Theory System_Construction

section ‹Examples›

theory System_Construction imports

subsection ‹Random oracle resource›

locale rorc =
  fixes range :: "'r set"

fun rnd_oracle :: "('m  'r option, 'm, 'r) oracle'" where
  "rnd_oracle f m = (case f m of
    (Some  r)  return_spmf (r, f)
  | None       do { 
      r  spmf_of_set (range); 
      return_spmf (r, f(m := Some r))})"

definition "res = RES (rnd_oracle O rnd_oracle) Map.empty"


subsection ‹Key resource›

locale key =
  fixes key_gen :: "'k spmf"

fun key_oracle :: "('k option, unit, 'k) oracle'" where
  "key_oracle None     () =  do { k  key_gen; return_spmf (k, Some k)}"
| "key_oracle (Some x) () =  return_spmf (x, Some x)"

definition "res = RES (key_oracle O key_oracle) None"


subsection ‹Channel resource›

datatype 'a cstate = Void | Fail | Store 'a | Collect 'a

datatype 'a aquery = Look | ForwardOrEdit (forward_or_edit: 'a) | Drop
type_synonym 'a insec_query = "'a option aquery"
type_synonym auth_query = "unit aquery"

consts Forward :: "'a aquery"
abbreviation Forward_auth :: auth_query where "Forward_auth  ForwardOrEdit ()"
abbreviation Forward_insec :: "'a insec_query" where "Forward_insec  ForwardOrEdit None"
abbreviation Edit :: "'a  'a insec_query" where "Edit m  ForwardOrEdit (Some m)"
adhoc_overloading Forward  Forward_auth
adhoc_overloading Forward  Forward_insec

  (logic) "CONST Forward" <= (logic) "CONST ForwardOrEdit (CONST None)"
  (logic) "CONST Forward" <= (logic) "CONST ForwardOrEdit (CONST Product_Type.Unity)"
  (type) "auth_query" <= (type) "unit aquery"
  (type) "'a insec_query" <= (type) "'a option aquery"

subsubsection ‹Generic channel›

locale channel =
  fixes side_oracle :: "('m cstate, 'a, 'b option) oracle'"

fun send_oracle :: "('m cstate, 'm, unit) oracle'" where
  "send_oracle Void m = return_spmf ((), Store m)"
| "send_oracle s    m = return_spmf ((), s)"

fun recv_oracle :: "('m cstate, unit, 'm option) oracle'" where
  "recv_oracle (Collect m) () = return_spmf (Some m, Fail)"
| "recv_oracle s           () = return_spmf (None, s)"

definition res :: "('a + 'm + unit, 'b option + unit + 'm option) resource" where
  "res  RES (side_oracle O send_oracle O recv_oracle) Void"


subsubsection ‹Insecure channel›

locale insec_channel

fun insec_oracle :: "('m cstate, 'm insec_query, 'm option) oracle'" where
  "insec_oracle Void      (Edit m') = return_spmf (None, Collect m')"
| "insec_oracle (Store m) (Edit m') = return_spmf (None, Collect m')"
| "insec_oracle (Store m) Forward   = return_spmf (None, Collect m)"
| "insec_oracle (Store m) Drop      = return_spmf (None, Fail)"
| "insec_oracle (Store m) Look      = return_spmf (Some m, Store m)"
| "insec_oracle s         _         = return_spmf (None, s)"

sublocale channel insec_oracle .


subsubsection ‹Authenticated channel›

locale auth_channel

fun auth_oracle :: "('m cstate, auth_query, 'm option) oracle'" where
  "auth_oracle (Store m) Forward = return_spmf (None, Collect m)"
| "auth_oracle (Store m) Drop    = return_spmf (None, Fail)"
| "auth_oracle (Store m) Look    = return_spmf (Some m, Store m)"
| "auth_oracle s         _       = return_spmf (None, s)"

sublocale channel auth_oracle .


fun insec_query_of :: "auth_query  'm insec_query" where
  "insec_query_of Forward = Forward"
| "insec_query_of Drop = Drop"
| "insec_query_of Look = Look"

abbreviation (input) auth_response_of :: "('mac × 'm) option  'm option" 
  where "auth_response_of  map_option snd"

abbreviation insec_auth_wiring :: "(auth_query, 'm option, ('mac × 'm) insec_query, ('mac × 'm) option) wiring"
  where "insec_auth_wiring  (insec_query_of, auth_response_of)"

subsubsection ‹Secure channel›

locale sec_channel

fun sec_oracle :: "('a list cstate, auth_query, nat option) oracle'" where
  "sec_oracle (Store m) Forward = return_spmf (None, Collect m)"
| "sec_oracle (Store m) Drop    = return_spmf (None, Fail)"
| "sec_oracle (Store m) Look    = return_spmf (Some (length m), Store m)"
| "sec_oracle s         _       = return_spmf (None, s)"

sublocale channel sec_oracle .


abbreviation (input) auth_query_of :: "auth_query  auth_query"
  where "auth_query_of  id"

abbreviation (input) sec_response_of :: "'a list option  nat option"
  where "sec_response_of  map_option length"

abbreviation auth_sec_wiring :: "(auth_query, nat option, auth_query, 'a list option) wiring"
  where "auth_sec_wiring  (auth_query_of, sec_response_of)"

subsection ‹Cipher converter›

locale cipher =
  AUTH: auth_channel + KEY: key key_alg 
  for key_alg :: "'k spmf" +
  fixes enc_alg :: "'k  'm  'c spmf"
    and dec_alg :: "'k  'c  'm option"

definition enc :: "('m, unit, unit + 'c, 'k + unit) converter" where
  "enc  CNV (stateless_callee (λm. do {
    k  Pause (Inl ()) Done;
    c  lift_spmf (enc_alg (projl k) m);
    (_ :: 'k + unit)  Pause (Inr c) Done;
    Done (()) 
  })) ()"

definition dec :: "(unit, 'm option, unit + unit, 'k + 'c option) converter" where
  "dec  CNV (stateless_callee (λ_. Pause (Inr ()) (λc'. 
    case c' of Inr (Some c)  (do {
      k  Pause (Inl ()) Done;
      Done (dec_alg (projl k) c) })
    | _  Done None)
  )) ()"

definition πE :: "(auth_query, 'c option, auth_query, 'c option) converter" (πE) where
  "πE  1C"

definition "routing  (1C |= lassocrC)  swap_lassocr  (1C |= (1C |= swap_lassocr)  swap_lassocr)  rassoclC"

definition "res = (1C |= enc |= dec)  (1C |= parallel_wiring)  parallel_resource1_wiring  (KEY.res  AUTH.res)"

lemma res_alt_def: "res = ((1C |= enc |= dec)  (1C |= parallel_wiring))  parallel_resource1_wiring  (KEY.res  AUTH.res)"
  by(simp add: res_def attach_compose)


subsection ‹Message authentication converter›

locale macode = 
  INSEC: insec_channel + RO: rorc range 
  for   range :: "'r set" +
  fixes mac_alg :: "'r  'm  'a spmf"

definition enm :: "('m, unit, 'm + ('a × 'm), 'r + unit) converter" where
  "enm  CNV (λbs m. if bs 
    then Done ((), True)
    else do {
      r  Pause (Inl m) Done;
      a  lift_spmf (mac_alg (projl r) m);
      (_ :: 'r + unit)  Pause (Inr (a, m)) Done;
      Done ((), True)
    }) False"

definition dem :: "(unit, 'm option, 'm + unit, 'r + ('a × 'm) option) converter" where
  "dem  CNV (stateless_callee (λ_. Pause (Inr ()) (λam'. 
    case am' of Inr (Some (a, m))  (do {
      r  Pause (Inl m) Done;
      a'  lift_spmf (mac_alg (projl r) m);    
      Done (if a' = a then Some m else None) })
    | _  Done None)
  )) ()"

definition πE :: "(('a × 'm) insec_query, ('a × 'm) option, ('a × 'm) insec_query, ('a × 'm) option) converter" (πE) where
  "πE  1C"

definition "routing  (1C |= lassocrC)  swap_lassocr  (1C |= (1C |= swap_lassocr)  swap_lassocr)  rassoclC"

definition "res = (1C |= enm |= dem)  (1C |= parallel_wiring)  parallel_resource1_wiring  (RO.res  INSEC.res)"


lemma interface_wiring:
  "(cnv_advr |= cnv_send |= cnv_recv)  (1C |= parallel_wiring)  parallel_resource1_wiring  
  (RES (res2_send O res2_recv) res2_s  RES (res1_advr O res1_send O res1_recv) res1_s)
  cnv_advr |= cnv_send |= cnv_recv 
  RES (res1_advr O (res2_send O res1_send) O res2_recv O res1_recv) (res2_s, res1_s)"
  (is "_  ?L1  ?L2  ?L3 = _  ?R")
proof -
  let ?wiring = "(id, id) |w  (lassocrw w ((id, id) |w (rassoclw w (swapw |w (id, id) w lassocrw)) 
    w rassoclw)) w (rassoclw w (swapw |w (id, id) w lassocrw))"

  have "?L1  ?L2  ?L3 = ?L1  ?L2 
    RES ((res2_send O res2_recv) O res1_advr O res1_send O res1_recv) (res2_s, res1_s)" (is "_ = _  RES(?O) ?S") 
    unfolding attach_compose[symmetric] resource_of_parallel_oracle[symmetric]
    by (simp only: parallel_oracle_conv_plus_oracle extend_state_oracle_plus_oracle extend_state_oracle2_plus_oracle)
  also have " = RES(apply_wiring ?wiring ?O) ?S"
    by (rule attach_wiring_resource_of_oracle, simp only: parallel_wiring_def parallel_resource1_wiring_def swap_lassocr_def)
      ((rule wiring_intro WT_resource_of_oracle WT_plus_oracleI WT_callee_full)+, simp_all)
  also have " = ?R" by simp
  finally show ?thesis by (rule arg_cong2[where f="attach", OF refl]) 

(* prevent the simplifier from rewriting id and restructuring the equations *)
definition id' where "id' = id"
