Theory Clean_Symbex
theory Clean_Symbex
imports Clean
section‹Clean Symbolic Execution Rules ›
subsection‹Basic NOP - Symbolic Execution Rules. ›
text‹ As they are equalities, they can also
be used as program optimization rules. ›
lemma non_exec_assign :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( _ ← assign f; M)) = ((f σ) ⊨ M)"
by (simp add: assign_def assms exec_bind_SE_success)
lemma non_exec_assign' :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ (assign f;- M)) = ((f σ) ⊨ M)"
by (simp add: assign_def assms exec_bind_SE_success bind_SE'_def)
lemma exec_assign :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( _ ← assign f; M)) = (σ ⊨ M)"
by (simp add: assign_def assms exec_bind_SE_success)
lemma exec_assign' :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ (assign f;- M)) = (σ ⊨ M)"
by (simp add: assign_def assms exec_bind_SE_success bind_SE'_def)
subsection‹Assign Execution Rules. ›
lemma non_exec_assign_global :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( _ ← assign_global upd rhs; M)) = ((upd (λ_. rhs σ) σ) ⊨ M)"
by(simp add: assign_global_def non_exec_assign assms)
lemma non_exec_assign_global' :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ (assign_global upd rhs;- M)) = ((upd (λ_. rhs σ) σ) ⊨ M)"
by (metis (full_types) assms bind_SE'_def non_exec_assign_global)
lemma exec_assign_global :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( _ ← assign_global upd rhs; M)) = ( σ ⊨ M)"
by (simp add: assign_global_def assign_def assms exec_bind_SE_success)
lemma exec_assign_global' :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ (assign_global upd rhs;- M)) = ( σ ⊨ M)"
by (simp add: assign_global_def assign_def assms exec_bind_SE_success bind_SE'_def)
lemma non_exec_assign_local :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( _ ← assign_local upd rhs; M)) = ((upd (upd_hd (λ_. rhs σ)) σ) ⊨ M)"
by(simp add: assign_local_def non_exec_assign assms)
lemma non_exec_assign_local' :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ (assign_local upd rhs;- M)) = ((upd (upd_hd (λ_. rhs σ)) σ) ⊨ M)"
by (metis assms bind_SE'_def non_exec_assign_local)
lemmas non_exec_assign_localD'= non_exec_assign[THEN iffD1]
lemma exec_assign_local :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( _ ← assign_local upd rhs; M)) = ( σ ⊨ M)"
by (simp add: assign_local_def assign_def assms exec_bind_SE_success)
lemma exec_assign_local' :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( assign_local upd rhs;- M)) = ( σ ⊨ M)"
unfolding assign_local_def assign_def
by (simp add: assms exec_bind_SE_success2)
lemmas exec_assignD = exec_assign[THEN iffD1]
thm exec_assignD
lemmas exec_assignD' = exec_assign'[THEN iffD1]
thm exec_assignD'
lemmas exec_assign_globalD = exec_assign_global[THEN iffD1]
lemmas exec_assign_globalD' = exec_assign_global'[THEN iffD1]
lemmas exec_assign_localD = exec_assign_local[THEN iffD1]
thm exec_assign_localD
lemmas exec_assign_localD' = exec_assign_local'[THEN iffD1]
subsection‹Basic Call Symbolic Execution Rules. ›
lemma exec_call_0 :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( _ ← call_0⇩C M; M')) = (σ ⊨ M')"
by (simp add: assms call_0⇩C_def exec_bind_SE_success)
lemma exec_call_0' :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ (call_0⇩C M;- M')) = (σ ⊨ M')"
by (simp add: assms bind_SE'_def exec_call_0)
lemma exec_call_1 :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( x ← call_1⇩C M A⇩1; M' x)) = (σ ⊨ M' undefined)"
by (simp add: assms call_1⇩C_def call⇩C_def exec_bind_SE_success)
lemma exec_call_1' :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ (call_1⇩C M A⇩1;- M')) = (σ ⊨ M')"
by (simp add: assms bind_SE'_def exec_call_1)
lemma exec_call :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( x ← call⇩C M A⇩1; M' x)) = (σ ⊨ M' undefined)"
by (simp add: assms call⇩C_def call_1⇩C_def exec_bind_SE_success)
lemma exec_call' :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ (call⇩C M A⇩1;- M')) = (σ ⊨ M')"
by (metis assms call_1⇩C_def exec_call_1')
lemma exec_call_2 :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( _ ← call_2⇩C M A⇩1 A⇩2; M')) = (σ ⊨ M')"
by (simp add: assms call_2⇩C_def exec_bind_SE_success)
lemma exec_call_2' :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ (call_2⇩C M A⇩1 A⇩2;- M')) = (σ ⊨ M')"
by (simp add: assms bind_SE'_def exec_call_2)
subsection‹Basic Call Symbolic Execution Rules. ›
lemma non_exec_call_0 :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( _ ← call_0⇩C M; M')) = (σ ⊨ M;- M')"
by (simp add: assms bind_SE'_def bind_SE_def call_0⇩C_def valid_SE_def)
lemma non_exec_call_0' :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ call_0⇩C M;- M') = (σ ⊨ M;- M')"
by (simp add: assms bind_SE'_def non_exec_call_0)
lemma non_exec_call_1 :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( x ← (call_1⇩C M (A⇩1)); M' x)) = (σ ⊨ (x ← M (A⇩1 σ); M' x))"
by (simp add: assms bind_SE'_def call⇩C_def bind_SE_def call_1⇩C_def valid_SE_def)
lemma non_exec_call_1' :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ call_1⇩C M (A⇩1);- M') = (σ ⊨ M (A⇩1 σ);- M')"
by (simp add: assms bind_SE'_def non_exec_call_1)
lemma non_exec_call :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( x ← (call⇩C M (A⇩1)); M' x)) = (σ ⊨ (x ← M (A⇩1 σ); M' x))"
by (simp add: assms call⇩C_def bind_SE'_def bind_SE_def call_1⇩C_def valid_SE_def)
lemma non_exec_call' :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ call⇩C M (A⇩1);- M') = (σ ⊨ M (A⇩1 σ);- M')"
by (simp add: assms bind_SE'_def non_exec_call)
lemma non_exec_call_2 :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ ( _ ← (call_2⇩C M (A⇩1) (A⇩2)); M')) = (σ ⊨ M (A⇩1 σ) (A⇩2 σ);- M')"
by (simp add: assms bind_SE'_def bind_SE_def call_2⇩C_def valid_SE_def)
lemma non_exec_call_2' :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ call_2⇩C M (A⇩1) (A⇩2);- M') = (σ ⊨ M (A⇩1 σ) (A⇩2 σ);- M')"
by (simp add: assms bind_SE'_def non_exec_call_2)
subsection‹Conditional. ›
lemma exec_If⇩C_If⇩S⇩E :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "((if⇩C P then B⇩1 else B⇩2 fi))σ = ((if⇩S⇩E P then B⇩1 else B⇩2 fi)) σ "
unfolding if_SE_def MonadSE.if_SE_def Symbex_MonadSE.valid_SE_def MonadSE.bind_SE'_def
by (simp add: assms bind_SE_def if_C_def)
lemma valid_exec_If⇩C :
assumes "▹ σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ (if⇩C P then B⇩1 else B⇩2 fi);-M) = (σ ⊨ (if⇩S⇩E P then B⇩1 else B⇩2 fi);-M)"
by (meson assms exec_If⇩C_If⇩S⇩E valid_bind'_cong)
lemma exec_If⇩C' :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ (if⇩C P then B⇩1 else B⇩2 fi);-M) = (σ ⊨ M)"
unfolding if_SE_def MonadSE.if_SE_def Symbex_MonadSE.valid_SE_def MonadSE.bind_SE'_def bind_SE_def
by (simp add: assms if_C_def)
lemma exec_While⇩C' :
assumes "exec_stop σ"
shows "(σ ⊨ (while⇩C P do B⇩1 od);-M) = (σ ⊨ M)"
unfolding while_C_def MonadSE.if_SE_def Symbex_MonadSE.valid_SE_def MonadSE.bind_SE'_def bind_SE_def
apply simp using assms by blast
lemma if⇩C_cond_cong : "f σ = g σ ⟹ (if⇩C f then c else d fi) σ =
(if⇩C g then c else d fi) σ"
unfolding if_C_def
by simp
subsection‹Break - Rules. ›
lemma break_assign_skip [simp]: "(break ;- assign f) = break"
apply(rule ext)
unfolding break_def assign_def exec_stop_def bind_SE'_def bind_SE_def
by auto
lemma break_if_skip [simp]: "(break ;- if⇩C b then c else d fi) = break"
apply(rule ext)
unfolding break_def assign_def exec_stop_def if_C_def bind_SE'_def bind_SE_def
by auto
lemma break_while_skip [simp]: "(break ;- while⇩C b do c od) = break"
apply(rule ext)
unfolding while_C_def skip⇩S⇩E_def unit_SE_def bind_SE'_def bind_SE_def break_def exec_stop_def
by simp
lemma unset_break_idem [simp] :
"(unset_break_status ;- unset_break_status ;- M) = (unset_break_status ;- M)"
apply(rule ext) unfolding unset_break_status_def bind_SE'_def bind_SE_def by auto
lemma return_cancel1_idem [simp] :
"(return⇘X⇙(E) ;- X :==⇩G E' ;- M) = ( return⇩C X E ;- M)"
apply(rule ext, rename_tac "σ")
unfolding unset_break_status_def bind_SE'_def bind_SE_def
assign_def return⇩C_def return⇩C0_def assign_global_def assign_local_def
apply(case_tac "exec_stop σ")
apply auto
by (simp add: exec_stop_def set_return_status_def)
lemma return_cancel2_idem [simp] :
"( return⇘X⇙(E) ;- X :==⇩L E' ;- M) = ( return⇩C X E ;- M)"
apply(rule ext, rename_tac "σ")
unfolding unset_break_status_def bind_SE'_def bind_SE_def
assign_def return⇩C_def return⇩C0_def assign_global_def assign_local_def
apply(case_tac "exec_stop σ")
apply auto
by (simp add: exec_stop_def set_return_status_def)
subsection‹While. ›
lemma while⇩C_skip [simp]: "(while⇩C (λ x. False) do c od) = skip⇩S⇩E"
apply(rule ext)
unfolding while_C_def skip⇩S⇩E_def unit_SE_def
apply auto
unfolding exec_stop_def skip⇩S⇩E_def unset_break_status_def bind_SE'_def unit_SE_def bind_SE_def
by simp
txt‹ Various tactics for various coverage criteria ›
definition while_k :: "nat ⇒ (('σ_ext) control_state_ext ⇒ bool)
⇒ (unit, ('σ_ext) control_state_ext)MON⇩S⇩E
⇒ (unit, ('σ_ext) control_state_ext)MON⇩S⇩E"
where "while_k _ ≡ while_C"
text‹Somewhat amazingly, this unfolding lemma crucial for symbolic execution still holds ...
Even in the presence of break or return...›
lemma exec_while⇩C :
"(σ ⊨ ((while⇩C b do c od) ;- M)) =
(σ ⊨ ((if⇩C b then c ;- ((while⇩C b do c od) ;- unset_break_status) else skip⇩S⇩E fi) ;- M))"
proof (cases "exec_stop σ")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: True exec_If⇩C' exec_While⇩C')
case False
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "¬ b σ")
case True
then show ?thesis
apply(subst valid_bind'_cong)
using ‹¬ exec_stop σ› apply simp_all
apply (auto simp: skip⇩S⇩E_def unit_SE_def)
apply(subst while_C_def, simp)
apply(subst bind'_cong)
apply(subst MonadSE.while_SE_unfold)
apply(subst if⇩S⇩E_cond_cong [of _ _ "λ_. False"])
apply simp_all
apply(subst if⇩C_cond_cong [of _ _ "λ_. False"], simp add: )
apply(subst exec_If⇩C_If⇩S⇩E,simp_all)
by (simp add: exec_stop_def unset_break_status_def)
case False
have * : "b σ" using False by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding while_k_def
apply(subst while_C_def)
apply(subst if_C_def)
apply(subst valid_bind'_cong)
apply (simp add: ‹¬ exec_stop σ›)
apply(subst (2) valid_bind'_cong)
apply (simp add: ‹¬ exec_stop σ›)
apply(subst MonadSE.while_SE_unfold)
apply(subst valid_bind'_cong)
apply(subst bind'_cong)
apply(subst if⇩S⇩E_cond_cong [of _ _ "λ_. True"])
apply(simp_all add: ‹¬ exec_stop σ› )
apply(subst bind_assoc', subst bind_assoc')
proof(cases "c σ")
case None
then show "(σ ⊨ c;-((while⇩S⇩E (λσ. ¬ exec_stop σ ∧ b σ) do c od);-unset_break_status);-M) =
(σ ⊨ c;-(while⇩C b do c od) ;- unset_break_status ;- M)"
by (simp add: bind_SE'_def exec_bind_SE_failure)
case (Some a)
then show "(σ ⊨ c ;- ((while⇩S⇩E (λσ. ¬ exec_stop σ ∧ b σ) do c od);-unset_break_status);-M) =
(σ ⊨ c ;- (while⇩C b do c od) ;- unset_break_status ;- M)"
apply(insert ‹c σ = Some a›, subst (asm) surjective_pairing[of a])
apply(subst exec_bind_SE_success2, assumption)
apply(subst exec_bind_SE_success2, assumption)
proof(cases "exec_stop (snd a)")
case True
then show "(snd a ⊨((while⇩S⇩E (λσ. ¬ exec_stop σ ∧ b σ) do c od);-unset_break_status);-M)=
(snd a ⊨ (while⇩C b do c od) ;- unset_break_status ;- M)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) bind_assoc' exec_While⇩C' exec_skip if_SE_D2'
skip⇩S⇩E_def while_SE_unfold)
case False
then show "(snd a ⊨ ((while⇩S⇩E(λσ. ¬exec_stop σ ∧ b σ) do c od);-unset_break_status);-M)=
(snd a ⊨ (while⇩C b do c od) ;- unset_break_status ;- M)"
unfolding while_C_def
by(subst (2) valid_bind'_cong,simp)(simp)
lemma while_k_SE : "while_C = while_k k"
by (simp only: while_k_def)
corollary exec_while_k :
"(σ ⊨ ((while_k (Suc n) b c) ;- M)) =
(σ ⊨ ((if⇩C b then c ;- (while_k n b c) ;- unset_break_status else skip⇩S⇩E fi) ;- M))"
by (metis exec_while⇩C while_k_def)
txt‹ Necessary prerequisite: turning ematch and dmatch into a proper Isar Method. ›
fun method_setup b tac =
Method.setup b
(Attrib.thms >> (fn rules => fn ctxt => METHOD (HEADGOAL o K (tac ctxt rules))))
val _ =
Theory.setup ( method_setup @{binding ematch} ematch_tac "fast elimination matching"
#> method_setup @{binding dmatch} dmatch_tac "fast destruction matching"
#> method_setup @{binding match} match_tac "resolution based on fast matching")
lemmas exec_while_kD = exec_while_k[THEN iffD1]