Theory Value

section ‹A dedicated value type›

theory Value
imports Term_as_Value

datatype "value" =
  is_Vconstr: Vconstr name "value list" |
  Vabs "sclauses" "(name, value) fmap" |
  Vrecabs "(name, sclauses) fmap" name "(name, value) fmap"

type_synonym vrule = "name × value"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "quickcheck"

(* FIXME: make private, prevented by bug in datatype_compat; workaround: mandatory path *)
datatype "value" =
  Vconstr name "value list" |
  Vabs "sclauses" "(name × value) list" |
  Vrecabs "(name × sclauses) list" name "(name × value) list"

primrec "Value" :: "quickcheck.value  value" where
"Value (quickcheck.Vconstr s vs) = Vconstr s (map Value vs)" |
"Value (quickcheck.Vabs cs Γ) = Vabs cs (fmap_of_list (map (map_prod id Value) Γ))" |
"Value (quickcheck.Vrecabs css name Γ) = Vrecabs (fmap_of_list css) name (fmap_of_list (map (map_prod id Value) Γ))"

setup Sign.parent_path

quickcheck_generator "value"
  constructors: quickcheck.Value

fun vmatch :: "pat  value  (name, value) fmap option" where
"vmatch (Patvar name) v = Some (fmap_of_list [(name, v)])" |
"vmatch (Patconstr name ps) (Vconstr name' vs) =
  (if name = name'  length ps = length vs then
    map_option (foldl (++f) fmempty) (those (map2 vmatch ps vs))
    None)" |
"vmatch _ _ = None"

lemmas vmatch_induct = vmatch.induct[case_names var constr]

locale value_pred =
  fixes P :: "(name, value) fmap  sclauses  bool"
  fixes Q :: "name  bool"
  fixes R :: "name fset  bool"

primrec pred :: "value  bool" where
"pred (Vconstr name vs)  Q name  list_all id (map pred vs)" |
"pred (Vabs cs Γ)  pred_fmap id (fmmap pred Γ)  P Γ cs" |
"pred (Vrecabs css name Γ) 
    pred_fmap id (fmmap pred Γ) 
    pred_fmap (P Γ) css 
    name |∈| fmdom css 
    R (fmdom css)"

declare pred.simps[simp del]

lemma pred_alt_def[simp, code]:
  "pred (Vconstr name vs)  Q name  list_all pred vs"
  "pred (Vabs cs Γ)  fmpred (λ_. pred) Γ  P Γ cs"
  "pred (Vrecabs css name Γ)  fmpred (λ_. pred) Γ  pred_fmap (P Γ) css  name |∈| fmdom css  R (fmdom css)"
by (auto simp: list_all_iff pred.simps)

text ‹
  For technical reasons, we don't introduce an abbreviation for @{prop fmpred (λ_. pred) env}
  here. This locale is supposed to be interpreted with @{command global_interpretation} (or
  @{command sublocale} and a @{theory_text defines} clause. However, this does not affect
  abbreviations: the abbreviation would still refer to the locale constant, not the constant
  introduced by the interpretation.

lemma vmatch_env:
  assumes "vmatch pat v = Some env" "pred v"
  shows "fmpred (λ_. pred) env"
using assms proof (induction pat v arbitrary: env rule: vmatch_induct)
  case (constr name ps name' vs)
    "map_option (foldl (++f) fmempty) (those (map2 vmatch ps vs)) = Some env"
    "name = name'" "length ps = length vs"
    by (auto split: if_splits)
  then obtain envs where "env = foldl (++f) fmempty envs" "map2 vmatch ps vs = map Some envs"
    by (blast dest: those_someD)

  moreover have "fmpred (λ_. pred) env" if "env  set envs" for env
    proof -
      from that have "Some env  set (map2 vmatch ps vs)"
        unfolding map2 _ _ _ = _ by simp
      then obtain p v where "p  set ps" "v  set vs" "vmatch p v = Some env"
        apply (rule map2_elemE)
        by auto
      hence "pred v"
        using constr by (simp add: list_all_iff)
      show ?thesis
        by (rule constr; safe?) fact+

    ultimately show ?case
      by auto
qed auto


primrec value_to_sterm :: "value  sterm" where
"value_to_sterm (Vconstr name vs) = name $$ map value_to_sterm vs" |
"value_to_sterm (Vabs cs Γ) = Sabs (map (λ(pat, t). (pat, subst t (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) (fmmap value_to_sterm Γ)))) cs)" |
"value_to_sterm (Vrecabs css name Γ) =
  Sabs (map (λ(pat, t). (pat, subst t (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) (fmmap value_to_sterm Γ)))) (the (fmlookup css name)))"

text ‹
  This locale establishes a connection between a predicate on @{typ value}s with the corresponding
  predicate on @{typ sterm}s, by means of @{const value_to_sterm}.

locale pre_value_sterm_pred = value_pred +
  fixes S
  assumes value_to_sterm: "pred v  S (value_to_sterm v)"

corollary value_to_sterm_env:
  assumes "fmpred (λ_. pred) Γ"
  shows "fmpred (λ_. S) (fmmap value_to_sterm Γ)"
unfolding fmpred_map proof
  fix name v
  assume "fmlookup Γ name = Some v"
  with assms have "pred v" by (metis fmpredD)
  thus "S (value_to_sterm v)" by (rule value_to_sterm)


locale value_sterm_pred = value_pred + S: simple_syntactic_and S for S +
  assumes const: "name. Q name  S (const name)"
  assumes abs: "Γ cs.
    (n v. fmlookup Γ n = Some v  pred v  S (value_to_sterm v)) 
    fmpred (λ_. pred) Γ 
    P Γ cs 
    S (Sabs (map (λ(pat, t). (pat, subst t (fmmap value_to_sterm (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) Γ)))) cs))"

sublocale pre_value_sterm_pred
  fix v
  assume "pred v"
  then show "S (value_to_sterm v)"
    proof (induction v)
      case (Vconstr x1 x2)
      show ?case
        apply simp
        unfolding S.list_comb
        apply rule
         apply (rule const)
        using Vconstr by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
      case (Vabs x1 x2)
      show ?case
        apply auto
        apply (rule abs)
        using Vabs
        by (auto intro: fmran'I)
      case (Vrecabs x1 x2 x3)
      show ?case
        apply auto
        apply (rule abs)
        using Vrecabs
        by (auto simp: fmlookup_dom_iff fmpred_iff intro: fmran'I)


global_interpretation vwellformed:
    "λ_. wellformed_clauses"
    "λ_. True"
    "λ_. True"
  defines vwellformed = vwellformed.pred
proof (standard, goal_cases)
  case (2 Γ cs)
  hence "cs  []"
    by simp

  moreover have "wellformed (subst rhs (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) (fmmap value_to_sterm Γ)))"
    if "(pat, rhs)  set cs" for pat rhs
    proof -
      show ?thesis
        apply (rule subst_wellformed)
        subgoal using 2 that by (force simp: list_all_iff)
        apply (rule fmpred_drop_fset)
        using 2 by auto

  moreover have "distinct (map (fst  (λ(pat, t). (pat, subst t (fmmap value_to_sterm (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) Γ))))) cs)"
    apply (subst map_cong[OF refl, where g = fst])
    using 2 by auto

  ultimately show ?case
    using 2 by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
qed (auto simp: const_sterm_def)

abbreviation "wellformed_venv  fmpred (λ_. vwellformed)"

global_interpretation vclosed:
    "λΓ cs. list_all (λ(pat, t). closed_except t (fmdom Γ |∪| frees pat)) cs"
    "λ_. True"
    "λ_. True"
  defines vclosed = vclosed.pred
proof (standard, goal_cases)
  case (2 Γ cs)
  show ?case
    apply (simp add: list_all_iff case_prod_twice Sterm.closed_except_simps)
    apply safe
    apply (subst closed_except_def)
    apply (subst subst_frees)
     apply simp
      apply (rule fmpred_drop_fset)
      apply (rule fmpredI)
      apply (rule 2)
       apply assumption
      using 2 by auto
      using 2 by (auto simp: list_all_iff closed_except_def)
qed simp

abbreviation "closed_venv  fmpred (λ_. vclosed)"

context pre_constants begin

sublocale vwelldefined:
    "λ_ cs. list_all (λ(_, t). welldefined t) cs"
    "λname. name |∈| C"
    "λdom. dom |⊆| heads"
  defines vwelldefined = vwelldefined.pred
proof (standard, goal_cases)
  case (2 Γ cs)
  note fset_of_list_map[simp del]

  show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (rule ffUnion_least)
    apply (rule fBallI)
    apply (subst (asm) fset_of_list_elem)
    apply simp
    apply (erule imageE)
    apply (simp add: case_prod_twice)
    subgoal for _ x
      apply (cases x)
      apply simp
      apply (rule subst_consts)
        using 2 by (fastforce simp: list_all_iff)
        apply simp
        apply (rule fmpred_drop_fset)
        unfolding fmpred_map
        apply (rule fmpredI)
        using 2 by auto
qed (simp add: all_consts_def)

lemmas vwelldefined_alt_def = vwelldefined.pred_alt_def


declare pre_constants.vwelldefined_alt_def[code]

context constructors begin

sublocale vconstructor_value:
    "λ_ _. True"
    "λname. name |∈| C"
    "λ_. True"
  defines vconstructor_value = vconstructor_value.pred
  fix v
  assume "value_pred.pred (λ_ _. True) (λname. name |∈| C) (λ_. True) v"
  then show "is_value (value_to_sterm v)"
    proof (induction v)
      case (Vconstr name vs)
      hence "list_all is_value (map value_to_sterm vs)"
        by (fastforce simp: list_all_iff value_pred.pred_alt_def)
      show ?case
        unfolding value_to_sterm.simps
        apply (rule is_value.constr)
         apply fact
        using Vconstr by (simp add: value_pred.pred_alt_def)
    qed (auto simp: disjnt_def intro: is_value.intros)

lemmas vconstructor_value_alt_def = vconstructor_value.pred_alt_def

abbreviation "vconstructor_value_env  fmpred (λ_. vconstructor_value)"

definition vconstructor_value_rs :: "vrule list  bool" where
"vconstructor_value_rs rs 
  list_all (λ(_, rhs). vconstructor_value rhs) rs 
  fdisjnt (fset_of_list (map fst rs)) C"


declare constructors.vconstructor_value_alt_def[code]
declare constructors.vconstructor_value_rs_def[code]

context pre_constants begin

sublocale not_shadows_vconsts:
    "λ_ cs. list_all (λ(pat, t). fdisjnt all_consts (frees pat)  ¬ shadows_consts t) cs"
    "λ_. True"
    "λ_. True"
    "λt. ¬ shadows_consts t"
  defines not_shadows_vconsts = not_shadows_vconsts.pred
proof (standard, goal_cases)
  case (2 Γ cs)
  show ?case
    apply (simp add: list_all_iff list_ex_iff case_prod_twice)
    apply (rule ballI)
    subgoal for x
      apply (cases x, simp)
      apply (rule conjI)
        using 2 by (force simp: list_all_iff)
      apply (rule subst_shadows)
        using 2 by (force simp: list_all_iff)
      apply simp
      apply (rule fmpred_drop_fset)
      apply (rule fmpredI)
      using 2 by auto
qed (auto simp: const_sterm_def app_sterm_def)

lemmas not_shadows_vconsts_alt_def = not_shadows_vconsts.pred_alt_def

abbreviation "not_shadows_vconsts_env  fmpred (λ_ s. not_shadows_vconsts s)"


declare pre_constants.not_shadows_vconsts_alt_def[code]

fun term_to_value :: "sterm  value" where
"term_to_value t =
  (case strip_comb t of
    (Sconst name, args)  Vconstr name (map term_to_value args)
  | (Sabs cs, [])  Vabs cs fmempty)"

lemma (in constructors) term_to_value_to_sterm:
  assumes "is_value t"
  shows "value_to_sterm (term_to_value t) = t"
using assms proof induction
  case (constr vs name)

  have "map (value_to_sterm  term_to_value) vs = map id vs"
    proof (rule list.map_cong0, unfold comp_apply id_apply)
      fix v
      assume "v  set vs"
      with constr show "value_to_sterm (term_to_value v) = v"
        by (simp add: list_all_iff)
  thus ?case
    apply (simp add: strip_list_comb_const)
    apply (subst const_sterm_def)
    by simp
qed simp

lemma vmatch_dom:
  assumes "vmatch pat v = Some env"
  shows "fmdom env = patvars pat"
using assms proof (induction pat v arbitrary: env rule: vmatch_induct)
  case (constr name ps name' vs)
    "map_option (foldl (++f) fmempty) (those (map2 vmatch ps vs)) = Some env"
    "name = name'" "length ps = length vs"
    by (auto split: if_splits)
  then obtain envs where "env = foldl (++f) fmempty envs" "map2 vmatch ps vs = map Some envs"
    by (blast dest: those_someD)

  moreover have "fset_of_list (map fmdom envs) = fset_of_list (map patvars ps)"
    proof safe
      fix names
      assume "names |∈| fset_of_list (map fmdom envs)"
      hence "names  set (map fmdom envs)"
        unfolding fset_of_list_elem .
      then obtain env where "env  set envs" "names = fmdom env"
        by auto
      hence "Some env  set (map2 vmatch ps vs)"
        unfolding map2 _ _ _ = _ by simp
      then obtain p v where "p  set ps" "v  set vs" "vmatch p v = Some env"
        by (auto elim: map2_elemE)
      moreover hence "fmdom env = patvars p"
        using constr by fastforce
      ultimately have "names  set (map patvars ps)"
        unfolding names = _ by simp
      thus "names |∈| fset_of_list (map patvars ps)"
        unfolding fset_of_list_elem .
      fix names
      assume "names |∈| fset_of_list (map patvars ps)"
      hence "names  set (map patvars ps)"
        unfolding fset_of_list_elem .
      then obtain p where "p  set ps" "names = patvars p"
        by auto
      then obtain v where "v  set vs" "vmatch p v  set (map2 vmatch ps vs)"
        using length ps = length vs by (auto elim!: map2_elemE1)
      then obtain env where "env  set envs" "vmatch p v = Some env"
        unfolding map2 vmatch ps vs = _ by auto
      moreover hence "fmdom env = patvars p"
        using constr name = name' length ps = length vs p  set ps v  set vs
        by fastforce
      ultimately have "names  set (map fmdom envs)"
        unfolding names = _ by auto
      thus "names |∈| fset_of_list (map fmdom envs)"
        unfolding fset_of_list_elem .

  ultimately show ?case
    by (auto simp: fmdom_foldl_add)
qed auto

fun vfind_match :: "sclauses  value  ((name, value) fmap × term × sterm) option" where
"vfind_match [] _ = None" |
"vfind_match ((pat, rhs) # cs) t =
  (case vmatch (mk_pat pat) t of
    Some env  Some (env, pat, rhs)
  | None  vfind_match cs t)"

lemma vfind_match_elem:
  assumes "vfind_match cs t = Some (env, pat, rhs)"
  shows "(pat, rhs)  set cs" "vmatch (mk_pat pat) t = Some env"
using assms
by (induct cs) (auto split: option.splits)

inductive veq_structure :: "value  value  bool" where
abs_abs: "veq_structure (Vabs _ _) (Vabs _ _)" |
recabs_recabs: "veq_structure (Vrecabs _ _ _) (Vrecabs _ _ _)" |
constr_constr: "list_all2 veq_structure ts us  veq_structure (Vconstr name ts) (Vconstr name us)"

lemma veq_structure_simps[code, simp]:
  "veq_structure (Vabs cs1 Γ1) (Vabs cs2 Γ2)"
  "veq_structure (Vrecabs css1 name1 Γ1) (Vrecabs css2 name2 Γ2)"
  "veq_structure (Vconstr name1 ts) (Vconstr name2 us)  name1 = name2  list_all2 veq_structure ts us"
by (auto intro: veq_structure.intros elim: veq_structure.cases)

lemma veq_structure_refl[simp]: "veq_structure t t"
by (induction t) (auto simp: list.rel_refl_strong)

global_interpretation vno_abs: value_pred "λ_ _. False" "λ_. True" "λ_. False"
  defines vno_abs = vno_abs.pred .

lemma veq_structure_eq_left:
  assumes "veq_structure t u" "vno_abs t"
  shows "t = u"
using assms proof (induction rule: veq_structure.induct)
  case (constr_constr ts us name)
  have "ts = us" if "list_all vno_abs ts"
    using constr_constr.IH that
    by induction auto
  with constr_constr show ?case
    by auto
qed auto

lemma veq_structure_eq_right:
  assumes "veq_structure t u" "vno_abs u"
  shows "t = u"
using assms proof (induction rule: veq_structure.induct)
  case (constr_constr ts us name)
  have "ts = us" if "list_all vno_abs us"
    using constr_constr.IH that
    by induction auto
  with constr_constr show ?case
    by auto
qed auto

fun vmatch' :: "pat  value  (name, value) fmap option" where
"vmatch' (Patvar name) v = Some (fmap_of_list [(name, v)])" |
"vmatch' (Patconstr name ps) v =
  (case v of
    Vconstr name' vs 
      (if name = name'  length ps = length vs then
        map_option (foldl (++f) fmempty) (those (map2 vmatch' ps vs))
  | _  None)"

lemma vmatch_vmatch'_eq: "vmatch p v = vmatch' p v"
proof (induction rule: vmatch.induct)
  case (2 name ps name' vs)
  then show ?case
    apply auto
    apply (rule map_option_cong[OF _ refl])
    apply (rule arg_cong[where f = those])
    apply (rule map2_cong[OF refl refl])
    apply blast
qed auto

locale value_struct_rel =
  fixes Q :: "value  value  bool"
  assumes Q_impl_struct: "Q t1 t2  veq_structure t1 t2"
  assumes Q_def[simp]: "Q (Vconstr name ts) (Vconstr name' us)  name = name'  list_all2 Q ts us"

lemma eq_left: "Q t u  vno_abs t  t = u"
using Q_impl_struct by (metis veq_structure_eq_left)

lemma eq_right: "Q t u  vno_abs u  t = u"
using Q_impl_struct by (metis veq_structure_eq_right)

context begin

private lemma vmatch'_rel:
  assumes "Q t1 t2"
  shows "rel_option (fmrel Q) (vmatch' p t1) (vmatch' p t2)"
using assms(1) proof (induction p arbitrary: t1 t2)
  case (Patconstr name ps)
  with Q_impl_struct have "veq_structure t1 t2"
    by blast

  thus ?case
    proof (cases rule: veq_structure.cases)
      case (constr_constr ts us name')

        assume "length ps = length ts"

        have "list_all2 (rel_option (fmrel Q)) (map2 vmatch' ps ts) (map2 vmatch' ps us)"
          using list_all2 veq_structure ts us Patconstr length ps = length ts
          unfolding t1 = _ t2 = _
          proof (induction arbitrary: ps)
            case (Cons t ts u us ps0)
            then obtain p ps where "ps0 = p # ps"
              by (cases ps0) auto

            have "length ts = length us"
              using Cons by (auto dest: list_all2_lengthD)

            hence "Q t u"
              using Q (Vconstr name' (t # ts)) (Vconstr name' (u # us))
              by (simp add: list_all_iff)
            hence "rel_option (fmrel Q) (vmatch' p t) (vmatch' p u)"
              using Cons unfolding ps0 = _ by simp

            moreover have "list_all2 (rel_option (fmrel Q)) (map2 vmatch' ps ts) (map2 vmatch' ps us)"
              apply (rule Cons)
                apply (rule Cons)
                unfolding ps0 = _ apply simp
                by assumption
                using Q (Vconstr name' (t # ts)) (Vconstr name' (u # us)) length ts = length us
                by (simp add: list_all_iff)
                using length ps0 = length (t # ts)
                unfolding ps0 = _ by simp

            ultimately show ?case
              unfolding ps0 = _
              by auto
          qed auto

        hence "rel_option (list_all2 (fmrel Q)) (those (map2 vmatch' ps ts)) (those (map2 vmatch' ps us))"
          by (rule rel_funD[OF those_transfer])

          "rel_option (fmrel Q)
            (map_option (foldl (++f) fmempty) (those (map2 vmatch' ps ts)))
            (map_option (foldl (++f) fmempty) (those (map2 vmatch' ps us)))"
          apply (rule rel_funD[OF rel_funD[OF option.map_transfer]])
           apply transfer_prover
          by fact
      note * = this

      have "length ts = length us"
        using constr_constr by (auto dest: list_all2_lengthD)

      thus ?thesis
        unfolding t1 = _ t2 = _
        apply auto
        apply (rule *)
        by simp
    qed auto
qed auto

lemma vmatch_rel: "Q t1 t2  rel_option (fmrel Q) (vmatch p t1) (vmatch p t2)"
unfolding vmatch_vmatch'_eq by (rule vmatch'_rel)

lemma vfind_match_rel:
  assumes "list_all2 (rel_prod (=) R) cs1 cs2"
  assumes "Q t1 t2"
  shows "rel_option (rel_prod (fmrel Q) (rel_prod (=) R)) (vfind_match cs1 t1) (vfind_match cs2 t2)"
using assms(1) proof induction
  case (Cons c1 cs1 c2 cs2)
  moreover obtain pat1 rhs1 where "c1 = (pat1, rhs1)" by fastforce
  moreover obtain pat2 rhs2 where "c2 = (pat2, rhs2)" by fastforce

  ultimately have "pat1 = pat2" "R rhs1 rhs2"
    by auto

  have "rel_option (fmrel Q) (vmatch (mk_pat pat1) t1) (vmatch (mk_pat pat1) t2)"
    by (rule vmatch_rel) fact
  thus ?case
    proof cases
      case None
      thus ?thesis
        unfolding c1 = _ c2 = _ pat1 = _
        using Cons by auto
      case (Some Γ1 Γ2)
      thus ?thesis
        unfolding c1 = _ c2 = _ pat1 = _
        using R rhs1 rhs2
        by auto
qed simp

lemmas vfind_match_rel' =
    where R = "(=)" and cs1 = cs and cs2 = cs for cs,
    unfolded prod.rel_eq,
    OF list.rel_refl, OF refl]

end end

hide_fact vmatch_vmatch'_eq
hide_const vmatch'

global_interpretation veq_structure: value_struct_rel veq_structure
by standard auto

abbreviation env_eq where
"env_eq  fmrel (λv t. t = value_to_sterm v)"

lemma env_eq_eq:
  assumes "env_eq venv senv"
  shows "senv = fmmap value_to_sterm venv"
proof (rule fmap_ext, unfold fmlookup_map)
  fix name
  from assms have "rel_option (λv t. t = value_to_sterm v) (fmlookup venv name) (fmlookup senv name)"
    by auto
  thus "fmlookup senv name = map_option value_to_sterm (fmlookup venv name)"
    by cases auto

context constructors begin

context begin

private lemma vmatch_eq0: "rel_option env_eq (vmatch p v) (smatch' p (value_to_sterm v))"
proof (induction p v rule: vmatch_induct)
  case (constr name ps name' vs)

    "rel_option env_eq
      (map_option (foldl (++f) Γ) (those (map2 vmatch ps vs)))
      (map_option (foldl (++f) Γ') (those (map2 smatch' ps (map value_to_sterm vs))))"
    if "length ps = length vs" and "name = name'" and "env_eq Γ Γ'" for Γ Γ'
    using that constr
    proof (induction arbitrary: Γ Γ' rule: list_induct2)
      case (Cons p ps v vs)
      hence "rel_option env_eq (vmatch p v) (smatch' p (value_to_sterm v))"
        by auto
      thus ?case
        proof cases
          case (Some Γ1 Γ2)
          thus ?thesis
            apply (simp add: option.map_comp comp_def)
            apply (rule Cons)
            using Cons by auto
        qed simp
    qed fastforce

  thus ?case
    apply (auto simp: strip_list_comb_const)
    apply (subst const_sterm_def, simp)+
qed auto

corollary vmatch_eq:
  assumes "linear p" "vconstructor_value v"
  shows "rel_option env_eq (vmatch (mk_pat p) v) (match p (value_to_sterm v))"
using assms
by (metis smatch_smatch'_eq vmatch_eq0 vconstructor_value.value_to_sterm)



abbreviation match_related where
"match_related  (λ(Γ1, pat1, rhs1) (Γ2, pat2, rhs2). rhs1 = rhs2  pat1 = pat2  env_eq Γ1 Γ2)"

lemma (in constructors) find_match_eq:
  assumes "list_all (linear  fst) cs" "vconstructor_value v"
  shows "rel_option match_related (vfind_match cs v) (find_match cs (value_to_sterm v))"
using assms proof (induct cs)
  case (Cons c cs)
  then obtain p t where "c = (p, t)" by fastforce
  hence "rel_option env_eq (vmatch (mk_pat p) v) (match p (value_to_sterm v))"
    using Cons by (fastforce intro: vmatch_eq)
  thus ?case
    using Cons unfolding c = _
    by cases auto
qed auto

inductive erelated :: "value  value  bool" ("_ e _") where
constr: "list_all2 erelated ts us  Vconstr name ts e Vconstr name us" |
abs: "fmrel_on_fset (ids (Sabs cs)) erelated Γ1 Γ2  Vabs cs Γ1 e Vabs cs Γ2" |
  "pred_fmap (λcs. fmrel_on_fset (ids (Sabs cs)) erelated Γ1 Γ2) css 
     Vrecabs css name Γ1 e Vrecabs css name Γ2"

code_pred erelated .

global_interpretation erelated: value_struct_rel erelated
  fix v1 v2
  assume "v1 e v2"
  thus "veq_structure v1 v2"
    by induction (auto intro: list.rel_mono_strong)
  fix name name' and ts us :: "value list"
  show "Vconstr name ts e Vconstr name' us  (name = name'  list_all2 erelated ts us)"
    by (auto intro: erelated.intros elim: erelated.cases)

lemma erelated_refl[intro]: "t e t"
proof (induction t)
  case Vrecabs
  thus ?case
    apply (auto intro!: erelated.intros fmpredI fmrel_on_fset_refl_strong)
    apply (auto intro: fmran'I)
qed (auto intro!: erelated.intros list.rel_refl_strong fmrel_on_fset_refl_strong fmran'I)

  value_to_sterm vmatch vwellformed vclosed erelated_i_i pre_constants.vwelldefined
  constructors.vconstructor_value_rs pre_constants.not_shadows_vconsts term_to_value
  vfind_match veq_structure vno_abs
  checking Scala
