
⟨{V:T; V:=Val v'';; e'},(h', l'(V := l V))⟩ ∧
P ⊢ T casts v'' to w"
apply(rule_tac x="v'''" in exI)
apply auto
apply (rule converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
by simp_all }
thus "∀h l h' l' v v'.
s = (h, l(V ↦ v')) ⟶
P ⊢ T casts v to v' ⟶
s' = (h', l') ⟶
(∃v'' w. P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; V:=Val v;; e},(h, l)⟩ →*
⟨{V:T; V:=Val v'';; e'},(h', l'(V := l V))⟩ ∧
P ⊢ T casts v'' to w)"
by auto
lemma InitBlockReds:
"⟦P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e, (h,l(V↦v'))⟩ →* ⟨e', (h',l')⟩;
P ⊢ T casts v to v'; wf_prog wf_md P ⟧ ⟹
∃v'' w. P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v; e}, (h,l)⟩ →*
⟨{V:T := Val v''; e'}, (h',l'(V:=(l V)))⟩ ∧
P ⊢ T casts v'' to w"
by(blast dest:InitBlockReds_aux)
lemma InitBlockRedsFinal:
assumes reds:"P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l(V↦v'))⟩ →* ⟨e',(h',l')⟩"
and final:"final e'" and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v to v'"
and wf:"wf_prog wf_md P"
shows "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v; e},(h,l)⟩ →* ⟨e',(h', l'(V := l V))⟩"
proof -
from reds casts wf obtain v'' and w
where steps:"P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v; e},(h,l)⟩ →*
⟨{V:T := Val v''; e'}, (h',l'(V:=(l V)))⟩"
and casts':"P ⊢ T casts v'' to w"
by (auto dest:InitBlockReds)
from final casts casts'
have step:"P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v''; e'}, (h',l'(V:=(l V)))⟩ →
⟨e',(h',l'(V := l V))⟩"
by(auto elim!:finalE intro:RedInitBlock InitBlockThrow)
from step steps show ?thesis
by(fastforce intro:rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
subsection ‹Block›
lemma BlockRedsFinal:
assumes reds: "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩" and fin: "final e⇩2"
and wf:"wf_prog wf_md P"
shows "⋀h⇩0 l⇩0. s⇩0 = (h⇩0,l⇩0(V:=None)) ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; e⇩0},(h⇩0,l⇩0)⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩2,l⇩2(V:=l⇩0 V))⟩"
using reds
proof (induct rule:converse_rtrancl_induct2)
case refl thus ?case
by(fastforce intro:finalE[OF fin] RedBlock BlockThrow
simp del:fun_upd_apply)
case (step e⇩0 s⇩0 e⇩1 s⇩1)
have Red: "((e⇩0,s⇩0),e⇩1,s⇩1) ∈ Red P (E(V ↦ T))"
and reds: "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
and IH: "⋀h l. s⇩1 = (h,l(V := None))
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; e⇩1},(h,l)⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩2, l⇩2(V := l V))⟩"
and s⇩0: "s⇩0 = (h⇩0, l⇩0(V := None))" by fact+
obtain h⇩1 l⇩1 where s⇩1: "s⇩1 = (h⇩1,l⇩1)" by fastforce
show ?case
proof cases
assume "assigned V e⇩0"
then obtain v e where e⇩0: "e⇩0 = V:= Val v;; e"
by (unfold assigned_def)blast
from Red e⇩0 s⇩0 obtain v' where e⇩1: "e⇩1 = Val v';;e"
and s⇩1: "s⇩1 = (h⇩0, l⇩0(V ↦ v'))" and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v to v'"
by auto
from e⇩1 fin have "e⇩1 ≠ e⇩2" by (auto simp:final_def)
then obtain e' s' where red1: "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1⟩ → ⟨e',s'⟩"
and reds': "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e',s'⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
using converse_rtranclE2[OF reds] by simp blast
from red1 e⇩1 have es': "e' = e" "s' = s⇩1" by auto
show ?thesis using e⇩0 s⇩1 es' reds'
by(fastforce intro!: InitBlockRedsFinal[OF _ fin casts wf]
simp del:fun_upd_apply)
assume unass: "¬ assigned V e⇩0"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "l⇩1 V")
assume None: "l⇩1 V = None"
hence "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; e⇩0},(h⇩0,l⇩0)⟩ → ⟨{V:T; e⇩1},(h⇩1, l⇩1(V := l⇩0 V))⟩"
using s⇩0 s⇩1 Red by(simp add: BlockRedNone[OF _ _ unass])
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; e⇩1},(h⇩1, l⇩1(V := l⇩0 V))⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩2, l⇩2(V := l⇩0 V))⟩"
using IH[of _ "l⇩1(V := l⇩0 V)"] s⇩1 None by(simp add:fun_upd_idem)
ultimately show ?case
by(rule_tac b="({V:T; e⇩1},(h⇩1, l⇩1(V := l⇩0 V)))" in converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl,simp)
fix v assume Some: "l⇩1 V = Some v"
with Red Some s⇩0 s⇩1 wf
have casts:"P ⊢ T casts v to v"
by(fastforce intro:None_lcl_casts_values)
from Some
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T;e⇩0},(h⇩0,l⇩0)⟩ → ⟨{V:T := Val v; e⇩1},(h⇩1,l⇩1(V := l⇩0 V))⟩"
using s⇩0 s⇩1 Red by(simp add: BlockRedSome[OF _ _ unass])
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v; e⇩1},(h⇩1,l⇩1(V:= l⇩0 V))⟩ →*
⟨e⇩2,(h⇩2,l⇩2(V:=l⇩0 V))⟩"
using InitBlockRedsFinal[OF _ fin casts wf,of _ _ "l⇩1(V:=l⇩0 V)" V]
Some reds s⇩1
by (simp add:fun_upd_idem)
ultimately show ?case
by(rule_tac b="({V:T; V:=Val v;; e⇩1},(h⇩1, l⇩1(V := l⇩0 V)))" in converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl,simp)
subsection ‹List›
lemma ListReds1:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e#es,s⟩ [→]* ⟨e' # es,s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:ListRed1)
lemma ListReds2:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v # es,s⟩ [→]* ⟨Val v # es',s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:ListRed2)
lemma ListRedsVal:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1⟩; P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s⇩2⟩ ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e#es,s⇩0⟩ [→]* ⟨Val v # es',s⇩2⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule ListReds1)
apply(erule ListReds2)
subsection ‹Call›
text‹First a few lemmas on what happens to free variables during redction.›
lemma assumes wf: "wwf_prog P"
shows Red_fv: "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l)⟩ → ⟨e',(h',l')⟩ ⟹ fv e' ⊆ fv e"
and "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,(h,l)⟩ [→] ⟨es',(h',l')⟩ ⟹ fvs es' ⊆ fvs es"
proof (induct rule:red_reds_inducts)
case (RedCall h l a C S Cs M Ts' T' pns' body' Ds Ts T pns body Cs' vs bs new_body E)
hence "fv body ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using assms by(fastforce dest!:select_method_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)
with RedCall.hyps show ?case
by(cases T') auto
case (RedStaticCall Cs C Cs'' M Ts T pns body Cs' Ds vs E a a' b)
hence "fv body ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using assms by(fastforce dest!:has_least_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)
with RedStaticCall.hyps show ?case
by auto
qed auto
lemma Red_dom_lcl:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l)⟩ → ⟨e',(h',l')⟩ ⟹ dom l' ⊆ dom l ∪ fv e" and
"P,E ⊢ ⟨es,(h,l)⟩ [→] ⟨es',(h',l')⟩ ⟹ dom l' ⊆ dom l ∪ fvs es"
proof (induct rule:red_reds_inducts)
case RedLAss thus ?case by(force split:if_splits)
case CallParams thus ?case by(force split:if_splits)
case BlockRedNone thus ?case by clarsimp (fastforce split:if_splits)
case BlockRedSome thus ?case by clarsimp (fastforce split:if_splits)
case InitBlockRed thus ?case by clarsimp (fastforce split:if_splits)
qed auto
lemma Reds_dom_lcl:
"⟦ wwf_prog P; P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l)⟩ →* ⟨e',(h',l')⟩ ⟧ ⟹ dom l' ⊆ dom l ∪ fv e"
apply(erule converse_rtrancl_induct_red)
apply blast
apply(blast dest: Red_fv Red_dom_lcl)
text‹Now a few lemmas on the behaviour of blocks during reduction.›
lemma override_on_upd_lemma:
"(override_on f (g(a↦b)) A)(a := g a) = override_on f g (insert a A)"
apply(rule ext)
apply(simp add:override_on_def)
declare fun_upd_apply[simp del] map_upds_twist[simp del]
lemma assumes wf:"wf_prog wf_md P"
shows blocksReds:
"⋀l⇩0 E vs'. ⟦ length Vs = length Ts; length vs = length Ts;
distinct Vs; P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs';
P,E(Vs [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨e, (h⇩0,l⇩0(Vs [↦] vs'))⟩ →* ⟨e', (h⇩1,l⇩1)⟩ ⟧
⟹ ∃vs''. P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(Vs,Ts,vs,e), (h⇩0,l⇩0)⟩ →*
⟨blocks(Vs,Ts,vs'',e'), (h⇩1,override_on l⇩1 l⇩0 (set Vs))⟩ ∧
(∃ws. P ⊢ Ts Casts vs'' to ws) ∧ length vs = length vs''"
proof(induct Vs Ts vs e rule:blocks_old_induct)
case (5 V Vs T Ts v vs e)
have length1:"length (V#Vs) = length (T#Ts)"
and length2:"length (v#vs) = length (T#Ts)"
and dist:"distinct (V#Vs)"
and casts:"P ⊢ (T#Ts) Casts (v#vs) to vs'"
and reds:"P,E(V#Vs [↦] T#Ts) ⊢ ⟨e,(h⇩0,l⇩0(V#Vs [↦] vs'))⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩1,l⇩1)⟩"
and IH:"⋀l⇩0 E vs''. ⟦length Vs = length Ts; length vs = length Ts;
distinct Vs; P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs'';
P,E(Vs [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨e,(h⇩0,l⇩0(Vs [↦] vs''))⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩1,l⇩1)⟩⟧
⟹ ∃vs''. P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks (Vs,Ts,vs,e),(h⇩0,l⇩0)⟩ →*
⟨blocks (Vs,Ts,vs'',e'),(h⇩1, override_on l⇩1 l⇩0 (set Vs))⟩ ∧
(∃ws. P ⊢ Ts Casts vs'' to ws) ∧ length vs = length vs''" by fact+
from length1 have length1':"length Vs = length Ts" by simp
from length2 have length2':"length vs = length Ts" by simp
from dist have dist':"distinct Vs" by simp
from casts obtain x xs where vs':"vs' = x#xs"
by(cases vs',auto dest:length_Casts_vs')
with reds
have reds':"P,E(V ↦ T, Vs [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨e,(h⇩0,l⇩0(V ↦ x, Vs [↦] xs))⟩
→* ⟨e',(h⇩1,l⇩1)⟩"
by simp
from casts vs' have casts':"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to xs"
and cast':"P ⊢ T casts v to x"
by(auto elim:Casts_to.cases)
from IH[OF length1' length2' dist' casts' reds']
obtain vs'' ws
where blocks:"P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨blocks (Vs, Ts, vs, e),(h⇩0, l⇩0(V ↦ x))⟩ →*
⟨blocks (Vs, Ts, vs'', e'),(h⇩1, override_on l⇩1 (l⇩0(V ↦ x)) (set Vs))⟩"
and castsws:"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs'' to ws"
and lengthvs'':"length vs = length vs''" by auto
from InitBlockReds[OF blocks cast' wf] obtain v'' w where
blocks':"P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; V:=Val v;; blocks (Vs, Ts, vs, e)},(h⇩0, l⇩0)⟩ →*
⟨{V:T; V:=Val v'';; blocks (Vs, Ts, vs'', e')},
(h⇩1, (override_on l⇩1 (l⇩0(V ↦ x)) (set Vs))(V := l⇩0 V))⟩"
and "P ⊢ T casts v'' to w" by auto
with castsws have "P ⊢ T#Ts Casts v''#vs'' to w#ws"
by -(rule Casts_Cons)
with blocks' lengthvs'' show ?case
by(rule_tac x="v''#vs''" in exI,auto simp:override_on_upd_lemma)
case (6 e)
have casts:"P ⊢ [] Casts [] to vs'"
and step:"P,E([] [↦] []) ⊢ ⟨e,(h⇩0, l⇩0([] [↦] vs'))⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩1, l⇩1)⟩" by fact+
from casts have "vs' = []" by(fastforce dest:length_Casts_vs')
with step have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h⇩0, l⇩0)⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩1, l⇩1)⟩" by simp
with casts show ?case by auto
qed simp_all
lemma assumes wf:"wf_prog wf_md P"
shows blocksFinal:
"⋀E l vs'. ⟦ length Vs = length Ts; length vs = length Ts;
final e; P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs' ⟧ ⟹
P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(Vs,Ts,vs,e), (h,l)⟩ →* ⟨e, (h,l)⟩"
proof(induct Vs Ts vs e rule:blocks_old_induct)
case (5 V Vs T Ts v vs e)
have length1:"length (V # Vs) = length (T # Ts)"
and length2:"length (v # vs) = length (T # Ts)"
and final:"final e" and casts:"P ⊢ T # Ts Casts v # vs to vs'"
and IH:"⋀E l vs'. ⟦length Vs = length Ts; length vs = length Ts; final e;
P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs' ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks (Vs, Ts, vs, e),(h, l)⟩ →* ⟨e,(h, l)⟩" by fact+
from length1 length2
have length1':"length Vs = length Ts" and length2':"length vs = length Ts"
by simp_all
from casts obtain x xs where vs':"vs' = x#xs"
by(cases vs',auto dest:length_Casts_vs')
with casts have casts':"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to xs"
and cast':"P ⊢ T casts v to x"
by(auto elim:Casts_to.cases)
from InitBlockReds[OF IH[OF length1' length2' final casts'] cast' wf, of V l]
obtain v'' w
where blocks:"P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; V:=Val v;; blocks (Vs, Ts, vs, e)},(h, l)⟩ →*
⟨{V:T; V:=Val v'';; e},(h,l)⟩"
and "P ⊢ T casts v'' to w" by auto blast
with final have "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; V:=Val v'';; e},(h,l)⟩ → ⟨e,(h,l)⟩"
by(auto elim!:finalE intro:RedInitBlock InitBlockThrow)
with blocks show ?case
by -(rule_tac b="({V:T; V:=Val v'';; e},(h, l))" in rtrancl_into_rtrancl,simp_all)
qed auto
lemma assumes wfmd:"wf_prog wf_md P"
and wf: "length Vs = length Ts" "length vs = length Ts" "distinct Vs"
and casts:"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs'"
and reds: "P,E(Vs [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨e, (h⇩0, l⇩0(Vs [↦] vs'))⟩ →* ⟨e', (h⇩1, l⇩1)⟩"
and fin: "final e'" and l2: "l⇩2 = override_on l⇩1 l⇩0 (set Vs)"
shows blocksRedsFinal: "P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(Vs,Ts,vs,e), (h⇩0, l⇩0)⟩ →* ⟨e', (h⇩1,l⇩2)⟩"
proof -
obtain vs'' ws where blocks:"P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(Vs,Ts,vs,e), (h⇩0, l⇩0)⟩ →*
⟨blocks(Vs,Ts,vs'',e'), (h⇩1,l⇩2)⟩"
and length:"length vs = length vs''"
and casts':"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs'' to ws"
using l2 blocksReds[OF wfmd wf casts reds]
by auto
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(Vs,Ts,vs'',e'), (h⇩1,l⇩2)⟩ →* ⟨e', (h⇩1,l⇩2)⟩"
using blocksFinal[OF wfmd _ _ fin casts'] wf length by simp
with blocks show ?thesis by simp
text‹An now the actual method call reduction lemmas.›
lemma CallRedsObj:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹
P,E ⊢ ⟨Call e Copt M es,s⟩ →* ⟨Call e' Copt M es,s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:CallObj)
lemma CallRedsParams:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s'⟩ ⟹
P,E ⊢ ⟨Call (Val v) Copt M es,s⟩ →* ⟨Call (Val v) Copt M es',s'⟩"
apply(erule rtrancl_induct2)
apply blast
apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(simp add:CallParams)
lemma cast_lcl:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Val v),(h,l)⟩ → ⟨Val v',(h,l)⟩ ⟹
P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Val v),(h,l')⟩ → ⟨Val v',(h,l')⟩"
apply(erule red.cases)
apply(auto intro:red_reds.intros)
apply(subgoal_tac "P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈ref (a,Cs@[C]@Cs'),(h,l')⟩ → ⟨ref (a,Cs@[C]),(h,l')⟩")
apply simp
apply(rule RedStaticDownCast)
lemma cast_env:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Val v),(h,l)⟩ → ⟨Val v',(h,l)⟩ ⟹
P,E' ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Val v),(h,l)⟩ → ⟨Val v',(h,l)⟩"
apply(erule red.cases)
apply(auto intro:red_reds.intros)
apply(subgoal_tac "P,E' ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈ref (a,Cs@[C]@Cs'),(h,l)⟩ → ⟨ref (a,Cs@[C]),(h,l)⟩")
apply simp
apply(rule RedStaticDownCast)
lemma Cast_step_Cast_or_fin:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ final e' ∨ (∃e''. e' = ⦇C⦈e'')"
by(induct rule:rtrancl_induct2,auto elim:red.cases simp:final_def)
lemma Cast_red:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹
(⋀e⇩1. ⟦e = ⦇C⦈e⇩0; e' = ⦇C⦈e⇩1⟧ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⟩ →* ⟨e⇩1,s'⟩)"
proof(induct rule:rtrancl_induct2)
case refl thus ?case by simp
case (step e'' s'' e' s')
have step:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e'',s''⟩"
and Red:"((e'', s''), e', s') ∈ Red P E"
and cast:"e = ⦇C⦈e⇩0" and cast':"e' = ⦇C⦈e⇩1"
and IH:"⋀e⇩1. ⟦e = ⦇C⦈e⇩0; e'' = ⦇C⦈e⇩1⟧ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⟩ →* ⟨e⇩1,s''⟩" by fact+
from Red have red:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ → ⟨e',s'⟩" by simp
from step cast have "final e'' ∨ (∃ex. e'' = ⦇C⦈ex)"
by simp(rule Cast_step_Cast_or_fin)
thus ?case
proof(rule disjE)
assume "final e''"
with red show ?thesis by(auto simp:final_def)
assume "∃ex. e'' = ⦇C⦈ex"
then obtain ex where e'':"e'' = ⦇C⦈ex" by blast
with cast' red have "P,E ⊢ ⟨ex,s''⟩ → ⟨e⇩1,s'⟩"
by(auto elim:red.cases)
with IH[OF cast e''] show ?thesis
by(rule_tac b="(ex,s'')" in rtrancl_into_rtrancl,simp_all)
lemma Cast_final:"⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩; final e'⟧ ⟹
∃e'' s''. P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e'',s''⟩ ∧ P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e'',s''⟩ → ⟨e',s'⟩ ∧ final e''"
proof(induct rule:rtrancl_induct2)
case refl thus ?case by (simp add:final_def)
case (step e'' s'' e' s')
have step:"P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,s⟩ →* ⟨e'',s''⟩"
and Red:"((e'', s''), e', s') ∈ Red P E"
and final:"final e'"
and IH:"final e'' ⟹
∃ex sx. P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨ex,sx⟩ ∧ P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈ex,sx⟩ → ⟨e'',s''⟩ ∧ final ex" by fact+
from Red have red:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ → ⟨e',s'⟩" by simp
from step have "final e'' ∨ (∃ex. e'' = ⦇C⦈ex)" by(rule Cast_step_Cast_or_fin)
thus ?case
proof(rule disjE)
assume "final e''"
with red show ?thesis by(auto simp:final_def)
assume "∃ex. e'' = ⦇C⦈ex"
then obtain ex where e'':"e'' = ⦇C⦈ex" by blast
with red final have final':"final ex"
by(auto elim:red.cases simp:final_def)
from step e'' have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨ex,s''⟩"
by(fastforce intro:Cast_red)
with e'' red final' show ?thesis by blast
lemma Cast_final_eq:
assumes red:"P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,(h,l)⟩ → ⟨e',(h,l)⟩"
and final:"final e" and final':"final e'"
shows "P,E' ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,(h,l')⟩ → ⟨e',(h,l')⟩"
proof -
from red final show ?thesis
proof(auto simp:final_def)
fix v assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Val v),(h,l)⟩ → ⟨e',(h,l)⟩"
with final' show "P,E' ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Val v),(h,l')⟩ → ⟨e',(h,l')⟩"
proof(auto simp:final_def)
fix v' assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Val v),(h,l)⟩ → ⟨Val v',(h,l)⟩"
thus "P,E' ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Val v),(h,l')⟩ → ⟨Val v',(h,l')⟩"
by(auto intro:cast_lcl cast_env)
fix a Cs assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Val v),(h,l)⟩ → ⟨Throw (a,Cs),(h,l)⟩"
thus "P,E' ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Val v),(h,l')⟩ → ⟨Throw (a,Cs),(h,l')⟩"
by(auto elim:red.cases intro!:RedStaticCastFail)
fix a Cs assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Throw (a,Cs)),(h,l)⟩ → ⟨e',(h,l)⟩"
with final' show "P,E' ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Throw (a,Cs)),(h,l')⟩ → ⟨e',(h,l')⟩"
proof(auto simp:final_def)
fix v assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Throw (a,Cs)),(h,l)⟩ → ⟨Val v,(h,l)⟩"
thus "P,E' ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Throw (a,Cs)),(h,l')⟩ → ⟨Val v,(h,l')⟩"
by(auto elim:red.cases)
fix a' Cs'
assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Throw (a,Cs)),(h,l)⟩ → ⟨Throw (a',Cs'),(h,l)⟩"
thus "P,E' ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈(Throw (a,Cs)),(h,l')⟩ → ⟨Throw (a',Cs'),(h,l')⟩"
by(auto elim:red.cases intro:red_reds.StaticCastThrow)
lemma CallRedsFinal:
assumes wwf: "wwf_prog P"
and "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs),s⇩1⟩"
"P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
and hp: "h⇩2 a = Some(C,S)"
and "method": "P ⊢ last Cs has least M = (Ts',T',pns',body') via Ds"
and select: "P ⊢ (C,Cs@⇩pDs) selects M = (Ts,T,pns,body) via Cs'"
and size: "size vs = size pns"
and casts: "P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs'"
and l⇩2': "l⇩2' = [this ↦ Ref(a,Cs'), pns[↦]vs']"
and body_case:"new_body = (case T' of Class D ⇒ ⦇D⦈body | _ ⇒ body)"
and body: "P,E(this ↦ Class (last Cs'), pns [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨new_body,(h⇩2,l⇩2')⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩3)⟩"
and final:"final ef"
shows "P,E ⊢ ⟨e∙M(es), s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩2)⟩"
proof -
have wf: "size Ts = size pns ∧ distinct pns ∧ this ∉ set pns"
and wt: "fv body ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using assms by(fastforce dest!:select_method_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)+
have "dom l⇩3 ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using Reds_dom_lcl[OF wwf body] wt l⇩2' set_take_subset body_case
by (cases T') force+
hence eql⇩2: "override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 ({this} ∪ set pns) = l⇩2"
by(fastforce simp add:map_add_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff)
from wwf select have "is_class P (last Cs')"
by (auto elim!:SelectMethodDef.cases intro:Subobj_last_isClass
simp:LeastMethodDef_def FinalOverriderMethodDef_def
OverriderMethodDefs_def MinimalMethodDefs_def MethodDefs_def)
hence "P ⊢ Class (last Cs') casts Ref(a,Cs') to Ref(a,Cs')"
by(auto intro!:casts_ref Subobjs_Base simp:path_via_def appendPath_def)
with casts
have casts':"P ⊢ Class (last Cs')#Ts Casts Ref(a,Cs')#vs to Ref(a,Cs')#vs'"
by -(rule Casts_Cons)
have 1:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e∙M(es),s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨(ref(a,Cs))∙M(es),s⇩1⟩" by(rule CallRedsObj)(rule assms(2))
have 2:"P,E ⊢ ⟨(ref(a,Cs))∙M(es),s⇩1⟩ →*
⟨(ref(a,Cs))∙M(map Val vs),(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
by(rule CallRedsParams)(rule assms(3))
from body[THEN Red_lcl_add, of l⇩2]
have body': "P,E(this ↦ Class (last Cs'), pns [↦] Ts) ⊢
⟨new_body,(h⇩2,l⇩2(this↦ Ref(a,Cs'), pns[↦]vs'))⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩2++l⇩3)⟩"
by (simp add:l⇩2')
show ?thesis
proof(cases "∀C. T'≠ Class C")
case True
hence "P,E ⊢ ⟨(ref(a,Cs))∙M(map Val vs), (h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩ →
⟨blocks(this#pns,Class(last Cs')#Ts,Ref(a,Cs')#vs,body), (h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
using hp "method" select size wf
by -(rule RedCall,auto,cases T',auto)
hence 3:"P,E ⊢ ⟨(ref(a,Cs))∙M(map Val vs), (h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩ →*
⟨blocks(this#pns,Class(last Cs')#Ts,Ref(a,Cs')#vs,body), (h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
by(simp add:r_into_rtrancl)
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(this#pns,Class(last Cs')#Ts,Ref(a,Cs')#vs,body),(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩ →*
⟨ef,(h⇩3,override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 ({this} ∪ set pns))⟩"
using True wf body' wwf size final casts' body_case
by -(rule_tac vs'="Ref(a,Cs')#vs'" in blocksRedsFinal,simp_all,cases T',auto)
with 1 2 3 show ?thesis using eql⇩2
by simp
case False
then obtain D where T':"T' = Class D" by auto
with final body' body_case obtain s' e' where
body'':"P,E(this ↦ Class (last Cs'),pns [↦] Ts) ⊢
⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2(this↦ Ref(a,Cs'), pns[↦]vs'))⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩"
and final':"final e'"
and cast:"P,E(this ↦ Class (last Cs'), pns [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨⦇D⦈e',s'⟩ →
by(cases T')(auto dest:Cast_final)
from T' have "P,E ⊢ ⟨(ref(a,Cs))∙M(map Val vs), (h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩ →
⟨⦇D⦈blocks(this#pns,Class(last Cs')#Ts,Ref(a,Cs')#vs,body), (h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
using hp "method" select size wf
by -(rule RedCall,auto)
hence 3:"P,E ⊢ ⟨(ref(a,Cs))∙M(map Val vs), (h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩ →*
⟨⦇D⦈blocks(this#pns,Class(last Cs')#Ts,Ref(a,Cs')#vs,body),(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
by(simp add:r_into_rtrancl)
from cast final have eq:"s' = (h⇩3,l⇩2++l⇩3)"
by(auto elim:red.cases simp:final_def)
hence "P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(this#pns, Class (last Cs')#Ts, Ref(a,Cs')#vs,body), (h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩
→* ⟨e',(h⇩3,override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 ({this} ∪ set pns))⟩"
using wf body'' wwf size final' casts'
by -(rule_tac vs'="Ref(a,Cs')#vs'" in blocksRedsFinal,simp_all)
hence "P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇D⦈(blocks(this#pns,Class(last Cs')#Ts,Ref(a,Cs')#vs,body)),(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩
→* ⟨⦇D⦈e',(h⇩3,override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 ({this} ∪ set pns))⟩"
by(rule StaticCastReds)
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇D⦈e',(h⇩3,override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 ({this} ∪ set pns))⟩ →
⟨ef,(h⇩3,override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 ({this} ∪ set pns))⟩"
using eq cast final final'
by(fastforce intro:Cast_final_eq)
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇D⦈(blocks(this#pns, Class (last Cs')#Ts, Ref(a,Cs')#vs,body)),
(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 ({this} ∪ set pns))⟩"
by(rule_tac b="(⦇D⦈e',(h⇩3,override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 ({this} ∪ set pns)))"
in rtrancl_into_rtrancl,simp_all)
with 1 2 3 show ?thesis using eql⇩2
by simp
lemma StaticCallRedsFinal:
assumes wwf: "wwf_prog P"
and "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs),s⇩1⟩"
"P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
and path_unique: "P ⊢ Path (last Cs) to C unique"
and path_via: "P ⊢ Path (last Cs) to C via Cs''"
and Ds: "Ds = (Cs@⇩pCs'')@⇩pCs'"
and least: "P ⊢ C has least M = (Ts,T,pns,body) via Cs'"
and size: "size vs = size pns"
and casts: "P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs'"
and l⇩2': "l⇩2' = [this ↦ Ref(a,Ds), pns[↦]vs']"
and body: "P,E(this↦Class(last Ds), pns[↦]Ts) ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2')⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩3)⟩"
and final:"final ef"
shows "P,E ⊢ ⟨e∙(C::)M(es), s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩2)⟩"
proof -
have wf: "size Ts = size pns ∧ distinct pns ∧ this ∉ set pns ∧
(∀T∈set Ts. is_type P T)"
and wt: "fv body ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using assms by(fastforce dest!:has_least_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)+
have "dom l⇩3 ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using Reds_dom_lcl[OF wwf body] wt l⇩2' set_take_subset
by force
hence eql⇩2: "override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 ({this} ∪ set pns) = l⇩2"
by(fastforce simp add:map_add_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff)
from wwf least have "Cs' ≠ []"
by (auto elim!:Subobjs_nonempty simp:LeastMethodDef_def MethodDefs_def)
with Ds have "last Cs' = last Ds" by(fastforce intro:appendPath_last)
with wwf least have "is_class P (last Ds)"
by(auto dest:Subobj_last_isClass simp:LeastMethodDef_def MethodDefs_def)
hence "P ⊢ Class (last Ds) casts Ref(a,Ds) to Ref(a,Ds)"
by(auto intro!:casts_ref Subobjs_Base simp:path_via_def appendPath_def)
with casts
have casts':"P ⊢ Class (last Ds)#Ts Casts Ref(a,Ds)#vs to Ref(a,Ds)#vs'"
by -(rule Casts_Cons)
have 1:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e∙(C::)M(es),s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨(ref(a,Cs))∙(C::)M(es),s⇩1⟩"
by(rule CallRedsObj)(rule assms(2))
have 2:"P,E ⊢ ⟨(ref(a,Cs))∙(C::)M(es),s⇩1⟩ →*
⟨(ref(a,Cs))∙(C::)M(map Val vs),(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
by(rule CallRedsParams)(rule assms(3))
from body[THEN Red_lcl_add, of l⇩2]
have body': "P,E(this↦Class(last Ds), pns[↦]Ts) ⊢
⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2(this↦ Ref(a,Ds), pns[↦]vs'))⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩2++l⇩3)⟩"
by (simp add:l⇩2')
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨(ref(a,Cs))∙(C::)M(map Val vs), (h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩ →
⟨blocks(this#pns, Class (last Ds)#Ts, Ref(a,Ds)#vs, body), (h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
using path_unique path_via least size wf Ds
by -(rule RedStaticCall,auto)
hence 3:"P,E ⊢ ⟨(ref(a,Cs))∙(C::)M(map Val vs), (h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩ →*
⟨blocks(this#pns,Class(last Ds)#Ts,Ref(a,Ds)#vs,body), (h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
by(simp add:r_into_rtrancl)
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(this#pns,Class(last Ds)#Ts,Ref(a,Ds)#vs,body),(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩ →*
⟨ef,(h⇩3,override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 ({this} ∪ set pns))⟩"
using wf body' wwf size final casts'
by -(rule_tac vs'="Ref(a,Ds)#vs'" in blocksRedsFinal,simp_all)
with 1 2 3 show ?thesis using eql⇩2
by simp
lemma CallRedsThrowParams:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1⟩;
P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs⇩1 @ Throw ex # es⇩2,s⇩2⟩ ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨Call e Copt M es,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Throw ex,s⇩2⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule CallRedsObj)
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule CallRedsParams)
apply(simp add:CallThrowParams)
lemma CallRedsThrowObj:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Throw ex,s⇩1⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨Call e Copt M es,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Throw ex,s⇩1⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule CallRedsObj)
apply(simp add:CallThrowObj)
lemma CallRedsNull:
"⟦ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨null,s⇩1⟩; P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,s⇩2⟩ ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨Call e Copt M es,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨THROW NullPointer,s⇩2⟩"
apply(rule rtrancl_trans)
apply(erule CallRedsObj)
apply(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply(erule CallRedsParams)
apply(simp add:RedCallNull)
subsection ‹The main Theorem›
lemma assumes wwf: "wwf_prog P"
shows big_by_small: "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩"
and bigs_by_smalls: "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s'⟩"
proof (induct rule: eval_evals.inducts)
case New thus ?case by (auto simp:RedNew)
case NewFail thus ?case by (auto simp:RedNewFail)
case StaticUpCast thus ?case by(simp add:StaticUpCastReds)
case StaticDownCast thus ?case by(simp add:StaticDownCastReds)
case StaticCastNull thus ?case by(simp add:StaticCastRedsNull)
case StaticCastFail thus ?case by(simp add:StaticCastRedsFail)
case StaticCastThrow thus ?case by(auto dest!:eval_final simp:StaticCastRedsThrow)
case StaticUpDynCast thus ?case by(simp add:StaticUpDynCastReds)
case StaticDownDynCast thus ?case by(simp add:StaticDownDynCastReds)
case DynCast thus ?case by(fastforce intro:DynCastRedsRef)
case DynCastNull thus ?case by(simp add:DynCastRedsNull)
case DynCastFail thus ?case by(fastforce intro!:DynCastRedsFail)
case DynCastThrow thus ?case by(auto dest!:eval_final simp:DynCastRedsThrow)
case Val thus ?case by simp
case BinOp thus ?case by(fastforce simp:BinOpRedsVal)
case BinOpThrow1 thus ?case by(fastforce dest!:eval_final simp: BinOpRedsThrow1)
case BinOpThrow2 thus ?case by(fastforce dest!:eval_final simp: BinOpRedsThrow2)
case Var thus ?case by (fastforce simp:RedVar)
case LAss thus ?case by(fastforce simp: LAssRedsVal)
case LAssThrow thus ?case by(fastforce dest!:eval_final simp: LAssRedsThrow)
case FAcc thus ?case by(fastforce intro:FAccRedsVal)
case FAccNull thus ?case by(simp add:FAccRedsNull)
case FAccThrow thus ?case by(fastforce dest!:eval_final simp:FAccRedsThrow)
case FAss thus ?case by(fastforce simp:FAssRedsVal)
case FAssNull thus ?case by(fastforce simp:FAssRedsNull)
case FAssThrow1 thus ?case by(fastforce dest!:eval_final simp:FAssRedsThrow1)
case FAssThrow2 thus ?case by(fastforce dest!:eval_final simp:FAssRedsThrow2)
case CallObjThrow thus ?case by(fastforce dest!:eval_final simp:CallRedsThrowObj)
case CallNull thus ?case thm CallRedsNull by(simp add:CallRedsNull)
case CallParamsThrow thus ?case
by(fastforce dest!:evals_final simp:CallRedsThrowParams)
case (Call E e s⇩0 a Cs s⇩1 ps vs h⇩2 l⇩2 C S M Ts' T' pns' body' Ds Ts T pns
body Cs' vs' l⇩2' new_body e' h⇩3 l⇩3)
have IHe: "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs),s⇩1⟩"
and IHes: "P,E ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
and h⇩2a: "h⇩2 a = Some(C,S)"
and "method": "P ⊢ last Cs has least M = (Ts',T',pns',body') via Ds"
and select: "P ⊢ (C,Cs@⇩pDs) selects M = (Ts,T,pns,body) via Cs'"
and same_length: "length vs = length pns"
and casts: "P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs'"
and l⇩2': "l⇩2' = [this ↦ Ref (a,Cs'), pns[↦]vs']"
and body_case: "new_body = (case T' of Class D ⇒ ⦇D⦈body | _ ⇒ body)"
and eval_body: "P,E(this ↦ Class (last Cs'), pns [↦] Ts) ⊢
⟨new_body,(h⇩2, l⇩2')⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3)⟩"
and IHbody: "P,E(this ↦ Class (last Cs'), pns [↦] Ts) ⊢
⟨new_body,(h⇩2, l⇩2')⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3)⟩" by fact+
from wwf select same_length have lengthTs:"length Ts = length vs"
by (fastforce dest!:select_method_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)
show "P,E ⊢ ⟨e∙M(ps),s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩2)⟩"
using "method" select same_length l⇩2' h⇩2a casts body_case
IHbody eval_final[OF eval_body]
by(fastforce intro!:CallRedsFinal[OF wwf IHe IHes])
case (StaticCall E e s⇩0 a Cs s⇩1 ps vs h⇩2 l⇩2 C Cs'' M Ts T pns body Cs'
Ds vs' l⇩2' e' h⇩3 l⇩3)
have IHe: "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨ref(a,Cs),s⇩1⟩"
and IHes: "P,E ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
and path_unique: "P ⊢ Path last Cs to C unique"
and path_via: "P ⊢ Path last Cs to C via Cs''"
and least: "P ⊢ C has least M = (Ts, T, pns, body) via Cs'"
and Ds: "Ds = (Cs @⇩p Cs'') @⇩p Cs'"
and same_length: "length vs = length pns"
and casts: "P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs'"
and l⇩2': "l⇩2' = [this ↦ Ref (a,Ds), pns[↦]vs']"
and eval_body: "P,E(this ↦ Class (last Ds), pns [↦] Ts) ⊢
⟨body,(h⇩2, l⇩2')⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3)⟩"
and IHbody: "P,E(this ↦ Class (last Ds), pns [↦] Ts) ⊢
⟨body,(h⇩2, l⇩2')⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3)⟩" by fact+
from wwf least same_length have lengthTs:"length Ts = length vs"
by (fastforce dest!:has_least_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)
show "P,E ⊢ ⟨e∙(C::)M(ps),s⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩2)⟩"
using path_unique path_via least Ds same_length l⇩2' casts
IHbody eval_final[OF eval_body]
by(fastforce intro!:StaticCallRedsFinal[OF wwf IHe IHes])
case Block with wwf show ?case by(fastforce simp: BlockRedsFinal dest:eval_final)
case Seq thus ?case by(fastforce simp:SeqReds2)
case SeqThrow thus ?case by(fastforce dest!:eval_final simp: SeqRedsThrow)
case CondT thus ?case by(fastforce simp:CondReds2T)
case CondF thus ?case by(fastforce simp:CondReds2F)
case CondThrow thus ?case by(fastforce dest!:eval_final simp:CondRedsThrow)
case WhileF thus ?case by(fastforce simp:WhileFReds)
case WhileT thus ?case by(fastforce simp: WhileTReds)
case WhileCondThrow thus ?case by(fastforce dest!:eval_final simp: WhileRedsThrow)
case WhileBodyThrow thus ?case by(fastforce dest!:eval_final simp: WhileTRedsThrow)
case Throw thus ?case by(fastforce simp:ThrowReds)
case ThrowNull thus ?case by(fastforce simp:ThrowRedsNull)
case ThrowThrow thus ?case by(fastforce dest!:eval_final simp:ThrowRedsThrow)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case Cons thus ?case
by(fastforce intro!:Cons_eq_appendI[OF refl refl] ListRedsVal)
case ConsThrow thus ?case by(fastforce elim: ListReds1)
subsection‹Big steps simulates small step›
text ‹The big step equivalent of ‹RedWhile›:›
lemma unfold_while:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨while(b) c,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩ = P,E ⊢ ⟨if(b) (c;;while(b) c) else (unit),s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
thus "P,E ⊢ ⟨if (b) (c;; while (b) c) else unit,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
by cases (fastforce intro: eval_evals.intros)+
assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨if (b) (c;; while (b) c) else unit,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
thus "P,E ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
proof (cases)
fix ex
assume e': "e' = throw ex"
assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨b,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw ex,s'⟩"
hence "P,E ⊢ ⟨while(b) c,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw ex,s'⟩" by (rule WhileCondThrow)
with e' show ?thesis by simp
fix s⇩1
assume eval_false: "P,E ⊢ ⟨b,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨false,s⇩1⟩"
and eval_unit: "P,E ⊢ ⟨unit,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
with eval_unit have "s' = s⇩1" "e' = unit" by (auto elim: eval_cases)
moreover from eval_false have "P,E ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨unit,s⇩1⟩"
by - (rule WhileF, simp)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
fix s⇩1
assume eval_true: "P,E ⊢ ⟨b,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨true,s⇩1⟩"
and eval_rest: "P,E ⊢ ⟨c;; while (b) c,s⇩1⟩⇒⟨e',s'⟩"
from eval_rest show ?thesis
proof (cases)
fix s⇩2 v⇩1
assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨c,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩2⟩" "P,E ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⇩2⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
with eval_true show "P,E ⊢ ⟨while(b) c,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by (rule WhileT)
fix ex
assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨c,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw ex,s'⟩" "e' = throw ex"
with eval_true show "P,E ⊢ ⟨while(b) c,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
by (iprover intro: WhileBodyThrow)
lemma blocksEval:
"⋀Ts vs l l' E. ⟦size ps = size Ts; size ps = size vs;
P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(ps,Ts,vs,e),(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l')⟩ ⟧
⟹ ∃ l'' vs'. P,E(ps [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l(ps[↦]vs'))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l'')⟩ ∧
P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs' ∧ length vs' = length vs"
proof (induct ps)
case Nil then show ?case by(fastforce intro:Casts_Nil)
case (Cons p ps')
have length_eqs: "length (p # ps') = length Ts"
"length (p # ps') = length vs"
and IH:"⋀Ts vs l l' E. ⟦length ps' = length Ts; length ps' = length vs;
P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks (ps',Ts,vs,e),(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l')⟩⟧
⟹ ∃l'' vs'. P,E(ps' [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l(ps' [↦] vs'))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h', l'')⟩ ∧
P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs' ∧ length vs' = length vs" by fact+
then obtain T Ts' where Ts: "Ts = T#Ts'" by (cases "Ts") simp
obtain v vs' where vs: "vs = v#vs'" using length_eqs by (cases "vs") simp
with length_eqs Ts have length1:"length ps' = length Ts'"
and length2:"length ps' = length vs'" by simp_all
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks (p # ps', Ts, vs, e),(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h', l')⟩" by fact
with Ts vs
have blocks:"P,E ⊢ ⟨{p:T := Val v; blocks (ps',Ts',vs',e)},(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l')⟩"
by simp
then obtain l''' v' where
eval_ps': "P,E(p ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨blocks (ps',Ts',vs',e),(h,l(p↦v'))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l''')⟩"
and l''': "l'=l'''(p:=l p)"
and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v to v'"
by(auto elim!: eval_cases simp:fun_upd_same)
from IH[OF length1 length2 eval_ps'] obtain l'' vs'' where
"P,E(p ↦ T, ps' [↦] Ts') ⊢ ⟨e,(h, l(p↦v', ps'[↦]vs''))⟩ ⇒
and "P ⊢ Ts' Casts vs' to vs''"
and "length vs'' = length vs'" by auto
with Ts vs casts show ?case
by -(rule_tac x="l''" in exI,rule_tac x="v'#vs''" in exI,simp,
rule Casts_Cons)
lemma CastblocksEval:
"⋀Ts vs l l' E. ⟦size ps = size Ts; size ps = size vs;
P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C'⦈(blocks(ps,Ts,vs,e)),(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l')⟩ ⟧
⟹ ∃ l'' vs'. P,E(ps [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨⦇C'⦈e,(h,l(ps[↦]vs'))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l'')⟩ ∧
P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs' ∧ length vs' = length vs"
proof (induct ps)
case Nil then show ?case by(fastforce intro:Casts_Nil)
case (Cons p ps')
have length_eqs: "length (p # ps') = length Ts"
"length (p # ps') = length vs" by fact+
then obtain T Ts' where Ts: "Ts = T#Ts'" by (cases "Ts") simp
obtain v vs' where vs: "vs = v#vs'" using length_eqs by (cases "vs") simp
with length_eqs Ts have length1:"length ps' = length Ts'"
and length2:"length ps' = length vs'" by simp_all
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C'⦈(blocks (p # ps', Ts, vs, e)),(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h', l')⟩" by fact
{ fix a Cs Cs'
assume blocks:"P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(p#ps',Ts,vs,e),(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a,Cs),(h',l')⟩"
and path_via:"P ⊢ Path last Cs to C' via Cs'"
and e':"e' = ref(a,Cs@⇩pCs')"
from blocks length_eqs obtain l'' vs''
where eval:"P,E(p#ps' [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l(p#ps'[↦]vs''))⟩ ⇒
⟨ref (a,Cs),(h',l'')⟩"
and casts:"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs''"
and length:"length vs'' = length vs"
by -(drule blocksEval,auto)
from eval path_via have
"P,E(p#ps'[↦]Ts) ⊢ ⟨⦇C'⦈e,(h,l(p#ps'[↦]vs''))⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a,Cs@⇩pCs'),(h',l'')⟩"
by(auto intro:StaticUpCast)
with e' casts length have ?case by simp blast }
{ fix a Cs Cs'
assume blocks:"P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(p#ps',Ts,vs,e),(h,l)⟩ ⇒
⟨ref (a,Cs@C'# Cs'),(h',l')⟩"
and e':"e' = ref (a,Cs@[C'])"
from blocks length_eqs obtain l'' vs''
where eval:"P,E(p#ps' [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l(p#ps'[↦]vs''))⟩ ⇒
⟨ref (a,Cs@C'# Cs'),(h',l'')⟩"
and casts:"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs''"
and length:"length vs'' = length vs"
by -(drule blocksEval,auto)
from eval have "P,E(p#ps'[↦]Ts) ⊢ ⟨⦇C'⦈e,(h,l(p#ps'[↦]vs''))⟩ ⇒
by(auto intro:StaticDownCast)
with e' casts length have ?case by simp blast }
{ assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(p#ps',Ts,vs,e),(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,(h',l')⟩"
and e':"e' = null"
with length_eqs obtain l'' vs''
where eval:"P,E(p#ps' [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l(p#ps'[↦]vs''))⟩ ⇒
and casts:"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs''"
and length:"length vs'' = length vs"
by -(drule blocksEval,auto)
from eval have "P,E(p#ps' [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨⦇C'⦈e,(h,l(p#ps'[↦]vs''))⟩ ⇒
by(auto intro:StaticCastNull)
with e' casts length have ?case by simp blast }
{ fix a Cs
assume blocks:"P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(p#ps',Ts,vs,e),(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a,Cs),(h',l')⟩"
and notin:"C' ∉ set Cs" and leq:"¬ P ⊢ (last Cs) ≼⇧* C'"
and e':"e' = THROW ClassCast"
from blocks length_eqs obtain l'' vs''
where eval:"P,E(p#ps' [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l(p#ps'[↦]vs''))⟩ ⇒
⟨ref (a,Cs),(h',l'')⟩"
and casts:"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs''"
and length:"length vs'' = length vs"
by -(drule blocksEval,auto)
from eval notin leq have
"P,E(p#ps'[↦]Ts) ⊢ ⟨⦇C'⦈e,(h,l(p#ps'[↦]vs''))⟩ ⇒
⟨THROW ClassCast,(h',l'')⟩"
by(auto intro:StaticCastFail)
with e' casts length have ?case by simp blast }
{ fix r assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(p#ps',Ts,vs,e),(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw r,(h',l')⟩"
and e':"e' = throw r"
with length_eqs obtain l'' vs''
where eval:"P,E(p#ps' [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l(p#ps'[↦]vs''))⟩ ⇒
⟨throw r,(h',l'')⟩"
and casts:"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs''"
and length:"length vs'' = length vs"
by -(drule blocksEval,auto)
from eval have
"P,E(p#ps'[↦]Ts) ⊢ ⟨⦇C'⦈e,(h,l(p#ps'[↦]vs''))⟩ ⇒
⟨throw r,(h',l'')⟩"
by(auto intro:eval_evals.StaticCastThrow)
with e' casts length have ?case by simp blast }
ultimately show ?case
by -(erule eval_cases,fastforce+)
assumes wf: "wwf_prog P"
shows eval_restrict_lcl:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l')⟩ ⟹ (⋀W. fv e ⊆ W ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l|`W)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l'|`W)⟩)"
and "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,(h,l)⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',(h',l')⟩ ⟹ (⋀W. fvs es ⊆ W ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨es,(h,l|`W)⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',(h',l'|`W)⟩)"
proof(induct rule:eval_evals_inducts)
case (Block E V T e⇩0 h⇩0 l⇩0 e⇩1 h⇩1 l⇩1)
have IH: "⋀W. fv e⇩0 ⊆ W ⟹
P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,(h⇩0,l⇩0(V:=None)|`W)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩1,(h⇩1,l⇩1|`W)⟩" by fact
have "fv({V:T; e⇩0}) ⊆ W" by fact
hence "fv e⇩0 - {V} ⊆ W" by simp_all
hence "fv e⇩0 ⊆ insert V W" by fast
with IH[OF this]
have "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,(h⇩0, (l⇩0|`W)(V := None))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩1,(h⇩1, l⇩1|`insert V W)⟩"
by fastforce
from eval_evals.Block[OF this] show ?case by fastforce
case Seq thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.Seq)
case New thus ?case by(simp add:eval_evals.intros)
case NewFail thus ?case by(simp add:eval_evals.intros)
case StaticUpCast thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.StaticUpCast)
case (StaticDownCast E e h l a Cs C Cs' h' l')
have IH:"⋀W. fv e ⊆ W ⟹
P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l |` W)⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a,Cs@[C]@Cs'),(h',l' |` W)⟩" by fact
have "fv (⦇C⦈e) ⊆ W" by fact
hence "fv e ⊆ W" by simp
from IH[OF this] show ?case by(rule eval_evals.StaticDownCast)
case StaticCastNull thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.StaticCastNull)
case StaticCastFail thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.StaticCastFail)
case StaticCastThrow thus ?case by(simp add:eval_evals.intros)
case DynCast thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.DynCast)
case StaticUpDynCast thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.StaticUpDynCast)
case (StaticDownDynCast E e h l a Cs C Cs' h' l')
have IH:"⋀W. fv e ⊆ W ⟹
P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l |` W)⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a,Cs@[C]@Cs'),(h',l' |` W)⟩" by fact
have "fv (Cast C e) ⊆ W" by fact
hence "fv e ⊆ W" by simp
from IH[OF this] show ?case by(rule eval_evals.StaticDownDynCast)
case DynCastNull thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.DynCastNull)
case DynCastFail thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.DynCastFail)
case DynCastThrow thus ?case by(simp add:eval_evals.intros)
case Val thus ?case by(simp add:eval_evals.intros)
case BinOp thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.BinOp)
case BinOpThrow1 thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.BinOpThrow1)
case BinOpThrow2 thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.BinOpThrow2)
case Var thus ?case by(simp add:eval_evals.intros)
case (LAss E e h⇩0 l⇩0 v h l V T v' l')
have IH: "⋀W. fv e ⊆ W ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h⇩0,l⇩0|`W)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h,l|`W)⟩"
and env:"E V = ⌊T⌋" and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v to v'"
and [simp]: "l' = l(V ↦ v')" by fact+
have "fv (V:=e) ⊆ W" by fact
hence fv: "fv e ⊆ W" and VinW: "V ∈ W" by auto
from eval_evals.LAss[OF IH[OF fv] _ casts] env VinW
show ?case by fastforce
case LAssThrow thus ?case by(fastforce intro: eval_evals.LAssThrow)
case FAcc thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.FAcc)
case FAccNull thus ?case by(fastforce intro: eval_evals.FAccNull)
case FAccThrow thus ?case by(fastforce intro: eval_evals.FAccThrow)
case (FAss E e⇩1 h l a Cs' h' l' e⇩2 v h⇩2 l⇩2 D S F T Cs v' Ds fs fs' S' h⇩2' W)
have IH1: "⋀W. fv e⇩1 ⊆ W ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,(h, l|`W)⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a, Cs'),(h', l'|`W)⟩"
and IH2: "⋀W. fv e⇩2 ⊆ W ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,(h', l'|`W)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h⇩2, l⇩2|`W)⟩"
and fv:"fv (e⇩1∙F{Cs} := e⇩2) ⊆ W"
and h:"h⇩2 a = Some(D,S)" and Ds:"Ds = Cs' @⇩p Cs"
and S:"(Ds,fs) ∈ S" and fs':"fs' = fs(F ↦ v')"
and S':"S' = S - {(Ds, fs)} ∪ {(Ds, fs')}"
and h':"h⇩2' = h⇩2(a ↦ (D, S'))"
and field:"P ⊢ last Cs' has least F:T via Cs"
and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v to v'" by fact+
from fv have fv1:"fv e⇩1 ⊆ W" and fv2:"fv e⇩2 ⊆ W" by auto
from eval_evals.FAss[OF IH1[OF fv1] IH2[OF fv2] _ field casts] h Ds S fs' S' h'
show ?case by simp
case FAssNull thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.FAssNull)
case FAssThrow1 thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.FAssThrow1)
case FAssThrow2 thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.FAssThrow2)
case CallObjThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.intros)
case CallNull thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.CallNull)
case CallParamsThrow thus ?case
by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.CallParamsThrow)
case (Call E e h⇩0 l⇩0 a Cs h⇩1 l⇩1 ps vs h⇩2 l⇩2 C S M Ts' T' pns'
body' Ds Ts T pns body Cs' vs' l⇩2' new_body e' h⇩3 l⇩3 W)
have IHe: "⋀W. fv e ⊆ W ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h⇩0,l⇩0|`W)⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a,Cs),(h⇩1,l⇩1|`W)⟩"
and IHps: "⋀W. fvs ps ⊆ W ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨ps,(h⇩1,l⇩1|`W)⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2|`W)⟩"
and IHbd: "⋀W. fv new_body ⊆ W ⟹ P,E(this ↦ Class (last Cs'), pns [↦] Ts) ⊢
⟨new_body,(h⇩2,l⇩2'|`W)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩3|`W)⟩"
and h⇩2a: "h⇩2 a = Some (C,S)"
and "method": "P ⊢ last Cs has least M = (Ts',T',pns',body') via Ds"
and select:"P ⊢ (C,Cs@⇩pDs) selects M = (Ts,T,pns,body) via Cs'"
and same_len: "size vs = size pns"
and casts:"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs'"
and l⇩2': "l⇩2' = [this ↦ Ref(a,Cs'), pns [↦] vs']"
and body_case: "new_body = (case T' of Class D ⇒ ⦇D⦈body | _ ⇒ body)" by fact+
have "fv (e∙M(ps)) ⊆ W" by fact
hence fve: "fv e ⊆ W" and fvps: "fvs(ps) ⊆ W" by auto
have wfmethod: "size Ts = size pns ∧ this ∉ set pns" and
fvbd: "fv body ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using select wf by(fastforce dest!:select_method_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)+
from fvbd body_case have fvbd':"fv new_body ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
by(cases T') auto
from l⇩2' have "l⇩2' |` ({this} ∪ set pns) = [this ↦ Ref (a, Cs'), pns [↦] vs']"
by (auto intro!:ext simp:restrict_map_def fun_upd_def)
with eval_evals.Call[OF IHe[OF fve] IHps[OF fvps] _ "method" select same_len
casts _ body_case IHbd[OF fvbd']] h⇩2a
show ?case by simp
case (StaticCall E e h⇩0 l⇩0 a Cs h⇩1 l⇩1 ps vs h⇩2 l⇩2 C Cs'' M Ts T pns body
Cs' Ds vs' l⇩2' e' h⇩3 l⇩3 W)
have IHe: "⋀W. fv e ⊆ W ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h⇩0,l⇩0|`W)⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a,Cs),(h⇩1,l⇩1|`W)⟩"
and IHps: "⋀W. fvs ps ⊆ W ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨ps,(h⇩1,l⇩1|`W)⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2|`W)⟩"
and IHbd: "⋀W. fv body ⊆ W ⟹ P,E(this ↦ Class (last Ds), pns [↦] Ts) ⊢
⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2'|`W)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩3|`W)⟩"
and path_unique: "P ⊢ Path last Cs to C unique"
and path_via: "P ⊢ Path last Cs to C via Cs''"
and least: "P ⊢ C has least M = (Ts, T, pns, body) via Cs'"
and Ds: "Ds = (Cs @⇩p Cs'') @⇩p Cs'"
and same_len: "size vs = size pns"
and casts:"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs'"
and l⇩2': "l⇩2' = [this ↦ Ref(a,Ds), pns [↦] vs']" by fact+
have "fv (e∙(C::)M(ps)) ⊆ W" by fact
hence fve: "fv e ⊆ W" and fvps: "fvs(ps) ⊆ W" by auto
have wfmethod: "size Ts = size pns ∧ this ∉ set pns" and
fvbd: "fv body ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using least wf by(fastforce dest!:has_least_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)+
from fvbd have fvbd':"fv body ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
by auto
from l⇩2' have "l⇩2' |` ({this} ∪ set pns) = [this ↦ Ref(a,Ds), pns [↦] vs']"
by (auto intro!:ext simp:restrict_map_def fun_upd_def)
with eval_evals.StaticCall[OF IHe[OF fve] IHps[OF fvps] path_unique path_via
least Ds same_len casts _ IHbd[OF fvbd']]
show ?case by simp
case SeqThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SeqThrow)
case CondT thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.CondT)
case CondF thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.CondF)
case CondThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.CondThrow)
case WhileF thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.WhileF)
case WhileT thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.WhileT)
case WhileCondThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.WhileCondThrow)
case WhileBodyThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.WhileBodyThrow)
case Throw thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.Throw)
case ThrowNull thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.ThrowNull)
case ThrowThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.ThrowThrow)
case Nil thus ?case by (simp add: eval_evals.Nil)
case Cons thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.Cons)
case ConsThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.ConsThrow)
lemma eval_notfree_unchanged:
assumes wf:"wwf_prog P"
shows "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l')⟩ ⟹ (⋀V. V ∉ fv e ⟹ l' V = l V)"
and "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,(h,l)⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',(h',l')⟩ ⟹ (⋀V. V ∉ fvs es ⟹ l' V = l V)"
proof(induct rule:eval_evals_inducts)
case LAss thus ?case by(simp add:fun_upd_apply)
case Block thus ?case
by (simp only:fun_upd_apply split:if_splits) fastforce
qed simp_all
lemma eval_closed_lcl_unchanged:
assumes wf:"wwf_prog P"
and eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l')⟩"
and fv:"fv e = {}"
shows "l' = l"
proof -
from wf eval have "⋀V. V ∉ fv e ⟹ l' V = l V" by (rule eval_notfree_unchanged)
with fv have "⋀V. l' V = l V" by simp
thus ?thesis by(simp add:fun_eq_iff)
declare split_paired_All [simp del] split_paired_Ex [simp del]
declaration ‹K (Simplifier.map_ss (fn ss => ss delloop "split_all_tac"))›
setup ‹map_theory_claset (fn ctxt => ctxt delSWrapper "split_all_tac")›
lemma list_eval_Throw:
assumes eval_e: "P,E ⊢ ⟨throw x,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
shows "P,E ⊢ ⟨map Val vs @ throw x # es',s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs @ e' # es',s'⟩"
proof -
from eval_e
obtain a where e': "e' = Throw a"
by (cases) (auto dest!: eval_final)
fix es
have "⋀vs. es = map Val vs @ throw x # es'
⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩[⇒]⟨map Val vs @ e' # es',s'⟩"
proof (induct es type: list)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons e es vs)
have e_es: "e # es = map Val vs @ throw x # es'" by fact
show "P,E ⊢ ⟨e # es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs @ e' # es',s'⟩"
proof (cases vs)
case Nil
with e_es obtain "e=throw x" "es=es'" by simp
moreover from eval_e e'
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨throw x # es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨Throw a # es,s'⟩"
by (iprover intro: ConsThrow)
ultimately show ?thesis using Nil e' by simp
case (Cons v vs')
have vs: "vs = v # vs'" by fact
with e_es obtain
e: "e=Val v" and es:"es= map Val vs' @ throw x # es'"
by simp
from e
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,s⟩"
by (iprover intro: eval_evals.Val)
moreover from es
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs' @ e' # es',s'⟩"
by (rule Cons.hyps)
ultimately show
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e#es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs @ e' # es',s'⟩"
using vs by (auto intro: eval_evals.Cons)
thus ?thesis
by simp
text ‹The key lemma:›
assumes wf: "wwf_prog P"
shows extend_1_eval:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ → ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⟹ (⋀s' e'. P,E ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩)"
and extend_1_evals:
"P,E ⊢ ⟨es,t⟩ [→] ⟨es'',t''⟩ ⟹ (⋀t' es'. P,E ⊢ ⟨es'',t''⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',t'⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨es,t⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',t'⟩)"
proof (induct rule: red_reds.inducts)
case RedNew thus ?case by (iprover elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedNewFail thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case (StaticCastRed E e s e'' s'' C s' e') thus ?case
by -(erule eval_cases,auto intro:eval_evals.intros,
subgoal_tac "P,E ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a,Cs@[C]@Cs'),s'⟩",
rule_tac Cs'="Cs'" in StaticDownCast,auto)
case RedStaticCastNull thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedStaticUpCast thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedStaticDownCast thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedStaticCastFail thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedStaticUpDynCast thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedStaticDownDynCast thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case (DynCastRed E e s e'' s'' C s' e')
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
and IH:"⋀ex sx. P,E ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨ex,sx⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨ex,sx⟩" by fact+
{ fix Cs Cs' a
assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a, Cs @ C # Cs'),s'⟩"
from IH[OF this] have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a, Cs@[C]@Cs'),s'⟩" by simp
hence "P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a, Cs@[C]),s'⟩" by(rule StaticDownDynCast) }
ultimately show ?case by -(erule eval_cases,auto intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedDynCastNull thus ?case by (iprover elim:eval_cases intro:eval_evals.intros)
case (RedDynCast s a D S C Cs' E Cs s' e')
thus ?case by (cases s)(auto elim!:eval_cases intro:eval_evals.intros)
case (RedDynCastFail s a D S C Cs E s'' e'')
thus ?case by (cases s)(auto elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case BinOpRed1 thus ?case by -(erule eval_cases,auto intro: eval_evals.intros)
case BinOpRed2
thus ?case by (fastforce elim!:eval_cases intro:eval_evals.intros eval_finalId)
case RedBinOp thus ?case by (iprover elim:eval_cases intro:eval_evals.intros)
case (RedVar s V v E s' e')
thus ?case by (cases s)(fastforce elim:eval_cases intro:eval_evals.intros)
case LAssRed thus ?case by -(erule eval_cases,auto intro:eval_evals.intros)
case RedLAss
thus ?case by (fastforce elim:eval_cases intro:eval_evals.intros)
case FAccRed thus ?case by -(erule eval_cases,auto intro:eval_evals.intros)
case (RedFAcc s a D S Ds Cs' Cs fs F v E s' e')
thus ?case by (cases s)(fastforce elim:eval_cases intro:eval_evals.intros)
case RedFAccNull thus ?case by (fastforce elim!:eval_cases intro:eval_evals.intros)
case (FAssRed1 E e⇩1 s e⇩1' s'' F Cs e⇩2 s' e')
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1'∙F{Cs} := e⇩2,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
and IH:"⋀ex sx. P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨ex,sx⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨ex,sx⟩" by fact+
{ fix Cs' D S T a fs h⇩2 l⇩2 s⇩1 v v'
assume ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a, Cs'),s⇩1⟩"
and rest:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h⇩2, l⇩2)⟩" "h⇩2 a = ⌊(D, S)⌋"
"P ⊢ last Cs' has least F:T via Cs" "P ⊢ T casts v to v'"
"(Cs' @⇩p Cs, fs) ∈ S"
from IH[OF ref] have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a, Cs'),s⇩1⟩" .
with rest have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{Cs} := e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒
⟨Val v',(h⇩2(a ↦ (D,insert (Cs'@⇩pCs,fs(F ↦ v'))(S - {(Cs'@⇩pCs,fs)}))),l⇩2)⟩"
by-(rule FAss,simp_all) }
{ fix s⇩1 v
assume null:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩1⟩"
and rest:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,s'⟩"
from IH[OF null] have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩1⟩" .
with rest have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{Cs} := e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨THROW NullPointer,s'⟩"
by-(rule FAssNull,simp_all) }
{ fix e' assume throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s'⟩"
from IH[OF throw] have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s'⟩" .
hence "P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{Cs} := e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s'⟩"
by-(rule eval_evals.FAssThrow1,simp_all) }
{ fix e' s⇩1 v
assume val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,s⇩1⟩"
and rest:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s'⟩"
from IH[OF val] have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,s⇩1⟩" .
with rest have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{Cs} := e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s'⟩"
by-(rule eval_evals.FAssThrow2,simp_all) }
ultimately show ?case using eval
by -(erule eval_cases,auto)
case (FAssRed2 E e⇩2 s e⇩2' s'' v F Cs s' e')
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v∙F{Cs} := e⇩2',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
and IH:"⋀ex sx. P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨ex,sx⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨ex,sx⟩" by fact+
{ fix Cs' D S T a fs h⇩2 l⇩2 s⇩1 v' v''
assume val1:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a,Cs'),s⇩1⟩"
and val2:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2',s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',(h⇩2, l⇩2)⟩"
and rest:"h⇩2 a = ⌊(D, S)⌋" "P ⊢ last Cs' has least F:T via Cs"
"P ⊢ T casts v' to v''" "(Cs'@⇩pCs,fs) ∈ S"
from val1 have s'':"s⇩1 = s''" by -(erule eval_cases)
with val1 have "P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a,Cs'),s⟩"
by(fastforce elim:eval_cases intro:eval_finalId)
also from IH[OF val2[simplified s'']] have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',(h⇩2, l⇩2)⟩" .
ultimately have "P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v∙F{Cs} := e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒
⟨Val v'',(h⇩2(a↦(D,insert(Cs'@⇩pCs,fs(F ↦ v''))(S - {(Cs'@⇩pCs,fs)}))),l⇩2)⟩"
using rest by -(rule FAss,simp_all) }
{ fix s⇩1 v'
assume val1:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩1⟩"
and val2:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2',s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',s'⟩"
from val1 have s'':"s⇩1 = s''" by -(erule eval_cases)
with val1 have "P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⟩"
by(fastforce elim:eval_cases intro:eval_finalId)
also from IH[OF val2[simplified s'']] have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',s'⟩" .
ultimately have "P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v∙F{Cs} := e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨THROW NullPointer,s'⟩"
by -(rule FAssNull,simp_all) }
{ fix r assume val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw r,s'⟩"
hence s'':"s'' = s'" by -(erule eval_cases,simp)
with val have "P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v∙F{Cs} := e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw r,s'⟩"
by -(rule eval_evals.FAssThrow1,erule eval_cases,simp) }
{ fix r s⇩1 v'
assume val1:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',s⇩1⟩"
and val2:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2',s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw r,s'⟩"
from val1 have s'':"s⇩1 = s''" by -(erule eval_cases)
with val1 have "P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',s⟩"
by(fastforce elim:eval_cases intro:eval_finalId)
also from IH[OF val2[simplified s'']] have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw r,s'⟩" .
ultimately have "P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v∙F{Cs} := e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw r,s'⟩"
by -(rule eval_evals.FAssThrow2,simp_all) }
ultimately show ?case using eval
by -(erule eval_cases,auto)
case (RedFAss h a D S Cs' F T Cs v v' Ds fs E l s' e')
have val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v',(h(a ↦ (D,insert (Ds,fs(F ↦ v'))(S - {(Ds,fs)}))),l)⟩ ⇒
and rest:"h a = ⌊(D, S)⌋" "P ⊢ last Cs' has least F:T via Cs"
"P ⊢ T casts v to v'" "Ds = Cs' @⇩p Cs" "(Ds, fs) ∈ S" by fact+
from val have "s' = (h(a ↦ (D,insert (Ds,fs(F ↦ v')) (S - {(Ds,fs)}))),l)"
and "e' = Val v'" by -(erule eval_cases,simp_all)+
with rest show ?case apply simp
by(rule FAss,simp_all)(rule eval_finalId,simp)+
case RedFAssNull
thus ?case by (fastforce elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case (CallObj E e s e' s' Copt M es s'' e'')
thus ?case
apply -
apply(cases Copt,simp)
by(erule eval_cases,auto intro:eval_evals.intros)+
case (CallParams E es s es' s'' v Copt M s' e')
have call:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Call (Val v) Copt M es',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
and IH:"⋀esx sx. P,E ⊢ ⟨es',s''⟩ [⇒] ⟨esx,sx⟩ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨esx,sx⟩" by fact+
show ?case
proof(cases Copt)
case None with call have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v∙M(es'),s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by simp
from eval show ?thesis
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix r assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw r,s'⟩" "e' = throw r"
with None show "P,E ⊢ ⟨Call (Val v) Copt M es,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
by(fastforce elim:eval_cases)
fix es'' r sx v' vs
assume val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',sx⟩"
and evals:"P,E ⊢ ⟨es',sx⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs @ throw r # es'',s'⟩"
and e':"e' = throw r"
have val':"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,s⟩" by(rule Val)
from val have eq:"v' = v ∧ s'' = sx" by -(erule eval_cases,simp)
with IH evals have "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs @ throw r # es'',s'⟩"
by simp
with eq CallParamsThrow[OF val'] e' None
show "P,E ⊢ ⟨Call (Val v) Copt M es,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
by fastforce
fix C Cs Cs' Ds S T T' Ts Ts' a body body' h⇩2 h⇩3 l⇩2 l⇩3 pns pns' s⇩1 vs vs'
assume val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a,Cs),s⇩1⟩"
and evals:"P,E ⊢ ⟨es',s⇩1⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
and hp:"h⇩2 a = Some(C, S)"
and "method":"P ⊢ last Cs has least M = (Ts',T',pns',body') via Ds"
and select:"P ⊢ (C,Cs@⇩pDs) selects M = (Ts,T,pns,body) via Cs'"
and length:"length vs = length pns"
and casts:"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs'"
and body:"P,E(this ↦ Class (last Cs'), pns [↦] Ts) ⊢
⟨case T' of Class D ⇒ ⦇D⦈body | _ ⇒ body,(h⇩2,[this ↦ Ref(a,Cs'),pns [↦] vs'])⟩
⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3)⟩"
and s':"s' = (h⇩3, l⇩2)"
from val have val':"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a,Cs),s⟩"
and eq:"s'' = s⇩1 ∧ v = Ref(a,Cs)"
by(auto elim:eval_cases intro:Val)
from body obtain new_body
where body_case:"new_body = (case T' of Class D ⇒ ⦇D⦈body | _ ⇒ body)"
and body':"P,E(this ↦ Class (last Cs'), pns [↦] Ts) ⊢
⟨new_body,(h⇩2,[this ↦ Ref(a,Cs'),pns [↦] vs'])⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3)⟩"
by simp
from eq IH evals have "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩" by simp
with eq Call[OF val' _ _ "method" select length casts _ body_case]
hp body' s' None
show "P,E ⊢ ⟨Call (Val v) Copt M es,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by fastforce
fix s⇩1 vs
assume val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩1⟩"
and evals:"P,E ⊢ ⟨es',s⇩1⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,s'⟩"
and e':"e' = THROW NullPointer"
from val have val':"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⟩"
and eq:"s'' = s⇩1 ∧ v = Null"
by(auto elim:eval_cases intro:Val)
from eq IH evals have "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,s'⟩" by simp
with eq CallNull[OF val'] e' None
show "P,E ⊢ ⟨Call (Val v) Copt M es,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by fastforce
case (Some C) with call have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v∙(C::)M(es'),s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
by simp
from eval show ?thesis
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix r assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw r,s'⟩" "e' = throw r"
with Some show "P,E ⊢ ⟨Call (Val v) Copt M es,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
by(fastforce elim:eval_cases)
fix es'' r sx v' vs
assume val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',sx⟩"
and evals:"P,E ⊢ ⟨es',sx⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs @ throw r # es'',s'⟩"
and e':"e' = throw r"
have val':"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,s⟩" by(rule Val)
from val have eq:"v' = v ∧ s'' = sx" by -(erule eval_cases,simp)
with IH evals have "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs @ throw r # es'',s'⟩"
by simp
with eq CallParamsThrow[OF val'] e' Some
show "P,E ⊢ ⟨Call (Val v) Copt M es,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
by fastforce
fix Cs Cs' Cs'' T Ts a body h⇩2 h⇩3 l⇩2 l⇩3 pns s⇩1 vs vs'
assume val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a,Cs),s⇩1⟩"
and evals:"P,E ⊢ ⟨es',s⇩1⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
and path_unique:"P ⊢ Path last Cs to C unique"
and path_via:"P ⊢ Path last Cs to C via Cs''"
and least:"P ⊢ C has least M = (Ts, T, pns, body) via Cs'"
and length:"length vs = length pns"
and casts:"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs'"
and body:"P,E(this ↦ Class (last ((Cs @⇩p Cs'') @⇩p Cs')), pns [↦] Ts) ⊢
⟨body,(h⇩2,[this ↦ Ref(a,(Cs@⇩pCs'')@⇩pCs'),pns [↦] vs'])⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩3)⟩"
and s':"s' = (h⇩3,l⇩2)"
from val have val':"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a,Cs),s⟩"
and eq:"s'' = s⇩1 ∧ v = Ref(a,Cs)"
by(auto elim:eval_cases intro:Val)
from eq IH evals have "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩" by simp
with eq StaticCall[OF val' _ path_unique path_via least _ _ casts _ body]
length s' Some
show "P,E ⊢ ⟨Call (Val v) Copt M es,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by fastforce
fix s⇩1 vs
assume val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩1⟩"
and evals:"P,E ⊢ ⟨es',s⇩1⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,s'⟩"
and e':"e' = THROW NullPointer"
from val have val':"P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⟩"
and eq:"s'' = s⇩1 ∧ v = Null"
by(auto elim:eval_cases intro:Val)
from eq IH evals have "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,s'⟩" by simp
with eq CallNull[OF val'] e' Some
show "P,E ⊢ ⟨Call (Val v) Copt M es,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
by fastforce
case (RedCall s a C S Cs M Ts' T' pns' body' Ds Ts T pns body Cs' vs
bs new_body E s' e')
obtain h l where "s' = (h,l)" by(cases s') auto
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨ref(a,Cs),s⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a,Cs),s⟩" by (rule eval_evals.intros)
have finals: "finals(map Val vs)" by simp
obtain h⇩2 l⇩2 where s: "s = (h⇩2,l⇩2)" by (cases s)
with finals have "P,E ⊢ ⟨map Val vs,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
by (iprover intro: eval_finalsId)
moreover from s have h⇩2a:"h⇩2 a = Some (C,S)" using RedCall by simp
moreover have "method": "P ⊢ last Cs has least M = (Ts',T',pns',body') via Ds" by fact
moreover have select:"P ⊢ (C,Cs@⇩pDs) selects M = (Ts,T,pns,body) via Cs'" by fact
moreover have blocks:"bs = blocks(this#pns,Class(last Cs')#Ts,Ref(a,Cs')#vs,body)" by fact
moreover have body_case:"new_body = (case T' of Class D ⇒ ⦇D⦈bs | _ ⇒ bs)" by fact
moreover have same_len⇩1: "length Ts = length pns"
and this_distinct: "this ∉ set pns" and fv: "fv body ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using select wf by (fastforce dest!:select_method_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)+
have same_len: "length vs = length pns" by fact
obtain h⇩3 l⇩3 where s': "s' = (h⇩3,l⇩3)" by (cases s')
have eval_blocks:"P,E ⊢ ⟨new_body,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by fact
hence id: "l⇩3 = l⇩2" using fv s s' same_len⇩1 same_len wf blocks body_case
by(cases T')(auto elim!: eval_closed_lcl_unchanged)
from same_len⇩1 have same_len':"length(this#pns) = length(Class (last Cs')#Ts)"
by simp
from same_len⇩1 same_len
have same_len⇩2:"length(this#pns) = length(Ref(a,Cs')#vs)" by simp
from eval_blocks
have eval_blocks':"P,E ⊢ ⟨new_body,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩3)⟩" using s s' by simp
have casts_unique:"⋀vs'. P ⊢ Class (last Cs')#Ts Casts Ref(a,Cs')#vs to vs'
⟹ vs' = Ref(a,Cs')#tl vs'"
using wf
by -(erule Casts_to.cases,auto elim!:casts_to.cases dest!:mdc_eq_last
simp:path_via_def appendPath_def)
have "∃l'' vs' new_body'. P,E(this↦Class(last Cs'), pns[↦]Ts) ⊢
⟨new_body',(h⇩2,l⇩2(this # pns[↦]Ref(a,Cs')#vs'))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3, l'')⟩ ∧
P ⊢ Class(last Cs')#Ts Casts Ref(a,Cs')#vs to Ref(a,Cs')#vs' ∧
length vs' = length vs ∧ fv new_body' ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns ∧
new_body' = (case T' of Class D ⇒ ⦇D⦈body | _ ⇒ body)"
proof(cases "∀C. T' ≠ Class C")
case True
with same_len' same_len⇩2 eval_blocks' casts_unique body_case blocks
obtain l'' vs'
where body:"P,E(this↦Class(last Cs'), pns[↦]Ts) ⊢
⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2(this # pns[↦]Ref(a,Cs')#vs'))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3, l'')⟩"
and casts:"P ⊢ Class(last Cs')#Ts Casts Ref(a,Cs')#vs to Ref(a,Cs')#vs'"
and lengthvs':"length vs' = length vs"
by -(drule_tac vs="Ref(a,Cs')#vs" in blocksEval,assumption,cases T',
auto simp:length_Suc_conv,blast)
with fv True show ?thesis by(cases T') auto
case False
then obtain D where T':"T' = Class D" by auto
with same_len' same_len⇩2 eval_blocks' casts_unique body_case blocks
obtain l'' vs'
where body:"P,E(this↦Class(last Cs'), pns[↦]Ts) ⊢
⟨⦇D⦈body,(h⇩2,l⇩2(this # pns[↦]Ref(a,Cs')#vs'))⟩ ⇒
⟨e',(h⇩3, l'')⟩"
and casts:"P ⊢ Class(last Cs')#Ts Casts Ref(a,Cs')#vs to Ref(a,Cs')#vs'"
and lengthvs':"length vs' = length vs"
by - (drule_tac vs="Ref(a,Cs')#vs" in CastblocksEval,
assumption,simp,clarsimp simp:length_Suc_conv,auto)
from fv have "fv (⦇D⦈body) ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
by simp
with body casts lengthvs' T' show ?thesis by auto
then obtain l'' vs' new_body'
where body:"P,E(this↦Class(last Cs'), pns[↦]Ts) ⊢
⟨new_body',(h⇩2,l⇩2(this # pns[↦]Ref(a,Cs')#vs'))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3, l'')⟩"
and casts:"P ⊢ Class(last Cs')#Ts Casts Ref(a,Cs')#vs to Ref(a,Cs')#vs'"
and lengthvs':"length vs' = length vs"
and body_case':"new_body' = (case T' of Class D ⇒ ⦇D⦈body | _ ⇒ body)"
and fv':"fv new_body' ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
by auto
from same_len⇩2 lengthvs'
have same_len⇩3:"length (this # pns) = length (Ref (a, Cs') # vs')" by simp
from restrict_map_upds[OF same_len⇩3,of "set(this#pns)" "l⇩2"]
have "l⇩2(this # pns[↦]Ref(a,Cs')#vs')|`(set(this#pns)) =
[this # pns[↦]Ref(a,Cs')#vs']" by simp
with eval_restrict_lcl[OF wf body fv'] this_distinct same_len⇩1 same_len
have "P,E(this↦Class(last Cs'), pns[↦]Ts) ⊢
⟨new_body',(h⇩2,[this # pns[↦]Ref(a,Cs')#vs'])⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3, l''|`(set(this#pns)))⟩"
by simp
with casts obtain l⇩2' l⇩3' vs' where
"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs'"
and "P,E(this↦Class(last Cs'), pns[↦]Ts) ⊢
⟨new_body',(h⇩2,l⇩2')⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩3')⟩"
and "l⇩2' = [this↦Ref(a,Cs'),pns[↦]vs']"
by(auto elim:Casts_to.cases)
ultimately have "P,E ⊢ ⟨(ref(a,Cs))∙M(map Val vs),s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩2)⟩"
using body_case'
by -(rule Call,simp_all)
with s' id show ?case by simp
case (RedStaticCall Cs C Cs'' M Ts T pns body Cs' Ds vs E a s s' e')
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨ref(a,Cs),s⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a,Cs),s⟩" by (rule eval_evals.intros)
have finals: "finals(map Val vs)" by simp
obtain h⇩2 l⇩2 where s: "s = (h⇩2,l⇩2)" by (cases s)
with finals have "P,E ⊢ ⟨map Val vs,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩"
by (iprover intro: eval_finalsId)
moreover have path_unique:"P ⊢ Path last Cs to C unique" by fact
moreover have path_via:"P ⊢ Path last Cs to C via Cs''" by fact
moreover have least:"P ⊢ C has least M = (Ts, T, pns, body) via Cs'" by fact
moreover have same_len⇩1: "length Ts = length pns"
and this_distinct: "this ∉ set pns" and fv: "fv body ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using least wf by (fastforce dest!:has_least_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)+
moreover have same_len:"length vs = length pns" by fact
moreover have Ds:"Ds = (Cs @⇩p Cs'') @⇩p Cs'" by fact
obtain h⇩3 l⇩3 where s': "s' = (h⇩3,l⇩3)" by (cases s')
have eval_blocks:"P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(this#pns,Class(last Ds)#Ts,Ref(a,Ds)#vs,body),s⟩
⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by fact
hence id: "l⇩3 = l⇩2" using fv s s' same_len⇩1 same_len wf
by(auto elim!: eval_closed_lcl_unchanged)
from same_len⇩1 have same_len':"length(this#pns) = length(Class (last Ds)#Ts)"
by simp
from same_len⇩1 same_len
have same_len⇩2:"length(this#pns) = length(Ref(a,Ds)#vs)" by simp
from eval_blocks
have eval_blocks':"P,E ⊢ ⟨blocks(this#pns,Class(last Ds)#Ts,Ref(a,Ds)#vs,body),
(h⇩2,l⇩2)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩3)⟩" using s s' by simp
have casts_unique:"⋀vs'. P ⊢ Class (last Ds)#Ts Casts Ref(a,Ds)#vs to vs'
⟹ vs' = Ref(a,Ds)#tl vs'"
using wf
by -(erule Casts_to.cases,auto elim!:casts_to.cases dest!:mdc_eq_last
simp:path_via_def appendPath_def)
from same_len' same_len⇩2 eval_blocks' casts_unique
obtain l'' vs' where body:"P,E(this↦Class(last Ds), pns[↦]Ts) ⊢
⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2(this # pns[↦]Ref(a,Ds)#vs'))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3, l'')⟩"
and casts:"P ⊢ Class(last Ds)#Ts Casts Ref(a,Ds)#vs to Ref(a,Ds)#vs'"
and lengthvs':"length vs' = length vs"
by -(drule_tac vs="Ref(a,Ds)#vs" in blocksEval,auto simp:length_Suc_conv,blast)
from same_len⇩2 lengthvs'
have same_len⇩3:"length (this # pns) = length (Ref(a,Ds) # vs')" by simp
from restrict_map_upds[OF same_len⇩3,of "set(this#pns)" "l⇩2"]
have "l⇩2(this # pns[↦]Ref(a,Ds)#vs')|`(set(this#pns)) =
[this # pns[↦]Ref(a,Ds)#vs']" by simp
with eval_restrict_lcl[OF wf body fv] this_distinct same_len⇩1 same_len
have "P,E(this↦Class(last Ds), pns[↦]Ts) ⊢
⟨body,(h⇩2,[this#pns [↦] Ref(a,Ds)#vs'])⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3, l''|`(set(this#pns)))⟩"
by simp
with casts obtain l⇩2' l⇩3' vs' where
"P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs'"
and "P,E(this ↦ Class(last Ds),pns [↦] Ts) ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2')⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩3')⟩"
and "l⇩2' = [this ↦ Ref(a,Ds),pns [↦] vs']"
by(auto elim:Casts_to.cases)
ultimately have "P,E ⊢ ⟨(ref(a,Cs))∙(C::)M(map Val vs),s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩2)⟩"
by -(rule StaticCall,simp_all)
with s' id show ?case by simp
case RedCallNull
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros eval_finalsId)
case BlockRedNone
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros
simp add: fun_upd_same fun_upd_idem)
case (BlockRedSome E V T e h l e'' h' l' v s' e')
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T:=Val v; e''},(h', l'(V := l V))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
and red:"P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e,(h, l(V := None))⟩ → ⟨e'',(h', l')⟩"
and notassigned:"¬ assigned V e" and l':"l' V = Some v"
and IH:"⋀ex sx. P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e'',(h', l')⟩ ⇒ ⟨ex,sx⟩ ⟹
P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e,(h, l(V := None))⟩ ⇒ ⟨ex,sx⟩" by fact+
from l' have l'upd:"l'(V ↦ v) = l'" by (rule map_upd_triv)
from wf red l' have casts:"P ⊢ T casts v to v"
apply -
apply(erule_tac V="V" in None_lcl_casts_values)
by(simp add:fun_upd_same)+
from eval obtain h'' l''
where "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨V:=Val v;; e'',(h',l'(V:=None))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h'',l'')⟩ ∧
s' = (h'',l''(V:=l V))"
by (fastforce elim:eval_cases simp:fun_upd_same fun_upd_idem)
{ fix T' h⇩0 l⇩0 v' v''
assume eval':"P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e'',(h⇩0,l⇩0(V ↦ v''))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h'', l'')⟩"
and val:"P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨Val v,(h', l'(V := None))⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',(h⇩0,l⇩0)⟩"
and env:"(E(V ↦ T)) V = Some T'" and casts':"P ⊢ T' casts v' to v''"
from env have TeqT':"T = T'" by (simp add:fun_upd_same)
from val have eq:"v = v' ∧ h' = h⇩0 ∧ l'(V := None) = l⇩0"
by -(erule eval_cases,simp)
with casts casts' wf TeqT' have "v = v''"
by clarsimp(rule casts_casts_eq)
with eq eval'
have "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e'',(h', l'(V ↦ v))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h'', l'')⟩"
by clarsimp }
ultimately have "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e'',(h',l'(V ↦ v))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h'',l'')⟩"
and s':"s' = (h'',l''(V:=l V))"
apply auto
apply(erule eval_cases)
apply(erule eval_cases) apply auto
apply(erule eval_cases) apply auto
apply(erule eval_cases) apply auto
with l'upd have eval'':"P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e'',(h',l')⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h'',l'')⟩"
by simp
from IH[OF eval''] have "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e,(h, l(V := None))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h'', l'')⟩" .
with s' show ?case by(fastforce intro:Block)
case (InitBlockRed E V T e h l v' e'' h' l' v'' v s' e')
have eval:" P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T:=Val v''; e''},(h', l'(V := l V))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
and red:"P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e,(h, l(V ↦ v'))⟩ → ⟨e'',(h', l')⟩"
and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v to v'" and l':"l' V = Some v''"
and IH:"⋀ex sx. P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e'',(h', l')⟩ ⇒ ⟨ex,sx⟩ ⟹
P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e,(h, l(V ↦ v'))⟩ ⇒ ⟨ex,sx⟩" by fact+
from l' have l'upd:"l'(V ↦ v'') = l'" by (rule map_upd_triv)
from wf casts have "P ⊢ T casts v' to v'" by(rule casts_casts)
with wf red l' have casts':"P ⊢ T casts v'' to v''"
apply -
apply(erule_tac V="V" in Some_lcl_casts_values)
by(simp add:fun_upd_same)+
from eval obtain h'' l''
where "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨V:=Val v'';; e'',(h',l'(V:=None))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h'',l'')⟩ ∧
s' = (h'',l''(V:=l V))"
by (fastforce elim:eval_cases simp:fun_upd_same fun_upd_idem)
{ fix T' v'''
assume eval':"P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e'',(h',l'(V ↦ v'''))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h'', l'')⟩"
and env:"(E(V ↦ T)) V = Some T'" and casts'':"P ⊢ T' casts v'' to v'''"
from env have "T = T'" by (simp add:fun_upd_same)
with casts' casts'' wf have "v'' = v'''" by simp(rule casts_casts_eq)
with eval' have "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e'',(h', l'(V ↦ v''))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h'', l'')⟩" by simp }
ultimately have "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e'',(h',l'(V ↦ v''))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h'',l'')⟩"
and s':"s' = (h'',l''(V:=l V))"
by(auto elim!:eval_cases)
with l'upd have eval'':"P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e'',(h',l')⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h'',l'')⟩"
by simp
from IH[OF eval'']
have evale:"P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨e,(h, l(V ↦ v'))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h'', l'')⟩" .
from casts
have "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨V:=Val v,(h,l(V:=None))⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',(h,l(V ↦ v'))⟩"
by -(rule_tac l="l(V:=None)" in LAss,
auto intro:eval_evals.intros simp:fun_upd_same)
with evale s' show ?case by(fastforce intro:Block Seq)
case (RedBlock E V T v s s' e')
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by fact
then obtain s': "s'=s" and e': "e'=Val v"
by cases simp
obtain h l where s: "s=(h,l)" by (cases s)
have "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨Val v,(h,l(V:=None))⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h,l(V:=None))⟩"
by (rule eval_evals.intros)
hence "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T;Val v},(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h,(l(V:=None))(V:=l V))⟩"
by (rule eval_evals.Block)
thus "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; Val v},s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
using s s' e'
by simp
case (RedInitBlock T v v' E V u s s' e')
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨Val u,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v to v'" by fact+
then obtain s': "s' = s" and e': "e'=Val u" by cases simp
obtain h l where s: "s=(h,l)" by (cases s)
have val:"P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨Val v,(h,l(V:=None))⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h,l(V:=None))⟩"
by (rule eval_evals.intros)
with casts
have "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨V:=Val v,(h,l(V:=None))⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',(h,l(V ↦ v'))⟩"
by -(rule_tac l="l(V:=None)" in LAss,auto simp:fun_upd_same)
hence "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T :=Val v; Val u},(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val u,(h, (l(V↦v'))(V:=l V))⟩"
by (fastforce intro!: eval_evals.intros)
thus ?case using s s' e' by simp
case SeqRed thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedSeq thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case CondRed thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedCondT thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedCondF thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedWhile
thus ?case by (auto simp add: unfold_while intro:eval_evals.intros elim:eval_cases)
case ThrowRed thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedThrowNull
thus ?case by -(auto elim!:eval_cases intro!:eval_evals.ThrowNull eval_finalId)
case ListRed1 thus ?case by (fastforce elim: evals_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case ListRed2
thus ?case by (fastforce elim!: evals_cases eval_cases
intro: eval_evals.intros eval_finalId)
case StaticCastThrow
thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case DynCastThrow
thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case BinOpThrow1 thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case BinOpThrow2 thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case LAssThrow thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case FAccThrow thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case FAssThrow1 thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case FAssThrow2 thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case CallThrowObj thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case (CallThrowParams es vs r es' E v Copt M s s' e')
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,s⟩" by (rule eval_evals.intros)
have es: "es = map Val vs @ Throw r # es'" by fact
have eval_e: "P,E ⊢ ⟨Throw r,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by fact
then obtain s': "s' = s" and e': "e' = Throw r"
by cases (auto elim!:eval_cases)
with list_eval_Throw [OF eval_e] es
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs @ Throw r # es',s'⟩" by simp
ultimately have "P,E ⊢ ⟨Call (Val v) Copt M es,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Throw r,s'⟩"
by (rule eval_evals.CallParamsThrow)
thus ?case using e' by simp
case (BlockThrow E V T r s s' e')
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨Throw r, s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by fact
then obtain s': "s' = s" and e': "e' = Throw r"
by cases (auto elim!:eval_cases)
obtain h l where s: "s=(h,l)" by (cases s)
have "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨Throw r, (h,l(V:=None))⟩ ⇒ ⟨Throw r, (h,l(V:=None))⟩"
by (simp add:eval_evals.intros eval_finalId)
hence "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T;Throw r},(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Throw r, (h,(l(V:=None))(V:=l V))⟩"
by (rule eval_evals.Block)
thus "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T; Throw r},s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" using s s' e' by simp
case (InitBlockThrow T v v' E V r s s' e')
have "P,E ⊢ ⟨Throw r,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v to v'" by fact+
then obtain s': "s' = s" and e': "e' = Throw r"
by cases (auto elim!:eval_cases)
obtain h l where s: "s = (h,l)" by (cases s)
have "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨Val v,(h,l(V:=None))⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h,l(V:=None))⟩"
by (rule eval_evals.intros)
with casts
have "P,E(V ↦ T) ⊢ ⟨V:=Val v,(h,l(V := None))⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',(h,l(V ↦ v'))⟩"
by -(rule_tac l="l(V:=None)" in LAss,auto simp:fun_upd_same)
hence "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v; Throw r},(h,l)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Throw r, (h, (l(V↦v'))(V:=l V))⟩"
by(fastforce intro:eval_evals.intros)
thus "P,E ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v; Throw r},s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" using s s' e' by simp
case SeqThrow thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case CondThrow thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case ThrowThrow thus ?case by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
declare split_paired_All [simp] split_paired_Ex [simp]
setup ‹map_theory_claset (fn ctxt => ctxt addSbefore ("split_all_tac", split_all_tac))›
setup ‹map_theory_simpset (fn ctxt => ctxt addloop ("split_all_tac", split_all_tac))›
text ‹Its extension to ‹→*›:›
lemma extend_eval:
assumes wf: "wwf_prog P"
and reds: "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e'',s''⟩" and eval_rest: "P,E ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
shows "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
using reds eval_rest
apply (induct rule: converse_rtrancl_induct2)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (rule extend_1_eval)
apply (rule wf)
apply assumption+
lemma extend_evals:
assumes wf: "wwf_prog P"
and reds: "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [→]* ⟨es'',s''⟩" and eval_rest: "P,E ⊢ ⟨es'',s''⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩"
shows "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩"
using reds eval_rest
apply (induct rule: converse_rtrancl_induct2)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (rule extend_1_evals)
apply (rule wf)
apply assumption+
text ‹Finally, small step semantics can be simulated by big step semantics:
assumes wf: "wwf_prog P"
shows small_by_big: "⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩; final e'⟧ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
and "⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s'⟩; finals es'⟧ ⟹ P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩"
proof -
note wf
moreover assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩"
moreover assume "final e'"
then have "P,E ⊢ ⟨e',s'⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
by (rule eval_finalId)
ultimately show "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩⇒⟨e',s'⟩"
by (rule extend_eval)
note wf
moreover assume "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s'⟩"
moreover assume "finals es'"
then have "P,E ⊢ ⟨es',s'⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩"
by (rule eval_finalsId)
ultimately show "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩"
by (rule extend_evals)
subsection ‹Equivalence›
text‹And now, the crowning achievement:›
corollary big_iff_small:
"wwf_prog P ⟹
P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩ = (P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ →* ⟨e',s'⟩ ∧ final e')"
by(blast dest: big_by_small eval_final small_by_big)