Theory DDLcube

section  ‹Shallow Embedding of \AA qvist's system {\bf E}›

  text ‹This is Aqvist's system E from the 2019 IfColog paper \cite{J45}.›

subsection  ‹System {\bf E}›

theory DDLcube 
  imports Main  (*** Benzmueller/Parent 2024 ***)

nitpick_params [user_axioms,show_all,format=2]  ―‹Settings for model finder Nitpick›

typedecl i  ―‹Possible worlds›
type_synonym σ = "(ibool)"
type_synonym α = "iσ"  ―‹Type of betterness relation between worlds›
type_synonym τ = "σσ"

consts aw::i  ―‹Actual world›
abbreviation etrue  :: "σ" ("") where "  λw. True" 
abbreviation efalse :: "σ" ("")  where "  λw. False"   
abbreviation enot :: "σσ" ("¬_"[52]53)  where "¬φ  λw. ¬φ(w)" 
abbreviation eand :: "σσσ" (infixr""51) where "φψ  λw. φ(w)ψ(w)"   
abbreviation eor  :: "σσσ" (infixr""50) where "φψ  λw. φ(w)ψ(w)"   
abbreviation eimpf :: "σσσ" (infixr""49) where "φψ  λw. φ(w)ψ(w)"  
abbreviation eimpb :: "σσσ" (infixr""49) where "φψ  λw. ψ(w)φ(w)"  
abbreviation eequ :: "σσσ" (infixr""48) where "φψ  λw. φ(w)ψ(w)" 

abbreviation ebox :: "σσ" ("") where "φ  λw. v. φ(v)"  
abbreviation ddediomond  :: "σσ" ("") where "φ  λw. v. φ(v)"

abbreviation evalid :: "σbool" ("_"[8]109)  ―‹Global validity›
  where "p  w. p w"
abbreviation ecjactual :: "σbool" ("_l"[7]105)  ―‹Local validity — in world aw›
  where "pl  p(aw)"

consts r :: "α" (infixr "r" 70)  ―‹Betterness relation›

abbreviation esubset :: "σσbool" (infix "" 53)
  where "φ  ψ  x. φ x  ψ x"

  text ‹We introduce the opt and max rules. These express two candidate truth-conditions for
conditional obligation and permission.›

abbreviation eopt  :: "σσ" ("opt<_>")  ―‹opt rule›
  where "opt<φ>  (λv. ( (φ)(v)  (x. ((φ)(x)  v r x) )) )" 
abbreviation econdopt :: "σσσ" ("⊙<_|_>")
  where "⊙<ψ|φ>   λw. opt<φ>  ψ"
abbreviation eperm :: "σσσ" ("𝒫<_|_>") 
  where "𝒫<ψ|φ>  ¬⊙<¬ψ|φ>" ―‹permission is the dual of obligation›

abbreviation emax  :: "σσ" ("max<_>")  ―‹max rule›
  where "max<φ>  (λv. ( (φ)(v)  (x. ((φ)(x)  (x r v   v r x)) )) )" 
abbreviation econd  :: "σσσ" ("○<_|_>")
  where "○<ψ|φ>   λw. max<φ>  ψ"
abbreviation euncobl :: "σσ" ("<_>")   
  where "<φ>  ○<φ|>" 
abbreviation ddeperm :: "σσσ" ("P<_|_>") 
  where "P<ψ|φ> ¬○<¬ψ|φ>"

  text ‹A first consistency check is performed.›

lemma True 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,satisfy] ―‹model found›

  text ‹We show that the max-rule and opt-rule do not coincide.›

lemma "⊙<ψ|φ>  ○<ψ|φ>" 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=1] ―‹counterexample found›

  text ‹David Lewis's truth conditions for the deontic modalities are introduced.›

abbreviation lewcond :: "σσσ"  ("∘<_|_>")
  where "∘<ψ|φ>  λv. (¬(x. (φ)(x))  
        (x. ((φ)(x)(ψ)(x)  (y. ((y r x)  (φ)(y)(ψ)(y))))))"
abbreviation lewperm :: "σσσ" ("∫<_|_>") 
  where "∫<ψ|φ> ¬∘<¬ψ|φ>"

  text ‹Kratzer's truth conditions for the deontic modalities are introduced.›

abbreviation kratcond :: "σσσ"  ("⊖<_|_>")
  where "⊖<ψ|φ>  λv. ((x. ((φ)(x)  
     (y. ((φ)(y)(y r x)  ((z. ((z r y)  (φ)(z)  (ψ)(z)))))))))"
abbreviation kratperm :: "σσσ" ("×<_|_>") 
  where "×<ψ|φ> ¬⊖<¬ψ|φ>"

subsection ‹Properties›

  text ‹Extensions of {\bf E} are obtained by putting suitable constraints on the betterness relation.›

  text ‹These are the standard properties of the betterness relation.›

abbreviation "reflexivity   (x. x r x)"
abbreviation "transitivity  (x y z. (x r y  y r z)  x r z)"
abbreviation "totality  (x y. (x r y  y r x))"

  text ‹4 versions of Lewis's limit assumption can be distinguished.›

abbreviation "mlimitedness  (φ. (x. (φ)x)  (x. max<φ>x))"

abbreviation "msmoothness 
   (φ x. ((φ)x  (max<φ>x  (y. (y r x  ¬(x r y)  max<φ>y)))))"

abbreviation "olimitedness  (φ. (x. (φ)x)  (x. opt<φ>x))"

abbreviation "osmoothness 
   (φ x. ((φ)x  (opt<φ>x  (y. (y r x  ¬(x r y)  opt<φ>y)))))"

  text ‹Weaker forms of transitivity can be defined. They require the notion of
transitive closure.›

definition transitive :: "αbool"
  where "transitive Rel  x y z. Rel x y   Rel y z  Rel x z"

definition sub_rel :: "ααbool" 
  where "sub_rel Rel1 Rel2  u v. Rel1 u v  Rel2 u v"

definition assfactor::"αα"
  where "assfactor Rel  λu v. Rel u v  ¬Rel v u "

  text ‹In HOL the transitive closure of a relation can be defined in a single line - Here 
we apply the construction to the betterness relation and its strict variant.›

definition tcr  
  where "tcr  λx y. Q. transitive Q  (sub_rel r Q  Q x y)"

definition tcr_strict
  where "tcr_strict  λx y. Q. transitive Q 
                                (sub_rel (λu v. u r v  ¬v r u) Q  Q x y)"

  text ‹Quasi-transitivity requires the strict betterness relation is transitive.›

abbreviation Quasitransit 
  where "Quasitransit   x y z. (assfactor r x y   
                    assfactor r y z)  assfactor r x z"

  text ‹Suzumura consistency requires that cycles with at least  one  non-strict betterness link are ruled out.›

abbreviation Suzumura  
  where "Suzumura  x y. tcr x y  (y r x  x r y)"

theorem T1: "Suzumura  x y. tcr x y  ¬ (y r x  ¬ (x r y))" by simp

  text ‹Acyclicity requires that cycles where all the links are strict are ruled out.›

abbreviation loopfree
  where "loopfree  x y. tcr_strict x y  (y r x  x r y)"

  text ‹Interval order is the combination of reflexivity and Ferrers.›
abbreviation Ferrers
  where "Ferrers  (x y z u. (x r u  y r z)  (x r z  y r u))"

theorem T2:
  assumes Ferrers and reflexivity  ―‹fact overlooked in the literature›
  shows totality
  by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2)) 

  text ‹We study the relationships between these candidate weakenings of transitivity.›

theorem T3: 
  assumes transitivity 
  shows "Suzumura"
  by (metis assms sub_rel_def tcr_def transitive_def)
theorem T4:
  assumes transitivity 
  shows Quasitransit
  by (metis assfactor_def assms) 

theorem T5:
  assumes Suzumura
  shows loopfree
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms sub_rel_def tcr_def tcr_strict_def)

theorem T6: 
  assumes Quasitransit 
  shows loopfree
  by (smt (verit, best) assfactor_def assms sub_rel_def tcr_strict_def transitive_def)

theorem T7: 
  assumes reflexivity and Ferrers 
  shows Quasitransit
  by (metis assfactor_def assms) 

section  ‹Meta-Logical Study›

subsection ‹Correspondence - Max rule›

  text ‹The inference rules of {\bf E} preserve validity in all models.›

lemma MP: "φ; φ  ψ  ψ" 
  by simp

lemma NEC: "φ  φ" 
  by simp

  text @{term ""} is an S5 modality›

lemma C_1_refl: "φ  φ" 
  by simp

lemma C_1_trans: "φ  ((φ))" 
  by simp

lemma C_1_sym: "φ  ((φ))"  
  by simp

  text ‹All the axioms of {\bf E} hold - they do not correspond to a property of the betterness relation.›

lemma Abs: "○<ψ|φ>  ○<ψ|φ>" 
  by blast 

lemma Nec: "ψ  ○<ψ|φ>" 
  by blast 

lemma Ext: "(φ1φ2)  (○<ψ|φ1>  ○<ψ|φ2>)"  
  by simp

lemma Id: "○<φ|φ>"  
  by blast 

lemma Sh: "○<ψ|φ1φ2>  ○<(φ2ψ)|φ1>" 
  by blast 

lemma COK:"○<(ψ1ψ2)|φ>  (○<ψ1|φ>  ○<ψ2|φ>)" 
  by blast

  text ‹The axioms of the stronger systems do not hold in general.›

lemma "φ  (○<ψ|φ>  P<ψ|φ>)" 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=3]  ―‹counterexample found›

lemma "(○<ψ|φ>  ○<χ|φ>)  ○<χ|φψ>"
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=3]  ―‹counterexample found›

lemma "○<χ|(φψ)>  ((○<χ|φ>)  (○<χ|ψ>))"
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=3]  ―‹counterexample found›

  text ‹Now we identify a number of correspondences under the max rule. Only the direction property => axiom is verified.›

  text ‹Max-limitedness corresponds to D*, the distinctive axiom of {\bf F}. The first implies the second,
but not the other around.›

theorem T8: 
  assumes mlimitedness
  shows  "D*": "φ  ○<ψ|φ>  P<ψ|φ>"  
  by (metis assms)

  assumes "D*": "φ  ¬(○<ψ|φ>  ○<¬ψ|φ>)"
  shows mlimitedness 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=3]  ―‹counterexample found›

  text ‹Smoothness implies cautious monotony, the distinctive axiom of {\bf F}+(CM), but not the other
way around.›

theorem T9: 
  assumes msmoothness    
  shows CM: "(○<ψ|φ>  ○<χ|φ>)  ○<χ|φψ>" 
  using assms by force 

  assumes CM: "(○<ψ|φ>  ○<χ|φ>)  ○<χ|φψ>"
  shows  msmoothness
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=3]  ―‹counterexample found›

  text ‹Interval order corresponds to disjunctive rationality, the distinctive axiom of {\bf F}+(DR), but not the
other way around.›

  assumes reflexivity
  shows  DR: "○<χ|φψ>  (○<χ|φ>  ○<χ|ψ>)" 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=3]  ―‹counterexample found›

theorem T10: 
  assumes reflexivity and Ferrers
  shows  DR: "○<χ|(φψ)>  (○<χ|φ>  ○<χ|ψ>)" 
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2))
  assumes DR: "○<χ|φψ>  (○<χ|φ>  ○<χ|ψ>)" 
  shows reflexivity 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=1]  ―‹counterexample found› 

  assumes DR: "○<χ|φψ>(○<χ|φ>  ○<χ|ψ>)" 
  shows Ferrers  
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=2]  ―‹counterexample found›

  text ‹Transitivity and totality jointly correspond to the Spohn axiom (Sp), the distinctive axiom of system  {\bf G}, but not vice-versa. They also jointly correspond to a
 principle of transitivity for the betterness relation on formulas, but the converse fails.›

  assumes transitivity
  shows  Sp: "( P<ψ|φ>  ○<(ψχ)|φ>)  ○<χ|(φψ)>" 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=3] ―‹counterexample found› 

  assumes totality
  shows  Sp: "( P<ψ|φ>  ○<(ψχ)|φ>)  ○<χ|(φψ)>" 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=3] ―‹counterexample found›

theorem T11: 
  assumes transitivity and totality
  shows  Sp: "( P<ψ|φ>  ○<(ψχ)|φ>)  ○<χ|(φψ)>" 
  by (metis assms)

theorem T12: 
  assumes transitivity and totality
  shows  transit: "( P<φ|φψ>  P<ψ|ψχ>)  P<φ|(φχ)>" 
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2))
  assumes  Sp: "( P<ψ|φ>  ○<(ψχ)|φ>)  ○<χ|(φψ)>" 
  shows totality   
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=1] ―‹counterexample found› 

  assumes  Sp: "( P<ψ|φ>  ○<(ψχ)|φ>)  ○<χ|(φψ)>" 
  shows transitivity 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=2] ―‹counterexample found› 

subsection ‹Correspondence - Opt Rule›

  text ‹Opt-limitedness corresponds to D, but not vice-versa.›

theorem T13: 
  assumes olimitedness   
  shows  D: "φ  ⊙<ψ|φ>  𝒫<ψ|φ>"   
  by (simp add: assms) 

  assumes D: "φ  ⊙<ψ|φ>  𝒫<ψ|φ>"         
  shows olimitedness   
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=1] ―‹counterexample found›  

  text ‹Smoothness implies cautious monotony, but not vice-versa.›

theorem T14: 
  assumes osmoothness   
  shows CM': "( ⊙<ψ|φ>  ⊙<χ|φ> )  ⊙<χ|φψ>"   
  using assms by force 

  assumes CM: "( ⊙<ψ|φ>  ⊙<χ|φ> )  ⊙<χ|φψ>" 
  shows  osmoothness 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=1] ―‹counterexample found›
  text ‹Transitivity (on worlds) implies Sp and transitivity (on formulas), but not vice-versa.›

theorem T15: 
  assumes transitivity   
  shows  Sp': "( 𝒫<ψ|φ>  ⊙<(ψχ)|φ>)  ⊙<χ|(φψ)>"   
  by (metis assms) 

theorem T16: 
  assumes transitivity    
  shows  Trans': "( 𝒫<φ|φψ>  𝒫<ψ|ψξ> ) 𝒫<φ|φξ>"   
  by (metis assms) 

  assumes Sp: "( 𝒫<ψ|φ>  ⊙<(ψχ)|φ> )  ⊙<χ|(φψ)>"
  assumes Trans: "( 𝒫<φ|φψ>  𝒫<ψ|ψξ> )  𝒫<φ|φξ>"
  shows transitivity    
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=2] ―‹counterexample found›

  text ‹Interval order implies disjunctive rationality, but not vice-versa.›

  assumes reflexivity
  shows  DR': "⊙<χ|φψ>  (⊙<χ|φ>  ⊙<χ|ψ>)"   
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=3] ―‹counterexample found›   

theorem T17: 
  assumes reflexivity and Ferrers
  shows  DR': "⊙<χ|φψ>  (⊙<χ|φ>  ⊙<χ|ψ>)"   
  by (metis assms(2))
  assumes DR: "⊙<χ|φψ>  (⊙<χ|φ>  ⊙<χ|ψ>)" 
  shows reflexivity   
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=1] ―‹counterexample found›  

  assumes DR: "⊙<χ|φψ>  (⊙<χ|φ>  ⊙<χ|ψ>)" 
  shows Ferrers  
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=2] ―‹counterexample found›

subsection ‹Correspondence - Lewis' rule›

  text ‹We have deontic explosion under the max rule.›

theorem DEX: "(φ  ○<ψ|φ>  ○<¬ψ|φ>)  ○<χ|φ>" 
  by blast  

  text ‹But no deontic explosion under Lewis' rule.›

lemma DEX: "(φ  ∘<ψ|φ>  ∘<¬ψ|φ>)  ∘<χ|φ>"
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=2] ―‹counterexample found› 

  text ‹The three rules are equivalent when the betterness relation  meets all the standard properties.›

theorem T18:
  assumes mlimitedness and transitivity and totality
  shows "∘<ψ|φ>⊙<ψ|φ>"   
  by (smt (z3) assms)

theorem T19: 
  assumes mlimitedness and transitivity and totality
  shows "∘<ψ|φ>○<ψ|φ>" 
  by (smt (z3) assms) 

  text ‹These are the axioms of {\bf E} that do not call for a property.›

theorem Abs': "∘<ψ|φ>  ∘<ψ|φ>"   
  by auto

theorem Nec': "ψ  ∘<ψ|φ>"  
  by auto

theorem Ext': "(φ1φ2)  (∘<ψ|φ1>  ∘<ψ|φ2>)"  
  by auto

theorem Id': "∘<φ|φ>" 
  by auto

theorem Sh': "∘<ψ|φ1φ2>  ∘<(φ2ψ)|φ1>" 
  by auto

  text ‹One axiom of {\bf E}, and the distinctive axioms of its extensions are invalidated in the absence of 
a property of the betterness relation.›

lemma D: "φ  (∘<ψ|φ>  ∫<ψ|φ>)"
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=2] ―‹counterexample found› 

lemma Sp: "( ∫<ψ|φ>  ∘<(ψχ)|φ>)  ∘<χ|(φψ)>" 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=3] ―‹counterexample found› 

lemma COK:"∘<(ψ1ψ2)|φ>  (∘<ψ1|φ>  ∘<ψ2|φ>)" 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=2] ―‹counterexample found› 

lemma CM: "(∘<ψ|φ>∘<χ|φ>) ∘<χ|φψ>" 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=2] ―‹counterexample found› 

  text ‹Totality implies the distinctive axiom of {\bf F}, but not vice-versa.›

theorem T20:
  assumes totality
  shows "φ  (∘<ψ|φ>  ∫<ψ|φ>)" 
  using assms by blast

  assumes  "φ  (∘<ψ|φ>  ∫<ψ|φ>)" 
  shows totality
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=3] ―‹counterexample found› 

  text ‹Transitivity implies the distinctive axioms of {\bf G}, but not vice-versa.›

theorem T21:
  assumes transitivity
  shows Sp'': "(∫<ψ|φ>  ∘<(ψχ)|φ>)  ∘<χ|(φψ)>"   
  using assms by blast 

theorem T22:
  assumes transitivity
  shows  Tr'': "(∫<φ|φψ>∫<ψ|ψχ>) ∫<φ|φχ>" 
  using assms by blast

  assumes Sp'': "( ∫<ψ|φ>  ∘<(ψχ)|φ>)  ∘<χ|(φψ)>"  
  shows transitivity
  nitpick  ―‹counterexample found› 

  assumes  Tr'': "(∫<φ|φψ>∫<ψ|ψχ>) ∫<φ|φχ>" 
  shows transitivity
  nitpick  ―‹counterexample found› 

  assumes transitivity
  shows COK:"∘<(ψ1ψ2)|φ>  (∘<ψ1|φ>  ∘<ψ2|φ>)" 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=2] ―‹counterexample found› 

  assumes totality
  shows COK:"∘<(ψ1ψ2)|φ>  (∘<ψ1|φ>  ∘<ψ2|φ>)" 
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=3] ―‹counterexample found› 

  text ‹Transitivity and totality imply an axiom of {\bf E} and the distinctive axiom of {\bf F}+CM,
but not vice-versa.›

theorem T23:
  assumes transitivity and totality
  shows COK':"∘<(ψ1ψ2)|φ>  (∘<ψ1|φ>  ∘<ψ2|φ>)" 
  by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) assms(1) assms(2)) 

  assumes COK':"∘<(ψ1ψ2)|φ>  (∘<ψ1|φ>  ∘<ψ2|φ>)" 
  shows transitivity and totality
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=3] ―‹counterexample found› 

theorem T24:
  assumes transitivity and totality
  shows CM'': "(∘<ψ|φ>∘<χ|φ>) ∘<χ|φψ>" 
  by (metis assms)

  assumes  CM'': "(∘<ψ|φ>∘<χ|φ>) ∘<χ|φψ>" 
  shows transitivity and totality
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=3] ―‹counterexample found› 

  text ‹Under the opt rule transitivity alone imply Sp and Trans, but not vice-versa.›

theorem T25:
  assumes transitivity 
  shows "(𝒫<ψ|φ>  ⊙<(ψχ)|φ>)  ⊙<χ|(φψ)>"   
  by (metis assms) 

  assumes "transitivity"    
  shows  "(𝒫<φ|φψ>  𝒫<ξ|ψξ>)𝒫<ξ|φξ>"   
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=2]  ―‹counterexample found› 

  assumes Sp: "( 𝒫<ψ|φ>  ⊙<(ψχ)|φ>)  ⊙<χ|(φψ)>"
          and  Trans: "(𝒫<φ|φψ>  𝒫<ξ|ψξ>)𝒫<ξ|φξ>"
  shows transitivity    
  nitpick [expect=genuine,card i=2]  ―‹counterexample found› 
