Theory Observing_Quorums_Opt

section ‹The Optimized Observing Quorums Model›

theory Observing_Quorums_Opt
imports Observing_Quorums

subsection ‹Model definition›

record opt_obsv_state = 
  next_round :: round 
  decisions :: "(process, val)map"
  last_obs :: "(process, val)map"

context mono_quorum

definition opt_obs_safe where
  "opt_obs_safe obs_f v  p. obs_f p  {None, Some v}"

definition olv_round where
  "olv_round r S v r_decisions Ob  {(s, s').
    ― ‹guards›
    r = next_round s
     (S  {}  opt_obs_safe (last_obs s) v)
     (S  Quorum  Ob = UNIV)
     d_guard r_decisions (const_map v S)
     (Ob  {}  S  {})
     ― ‹actions›
    s' = s 
     next_round := Suc r
     , decisions := decisions s ++ r_decisions
     , last_obs := last_obs s ++ const_map v Ob

definition olv_init where
  "olv_init = {  next_round = 0, decisions = Map.empty, last_obs = Map.empty  }"

definition olv_trans :: "(opt_obsv_state × opt_obsv_state) set" where
  "olv_trans = (r S v D Ob. olv_round r S v D Ob)  Id"

definition olv_TS :: "opt_obsv_state TS" where
  "olv_TS =  init = olv_init, trans = olv_trans "

lemmas olv_TS_defs = olv_TS_def olv_init_def olv_trans_def

subsection ‹Refinement›

definition olv_ref_rel where
  "olv_ref_rel  {(sa, sc).
    next_round sc = v_state.next_round sa
     decisions sc = v_state.decisions sa
     last_obs sc = map_option snd o process_mru (obsv_state.obs sa)

lemma OV_inv2_finite_map_graph:
   "s  OV_inv2  finite (map_graph (case_prod (obsv_state.obs s)))"
  apply(rule finite_dom_finite_map_graph)
  apply(rule finite_subset[where B="{0..< v_state.next_round s} × UNIV"])
   apply(auto simp add: OV_inv2_def dom_def not_le[symmetric])

lemma OV_inv2_finite_obs_set:
   "s  OV_inv2  finite (vote_set (obsv_state.obs s) Q)"
   apply(drule OV_inv2_finite_map_graph)
   apply(clarsimp simp add: map_graph_def fun_graph_def vote_set_def)
   apply(erule finite_surj[where f="λ((r, a), v). (r, v)"])
   by(force simp add: image_def)   

lemma olv_round_refines:
  "{olv_ref_rel  (OV_inv2  OV_inv3  OV_inv4) × UNIV} obsv_round r S v D Ob, olv_round r S v D Ob {>olv_ref_rel}"
proof(clarsimp simp add: PO_rhoare_defs)
  fix sa :: obsv_state and sc sc'
    ainv: "sa  OV_inv2" "sa  OV_inv3" "sa  OV_inv4"
    and step: "(sc, sc')  olv_round r S v D Ob"
    and R: "(sa, sc)  olv_ref_rel"

  ― ‹Abstract guard.›
  have "S  {}  obs_safe (v_state.next_round sa) sa v"
  proof(rule impI, rule ccontr)
    assume S_nonempty: "S  {}" and no_Q: "¬ obs_safe (v_state.next_round sa) sa v"
    from no_Q obtain r_w w where 
      r_w: "r_w < v_state.next_round sa"
      and all_obs: "p. obsv_state.obs sa r_w p = Some w"
      and diff: "w  v" using ainv(3)[THEN OV_inv4D]
      by(simp add: obs_safe_def)  (metis)
    from diff step R obtain p where 
      p_w: "S  {}  (map_option snd  process_mru (obsv_state.obs sa)) p  Some w"
      by (simp add: opt_obs_safe_def quorum_for_def olv_round_def  olv_ref_rel_def)  
       (metis option.distinct(1) option.sel snd_conv)
    from all_obs have nempty: "vote_set (obsv_state.obs sa) {p}  {}" 
      by(auto simp add:  vote_set_def)
    then obtain r_w' w' where w': "process_mru (obsv_state.obs sa) p = Some (r_w', w')"
      by (simp add: process_mru_def mru_of_set_def) 
        (metis option_Max_by_def surj_pair)
    hence max: "(r_w', w') = Max_by fst (vote_set (obsv_state.obs sa) {p})"
      by(auto simp add: process_mru_def mru_of_set_def option_Max_by_def)
    hence w'_obs: "(r_w', w')  vote_set (obsv_state.obs sa) {p}" 
      using Max_by_in[OF OV_inv2_finite_obs_set[OF ainv(1), of "{p}"] nempty]
      by fastforce
    have "r_w  r_w'" using all_obs
      apply -
      apply(rule Max_by_ge[OF OV_inv2_finite_obs_set[OF ainv(1), of "{p}"], of "(r_w, w)" fst, 
                            simplified max[symmetric], simplified])
      apply(auto simp add: quorum_for_def vote_set_def)
    moreover have "w'  w" using p_w w' S_nonempty
    ultimately have "r_w < r_w'" using all_obs w'_obs
      apply(elim le_neq_implies_less)
      apply(auto simp add: quorum_for_def vote_set_def)
    thus False using ainv(2)[THEN OV_inv3D] w'_obs all_obs w'  w
      by(fastforce simp add: vote_set_def obs_safe_def)

  ― ‹Action refinement.›
  moreover have 
    "(map_option snd  process_mru (obsv_state.obs sa)) ++ const_map v Ob =
      map_option snd  process_mru ((obsv_state.obs sa)(v_state.next_round sa := const_map v Ob))"
    from sa  OV_inv2[THEN OV_inv2D] 
    have empty: "r'v_state.next_round sa. obsv_state.obs sa r' = Map.empty"
      by simp
    show ?thesis
      by(auto simp add: map_add_def const_map_def restrict_map_def process_mru_new_votes[OF empty])

  ultimately show "sa'. (sa, sa')  obsv_round r S v D Ob  (sa', sc')  olv_ref_rel" 
    using R step
    by(clarsimp simp add: obsv_round_def olv_round_def olv_ref_rel_def)


lemma OLV_Refines:
  "PO_refines (olv_ref_rel  (OV_inv2  OV_inv3  OV_inv4) × UNIV) obsv_TS olv_TS"
proof(rule refine_using_invariants)
  show "init olv_TS  olv_ref_rel `` init obsv_TS"
    by(auto simp add: obsv_TS_defs olv_TS_defs olv_ref_rel_def process_mru_def mru_of_set_def
      vote_set_def option_Max_by_def intro!: ext)
    "{olv_ref_rel  (OV_inv2  OV_inv3  OV_inv4) × UNIV} TS.trans obsv_TS, TS.trans olv_TS {> olv_ref_rel}"
    by(auto simp add: PO_refines_def obsv_TS_defs olv_TS_defs 
      intro!: olv_round_refines)
qed (auto intro: OV_inv2_inductive OV_inv3_inductive OV_inv4_inductive
  OV_inv2_inductive(1)[THEN subsetD] OV_inv3_inductive(1)[THEN subsetD] 
  OV_inv4_inductive(1)[THEN subsetD])

