Theory Cardinality

section ‹Cardinality and Finiteness›

theory Cardinality
  imports Exponential_Objects

text ‹The definitions below correspond to Definition 2.6.1 in Halvorson.›
definition is_finite :: "cset  bool"  where
   "is_finite X  (m. (m : X  X  monomorphism m)  isomorphism m)"

definition is_infinite :: "cset  bool"  where
   "is_infinite X  ( m. m : X  X  monomorphism m  ¬surjective m)"

lemma either_finite_or_infinite:
  "is_finite X  is_infinite X"
  using epi_mon_is_iso is_finite_def is_infinite_def surjective_is_epimorphism by blast

text ‹The definition below corresponds to Definition 2.6.2 in Halvorson.›
definition is_smaller_than :: "cset  cset  bool" (infix "c" 50) where
   "X c Y  ( m. m : X  Y  monomorphism m)"

text ‹The purpose of the following lemma is simply to unify the two notations used in the book.›
lemma subobject_iff_smaller_than:
  "(X c Y) = (m. (X,m) c Y)"
  using is_smaller_than_def subobject_of_def2 by auto

lemma set_card_transitive:
  assumes "A c B"
  assumes "B c C"
  shows   "A c C"
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis (full_types) assms cfunc_type_def comp_type composition_of_monic_pair_is_monic is_smaller_than_def)

lemma all_emptysets_are_finite:
  assumes "is_empty X"
  shows "is_finite X"
  by (metis assms epi_mon_is_iso epimorphism_def3 is_finite_def is_empty_def one_separator)

lemma emptyset_is_smallest_set:
  " c X"
  using empty_subset is_smaller_than_def subobject_of_def2 by auto

lemma truth_set_is_finite:
  "is_finite Ω"
  unfolding is_finite_def
  fix m 
  assume m_type[type_rule]: "m : Ω  Ω"
  assume m_mono: "monomorphism m"
  have "surjective m"
    unfolding surjective_def
    fix y
    assume "y c codomain m" 
    then have "y c Ω"
      using cfunc_type_def m_type by force
    then show "x. x c domain m  m c x = y"
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) cfunc_type_def codomain_comp domain_comp injective_def m_mono m_type monomorphism_imp_injective true_false_only_truth_values)
  then show "isomorphism m"
    by (simp add: epi_mon_is_iso m_mono surjective_is_epimorphism)

lemma smaller_than_finite_is_finite:
  assumes "X c Y" "is_finite Y" 
  shows "is_finite X"
  unfolding is_finite_def
  fix x
  assume x_type: "x : X  X"
  assume x_mono: "monomorphism x"

  obtain m where m_def: "m: X  Y  monomorphism m"
    using assms(1) is_smaller_than_def by blast
  obtain φ where φ_def: "φ = into_super m c (x f id(Y  (X,m))) c try_cast m" 
    by auto

  have φ_type: "φ : Y  Y"
    unfolding φ_def
    using x_type m_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)

  have "injective(x f id(Y  (X,m)))"
    using cfunc_bowtieprod_inj id_isomorphism id_type iso_imp_epi_and_monic monomorphism_imp_injective x_mono x_type by blast
  then have mono1: "monomorphism(x f id(Y  (X,m)))"
    using injective_imp_monomorphism by auto
  have mono2: "monomorphism(try_cast m)"
    using m_def try_cast_mono by blast
  have mono3: "monomorphism((x f id(Y  (X,m))) c try_cast m)"
    using cfunc_type_def composition_of_monic_pair_is_monic m_def mono1 mono2 x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
  then have φ_mono: "monomorphism φ" 
    unfolding φ_def
    using cfunc_type_def composition_of_monic_pair_is_monic 
          into_super_mono m_def mono3 x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs,auto)
  then have "isomorphism φ" 
    using φ_def φ_type assms(2) is_finite_def by blast
  have iso_x_bowtie_id: "isomorphism(x f id(Y  (X,m)))"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt isomorphism φ φ_def comp_associative2 id_left_unit2 into_super_iso into_super_try_cast into_super_type isomorphism_sandwich m_def try_cast_type x_type)
  have "left_coproj X (Y  (X,m)) c x = (x f id(Y  (X,m))) c left_coproj X (Y  (X,m))"
    using x_type  
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_coproj_cfunc_bowtie_prod)
  have "epimorphism(x f id(Y  (X,m)))"
    using iso_imp_epi_and_monic iso_x_bowtie_id by blast
  then have "surjective(x f id(Y  (X,m)))"
    using  epi_is_surj x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
  then have "epimorphism x"
    using x_type cfunc_bowtieprod_surj_converse id_type surjective_is_epimorphism by blast
  then show "isomorphism x"
    by (simp add: epi_mon_is_iso x_mono)

lemma larger_than_infinite_is_infinite:
  assumes "X c Y" "is_infinite X" 
  shows "is_infinite Y"
  using assms either_finite_or_infinite epi_is_surj is_finite_def is_infinite_def
    iso_imp_epi_and_monic smaller_than_finite_is_finite by blast

lemma iso_pres_finite:
  assumes "X  Y"
  assumes "is_finite X"
  shows "is_finite Y"
  using assms is_isomorphic_def is_smaller_than_def iso_imp_epi_and_monic isomorphic_is_symmetric smaller_than_finite_is_finite by blast

lemma not_finite_and_infinite:
  "¬(is_finite X  is_infinite X)"
  using epi_is_surj is_finite_def is_infinite_def iso_imp_epi_and_monic by blast

lemma iso_pres_infinite:
  assumes "X  Y"
  assumes "is_infinite X"
  shows "is_infinite Y"
  using assms either_finite_or_infinite not_finite_and_infinite iso_pres_finite isomorphic_is_symmetric by blast

lemma size_2_sets:
"(X  Ω) = ( x1.  x2. x1 c X  x2 c X  x1  x2  (x. x c X  x = x1  x = x2))"
  assume "X  Ω"
  then obtain φ where φ_type[type_rule]: "φ : X  Ω" and φ_iso: "isomorphism φ"
    using is_isomorphic_def by blast
  obtain x1 x2 where x1_type[type_rule]: "x1 c X" and x1_def: "φ c x1 = 𝗍" and
                     x2_type[type_rule]: "x2 c X" and x2_def: "φ c x2 = 𝖿" and
                     distinct: "x1  x2"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) φ_iso cfunc_type_def comp_associative comp_type id_left_unit2 isomorphism_def true_false_distinct)
  then show  "x1 x2. x1 c X  x2 c X  x1  x2  (x. x c X  x = x1  x = x2)"
    by (smt (verit, best)  φ_iso φ_type cfunc_type_def comp_associative2 comp_type id_left_unit2 isomorphism_def true_false_only_truth_values)
  assume exactly_two: "x1 x2. x1 c X  x2 c X  x1  x2  (x. x c X  x = x1  x = x2)"
  then obtain x1 x2  where x1_type[type_rule]: "x1 c X" and x2_type[type_rule]: "x2 c X" and distinct: "x1  x2"
    by force
  have iso_type: "((x1 ⨿ x2) c case_bool) : Ω  X"
    by typecheck_cfuncs
  have surj: "surjective ((x1 ⨿ x2) c case_bool)"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, best) exactly_two cfunc_type_def coprod_case_bool_false
                coprod_case_bool_true distinct false_func_type surjective_def true_func_type)
  have inj: "injective ((x1 ⨿ x2) c case_bool)"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) distinct case_bool_true_and_false comp_associative2 
        coprod_case_bool_false injective_def2 left_coproj_cfunc_coprod true_false_only_truth_values)
  then have "isomorphism ((x1 ⨿ x2) c case_bool)"
    by (meson epi_mon_is_iso injective_imp_monomorphism singletonI surj surjective_is_epimorphism)
  then show "X  Ω"
    using is_isomorphic_def iso_type isomorphic_is_symmetric by blast

lemma size_2plus_sets:
  "(Ω c X) = ( x1.  x2. x1 c X  x2 c X  x1  x2)"
proof standard
  show "Ω c X  x1 x2. x1 c X  x2 c X  x1  x2"
    by (meson comp_type false_func_type is_smaller_than_def monomorphism_def3 true_false_distinct true_func_type)
  assume "x1 x2. x1 c X  x2 c X  x1  x2"
  then obtain x1 x2 where x1_type[type_rule]: "x1 c X" and
                     x2_type[type_rule]: "x2 c X" and
                               distinct: "x1  x2"
    by blast  
  have mono_type: "((x1 ⨿ x2) c case_bool) : Ω  X"
    by typecheck_cfuncs
  have inj: "injective ((x1 ⨿ x2) c case_bool)"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) distinct case_bool_true_and_false comp_associative2 
        coprod_case_bool_false injective_def2 left_coproj_cfunc_coprod true_false_only_truth_values)    
  then show "Ω c X"
    using injective_imp_monomorphism is_smaller_than_def mono_type by blast

lemma not_init_not_term:
  "(¬(initial_object X)  ¬(terminal_object X)) = ( x1.  x2. x1 c X  x2 c X  x1  x2)"
  by (metis is_empty_def initial_iso_empty iso_empty_initial iso_to1_is_term no_el_iff_iso_empty single_elem_iso_one terminal_object_def)

lemma sets_size_3_plus:
  "(¬(initial_object X)  ¬(terminal_object X)  ¬(X  Ω)) = ( x1.  x2.   x3. x1 c X  x2 c X  x3 c X  x1  x2  x2  x3  x1  x3)"
  by (metis not_init_not_term size_2_sets)

text ‹The next two lemmas below correspond to Proposition 2.6.3 in Halvorson.›
lemma smaller_than_coproduct1:
  "X c X  Y"
  using is_smaller_than_def left_coproj_are_monomorphisms left_proj_type by blast

lemma  smaller_than_coproduct2:
  "X c Y  X"
  using is_smaller_than_def right_coproj_are_monomorphisms right_proj_type by blast

text ‹The next two lemmas below correspond to Proposition 2.6.4 in Halvorson.›
lemma smaller_than_product1:
  assumes "nonempty Y"
  shows "X c X ×c Y"
  unfolding is_smaller_than_def  
proof -
  obtain y where y_type: "y c Y"
  using assms nonempty_def by blast
  have map_type: "id(X),y c β⇘X : X  X ×c Y"
   using y_type cfunc_prod_type cfunc_type_def codomain_comp domain_comp id_type terminal_func_type by auto
  have mono: "monomorphism(id X, y c β⇘X)"
    using map_type
  proof (unfold monomorphism_def3, clarify)
    fix g h A
    assume g_h_types: "g : A  X" "h : A  X"
    assume "idc X,y c β⇘X c g = idc X,y c β⇘X c h"
    then have "idc X c g, y c β⇘Xc g  = idc X c h, y c β⇘Xc h"
      using y_type g_h_types by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2 comp_type)
    then have "g, y c β⇘A  = h, y c β⇘A"
      using y_type g_h_types id_left_unit2 terminal_func_comp by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
    then show "g = h"
      using g_h_types y_type
      by (metis (full_types) comp_type left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod terminal_func_type)
  show "m. m : X  X ×c Y  monomorphism m"
    using mono map_type by auto

lemma smaller_than_product2:
  assumes "nonempty Y"
  shows "X c Y ×c X"
  unfolding is_smaller_than_def  
proof - 
  have "X c X ×c Y"
    by (simp add: assms smaller_than_product1)
  then obtain m where m_def: "m : X  X ×c Y  monomorphism m"
    using is_smaller_than_def by blast
  obtain i  where "i : (X ×c Y)  (Y ×c X)  isomorphism i"
    using is_isomorphic_def product_commutes by blast
  then have "i c m : X   (Y ×c X)  monomorphism(i c m)"
    using cfunc_type_def comp_type composition_of_monic_pair_is_monic iso_imp_epi_and_monic m_def by auto
  then show "m. m : X  Y ×c X  monomorphism m"
    by blast

lemma coprod_leq_product:
  assumes X_not_init: "¬(initial_object(X))" 
  assumes Y_not_init: "¬(initial_object(Y))" 
  assumes X_not_term: "¬(terminal_object(X))"
  assumes Y_not_term: "¬(terminal_object(Y))"
  shows "X  Y c X ×c Y"
proof - 
  obtain x1 x2 where x1x2_def[type_rule]:  "(x1 c X)" "(x2 c X)" "(x1  x2)"
    using is_empty_def X_not_init X_not_term iso_empty_initial iso_to1_is_term no_el_iff_iso_empty single_elem_iso_one by blast
  obtain y1 y2 where y1y2_def[type_rule]:  "(y1 c Y)" "(y2 c Y)" "(y1  y2)"
    using is_empty_def Y_not_init Y_not_term iso_empty_initial iso_to1_is_term no_el_iff_iso_empty single_elem_iso_one by blast
  then have y1_mono[type_rule]: "monomorphism(y1)"
    using element_monomorphism by blast
  obtain m where m_def: "m = id(X), y1 c β⇘X ⨿ ((x2, y2 ⨿ x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1), y1c) c  try_cast y1)"
    by simp
  have type1: "id(X), y1 c β⇘X : X  (X ×c Y)"
    by (meson cfunc_prod_type comp_type id_type terminal_func_type y1y2_def)
  have trycast_y1_type: "try_cast y1 : Y  𝟭  (Y  (𝟭,y1))"
    by (meson element_monomorphism try_cast_type y1y2_def)
  have y1'_type[type_rule]: "y1c : Y  (𝟭,y1)  Y"
    using complement_morphism_type one_terminal_object terminal_el_monomorphism y1y2_def by blast
  have type4: "x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1), y1c : Y  (𝟭,y1)  (X ×c Y)"
    using cfunc_prod_type comp_type terminal_func_type x1x2_def y1'_type by blast
  have type5: "x2, y2 c (X ×c Y)"
    by (simp add: cfunc_prod_type x1x2_def y1y2_def)
  then have type6: "x2, y2 ⨿ x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1), y1c :(𝟭  (Y  (𝟭,y1)))  (X ×c Y)"
    using cfunc_coprod_type type4 by blast
  then have type7: "((x2, y2 ⨿ x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1), y1c) c  try_cast y1) : Y  (X ×c Y)"
    using comp_type trycast_y1_type by blast
  then have m_type: "m : X   Y  (X ×c Y)"
    by (simp add: cfunc_coprod_type m_def type1)

  have relative: "y. y c Y  (y ∈⇘Y(𝟭, y1)) = (y = y1)"
    fix y 
    assume y_type: "y c Y"
    show "y ∈⇘Y(𝟭, y1)  y = y1"
      by (metis cfunc_type_def factors_through_def id_right_unit2 id_type one_unique_element relative_member_def2)
    show "y1 c Y  y1 ∈⇘Y(𝟭, y1)"
      by (metis cfunc_type_def factors_through_def id_right_unit2 id_type relative_member_def2 y1_mono)

  have "injective(m)"
    unfolding injective_def
    fix a b 
    assume "a c domain m" "b c domain m"
    then have a_type[type_rule]: "a c X   Y" and b_type[type_rule]: "b c X   Y"
      using m_type unfolding cfunc_type_def by auto
    assume eqs: "m c a = m c b"

      have m_leftproj_l_equals: " l. l  c X  m c left_coproj X Y c l = l, y1"
        fix l 
        assume l_type: "l c X"
        have "m c left_coproj X Y c l = (id(X), y1 c β⇘X ⨿ ((x2, y2 ⨿ x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1), y1c) c  try_cast y1)) c left_coproj X Y c l"
          by (simp add: m_def)
        also have "... = (id(X), y1 c β⇘X ⨿ ((x2, y2 ⨿ x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1), y1c) c  try_cast y1) c left_coproj X Y) c l"
          using comp_associative2 l_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
        also have "... = id(X), y1 c β⇘X c l"
          by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
        also have "... = id(X)c l , (y1 c β⇘X) c l"
          using l_type cfunc_prod_comp by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
        also have "... = l , y1 c β⇘Xc l"
          using l_type comp_associative2 id_left_unit2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
        also have "... = l , y1"
          using l_type by (typecheck_cfuncs,metis id_right_unit2 id_type one_unique_element)
        finally show "m c left_coproj X Y c l = l,y1".

      have m_rightproj_y1_equals: "m c right_coproj X Y c y1 = x2, y2"
      proof - 
        have "m c right_coproj X Y c y1 = (m c right_coproj X Y) c y1"
          using  comp_associative2 m_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
        also have "... = ((x2, y2 ⨿ x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1), y1c) c  try_cast y1) c y1"
          using m_def right_coproj_cfunc_coprod type1 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
        also have "... = (x2, y2 ⨿ x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1), y1c) c  try_cast y1 c y1"
          using  comp_associative2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
        also have "... = (x2, y2 ⨿ x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1), y1c) c left_coproj 𝟭 (Y  (𝟭,y1))"
          using  try_cast_m_m y1_mono y1y2_def(1) by auto
        also have "... =  x2, y2"
          using left_coproj_cfunc_coprod type4 type5 by blast
        finally show ?thesis.

      have m_rightproj_not_y1_equals: " r. r  c Y  r  y1 
            k. k c Y  (𝟭,y1)  try_cast y1 c r = right_coproj 𝟭 (Y  (𝟭,y1)) c k  
            m c right_coproj X Y c r = x1, y1c c k"
      proof clarify
        fix r 
        assume r_type: "r c Y"
        assume r_not_y1: "r  y1"
        then obtain k where k_def: "k c Y  (𝟭,y1)  try_cast y1 c r = right_coproj 𝟭 (Y  (𝟭,y1)) c k"
          using r_type relative try_cast_not_in_X y1_mono y1y2_def(1) by blast
        have m_rightproj_l_equals: "m c right_coproj X Y c r = x1, y1c c k"
        proof -
          have "m c right_coproj X Y c r = (m c right_coproj X Y) c r"
            using r_type comp_associative2 m_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
          also have "... = ((x2, y2 ⨿ x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1), y1c) c  try_cast y1) c r"
            using m_def right_coproj_cfunc_coprod type1 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
          also have "... = (x2, y2 ⨿ x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1), y1c) c  (try_cast y1 c r)"
            using r_type comp_associative2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
          also have "... = (x2, y2 ⨿ x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1), y1c) c (right_coproj 𝟭 (Y  (𝟭,y1)) c k)"
            using k_def by auto
          also have "... = ((x2, y2 ⨿ x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1), y1c) c right_coproj 𝟭 (Y  (𝟭,y1))) c k"
            using comp_associative2 k_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
          also have "... =  x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1), y1c c k"
            using right_coproj_cfunc_coprod type4 type5 by auto
          also have "... =  x1 c β⇘Y  (𝟭,y1)c k, y1c c k "
            using cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2 k_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
          also have "... =  x1, y1c c k"
            by (metis id_right_unit2 id_type k_def one_unique_element terminal_func_comp terminal_func_type x1x2_def(1))
          finally show ?thesis.
        then show "k. k c Y  (𝟭, y1) 
          try_cast y1 c r = right_coproj 𝟭 (Y  (𝟭, y1)) c k  
          m c right_coproj X Y c r = x1,y1c c k"
              using k_def by blast
    show "a = b"
    proof(cases "x. a = left_coproj X Y c x   x c X")
      assume "x. a = left_coproj X Y c x   x c X"
      then obtain x where x_def: "a = left_coproj X Y c x   x c X"
        by auto
      then have m_proj_a: "m c left_coproj X Y c x = x, y1"
        using m_leftproj_l_equals by (simp add: x_def)
      show "a = b"
      proof(cases "c. b = left_coproj X Y c c   c c X")
        assume "c. b = left_coproj X Y c c  c c X"
        then obtain c where c_def: "b = left_coproj X Y c c   c c X"
          by auto
        then have "m c left_coproj X Y c c = c, y1"
          by (simp add: m_leftproj_l_equals)
        then show ?thesis
          using c_def element_pair_eq eqs m_proj_a x_def y1y2_def(1) by auto
        assume "c. b = left_coproj X Y c c  c c X"
        then obtain c where c_def: "b = right_coproj X Y c c   c c Y"
          using b_type coprojs_jointly_surj by blast
        show "a = b"
        proof(cases "c = y1")
          assume "c = y1"       
          have m_rightproj_l_equals: "m c right_coproj X Y c c = x2, y2"
            by (simp add: c = y1 m_rightproj_y1_equals)       
          then show ?thesis
            using c = y1 c_def cart_prod_eq2 eqs m_proj_a x1x2_def(2) x_def y1y2_def(2) y1y2_def(3) by auto
          assume "c  y1"       
          then obtain k where k_def:  "m c right_coproj X Y c c = x1, y1c c k"
            using c_def m_rightproj_not_y1_equals by blast                     
          then have "x, y1 = x1, y1c c k"
            using c_def eqs m_proj_a x_def by auto
          then have "(x = x1)  (y1 = y1c c k)"
            by (smt c  y1 c_def cfunc_type_def comp_associative comp_type element_pair_eq k_def m_rightproj_not_y1_equals monomorphism_def3 try_cast_m_m' try_cast_mono trycast_y1_type x1x2_def(1) x_def y1'_type y1_mono y1y2_def(1))
          then have False
            by (smt c  y1  c_def comp_type complement_disjoint element_pair_eq id_right_unit2 id_type k_def m_rightproj_not_y1_equals x_def y1'_type y1_mono y1y2_def(1))
          then show ?thesis by auto
      assume "x. a = left_coproj X Y c x  x c X"
      then obtain y where y_def: "a = right_coproj X Y c y  y c Y"
        using a_type coprojs_jointly_surj by blast
      show "a = b"
      proof(cases "y = y1")
        assume "y = y1"
        then  have m_rightproj_y_equals: "m c right_coproj X Y c y = x2, y2"
          using m_rightproj_y1_equals by blast
        then have "m c a  = x2, y2"
          using y_def by blast
        show "a = b"
        proof(cases "c. b = left_coproj X Y c c   c c X")
          assume "c. b = left_coproj X Y c c  c c X"
          then obtain c where c_def: "b = left_coproj X Y c c  c c X"
            by blast
          then show "a = b"
            using cart_prod_eq2 eqs m_leftproj_l_equals m_rightproj_y_equals x1x2_def(2) y1y2_def y_def by auto
          assume "c. b = left_coproj X Y c c  c c X"
          then obtain c where c_def: "b = right_coproj X Y c c  c c Y"
            using b_type coprojs_jointly_surj by blast
          show "a = b"
          proof(cases "c = y")
            assume "c = y"
            show "a = b"
              by (simp add: c = y c_def y_def)
            assume "c  y"
            then have "c  y1"
              by (simp add: y = y1)
            then obtain k where k_def: "k c Y  (𝟭,y1)  try_cast y1 c c = right_coproj 𝟭 (Y  (𝟭,y1)) c k  
                 m c right_coproj X Y c c = x1, y1c c k"
              using c_def m_rightproj_not_y1_equals by blast
            then have "x2, y2 = x1, y1c c k"
              using m c a = x2,y2 c_def eqs by auto
            then have False
              using comp_type element_pair_eq k_def x1x2_def y1'_type y1y2_def(2) by auto
            then show ?thesis
              by simp
        assume "y  y1"
        then obtain k where k_def: "k c Y  (𝟭,y1)  try_cast y1 c y = right_coproj 𝟭 (Y  (𝟭,y1)) c k  
          m c right_coproj X Y c y = x1, y1c c k"
          using m_rightproj_not_y1_equals y_def by blast  
        then have "m c a  = x1, y1c c k"
          using y_def by blast
        show "a = b"
        proof(cases "c. b = right_coproj X Y c c   c c Y")
          assume "c. b = right_coproj X Y c c   c c Y"
          then obtain c where c_def: "b = right_coproj X Y c c  c c Y"
            by blast  
          show "a = b"
          proof(cases "c = y1")
            assume "c = y1" 
            show "a = b"
              proof -
                obtain cc :: cfunc where
                  f1: "cc c Y  (𝟭, y1)  try_cast y1 c y = right_coproj 𝟭 (Y  (𝟭, y1)) c cc  m c right_coproj X Y c y = x1,y1c c cc"
                  using thesis. (k. k c Y  (𝟭, y1)  try_cast y1 c y = right_coproj 𝟭 (Y  (𝟭, y1)) c k  m c right_coproj X Y c y = x1,y1c c k  thesis)  thesis by blast
                have "x2,y2 = m c a"
              using c = y1 c_def eqs m_rightproj_y1_equals by presburger
              then show ?thesis
              using f1 cart_prod_eq2 comp_type x1x2_def y1'_type y1y2_def(2) y_def by force
              assume "c  y1"              
              then obtain k' where k'_def: "k' c Y  (𝟭,y1)  try_cast y1 c c = right_coproj 𝟭 (Y  (𝟭,y1)) c k'  
              m c right_coproj X Y c c = x1, y1c c k'"
                using c_def m_rightproj_not_y1_equals by blast
              then have "x1, y1c c k' = x1, y1c c k"
                using c_def eqs k_def y_def by auto
              then have "(x1 = x1)  (y1c c k' = y1c c k)"
                using  element_pair_eq k'_def k_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
              then have "k' = k"
                by (metis cfunc_type_def complement_morphism_mono k'_def k_def monomorphism_def y1'_type y1_mono)
              then have "c = y"
                by (metis c_def cfunc_type_def k'_def k_def monomorphism_def try_cast_mono trycast_y1_type y1_mono y_def)
              then show "a = b"
                by (simp add: c_def y_def)
            assume "c. b = right_coproj X Y c c  c c Y"
            then obtain c where c_def:  "b = left_coproj X Y c c  c c X"
              using b_type coprojs_jointly_surj by blast
            then have  "m c left_coproj X Y c c = c, y1"
              by (simp add: m_leftproj_l_equals)      
            then have "c, y1 = x1, y1c c k"
                using m c a = x1,y1c c k m c left_coproj X Y c c = c,y1 c_def eqs by auto      
            then have "(c = x1)  (y1 = y1c c k)"
              using c_def cart_prod_eq2 comp_type k_def x1x2_def(1) y1'_type y1y2_def(1) by auto 
            then have False
              by (metis cfunc_type_def complement_disjoint id_right_unit id_type k_def y1_mono y1y2_def(1))
            then show ?thesis
              by simp
  then have "monomorphism m"
    using injective_imp_monomorphism by auto 
  then show ?thesis
    using is_smaller_than_def m_type by blast

lemma prod_leq_exp:
  assumes "¬ terminal_object Y"
  shows "X ×c Y c YX⇖"
proof(cases "initial_object Y")
  show "initial_object Y  X ×c Y c YX⇖"
    by (metis X_prod_empty initial_iso_empty initial_maps_mono initial_object_def is_smaller_than_def iso_empty_initial isomorphic_is_reflexive isomorphic_is_transitive prod_pres_iso)
  assume "¬ initial_object Y"
  then obtain y1 y2 where y1_type[type_rule]: "y1 c Y" and y2_type[type_rule]: "y2 c Y" and y1_not_y2: "y1  y2"
    using assms not_init_not_term by blast
  show "X ×c Y c YX⇖"
  proof(cases "X  Ω")
      assume "X  Ω"
      have "Ω  c  Y"
         using ¬ initial_object Y assms not_init_not_term size_2plus_sets by blast
      then obtain m where m_type[type_rule]: "m : Ω    Y" and m_mono: "monomorphism m"
        using is_smaller_than_def by blast
      then have m_id_type[type_rule]: "m ×f id(Y) : Ω ×c Y  Y ×c Y"
        by typecheck_cfuncs
      have m_id_mono: "monomorphism (m ×f id(Y))"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_cross_prod_mono id_isomorphism iso_imp_epi_and_monic m_mono)  
      obtain n where n_type[type_rule]: "n : Y ×c Y    YΩ⇖" and n_mono: "monomorphism n"
        using is_isomorphic_def iso_imp_epi_and_monic isomorphic_is_symmetric sets_squared by blast
      obtain r where r_type[type_rule]: "r : YΩ  YX⇖" and r_mono: "monomorphism r"
        by (meson X  Ω exp_pres_iso_right is_isomorphic_def iso_imp_epi_and_monic isomorphic_is_symmetric)
      obtain q where q_type[type_rule]: "q : X ×c Y    Ω ×c Y" and q_mono: "monomorphism q"
        by (meson X  Ω id_isomorphism id_type is_isomorphic_def iso_imp_epi_and_monic prod_pres_iso) 
      have rnmq_type[type_rule]: "r c n c (m ×f id(Y)) c q : X ×c Y  YX⇖"
        by typecheck_cfuncs
      have "monomorphism(r c n c (m ×f id(Y)) c q)"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_type_def composition_of_monic_pair_is_monic m_id_mono n_mono q_mono r_mono)
      then show ?thesis
        by (meson is_smaller_than_def rnmq_type)
      assume "¬ X  Ω"
      show "X ×c Y c YX⇖"
      proof(cases "initial_object X")
        show "initial_object X  X ×c Y c YX⇖"
          by (metis is_empty_def initial_iso_empty initial_maps_mono initial_object_def 
              is_smaller_than_def isomorphic_is_transitive no_el_iff_iso_empty
              not_init_not_term prod_with_empty_is_empty2 product_commutes terminal_object_def)
      assume "¬ initial_object X"
      show "X ×c Y c YX⇖"
      proof(cases "terminal_object X")
        assume "terminal_object X"
        then have "X  𝟭"
          by (simp add: one_terminal_object terminal_objects_isomorphic)
        have "X ×c Y  Y"
          by (simp add: terminal_object X prod_with_term_obj1)
        then have "X ×c Y  YX⇖"
          by (meson X  𝟭 exp_pres_iso_right exp_set_inj isomorphic_is_symmetric isomorphic_is_transitive exp_one)
        then show ?thesis
          using is_isomorphic_def is_smaller_than_def iso_imp_epi_and_monic by blast
        assume "¬ terminal_object X"

        obtain into where into_def: "into = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1))) 
                               c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭 c (id Y ×f case_bool) c (id Y ×f eq_pred X) "
          by simp
        then have into_type[type_rule]: "into : Y ×c (X ×c X)  Y"
          by (simp, typecheck_cfuncs)

        obtain Θ where Θ_def: "Θ = (into c associate_right Y X X c swap X (Y ×c X)) c swap X Y"
          by auto
        have Θ_type[type_rule]: "Θ : X ×c Y  YX⇖"
          unfolding Θ_def by typecheck_cfuncs

        have f0: "x.  y.  z. x c X  y c Y  z c X  (Θ c x, y) c id X, β⇘X c z = into c   y, x, z"
          fix x y z
          assume x_type[type_rule]: "x c X"
          assume y_type[type_rule]: "y c Y"
          assume z_type[type_rule]: "z c X"
          show "(Θ c x,y) c idc X,β⇘X c z = into c y,x,z"
          proof - 
            have "(Θ c x,y) c idc X,β⇘X c z = (Θ c x,y) c idc X c z,β⇘Xc z"
              by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_prod_comp)
            also have "... = (Θ c x,y) c z,id 𝟭"
              by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis id_left_unit2 one_unique_element)
            also have "... = (Θ c (id(X) ×f x,y)) c z,id 𝟭"
              using inv_transpose_of_composition by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
            also have "... = Θ c (id(X) ×f x,y) c z,id 𝟭"
              using comp_associative2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
            also have "... = Θ c id(X) c  z, x,y c  id 𝟭"
              by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod)
            also have "... = Θ c z,x,y"
              by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: id_left_unit2 id_right_unit2)
            also have "... = ((into c associate_right Y X X c swap X (Y ×c X)) c swap X Y) c z,x,y"
              by (simp add: Θ_def)
            also have "... = ((into c associate_right Y X X c swap X (Y ×c X)) c (id X ×f swap X Y)) c z,x,y"
              using inv_transpose_of_composition by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
            also have "... = (into c associate_right Y X X c swap X (Y ×c X)) c  (id X ×f swap X Y) c z,x,y"
              by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: comp_associative2 inv_transpose_func_def3 transpose_func_def)
            also have "... = (into c associate_right Y X X c swap X (Y ×c X)) c  id X c z, swap X Y c x,y"
              by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod)
            also have "... = (into c associate_right Y X X c swap X (Y ×c X)) c  z, y,x"
              using id_left_unit2 swap_ap by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
            also have "... = into c associate_right Y X X c swap X (Y ×c X) c  z, y,x"
              by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis cfunc_type_def comp_associative)
            also have "... = into c associate_right Y X X c   y,x, z"
              using swap_ap by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
            also have "... = into c   y, x, z"
              using associate_right_ap by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
            finally show ?thesis.
        have f1: "x y. x c X  y c Y   (Θ c x, y) c id X, β⇘X c x = y"
        proof - 
          fix x y 
          assume x_type[type_rule]: "x c X"
          assume y_type[type_rule]: "y c Y"
          have "(Θ c x, y) c id X, β⇘X c x = into c   y, x, x"
            by (simp add: f0 x_type y_type)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1)))
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭 c (id Y ×f case_bool) c (id Y ×f eq_pred X) c   y, x, x"
            using cfunc_type_def comp_associative comp_type into_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, fastforce)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1)))
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭 c (id Y ×f case_bool) c  id Y c y, eq_pred X c  x, x"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod)
         also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1))) 
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭 c (id Y ×f case_bool) c  y, 𝗍"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis eq_pred_iff_eq id_left_unit2)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1))) 
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭  c  y, left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: case_bool_true cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod id_left_unit2)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1))) 
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭  c  y, left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c id 𝟭"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis id_right_unit2)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1))) 
                                 c left_coproj (Y ×c 𝟭) (Y ×c 𝟭) c y,id 𝟭"
            using dist_prod_coprod_left_ap_left by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
          also have "... = ((left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1))) 
                                 c left_coproj (Y ×c 𝟭) (Y ×c 𝟭)) c y,id 𝟭"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, meson comp_associative2)
          also have "... = left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 c y,id 𝟭"
            using left_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
          also have "... = y"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
          finally show "(Θ c x, y) c id X, β⇘X c x = y".
        have f2: "x y z. x c X  y c Y    z c X  z  x  y  y1  (Θ c x, y) c id X, β⇘X c z = y1"
        proof - 
          fix x y z
          assume x_type[type_rule]: "x c X"
          assume y_type[type_rule]: "y c Y"
          assume z_type[type_rule]: "z c X"
          assume "z  x"
          assume "y  y1"
          have "(Θ c x, y) c id X, β⇘X c z = into c   y, x, z"
            by (simp add: f0 x_type y_type z_type)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1)))
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭 c (id Y ×f case_bool) c (id Y ×f eq_pred X) c   y, x, z"
            using cfunc_type_def comp_associative comp_type into_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, fastforce)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1)))
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭 c (id Y ×f case_bool) c  id Y c y, eq_pred X c  x, z"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1))) 
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭 c (id Y ×f case_bool) c  y, 𝖿"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis z  x eq_pred_iff_eq_conv id_left_unit2)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1))) 
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭  c  y, right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: case_bool_false cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod id_left_unit2)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1)))
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭  c  y, right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c id 𝟭"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: id_right_unit2)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1)))
                                 c right_coproj (Y ×c 𝟭) (Y ×c 𝟭) c y,id 𝟭"
            using dist_prod_coprod_left_ap_right by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
          also have "... = ((left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1))) 
                                 c right_coproj (Y ×c 𝟭) (Y ×c 𝟭)) c y,id 𝟭"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, meson comp_associative2)
          also have "... = ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1)) c y,id 𝟭"
            using right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
          also have "... = (y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1) c y,id 𝟭"
            using comp_associative2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
          also have "... = (y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y  c y,y1"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod id_left_unit2 id_right_unit2)
          also have "... = (y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c 𝖿"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis y  y1 eq_pred_iff_eq_conv)
          also have "... = y1"
            using case_bool_false right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
          finally show "(Θ c x, y) c id X, β⇘X c z = y1".
        have f3: "x z. x c X   z c X  z  x   (Θ c x, y1) c id X, β⇘X c z = y2"
        proof - 
          fix x y z
          assume x_type[type_rule]: "x c X"
          assume z_type[type_rule]: "z c X"
          assume "z  x"
          have "(Θ c x, y1) c id X, β⇘X c z = into c   y1, x, z"
            by (simp add: f0 x_type y1_type z_type)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1)))
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭 c (id Y ×f case_bool) c (id Y ×f eq_pred X) c   y1, x, z"
            using cfunc_type_def comp_associative comp_type into_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, fastforce)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1)))
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭 c (id Y ×f case_bool) c  id Y c y1, eq_pred X c  x, z"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1))) 
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭 c (id Y ×f case_bool) c  y1, 𝖿"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis z  x eq_pred_iff_eq_conv id_left_unit2)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1))) 
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭  c  y1, right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: case_bool_false cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod id_left_unit2)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1)))
                                 c dist_prod_coprod_left Y 𝟭 𝟭  c  y1, right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c id 𝟭"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: id_right_unit2)
          also have "... = (left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1)))
                                 c right_coproj (Y ×c 𝟭) (Y ×c 𝟭) c y1,id 𝟭"
            using dist_prod_coprod_left_ap_right by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
          also have "... = ((left_cart_proj Y 𝟭 ⨿ ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1))) 
                                 c right_coproj (Y ×c 𝟭) (Y ×c 𝟭)) c y1,id 𝟭"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, meson comp_associative2)
          also have "... = ((y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1)) c y1,id 𝟭"
            using right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
          also have "... = (y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y c (id Y ×f y1) c y1,id 𝟭"
            using comp_associative2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
          also have "... = (y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c eq_pred Y  c y1,y1"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod id_left_unit2 id_right_unit2)
          also have "... = (y2 ⨿ y1) c case_bool c 𝗍"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis eq_pred_iff_eq)
          also have "... = y2"
            using case_bool_true left_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
          finally show "(Θ c x, y1) c id X, β⇘X c z = y2".
     have Θ_injective: "injective(Θ)"
       unfolding injective_def
       fix xy st
       assume xy_type[type_rule]: "xy c domain Θ"
       assume st_type[type_rule]: "st c domain Θ"
       assume equals: "Θ c xy = Θ c st"
       obtain x y where x_type[type_rule]: "x c X" and y_type[type_rule]: "y c Y" and xy_def: "xy = x,y"
         by (metis Θ_type cart_prod_decomp cfunc_type_def xy_type)
       obtain s t where s_type[type_rule]: "s c X" and t_type[type_rule]: "t c Y" and st_def: "st = s,t"
         by (metis Θ_type cart_prod_decomp cfunc_type_def st_type)   
       have equals2: "Θ c x,y = Θ c s,t"
         using equals st_def xy_def by auto
       have "x,y = s,t"
       proof(cases "y = y1")  
         assume "y = y1"
         show "x,y = s,t"
         proof(cases "t = y1")
           show "t = y1  x,y = s,t"
             by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis y = y1 equals f1 f3 st_def xy_def y1_not_y2)
           assume "t  y1"
           show "x,y = s,t"
           proof(cases "s = x")
             show "s = x  x,y = s,t"
               by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis equals2 f1)
             assume "s  x"  (*This step, in particular, is why we require X to not be isomorphic to Omega*)
             obtain z where z_type[type_rule]: "z c X" and z_not_x: "z  x" and z_not_s: "z  s"
               by (metis ¬ X  Ω ¬ initial_object X ¬ terminal_object X sets_size_3_plus)
             have t_sz: "(Θ c s, t) c id X, β⇘X c z = y1"
               by (simp add: t  y1 f2 s_type t_type z_not_s z_type)
             have y_xz: "(Θ c x, y) c id X, β⇘X c z = y2"
               by (simp add: y = y1 f3 x_type z_not_x z_type)    
             then have "y1 = y2"
               using equals2 t_sz by auto
             then have False
               using y1_not_y2 by auto
             then show "x,y = s,t"
               by simp
         assume "y  y1"
         show "x,y = s,t"
         proof(cases "y = y2")
           assume "y = y2"
           show "x,y = s,t"
           proof(cases "t = y2", clarify)
             show "t = y2  x,y = s,y2"
               by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis y = y2 y  y1 equals f1 f2 st_def xy_def)
             assume "t  y2"
             show "x,y = s,t"
             proof(cases "x = s", clarify)
               show "x = s  s,y = s,t"
                 by (metis equals2 f1 s_type t_type y_type)
               assume "x  s"
               show "x,y = s,t"
               proof(cases "t = y1",clarify)
                 show "t = y1  x,y = s,y1"
                   by (metis ¬ X  Ω ¬ initial_object X ¬ terminal_object X y = y2 y  y1 equals f2 f3 s_type sets_size_3_plus st_def x_type xy_def y2_type)
                 assume "t  y1"
                 show "x,y = s,t"
                   by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis t  y1 y  y1 equals f1 f2 st_def xy_def)
           assume "y  y2"
           show "x,y = s,t"
           proof(cases "s = x", clarify)
             show "s = x  x,y = x,t"
               by (metis equals2 f1 t_type x_type y_type)
             show "s  x  x,y = s,t"
               by (metis y  y1 y  y2 equals f1 f2 f3 s_type st_def t_type x_type xy_def y_type)
     then show "xy = st"
       by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add:  st_def xy_def)
      then show ?thesis
        using Θ_type injective_imp_monomorphism is_smaller_than_def by blast

lemma Y_nonempty_then_X_le_XtoY:
  assumes "nonempty Y"
  shows "X c XY⇖"
proof - 
  obtain f where f_def: "f = (right_cart_proj Y X)"
    by blast
  then have f_type: "f : X  XY⇖"
    by (simp add: right_cart_proj_type transpose_func_type)
  have mono_f: "injective(f)"
    unfolding injective_def
    fix x y 
    assume x_type: "x c domain f"
    assume y_type: "y c domain f"
    assume equals: "f c x = f c y"
    have x_type2 : "x c X"
      using cfunc_type_def f_type x_type by auto
    have y_type2 : "y c X"
      using cfunc_type_def f_type y_type by auto
    have "x c (right_cart_proj Y 𝟭) = (right_cart_proj Y X) c (id(Y) ×f x)"
      using right_cart_proj_cfunc_cross_prod x_type2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
    also have "... = ((eval_func X Y) c (id(Y) ×f f)) c (id(Y) ×f x)"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: f_def transpose_func_def)
    also have "... = (eval_func X Y) c ((id(Y) ×f f) c (id(Y) ×f x))"
      using comp_associative2 f_type x_type2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, fastforce)
    also have "... = (eval_func X Y) c (id(Y) ×f (f c x))"
      using f_type identity_distributes_across_composition x_type2 by auto
    also have "... = (eval_func X Y) c (id(Y) ×f (f c y))"
      by (simp add: equals)
    also have "... = (eval_func X Y) c ((id(Y) ×f f) c (id(Y) ×f y))"
      using f_type identity_distributes_across_composition y_type2 by auto
    also have "... = ((eval_func X Y) c (id(Y) ×f f)) c (id(Y) ×f y)"
      using comp_associative2 f_type y_type2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, fastforce)
    also have "... = (right_cart_proj Y X) c (id(Y) ×f y)"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: f_def transpose_func_def)
    also have "... = y c (right_cart_proj Y 𝟭)"
      using right_cart_proj_cfunc_cross_prod y_type2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
    ultimately show "x = y"
      using assms epimorphism_def3 nonempty_left_imp_right_proj_epimorphism right_cart_proj_type x_type2 y_type2 by fastforce
  then show "X c XY⇖"
    using f_type injective_imp_monomorphism is_smaller_than_def by blast

lemma non_init_non_ter_sets:
  assumes "¬(terminal_object X)"
  assumes "¬(initial_object X)"
  shows "Ω c X" 
proof - 
  obtain x1 and x2 where x1_type[type_rule]: "x1 c X" and 
                         x2_type[type_rule]: "x2 c X" and
                                   distinct: "x1  x2"
    using is_empty_def assms iso_empty_initial iso_to1_is_term no_el_iff_iso_empty single_elem_iso_one by blast
  then have map_type: "(x1 ⨿ x2) c case_bool   : Ω  X"
    by typecheck_cfuncs
  have injective: "injective((x1 ⨿ x2) c case_bool)"
    unfolding injective_def
    fix ω1 ω2 
    assume "ω1 c domain (x1 ⨿ x2 c case_bool)"
    then have ω1_type[type_rule]: "ω1 c Ω"
      using cfunc_type_def map_type by auto
    assume "ω2 c domain (x1 ⨿ x2 c case_bool)"
    then have ω2_type[type_rule]: "ω2 c Ω"
      using cfunc_type_def map_type by auto
    assume equals: "(x1 ⨿ x2 c case_bool) c ω1 = (x1 ⨿ x2 c case_bool) c ω2"
    show "ω1 = ω2"
    proof(cases "ω1 = 𝗍", clarify)
      assume "ω1 = 𝗍"
      show "𝗍 = ω2"
      proof(rule ccontr)
        assume " 𝗍  ω2"
        then have "𝖿 = ω2"
          using 𝗍  ω2 true_false_only_truth_values by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
        then have RHS: "(x1 ⨿ x2 c case_bool) c ω2 = x2"
          by (meson coprod_case_bool_false x1_type x2_type)
        have "(x1 ⨿ x2 c case_bool) c ω1 = x1"
          using ω1 = 𝗍 coprod_case_bool_true x1_type x2_type by blast
        then show False
          using RHS distinct equals by force
      assume "ω1  𝗍"
      then have "ω1 = 𝖿"
        using  true_false_only_truth_values by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
      have "ω2 = 𝖿"
      proof(rule ccontr)
        assume "ω2  𝖿"
        then have "ω2 = 𝗍"
          using  true_false_only_truth_values by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
        then have RHS: "(x1 ⨿ x2 c case_bool) c ω2 = x2"
          using ω1 = 𝖿 coprod_case_bool_false equals x1_type x2_type by auto
        have "(x1 ⨿ x2 c case_bool) c ω1 = x1"
          using ω2 = 𝗍 coprod_case_bool_true equals x1_type x2_type by presburger
        then show False
          using RHS distinct equals by auto
      show "ω1 = ω2"
        by (simp add: ω1 = 𝖿 ω2 = 𝖿)
  then have "monomorphism((x1 ⨿ x2) c case_bool)"
    using injective_imp_monomorphism by auto
  then show "Ω c X"
    using  is_smaller_than_def map_type by blast

lemma exp_preserves_card1:
  assumes "A c B"
  assumes "nonempty X"   
  shows "XAc XB⇖"
  unfolding is_smaller_than_def
proof -
  obtain x where x_type[type_rule]: "x c X"
    using assms(2) unfolding nonempty_def by auto
  obtain m where m_def[type_rule]: "m : A  B" "monomorphism m"
    using assms(1) unfolding is_smaller_than_def by auto
  show "m. m : XA XB monomorphism m"
  proof (intro exI[where x="(((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))))
    c dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) 
    c swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c (try_cast m ×f id (XA)))"], safe)

    show "((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) : XA XB⇖"
      by  typecheck_cfuncs
    then show "monomorphism
      (((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
        dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
        swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)))"
    proof (unfold monomorphism_def3, clarify)
      fix g h Z
      assume g_type[type_rule]: "g : Z  XA⇖"
      assume h_type[type_rule]: "h : Z  XA⇖"
      assume eq: "((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
          dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
          swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) c g
          ((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
          dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
          swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) c h"

      show "g = h"
      proof (typecheck_cfuncs, rule same_evals_equal[where Z=Z, where A=A, where X=X], clarify)
        show "eval_func X A c idc A ×f g = eval_func X A c idc A ×f h"
        proof (typecheck_cfuncs, rule one_separator[where X="A ×c Z", where Y="X"], clarify)
          fix az
          assume az_type[type_rule]: "az c A ×c Z"

          obtain a z where az_types[type_rule]: "a c A" "z c Z" and az_def: "az = a,z"
            using cart_prod_decomp az_type by blast

          have "(eval_func X B) c (id B ×f (((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) c g)) = 
          (eval_func X B) c (id B ×f (((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) c h))"
            using eq by simp
          then have "(eval_func X B)c (id B ×f (((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)))) c (id B ×f  g) = 
          (eval_func X B)c (id B ×f (((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)))) c (id B ×f  h)"
            using identity_distributes_across_composition by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
          then have "((eval_func X B)c (id B ×f (((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA))))) c (id B ×f  g) = 
          ((eval_func X B)c (id B ×f (((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA))))) c (id B ×f  h)"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt eq inv_transpose_func_def3 inv_transpose_of_composition)
          then have "((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) c (id B ×f  g)
          = ((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) c (id B ×f  h)"
            using   transpose_func_def by (typecheck_cfuncs,auto)
          then have "(((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) c (id B ×f  g)) c m c a, z
          = (((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) c (id B ×f  h)) c m c a, z"
            by auto
          then have "((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) c (id B ×f  g) c m c a, z
          = ((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) c (id B ×f  h) c m c a, z"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto simp add: comp_associative2)
          then have "((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) c m c a, g c z
          = ((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) c m c a, h c z"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod id_left_unit2 id_type)
          then have "(eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c (try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) c m c a, g c z
          = (eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c (try_cast m ×f idc (XA)) c m c a, h c z"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, smt comp_associative2)
          then have "(eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m c m c a, g c z
          = (eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c try_cast m c m c a, h c z"
            using cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod id_left_unit2 by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, smt)
          then have "(eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c (try_cast m c m) c a, g c z
          = (eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c (try_cast m c m) c a, h c z"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto simp add: comp_associative2)
          then have "(eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c left_coproj A (B  (A,m)) c a, g c z
          = (eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c
            swap (A  (B  (A, m))) (XA) c left_coproj A (B  (A,m)) c a, h c z"
            using m_def(2) try_cast_m_m by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
          then have "(eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c g c z, left_coproj A (B  (A,m)) c a
          = (eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            dist_prod_coprod_left (XA) A (B  (A, m)) c h c z, left_coproj A (B  (A,m)) c a"
            using swap_ap by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
          then have "(eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            left_coproj (XA×cA) (XA×c(B  (A,m))) c g c z, a
          = (eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            left_coproj (XA×cA) (XA×c(B  (A,m))) c h c z,a"
            using dist_prod_coprod_left_ap_left by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
          then have "((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            left_coproj (XA×cA) (XA×c(B  (A,m)))) c g c z, a
          = ((eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) ⨿ (x c β⇘XA×c (B  (A, m))) c
            left_coproj (XA×cA) (XA×c(B  (A,m)))) c h c z,a"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, auto simp add: comp_associative2)
          then have "(eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) c g c z, a
            = (eval_func X A c swap (XA) A) c h c z,a"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, auto simp add: left_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
          then have "eval_func X A c swap (XA) A c g c z, a
            = eval_func X A c swap (XA) A c h c z,a"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, auto simp add: comp_associative2)
          then have "eval_func X A c a, g c z = eval_func X A c a, h c z"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, auto simp add: swap_ap)
          then have "eval_func X A c (id A ×f g) c a, z = eval_func X A c (id A ×f h) c a, z"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod id_left_unit2)
          then show "(eval_func X A c idc A ×f g) c az = (eval_func X A c idc A ×f h) c az"
            unfolding az_def by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, auto simp add: comp_associative2)

lemma exp_preserves_card2:
  assumes "A c B"
  shows "AXc BX⇖"
  unfolding is_smaller_than_def
proof -
  obtain m where m_def[type_rule]: "m : A  B" "monomorphism m"
        using assms unfolding is_smaller_than_def by auto
  show "m. m : AX BX monomorphism m"
  proof (intro exI[where x="(m c eval_func A X)"], safe)
    show "(m c eval_func A X) : AX BX⇖"
      by typecheck_cfuncs
    then show "monomorphism((m c eval_func A X))"
    proof (unfold monomorphism_def3, clarify)
      fix g h Z
      assume g_type[type_rule]: "g : Z  AX⇖"
      assume h_type[type_rule]: "h : Z  AX⇖"

      assume eq: "(m c eval_func A X) c g = (m c eval_func A X) c h"
      show "g = h"
      proof (typecheck_cfuncs, rule same_evals_equal[where Z=Z, where A=X, where X=A], clarify)
          have "((eval_func B X) c (id X ×f (m c eval_func A X))) c (id X ×f g)  = 
                ((eval_func B X) c (id X ×f (m c eval_func A X))) c (id X ×f h)"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt comp_associative2 eq inv_transpose_func_def3 inv_transpose_of_composition)
          then have "(m c eval_func A X) c (id X ×f g)  = (m c eval_func A X) c (id X ×f h)"
            by (smt comp_type eval_func_type m_def(1) transpose_func_def)
          then have "m c (eval_func A X c (id X ×f g))  = m c (eval_func A X c (id X ×f h))"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt comp_associative2)
          then have "eval_func A X c (id X ×f g)  = eval_func A X c (id X ×f h)"
            using m_def monomorphism_def3 by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
          then show "(eval_func A X c (id X ×f g))  = (eval_func A X c (id X ×f h))"
            by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt comp_associative2)

lemma exp_preserves_card3:
  assumes "A c B"
  assumes "X c Y"
  assumes "nonempty(X)"
  shows "XAc YB⇖"
proof - 
  have leq1: "XAc XB⇖"
    by (simp add: assms(1,3) exp_preserves_card1)    
  have leq2: "XBc YB⇖"
    by (simp add: assms(2) exp_preserves_card2)
  show "XAc YB⇖"
    using leq1 leq2 set_card_transitive by blast
