Theory Cantelli_Inequality

section ‹Cantelli's Inequality›

text ‹Cantelli's inequality~\cite{cantelli1929sui} is an improvement of Chebyshev's inequality for
one-sided tail bounds.›

theory Cantelli_Inequality
  imports "HOL-Probability.Probability"

context prob_space

lemma cantelli_arith:
  assumes "a > (0::real)"
  shows "(V + (V / a)^2) / (a + (V / a))^2 = V / (a ^2 + V)" (is "?L = ?R")
proof -
  have "?L = ((V * a^2 + V^2) / a^2) / ((a^2 + V)^2/a^2)"
    using assms by (intro arg_cong2[where f="(/)"]) (simp_all add:field_simps power2_eq_square)
  also have "... = (V * a2 + V2)/ (a2 + V)2"
    using assms unfolding divide_divide_times_eq by simp
  also have "... = V * (a^2 + V) / (a^2 + V)^2"
    by (intro arg_cong2[where f="(/)"]) (simp_all add: algebra_simps power2_eq_square)
  also have "... = ?R" by (simp add:power2_eq_square)
  finally show ?thesis by simp

theorem cantelli_inequality:
  assumes [measurable]: "random_variable borel Z"
  assumes intZsq: "integrable M (λz. Z z^2)"
  assumes a: "a > 0"
  shows "prob {z  space M. Z z - expectation Z  a} 
    variance Z / (a^2 + variance Z)"
proof -
  define u where "u = variance Z / a"
  have u: "u  0"
    unfolding u_def
    by (simp add: a divide_nonneg_pos)
  define Y where "Y = (λz. Z z + (-expectation Z))"
  have "random_variable borel (λz. ¦Y z + u¦)"
    unfolding Y_def
    by auto
  then have ev: "{z  space M. a + u  ¦Y z + u¦}  events"
    by auto

  have intZ:"integrable M Z"
    apply (subst square_integrable_imp_integrable[OF _ intZsq])
    by auto
  then have i1: "integrable M (λz. (Z z - expectation Z + u)2)"
    unfolding power2_sum power2_diff using intZsq
    by auto

  have intY:"integrable M Y"
    unfolding Y_def using intZ by auto
  have intYsq:"integrable M (λz. Y z^2)"
    unfolding Y_def power2_sum using intZsq intZ by auto

  have "expectation Y = 0"
    unfolding Y_def
    apply (subst Bochner_Integration.integral_add[OF intZ])
    using prob_space by auto

  then have "expectation (λz. (Y z + u)^2) =
    expectation (λz. (Y z)^2) + u^2"
    unfolding power2_sum
    apply (subst Bochner_Integration.integral_add[OF _ _])
    using intY intYsq apply auto[2]
    apply (subst Bochner_Integration.integral_add[OF _ _])
    using intY intYsq apply auto[2]
    using prob_space by auto
  then have *: "expectation (λz. (Y z + u)^2) = variance Z + u^2"
    unfolding Y_def by auto

  have "
    prob {z  space M. Z z - expectation Z  a} =
    prob {z  space M. Y z + u  a + u}"
    apply (intro arg_cong[where f = prob])
    using Y_def by auto
  also have "...  prob {z  space M. a + u  ¦Y z + u¦}"
    apply (intro finite_measure_mono[OF _ ev])
    by auto

  also have "...  expectation (λz. (Y z + u)^2) / (a + u)^2"
    apply (intro second_moment_method)
    unfolding Y_def using a u i1 by auto
  also have "... = ((variance Z) + u^2)  / (a + u)^2"
    using * by auto
  also have "... = variance Z / (a ^2 + variance Z)"
    unfolding u_def using a by (auto intro!: cantelli_arith)
  finally show ?thesis .

(* the left sided (negative) version of the inequality *)
corollary cantelli_inequality_neg:
  assumes [measurable]: "random_variable borel Z"
  assumes intZsq: "integrable M (λz. Z z^2)"
  assumes a: "a > 0"
  shows "prob {z  space M. Z z - expectation Z  -a} 
    variance Z / (a^2 + variance Z)"
proof -
  define nZ where [simp]: "nZ = (λz. -Z z)"
  have vnZ: "variance nZ = variance Z"
    unfolding nZ_def
    by (auto simp add: power2_commute)

  have 1: "random_variable borel nZ" by auto
  have 2: "integrable M (λz. (nZ z)2) "
    using intZsq by auto
  from cantelli_inequality[OF 1 2 a]
  have "prob {z  space M. a  nZ z - expectation nZ} 
    variance nZ / (a^2 + variance nZ)"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis unfolding vnZ apply auto[1]
    by (smt (verit, del_insts) Collect_cong)

