Theory CauchySchwarz
chapter ‹The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality›
theory CauchySchwarz
imports Complex_Main
lemmas real_sq = power2_eq_square [where 'a = real, symmetric]
lemmas real_sq_exp = power_mult_distrib [where 'a = real and ?n = 2]
lemma double_sum_equiv:
fixes f::"nat ⇒ real"
"(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. f k * g j)) =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. f j * g k))"
by (rule sum.swap)
section ‹Abstract›
text ‹The following document presents a formalised proof of the
Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality for the specific case of $R^n$. The system
used is Isabelle/Isar.
{\em Theorem:} Take $V$ to be some vector space possessing a norm and
inner product, then for all $a,b \in V$ the following inequality
holds: ‹¦a⋅b¦ ≤ ∥a∥*∥b∥›. Specifically, in the Real case, the
norm is the Euclidean length and the inner product is the standard dot
section ‹Formal Proof›
subsection ‹Vector, Dot and Norm definitions.›
text ‹This section presents definitions for a real vector type, a
dot product function and a norm function.›
subsubsection ‹Vector›
text ‹We now define a vector type to be a tuple of (function,
length). Where the function is of type @{typ "nat⇒real"}. We also
define some accessor functions and appropriate notation.›
type_synonym vector = "(nat⇒real) * nat"
ith :: "vector ⇒ nat ⇒ real" ("((_)⇘_⇙)" [80,100] 100) where
"ith v i = fst v i"
vlen :: "vector ⇒ nat" where
"vlen v = snd v"
text ‹Now to access the second element of some vector $v$ the syntax
is $v_2$.›
subsubsection ‹Dot and Norm›
text ‹We now define the dot product and norm operations.›
dot :: "vector ⇒ vector ⇒ real" (infixr "⋅" 60) where
"dot a b = (∑j∈{1..(vlen a)}. a⇘j⇙*b⇘j⇙)"
norm :: "vector ⇒ real" ("∥_∥" 100) where
"norm v = sqrt (∑j∈{1..(vlen v)}. v⇘j⇙^2)"
text ‹Another definition of the norm is @{term "∥v∥ = sqrt
(v⋅v)"}. We show that our definition leads to this one.›
lemma norm_dot:
"∥v∥ = sqrt (v⋅v)"
proof -
have "sqrt (v⋅v) = sqrt (∑j∈{1..(vlen v)}. v⇘j⇙*v⇘j⇙)" unfolding dot_def by simp
also with real_sq have "… = sqrt (∑j∈{1..(vlen v)}. v⇘j⇙^2)" by simp
also have "… = ∥v∥" unfolding norm_def by simp
finally show ?thesis ..
text ‹A further important property is that the norm is never negative.›
lemma norm_pos:
"∥v∥ ≥ 0"
proof -
have "∀j. v⇘j⇙^2 ≥ 0" unfolding ith_def by auto
have "(∑j∈{1..(vlen v)}. v⇘j⇙^2) ≥ 0" by (simp add: sum_nonneg)
with real_sqrt_ge_zero have "sqrt (∑j∈{1..(vlen v)}. v⇘j⇙^2) ≥ 0" .
thus ?thesis unfolding norm_def .
text ‹We now prove an intermediary lemma regarding double summation.›
lemma double_sum_aux:
fixes f::"nat ⇒ real"
"(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. f k * g j)) =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (f k * g j + f j * g k) / 2))"
proof -
"2 * (∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. f k * g j)) =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. f k * g j)) +
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. f k * g j))"
by simp
also have
"… =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. f k * g j)) +
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. f j * g k))"
by (simp only: double_sum_equiv)
also have
"… =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. f k * g j + f j * g k))"
by (auto simp add: sum.distrib)
finally have
"2 * (∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. f k * g j)) =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. f k * g j + f j * g k))" .
"(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. f k * g j)) =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (f k * g j + f j * g k)))*(1/2)"
by auto
also have
"… =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (f k * g j + f j * g k)*(1/2)))"
by (simp add: sum_distrib_left mult.commute)
finally show ?thesis by (auto simp add: inverse_eq_divide)
text ‹The final theorem can now be proven. It is a simple forward
proof that uses properties of double summation and the preceding
theorem CauchySchwarzReal:
fixes x::vector
assumes "vlen x = vlen y"
shows "¦x⋅y¦ ≤ ∥x∥*∥y∥"
proof -
have "¦x⋅y¦^2 ≤ (∥x∥*∥y∥)^2"
proof -
txt ‹We can rewrite the goal in the following form ...›
have "(∥x∥*∥y∥)^2 - ¦x⋅y¦^2 ≥ 0"
proof -
obtain n where nx: "n = vlen x" by simp
with ‹vlen x = vlen y› have ny: "n = vlen y" by simp
txt ‹Some preliminary simplification rules.›
have "(∑j∈{1..n}. x⇘j⇙^2) ≥ 0" by (simp add: sum_nonneg)
hence xp: "(sqrt (∑j∈{1..n}. x⇘j⇙^2))^2 = (∑j∈{1..n}. x⇘j⇙^2)"
by (rule real_sqrt_pow2)
have "(∑j∈{1..n}. y⇘j⇙^2) ≥ 0" by (simp add: sum_nonneg)
hence yp: "(sqrt (∑j∈{1..n}. y⇘j⇙^2))^2 = (∑j∈{1..n}. y⇘j⇙^2)"
by (rule real_sqrt_pow2)
txt ‹The main result of this section is that ‹(∥x∥*∥y∥)^2› can be written as a double sum.›
"(∥x∥*∥y∥)^2 = ∥x∥^2 * ∥y∥^2"
by (simp add: real_sq_exp)
also from nx ny have
"… = (sqrt (∑j∈{1..n}. x⇘j⇙^2))^2 * (sqrt (∑j∈{1..n}. y⇘j⇙^2))^2"
unfolding norm_def by auto
also from xp yp have
"… = (∑j∈{1..n}. x⇘j⇙^2)*(∑j∈{1..n}. y⇘j⇙^2)"
by simp
also from sum_product have
"… = (∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (x⇘k⇙^2)*(y⇘j⇙^2)))" .
finally have
"(∥x∥*∥y∥)^2 = (∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (x⇘k⇙^2)*(y⇘j⇙^2)))" .
txt ‹We also show that ‹¦x⋅y¦^2› can be expressed as a double sum.›
"¦x⋅y¦^2 = (x⋅y)^2"
by simp
also from nx have
"… = (∑j∈{1..n}. x⇘j⇙*y⇘j⇙)^2"
unfolding dot_def by simp
also from real_sq have
"… = (∑j∈{1..n}. x⇘j⇙*y⇘j⇙)*(∑j∈{1..n}. x⇘j⇙*y⇘j⇙)"
by simp
also from sum_product have
"… = (∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (x⇘k⇙*y⇘k⇙)*(x⇘j⇙*y⇘j⇙)))" .
finally have
"¦x⋅y¦^2 = (∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (x⇘k⇙*y⇘k⇙)*(x⇘j⇙*y⇘j⇙)))" .
txt ‹We now manipulate the double sum expressions to get the
required inequality.›
ultimately have
"(∥x∥*∥y∥)^2 - ¦x⋅y¦^2 =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (x⇘k⇙^2)*(y⇘j⇙^2))) -
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (x⇘k⇙*y⇘k⇙)*(x⇘j⇙*y⇘j⇙)))"
by simp
also have
"… =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. ((x⇘k⇙^2*y⇘j⇙^2) + (x⇘j⇙^2*y⇘k⇙^2))/2)) -
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (x⇘k⇙*y⇘k⇙)*(x⇘j⇙*y⇘j⇙)))"
by (simp only: double_sum_aux)
also have
"… =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. ((x⇘k⇙^2*y⇘j⇙^2) + (x⇘j⇙^2*y⇘k⇙^2))/2 - (x⇘k⇙*y⇘k⇙)*(x⇘j⇙*y⇘j⇙)))"
by (auto simp add: sum_subtractf)
also have
"… =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (inverse 2)*2*
(((x⇘k⇙^2*y⇘j⇙^2) + (x⇘j⇙^2*y⇘k⇙^2))*(1/2) - (x⇘k⇙*y⇘k⇙)*(x⇘j⇙*y⇘j⇙))))"
by auto
also have
"… =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (inverse 2)*(2*
(((x⇘k⇙^2*y⇘j⇙^2) + (x⇘j⇙^2*y⇘k⇙^2))*(1/2) - (x⇘k⇙*y⇘k⇙)*(x⇘j⇙*y⇘j⇙)))))"
by (simp only: mult.assoc)
also have
"… =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (inverse 2)*
((((x⇘k⇙^2*y⇘j⇙^2) + (x⇘j⇙^2*y⇘k⇙^2))*2*(inverse 2) - 2*(x⇘k⇙*y⇘k⇙)*(x⇘j⇙*y⇘j⇙)))))"
by (auto simp add: distrib_right mult.assoc ac_simps)
also have
"… =
(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (inverse 2)*
((((x⇘k⇙^2*y⇘j⇙^2) + (x⇘j⇙^2*y⇘k⇙^2)) - 2*(x⇘k⇙*y⇘k⇙)*(x⇘j⇙*y⇘j⇙)))))"
by (simp only: mult.assoc, simp)
also have
"… =
(inverse 2)*(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}.
(((x⇘k⇙^2*y⇘j⇙^2) + (x⇘j⇙^2*y⇘k⇙^2)) - 2*(x⇘k⇙*y⇘k⇙)*(x⇘j⇙*y⇘j⇙))))"
by (simp only: sum_distrib_left)
also have
"… =
(inverse 2)*(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (x⇘k⇙*y⇘j⇙ - x⇘j⇙*y⇘k⇙)^2))"
by (simp only: power2_diff real_sq_exp, auto simp add: ac_simps)
also have "… ≥ 0"
proof -
have "(∑k∈{1..n}. (∑j∈{1..n}. (x⇘k⇙*y⇘j⇙ - x⇘j⇙*y⇘k⇙)^2)) ≥ 0"
by (simp add: sum_nonneg)
thus ?thesis by simp
finally show "(∥x∥*∥y∥)^2 - ¦x⋅y¦^2 ≥ 0" .
thus ?thesis by simp
moreover have "0 ≤ ∥x∥*∥y∥"
by (auto simp add: norm_pos)
ultimately show ?thesis by (rule power2_le_imp_le)