Theory Cardinality_Continuum

  File:     Cardinality_Continuum/Cardinality_Continuum.thy
  Author:   Manuel Eberl (University of Innsbruck)

  The cardinality of the continuum, i.e. the real numbers, in a few different variations.
section ‹The Cardinality of the Continuum›
theory Cardinality_Continuum
  imports Complex_Main Cardinality_Continuum_Library

subsection ‹$|\mathbb{R}| \leq |2^\mathbb{Q}|$ via Dedekind cuts›

lemma le_cSup_iff:
  fixes A :: "'a :: conditionally_complete_linorder set"
  assumes "A  {}" "bdd_above A"
  shows   "Sup A  c  (x<c. yA. y > x)"
  using assms by (meson less_cSup_iff not_le_imp_less order_less_irrefl order_less_le_trans)

text ‹
  We show that the function mapping a real number to all the rational numbers below it is an
  injective map from the reals to $2^\mathbb{Q}$. This is the same idea that is used in
  the Dedekind cut definition of the reals.
lemma inj_Dedekind_cut:
  fixes f :: "real  rat set"
  defines "f  (λx::real. {r::rat. of_rat r < x})"
  shows   "inj f"
  fix x y :: real
  assume "f x = f y"

  have *: "Sup (real_of_rat ` {r. real_of_rat r < z}) = z" for z :: real
  proof -
    have "real_of_rat ` {r. real_of_rat r < z} = {r. r < z}"
      by (auto elim!: Rats_cases)
    also have "Sup  = z"
    proof (rule antisym)
      have "{r  . r < z}  {}"
        using Rats_no_bot_less less_eq_real_def by blast
      hence "Sup {r. r < z}  Sup {..z}"
        by (rule cSup_subset_mono) auto
      also have " = z"
        by simp
      finally show "Sup {r. r < z}  z" .
      show "Sup {r. r < z}  z"
      proof (subst le_cSup_iff)
        show "{r. r < z}  {}"
          using Rats_no_bot_less less_eq_real_def by blast
        show "y<z. r{r. r < z}. y < r"
          using Rats_dense_in_real by fastforce
        show "bdd_above {r  . r < z}"
          by (rule bdd_aboveI[of _ z]) auto
    finally show ?thesis .

  from f x = f y have "Sup (real_of_rat ` f x) = Sup (real_of_rat ` f y)"
    by simp
  thus "x = y"
    by (simp only: * f_def)

subsection ‹$2^{|\mathbb{N}|} \leq |\mathbb{R}|$ via ternary fractions›

text ‹
  For the other direction, we construct an injective function that maps a set of natural numbers
  A› to a real number by constructing a ternary decimal number of the form
  $d_0. d_1 d_2 d_3 \ldots$ where $d_m$ is 1 if m ∈ A› and 0 otherwise.

  We will first show a few more general results about such n›-ary fraction expansions.

lemma geometric_sums':
  fixes c :: "'a :: real_normed_field"
  assumes "norm c < 1"
  shows   "(λn. c ^ (n + m)) sums (c ^ m / (1 - c))"
proof -
  have "(λn. c ^ m * c ^ n) sums (c ^ m * (1 / (1 - c)))"
    by (intro sums_mult geometric_sums assms)
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: power_add field_simps)

lemma summable_nary_fraction:
  fixes d :: real and f :: "nat  real"
  assumes "n. norm (f n)  c" "d > 1"
  shows   "summable (λn. f n / d ^ n)"
proof (rule summable_comparison_test)
  show "N. nN. norm (f n / d ^ n :: real)  c * (1 / d) ^ n"
    using assms by (intro exI[of _ 0]) (auto simp: field_simps)
  show "summable (λn. c * (1 / d) ^ n :: real)"
    using assms by (intro summable_mult summable_geometric) auto

text ‹
  Consider two n›-ary fraction expansions $u = u_1. u_2 u_3 \ldots$ and
  $v = v_1. v_2 v_3 \ldots$ with n ≥ 2›.
  Suppose that all the $u_i$ and $v_i$ are between 0 and n - 2› (i.e. the highest digit
  does not occur).
  Then u› and v› are equal if and only if all $u_i = v_i$ for all i›.

  Note that without the additional restriction the result does not hold, as e.g.
  the decimal numbers $0.2$ and $0.1\overline{9}$ are equal.

  The reasoning boils down to showing that if m› is the smallest index where the two sequences
  differ, then $|u-v| \geq \frac{1}{d-1} > 0$.
lemma nary_fraction_unique:
  fixes u v :: "nat  nat"
  assumes f_eq: "(n. real (u n) / real d ^ n) = (n. real (v n) / real d ^ n)"
  assumes uv: "n. u n  d - 2" "n. v n  d - 2" and d: "d  2"
  shows   "u = v"
proof -
  define f :: "(nat  nat)  real" where
    "f = (λu. n. real (u n) / real d ^ n)"

  have "u m = v m" for m
  proof (induction m rule: less_induct)
    case (less m)
    show "u m = v m"
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "u m  v m"

      show False
        using u m  v m uv less.IH f_eq
      proof (induction "u m" "v m" arbitrary: u v rule: linorder_wlog)
        case (sym u v)
        from sym(1)[of v u] sym(2-) show ?case
          by (simp add: eq_commute)
        case (le u v)
        have uv': "real (u n)  real d - 2" "real (v n)  real d - 2" for n
          by (metis d of_nat_diff of_nat_le_iff of_nat_numeral le(3,4))+
        have "f u - f v - (real (u m) - real (v m)) / real d ^ m  
                (real d - 2) * ((1 / real d) ^ m / (real d - 1))"
        proof (rule sums_le)
          have "(λn. (real (u n) - real (v n)) / real d ^ n) sums (f u - f v)"
            unfolding diff_divide_distrib f_def using le d uv'
            by (intro sums_diff summable_sums summable_nary_fraction[where c = "real d - 2"]) auto
          hence "(λn. (real (u (n + m)) - real (v (n + m))) / real d ^ (n + m)) sums
                   (f u - f v - (n<m. (real (u n) - real (v n)) / real d ^ n))"
            by (rule sums_split_initial_segment)
          also have "(n<m. (real (u n) - real (v n)) / real d ^ n) = 0"
            by (intro sum.neutral) (use le in auto)
          finally have "(λn. (real (u (n + m)) - real (v (n + m))) / real d ^ (n + m)) sums (f u - f v)"
            by simp
          thus "(λn. (real (u (Suc n + m)) - real (v (Suc n + m))) / real d ^ (Suc n + m)) sums
                   (f u - f v - (real (u m) - real (v m)) / real d ^ m)"
            by (subst sums_Suc_iff) auto
          have "(λn. (real d - 2) * ((1 / real d) ^ (n + Suc m))) sums
                  ((real d - 2) * ((1 / real d) ^ Suc m / (1 - 1 / real d)))"
            using d by (intro sums_mult geometric_sums') auto
          thus "(λn. (real d - 2) * ((1 / real d) ^ (n + Suc m))) sums
                  ((real d - 2) * ((1 / real d) ^ m / (real d - 1)) :: real)"
            using d by (simp add: sums_iff field_simps)
          fix n :: nat
          have "(real (u (Suc n + m)) - real (v (Suc n + m))) / real d ^ (Suc n + m) 
                  ((real d - 2) - 0) / real d ^ (Suc n + m)"
            using uv' by (intro divide_right_mono diff_mono) auto
          thus "(real (u (Suc n + m)) - real (v (Suc n + m))) / real d ^ (Suc n + m) 
                  (real d - 2) * (1 / real d) ^ (n + Suc m)"
            by (simp add: field_simps)
        hence "f u - f v 
                 (real d - 2) / (real d - 1) / real d ^ m + (real (u m) - real (v m)) / real d ^ m"
          by (simp add: field_simps)
        also have " = ((real d - 2) / (real d - 1) + real (u m) - real (v m)) / real d ^ m"
          by (simp add: add_divide_distrib diff_divide_distrib)
        also have " = ((real d - 2) / (real d - 1) + real_of_int (int (u m) - int (v m))) / real d ^ m"
          using u m  v m by simp
        also have "  ((real d - 2) / (real d - 1) + -1) / real d ^ m"
          using le d by (intro divide_right_mono add_mono) auto
        also have "(real d - 2) / (real d - 1) + -1 = -1 / (real d - 1)"
          using d by (simp add: field_simps)
        also have " < 0"
          using d by (simp add: field_simps)
        finally have "f u - f v < 0"
          using d by (simp add: field_simps)
        with le show False
          by (simp add: f_def)
  thus ?thesis
    by blast

text ‹
  It now follows straightforwardly that mapping sets of natural numbers to ternary fraction
  expansions is indeed injective. For binary fractions, this would not work due to the
  aforementioned issue.
lemma inj_nat_set_to_ternary:
  fixes f :: "nat set  real"
  defines "f  (λA. n. (if n  A then 1 else 0) / 3 ^ n)"
  shows   "inj f"
  fix A B :: "nat set"
  assume "f A = f B"
  have "(λn. if n  A then 1 else 0 :: nat) = (λn. if n  B then 1 else 0 :: nat)"
  proof (rule nary_fraction_unique)
    have *: "(n. (if n  A then 1 else 0) / 3 ^ n) =
             (n. real (if n  A then 1 else 0) / real 3 ^ n)"
      for A by (intro suminf_cong) auto
    show "(n. real (if n  A then 1 else 0) / real 3 ^ n) =
           (n. real (if n  B then 1 else 0) / real 3 ^ n)"
      using f A = f B by (simp add: f_def *)
  qed auto
  thus "A = B"
    by (metis equalityI subsetI zero_neq_one)

subsection ‹Equipollence proof›

theorem eqpoll_UNIV_real: "(UNIV :: real set)  (UNIV :: nat set set)"
proof (rule lepoll_antisym)
  show "(UNIV :: nat set set)  (UNIV :: real set)"
    unfolding lepoll_def using inj_nat_set_to_ternary by blast
  have "(UNIV :: real set)  (UNIV :: rat set set)"
    unfolding lepoll_def using inj_Dedekind_cut by blast
  also have " = Pow (UNIV :: rat set)"
    by simp
  also have "  Pow (UNIV :: nat set)"
    by (rule eqpoll_Pow) (auto simp: infinite_UNIV_char_0 eqpoll_UNIV_nat_iff)
  also have " = (UNIV :: nat set set)"
    by simp
  finally show "(UNIV :: real set)  (UNIV :: nat set set)" .

text ‹
  We can also write the language in the language of cardinal numbers as
  $|\mathbb{R}| = 2^{\aleph_0}$ using Isabelle's cardinal number library:
corollary card_of_UNIV_real: "|UNIV :: real set| =o ctwo ^c natLeq"
proof -
  have "|UNIV :: real set| =o |UNIV :: nat set set|"
    using eqpoll_UNIV_real by (simp add: eqpoll_iff_card_of_ordIso)
  also have "|UNIV :: nat set set| =o cpow |UNIV :: nat set|"
    by (simp add: cpow_def)
  also have "cpow |UNIV :: nat set| =o ctwo ^c |UNIV :: nat set|"
    by (rule cpow_cexp_ctwo)
  also have "ctwo ^c |UNIV :: nat set| =o ctwo ^c natLeq"
    by (intro cexp_cong2) (simp_all add: card_of_nat Card_order_ctwo)
  finally show ?thesis .

subsection ‹Corollaries for real intervals›

text ‹
  It is easy to show that any real interval (whether open, closed, or infinite) is equipollent
  to the full set of real numbers.
lemma eqpoll_Ioo_real:
  fixes a b :: real
  assumes "a < b"
  shows   "{a<..<b}  (UNIV :: real set)"
proof -
  have Ioo: "{a<..<b}  {0::real<..<1}" if "a < b" for a b :: real
  proof -
    have "bij_betw (λx. x * (b - a) + a) {0<..<1} {a<..<b}"
    proof (rule bij_betwI[of _ _ _ "λy. (y - a) / (b - a)"], goal_cases)
      case 1
      show ?case
        fix x :: real assume x: "x  {0<..<1}"
        have "x * (b - a) + a > 0 + a"
          using x a < b by (intro add_strict_right_mono mult_pos_pos) auto
        moreover have "x * (b - a) + a < 1 * (b - a) + a"
          using x a < b by (intro add_strict_right_mono mult_strict_right_mono) auto
        ultimately show "x * (b - a) + a  {a<..<b}"
          by simp
    qed (use a < b in auto simp: field_simps)
    thus ?thesis
      using eqpoll_def eqpoll_sym by blast

  have "{a<..<b}  {-pi/2<..<pi/2}"
    using eqpoll_trans[OF Ioo[of a b] eqpoll_sym[OF Ioo[of "-pi/2" "pi/2"]]] assms
    by simp
  also have "bij_betw tan {-pi/2<..<pi/2} (UNIV :: real set)"
    by (rule bij_betwI[of _ _ _ arctan]) 
       (use arctan_lbound arctan_ubound in auto simp: arctan_tan tan_arctan)
  hence "{-pi/2<..<pi/2}  (UNIV :: real set)"
    using eqpoll_def by blast
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma eqpoll_real: 
  assumes "{a::real<..<b}  X" "a < b"
  shows   "X  (UNIV :: real set)"
  using eqpoll_Ioo_real[OF assms(2)] assms(1)
  by (meson eqpoll_sym lepoll_antisym lepoll_trans1 subset_UNIV subset_imp_lepoll)
lemma eqpoll_Icc_real: "(a::real) < b  {a..b}  (UNIV :: real set)"
  and eqpoll_Ioc_real: "(a::real) < b  {a<..b}  (UNIV :: real set)"
  and eqpoll_Ico_real: "(a::real) < b  {a..<b}  (UNIV :: real set)"
  by (rule eqpoll_real[of a b]; force)+

lemma eqpoll_Ici_real: "{a::real..}  (UNIV :: real set)"
  and eqpoll_Ioi_real: "{a::real<..}  (UNIV :: real set)"
  by (rule eqpoll_real[of a "a + 1"]; force)+

lemma eqpoll_Iic_real: "{..a::real}  (UNIV :: real set)"
  and eqpoll_Iio_real: "{..<a::real}  (UNIV :: real set)"
  by (rule eqpoll_real[of "a - 1" a]; force)+

lemmas eqpoll_real_ivl =
  eqpoll_Ioo_real eqpoll_Ioc_real eqpoll_Ico_real eqpoll_Icc_real
  eqpoll_Iio_real eqpoll_Iic_real eqpoll_Ici_real eqpoll_Ioi_real

lemmas card_of_ivl_real = 
  eqpoll_real_ivl[THEN eqpoll_imp_card_of_ordIso, THEN ordIso_transitive[OF _ card_of_UNIV_real]]

subsection ‹Corollaries for vector spaces›

text ‹
  We will now also show some results about the cardinality of vector spaces. To do this,
  we use the obvious isomorphism between a vector space V› with a basis B› and the set of 
  finite-support functions B → V›.
lemma (in vector_space) card_of_span:
  assumes "independent B"
  shows   "|span B| =o |Func_finsupp 0 B (UNIV :: 'a set)|"
proof -
  define f :: "('b  'a)  'b" where "f = (λg. b | g b  0. scale (g b) b)"
  define g :: "'b  'b  'a" where "g = representation B"
  have "bij_betw g (span B) (Func_finsupp 0 B UNIV)"
  proof (rule bij_betwI[of _ _ _ f], goal_cases)
    case 1
    thus ?case
      by (auto simp: g_def Func_finsupp_def finite_representation intro: representation_ne_zero)
    case 2
    thus ?case
      by (auto simp: f_def Func_finsupp_def intro!: span_sum span_scale intro: span_base)
    case (3 x)
    show "f (g x) = x" unfolding g_def f_def
      by (intro sum_nonzero_representation_eq) (use 3 assms in auto)
    case (4 v)
    show "g (f v) = v" unfolding g_def using 4
      by (intro representation_eqI)
         (auto simp: assms f_def Func_finsupp_def intro: span_base
               intro!: sum.cong span_sum span_scale split: if_splits)
  thus "|span B| =o |Func_finsupp 0 B (UNIV :: 'a set)|"
    by (simp add: card_of_ordIsoI)

text ‹
  We can now easily show the following: Let K› be an infinite field and $V$ a non-trivial
  finite-dimensional K›-vector space. Then |V| = |K|›.
lemma (in vector_space) card_of_span_finite_dim_infinite_field:
  assumes "independent B" and "finite B" and "B  {}" and "infinite (UNIV :: 'a set)"
  shows   "|span B| =o |UNIV :: 'a set|"
proof -
  have "|span B| =o |Func_finsupp 0 B (UNIV :: 'a set)|"
    by (rule card_of_span) fact
  also have "|Func_finsupp 0 B (UNIV :: 'a set)| =o cmax |B| |UNIV :: 'a set|"
  proof (rule card_of_Func_finsupp_infinite)
    show "UNIV - {0 :: 'a}  {}"
      using assms by (metis finite.emptyI infinite_remove)
  qed (use assms in auto)
  also have "cmax |B| |UNIV :: 'a set| =o |UNIV :: 'a set|"
    using assms by (intro cmax2 ordLeq3_finite_infinite) auto
  finally show ?thesis .

text ‹
  Similarly, we can show the following: Let V› be an infinite-dimensional vector space V› over 
  some (not necessarily infinite) field K›. Then $|V| = \text{max}(\text{dim}_K(V), |K|)$.
lemma (in vector_space) card_of_span_infinite_dim_infinite_field:
  assumes "independent B" "infinite B"
  shows   "|span B| =o cmax |B| |UNIV :: 'a set|"
proof -
  have "|span B| =o |Func_finsupp 0 B (UNIV :: 'a set)|"
    by (rule card_of_span) fact
  also have "|Func_finsupp 0 B (UNIV :: 'a set)| =o cmax |B| |UNIV :: 'a set|"
  proof (rule card_of_Func_finsupp_infinite)
    have "(1 :: 'a)  UNIV" "(1 :: 'a)  0"
      by auto
    thus "UNIV - {0 :: 'a}  {}"
      by blast
  qed (use assms in auto)
  finally show "|span B| =o cmax |B| |UNIV :: 'a set|" .
