Theory Coproduct_Measure_Additional

(*  Title:   Coproduct_Measure_Additional.thy
    Author:  Michikazu Hirata, Tokyo Institute of Technology
section ‹ Additional Properties ›
theory Coproduct_Measure_Additional
  imports "Coproduct_Measure"

subsection ‹ S-Finiteness›
lemma s_finite_measure_copair_measure:
  assumes "s_finite_measure M" "s_finite_measure N"
  shows "s_finite_measure (copair_measure M N)"
proof -
  note [measurable] = measurable_vimage_Inl[of _ M N] measurable_vimage_Inr[of _ M N]
  obtain Mi Ni where [measurable_cong]:
    "i. sets (Mi i) = sets M" "i. finite_measure (Mi i)" "A. M A = (i. Mi i A)"
    "i. sets (Ni i) = sets N" "i. finite_measure (Ni i)" "A. N A = (i. Ni i A)"
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) s_finite_measure.finite_measures')
  thus ?thesis
    by(auto intro!: s_finite_measureI[where Mi="λi. Mi i M Ni i"] finite_measure_copair_measure
              cong: sets_copair_measure_cong simp: emeasure_copair_measure suminf_add)

lemma s_finite_measure_coPiM:
  assumes "countable I" "i. i  I  s_finite_measure (Mi i)"
  shows "s_finite_measure (coPiM I Mi)"
proof -
  note measurable_Pair_vimage[measurable (raw)]
  consider "finite I" | "infinite I" "countable I"
    using assms by argo
  then show ?thesis
  proof cases
    assume I:"finite I"
    show ?thesis
      by(auto intro!: s_finite_measure_finite_sumI[where Mi="λi. distr (Mi i) (coPiM I Mi) (Pair i)"
                                                   and I=I,OF _ s_finite_measure.s_finite_measure_distr[OF assms(2)]]
                simp: emeasure_distr emeasure_coPiM_finite I)
    assume I:"infinite I" "countable I"
    then have [simp]:"n. from_nat_into I n  I"
      by (simp add: from_nat_into infinite_imp_nonempty)
    show ?thesis
      by(auto intro!: s_finite_measure_s_finite_sumI[where
            Mi="λn. distr (Mi (from_nat_into I n)) (coPiM I Mi) (Pair (from_nat_into I n))",
            OF _ s_finite_measure.s_finite_measure_distr[OF assms(2)]]
          simp: emeasure_distr I emeasure_coPiM_countable_infinite' coPair_inverse_space_unit[where I=I])

subsection ‹ Standardness ›
lemma standard_borel_copair_measure:
  assumes "standard_borel M" "standard_borel N"
  shows "standard_borel (M M N)"
proof -
  obtain A where A[measurable]: "A  sets borel" "A  {0<..<1::real}"
                                "M measurable_isomorphic restrict_space borel A"
    by (meson assms(1) greaterThanLessThan_borel linorder_not_le not_one_le_zero
              standard_borel.isomorphic_subset_real uncountable_open_interval)
  then obtain f f'
    where f[measurable]: "f  M M restrict_space borel A"
                         "f'  restrict_space borel A M M"
                         "x. x  space M  f' (f x) = x" "y. y  A  f (f' y) = y"
    using measurable_isomorphicD[OF A(3)] unfolding space_restrict_space by fastforce
  obtain B where B[measurable]:"B  sets borel" "B  {1<..<2::real}"
                               "N measurable_isomorphic restrict_space borel B"
    by (metis assms(2) greaterThanLessThan_borel linorder_not_le numeral_le_one_iff
              semiring_norm(69) standard_borel.isomorphic_subset_real uncountable_open_interval)
  then obtain g g'
    where g[measurable]: "g  N M restrict_space borel B"
                         "g'  restrict_space borel B M N"
                         "x. x  space N  g' (g x) = x"
                         "y. y  B  g (g' y) = y"
    using measurable_isomorphicD[OF B(3)] unfolding space_restrict_space by fastforce
  have AB:"A  B = {}"
    using A B by fastforce
  have [measurable]:"f  M M restrict_space borel (A  B)"
    using f(1) unfolding measurable_restrict_space2_iff by blast
  have [measurable]:"g  N M restrict_space borel (A  B)"
    using g(1) unfolding measurable_restrict_space2_iff by blast

  have iso:"restrict_space borel (A  B) measurable_isomorphic M M N"
  proof(safe intro!: measurable_isomorphic_byWitness)
    show "case_sum f g  M M N M restrict_space borel (A  B)"
      by(auto intro!: measurable_copair_Inl_Inr)
    show "(λr. if r  A then Inl (f' r) else if r  B then Inr (g' r) else undefined)
            restrict_space borel (A  B) M M M N" (is "?f  _")
    proof -
      have 1:
           "restrict_space (restrict_space borel (A  B)) {r. r  A} = restrict_space borel A"
           "restrict_space (restrict_space borel (A  B)) {r. r  A} = restrict_space borel B"
           "restrict_space (restrict_space borel B) {x. x  B} = restrict_space borel B"
           "restrict_space (restrict_space borel B) {x. x  B} = count_space {}"
        using AB by(auto simp: restrict_restrict_space
                      intro!: arg_cong[where f="restrict_space borel"] space_empty)
      have 2:"{r  space (restrict_space borel (A  B)). r  A} = A"
             "{x  space (restrict_space (restrict_space borel (A  B)) {r. r  A}). x  B} = B"
             "{x  space (restrict_space borel B). x  B} = B"
        using AB by (auto simp: space_restrict_space)
      show ?thesis
        by (intro measurable_If_restrict_space_iff[THEN iffD2] conjI)
           (unfold 1 2, simp_all add: sets_restrict_space_iff)
    show "x. x  space (M M N)  ?f (case_sum f g x) = x"
         "r. r  space (restrict_space borel (A  B))  case_sum f g (?f r) = r"
      using measurable_space[OF f(1)] measurable_space[OF g(1)] AB
      by (auto simp: space_copair_measure f g)
  show ?thesis
    by(auto intro!: standard_borel.measurable_isomorphic_standard[OF _ iso]
                    standard_borel.standard_borel_restrict_space[OF standard_borel_ne.standard_borel])

  shows standard_borel_ne_copair_measure1: "standard_borel_ne M  standard_borel N  standard_borel_ne (M M N)"
    and standard_borel_ne_copair_measure2: "standard_borel M  standard_borel_ne N  standard_borel_ne (M M N)"
    and standard_borel_ne_copair_measure: "standard_borel_ne M  standard_borel_ne N  standard_borel_ne (M M N)"
  by(auto simp: standard_borel_ne_def standard_borel_ne_axioms_def standard_borel_copair_measure space_copair_measure)

lemma standard_borel_coPiM:
  assumes "countable I" "i. i  I  standard_borel (Mi i)"
  shows "standard_borel (coPiM I Mi)"
proof -
  let ?I = "{iI. space (Mi i)  {}}"
  have countable_I: "countable ?I"
    using assms by auto
  define I' where "I'  to_nat_on ?I ` ?I"
  define Mn where "Mn  λn. Mi (from_nat_into ?I n)"
  have I':"countable I'" "n. n  I'  space (Mn n)  {}"
          "n. n  I'  standard_borel_ne (Mn n)"
    using countable_I from_nat_into_to_nat_on[OF countable_I] assms(2)
    by(fastforce simp: I'_def Mn_def standard_borel_ne_def standard_borel_ne_axioms_def
             simp del: from_nat_into_to_nat_on)+
  have iso1:"coPiM I Mi measurable_isomorphic coPiM I' Mn"
  proof(safe intro!: measurable_isomorphic_byWitness[where f="λ(i,x). (to_nat_on ?I i, x)"
                                                       and g="λ(n,x). (from_nat_into ?I n, x)"])
    show "(λ(i, x). (to_nat_on ?I i, x))  coPiM I Mi M coPiM I' Mn"
    proof(rule measurable_coPiM2)
      fix i
      assume i:"i  I"
      show "Pair (to_nat_on ?I i)  Mi i M coPiM I' Mn"
      proof(cases "space (Mi i) = {}")
        assume "space (Mi i)  {}"
        then show ?thesis
          by(intro measurable_compose[OF _ measurable_Pair_coPiM[where I=I']])
            (use I'_def i countable_I Mn_def in auto)
      qed(simp add: measurable_def)
    show "(λ(n,x). (from_nat_into ?I n, x))  coPiM I' Mn M coPiM I Mi"
    proof(rule measurable_coPiM2)
      fix n
      assume "n  I'"
      show "Pair (from_nat_into ?I n)  Mn n M coPiM I Mi"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) Mn_def I'_def n  I' emptyE empty_is_image
                  from_nat_into measurable_Pair_coPiM mem_Collect_eq)
  qed(auto intro!: from_nat_into_to_nat_on to_nat_on_from_nat_into simp: space_coPiM I'_def countable_I)
  have "A. A  sets borel  A  {real n<..real n + 1}  Mn n measurable_isomorphic (restrict_space borel A)"
       if n:"n  I'" for n
    using standard_borel.isomorphic_subset_real[OF
        standard_borel_ne.standard_borel[OF I'(3)[OF n] ],of "{real n<..real n + 1}"]
          uncountable_half_open_interval_2[of "real n" "real n + 1"]
    by fastforce
  then obtain An'
    where An': "n. n  I'  An' n  sets borel"
               "n. n  I'  An' n  {real n<..real n + 1}"
               "n. n  I'   Mn n measurable_isomorphic (restrict_space borel (An' n))"
    by metis
  define An where "An  λn. if n  I' then An' n else {real n + 1}"
  have An[measurable]: "n. An n  sets borel"
                       "n. An n  {real n<..real n + 1}"
                       "n. n  I'  Mn n measurable_isomorphic (restrict_space borel (An n))"
    using An' by(auto simp: An_def)
  hence disj_An:"disjoint_family An"
    unfolding disjoint_family_on_def
    by safe (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) greaterThanAtMost_iff less_le nat_less_real_le not_less order_trans subset_eq)
  obtain fn gn'
    where fg:"n. n  I'  fn n  Mn n M restrict_space borel (An n)"
             "n. n  I'  gn' n  restrict_space borel (An n) M Mn n"
             "n x. n  I'  x  space (Mn n)  gn' n (fn n x) = x"
             "n r. n  I'  r  space (restrict_space borel (An n))  fn n (gn' n r) = r"
    using measurable_isomorphicD[OF An(3)] by metis
  define gn where "gn  (λn r. if r  An n then gn' n r else (SOME x. x  space (Mn n)))"
  have gn_meas[measurable]:"gn n  borel M Mn n" if n:"n  I'" for n
    unfolding gn_def by(rule measurable_restrict_space_iff[THEN iffD1,OF _ _ fg(2)[OF n]])
                       (auto simp add: I'(2) some_in_eq that)
  have fg':"n x. n  I'  x  space (Mn n)  gn n (fn n x) = x"
           "n r. n  I'  r  An n  fn n (gn n r) = r"
    using fg measurable_space[OF fg(1)] by(auto simp: gn_def)
  have fn[measurable]:"fn n  Mn n M restrict_space borel (nI'. An n)" if n:"n  I'" for n
    using measurable_restrict_space2_iff[THEN iffD1,OF fg(1)[OF n]]
    by(auto intro!: measurable_restrict_space2 n)
  let ?f = "λ(n,x). fn n x" and ?g ="λr. (nat r - 1, gn (nat r - 1) r)"
  have iso2:"coPiM I' Mn measurable_isomorphic restrict_space borel (nI'. An n)"
  proof(safe intro!: measurable_isomorphic_byWitness)
    show "?f  coPiM I' Mn M restrict_space borel (nI'. An n)"
      by(auto intro!: measurable_coPiM2)
    show "?g  restrict_space borel (nI'. An n) M coPiM I' Mn"
    proof(safe intro!: measurable_coPiM1)
      have 1:"restrict_space borel ( (An ` I')) M count_space I'
              = restrict_space borel ( (An ` I')) M restrict_space (count_space UNIV) I'"
        by (simp add: restrict_count_space)
      show "(λx. nat x - 1)  restrict_space borel ( (An ` I')) M count_space I'"
        unfolding 1
      proof(safe intro!: measurable_restrict_space3)
        fix n r
        assume n:"n  I'" "r  An n"
        then have "real n < r" "r  real n + 1"
          using An(2) by fastforce+
        thus "nat r - 1  I'"
          by (metis n(1) add.commute diff_Suc_1 le_SucE nat_ceiling_le_eq not_less of_nat_Suc)
      qed simp
    qed(auto simp: measurable_restrict_space1)
    fix n x
    assume "(n,x)space (coPiM I' Mn)"
    then have nx:"n  I'" "x  space (Mn n)"
      by(auto simp: space_coPiM)
    have 1:"nat ?f (n,x) = n + 1"
      using measurable_space[OF fg(1)[OF nx(1)] nx(2)] An(2)[of n]
      by simp
        (metis add.commute greaterThanAtMost_iff le_SucE nat_ceiling_le_eq not_less of_nat_Suc subset_eq)
    show "?g (?f (n,x)) = (n,x)"
      unfolding 1 using fg'(1)[OF nx] by simp
    fix y
    assume "y  space (restrict_space borel ( (An ` I')))"
    then obtain n where n: "n  I'" "y  An n"
      by auto
    then have [simp]:"nat y = n + 1"
      using An(2)[of n]
      by simp (metis add.commute greaterThanAtMost_iff le_SucE nat_ceiling_le_eq not_less of_nat_Suc subset_eq)
    show "?f (?g y) = y"
      using fg'(2)[OF n(1)] n(2) by auto
  have "standard_borel (restrict_space borel ( (An ` I')))"
    by(auto intro!: standard_borel_ne.standard_borel[THEN standard_borel.standard_borel_restrict_space])
  with iso1 iso2 show ?thesis
    by (meson measurable_isomorphic_sym standard_borel.measurable_isomorphic_standard)

lemma standard_borel_ne_coPiM:
  assumes "countable I" "i. i  I  standard_borel (Mi i)"
    and "i  I" "space (Mi i)  {}"
  shows "standard_borel_ne (coPiM I Mi)"
proof -
  have "space (coPiM I Mi)  {}"
    using assms(3) assms(4) space_coPiM by fastforce
  thus ?thesis
    by(auto intro!: standard_borel_coPiM assms simp: standard_borel_ne_def standard_borel_ne_axioms_def)

subsection ‹ Relationships with Quasi-Borel Spaces›
text ‹ Proposition19(3)~\cite{Heunen_2017}›
lemma r_preserve_copair: "measure_to_qbs (copair_measure M N) = measure_to_qbs M Q measure_to_qbs N"
proof(safe intro!: qbs_eqI)
  fix α
  assume "α  qbs_Mx (measure_to_qbs (M M N))"
  then have a[measurable]: "α  borel M M M N"
    by(simp add: qbs_Mx_R)
  have s[measurable]: "α -` Inr ` space N  sets borel" "α -` Inl ` space M  sets borel"
    by(auto intro!: measurable_sets_borel[OF a])
  consider "α -` Inl ` space M  space borel = space borel"
    | "α -` Inr ` (space N)  space borel = space borel"
    | "α -` Inl ` space M  space borel  space borel"
      "α -` Inr ` (space N)  space borel  space borel"
    by blast
  then show "α  qbs_Mx (measure_to_qbs M Q measure_to_qbs N)"
  proof cases
    assume 1:"α -` Inl ` space M  space borel = space borel"
    then obtain f' where "f'  borel M M" "x. x  space borel  α x = Inl (f' x)"
      using measurable_copair_dest1[OF a] by blast
    thus ?thesis
      using 1 by(auto simp: copair_qbs_Mx copair_qbs_Mx_def qbs_Mx_R
                    intro!: bexI[where x="α -` Inr ` space N"] bexI[where x=f'])
    assume 2:"α -` Inr ` space N  space borel = space borel"
    then obtain f' where "f'  borel M N" "x. x  space borel  α x = Inr (f' x)"
      using measurable_copair_dest2[OF a] by blast
    thus ?thesis
      using 2 by(auto simp: copair_qbs_Mx copair_qbs_Mx_def qbs_Mx_R
                    intro!: bexI[where x="α -` Inr ` space N"] bexI[where x=f'])
    case 3
    then obtain f' f''
      where f[measurable]:"f'  borel M M"
                          "f''  borel M N"
                          "x. x  space borel  x  α -` Inl ` space M  α x = Inl (f' x)"
                          "x. x  space borel  x  α -` Inl ` space M  α x = Inr (f'' x)"
      using measurable_copair_dest3[OF a] by metis
    moreover have "α -` Inl ` space M  UNIV" "α -` Inl ` space M  {}"
      using 3 measurable_space[OF a] by(fastforce simp: space_copair_measure)+ 
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by(auto simp: copair_qbs_Mx copair_qbs_Mx_def qbs_Mx_R simp del: vimage_eq
            intro!: bexI[where x="α -` Inl ` space M"] bexI[where x=f'] bexI[where x=f''])
qed(auto simp: qbs_Mx_R copair_qbs_Mx copair_qbs_Mx_def)

lemma r_preserve_coproduct:
  assumes "countable I"
  shows "measure_to_qbs (coPiM I M) = (⨿Q iI. measure_to_qbs (M i))"
proof(safe intro!: qbs_eqI)
  fix α
  assume h:"α  qbs_Mx (measure_to_qbs (coPiM I M))"
  then obtain a g
    where "a  borel M count_space I"
          "i. i  I  space (M i)  {}  g i  borel M M i"
          "α = (λx. (a x, g (a x) x))"
    using measurable_coPiM1_elements[OF assms] unfolding qbs_Mx_R by blast
  thus "α  qbs_Mx (⨿Q iI. measure_to_qbs (M i))"
    using qbs_Mx_to_X[OF h]
    by(safe intro!: coPiQ_MxI) (auto simp: qbs_Mx_R qbs_space_R space_coPiM)
  fix α
  assume "α  qbs_Mx (⨿Q iI. measure_to_qbs (M i))"
  then obtain a g where "a  borel M count_space I"
                        "i. i  range a  g i  borel M M i" "α = (λx. (a x, g (a x) x))"
    unfolding coPiQ_Mx coPiQ_Mx_def qbs_Mx_R by blast
  thus "α  qbs_Mx (measure_to_qbs (coPiM I M))"
    by(auto intro!: measurable_coPiM1' simp: qbs_Mx_R assms)
