Theory ConcreteCategory

(*  Title:       ConcreteCategory
    Author:      Eugene W. Stark <>, 2019
    Maintainer:  Eugene W. Stark <>

chapter "Concrete Categories"

text ‹
  In this section we define a locale concrete_category›, which provides a uniform
  (and more traditional) way to construct a category from specified sets of objects and arrows,
  with specified identity objects and composition of arrows.
  We prove that the identities and arrows of the constructed category are appropriately
  in bijective correspondence with the given sets and that domains, codomains, and composition
  in the constructed category are as expected according to this correspondence.
  In the later theory Functor›, once we have defined functors and isomorphisms of categories,
  we will show a stronger property of this construction: if C› is any category,
  then C› is isomorphic to the concrete category formed from it in the obvious way by taking
  the identities of C› as objects, the set of arrows of C› as arrows, the identities of
  C› as identity objects, and defining composition of arrows using the composition of C›.
  Thus no information about C› is lost by extracting its objects, arrows, identities, and
  composition and rebuilding it as a concrete category.
  We note, however, that we do not assume that the composition function given as parameter
  to the concrete category construction is ``extensional'', so in general it will contain
  incidental information about composition of non-composable arrows, and this information
  is not preserved by the concrete category construction.

theory ConcreteCategory
imports Category

  locale concrete_category =
    fixes Obj :: "'o set"
    and Hom :: "'o  'o  'a set"
    and Id :: "'o  'a"
    and Comp :: "'o  'o  'o  'a  'a 'a"
    assumes Id_in_Hom: "A  Obj  Id A  Hom A A"
    and Comp_in_Hom: " A  Obj; B  Obj; C  Obj; f  Hom A B; g  Hom B C 
                          Comp C B A g f  Hom A C"
    and Comp_Hom_Id: " A  Obj; B  Obj; f  Hom A B   Comp B A A f (Id A) = f"
    and Comp_Id_Hom: " A  Obj; B  Obj; f  Hom A B   Comp B B A (Id B) f = f"
    and Comp_assoc: " A  Obj; B  Obj; C  Obj; D  Obj;
                       f  Hom A B; g  Hom B C; h  Hom C D  
                        Comp D C A h (Comp C B A g f) = Comp D B A (Comp D C B h g) f"

    datatype ('oo, 'aa) arr =
    | MkArr 'oo 'oo 'aa

    abbreviation MkIde :: "'o  ('o, 'a) arr"
    where "MkIde A  MkArr A A (Id A)"

    fun Dom :: "('o, 'a) arr  'o"
    where "Dom (MkArr A _ _) = A"
        | "Dom _ = undefined"

    fun Cod
    where "Cod (MkArr _ B _) = B"
        | "Cod _ = undefined"

    fun Map
    where "Map (MkArr _ _ F) = F"
        | "Map _ = undefined"

    abbreviation Arr
    where "Arr f  f  Null  Dom f  Obj  Cod f  Obj  Map f  Hom (Dom f) (Cod f)"

    abbreviation Ide
    where "Ide a  a  Null  Dom a  Obj  Cod a = Dom a  Map a = Id (Dom a)"

     * Here we use COMP in order that uses of this locale can declare themselves as
     * sublocales and then define the abbreviation comp ≡ COMP.
    definition COMP :: "('o, 'a) arr comp"
    where "COMP g f  if Arr f  Arr g  Dom g = Cod f then
                         MkArr (Dom f) (Cod g) (Comp (Cod g) (Dom g) (Dom f) (Map g) (Map f))

    interpretation partial_composition COMP
      using COMP_def by (unfold_locales, metis)

    lemma null_char:
    shows "null = Null"
    proof -
      let ?P = "λn. f. COMP n f = n  COMP f n = n"
      have "Null = null"
        using COMP_def null_def the1_equality [of ?P]
        by (metis (no_types, lifting))
      thus ?thesis by simp

    lemma ide_charCC:
    shows "ide f  Ide f"
      assume f: "Ide f"
      show "ide f"
      proof -
        have "COMP f f  null"
          using f COMP_def null_char Id_in_Hom by auto
        moreover have "g. (COMP g f  null  COMP g f = g) 
                           (COMP f g  null  COMP f g = g)"
        proof (intro allI conjI)
          fix g
          show "COMP g f  null  COMP g f = g"
            using f COMP_def null_char Comp_Hom_Id Id_in_Hom
            by (cases g, auto)
          show "COMP f g  null  COMP f g = g"
            using f COMP_def null_char Comp_Id_Hom Id_in_Hom
            by (cases g, auto)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using ide_def by blast
      assume f: "ide f"
      have 1: "Arr f  Dom f = Cod f"
        using f ide_def COMP_def null_char by metis
      moreover have "Map f = Id (Dom f)"
      proof -
        let ?g = "MkIde (Dom f)"
        have g: "Arr f  Arr ?g  Dom ?g = Cod f"
          using 1 Id_in_Hom
          by (intro conjI, simp_all)
        have "COMP ?g f = MkArr (Dom f) (Dom f) (Map f)"
          using g COMP_def Comp_Id_Hom by auto
        moreover have "COMP ?g f = ?g"
        proof -
          have "COMP ?g f  null"
            using g 1 COMP_def null_char by simp
          thus ?thesis
            using f ide_def by blast
        ultimately show ?thesis by simp
      ultimately show "Ide f" by auto

    lemma ide_MkIde [simp]:
    assumes "A  Obj"
    shows "ide (MkIde A)"
      using assms ide_charCC Id_in_Hom by simp

    lemma in_domains_char:
    shows "a  domains f  Arr f  a = MkIde (Dom f)"
      assume a: "a  domains f"
      have "Ide a"
        using a domains_def ide_charCC COMP_def null_char by auto
      moreover have "Arr f  Dom f = Cod a"
      proof -
        have "COMP f a  null"
          using a domains_def by simp
        thus ?thesis
          using a domains_def COMP_def [of f a] null_char by metis
      ultimately show "Arr f  a = MkIde (Dom f)"
        by (cases a, auto)
      assume a: "Arr f  a = MkIde (Dom f)"
      show "a  domains f"
        using a Id_in_Hom COMP_def null_char domains_def by auto

    lemma in_codomains_char:
    shows "b  codomains f  Arr f  b = MkIde (Cod f)"
      assume b: "b  codomains f"
      have "Ide b"
        using b codomains_def ide_charCC COMP_def null_char by auto
      moreover have "Arr f  Dom b = Cod f"
      proof -
        have "COMP b f  null"
          using b codomains_def by simp
        thus ?thesis
          using b codomains_def COMP_def [of b f] null_char by metis
      ultimately show "Arr f  b = MkIde (Cod f)"
        by (cases b, auto)
      assume b: "Arr f  b = MkIde (Cod f)"
      show "b  codomains f"
        using b Id_in_Hom COMP_def null_char codomains_def by auto

    lemma arr_char:
    shows "arr f  Arr f"
      using arr_def in_domains_char in_codomains_char by auto

    lemma arrICC:
    assumes "f  Null" and "Dom f  Obj" "Cod f  Obj" "Map f  Hom (Dom f) (Cod f)"
    shows "arr f"
      using assms arr_char by blast

    lemma arrE:
    assumes "arr f"
    and " f  Null; Dom f  Obj; Cod f  Obj; Map f  Hom (Dom f) (Cod f)   T"
    shows T
      using assms arr_char by simp

    lemma arr_MkArr [simp]:
    assumes "A  Obj" and "B  Obj" and "f  Hom A B"
    shows "arr (MkArr A B f)"
      using assms arr_char by simp

    lemma MkArr_Map:
    assumes "arr f"
    shows "MkArr (Dom f) (Cod f) (Map f) = f"
      using assms arr_char by (cases f, auto)

    lemma Arr_comp:
    assumes "arr f" and "arr g" and "Dom g = Cod f"
    shows "Arr (COMP g f)"
      unfolding COMP_def
      using assms arr_char Comp_in_Hom by simp

    lemma Dom_comp [simp]:
    assumes "arr f" and "arr g" and "Dom g = Cod f"
    shows "Dom (COMP g f) = Dom f"
      unfolding COMP_def
      using assms arr_char by simp

    lemma Cod_comp [simp]:
    assumes "arr f" and "arr g" and "Dom g = Cod f"
    shows "Cod (COMP g f) = Cod g"
      unfolding COMP_def
      using assms arr_char by simp

    lemma Map_comp [simp]:
    assumes "arr f" and "arr g" and "Dom g = Cod f"
    shows "Map (COMP g f) = Comp (Cod g) (Dom g) (Dom f) (Map g) (Map f)"
      unfolding COMP_def
      using assms arr_char by simp

    lemma seq_char:
    shows "seq g f  arr f  arr g  Dom g = Cod f"
      using arr_char not_arr_null null_char COMP_def Arr_comp by metis

    interpretation category COMP
      show "g f. COMP g f  null  seq g f"
        using arr_char COMP_def null_char Comp_in_Hom by auto
      show 1: "f. (domains f  {}) = (codomains f  {})"
        using in_domains_char in_codomains_char by auto
      show "f g h. seq h g  seq (COMP h g) f  seq g f"
        by (auto simp add: seq_char)
      show "f g h. seq h (COMP g f)  seq g f  seq h g"
        using seq_char COMP_def Comp_in_Hom by (metis Cod_comp)
      show "f g h. seq g f  seq h g  seq (COMP h g) f"
        using Comp_in_Hom
        by (auto simp add: COMP_def seq_char)
      show "g f h. seq g f  seq h g  COMP (COMP h g) f = COMP h (COMP g f)"
        using seq_char COMP_def Comp_assoc Comp_in_Hom Dom_comp Cod_comp Map_comp
        by auto

    proposition is_category:
    shows "category COMP"

    text ‹
      Functions Dom›, Cod›, and Map› establish a correspondence between the
      arrows of the constructed category and the elements of the originally given
      parameters Obj› and Hom›.

    lemma Dom_in_Obj:
    assumes "arr f"
    shows "Dom f  Obj"
      using assms arr_char by simp

    lemma Cod_in_Obj:
    assumes "arr f"
    shows "Cod f  Obj"
      using assms arr_char by simp

    lemma Map_in_Hom:
    assumes "arr f"
    shows "Map f  Hom (Dom f) (Cod f)"
      using assms arr_char by simp

    lemma MkArr_in_hom [intro]:
    assumes "A  Obj" and "B  Obj" and "f  Hom A B" and "a = MkIde A" and "b = MkIde B"
    shows "in_hom (MkArr A B f) a b"
      using assms arr_char ide_MkIde
      by (simp add: in_codomains_char in_domains_char in_hom_def)

    text ‹
      The next few results show that domains, codomains, and composition in the constructed
      category are as expected according to the just-given correspondence.

    lemma dom_char:
    shows "dom f = (if arr f then MkIde (Dom f) else null)"
      using dom_def in_domains_char dom_in_domains has_domain_iff_arr by auto

    lemma cod_char:
    shows "cod f = (if arr f then MkIde (Cod f) else null)"
      using cod_def in_codomains_char cod_in_codomains has_codomain_iff_arr by auto

    lemma comp_char:
    shows "COMP g f = (if seq g f then
                         MkArr (Dom f) (Cod g) (Comp (Cod g) (Dom g) (Dom f) (Map g) (Map f))
      using COMP_def seq_char arr_char null_char by auto

    lemma in_hom_char:
    shows "in_hom f a b  arr f  ide a  ide b  Dom f = Dom a  Cod f = Dom b"
      show "in_hom f a b  arr f  ide a  ide b  Dom f = Dom a  Cod f = Dom b"
        using arr_char dom_char cod_char by auto
      show "arr f  ide a  ide b  Dom f = Dom a  Cod f = Dom b  in_hom f a b"
        using arr_char dom_char cod_char ide_char Id_in_Hom MkArr_Map in_homI by metis

    lemma Dom_dom [simp]:
    assumes "arr f"
    shows "Dom (dom f) = Dom f"
      using assms MkArr_Map dom_char by simp

    lemma Cod_dom [simp]:
    assumes "arr f"
    shows "Cod (dom f) = Dom f"
      using assms MkArr_Map dom_char by simp

    lemma Dom_cod [simp]:
    assumes "arr f"
    shows "Dom (cod f) = Cod f"
      using assms MkArr_Map cod_char by simp

    lemma Cod_cod [simp]:
    assumes "arr f"
    shows "Cod (cod f) = Cod f"
      using assms MkArr_Map cod_char by simp

    lemma Map_dom [simp]:
    assumes "arr f"
    shows "Map (dom f) = Id (Dom f)"
      using assms MkArr_Map dom_char by simp

    lemma Map_cod [simp]:
    assumes "arr f"
    shows "Map (cod f) = Id (Cod f)"
      using assms MkArr_Map cod_char by simp

    lemma Map_ide:
    assumes "ide a"
    shows "Map a = Id (Dom a)" and "Map a = Id (Cod a)"
      using assms ide_char dom_char [of a] Map_dom Map_cod ideD(1) by metis+

     * TODO: The next two ought to be simps, but they cause looping when they find themselves
     * in combination with dom_char and cod_char.
    lemma MkIde_Dom:
    assumes "arr a"
    shows "MkIde (Dom a) = dom a"
      using assms arr_char dom_char by (cases a, auto)

    lemma MkIde_Cod:
    assumes "arr a"
    shows "MkIde (Cod a) = cod a"
      using assms arr_char cod_char by (cases a, auto)

    lemma MkIde_Dom' [simp]:
    assumes "ide a"
    shows "MkIde (Dom a) = a"
      using assms MkIde_Dom by simp

    lemma MkIde_Cod' [simp]:
    assumes "ide a"
    shows "MkIde (Cod a) = a"
      using assms MkIde_Cod by simp

    lemma dom_MkArr [simp]:
    assumes "arr (MkArr A B F)"
    shows "dom (MkArr A B F) = MkIde A"
      using assms dom_char by simp

    lemma cod_MkArr [simp]:
    assumes "arr (MkArr A B F)"
    shows "cod (MkArr A B F) = MkIde B"
      using assms cod_char by simp

    lemma comp_MkArr [simp]:
    assumes "arr (MkArr A B F)" and "arr (MkArr B C G)"
    shows "COMP (MkArr B C G) (MkArr A B F) = MkArr A C (Comp C B A G F)"
      using assms comp_char [of "MkArr B C G" "MkArr A B F"] by simp

    text ‹
      The set Obj› of ``objects'' given as a parameter is in bijective correspondence
      (via function MkIde›) with the set of identities of the resulting category.

    proposition bij_betw_ide_Obj:
    shows "MkIde  Obj  Collect ide"
    and "Dom  Collect ide  Obj"
    and "A  Obj  Dom (MkIde A) = A"
    and "a  Collect ide  MkIde (Dom a) = a"
    and "bij_betw Dom (Collect ide) Obj"
    proof -
      show "MkIde  Obj  Collect ide"
        using ide_MkIde by simp
      moreover show "Dom  Collect ide  Obj"
        using arr_char ideD(1) by simp
      moreover show "A. A  Obj  Dom (MkIde A) = A"
        by simp
      moreover show "a. a  Collect ide  MkIde (Dom a) = a"
        using MkIde_Dom by simp
      ultimately show "bij_betw Dom (Collect ide) Obj"
        using bij_betwI by blast

    text ‹
      For each pair of identities a› and b›, the set Hom (Dom a) (Dom b)› is in
      bijective correspondence (via function MkArr (Dom a) (Dom b)›) with the
      ``hom-set'' hom a b› of the resulting category.

    proposition bij_betw_hom_Hom:
    assumes "ide a" and "ide b"
    shows "Map  hom a b  Hom (Dom a) (Dom b)"
    and "MkArr (Dom a) (Dom b)  Hom (Dom a) (Dom b)  hom a b"
    and "f. f  hom a b  MkArr (Dom a) (Dom b) (Map f) = f"
    and "F. F  Hom (Dom a) (Dom b)  Map (MkArr (Dom a) (Dom b) F) = F"
    and "bij_betw Map (hom a b) (Hom (Dom a) (Dom b))"
    proof -
      show "Map  hom a b  Hom (Dom a) (Dom b)"
        using Map_in_Hom cod_char dom_char in_hom_char by fastforce
      moreover show "MkArr (Dom a) (Dom b)  Hom (Dom a) (Dom b)  hom a b"
        using assms Dom_in_Obj MkArr_in_hom [of "Dom a" "Dom b"] by simp
      moreover show "f. f  hom a b  MkArr (Dom a) (Dom b) (Map f) = f"
        using MkArr_Map by auto
      moreover show "F. F  Hom (Dom a) (Dom b)
                             Map (MkArr (Dom a) (Dom b) F) = F"
        by simp
      ultimately show "bij_betw Map (hom a b) (Hom (Dom a) (Dom b))"
        using bij_betwI by blast

    lemma arr_eqI:
    assumes "arr t" and "arr t'" and "Dom t = Dom t'" and "Cod t = Cod t'" and "Map t = Map t'"
    shows "t = t'"
      using assms MkArr_Map by metis


  sublocale concrete_category  category COMP
    using is_category by auto
