Theory Prelim

(* Preliminaries concerning the involved data types and auxiliary functions  *)
theory Prelim
  imports "Fresh_Identifiers.Fresh_String" "Bounded_Deducibility_Security.Trivia"

subsection ‹The basic types›

(*  This version of string is needed for code generation: *)
type_synonym string = String.literal
definition "emptyStr = STR ''''"

type_synonym phase = nat

(* Conference phases: no phase, setup, submission, bidding, reviewing, discussion, notification, closed *)
abbreviation "noPH  (0::nat)"    abbreviation "setPH  Suc noPH"  abbreviation "subPH  Suc setPH"
abbreviation "bidPH  Suc subPH"  abbreviation "revPH  Suc bidPH" abbreviation "disPH  Suc revPH"
abbreviation "notifPH  Suc disPH"  abbreviation "closedPH  Suc notifPH"

fun SucPH where
"SucPH ph = (if ph = closedPH then closedPH else Suc ph)"

(* The users of the system: *)
datatype user = User string string string
fun nameUser where "nameUser (User name info email) = name"
fun infoUser where "infoUser (User name info email) = info"
fun emailUser where "emailUser (User name info email) = email"
definition "emptyUser  User emptyStr emptyStr emptyStr"

typedecl raw_data
code_printing type_constructor raw_data  (Scala) ""

(* paper content: *)
datatype pcontent = NoPContent | PContent raw_data

datatype score = NoScore | MinusThree | MinusTwo | MinusOne | Zero | One | Two | Three

fun scoreAsInt :: "score  int" where
 "scoreAsInt MinusThree = -3"
|"scoreAsInt MinusTwo = -2"
|"scoreAsInt MinusOne = -1"
|"scoreAsInt Zero = 0"
|"scoreAsInt One = 1"
|"scoreAsInt Two = 2"
|"scoreAsInt Three = 3"

datatype exp = NoExp | Zero | One | Two | Three | Four (* expertise *)
(* A review content consists of an expertise, a score and the review text *)
(* review content: *)
type_synonym rcontent = "exp * score * string"
fun scoreOf :: "rcontent  score" where "scoreOf (exp,sc,txt) = sc"
(* A review is a list of review contents, with the first (i.e., the head) being the most recent. *)
type_synonym review = "rcontent list"
(* A reviewer may change the expertise, score and the review (multiple times) during the discussion phase,
   but all changes should be transparent, i.e., history of changes should be recorded;
   this is why a review is a list of review contents rather than a single review content.

abbreviation emptyReview :: review where "emptyReview  []"
datatype discussion = Dis "string list"
definition "emptyDis  Dis []"
datatype decision = NoDecision | Accept | Reject

(* A paper consists of strings for title and abstract,
the paper content, the associated reviews, a discussion and an (updatable) decision.
datatype paper = Paper string string pcontent "review list" discussion "decision list"

fun titlePaper where "titlePaper (Paper title abstract content reviews dis decs) = title"
fun abstractPaper where "abstractPaper (Paper title abstract content reviews dis decs) = abstract"
fun contentPaper where "contentPaper (Paper title abstract content reviews dis decs) = content"
fun reviewsPaper where "reviewsPaper (Paper title abstract content reviews dis decs) = reviews"
fun disPaper where "disPaper (Paper title abstract content reviews dis decs) = dis"
(* all successive decisions for a paper, listed historically: *)
fun decsPaper where "decsPaper (Paper title abstract content reviews dis decs) = decs"
(* the current decision: *)
fun decPaper where "decPaper pap = hd (decsPaper pap)"

definition emptyPaper :: paper where
"emptyPaper  Paper emptyStr emptyStr NoPContent [] emptyDis []"

(* Data (info) associated to a conference: *)
datatype conf = Conf string string
fun nameConf where "nameConf (Conf name info) = name"
fun infoConf where "infoConf (Conf name info) = info"
definition "emptyConf  Conf emptyStr emptyStr"

datatype password = Password string
definition "emptyPass  Password emptyStr"

datatype preference = NoPref | Want | Would | WouldNot | Conflict

subsection ‹Conference, user and paper IDs›

datatype userID = UserID string
datatype paperID = PaperID string
datatype confID = ConfID string

definition "emptyUserID  UserID emptyStr"
definition "voronkovUserID  UserID (STR ''voronkov'')"
definition "emptyPaperID  PaperID emptyStr"
definition "emptyConfID  ConfID emptyStr"

(* Roles: author, reviewer (owner of the nth review of a paper), program committee (PC) member, chair *)
datatype role = Aut paperID | Rev paperID nat | PC | Chair
fun isRevRole where "isRevRole (Rev _ _ ) = True" | "isRevRole _ = False"

fun isRevRoleFor :: "paperID  role  bool" where
 "isRevRoleFor papID (Rev papID' n)  papID = papID'"
|"isRevRoleFor papID _  False"

(* *)
fun userIDAsStr where "userIDAsStr (UserID str) = str"

definition "getFreshUserID userIDs  UserID (fresh (set (map userIDAsStr userIDs)) (STR ''1''))"

lemma UserID_userIDAsStr[simp]: "UserID (userIDAsStr userID) = userID"
by (cases userID) auto

lemma member_userIDAsStr_iff[simp]: "str  userIDAsStr ` (set userIDs)  UserID str ∈∈ userIDs"
by (metis UserID_userIDAsStr image_iff userIDAsStr.simps)

lemma getFreshUserID: "¬ getFreshUserID userIDs ∈∈ userIDs"
  using fresh_notIn[of "set (map userIDAsStr userIDs)" "STR ''1''"]
  by (auto simp: getFreshUserID_def)

instantiation userID :: linorder
definition le_userID_def: "uid  uid'  case (uid,uid') of (UserID str, UserID str')  str  str'"
definition lt_userID_def: "uid < uid'  case (uid,uid') of (UserID str, UserID str')  str < str'"
instance by standard (auto simp: le_userID_def lt_userID_def split: userID.splits)

(*  *)
fun paperIDAsStr where "paperIDAsStr (PaperID str) = str"

definition "getFreshPaperID paperIDs  PaperID (fresh (set (map paperIDAsStr paperIDs)) (STR ''2''))"

lemma PaperID_paperIDAsStr[simp]: "PaperID (paperIDAsStr paperID) = paperID"
by (cases paperID) auto

lemma member_paperIDAsStr_iff[simp]: "str  paperIDAsStr ` paperIDs  PaperID str  paperIDs"
by (metis PaperID_paperIDAsStr image_iff paperIDAsStr.simps)

lemma getFreshPaperID: "¬ getFreshPaperID paperIDs ∈∈ paperIDs"
  using fresh_notIn[of "set (map paperIDAsStr paperIDs)" "STR ''2''"]
  by (auto simp: getFreshPaperID_def)

instantiation paperID :: linorder
definition le_paperID_def: "uid  uid'  case (uid,uid') of (PaperID str, PaperID str')  str  str'"
definition lt_paperID_def: "uid < uid'  case (uid,uid') of (PaperID str, PaperID str')  str < str'"
instance by standard (auto simp: le_paperID_def lt_paperID_def split: paperID.splits)

(*  *)
fun confIDAsStr where "confIDAsStr (ConfID str) = str"

definition "getFreshConfID confIDs  ConfID (fresh (set (map confIDAsStr confIDs)) (STR ''2''))"

lemma ConfID_confIDAsStr[simp]: "ConfID (confIDAsStr confID) = confID"
by (cases confID) auto

lemma member_confIDAsStr_iff[simp]: "str  confIDAsStr ` (set confIDs)  ConfID str ∈∈ confIDs"
by (metis ConfID_confIDAsStr image_iff confIDAsStr.simps)

lemma getFreshConfID: "¬ getFreshConfID confIDs ∈∈ confIDs"
  using fresh_notIn[of "set (map confIDAsStr confIDs)" "STR ''2''"]
  by (auto simp: getFreshConfID_def)

instantiation confID :: linorder
definition le_confID_def: "uid  uid'  case (uid,uid') of (ConfID str, ConfID str')  str  str'"
definition lt_confID_def: "uid < uid'  case (uid,uid') of (ConfID str, ConfID str')  str < str'"
instance by standard (auto simp: le_confID_def lt_confID_def split: confID.splits)
