Theory Chebyshev_Polynomials

  File:     Chebyshev_Polynomials/Chebyshev_Polynomials.thy
  Author:   Manuel Eberl (University of Innsbruck)
section ‹Chebyshev Polynomials›
theory Chebyshev_Polynomials

subsection ‹Definition›

text ‹
          xmin=-1, xmax=1, ymin=-1, ymax=1, axis lines=middle, ytick = {-1, 1}, xtick = {-1,1}, yticklabel pos = left,
          width=\textwidth, height=0.4\textwidth,
          xlabel={$x$}, ylabel={$T_n(x)$}, tick style={thin,black}
  \addplot [color=mycol1, line width=1pt, mark=none,domain=-1:1,samples=200] ({x}, {x}); 
  \addplot [color=mycol2, line width=1pt, mark=none,domain=-1:1,samples=200] ({x}, {2*x^2-1}); 
  \addplot [color=mycol3, line width=1pt, mark=none,domain=-1:1,samples=200] ({x}, {4*x^3 - 3*x}); 
  \addplot [color=mycol4, line width=1pt, mark=none,domain=-1:1,samples=200] ({x}, {8*x^4 - 8*x^2 + 1}); 
  \addplot [color=mycol5, line width=1pt, mark=none,domain=-1:1,samples=200] ({x}, {16*x^5 - 20*x^3 + 5 * x}); 
\caption{Some of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind, $T_1$ to $T_5$.}

          xmin=-1, xmax=1, ymin=-4, ymax=4, axis lines=middle, ytick = {-3,-2,-1,1,2,3}, xtick = {-1,1}, yticklabel pos = left,
          width=\textwidth, height=0.8\textwidth,
          xlabel={$x$}, ylabel={$U_n(x)$}, tick style={thin,black}
  \addplot [color=mycol1, line width=1pt, mark=none,domain=-1:1,samples=200] ({x}, {2*x}); 
  \addplot [color=mycol2, line width=1pt, mark=none,domain=-1:1,samples=200] ({x}, {4*x^2-1}); 
  \addplot [color=mycol3, line width=1pt, mark=none,domain=-1:1,samples=200] ({x}, {8*x^3-4*x}); 
  \addplot [color=mycol4, line width=1pt, mark=none,domain=-1:1,samples=200] ({x}, {16*x^4-12*x^2+1}); 
  \addplot [color=mycol5, line width=1pt, mark=none,domain=-1:1,samples=200] ({x}, {32*x^5-32*x^3+6*x}); 
\caption{Some of the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind, $U_1$ to $U_5$.}

text ‹
  We choose the recursive definition of $T_n$ and $U_n$ and do some setup to define
  both of them at once.

locale gen_cheb_poly =
  fixes c :: "'a :: comm_ring_1"

fun f :: "nat  'a  'a" where
  "f 0 x = 1"
| "f (Suc 0) x = c * x"
| "f (Suc (Suc n )) x = 2 * x * f (Suc n) x - f n x"

fun P :: "nat  ('a :: comm_ring_1) poly" where
  "P 0 = 1"
| "P (Suc 0) = [:0, c:]"
| "P (Suc (Suc n)) = [:0, 2:] * P (Suc n) - P n"

lemma eval [simp]: "poly (P n) x = f n x"
  by (induction n rule: P.induct) simp_all

lemma eval_0:
  "f n 0 = (if odd n then 0 else (-1) ^ (n div 2))"
  by (induction n rule: induct_nat_012) auto

lemma eval_1 [simp]:
  "f n 1 = of_nat n * (c - 1) + 1"
proof (induction n rule: induct_nat_012)
  case (ge2 n)
  show ?case
    by (auto simp: ge2.IH algebra_simps)
qed auto

lemma uminus [simp]: "f n (-x) = (-1) ^ n  * f n x"
  by (induction n rule: P.induct) (simp_all add: algebra_simps)

lemma pcompose_minus: "pcompose (P n) (monom (-1) 1) = (-1) ^ n * P n"
  by (induction n rule: induct_nat_012)
     (simp_all add: pcompose_diff pcompose_uminus pcompose_smult one_pCons
                    poly_const_pow algebra_simps monom_altdef)

lemma degree_le: "degree (P n)  n"
proof -
  have "i > n  coeff (P n) i = 0" for i
  by (induction n arbitrary: i rule: P.induct)
     (auto simp: coeff_pCons split: nat.splits)
  thus ?thesis
    using degree_le by blast

lemma lead_coeff:
  "coeff (P n) n = (if n = 0 then 1 else c * 2 ^ (n - 1))"
proof (induction n rule: P.induct)
  case (3 n)
  thus ?case
    using degree_le[of n] by (auto simp: coeff_eq_0 algebra_simps)
qed auto

lemma degree_eq:
  "c * 2 ^ (n - 1)  0  degree (P n :: 'a poly) = n"
  using lead_coeff[of n] degree_le[of n]
  by (metis le_degree nle_le one_neq_zero)

lemmas [simp del] = f.simps(3) P.simps(3)


text ‹
  The two related constants Cheb_poly› and cheb_poly› denote the n›-th Chebyshev
  polynomial of the first kind $T_n$ and its interpretation as a function. We make the
  definition polymorphic so that it works on every commutative ring; however, many
  results will only hold for rings (or even only fields) of characteristic 0›.
definition cheb_poly :: "nat  'a :: comm_ring_1  'a" where
 "cheb_poly = gen_cheb_poly.f 1"

definition Cheb_poly :: "nat  'a :: comm_ring_1 poly" where
 "Cheb_poly = gen_cheb_poly.P 1"

interpretation cheb_poly: gen_cheb_poly 1
  rewrites "gen_cheb_poly.f 1  cheb_poly" and "gen_cheb_poly.P 1 = Cheb_poly"
       and "x :: 'a. 1 * x = x"
       and "n. of_nat n * (1 - 1 :: 'a) + 1 = 1"
  by unfold_locales (simp_all add: cheb_poly_def Cheb_poly_def)

lemmas cheb_poly_simps [code] = cheb_poly.f.simps
lemmas Cheb_poly_simps [code] = cheb_poly.P.simps

lemma Cheb_poly_of_int: "of_int_poly (Cheb_poly n) = Cheb_poly n"
  by (induction n rule: induct_nat_012) (simp_all add: hom_distribs Cheb_poly_simps)

lemma degree_Cheb_poly [simp]:
  "degree (Cheb_poly n :: 'a :: {idom, ring_char_0} poly) = n"
  by (rule cheb_poly.degree_eq) auto

lemma lead_coeff_Cheb_poly [simp]:
  "lead_coeff (Cheb_poly n :: 'a :: {idom, ring_char_0} poly) = 2 ^ (n-1)"
  unfolding degree_Cheb_poly by (subst cheb_poly.lead_coeff) auto

lemma Cheb_poly_nonzero [simp]: "Cheb_poly n  0"
  by (metis cheb_poly.eval cheb_poly.eval_1 one_neq_zero poly_0)

lemma continuous_cheb_poly [continuous_intros]:
  fixes f :: "'b :: topological_space  'a :: {real_normed_algebra_1, comm_ring_1}"
  shows "continuous_on A f  continuous_on A (λx. cheb_poly n (f x))"
  unfolding cheb_poly.eval [symmetric]
  by (induction n rule: induct_nat_012) (auto intro!: continuous_intros simp: cheb_poly_simps)

text ‹
  Similarly, we introduce two constants for $U_n$.
definition cheb_poly' :: "nat  'a :: comm_ring_1  'a" where
 "cheb_poly' = gen_cheb_poly.f 2"

definition Cheb_poly' :: "nat  'a :: comm_ring_1 poly" where
 "Cheb_poly' = gen_cheb_poly.P 2"

interpretation cheb_poly': gen_cheb_poly 2
  rewrites "gen_cheb_poly.f 2  cheb_poly'" and "gen_cheb_poly.P 2 = Cheb_poly'"
       and "n. of_nat n * (2 - 1 :: 'a) + 1 = of_nat (Suc n)"
  by unfold_locales (simp_all add: cheb_poly'_def Cheb_poly'_def)

lemmas cheb_poly'_simps [code] = cheb_poly'.f.simps
lemmas Cheb_poly'_simps [code] = cheb_poly'.P.simps

lemma Cheb_poly'_of_int: "of_int_poly (Cheb_poly' n) = Cheb_poly' n"
  by (induction n rule: induct_nat_012) (simp_all add: hom_distribs Cheb_poly'_simps)

lemma degree_Cheb_poly' [simp]:
  "degree (Cheb_poly' n :: 'a :: {idom, ring_char_0} poly) = n"
  by (rule cheb_poly'.degree_eq) auto

lemma lead_coeff_Cheb_poly' [simp]:
  "lead_coeff (Cheb_poly' n :: 'a :: {idom, ring_char_0} poly) = 2 ^ n"
  unfolding degree_Cheb_poly'
  by (subst cheb_poly'.lead_coeff; cases n) auto

lemma Cheb_poly_nonzero' [simp]: "Cheb_poly' n  (0 :: 'a :: {comm_ring_1, ring_char_0} poly)"
proof -
  have "poly (Cheb_poly' n) 1 = (of_nat (Suc n) :: 'a)"
    by simp
  also have "  0"
    using of_nat_neq_0 by blast
  finally show ?thesis
    by force

lemma continuous_cheb_poly' [continuous_intros]:
  fixes f :: "'b :: topological_space  'a :: {real_normed_algebra_1, comm_ring_1}"
  shows "continuous_on A f  continuous_on A (λx. cheb_poly' n (f x))"
  by (induction n rule: induct_nat_012) (auto intro!: continuous_intros simp: cheb_poly'_simps)

subsection ‹Relation to trigonometric functions›

text ‹
  Consider the multiple angle formulas for the cosine function:
  \cos 1x &= \cos x\\
  \cos 2x &= 1 + 2\cos^2 x\\
  \cos 3x &= -3\cos x + 4\cos^3 x\\
  \cos 4x &= 1 - 8\cos^2 x + 8\cos^4 x
  It seems that for any $n\in\mathbb{N}$, we can write $\cos (nx)$ as a sum of powers $\cos^i x$ for
  $0\leq i\leq n$, i.e.\ as a polynomial in $\cos x$ of degree $n$.
  It turns out that this polynomial is exactly $T_n$. This can also serve as an alternative,
  trigonometric definition of $T_n$.
  Proving it is a simple induction:
lemma cheb_poly_cos [simp]: 
  fixes x :: "'a :: {banach, real_normed_field}"
  shows "cheb_poly n (cos x) = cos (of_nat n * x)"
proof (induction n rule: induct_nat_012)
  case (ge2 n)
  have [simp]: "cos (x * 2) = 2 * (cos x)2 - 1" "sin (x * 2) = 2 * sin x * cos x"
    using cos_double_cos[of x] sin_double[of x] by (simp_all add: mult_ac)
  show ?case
    by (simp add: ge2 cheb_poly_simps algebra_simps cos_add power2_eq_square)
qed simp_all

text ‹
If we look at the multiple angular formulae for the sine function, we see
a similar pattern:
\sin 1x &= \sin x\\
\sin 2x &= 2\sin x\cos x\\
\sin 3x &= \sin x(-1 + 4\cos^2 x)\\
\sin 4x &= \sin x(-4\cos x + 8\cos^3 x)
It seems that $\sin nx / \sin x$ can be expressed as a polynomial in $\cos x$ of degree
$n-1$. This polynomial turns out to be exactly $U_{n-1}$.
lemma cheb_poly'_cos:
  fixes x :: "'a :: {banach, real_normed_field}"
  shows "cheb_poly' n (cos x) * sin x = sin (of_nat (n+1) * x)"
proof (induction n rule: induct_nat_012)
  case (ge2 n)
  have [simp]: "sin x * (sin x * t) = (1 - cos x ^ 2) * t" for x t :: 'a
    using sin_squared_eq[of x] by algebra
  have "cheb_poly' (Suc (Suc n)) (cos x) * sin x =
        2 * cos x * (cheb_poly' (Suc n) (cos x) * sin x) - cheb_poly' n (cos x) * sin x"
    by (simp add: algebra_simps cheb_poly'_simps)
  also have " = 2 * cos x * sin (of_nat (Suc n + 1) * x) - sin (of_nat (n + 1) * x)"
    by (simp only: ge2.IH)
  also have " - sin (of_nat (Suc (Suc n) + 1) * x) = 0"
    by (simp add: algebra_simps sin_add cos_add power2_eq_square power3_eq_cube
                  sin_multiple_reduce cos_multiple_reduce)
  finally show ?case by simp
qed (auto simp: sin_double)

lemma cheb_poly_conv_cos:
  assumes "¦x::real¦  1"
  shows   "cheb_poly n x = cos (n * arccos x)"
  using cheb_poly_cos[of n "arccos x"] assms by simp

lemma cheb_poly'_cos':
  fixes x :: "'a :: {real_normed_field, banach}"
  shows "sin x  0  cheb_poly' n (cos x) = sin (of_nat (n+1) * x) / sin x"
  using cheb_poly'_cos[of n x] by (auto simp: field_simps)

lemma cheb_poly'_conv_cos:
  assumes "¦x::real¦ < 1"
  shows   "cheb_poly' n x = sin (real (n+1) * arccos x) / sqrt (1 - x2)"
proof -
  define y where "y = arccos x"
  have x: "cos y = x"
    unfolding y_def using assms cos_arccos_abs by fastforce
  have "x ^ 2  1"
    using assms by (subst abs_square_eq_1) auto
  hence y: "sin y  0"
    using assms by (simp add: sin_arccos_abs y_def)
  have "cheb_poly' n (cos y) = sin ((1 + real n) * y) / sin y"
    using y by (subst cheb_poly'_cos') auto
  also have "sin y = sqrt (1 - x2)"
    unfolding y_def using assms by (subst sin_arccos_abs) auto
  finally show ?thesis
    using x by (simp add: x y_def)

lemma cos_multiple:
  fixes x :: "'a :: {banach, real_normed_field}"
  shows "cos (numeral n * x) = poly (Cheb_poly (numeral n)) (cos x)"
  using cheb_poly_cos[of "numeral n" x] unfolding of_nat_numeral by simp

lemma sin_multiple:
  fixes x :: "'a :: {banach, real_normed_field}"
  shows "sin (numeral n * x) = sin x * poly (Cheb_poly' (pred_numeral n)) (cos x)"
  by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 cheb_poly'.eval cheb_poly'_cos mult.commute numeral_eq_Suc of_nat_numeral)

text ‹
  Example application: quadruple-angle formulas for $\sin$ and $\cos$:
lemma cos_quadruple:
  fixes x :: "'a :: {banach, real_normed_field}"
  shows "cos (4 * x) = 8 * cos x ^ 4 - 8 * cos x ^ 2 + 1"
  by (subst cos_multiple)
     (simp add: eval_nat_numeral Cheb_poly_simps algebra_simps del: cheb_poly.eval)

lemma sin_quadruple:
  fixes x :: "'a :: {banach, real_normed_field}"
  shows "sin (4 * x) = sin x * (8 * cos x ^ 3 - 4 * cos x)"
  by (subst sin_multiple)
     (simp add: eval_nat_numeral Cheb_poly'_simps algebra_simps del: cheb_poly'.eval)

subsection ‹Relation to hyperbolic functions›

lemma cheb_poly_cosh [simp]:
  fixes x :: "'a :: {banach, real_normed_field}"
  shows "cheb_poly n (cosh x) = cosh (of_nat n * x)"
proof (induction n rule: induct_nat_012)
  case (ge2 n)
  have [simp]: "cosh (x * 2) = 2 * (cosh x)2 - 1" "sinh (x * 2) = 2 * sinh x * cosh x"
    using cosh_double_cosh[of x] sinh_double[of x] by (simp_all add: mult_ac)
  show ?case
    by (simp add: ge2 cheb_poly_simps algebra_simps cosh_add power2_eq_square)
qed simp_all

lemma cheb_poly'_cosh:
  fixes x :: "'a :: {real_normed_field, banach}"
  shows "cheb_poly' n (cosh x) * sinh x = sinh (of_nat (n+1) * x)"
proof (induction n rule: induct_nat_012)
  case (ge2 n)
  have [simp]: "sinh x * (sinh x * t) = (cosh x ^ 2 - 1) * t" for x t :: 'a
    using sinh_square_eq[of x] by algebra
  have "cheb_poly' (Suc (Suc n)) (cosh x) * sinh x =
        2 * cosh x * (cheb_poly' (Suc n) (cosh x) * sinh x) - cheb_poly' n (cosh x) * sinh x"
    by (simp add: algebra_simps cheb_poly'_simps)
  also have " = 2 * cosh x * sinh (of_nat (Suc n + 1) * x) - sinh (of_nat (n + 1) * x)"
    by (simp only: ge2.IH)
  also have " - sinh (of_nat (Suc (Suc n) + 1) * x) = 0"
    by (simp add: algebra_simps sinh_add cosh_add power2_eq_square power3_eq_cube
                  sinh_multiple_reduce cosh_multiple_reduce)
  finally show ?case by simp
qed (auto simp: sinh_double)

lemma cheb_poly_conv_cosh:
  assumes "(x :: real)  1"
  shows   "cheb_poly n x = cosh (n * arcosh x)"
  using cheb_poly_cosh[of n "arcosh x"] assms
  by (simp del: cheb_poly_cosh)

lemma cheb_poly'_cosh':
  fixes x :: "'a :: {real_normed_field, banach}"
  shows "sinh x  0  cheb_poly' n (cosh x) = sinh (of_nat (n+1) * x) / sinh x"
  using cheb_poly'_cosh[of n x] by (auto simp: field_simps)

lemma cheb_poly'_conv_cosh:
  assumes "x > (1 :: real)"
  shows   "cheb_poly' n x = sinh (real (n+1) * arcosh x) / sqrt (x2 - 1)"
proof -
  have "x2  1"
    using assms by (simp add: power2_eq_1_iff)
  hence "cheb_poly' n (cosh (arcosh x)) = sinh ((1 + real n) * arcosh x) / sqrt (x2 - 1)"
    using assms by (subst cheb_poly'_cosh') (auto simp: sinh_arcosh_real)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms by simp

subsection ‹Roots›

text ‹
  $T_n$ has n› distinct real roots, namely:
  \[x_k = \cos\left(\frac{2k+1}{2n} \pi \right)\]
  These are called the ‹Chebyshev nodes› of degree n›.

definition cheb_node :: "nat  nat  real" where
  "cheb_node n k = cos (real (2*k+1) / real (2*n) * pi)"

lemma cheb_poly_cheb_node [simp]:
  assumes "k < n"
  shows   "cheb_poly n (cheb_node n k) = 0"
proof -
  have "cheb_poly n (cheb_node n k) = cos ((1 + 2 * real k) / 2 * pi)"
    using assms by (simp add: cheb_node_def)
  also have "(1 + 2 * real k) / 2 * pi = pi * real (Suc (2 * k)) / 2"
    by (simp add: field_simps)
  also have "cos  = 0"
    by (rule cos_pi_eq_zero)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma strict_antimono_cheb_node: "monotone_on {..<n} (<) (>) (cheb_node n)"
  unfolding cheb_node_def
proof (intro monotone_onI cos_monotone_0_pi)
  fix k l assume kl: "k  {..<n}" "l  {..<n}"
  have "real (2 * l + 1) / real (2 * n) * pi  1 * pi"
    by (intro mult_right_mono; use kl in simp; fail)
  thus "real (2 * l + 1) / real (2 * n) * pi  pi"
    by simp
qed (auto simp: field_simps)

lemma cheb_node_pos_iff:
  assumes k: "k < n"
  shows   "cheb_node n k > 0  k < n div 2"
proof -
  have "(1 + 2 * real k) / (2 * real n) * pi  1 * pi"
    by (intro mult_right_mono) (use k in auto)
  hence "cos ((1 + 2 * real k) * pi / (2 * real n)) > cos (pi / 2) 
          (1 + 2 * real k) / real n * pi < 1 * pi"
    by (subst cos_mono_less_eq) auto
  also have "  (1 + 2 * real k) / real n < 1"
    using pi_gt_zero by (subst mult_less_cancel_right) (auto simp del: pi_gt_zero)
  also have "((1 + 2 * real k) / real n < 1)  1 + 2 * real k < real n"
    using k by (auto simp: field_simps)
  also have "  k < n div 2"
    by linarith
  finally show "cheb_node n k > 0  k < n div 2"
    by (simp add: cheb_node_def)

lemma cheb_poly_roots_bij_betw:
  "bij_betw (cheb_node n) {..<n} {x. cheb_poly n x = 0}"
proof -
  have inj: "inj_on (cheb_node n) {..<n}" (is "inj_on ?h _")
    using strict_antimono_cheb_node[of n] unfolding strict_antimono_iff_antimono by blast

  have "cheb_node n ` {..<n} = {x. cheb_poly n x = 0}"
  proof (rule card_seteq)
    have "finite {x. poly (Cheb_poly n) (x::real) = 0}"
      by (intro poly_roots_finite) auto
    thus "finite {x. cheb_poly n (x::real) = 0}" by simp
    show "cheb_node n ` {..<n}  {x. cheb_poly n x = 0}"
      by auto
    have "{x. cheb_poly n x = 0} = {x. poly (Cheb_poly n) (x::real) = 0}" by simp
    also have "card   degree (Cheb_poly n :: real poly)"
      by (intro poly_roots_degree) auto
    also have " = n" by simp
    also have "n = card (cheb_node n ` {..<n})"
      using inj by (subst card_image) auto
    finally show "card {x::real. cheb_poly n x = 0}  card (cheb_node n ` {..<n})" .

  with inj show ?thesis
    unfolding bij_betw_def by blast

lemma card_cheb_poly_roots: "card {x::real. cheb_poly n x = 0} = n"
  using bij_betw_same_card[OF cheb_poly_roots_bij_betw[of n]] by simp

text ‹
  It is easy to see that all the Chebyshev nodes have order 1 as roots of $T_n$.
lemma order_Cheb_poly_cheb_node [simp]:
  assumes "k < n"
  shows   "order (cheb_node n k) (Cheb_poly n) = 1"
proof -
  have "((x::real) | cheb_poly n x = 0. order x (Cheb_poly n))  n"
    using sum_order_le_degree[of "Cheb_poly n :: real poly"] by simp
  also have "((x::real) | cheb_poly n x = 0. order x (Cheb_poly n)) =
             (k<n. order (cheb_node n k) (Cheb_poly n))"
    by (rule sum.reindex_bij_betw [symmetric], rule cheb_poly_roots_bij_betw)
  finally have "(k<n. order (cheb_node n k) (Cheb_poly n))  n" .

  have "(l{..<n}-{k}. 1 :: nat)  (l{..<n}-{k}. order (cheb_node n l) (Cheb_poly n))"
    by (intro sum_mono) (auto simp: Suc_le_eq order_gt_0_iff)
  also have " + order (cheb_node n k) (Cheb_poly n) = 
              (linsert k ({..<n}-{k}). order (cheb_node n l) (Cheb_poly n))"
    by (subst sum.insert) auto
  also have "insert k ({..<n}-{k}) = {..<n}"
    using assms by auto
  also have "(k<n. order (cheb_node n k) (Cheb_poly n))  n"
    by fact
  finally have "order (cheb_node n k) (Cheb_poly n)  1"
    using assms by simp
  moreover have "order (cheb_node n k) (Cheb_poly n) > 0"
    using assms by (auto simp: order_gt_0_iff)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by linarith

lemma order_Cheb_poly [simp]:
  assumes "poly (Cheb_poly n) (x :: real) = 0"
  shows   "order x (Cheb_poly n) = 1"
proof -
  have "x  {x. poly (Cheb_poly n) x = 0}"
    using assms by simp
  also have " = cheb_node n ` {..<n}"
    using cheb_poly_roots_bij_betw assms by (auto simp: bij_betw_def)
  finally show ?thesis
    by auto

text ‹
  This also means that $T_n$ is square-free. We only show this for the case where we view $T_n$
  as a real polynomial, but this also holds in every other reasonable ring since ℝ› is a 
  splitting field of $T_n$ (as we have just shown).
  However, we chose not to do this here.
lemma rsquarefree_Cheb_poly_real: "rsquarefree (Cheb_poly n :: real poly)"
  unfolding rsquarefree_def by (auto simp: order_eq_0_iff)

text ‹
  Similarly, the n› distinct real roots of $U_n$ are:
  \[y_i = \cos\left(\frac{k+1}{n+1}\pi\right)\]
definition cheb_node' :: "nat  nat  real" where
  "cheb_node' n k = cos (real (k+1) / real (n+1) * pi)"

lemma cheb_poly'_cheb_node' [simp]:
  assumes "k < n"
  shows   "cheb_poly' n (cheb_node' n k) = 0"
proof -
  define x where "x = real (k + 1) / real (n + 1)"
  have x: "x  {0<..<1}"
    using assms by (auto simp: x_def)
  have "cheb_poly' n (cos (x * pi)) * sin (x * pi) = sin (real (n + 1) * (x * pi))"
    using assms by (simp add: cheb_poly'_cos)
  also have "real (n + 1) * (x * pi) = real (k + 1) * pi"
    by (simp add: x_def)
  also have "sin  = 0"
    by (rule sin_npi)
  finally have "cheb_poly' n (cheb_node' n k) * sin (x * pi) = 0"
    unfolding cheb_node'_def x_def by simp
  moreover have "sin (x * pi) > 0"
    by (intro sin_gt_zero) (use x in auto)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by simp

lemma strict_antimono_cheb_node': "monotone_on {..<n} (<) (>) (cheb_node' n)"
  unfolding cheb_node'_def
proof (intro monotone_onI cos_monotone_0_pi)
  fix k l assume kl: "k  {..<n}" "l  {..<n}"
  have " real (l + 1) / real (n + 1) * pi  1 * pi"
    by (intro mult_right_mono; use kl in simp; fail)
  thus " real (l + 1) / real (n + 1) * pi  pi"
    by simp
  assume "k < l"
  show "real (k + 1) / real (n + 1) * pi < real (l + 1) / real (n + 1) * pi"
    using kl k < l by (intro mult_strict_right_mono divide_strict_right_mono) auto
qed (auto simp: field_simps)

lemma cheb_node'_pos_iff:
  assumes k: "k < n"
  shows   "cheb_node' n k > 0  k < n div 2"
proof -
  have "real (k + 1) / real (n + 1) * pi  1 * pi"
    by (intro mult_right_mono) (use k in auto)
  hence "cos (real (k + 1) / real (n + 1) * pi) > cos (pi / 2) 
          real (k + 1) / real (n + 1) * pi < 1 / 2 * pi"
    using assms by (subst cos_mono_less_eq) auto
  also have "  real (k + 1) / real (n + 1) < 1 / 2"
    using pi_gt_zero by (subst mult_less_cancel_right) (auto simp del: pi_gt_zero)
  also have "real (k + 1) / real (n + 1) < 1 / 2  2 * real k + 2 < real n + 1"
    using k by (auto simp: field_simps)
  also have "  k < n div 2"
    by linarith    
  finally show "cheb_node' n k > 0  k < n div 2"
    by (simp add: cheb_node'_def)

lemma cheb_poly'_roots_bij_betw:
  "bij_betw (cheb_node' n) {..<n} {x. cheb_poly' n x = 0}"
proof -
  have inj: "inj_on (cheb_node' n) {..<n}"
    using strict_antimono_cheb_node'[of n] unfolding strict_antimono_iff_antimono by blast

  have "cheb_node' n ` {..<n} = {x. cheb_poly' n x = 0}"
  proof (rule card_seteq)
    have "finite {x. poly (Cheb_poly' n) (x::real) = 0}"
      by (intro poly_roots_finite) auto
    thus "finite {x. cheb_poly' n (x::real) = 0}" by simp
    show "cheb_node' n ` {..<n}  {x. cheb_poly' n x = 0}"
      by auto
    have "{x. cheb_poly' n x = 0} = {x. poly (Cheb_poly' n) (x::real) = 0}" by simp
    also have "card   degree (Cheb_poly' n :: real poly)"
      by (intro poly_roots_degree) auto
    also have " = n" by simp
    also have "n = card (cheb_node' n ` {..<n})"
      using inj by (subst card_image) auto
    finally show "card {x::real. cheb_poly' n x = 0}  card (cheb_node' n ` {..<n})" .

  with inj show ?thesis
    unfolding bij_betw_def by blast

lemma card_cheb_poly'_roots: "card {x::real. cheb_poly' n x = 0} = n"
  using bij_betw_same_card[OF cheb_poly'_roots_bij_betw[of n]] by simp

lemma order_Cheb_poly'_cheb_node' [simp]:
  assumes "k < n"
  shows   "order (cheb_node' n k) (Cheb_poly' n) = 1"
proof -
  have "((x::real) | cheb_poly' n x = 0. order x (Cheb_poly' n))  n"
    using sum_order_le_degree[of "Cheb_poly' n :: real poly"] by simp
  also have "((x::real) | cheb_poly' n x = 0. order x (Cheb_poly' n)) =
             (k<n. order (cheb_node' n k) (Cheb_poly' n))"
    by (rule sum.reindex_bij_betw [symmetric], rule cheb_poly'_roots_bij_betw)
  finally have "(k<n. order (cheb_node' n k) (Cheb_poly' n))  n" .

  have "(l{..<n}-{k}. 1 :: nat)  (l{..<n}-{k}. order (cheb_node' n l) (Cheb_poly' n))"
    by (intro sum_mono) (auto simp: Suc_le_eq order_gt_0_iff)
  also have " + order (cheb_node' n k) (Cheb_poly' n) = 
              (linsert k ({..<n}-{k}). order (cheb_node' n l) (Cheb_poly' n))"
    by (subst sum.insert) auto
  also have "insert k ({..<n}-{k}) = {..<n}"
    using assms by auto
  also have "(k<n. order (cheb_node' n k) (Cheb_poly' n))  n"
    by fact
  finally have "order (cheb_node' n k) (Cheb_poly' n)  1"
    using assms by simp
  moreover have "order (cheb_node' n k) (Cheb_poly' n) > 0"
    using assms by (auto simp: order_gt_0_iff)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by linarith

lemma order_Cheb_poly' [simp]:
  assumes "poly (Cheb_poly' n) (x :: real) = 0"
  shows   "order x (Cheb_poly' n) = 1"
proof -
  have "x  {x. poly (Cheb_poly' n) x = 0}"
    using assms by simp
  also have " = cheb_node' n ` {..<n}"
    using cheb_poly'_roots_bij_betw assms by (auto simp: bij_betw_def)
  finally show ?thesis
    by auto

lemma rsquarefree_Cheb_poly'_real: "rsquarefree (Cheb_poly' n :: real poly)"
  unfolding rsquarefree_def by (auto simp: order_eq_0_iff)

subsection ‹Generating functions›

text ‹
  $T_n$ and $U_n$ have the following rational generating functions:
  \[\sum_{n=0}^\infty T_n(x) t^n = \frac{1 - tx}{1 - 2tx + t^2}\hspace*{2em}
    \sum_{n=0}^\infty U_n(x) t^n = \frac{1}{1 - 2tx + t^2}\]
  This is a simple consequence of the linear recurrence equations they satisfy
  (which we used as their definitions).

  Due to some limitations coming from the type class structure, we cannot currently write this
  down nicely as an equation, but the following form is almost as good.
theorem Abs_fps_Cheb_poly:
  fixes F X T :: "real fps fps"
  defines "X  fps_const fps_X" and "T  fps_X"
  defines "F  Abs_fps (fps_of_poly  Cheb_poly)"
  shows   "F * (1 - 2 * T * X + T2) = 1 - T * X" 
proof -
  have "F = 1 - F * T * (T - 2 * X) - T * X"
  proof (rule fps_ext)
    fix n :: nat
    define foo :: "real fps fps" where "foo = Abs_fps (λna. fps_of_poly
           (pCons 0 (smult 2 (Cheb_poly (Suc na))) - Cheb_poly na))"
    have "fps_nth F n = fps_nth (1 + T * X + T2 * (foo)) n"
      by (cases n rule: cheb_poly.P.cases)
         (simp_all add: F_def T_def X_def fps_X_power_mult_nth Cheb_poly_simps foo_def)
    also have "foo = 2 * X * fps_shift 1 F - F"
      by (simp add: foo_def F_def X_def T_def fps_eq_iff numeral_fps_const
                    mult.assoc coeff_pCons split: nat.splits)
    also have "1 + T * X + T2 * (2 * X * fps_shift 1 F - F) =
               1 + T * X * (1 + 2 * (T * fps_shift 1 F)) - T2 * F"
      by (simp add: algebra_simps power2_eq_square)
    also have "T * fps_shift 1 F = F - 1"
      by (rule fps_ext) (auto simp: T_def F_def)
    also have "1 + T * X * (1 + 2 * (F - 1)) - T2 * F = 1 - F * T * (T - 2 * X) - T * X"
      by (simp add: algebra_simps power2_eq_square)
    finally show "fps_nth F n = fps_nth  n" .
  thus ?thesis
    by algebra

theorem Abs_fps_Cheb_poly':
  fixes F X T :: "real fps fps"
  defines "X  fps_const fps_X" and "T  fps_X"
  defines "F  Abs_fps (fps_of_poly  Cheb_poly')"
  shows   "F * (1 - 2 * T * X + T2) = 1" 
proof -
  have "F = 1 - F * T * (T - 2 * X)"
  proof (rule fps_ext)
    fix n :: nat
    define foo :: "real fps fps" where "foo = Abs_fps (λna. fps_of_poly
           (pCons 0 (smult 2 (Cheb_poly' (Suc na))) - Cheb_poly' na))"
    have "fps_nth F n = fps_nth (1 + 2 * T * X + T2 * (foo)) n"
      by (cases n rule: cheb_poly.P.cases)
         (simp_all add: F_def T_def X_def fps_X_power_mult_nth Cheb_poly'_simps
                        foo_def numeral_fps_const)
    also have "foo = 2 * X * fps_shift 1 F - F"
      by (simp add: foo_def F_def X_def T_def fps_eq_iff numeral_fps_const
                    mult.assoc coeff_pCons split: nat.splits)
    also have "1 + 2 * T * X + T2 * (2 * X * fps_shift 1 F - F) =
               1 + 2 * T * X * (1 + T * fps_shift 1 F) - T2 * F"
      by (simp add: algebra_simps power2_eq_square)
    also have "T * fps_shift 1 F = F - 1"
      by (rule fps_ext) (auto simp: T_def F_def)
    also have "1 + 2 * T * X * (1 + (F - 1)) - T2 * F = 1 - F * T * (T - 2 * X)"
      by (simp add: algebra_simps power2_eq_square)
    finally show "fps_nth F n = fps_nth  n" .
  thus ?thesis
    by algebra

subsection ‹Optimality with respect to the $\infty$-norm›

text ‹
  We now turn towards a property of $T_n$ that explains why they are interesting for interpolating
  smooth functions. If $f : [0,1]\to\mathbb{R}$ is a smooth function on the unit interval, 
  the approximation error attained when interpolating $f$ with a polynomial $P$ of degree $n$
  at the interpolation points $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ is
  \[\frac{f^{(n)}(\xi)}{n!} \prod_{i=1}^n (x - x_i)\ .\]
  Therefore, it makes sense to choose the interpolation points such that $\prod_{i=1}^n (x - x_i)$
  is minimal.

  We will show below results that imply that this product cannot be smaller than $2^{1-n}$, and
  it is easy to see that if we choose $x_i$ to be the Chebyshev nodes then the product becomes
  exactly $2^{1-n}$ and thus optimal.\medskip

  Out first result is now the following:
  The $\infty$-norm of a monic polynomial of degree n› on the unit interval $[-1,1]$ is
  at least $2^{1-n}$. This gives us a kind of lower bound on the ``oscillation'' of polynomials:
  a monic polynomial of degree $n$ cannot stay closer than $2^{1-n}$ to $0$ at every point of the
  unit interval.
lemma Sup_abs_poly_bound_aux:
  fixes p :: "real poly"
  assumes "lead_coeff p = 1"
  shows   "x{-1..1}. ¦poly p x¦  1 / 2 ^ (degree p - 1)"
proof (rule ccontr)
  define n where "n = degree p"
  assume "¬(x{-1..1}. ¦poly p x¦  1 / 2 ^ (degree p - 1))"
  hence abs_less: "¦poly p x¦ < 1 / 2 ^ (n - 1)" if "x  {-1..1}" for x
    using that unfolding n_def by force

  have "n > 0"
  proof (rule Nat.gr0I)
    assume [simp]: "n = 0"
    hence "p = 1"
      using assms monic_degree_0 unfolding n_def by blast
    with abs_less[of 0] show False
      by simp

  define q where "q = p - smult (1 / 2 ^ (n - 1)) (Cheb_poly n)"
  have "coeff q n = 0"
    using assms by (auto simp: q_def n_def cheb_poly.lead_coeff)
  moreover have "degree q  n"
    by (auto simp: n_def q_def degree_diff_le)
  ultimately have "degree q < n"
    using 0 < n eq_zero_or_degree_less[of q n] by force
  define x where "x = (λk. cos (real (2 * k) / real n * pi / 2))"
  have antimono_x: "strict_antimono_on {0..n} x"
    using n > 0 by (auto simp: monotone_on_def x_def cos_mono_less_eq field_simps)

  have sgn_q_x: "sgn (poly q (x k)) = (-1) ^ Suc k" if k: "k  n" for k
  proof -
    from k have [simp]: "cheb_poly n (x k) = (-1) ^ k"
      unfolding x_def by auto
    have "poly q (x k) = poly p (x k) - (-1) ^ k / 2 ^ (n-1)"
      by (auto simp: q_def)
    moreover have "¦poly p (x k)¦ < 1 / 2 ^ (n-1)"
      using abs_less[of "x k"] by (auto simp: x_def n_def)

    moreover have "x k  {-1..1}"
      by (auto simp: x_def)
    ultimately have "if even k then poly q (x k) < 0 else poly q (x k) > 0"
      using abs_less[of "x k"] by (auto simp: q_def sgn_if)
    thus "sgn (poly q (x k)) = (-1) ^ Suc k"
      by (simp add: minus_one_power_iff)

  have "t{x (Suc k)<..<x k}. poly q t = 0" if k: "k < n" for k
    using poly_IVT[of "x (Suc k)" "x k" q] sgn_q_x[of k] sgn_q_x[of "Suc k"] k
          monotone_onD[OF antimono_x, of k "Suc k"]
    by (force simp: sgn_if minus_one_power_iff mult_neg_pos mult_pos_neg split: if_splits)
  then obtain y where y: "y k  {x (Suc k)<..<x k}  poly q (y k) = 0" if "k < n" for k
    by metis
  have "strict_antimono_on {0..<n} y"
    unfolding monotone_on_def
  proof safe
    fix k l
    assume kl: "k  {0..<n}" "l  {0..<n}" "k < l"
    hence "y k > x (Suc k)" "x l > y l"
      using y[of k] y[of l] by auto
    moreover have "x (Suc k)  x l"
    proof (cases "Suc k = l")
      case False
      hence "Suc k < l"
        using kl by linarith
      from monotone_onD[OF antimono_x _ _ this] show ?thesis
        using kl by auto
    qed auto
    ultimately show "y k > y l"
      by linarith
  hence "inj_on y {0..<n}"
    using strict_antimono_iff_antimono by blast
  hence "card (y ` {0..<n}) = n"
    by (subst card_image) auto
  have "q  0"
    using abs_less[of 1] by (auto simp: q_def)
  hence "finite {x. poly q x = 0}"
    using poly_roots_finite by blast
  moreover have "y ` {0..<n}  {x. poly q x = 0}"
    using y by auto
  ultimately have "card (y ` {0..<n})  card {x. poly q x = 0}"
    using card_mono by blast
  also have " < n"
    using poly_roots_degree[of q] q  0 degree q < n by simp
  also have "card (y ` {0..<n}) = n"
    by fact
  finally show False
    by simp
lemma Sup_abs_poly_bound_unit_ivl:
  fixes p :: "real poly"
  shows   "(SUP x{-1..1}. ¦poly p x¦)  ¦lead_coeff p¦ / 2 ^ (degree p - 1)"
proof (cases "p = 0")
  case [simp]: False
  define a where "a = lead_coeff p"
  have [simp]: "a  0"
    by (auto simp: a_def)
  define q where "q = smult (1 / a) p"
  have [simp]: "lead_coeff q = 1"
    by (auto simp: q_def a_def)
  have p_eq: "p = smult a q"
    by (auto simp: q_def)

  obtain x where x: "x  {-1..1}" "¦poly q x¦  1 / 2 ^ (degree q - 1)"
    using Sup_abs_poly_bound_aux[of q] by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule cSup_upper2[of "¦poly p x¦"])
    show "bdd_above ((λx. ¦poly p x¦) ` {- 1..1})"
      by (intro bounded_imp_bdd_above compact_imp_bounded compact_continuous_image)
         (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
  qed (use x in auto simp: p_eq abs_mult field_simps)
qed auto

text ‹
  Using an appropriate change of variables, we obtain the following bound in the
  most general form for a non-constant polynomial $P(x)$ on some non-empty interval $[a,b]$:
  \[ \sup\limits_{x\in[a,b]} |P(x)| \geq 2\cdot \text{lc}(p)\cdot \left(\frac{b-a}{4}\right)^{\text{deg}(p)} \]
  where $\text{lc}(p)$ denotes the leading coefficient of $p$.
theorem Sup_abs_poly_bound:
  fixes p :: "real poly"
  assumes "a < b" and "degree p > 0"
  shows   "(SUP x{a..b}. ¦poly p x¦)  2 * ¦lead_coeff p¦ * ((b - a) / 4) ^ degree p"
proof -
  define q where "q = pcompose p [:(a + b) / 2, (b - a) / 2:]"
  define f where "f = (λx. (a + b) / 2 + x * (b - a) / 2)"
  define g where "g = (λx. (a + b) / (a - b) + x * 2 / (b - a))"
  have p_eq: "p = pcompose q [:(a + b) / (a - b), 2 / (b - a):]"
    using assms by (auto simp: q_def field_simps simp flip: pcompose_assoc)
  have "(SUP x{-1..1}. ¦poly q x¦)  ¦lead_coeff q¦ / 2 ^ (degree q - 1)"
    by (rule Sup_abs_poly_bound_unit_ivl)
  also have "(λx. ¦poly q x¦) = abs  poly p  f"
    by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff q_def poly_pcompose f_def)
  also have " ` {-1..1} = abs ` poly p ` (f ` {-1..1})"
    by (simp add: image_image)
  also have "f ` {-1..1} = {a..b}"
  proof -
    have "f ` {-1..1} = (+) ((a+b)/2) ` (*) ((b-a)/2) ` {-1..1}"
      by (simp add: image_image f_def algebra_simps)
    also have "(*) ((b-a)/2) ` {-1..1} = {- ((b - a) / 2)..(b - a) / 2}"
      using assms by (subst image_mult_atLeastAtMost) simp_all
    also have "(+) ((a+b)/2) `  = {a..b}"
      by (subst image_add_atLeastAtMost) (simp_all add: field_simps)
    finally show ?thesis .
  also have "abs ` poly p ` {a..b} = (λx. ¦poly p x¦) ` {a..b}"
    by (simp add: image_image o_def)
  also have "lead_coeff q = lead_coeff p * ((b - a) / 2) ^ degree p"
    using assms unfolding q_def by (subst lead_coeff_comp) auto
  also have "degree q = degree p"
    using assms by (auto simp: q_def)
  also have "¦lead_coeff p * ((b - a) / 2) ^ degree p¦ / (2 ^ (degree p - 1)) =
               2 * ¦lead_coeff p¦ * ((b - a) / 4) ^ degree p"
    using assms
    by (simp add:  power_divide abs_mult power_diff flip: power_mult_distrib)
  finally show ?thesis .

text ‹
  If we scale $T_n$ with a factor of $2^{1-n}$, it exactly attains the lower bound we 
  just derived. The Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind are, in that sense, the
  polynomials that stay closest to 0› within the unit interval.

  With some more work (that we will not do), one can see that $T_n$ is in fact the ‹only›
  polynomial that attains this minimal deviation~(see e.g.\ Corollary~3.4B in
  Mason \& Handscomb~\cite{mason2002chebyshev}). This fact, however, requires proving 
  the Equioscillation Theorem, which is not so easy and beyond the scope of this entry.
lemma abs_cheb_poly_le_1:
  assumes "(x :: real)  {-1..1}"
  shows   "¦cheb_poly n x¦  1"
proof -
  have "¦cheb_poly n (cos (arccos x))¦  1"
    by (subst cheb_poly_cos) auto
  with assms show ?thesis
    by simp

theorem Sup_abs_poly_bound_sharp:
  fixes n :: nat and p :: "real poly"
  defines "p  smult (1 / 2 ^ (n - 1)) (Cheb_poly n)"
  shows   "degree p = n" and "lead_coeff p = 1"
    and   "(SUP x{-1..1}. ¦poly p x¦) = 1 / 2 ^ (n - 1)"
proof -
  show p: "degree p = n" "lead_coeff p = 1"
    by (simp_all add: p_def cheb_poly.lead_coeff)
  show "(SUP x{- 1..1}. ¦poly p x¦) = 1 / 2 ^ (n - 1)"
  proof (rule antisym)
    show "(SUP x{- 1..1}. ¦poly p x¦)  1 / 2 ^ (n - 1)"
      using Sup_abs_poly_bound_unit_ivl[of p] p by simp
    show "(SUP x{- 1..1}. ¦poly p x¦)  1 / 2 ^ (n - 1)"
    proof (rule cSUP_least)
      fix x :: real assume "x  {-1..1}"
      thus "¦poly p x¦  1 / 2 ^ (n - 1)"
        using abs_cheb_poly_le_1[of x n] by (auto simp: p_def field_simps)
    qed auto

text ‹
  A related fact: among all the real polynomials of degree n› whose absolute value is
  bounded by 1 within the unit interval, $T_n$ is the one that grows fastest ‹outside›
  the unit interval.
theorem cheb_poly_fastest_growth:
  fixes p :: "real poly"
  defines "n  degree p"
  assumes p_bounded: "x. ¦x¦  1  ¦poly p x¦  1"
  assumes x: "x  {-1<..<1}"
  shows   "¦cheb_poly n x¦  ¦poly p x¦"
proof (cases "n > 0")
  case False
  thus ?thesis
    using p_bounded[of 1] unfolding n_def
    by (auto elim!: degree_eq_zeroE)
  case True
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬¦poly p x¦  ¦cheb_poly n x¦"
    hence gt: "¦poly p x¦ > ¦cheb_poly n x¦" by simp
    define h where "h = smult (cheb_poly n x / poly p x) p"
    have [simp]: "poly h x = cheb_poly n x" using gt by (simp add: h_def)
    have "degree (Cheb_poly n - h)  n"
      by (rule degree_diff_le) (auto simp: n_def h_def)
    from gt have "poly (Cheb_poly n - h) x = 0"
      by (simp add: h_def)
    define a where "a = (λk. cos (real k / n * pi))"
    have cheb_poly_a: "cheb_poly n (a k) = (-1) ^ k" if "k  n" for k
      using n > 0 and k  n
      by (auto simp: cheb_poly_conv_cos field_simps arccos_cos a_def)
    have a_mono: "a k  a l" if "k  l" "k  n" for k l
      unfolding a_def by (intro cos_monotone_0_pi_le) (insert n > 0 that, auto simp: field_simps)
    have a_bounds: "¦a k¦  1" for k by (simp add: a_def)

    have h_a_bounded: "¦poly h (a k)¦ < 1" if "k  n" for k
    proof -
      have "¦poly h (a k)¦ = ¦cheb_poly n x / poly p x¦ * ¦poly p (a k)¦"
        by (simp add: h_def abs_mult)
      also have "   ¦cheb_poly n x / poly p x¦ * 1" using a_bounds[of k]
        by (intro mult_left_mono) (auto simp: p_bounded)
      also have " < 1 * 1" using gt
        by (intro mult_strict_right_mono) (auto simp: field_simps)
      finally show ?thesis by simp

    have "t{a (Suc k)<..<a k}. cheb_poly n t = poly h t" if "k < n" for k
    proof -
      define l where "l = -1 - poly h (a (if even k then Suc k else k))"
      define u where "u = 1 - poly h (a (if even k then k else Suc k))"
      have lu: "l < 0" "u > 0"
        using h_a_bounded[of k] h_a_bounded[of "Suc k"] k < n by (auto simp: l_def u_def)

      have "continuous_on {a (Suc k)..a k} (λt. cheb_poly n t - poly h t)"
        by (intro continuous_intros)
      moreover have "connected {a (Suc k)..a k}" by simp
      ultimately have conn: "connected ((λt. cheb_poly n t - poly h t) ` {a (Suc k)..a k})"
        by (rule connected_continuous_image)

      have "t{a (Suc k)..a k}. cheb_poly n t - poly h t = l" using k < n
        by (intro bexI[of _ "a (if even k then Suc k else k)"])
           (auto intro!: a_mono simp: cheb_poly_a l_def)
      moreover have "t{a (Suc k)..a k}. cheb_poly n t - poly h t = u" using k < n
        by (intro bexI[of _ "a (if even k then k else Suc k)"])
           (auto intro!: a_mono simp: cheb_poly_a u_def)
      ultimately have "0  (λt. cheb_poly n t - poly h t) ` {a (Suc k)..a k}" using lu
        by (intro connectedD_interval[OF conn, of l u 0]) auto
      then obtain t where t: "t  {a (Suc k)..a k}" "cheb_poly n t = poly h t"
        by auto
      moreover have "t  a l" if "l  n" for l
        assume [simp]: "t = a l"
        with t and that have "poly h t = (-1) ^ l" by (simp add: cheb_poly_a)
        hence "¦poly h t¦ = 1" by simp
        with h_a_bounded[OF that] show False by auto
      from this[of k] and this[of "Suc k"] and k < n
        have "t  a k" "t  a (Suc k)" by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by (intro bexI[of _ t]) auto
    hence "k{..<n}. t. t  {a (Suc k)<..<a k}  cheb_poly n t = poly h t" by blast
    then obtain b where b: "k. k < n  b k  {a (Suc k)<..<a k}"
                           "k. k < n  cheb_poly n (b k) = poly h (b k)"
      by (subst (asm) bchoice_iff) blast

    have b_mono: "b k > b l" if "k < l" "l < n" for k l
    proof -
      have "b l < a l" using b(1)[of l] that by simp
      also have "a l  a (Suc k)" using that by (intro a_mono) auto
      also have "a (Suc k) < b k" using b(1)[of k] that by simp
      finally show ?thesis .
    have b_inj: "inj_on b {..<n}"
      fix k l assume "k  {..<n}" "l  {..<n}" "b k = b l"
      thus "k = l" using b_mono[of k l] b_mono[of l k]
        by (cases k l rule: linorder_cases) auto

    have "Cheb_poly n  h"
      assume "Cheb_poly n = h"
      hence "poly (Cheb_poly n) 1 = poly h 1" by (simp only: )
      hence "¦poly p x¦ = ¦cheb_poly n x¦ * ¦poly p 1¦" using gt
        by (auto simp: h_def field_simps abs_mult)
      also have "  ¦cheb_poly n x¦ * 1" by (intro mult_left_mono p_bounded) auto
      finally show False using gt by simp

    have "x  b ` {..<n}"
      assume "x  b ` {..<n}"
      then obtain k where "k < n" "x = b k" by blast
      hence "abs x < 1" using b(1)[of k] a_bounds[of k] a_bounds[of "Suc k"] by force
      with x show False by (simp add: abs_if split: if_splits)
    with b_inj have "Suc n = card (insert x (b ` {..<n}))"
      by (subst card_insert_disjoint) (auto simp: card_image)
    also have "  card {t. poly (Cheb_poly n - h) t = 0}"
      using b(2) gt Cheb_poly n  h by (intro card_mono poly_roots_finite) auto
    also have "  degree (Cheb_poly n - h)" using Cheb_poly n  h
      by (intro poly_roots_degree) auto
    also have "  n" by (intro degree_diff_le) (auto simp: h_def n_def)
    finally show False by simp

subsection ‹Some basic equations›

text ‹
  We first set up a mechanism to allow us to prove facts about Chebyshev polynomials on
  any ring with characteristic 0› by proving them for Chebyshev polynomials over ℝ›.

definition rel_ring_int :: "'a :: ring_1  'b :: ring_1  bool" where
  "rel_ring_int x y  (n::int. x = of_int n  y = of_int n)"

lemma rel_ring_int_0: "rel_ring_int 0 0"
  unfolding rel_ring_int_def by (rule exI[of _ 0]) auto

lemma rel_ring_int_1: "rel_ring_int 1 1"
  unfolding rel_ring_int_def by (rule exI[of _ 1]) auto

lemma rel_ring_int_add:
  "rel_fun rel_ring_int (rel_fun rel_ring_int rel_ring_int) (+) (+)"
  unfolding rel_ring_int_def rel_fun_def by (auto intro: exI[of _ "x + y" for x y])

lemma rel_ring_int_mult:
  "rel_fun rel_ring_int (rel_fun rel_ring_int rel_ring_int) (*) (*)"
  unfolding rel_ring_int_def rel_fun_def by (auto intro: exI[of _ "x * y" for x y])

lemma rel_ring_int_minus:
  "rel_fun rel_ring_int (rel_fun rel_ring_int rel_ring_int) (-) (-)"
  unfolding rel_ring_int_def rel_fun_def by (auto intro: exI[of _ "x - y" for x y])

lemma rel_ring_int_uminus:
  "rel_fun rel_ring_int rel_ring_int uminus uminus"
  unfolding rel_ring_int_def rel_fun_def by (auto intro: exI[of _ "-x" for x])

lemma sgn_of_int: "sgn (of_int n :: 'a :: linordered_idom) = of_int (sgn n)"
  by (auto simp: sgn_if)

lemma rel_ring_int_sgn:
  "rel_fun rel_ring_int (rel_ring_int :: 'a :: linordered_idom  'b :: linordered_idom  bool) sgn sgn"
  unfolding rel_ring_int_def rel_fun_def using sgn_of_int by metis

lemma bi_unique_rel_ring_int:
  "bi_unique (rel_ring_int :: 'a :: ring_char_0  'b :: ring_char_0  bool)"
  by (auto simp: rel_ring_int_def bi_unique_def)

lemmas rel_ring_int_transfer =
  rel_ring_int_0 rel_ring_int_1 rel_ring_int_add rel_ring_int_mult rel_ring_int_minus
  rel_ring_int_uminus bi_unique_rel_ring_int

lemma rel_poly_rel_ring_int:
  "rel_poly rel_ring_int p q  (r. p = of_int_poly r  q = of_int_poly r)"
  assume "rel_poly rel_ring_int p q"
  then obtain f where f: "of_int (f i) = coeff p i" "of_int (f i) = coeff q i" for i
    unfolding rel_poly_def rel_ring_int_def rel_fun_def by metis
  define g where "g = (λi. if coeff p i = 0  coeff q i = 0 then 0 else f i)"
  have g: "of_int (g i) = coeff p i" "of_int (g i) = coeff q i" for i
    by (auto simp: g_def f)
  define r where "r = Abs_poly g"
  have "eventually (λi. g i = 0) cofinite"
    unfolding cofinite_eq_sequentially
    using eventually_gt_at_top[of "degree p"] eventually_gt_at_top[of "degree q"]
    by eventually_elim (auto simp: g_def coeff_eq_0)
  hence r: "coeff r i = g i" for i
    unfolding r_def by (simp add: Abs_poly_inverse)
  show "r. p = of_int_poly r  q = of_int_poly r"
    by (intro exI[of _ r]) (auto simp: poly_eq_iff r g)
qed (auto simp: rel_poly_def rel_ring_int_def rel_fun_def)

lemma Cheb_poly_transfer:
  "rel_fun (=) (rel_poly rel_ring_int) Cheb_poly Cheb_poly"
  fix m n :: nat assume "m = n"
  thus "rel_poly rel_ring_int (Cheb_poly m) (Cheb_poly n :: 'b poly)"
    unfolding rel_poly_rel_ring_int
    by (intro exI[of _ "Cheb_poly m"]) (auto simp: Cheb_poly_of_int)

lemma Cheb_poly'_transfer:
  "rel_fun (=) (rel_poly rel_ring_int) Cheb_poly' Cheb_poly'"
  fix m n :: nat assume "m = n"
  thus "rel_poly rel_ring_int (Cheb_poly' m) (Cheb_poly' n :: 'b poly)"
    unfolding rel_poly_rel_ring_int
    by (intro exI[of _ "Cheb_poly' m"]) (auto simp: Cheb_poly'_of_int)

  fixes T :: "'a :: {idom, ring_char_0} itself"
  notes [transfer_rule] = rel_ring_int_transfer [where ?'a = real and ?'b = 'a]
                          Cheb_poly_transfer[where ?'a = real and ?'b = 'a]
                          Cheb_poly'_transfer[where ?'a = real and ?'b = 'a]
                          transfer_rule_of_nat transfer_rule_numeral

text ‹
  The following rule allows us to prove an equality of real polynomials P = Q› by 
  proving that $P(\cos x) = Q (\cos x)$ for all $x \in (0,\alpha)$ for some $\alpha > 0$.

  This holds because there are infinitely many such $\cos x$, but $P - Q$, being a polynomial,
  can only have finitely many roots if $P\neq 0$.
lemma Cheb_poly_equalities_aux:
  fixes p q :: "real poly"
  assumes "a > 0"
  assumes "x. x  {0<..<a}  poly p (cos x) = poly q (cos x)"
  shows   "p = q"
proof -
  define a' where "a' = max 0 (cos (min a (pi/3)))"
  have "cos (min a (pi / 3)) > cos (pi / 2)"
    by (rule cos_monotone_0_pi) (use assms(1) in auto simp: min_def)
  moreover have "cos (min a (pi / 3)) < cos 0"
    by (rule cos_monotone_0_pi) (use assms(1) in auto simp: min_def)
  ultimately have "a'  0" "a' < 1"
    unfolding a'_def using a > 0
    by (auto intro!: cos_gt_zero simp: min_def)

  have "infinite {a'<..<1}"
    using a' < 1 by simp
  moreover have "poly (p - q) y = 0" if y: "y  {a'<..<1}" for y
  proof -
    define x where "x = arccos y"
    hence "x < arccos a'"
      unfolding x_def using y a' < 1 a'  0
      by (subst arccos_less_mono) auto
    also have "arccos a'  a" using assms(1)
      by (auto simp: a'_def max_def min_def arccos_cos intro: cos_ge_zero split: if_splits)
    finally have "x < a" .      
    moreover have "cos x = y"
      unfolding x_def using y a'  0 by (subst cos_arccos) auto
    moreover have "x > 0"
      unfolding x_def using arccos_lt_bounded[of y] y a'  0 by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using assms(2)[of x] by simp
  hence "{a'<..<1}  {y. poly (p - q) y = 0}"
    by blast
  ultimately have "infinite {x. poly (p - q) x = 0}"
    using finite_subset by blast
  with poly_roots_finite[of "p - q"] show "p = q"
    by auto

text ‹
  First, we show that $T_n(x) = n U_{n-1}(x)$:
lemma pderiv_Cheb_poly: "pderiv (Cheb_poly n) = of_nat n * (Cheb_poly' (n - 1) :: 'a poly)"
proof (transfer fixing: n, goal_cases)
  case 1
  show ?case
  proof (cases "n = 0")
    case False
    hence n: "n > 0"
      by auto
    show ?thesis
    proof (rule Cheb_poly_equalities_aux[OF pi_gt_zero], goal_cases)
      case x: (1 x)
      from x have [simp]: "sin x  0"
        using sin_gt_zero by force
      define Q :: "real poly" where "Q = Cheb_poly n"
      define Q' :: "real poly" where "Q' = pderiv Q"
      define f :: "real  real" 
        where "f = (λx. cheb_poly n (cos x) - poly Q (cos x))"
      define g where "g = (λx. - (sin (real n * x) * real n) + sin x * poly Q' (cos x))"
      have "(f has_field_derivative g x) (at x)"
        unfolding cheb_poly_cos g_def f_def
        by (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros simp: Q'_def)
      moreover have "f = (λ_. 0)"
        by (auto simp: f_def Q_def)
      hence "(f has_field_derivative 0) (at x)"
        by simp
      ultimately have "g x = 0"
        using DERIV_unique by blast
      also have "g x = sin x * (poly (pderiv (Cheb_poly n)) (cos x) - real n * cheb_poly' (n-1) (cos x))"
        using cheb_poly'_cos[of "n - 1" x] x n
        by (simp add: g_def Q'_def Q_def of_nat_diff algebra_simps)
      finally show "poly (pderiv (Cheb_poly n)) (cos x) = poly (of_nat n * Cheb_poly' (n-1)) (cos x)"
        using x by simp
  qed auto

text ‹
  Next, we show that:
  \[U_n'(x) = \frac{1}{x^2-1}((n+1) T_{n+1}(x) - x U_n(x))\]
lemma pderiv_Cheb_poly':
  "pderiv (Cheb_poly' n) * [:-1, 0, 1 :: 'a:] =
     of_nat (n+1) * Cheb_poly (n+1) - [:0,1:] * Cheb_poly' n"
proof (transfer fixing: n, rule Cheb_poly_equalities_aux[OF pi_gt_zero], goal_cases)
  case x: (1 x)
  from x have [simp]: "sin x  0"
    using sin_gt_zero by force
  define Q :: "real poly" where "Q = Cheb_poly' n"
  define Q' :: "real poly" where "Q' = pderiv Q"
  define R :: "real poly" where "R = Cheb_poly (n+1)"
  define f :: "real  real" 
    where "f = (λx. sin (real (n+1) * x) / sin x - poly Q (cos x))"
  define g where "g = (λx::real. ((n+1) * cos ((n+1) * x) * sin x -
                            sin ((n+1) * x) * cos x) / sin x ^ 2 +
                          sin x * poly Q' (cos x))"
  have "(f has_field_derivative g x) (at x)"
    unfolding g_def f_def using x
    by (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros simp: Q'_def power2_eq_square)
  moreover have ev: "eventually (λy. f y = 0) (nhds x)"
  proof -
    have "eventually (λy. y  {0<..<pi}) (nhds x)"
      by (rule eventually_nhds_in_open) (use x in auto)
    thus ?thesis
    proof eventually_elim
      case (elim y)
      hence "sin y > 0"
        by (intro sin_gt_zero) auto
      thus ?case
        using cheb_poly'_cos[of n y] by (auto simp: f_def Q_def field_simps)
  ultimately have "((λ_. 0) has_field_derivative g x) (at x)"
    using DERIV_cong_ev[OF refl ev refl] by simp
  hence "g x = 0"
    using DERIV_unique DERIV_const by blast
  also have "g x = sin x * poly Q' (cos x) +
      (sin x * cos ((n+1) * x) + real n * (sin x * cos ((n+1)*x)) - cos x * sin ((n+1)*x)) / sin x ^ 2"
    using cheb_poly_cos[of "n - 1" x] x
    by (simp add: g_def Q'_def Q_def of_nat_diff algebra_simps)
  finally have "poly Q' (cos x) = -
                  (real (n+1) * sin x * cos ((n+1) * x) -
                   cos x * sin ((n+1) * x)) / sin x ^ 3"
    using sin x  0
    by (auto simp: field_simps eval_nat_numeral)
  also have "sin ((n+1) * x) = cheb_poly' n (cos x) * sin x"
    by (rule cheb_poly'_cos [symmetric])
  also have "cos ((n+1) * x) = cheb_poly (n+1) (cos x)"
    by simp
  also have "-(real (n+1) * sin x * cheb_poly (n+1) (cos x) - cos x * (cheb_poly' n (cos x) * sin x)) / sin x ^ 3 =
               (cos x * cheb_poly' n (cos x) - real (n+1) * cheb_poly (n+1) (cos x)) / sin x ^ 2"
    using sin x  0
    by (simp add: field_simps power3_eq_cube power2_eq_square)
  finally have "poly Q' (cos x) * sin x ^ 2 =
                  cos x * cheb_poly' n (cos x) - real (n + 1) * cheb_poly (n + 1) (cos x)"
    using sin x  0 by (simp add: field_simps)
  thus ?case
    unfolding sin_squared_eq Q'_def Q_def
    by (simp add: algebra_simps power2_eq_square)

text ‹
  Next, we have $T_n(x) = \frac{1}{2}(U_n(x) - U_{n-2}(x))$.
lemma Cheb_poly_rec:
  assumes n: "n  2"
  shows "2 * Cheb_poly n = Cheb_poly' n - (Cheb_poly' (n - 2) :: 'a poly)"
proof (transfer fixing: n, rule Cheb_poly_equalities_aux[OF pi_gt_zero], goal_cases)
  case (1 x)
  have *: "sin x * (sin x * t) = (1 - cos x ^ 2) * t" for t
    using sin_squared_eq[of x] by algebra
  from 1 have "sin x > 0"
    by (intro sin_gt_zero) auto
  hence "(poly (2 * Cheb_poly n) (cos x) - poly (Cheb_poly' n - Cheb_poly' (n - 2)) (cos x)) = 0"
    using n
    by (auto simp: cheb_poly'_cos' * field_simps sin_add sin_diff cos_add
          power2_eq_square power3_eq_cube of_nat_diff)
  thus ?case
    by simp

lemma cheb_poly_rec:
  assumes n: "n  2"
  shows "2 * cheb_poly n x = cheb_poly' n x - cheb_poly' (n - 2) (x::'a)"
  using arg_cong[OF Cheb_poly_rec[OF assms], of "λP. poly P x", unfolded cheb_poly.eval cheb_poly'.eval]
  by (simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)

text ‹
  Next, we have $U_n(x) = x U_{n-1}(x) + T_n(x)$.
lemma Cheb_poly'_rec:
  assumes n: "n > 0"
  shows   "Cheb_poly' n = [:0,1::'a:] * Cheb_poly' (n - 1) + Cheb_poly n"
proof (transfer fixing: n, rule Cheb_poly_equalities_aux[OF pi_gt_zero], goal_cases)
  case (1 x)
  have *: "sin x * (sin x * t) = (1 - cos x ^ 2) * t" for t
    using sin_squared_eq[of x] by algebra
  from 1 have "sin x > 0"
    by (intro sin_gt_zero) auto
  hence "(poly (Cheb_poly' n) (cos x) - poly ([:0, 1:] * Cheb_poly' (n - 1) + Cheb_poly n) (cos x)) = 0"
    using n
    by (auto simp: cheb_poly'_cos' * field_simps sin_add cos_add power2_eq_square
                   power3_eq_cube of_nat_diff)
  thus ?case
    by simp

lemma cheb_poly'_rec:
  assumes n: "n > 0"
  shows "cheb_poly' n x = x * cheb_poly' (n-1) x + cheb_poly n (x::'a)"
  using arg_cong[OF Cheb_poly'_rec[OF assms], of "λP. poly P x", unfolded cheb_poly.eval cheb_poly'.eval]
  by (simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)

text ‹
  Next, $T_n(x) = x T_{n-1}(x) + (x^2 - 1) U_{n-2}(x)$.
lemma Cheb_poly_rec':
  assumes n: "n  2"
  shows "Cheb_poly n = [:0,1::'a:] * Cheb_poly (n-1) + [:-1,0,1:] * Cheb_poly' (n-2)"
proof (transfer fixing: n, rule Cheb_poly_equalities_aux[OF pi_gt_zero], goal_cases)
  case (1 x)
  have *: "sin x * (sin x * t) = (1 - cos x ^ 2) * t" for t
    using sin_squared_eq[of x] by algebra
  from 1 have "sin x > 0"
    by (intro sin_gt_zero) auto
  hence "poly (Cheb_poly n) (cos x) - poly ([:0, 1:] * Cheb_poly (n-1) - [:1, 0, - 1:] * Cheb_poly' (n-2)) (cos x) = 0"
    using n
    by (auto simp: cheb_poly'_cos' * field_simps sin_add cos_add sin_diff cos_diff 
                   power2_eq_square power3_eq_cube of_nat_diff)
  thus ?case
    by simp

lemma cheb_poly_rec':
  assumes n: "n  2"
  shows "cheb_poly n x = x * cheb_poly (n-1) x + (x2 - 1) * cheb_poly' (n-2) (x::'a)"
  using arg_cong[OF Cheb_poly_rec'[OF assms], of "λP. poly P x", unfolded cheb_poly.eval cheb_poly'.eval]
  by (simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)

text ‹
  $T_n$ and $U_{-1}$ are a solution to a Pell-like equation on polynomials:
  \[T_n(x)^2 + (1 - x^2) U_{n-1}(x)^2 = 1\]
lemma Cheb_poly_Pell:
  assumes n: "n > 0"
  shows   "Cheb_poly n ^ 2 + [:1, 0, -1::'a:] * Cheb_poly' (n - 1) ^ 2 = 1"
proof (transfer fixing: n, rule Cheb_poly_equalities_aux[OF pi_gt_zero], goal_cases)
  case (1 x)
  from 1 have "sin x > 0"
    by (intro sin_gt_zero) auto
  hence "sin x ^ 2 * (poly (Cheb_poly n ^ 2 + [:1, 0, -1::real:] * Cheb_poly' (n - 1) ^ 2) (cos x) - 1) = 
         sin x ^ 2 * (cos (n*x) ^ 2 - 1) + (1 - cos x ^ 2) * sin (n*x) ^ 2"
    using n by (auto simp: cheb_poly'_cos' field_simps power2_eq_square)
  also have " = 0"
    by (simp add: sin_squared_eq algebra_simps)
  finally show ?case
    using sin x > 0 by simp

lemma cheb_poly_Pell:
  assumes n: "n > 0"
  shows "cheb_poly n x ^ 2 + (1 - x2) * cheb_poly' (n-1) x ^ 2 = (1 :: 'a)"
  using arg_cong[OF Cheb_poly_Pell[OF assms], of "λP. poly P x", unfolded cheb_poly.eval cheb_poly'.eval]
  by (simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)

text ‹
  The following Tur\'{a}n-style equation also holds:
  \[T_{n+1}(x)^2 - T_{n+2}(x) T_n(x) = 1 - x^2\]
lemma Cheb_poly_Turan:
  "Cheb_poly (n+1) ^ 2  - Cheb_poly (n+2) * Cheb_poly n = [:1,0,-1::'a:]"
proof (transfer fixing: n, rule Cheb_poly_equalities_aux[OF pi_gt_zero], goal_cases)
  case (1 x)
  have *: "sin x * sin x = 1 - cos x ^ 2"
          "sin x * (sin x * t) = (1 - cos x ^ 2) * t" for t x :: real
    using sin_squared_eq[of x] by algebra+
  from 1 have "sin x > 0"
    by (intro sin_gt_zero) auto
  hence "(poly ((Cheb_poly (Suc n))2 - Cheb_poly (Suc (Suc n)) * Cheb_poly n) (cos x) - (1 - cos x ^ 2)) = 0"
    using sin x > 0
    apply (simp add: field_simps cheb_poly'_cos')
    apply (auto simp: cheb_poly'_cos' field_simps sin_add cos_add power2_eq_square *
                      sin_multiple_reduce cos_multiple_reduce)
  thus ?case
    by (simp add: power2_eq_square)

lemma cheb_poly_Turan:
  "cheb_poly (n+1) x ^ 2  - cheb_poly (n+2) x * cheb_poly n x = (1 - x ^ 2 :: 'a)"
  using arg_cong[OF Cheb_poly_Turan[of n], of "λP. poly P x", unfolded cheb_poly.eval]
  by (simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)

text ‹
  And, the analogous one for $U_n$:
  \[U_{n+1}(x)^2 - U_{n+2}(x) U_n(x) = 1\]
lemma Cheb_poly'_Turan:
  "Cheb_poly' (n+1) ^ 2  - Cheb_poly' (n+2) * Cheb_poly' n = (1 :: 'a poly)"
proof (transfer fixing: n, rule Cheb_poly_equalities_aux[OF pi_gt_zero], goal_cases)
  case (1 x)
  have *: "sin x * sin x = 1 - cos x ^ 2"
          "sin x * (sin x * t) = (1 - cos x ^ 2) * t" for t x :: real
    using sin_squared_eq[of x] by algebra+
  from 1 have "sin x > 0"
    by (intro sin_gt_zero) auto
  hence "sin x * ((poly ((Cheb_poly' (Suc n))2 - Cheb_poly' (Suc (Suc n)) * Cheb_poly' n) (cos x) - 1)) = 0"
    using sin x > 0
    apply (simp add: field_simps cheb_poly'_cos')
    apply (auto simp: cheb_poly'_cos' field_simps sin_add cos_add power3_eq_cube power2_eq_square *
                      sin_multiple_reduce cos_multiple_reduce)
  thus ?case
    using sin x > 0 by simp

lemma cheb_poly'_Turan:
  "cheb_poly' (n+1) x ^ 2  - cheb_poly' (n+2) x * cheb_poly' n x = (1 :: 'a)"
  using arg_cong[OF Cheb_poly'_Turan[of n], of "λP. poly P x", unfolded cheb_poly'.eval]
  by (simp add: mult_ac)

text ‹
  There is also a nice formula for the product of two Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind:
  \[T_m(x) T_n(x) = \frac{1}{2}(T_{m+n}(x) + T_{m-n}(x))\]
lemma Cheb_poly_prod:
  assumes "n  m"
  shows   "2 * Cheb_poly m * Cheb_poly n = Cheb_poly (m + n) + (Cheb_poly (m - n) :: 'a poly)"
proof (transfer fixing: m n, rule Cheb_poly_equalities_aux[OF pi_gt_zero], goal_cases)
  case (1 x)
  have *: "sin x * sin x = 1 - cos x ^ 2"
          "sin x * (sin x * t) = (1 - cos x ^ 2) * t" for t x :: real
    using sin_squared_eq[of x] by algebra+
  have "poly (Cheb_poly (m + n) + Cheb_poly (m - n) - 2 * Cheb_poly m * Cheb_poly n) (cos x) = 0"
    using assms 
    by (simp add: * cos_add cos_diff of_nat_diff power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
  thus ?case
    by simp

lemma cheb_poly_prod':
  assumes "n  m"
  shows   "2 * cheb_poly m x * cheb_poly n x = cheb_poly (m + n) x + cheb_poly (m - n) (x :: 'a)"
  using arg_cong[OF Cheb_poly_prod[OF assms], of "λP. poly P x", unfolded cheb_poly'.eval]
  by (simp add: poly_pcompose)

text ‹
  In particular, this leads to a divide-and-conquer-style recurrence relation
  for $T_n$ for even and odd n›:
    T_{2n}(x) &= 2 T_n(x)^2 - 1\\
    T_{2n+1} &= 2 T_n(x) T_{n+1}(x) - x
lemma Cheb_poly_even:
  "Cheb_poly (2 * n) = 2 * Cheb_poly n ^ 2 - (1 :: 'a poly)"
  using Cheb_poly_prod[of n n]
  by (simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps flip: mult_2)

lemma cheb_poly_even:
  "cheb_poly (2 * n) x = 2 * cheb_poly n x ^ 2 - (1 :: 'a)"
  using arg_cong[OF Cheb_poly_even[of n], of "λP. poly P x", unfolded cheb_poly'.eval]
  by (simp add: poly_pcompose)

lemma Cheb_poly_odd:
  "Cheb_poly (2 * n + 1) = 2 * Cheb_poly n * Cheb_poly (Suc n) - [:0,1::'a:]"
  using Cheb_poly_prod[of n "n + 1"]
  by (simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps flip: mult_2)

lemma cheb_poly_odd:
  "cheb_poly (2 * n + 1) x = 2 * cheb_poly n x * cheb_poly (Suc n) x - (x :: 'a)"
  using arg_cong[OF Cheb_poly_odd[of n], of "λP. poly P x", unfolded cheb_poly'.eval]
  by (simp add: poly_pcompose)

text ‹
  Remarkably, we also have the following formula for the composition of two Chebyshev polynomials
  of the first kind:
  \[T_{mn}(x) = T_m(T_n(x))\]
theorem Cheb_poly_mult:
  "(Cheb_poly (m * n) :: 'a poly) = pcompose (Cheb_poly m) (Cheb_poly n)"
proof (transfer fixing: m n, rule ccontr)
  assume neq: "(Cheb_poly (m * n) :: real poly)  pcompose (Cheb_poly m) (Cheb_poly n)" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
  have "{-1..1}  {x. poly (?lhs - ?rhs) x = 0}"
    by (auto simp: cheb_poly_conv_cos mult_ac poly_pcompose)
  moreover have "¬finite ({-1..1} :: real set)" by simp
  ultimately have "¬finite {x. poly (?lhs - ?rhs) x = 0}" using finite_subset by blast
  moreover have "finite {x. poly (?lhs - ?rhs) x = 0}" using neq
    by (intro poly_roots_finite) auto
  ultimately show False by contradiction

corollary cheb_poly_mult: "cheb_poly m (cheb_poly n x) = cheb_poly (m * n) (x :: 'a)"
proof -
  have "cheb_poly m (cheb_poly n x) = poly (pcompose (Cheb_poly m) (Cheb_poly n)) x"
    by (simp add: poly_pcompose)
  also note Cheb_poly_mult[symmetric]
  finally show ?thesis by simp

text ‹
  For the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind, the following more complicated
  relationship holds:
  \[U_{mn-1}(x) = U_{m-1}(T_n(x)) \cdot U_{n-1}(x)\]
theorem Cheb_poly'_mult:
  assumes "m > 0" "n > 0"
  shows   "(Cheb_poly' (m * n - 1) :: 'a poly) =
              pcompose (Cheb_poly' (m-1)) (Cheb_poly n) * Cheb_poly' (n-1)"
proof (transfer fixing: m n, rule Cheb_poly_equalities_aux[of "pi / n"], goal_cases)
  case (2 x)
  have *: "sin x * sin x = 1 - cos x ^ 2"
          "sin x * (sin x * t) = (1 - cos x ^ 2) * t" for t x :: real
    using sin_squared_eq[of x] by algebra+
  have "x < pi / n"
    using 2 by auto
  also have "pi / n  pi / 1"
    using assms by (intro divide_left_mono) auto
  finally have "x < pi"
    by simp
  hence A: "sin x > 0"
    by (intro sin_gt_zero) (use 2 in auto)
  from 2 have B: "sin (n * x) > 0"
    by (intro sin_gt_zero) (use 2 assms in  auto simp: field_simps)
  have "poly ((Cheb_poly' (m * n - 1) :: real poly) -
              pcompose (Cheb_poly' (m-1)) (Cheb_poly n) * Cheb_poly' (n-1)) (cos x) = 0"
    using assms A B
    by (simp add: * cos_add cos_diff of_nat_diff power2_eq_square algebra_simps poly_pcompose cheb_poly'_cos')
  thus ?case
    by simp
qed (use assms in auto)

lemma cheb_poly'_mult:
  assumes "m > 0" "n > 0"
  shows   "cheb_poly' (m * n - 1) (x :: 'a) =
              cheb_poly' (m-1) (cheb_poly n x) * cheb_poly' (n-1) x"
  using arg_cong[OF Cheb_poly'_mult[OF assms], of "λP. poly P x",
                 unfolded cheb_poly'.eval]
  by (simp add: poly_pcompose)

text ‹
  The following two lemmas tell tell us that
  U_n'(1) &= 2{{n+2}\choose 3} = \frac{1}{3}n(n+1)(n+2)\\
  U_n'(-1) &= (-1)^{n+1}2{{n+2}\choose 3} = \frac{(-1)^{n+1}}{3}n(n+1)(n+2)
  This is good to know because our formula for $U_n'$ has a ``division by zero'' at $\pm 1$,
  so we cannot use it to establish these values.
lemma poly_pderiv_Cheb_poly'_1:
  "3 * poly (pderiv (Cheb_poly' n) :: 'a poly) 1 = of_nat ((n + 2) * (n + 1) * n)"
proof (transfer fixing: n)
  have "poly (pderiv (Cheb_poly' n)) 1 = real ((n + 2) * (n + 1) * n) / 3"
  proof (induction n rule: induct_nat_012)
    case (ge2 n)
    show ?case
      by (auto simp: pderiv_pCons Cheb_poly'_simps pderiv_diff pderiv_smult ge2 field_simps)
  qed (auto simp: pderiv_pCons)
  thus "3 * poly (pderiv (Cheb_poly' n)) 1 = real ((n + 2) * (n + 1) * n)"
    by (simp add: field_simps)

lemma poly_pderiv_Cheb_poly'_neg_1:
  "3 * poly (pderiv (Cheb_poly' n) :: 'a poly) (-1) = (-1)^Suc n * of_nat ((n + 2) * (n + 1) * n)"
proof -
  have "3 * poly (pderiv (pcompose (Cheb_poly' n) (monom (-1::'a) 1))) 1 =
          -3 * poly (pderiv (Cheb_poly' n)) (- 1)"
    by (subst pderiv_pcompose) (auto simp: pderiv_pCons poly_pcompose monom_altdef)
  also have "3 * poly (pderiv (pcompose (Cheb_poly' n) (monom (-1::'a) 1))) 1 =
             (- 1) ^ n * (3 * poly (pderiv (Cheb_poly' n)) 1)"
    by (subst cheb_poly'.pcompose_minus)
       (auto simp: pderiv_mult one_pCons poly_const_pow pderiv_smult)
  also have "3 * poly (pderiv (Cheb_poly' n) :: 'a poly) 1 = of_nat ((n + 2) * (n + 1) * n)"
    by (rule poly_pderiv_Cheb_poly'_1)
  finally show ?thesis 
    by simp

text ‹
  Another alternative definition of $T_n$ and $U_n$ is as the solutions of the
  ordinary differential equations
  (1-x^2) T_n'' - x T_n' + n^2 T_n &= 0\\
  (1-x^2) U_n'' - 3x U_n' + n(n+2) U_n &= 0
lemma Cheb_poly_ODE:
  fixes n :: nat
  defines "p  (Cheb_poly n :: 'a poly)"
  shows   "[:1,0,-1:] * (pderiv ^^ 2) p - [:0,1:] * pderiv p + of_nat n ^ 2 * p = 0"
proof (cases "n = 0")
  case n: False
  define f where "f = [:-1, 0, 1 :: 'a:]"
  have "[:1,0,-1:] * (pderiv ^^ 2) p - [:0, 1:] * pderiv p + of_nat n ^ 2 * p =
        -(f * (pderiv ^^ 2) p) - [:0, 1:] * pderiv p + of_nat n ^ 2 * p"
    by (simp add: f_def)
  also have "f * (pderiv ^^ 2) p = of_nat n * (pderiv (Cheb_poly' (n - 1)) * f)"
    by (simp add: p_def numeral_2_eq_2 pderiv_Cheb_poly pderiv_mult)
  also have "pderiv (Cheb_poly' (n - 1)) * f = 
              of_nat n * Cheb_poly n - [:0, 1:] * Cheb_poly' (n - 1)"
    unfolding f_def by (subst pderiv_Cheb_poly') (use n in auto)
  also have "- (of_nat n * (of_nat n * Cheb_poly n - [:0, 1:] * Cheb_poly' (n - 1))) -
                [:0, 1:] * pderiv p + (of_nat n)2 * p = 0"
    by (simp add: p_def pderiv_Cheb_poly power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
  finally show ?thesis .
qed (auto simp: p_def numeral_2_eq_2)

lemma Cheb_poly'_ODE:
  fixes n :: nat
  defines "p  (Cheb_poly' n :: 'a poly)"
  shows   "[:1,0,-1:] * (pderiv ^^ 2) p - [:0,3:] * pderiv p + of_nat (n*(n+2)) * p = 0"
proof (cases "n = 0")
  case n: False
  define f where "f = [:-1, 0, 1 :: 'a:]"
  have "[:1,0,-1:] * (pderiv ^^ 2) p - [:0,3:] * pderiv p + of_nat (n*(n+2)) * p =
        -((pderiv ^^ 2) p * f + [:0,3:] * pderiv p) + of_nat (n*(n+2)) * p"
    by (simp add: algebra_simps f_def)
  also have "(pderiv ^^ 2) p * f = pderiv (pderiv p * f) - pderiv p * pderiv f"
    by (simp add: numeral_2_eq_2 pderiv_mult)
  also have "pderiv p * f = of_nat (n + 1) * Cheb_poly (n + 1) - [:0, 1:] * Cheb_poly' n"
    unfolding p_def f_def by (subst pderiv_Cheb_poly') auto
  also have "pderiv (of_nat (n + 1) * Cheb_poly (n + 1) - [:0, 1:] * Cheb_poly' n) -
               pderiv p * pderiv f + [:0, 3:] * pderiv p =
             of_nat (n^2 + 2 * n) * p"
    by (auto simp: p_def f_def pderiv_pCons pderiv_diff pderiv_mult
                   pderiv_add pderiv_Cheb_poly power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
  also have "- + of_nat (n * (n + 2)) * p = 0"
    by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
  finally show ?thesis .
qed (auto simp: numeral_2_eq_2 p_def)


lemma cheb_poly_prod:
  fixes x :: "'a :: field_char_0"
  assumes "n  m"
  shows   "cheb_poly m x * cheb_poly n x = (cheb_poly (m + n) x + cheb_poly (m - n) x) / 2"
  using cheb_poly_prod'[OF assms, of x] by (simp add: field_simps)

lemma has_field_derivative_cheb_poly [derivative_intros]:
  assumes "(f has_field_derivative f') (at x within A)"
  shows   "((λx. cheb_poly n (f x)) has_field_derivative
              (of_nat n * cheb_poly' (n- 1) (f x) * f')) (at x within A)"
  unfolding cheb_poly.eval [symmetric] 
  by (rule derivative_eq_intros refl assms)+ (simp add: pderiv_Cheb_poly)

lemma has_field_derivative_cheb_poly' [derivative_intros]:
  "(cheb_poly' n has_field_derivative
     (if x = 1 then of_nat ((n + 2) * (n + 1) * n) / 3
      else if x = -1 then (-1)^Suc n * of_nat ((n + 2) * (n + 1) * n) / 3
      else (of_nat (n+1) * cheb_poly (Suc n) x - x * cheb_poly' n x) / (x2 - 1)))
   (at x within A)" (is "(_ has_field_derivative ?f') (at _ within _)")
proof -
  define a where "a = poly (pderiv (Cheb_poly' n)) x"
  have "((λx. cheb_poly' n x) has_field_derivative a) (at x within A)"
    unfolding cheb_poly'.eval [symmetric] 
    by (rule derivative_eq_intros refl)+ (simp add: pderiv_Cheb_poly' a_def)
  also {
    have "(x ^ 2 - 1) * a = poly (pderiv (Cheb_poly' n) * [:-1, 0, 1:]) x"
      by (simp add: a_def power2_eq_square pderiv_minus algebra_simps)
    also have " = of_nat (n+1) * cheb_poly (Suc n) x - x * cheb_poly' n x"
      by (subst pderiv_Cheb_poly') auto
    finally have *: "of_nat (n+1) * cheb_poly (Suc n) x - x * cheb_poly' n x = (x ^ 2 - 1) * a" ..
    have "a = ?f'"
    proof (cases "x ^ 2 = 1")
      case x: True
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "n = 0")
        case False
        thus ?thesis using x
          using poly_pderiv_Cheb_poly'_1[of n, where ?'a = 'a]
                poly_pderiv_Cheb_poly'_neg_1[of n, where ?'a = 'a]
          by (auto simp: power2_eq_1_iff a_def field_simps)
      qed (auto simp: a_def)
      case False
      thus ?thesis
        by (subst *) auto
  finally show ?thesis .

lemmas has_field_derivative_cheb_poly'' [derivative_intros] =
  DERIV_chain'[OF _ has_field_derivative_cheb_poly']

subsection ‹Signs of the coefficients›

text ‹
  Since $T_n(-x) = (-1)^n T_n(x)$ and analogously for $U_n$, the Chebyshev polynomials are
  even functions when $n$ is even and odd functions when $n$ is odd. Consequently, when
  $n$ is even, the coefficients of $X^k$ for any odd $k$ are $0$ and analogously when $n$ is odd.
lemma coeff_Cheb_poly_eq_0:
  assumes "odd (n + k)"
  shows   "coeff (Cheb_poly n :: 'a :: {idom,ring_char_0} poly) k = 0"
proof -
  note [transfer_rule] =
    rel_ring_int_transfer [where ?'a = real and ?'b = 'a]
    Cheb_poly_transfer[where ?'a = real and ?'b = 'a]
    transfer_rule_of_nat transfer_rule_numeral
  show ?thesis
  proof (transfer fixing: n k)
    have "coeff ((-1) ^ n * pcompose (Cheb_poly n) (monom (-1) 1)) k =
          ((-1)^(n+k) * coeff (Cheb_poly n) k :: real)"
      by (simp add: one_pCons poly_const_pow power_add)
    also have "((-1) ^ n * pcompose (Cheb_poly n) (monom (-1) 1)) = (Cheb_poly n :: real poly)"
      by (subst cheb_poly.pcompose_minus) auto
    finally show "coeff (Cheb_poly n :: real poly) k = 0"
      using assms by auto

lemma coeff_Cheb_poly'_eq_0:
  assumes "odd (n + k)"
  shows   "coeff (Cheb_poly' n :: 'a :: {idom,ring_char_0} poly) k = 0"
proof -
  note [transfer_rule] =
    rel_ring_int_transfer [where ?'a = real and ?'b = 'a]
    Cheb_poly'_transfer[where ?'a = real and ?'b = 'a]
    transfer_rule_of_nat transfer_rule_numeral
  show ?thesis
  proof (transfer fixing: n k)
    have "coeff ((-1) ^ n * pcompose (Cheb_poly' n) (monom (-1) 1)) k =
          ((-1)^(n+k) * coeff (Cheb_poly' n) k :: real)"
      by (simp add: one_pCons poly_const_pow power_add)
    also have "((-1) ^ n * pcompose (Cheb_poly' n) (monom (-1) 1)) = (Cheb_poly' n :: real poly)"
      by (subst cheb_poly'.pcompose_minus) auto
    finally show "coeff (Cheb_poly' n :: real poly) k = 0"
      using assms by auto

text ‹
  Next, we analyse the behaviour of the signs of the coefficients of $T_n$ and $U_n$ more generally
  and show that:
     The leading coefficient is positive.

     After that, every second coefficient is 0›.

     The remaining coefficients are non-zero and their signs alternate.

  In conclusion, we have
    \text{sgn}([X^k]\,T_n(X)) = \text{sgn}([X^k]\,U_n(X)) = &\\
     0 & \text{if}\ k > n\ \text{or}\ (n+k)\ \text{is\ odd}\\
     (-1) ^ {\frac{n-k}{2}} & \text{otherwise}

  The proof works using Descartes' rule of signs: We know that $T_n$ and $U_n$ have $n$ distinct
  real roots and $\lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor$ of them are positive. By Descartes' rule of signs,
  this implies that the coefficient sequences of $T_n$ and $U_n$ must have at least
  $\lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor$ sign alternations. However, we also already know that every other
  coefficient of $T_n$ and $U_n$ starting with $[X^{n-1}]$ is $0$, so the number of sign
  alternations must be ‹exactly› $\lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor$.
lemma sgn_coeff_Cheb_poly_aux:
  fixes n :: nat and P :: "real poly"
  assumes "degree P = n"
  assumes "i. odd (n + i)  coeff P i = 0"
  assumes "card {x. x > 0  poly P x = 0} = n div 2"
  assumes "rsquarefree P"
  assumes "coeff P n > 0"
  shows "sgn (coeff P i) = (if i > n  odd (n + i) then 0 else (-1) ^ ((n - i) div 2))"
proof (cases "n > 1")
  case False
  hence "n = 0  n = 1"
    by linarith
  thus ?thesis
  proof (elim disjE)
    assume [simp]: "n = 0"
    show ?thesis
      using assms by (cases "i = 0") (auto simp: coeff_eq_0)
    assume [simp]: "n = 1"
    consider "i = 0" | "i = 1" | "i > 1"
      by linarith
    thus ?thesis
      by cases (use assms in auto simp: coeff_eq_0)
  case n: True
  define xs where "xs = coeffs P"
  define ys where "ys = filter (λx. x  0) (map sgn xs)"
  have [simp]: "P  0"
    using assms by auto
  note [simp] = degree P = n

  have "count_roots_with (λx. x > 0) P =
          ((x::real) | x > 0  poly P x = 0. order x P)"
    unfolding count_roots_with_def roots_with_def ..
  also have " = ((x::real) | x > 0  poly P x = 0. 1)"
    using rsquarefree P by (intro sum.cong) (auto simp: rsquarefree_def order_eq_0_iff)
  also have " = card {x::real. x > 0  poly P x = 0}"
    by simp
  also have " = n div 2"
    by fact
  finally have "count_roots_with (λx::real. x > 0) P = n div 2" .
  hence "sign_changes xs  n div 2"
    using descartes_sign_rule_aux[of P] by (simp add: xs_def)
  also have "sign_changes xs = length (remdups_adj ys) - 1"
    by (simp add: sign_changes_def ys_def)
  finally have length_gt: "length (remdups_adj ys) > n div 2"
    using n by simp

  define d where "d = n mod 2"

  have len_ys_conv_card: "length ys = card {i{..n div 2}. coeff P (2 * i + d)  0}"
  proof -
    have "length ys = card {i. i < Suc n  map sgn xs ! i  0}"
      unfolding ys_def xs_def
      by (subst length_filter_conv_card) (simp_all add: length_coeffs_degree)
    also have "{i. i < Suc n  map sgn xs ! i  0} = {i{..n}. coeff P i  0}"
      by (intro Collect_cong conj_cong)
         (auto simp: xs_def map_nth length_coeffs_degree sgn_eq_0_iff nth_coeffs_coeff)
    also have " = {i{..n}. even (i + n)  coeff P i  0}  
                    {i{..n}. odd (i + n)  coeff P i  0}"
      by blast
    also have "{i{..n}. odd (i + n)  coeff P i  0} = {}"
      using assms(2) by auto
    finally have "length ys = card {i{..n}. even (i + n)  coeff P i  0}"
      by simp
    also have "bij_betw (λi. i div 2) {i{..n}. even (i + n)  coeff P i  0}
                 {i{..n div 2}. coeff P (2 * i + d)  0}"
      by (rule bij_betwI[of _ _ _ "λi. 2 * i + d"]; cases "even n")
         (auto elim!: evenE oddE simp: Suc_double_not_eq_double d_def)
    hence "card {i{..n}. even (i + n)  coeff P i  0} =
           card {i{..n div 2}. coeff P (2 * i + d)  0}"
      by (rule bij_betw_same_card)
    finally show ?thesis
      by simp

  have "length ys  n div 2 + 1"
  proof -
    have "card {i{..n div 2}. coeff P (2 * i + d)  0}  card {..n div 2}"
      by (rule card_mono) auto
    with len_ys_conv_card show ?thesis
      by simp

  have "length (remdups_adj ys)  length ys"
    by (rule remdups_adj_length)
  hence "length (remdups_adj ys) = length ys" and len_ys: "length ys = n div 2 + 1"
    using length_gt length ys  n div 2 + 1 by linarith+
  hence distinct: "distinct_adj ys"
    by (simp add: distinct_adj_conv_length_remdups_adj)

  have coeff_nz: "coeff P (2 * i + d)  0" if "i  n div 2" for i
  proof -
    have "{i{..n div 2}. coeff P (2 * i + d)  0} = {..n div 2}"
    proof (rule card_subset_eq)
      show "card {i  {..n div 2}. coeff P (2 * i + d)  0} = card {..n div 2}"
        using len_ys len_ys_conv_card by simp
    qed auto
    thus ?thesis using that
      by blast

  have coeff_eq_0_iff: "coeff P i = 0  i > n  odd (n + i)" for i
    assume "coeff P i = 0"
    hence "odd (n + i)" if "i  n"
      using coeff_nz[of "i div 2"] that
      by (cases "even n"; cases "even i"; auto simp: d_def elim!: evenE oddE)
    thus "i > n  odd (n + i)"
      by linarith
    assume "i > n  odd (n + i)"
    thus "coeff P i = 0"
      using coeff_eq_0[of P i] assms(2)[of i] by auto
  have [simp]: "length (coeffs P) = Suc n"
    by (auto simp: length_coeffs_degree)

  have ys_eq: "ys = map (λi. sgn (coeff P (2 * i + d))) [0..<Suc (n div 2)]"
    unfolding ys_def
  proof (rule filter_eqI[where f = "λi. 2 * i + d"], goal_cases)
    case 1
    thus ?case
      by (auto intro!: strict_mono_onI)
    case (2 i)
    hence "i < Suc (n div 2)"
      by simp
    hence "2 * i + d < Suc n"
      by (cases "even n") (auto elim!: evenE oddE simp: d_def)
    thus ?case
      by (auto simp:  xs_def d_def length_coeffs_degree)
    case (3 i)
    hence "i < Suc (n div 2)"
      by simp
    hence "2 * i + d < Suc n"
      by (cases "even n") (auto elim!: evenE oddE simp: d_def)
    thus ?case
      by (auto simp del: upt_Suc simp: xs_def length_coeffs_degree nth_coeffs_coeff)
    case (4 i)
    from 4 have "i  n"
      by (simp add: xs_def)
    hence "map sgn xs ! i  0  even (n + i)"
      by (simp add: xs_def nth_coeffs_coeff sgn_eq_0_iff coeff_eq_0_iff)
    also have "  (j<Suc (n div 2). 2 * j + d = i)"
      unfolding d_def using i  n
      by (cases "even n"; cases "even i")
         (auto elim!: evenE oddE simp: Suc_double_not_eq_double 
            eq_commute[of "2 * x" "Suc y" for x y])
    finally show ?case
      by simp

  have *: "coeff P (2 * i + d) * coeff P (2 * Suc i + d) < 0" if "i < n div 2" for i
  proof -
    have "ys ! i  ys ! Suc i"
      using that distinct by (intro distinct_adj_nth) (auto simp: len_ys)
    also have "ys ! i = sgn (coeff P (2 * i + d))"
      using that by (auto simp: ys_eq map_nth simp del: upt_Suc)
    also have "ys ! Suc i = sgn (coeff P (2 * Suc i + d))"
      using that by (auto simp: ys_eq map_nth simp del: upt_Suc)
    finally have "sgn (coeff P (2 * i + d))  sgn (coeff P (2 * Suc i + d))" .
    moreover have "2 * i + d + 2  n"
      using that unfolding d_def by (cases "even n") (auto elim!: evenE oddE)
    hence "coeff P (2 * i + d)  0" "coeff P (2 * Suc i + d)  0"
      using that by (auto simp: coeff_eq_0_iff d_def)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (auto simp: sgn_if mult_neg_pos mult_pos_neg split: if_splits)
  have **: "coeff P i * coeff P (i + 2) < 0" if "even (n + i)" "i + 1 < n" for i
    using *[of "i div 2"] that by (auto simp: d_def elim!: evenE oddE)

  have ***: "sgn (coeff P (n - 2 * i)) = (-1) ^ i" if "2 * i  n" for i
    using that
  proof (induction i)
    case 0
    thus ?case
      using assms by (auto simp: sgn_if)
    case (Suc i)
    have "coeff P (n - 2 * Suc i) * coeff P (n - 2 * Suc i + 2) < 0"
      by (intro **) (use Suc in auto)
    hence "sgn (coeff P (n - 2 * Suc i) * coeff P (n - 2 * Suc i + 2)) = -1"
      using sgn_neg by blast
    also have "n - 2 * Suc i + 2 = n - 2 * i"
      using Suc.prems by simp
    also have "sgn (coeff P (n - 2 * Suc i) * coeff P (n - 2 * i)) =
               sgn (coeff P (n - 2 * Suc i)) * sgn (coeff P (n - 2 * i))"
      by (simp add: sgn_mult)
    also have "sgn (coeff P (n - 2 * i)) = (-1) ^ i"
      by (rule Suc.IH) (use Suc.prems in auto)
    finally show ?case
      by (auto simp: sgn_if)

  show "sgn (coeff P i) = (if i > n  odd (n + i) then 0 else (-1) ^ ((n - i) div 2))"
    using coeff_eq_0[of P i] assms(2)[of i] ***[of "(n - i) div 2"]
    by auto

theorem sgn_coeff_Cheb_poly:
  "sgn (coeff (Cheb_poly n) i :: 'a :: linordered_idom) =
     (if i > n  odd (n + i) then 0 else (-1) ^ ((n - i) div 2))"
proof -
  note [transfer_rule] =
    rel_ring_int_transfer [where ?'a = real and ?'b = 'a]
    rel_ring_int_sgn [where ?'a = real and ?'b = 'a]
    Cheb_poly_transfer[where ?'a = real and ?'b = 'a]
    transfer_rule_of_nat transfer_rule_numeral
  show ?thesis
  proof (transfer fixing: n i, rule sgn_coeff_Cheb_poly_aux)
    have "bij_betw (cheb_node n) {k{..<n}. k < n div 2} {x{x. cheb_poly n x = 0}. x > 0}"
      using cheb_poly_roots_bij_betw by (rule bij_betw_Collect) (auto simp: cheb_node_pos_iff)
    also have "{k{..<n}. k < n div 2} = {..<n div 2}"
      by auto
    finally have "bij_betw (cheb_node n) {..<n div 2} {x. x > 0  cheb_poly n x = 0}"
      by (simp add: conj_commute)
    from bij_betw_same_card[OF this]
      show "card {x. 0 < x  poly (Cheb_poly n :: real poly) x = 0} = n div 2"
      by simp
  qed (auto simp: coeff_Cheb_poly_eq_0 cheb_poly.lead_coeff rsquarefree_Cheb_poly_real)

theorem sgn_coeff_Cheb_poly':
  "sgn (coeff (Cheb_poly' n) i :: 'a :: linordered_idom) =
     (if i > n  odd (n + i) then 0 else (-1) ^ ((n - i) div 2))"
proof -
  note [transfer_rule] =
    rel_ring_int_transfer [where ?'a = real and ?'b = 'a]
    rel_ring_int_sgn [where ?'a = real and ?'b = 'a]
    Cheb_poly'_transfer[where ?'a = real and ?'b = 'a]
    transfer_rule_of_nat transfer_rule_numeral
  show ?thesis
  proof (transfer fixing: n i, rule sgn_coeff_Cheb_poly_aux)
    have "bij_betw (cheb_node' n) {k{..<n}. k < n div 2} {x{x. cheb_poly' n x = 0}. x > 0}"
      using cheb_poly'_roots_bij_betw by (rule bij_betw_Collect) (auto simp: cheb_node'_pos_iff)
    also have "{k{..<n}. k < n div 2} = {..<n div 2}"
      by auto
    finally have "bij_betw (cheb_node' n) {..<n div 2} {x. x > 0  cheb_poly' n x = 0}"
      by (simp add: conj_commute)
    from bij_betw_same_card[OF this]
      show "card {x. 0 < x  poly (Cheb_poly' n :: real poly) x = 0} = n div 2"
      by simp
  qed (auto simp: coeff_Cheb_poly'_eq_0 cheb_poly'.lead_coeff rsquarefree_Cheb_poly'_real)

subsection ‹Orthogonality and integrals›

lemma cis_eq_1_iff: "cis x = 1  (n. x = 2 * pi * real_of_int n)"
  assume "cis x = 1"
  hence "Re (cis x) = 1"
    by (subst cis x = 1) auto
  hence "cos x = 1"
    by simp
  thus "n. x = 2 * pi * real_of_int n"
    by (subst (asm) cos_one_2pi_int) auto
qed auto

  fixes n :: nat and x :: "nat  real"
  defines "x  (λk. cos (real (Suc (2 * k)) / real (2 * n) * pi))"

lemma cheb_poly_orthogonality_discrete_aux:
  assumes "l  {0<..<2*n}"
  shows "(k<n. cos (real l * real (Suc (2 * k)) / real (2 * n) * pi)) = 0"
proof (cases "n = 0")
  case n: False
  define ω where "ω = cis (real l / real (2 * n) * pi)"
  have [simp]: "ω  0"
    by (auto simp: ω_def)
  have not_one: "ω2  1"
    assume "ω2 = 1"
    then obtain t where t: "real l * pi / real n = 2 * pi * real_of_int t"
      unfolding ω_def Complex.DeMoivre cis_eq_1_iff by auto
    have "real_of_int (int l) = real l"
      by simp
    also have " = real_of_int (2 * t * int n)"
      using n t by (simp add: field_simps)
    finally have "int l = int (2 * n) * t"
      by (subst (asm) of_int_eq_iff) (simp add: mult_ac)
    hence "int (2 * n) dvd int l"
      unfolding dvd_def ..
    hence "2 * n dvd l"
      by presburger
    thus False
      using assms n by (auto dest!: dvd_imp_le)

  have [simp]: "Im ω  0"
    assume "Im ω = 0"
    have "norm ω = 1"
      by (auto simp: ω_def)
    hence "¦Re ω¦ = 1"
      using Im ω = 0 by (auto simp: norm_complex_def)
    hence "ω  {1, -1}"
      by (auto simp: complex_eq_iff Im ω = 0)
    hence "ω ^ 2 = 1"
      by auto
    thus False
      using not_one by contradiction

  have "(k<n. cos (real l * real (Suc (2 * k)) / real (2 * n) * pi)) = Re (k<n. ω ^ Suc (2 * k))"
    unfolding ω_def Complex.DeMoivre by (simp add: algebra_simps ω_def)
  also have "(k<n. ω ^ Suc (2 * k)) = ω * (k<n. (ω2) ^ k)"
    by (simp add: sum_distrib_left power_mult)
  also have " = (1 - ω2 ^ n) * (ω / (1 - ω2))"
    by (subst sum_gp_strict) (use not_one in simp_all add: algebra_simps)
  also have "ω2 ^ n = cis (real l * pi)"
    using n by (simp add: ω_def Complex.DeMoivre)
  also have " = (-1) ^ l"
    unfolding Complex.DeMoivre [symmetric] by simp
  also have "ω / (1 - ω2) = inverse (-(ω - inverse ω))"
    using not_one by (simp add: power2_eq_square field_simps)
  also have "inverse ω = cnj ω"
    by (simp add: ω_def cis_cnj)
  also have "inverse (-(ω - cnj ω)) = 𝗂 / (2 * Im ω)"
    by (subst complex_diff_cnj) (auto simp: field_simps)
  finally show ?thesis
    by simp
qed auto

text ‹
  For $k = 0, \ldots, n - 1$ let $x_k = \cos(\frac{2k+1}{2n}\pi)$ be the Chebyshev nodes
  of order n›, i.e.\ the roots of $T_n$. Then the following discrete orthogonality relation holds
  for the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind (for any $i,j < n$):
  \[ \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} T_i(x_k) T_j(x_k) =
      n & \text{if}\ i = j = 0 \\
      \frac{n}{2} & \text{if}\ i = j \neq 0\\
      0 & \text{if}\ i\neq j
theorem cheb_poly_orthogonality_discrete:
  fixes i j :: nat
  assumes "i < n" "j < n"
  shows "(k<n. cheb_poly i (x k) * cheb_poly j (x k)) =
           (if i = j then if i = 0 then n else n / 2 else 0)"
proof (cases "n = 0")
  case False
  hence n: "n > 0"
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms(1,2)
  proof (induction j i rule: linorder_wlog)
    case (le j i)
    have "(k<n. cheb_poly i (x k) * cheb_poly j (x k)) =
           (k<n. cos (real (i + j) * (real (Suc (2 * k)) / real (2 * n)) * pi)) / 2 +
           (k<n. cos (real (i - j) * (real (Suc (2 * k)) / real (2 * n)) * pi)) / 2 "
      unfolding cheb_poly_prod [OF le(1)] using le
      by (simp add: x_def sum.distrib add_divide_distrib of_nat_diff mult_ac
               flip: sum_divide_distrib)
    also have "(k<n. cos (real (i - j) * (real (Suc (2 * k)) / real (2 * n)) * pi)) =
               (if i = j then real n else 0)"
      using cheb_poly_orthogonality_discrete_aux[of "i - j"] le by simp
    also have "(k<n. cos (real (i + j) * (real (Suc (2 * k)) / real (2 * n)) * pi)) =
               (if i = j  i = 0 then real n else 0)"
      using cheb_poly_orthogonality_discrete_aux[of "i + j"] le by auto
    also have "(if i = j  i = 0 then real n else 0) / 2 + (if i = j then real n else 0) / 2 =
               (if i = j then if i = 0 then n else n / 2 else 0)"
      by auto
    finally show ?case .
    case (sym j i)
    thus ?case
      by (simp only: eq_commute mult.commute) auto
qed auto

text ‹
  A similar relation holds for the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind:
  \[ \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} U_i(x_k) U_j(x_k) (1 - x_k^2) =
      n & \text{if}\ i = j = n-1 \\
      \frac{n}{2} & \text{if}\ i = j \neq 0\\
      0 & \text{if}\ i\neq j
theorem cheb_poly'_orthogonality_discrete:
  fixes i j :: nat
  assumes "i < n" "j < n"
  shows "(k<n. cheb_poly' i (x k) * cheb_poly' j (x k) * (1 - x k ^ 2)) =
           (if i = j then if i = n - 1 then n else n / 2 else 0)"
  using assms
proof (induction j i rule: linorder_wlog)
  case (le j i)
  have sin_pos: "sin (pi * (1 + real k * 2) / (real n * 2)) > 0" if "k < n" for k
  proof -
    have "(1 + real k * 2) / (real n * 2) * pi < 1 * pi"
      by (intro mult_strict_right_mono) (use that in auto)
    thus ?thesis
      using that by (intro sin_gt_zero) (auto simp: mult_ac)

  have "(k<n. cheb_poly' i (x k) * cheb_poly' j (x k) * (1 - x k ^ 2)) = 
          (k<n. sin ((i+1) * real (Suc (2 * k)) / real (2 * n) * pi) * 
                  sin ((j+1) * real (Suc (2 * k)) / real (2 * n) * pi))"
  proof (intro sum.cong refl, goal_cases)
    case (1 k)
    thus ?case
      unfolding x_def cos_squared_eq using sin_pos[of k]
      by (auto simp: cheb_poly'_cos' x_def power2_eq_square mult_ac)
  also have " = ((k<n. cos (real (i - j) * real (Suc (2 * k)) / real (2 * n) * pi)) -
                   (k<n. cos (real (i + j + 2) * real (Suc (2 * k)) / real (2 * n) * pi))) / 2"
    using le
    by (simp add: sin_times_sin sum_distrib_right sum_distrib_left algebra_simps 
                  add_divide_distrib diff_divide_distrib sum_divide_distrib of_nat_diff
             flip: sum_diff_distrib sum.distrib)
  also have "(k<n. cos (real (i - j) * real (Suc (2 * k)) / real (2 * n) * pi)) =
               (if i = j then real n else 0)"
    using cheb_poly_orthogonality_discrete_aux[of "i - j"] le by simp
  also have "(k<n. cos (real (i + j + 2) * real (Suc (2 * k)) / real (2 * n) * pi)) =
             (if j = n - 1 then -real n else 0)"
  proof (cases "j = n - 1")
    case [simp]: True
    from le have [simp]: "i = n - 1"
      by auto
    have "(k<n. cos (real (i + j + 2) * real (Suc (2 * k)) / real (2 * n) * pi)) =
          (k<n. cos ((1 + 2 * real k) * pi))"
      by (simp add: of_nat_diff)
    also have " = -real n"
      by (simp add: distrib_right)
    finally show ?thesis
      by auto
    case False
    thus ?thesis using le
      by (subst cheb_poly_orthogonality_discrete_aux) auto
  also have "((if i = j then real n else 0) - (if j = n - 1 then - real n else 0)) / 2 =
             (if i = j then if i = n - 1 then real n else real n / 2 else 0)"
    using le by auto
  finally show ?case .
  case (sym j i)
  thus ?case
    by (simp only: eq_commute mult.commute) auto


text ‹
  We now show the continuous orthogonality relations.
  For the polynomials of the first kind, the relation is:
  \[\int\limits_{-1}^1 \frac{T_m(x) T_n(x)}{\sqrt{1-x^2}}\,\text{d}x =
      \pi & \text{if}\ m = n = 0\\
      \frac{\pi}{2} & \text{if}\ m = n \neq 0 \\
      0 & \text{if}\ m\neq n
  The proof works by a change of variables $x = \cos\theta$, which converts the integral
  to the easier form $\int_0^\pi \cos(mt)\cos(nt)\,\text{d}x$, which can then be solved
  by a computing an indefinite integral (with appropriate case distinctions on m› and n›).
theorem cheb_poly_orthogonality:
  fixes m n :: nat
  defines "I  if m = n then if m = 0 then pi else pi / 2 else 0"
  shows "((λx. cheb_poly m x * cheb_poly n x / sqrt (1 - x2)) has_integral I) {-1..1}"
proof -
  let ?f = "λt::real. -cos (m * t) * cos (n * t)"
  let ?I = "integral {0..pi} (λt. cos (real m * t) * cos (real n * t))"

  have "finite {-1, 1 :: real}" "-1  (1::real)" "arccos ` {-1..1}  {0..pi}"
       "continuous_on {0..pi} ?f" "continuous_on {-1..1} arccos"
       "(x. x  {- 1..1} - {- 1, 1} 
        (arccos has_real_derivative -inverse (sqrt (1 - x ^ 2))) (at x within {- 1..1}))"
    by (auto intro!: arccos_lbound arccos_ubound continuous_intros derivative_eq_intros)

  from has_integral_substitution_general[OF this]
    have "((λx. cos (m * arccos x) * cos (n * arccos x) / sqrt (1 - x2)) has_integral ?I) {-1..1}"
    by (simp add: divide_simps)
  also have "?this  ((λx. cheb_poly m x * cheb_poly n x / sqrt (1 - x2)) has_integral ?I) {-1..1}"
    by (intro has_integral_cong) (auto simp: cheb_poly_conv_cos)
  also consider "n = 0" "m = 0" | "n = m" "m  0" | "n  m" by blast
  hence "?I = I"
  proof cases
    assume mn: "n = m" "m  0"
    let ?h = "λx::real. (2 * m * x + sin (2 * m * x)) / (4 * m)"
    have "(?h has_field_derivative cos (m * x) * cos (n * x)) (at x within A)" for x :: real and A
    proof -
      have "(?h has_field_derivative (1 + cos (2 * (m * x))) / 2) (at x within A)" using mn
        by (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros simp: field_simps)
      also have "(1 + cos (2 * (m * x))) / 2 = cos (m * x) * cos (n * x)" using mn
        by (subst cos_double_cos) (auto simp: power2_eq_square)
      finally show ?thesis .
    hence "((λt. cos (real m * t) * cos (real n * t)) has_integral (?h pi - ?h 0)) {0..pi}"
      using mn by (intro fundamental_theorem_of_calculus)
                  (simp_all add: has_real_derivative_iff_has_vector_derivative)
    thus ?thesis using mn by (simp add: has_integral_iff I_def)
    assume mn: "n  m"
    let ?h = "λx::real. (m * sin (m * x) * cos (n * x) - n * cos (m * x) * sin (n * x)) /
                (real m ^ 2 - real n ^ 2)"
      fix x :: real and A :: "real set"
      have "m * (m * cos (m * x) * cos (n * x) - n * sin (m * x) * sin (n * x)) - 
            n * (n * cos (m * x) * cos (n * x) - m * sin (m * x) * sin (n * x)) =
              cos (m * x) * cos (n * x) * (real m ^ 2 - real n ^ 2)"
        by (simp add: algebra_simps power2_eq_square)
      moreover from mn have "real m ^ 2  real n ^ 2" by simp
      ultimately have "(?h has_field_derivative cos (m * x) * cos (n * x)) (at x within A)" 
        by (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros simp: divide_simps power2_eq_square mult_ac)
    hence "((λt. cos (real m * t) * cos (real n * t)) has_integral (?h pi - ?h 0)) {0..pi}"
      using mn by (intro fundamental_theorem_of_calculus)
                  (simp_all add: has_real_derivative_iff_has_vector_derivative)
    thus ?thesis using mn by (simp add: has_integral_iff I_def)
  qed (simp_all add: I_def)
  finally show ?thesis .

text ‹
  For the polynomials of the second kind, the relation is:
  \[\int\limits_{-1}^1 U_m(x) U_n(x) \sqrt{1-x^2}\,\text{d}x =
      \frac{\pi}{2} & \text{if}\ m = n \\
      0 & \text{if}\ m\neq n
  The proof works the same as before.
theorem cheb_poly'_orthogonality:
  fixes m n :: nat
  defines "I  if m = n then pi / 2 else 0"
  shows "((λx. cheb_poly' m x * cheb_poly' n x * sqrt (1 - x2)) has_integral I) {-1..1}"
proof -
  define h :: "nat  real  real" where
    "h = (λn x. if x = 0 then real n else if x = pi then (-1)^Suc n * real n else sin (n * x) / sin x)"
  have h_eq: "h n x = sin (n * x) / sin x" if "x  {0, pi}" for n x 
    using that by (auto simp: h_def)
  have h_cont: "continuous_on {0..pi} (h n)" if "n > 0" for n
  proof -
    have "continuous (at x within {0..pi}) (h n)" if "x  {0..pi}" for x n
    proof -
      consider "x = 0" | "x = pi" | "x  {0<..<pi}"
        using x  {0..pi} by force
      thus ?thesis
      proof cases
        assume x: "x  {0<..<pi}"
        have "isCont (λx. sin (n * x) / sin x) x"
          by (intro continuous_intros) (use x in auto simp: sin_zero_pi_iff)
        also from x have "F x in nhds x. x  {0<..<pi}"
          by (intro eventually_nhds_in_open) auto
        hence "F x in nhds x. sin (real n * x) / sin x = h n x"
          by eventually_elim (auto simp: h_def)
        hence "isCont (λx. sin (n * x) / sin x) x  isCont (h n) x"
          by (intro isCont_cong)
        finally show ?thesis
          using continuous_at_imp_continuous_at_within by auto
        assume [simp]: "x = 0"
        have "filterlim (λx::real. sin (n * x) / sin x) (nhds (of_nat n)) (at_right 0)"
          by real_asymp
        also have "eventually (λx::real. x  {0<..<pi}) (at_right 0)"
          by (rule eventually_at_right_real) auto
        hence "eventually (λx::real. sin (n * x) / sin x = h n x) (at_right 0)"
          by eventually_elim (auto simp: h_def)
        hence "filterlim (λx::real. sin (n * x) / sin x) (nhds (of_nat n)) (at_right 0) 
               filterlim (h n) (nhds (of_nat n)) (at_right 0)"
          by (intro filterlim_cong refl)
        finally have "filterlim (h n) (nhds (of_nat n)) (at 0 within {0..pi})"
          by (simp add: at_within_Icc_at_right)
        thus ?thesis
          by (simp add: continuous_within h_def)
        assume [simp]: "x = pi"
        have "filterlim (λx::real. sin (n * x) / sin x) (nhds ((-1)^Suc n * real n)) (at_left pi)"
          by real_asymp
        also have "eventually (λx::real. x  {0<..<pi}) (at_left pi)"
          by (rule eventually_at_left_real) auto
        hence "eventually (λx::real. sin (n * x) / sin x = h n x) (at_left pi)"
          by eventually_elim (auto simp: h_def)
        hence "filterlim (λx::real. sin (n * x) / sin x) (nhds ((-1)^Suc n * real n)) (at_left pi) 
               filterlim (h n) (nhds ((-1)^Suc n * real n)) (at_left pi)"
          by (intro filterlim_cong refl)
        finally have "filterlim (h n) (nhds ((-1)^Suc n * real n)) (at pi within {0..pi})"
          by (simp add: at_within_Icc_at_left)
        thus ?thesis
          by (simp add: continuous_within h_def)
    thus ?thesis
      unfolding continuous_on_eq_continuous_within by blast

  define f where "f = (λt::real. -sin ((m+1) * t) * sin ((n+1) * t))"
  define g where "g = (λt. sin (real (m+1) * t) * sin (real (n+1) * t))"
  let ?I = "integral {0..pi} g"

  have "finite {-1, 1 :: real}" "-1  (1::real)" "arccos ` {-1..1}  {0..pi}"
       "continuous_on {0..pi} f" "continuous_on {-1..1} arccos"
       "(x. x  {- 1..1} - {- 1, 1} 
        (arccos has_real_derivative -inverse (sqrt (1 - x ^ 2))) (at x within {- 1..1}))"
    by (auto intro!: arccos_lbound arccos_ubound continuous_intros h_cont derivative_eq_intros simp: f_def)

  from has_integral_substitution_general[OF this]
  have "((λx. - inverse (sqrt (1 - x2)) * (- sin ((m + 1) * arccos x) * sin ((n + 1) * arccos x)))
          has_integral ?I) {-1..1}"
      by (simp add: divide_simps f_def g_def)
  have I: "((λx. cheb_poly' m x * cheb_poly' n x * sqrt (1 - x2)) has_integral ?I) {-1..1}"
  proof (rule has_integral_spike) 
    show "negligible {1, -1 :: real}"
      by simp
    show "cheb_poly' m x * cheb_poly' n x * sqrt (1 - x2) = 
          - inverse (sqrt (1 - x2)) * (- sin ((m + 1) * arccos x) * sin ((n + 1) * arccos x))"
      if "x  {-1..1} - {1, -1}" for x :: real
      using that by (auto simp: arccos_eq_0_iff arccos_eq_pi_iff cheb_poly'_conv_cos field_simps sin_arccos)
  qed fact+

  have sin_double'': "sin (x * (y * 2)) = 2 * sin (x * y) * cos (x * y)" for x y :: real
    using sin_double[of "x * y"] by (simp add: mult_ac)
  have cos_double'': "cos (x * (y * 2)) = (cos (x * y))2 - (sin (x * y))2" for x y :: real
    using cos_double[of "x * y"] by (simp add: mult_ac)
  have sin_squared_eq': "sin x * sin x = 1 - cos x ^ 2" for x :: real
    using sin_squared_eq[of x] by algebra
  have sin_squared_eq'': "sin x * (sin x * y) = (1 - cos x ^ 2) * y" for x y :: real
    using sin_squared_eq[of x] by algebra

  have "(g has_integral I) {0..pi}"
  proof (cases "m = n")
    case [simp]: True
    define G where "G = (λx::real. x/2 - sin (2*(n+1)*x)/(4*(n+1)))"
    have "(g has_integral (G pi - G 0)) {0..pi}"
      apply (rule fundamental_theorem_of_calculus)
      apply (auto simp: G_def g_def divide_simps simp flip: has_real_derivative_iff_has_vector_derivative
                   intro!: derivative_eq_intros)
      apply (auto simp: algebra_simps cos_add sin_add cos_multiple_reduce sin_multiple_reduce
                        sin_double'' cos_double'' power2_eq_square sin_squared_eq' sin_squared_eq'')
    also have "G 0 = 0"
      by (simp add: G_def)
    also have "G pi = pi / 2 - sin (real (2 * (n + 1)) * pi) / real (4 * (n + 1))"
      unfolding G_def ..
    also have "sin (real (2 * (n + 1)) * pi) = 0"
      using sin_npi by blast
    finally show ?thesis
      by (simp add: I_def)
    case False
    define G where "G = (λx::real. sin ((real m-real n)*x) / (2*(real m-real n)) - sin ((2+m+n)*x)/(2*(2+m+n)))"
    have "(g has_integral (G pi - G 0)) {0..pi}"
      using False
      apply (intro fundamental_theorem_of_calculus)
      apply (auto simp: G_def g_def divide_simps simp flip: has_real_derivative_iff_has_vector_derivative
                   intro!: derivative_eq_intros)
      apply (auto simp: algebra_simps cos_add sin_add cos_diff sin_diff  cos_multiple_reduce sin_multiple_reduce
                        sin_double'' cos_double'' power2_eq_square sin_squared_eq' sin_squared_eq'')
    also have "G 0 = 0"
      by (simp add: G_def)
    also have "G pi = sin ((real m - real n) * pi) / (2 * (real m - real n)) -
                      sin (real (2 + m + n) * pi) / real (2 * (2 + m + n))"
      unfolding G_def by (simp add: G_def)
    also have "real m - real n = of_int (int m - int n)"
      by linarith
    also have "sin ( * pi) = 0"
      using sin_zero_iff_int2 by blast
    also have "sin (real (2 + m + n) * pi) = 0"
      using sin_npi by blast
    finally show ?thesis
      using False by (simp add: I_def)
  with I show ?thesis
    using integral_unique by blast

text ‹
  We additionally show the following property about the integral from -1› to 1›:
  \[\int\limits_{-1}^1 T_n(x)\,\text{d}x = \frac{1 + (-1)^n}{1-n^2}\]
theorem cheb_poly_integral_neg1_1:
  "(cheb_poly n has_integral ((1 + (-1)^n) / (1 - n2))) {-1..1::real}"
proof -
  consider "n = 0" | "n = 1" | "n > 1"
    by linarith
  thus ?thesis
  proof cases
    assume [simp]: "n = 0"
    have "cheb_poly 0 = (λ_. 1 :: real)"
      by auto
    thus ?thesis
      by (auto simp: has_integral_iff_emeasure_lborel)
    assume [simp]: "n = 1"
    have "cheb_poly 1 = (λx. x :: real)"
      by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff)
    thus ?thesis
      using ident_has_integral[of "-1" "1 :: real"] by simp
    assume n: "n > 1"
    define P :: "real poly" where "P = smult (1/(2*(n+1))) (Cheb_poly (n+1)) - smult (1/(2*(n-1))) (Cheb_poly (n-1))"
    have "(cheb_poly n has_integral (poly P 1 - poly P (-1))) {-1..1::real}"
    proof (rule fundamental_theorem_of_calculus)
      define a b where "a = n+1" and "b = n-1"
      have [simp]: "a  0" "b  0"
        using n by (auto simp: a_def b_def)
      have "pderiv P = smult (1 / 2) (Cheb_poly' (a-1) - Cheb_poly' (b-1))"
        using n unfolding P_def a_def [symmetric] b_def [symmetric]
        by (auto simp: P_def of_nat_diff pderiv_Cheb_poly pderiv_diff pderiv_smult of_nat_mult_conv_smult smult_diff_right)
      also have "2 *  = Cheb_poly' (a-1) - Cheb_poly' (b-1)"
        by (auto simp: numeral_mult_conv_smult)
      also have " = 2 * Cheb_poly n"
        using Cheb_poly_rec[of n, where ?'a = real] cheb_poly'.P.simps(3)[of "n - 2"] n
        by (simp add: a_def b_def numeral_2_eq_2)
      finally have [simp]: "pderiv P = Cheb_poly n"
        by simp
      show "(poly P has_vector_derivative cheb_poly n x) (at x within {- 1..1})" for x
        unfolding cheb_poly.eval [symmetric] cheb_poly'.eval [symmetric]
                  has_real_derivative_iff_has_vector_derivative [symmetric]
        by (rule derivative_eq_intros refl)+ auto
    qed auto
    also have "real n ^ 2  1"
      by (metis n nat_power_eq_Suc_0_iff numeral_1_eq_Suc_0 numeral_One numeral_less_iff of_nat_1 of_nat_eq_iff of_nat_power semiring_norm(75) zero_neq_numeral)
    hence "poly P 1 - poly P (-1) = (if even n then 2 / (1 - real n ^ 2) else 0)"
      using n 
      apply (simp add: P_def of_nat_diff minus_one_power_iff divide_simps del: of_nat_Suc)
      apply (auto simp: field_simps power2_eq_square)
    also have " = (1 + (-1) ^ n) / (1 - real n ^ 2)"
      by auto
    finally show ?thesis .

text ‹
  And, for the polynomials of the second kind:
  \[\int\limits_{-1}^1 U_n(x)\,\text{d}x = \frac{1 + (-1)^n}{n+1}\]
theorem cheb_poly'_integral_neg1_1:
  "(cheb_poly' n has_integral (1 + (-1) ^ n) / (n+1)) {-1..1::real}"
proof -
  define F :: "real poly" where "F = smult (1 / of_nat (Suc n)) (Cheb_poly (Suc n))"
  have [simp]: "pderiv F = Cheb_poly' n"
    by (auto simp: F_def pderiv_smult pderiv_Cheb_poly of_nat_mult_conv_smult simp del: of_nat_Suc)
  have "(poly (Cheb_poly' n) has_integral (poly F 1 - poly F (-1))) {-1..1}"
    by (rule fundamental_theorem_of_calculus)
       (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros simp flip: has_real_derivative_iff_has_vector_derivative)
  also have "poly F 1 - poly F (-1) = (1 + (-1) ^ n) / (n+1)"
    by (simp add: F_def add_divide_distrib)
  finally show ?thesis
    by (simp add: add_ac)

subsection ‹Clenshaw's algorithm›

text ‹
  Clenshaw's algorithm allows us to efficiently evaluate a weighted sum of Chebyshev polynomials
  of the first kind, i.e.
  \[\sum_{i=0}^n w_i \cdot T_i(x)\ .\]
  This is useful when evaluating interpolations.

locale clenshaw =
  fixes g :: "nat  'a :: comm_ring_1"
  fixes a b :: "nat  'a"
  assumes g_rec: "n. g (Suc (Suc n)) = a n * g (Suc n) + b n * g n"

  fixes N :: nat and c :: "nat  'a"

function clenshaw_aux where
  "n  N  clenshaw_aux n = 0"
| "n < N  clenshaw_aux n =
     c (Suc n) + a n * clenshaw_aux (n+1) + b (Suc n) * clenshaw_aux (n+2)"
  by force+
termination by (relation "Wellfounded.measure (λn. Suc N - n)") simp_all

lemma clenshaw_aux_correct_aux:
  assumes "n  N"
  shows "g n * c n + g (Suc n) * clenshaw_aux n + b n * g n * clenshaw_aux (Suc n) = (k=n..N. c k * g k)"
  using assms
proof (induction rule: inc_induct)
  case (step k)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "Suc k < N")
    case False
    with step.hyps have k: "k = N - 1" by simp
    from step.hyps have "{N - Suc 0..N} = {N - 1, N}" by auto
    with k show ?thesis using step.hyps by simp
    case True
    have "(k = k..N. c k * g k) = c k * g k + (k = Suc k..N. c k * g k)"
      using True by (intro sum.atLeast_Suc_atMost) auto
    also have "(k = Suc k..N. c k * g k) = g (Suc k) * c (Suc k) +
                 g (Suc (Suc k)) * clenshaw_aux (Suc k) + b (Suc k) * g (Suc k) * clenshaw_aux (Suc (Suc k))"
      by (subst step.IH [symmetric]) simp_all
    also have "c k * g k +  = g k * c k + g (Suc k) * clenshaw_aux k + b k * g k * clenshaw_aux (Suc k)"
      using step.prems step.hyps True by (simp add: algebra_simps g_rec)
    finally show ?thesis ..
qed auto

fun clenshaw_aux' where
  "clenshaw_aux' 0 acc1 acc2 = g 0 * c 0 + g 1 * acc1 + b 0 * g 0 * acc2"
| "clenshaw_aux' (Suc n) acc1 acc2 = clenshaw_aux' n (c (Suc n) + a n * acc1 + b (Suc n) * acc2) acc1"

lemma clenshaw_aux'_correct: "clenshaw_aux' N 0 0 = (kN. c k * g k)"
proof -
  have "(kN. c k * g k) = g 0 * c 0 + g 1 * clenshaw_aux 0 + b 0 * g 0 * clenshaw_aux 1"
    using clenshaw_aux_correct_aux[of 0] by (simp add: atLeast0AtMost clenshaw_def)
  moreover have "clenshaw_aux' n (clenshaw_aux n) (clenshaw_aux (Suc n)) =
                   g 0 * c 0 + g 1 * clenshaw_aux 0 + b 0 * g 0 * clenshaw_aux 1"
    if "n  N" for n using that by (induction n) auto
  from this[of N] have "g 0 * c 0 + g 1 * clenshaw_aux 0 + b 0 * g 0 * clenshaw_aux 1 =
                          clenshaw_aux' N 0 0" by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemmas [simp del] = clenshaw_aux'.simps


lemma clenshaw_aux'_cong:
  "(k. k  n  c k = c' k)  clenshaw_aux' c n acc1 acc2 = clenshaw_aux' c' n acc1 acc2"
  by (induction n acc1 acc2 rule: clenshaw_aux'.induct) (auto simp: clenshaw_aux'.simps)

definition clenshaw where  "clenshaw N c = clenshaw_aux' c N 0 0"

theorem clenshaw_correct: "clenshaw N c = (kN. c k * g k)"
  using clenshaw_aux'_correct by (simp add: clenshaw_def)


definition cheb_eval :: "'a :: comm_ring_1 list  'a  'a" where
  "cheb_eval cs x = (k<length cs. cs ! k * cheb_poly k x)"

interpretation cheb_poly: clenshaw "λn. cheb_poly n x" "λ_. 2 * x" "λ_. -1"
  by standard (simp_all add: cheb_poly_simps)

fun cheb_eval_aux where
  "cheb_eval_aux 0 cs x acc1 acc2 = hd cs + x * acc1 - acc2"
| "cheb_eval_aux (Suc n) cs x acc1 acc2 =
     cheb_eval_aux n (tl cs) x (hd cs + 2 * x * acc1 - acc2) acc1"

lemma cheb_eval_aux_altdef: 
  "length cs = Suc n 
     cheb_eval_aux n cs x acc1 acc2 =
     cheb_poly.clenshaw_aux' x (λk. rev cs ! k) n acc1 acc2"
proof (induction n cs x acc1 acc2 rule: cheb_eval_aux.induct)
  case (1 cs x acc1 acc2)
  hence "hd cs = cs ! 0"
    by (intro hd_conv_nth) auto
  with 1 show ?case
    by (auto simp: rev_nth cheb_poly.clenshaw_aux'.simps)
  case (2 n cs x acc1 acc2)
  hence "hd cs = cs ! 0"
    by (intro hd_conv_nth) auto
  with 2 show ?case
    by (auto simp: rev_nth cheb_poly.clenshaw_aux'.simps nth_tl Suc_diff_le
             intro!: cheb_poly.clenshaw_aux'_cong)

lemmas [simp del] = cheb_eval_aux.simps

lemma cheb_eval_code [code]:
  "cheb_eval [] x = 0"
  "cheb_eval [c] x = c"
  "cheb_eval (c1 # c2 # cs) x =
     cheb_eval_aux (Suc (length cs)) (rev (c1 # c2 # cs)) x 0 0"
proof -
  have "cheb_eval (c1 # c2 # cs) x = 
          (kSuc (length cs). (c1 # c2 # cs) ! k * cheb_poly k x)"
    unfolding cheb_eval_def by (intro sum.cong) auto
  also have " = cheb_eval_aux (Suc (length cs)) (rev (c1 # c2 # cs)) x 0 0"
    unfolding cheb_poly.clenshaw_def cheb_poly.clenshaw_correct [symmetric]
    using cheb_eval_aux_altdef[of "rev (c1 # c2 # cs)" "Suc (length cs)" x 0 0]
    by (simp_all add: cheb_poly.clenshaw_def )
  finally show "cheb_eval (c1 # c2 # cs) x = " .
qed (simp_all add: cheb_eval_def)
