Theory Negative_Association.Negative_Association_Definition
section ‹Definition›
text ‹This section introduces the concept of negatively associated random variables (RVs). The
definition follows, as closely as possible, the original description by
Joag-Dev and Proschan~\cite{joagdev1983}.
However, the following modifications have been made:
Singleton and empty sets of random variables are considered negatively associated. This is useful
because it simplifies many of the induction proofs. The second modification is that the RV's don't
have to be real valued.
Instead the range can be into any linearly ordered space with the borel $\sigma$-algebra. This is a
major enhancement compared to the original work, as well as results by following
authors~\cite{dubhashi2007, dubhashi1998, dubhashi1996, lisawadi2011, permantle2000}.›
theory Negative_Association_Definition
context prob_space
definition neg_assoc :: "('i ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'c :: {linorder_topology}) ⇒ 'i set ⇒ bool"
where "neg_assoc X I = (
(∀i ∈ I. random_variable borel (X i)) ∧
(∀(f::nat ⇒ ('i ⇒ 'c) ⇒ real) J. J ⊆ I ∧
(∀ι<2. bounded (range (f ι)) ∧ mono(f ι) ∧ depends_on (f ι) ([J,I-J]!ι) ∧
f ι ∈ PiM ([J,I-J]!ι) (λ_. borel) →⇩M borel) ⟶
covariance (f 0 ∘ flip X) (f 1 ∘ flip X) ≤ 0))"
lemma neg_assocI:
assumes "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ random_variable borel (X i)"
assumes "⋀f g J. J ⊆ I
⟹ depends_on f J ⟹ depends_on g (I-J)
⟹ mono f ⟹ mono g
⟹ bounded (range f::real set) ⟹ bounded (range g)
⟹ f ∈ PiM J (λ_. borel) →⇩M borel ⟹ g ∈ PiM (I-J) (λ_. borel) →⇩M borel
⟹ covariance (f ∘ flip X) (g ∘ flip X) ≤ 0"
shows "neg_assoc X I"
using assms unfolding neg_assoc_def by (auto simp:numeral_eq_Suc All_less_Suc)
lemma neg_assocI2:
assumes [measurable]: "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ random_variable borel (X i)"
assumes "⋀f g J. J ⊆ I
⟹ depends_on f J ⟹ depends_on g (I-J)
⟹ mono f ⟹ mono g
⟹ bounded (range f) ⟹ bounded (range g)
⟹ f ∈ PiM J (λ_. borel) →⇩M (borel :: real measure)
⟹ g ∈ PiM (I-J) (λ_. borel) →⇩M (borel :: real measure)
⟹ (∫ω. f(λi. X i ω) * g(λi. X i ω) ∂M)≤(∫ω. f(λi. X i ω)∂M)*(∫ω. g(λi. X i ω) ∂M)"
shows "neg_assoc X I"
proof (rule neg_assocI,goal_cases)
case (1 i) thus ?case using assms(1) by auto
case (2 f g J)
note [measurable] = 2(8,9)
note bounded = integrable_bounded bounded_intros
have [measurable]: "random_variable borel (λω. f (λi. X i ω))"
using subsetD[OF 2(1)] by (subst depends_onD[OF 2(2)]) measurable
moreover have [measurable]: "random_variable borel (λω. g (λi. X i ω))"
by (subst depends_onD[OF 2(3)]) measurable
moreover have "integrable M (λω. ((f ∘ (λx y. X y x)) ω)⇧2)"
unfolding comp_def by (intro bounded bounded_subset[OF 2(6)]) auto
moreover have "integrable M (λω. ((g ∘ (λx y. X y x)) ω)⇧2)"
unfolding comp_def by (intro bounded bounded_subset[OF 2(7)]) auto
ultimately show ?case using assms(2)[OF 2(1-9)]
by (subst covariance_eq) (auto simp:comp_def)
lemma neg_assoc_empty:
"neg_assoc X {}"
proof (intro neg_assocI2, goal_cases)
case (1 i)
then show ?case by simp
case (2 f g J)
define fc gc where fc:"fc = f undefined" and gc:"gc = g undefined"
have "depends_on f {}" "depends_on g {}" using 2 by auto
hence fg_simps: "f = (λx. fc)" "g = (λx. gc)" unfolding fc gc using depends_on_empty by auto
then show ?case unfolding fg_simps by (simp add:prob_space)
lemma neg_assoc_singleton:
assumes "random_variable borel (X i)"
shows "neg_assoc X {i}"
proof (rule neg_assocI2, goal_cases)
case (1 i)
then show ?case using assms by auto
case (2 f g J)
show ?case
proof (cases "J = {}")
case True
define fc where "fc = f undefined"
have f:"f = (λ_. fc)"
unfolding fc_def by (intro ext depends_onD2[OF 2(2)]) (auto simp:True)
then show ?thesis unfolding f by (simp add:prob_space)
case False
hence J: "J = {i}" using 2(1) by auto
define gc where "gc = g undefined"
have g:"g = (λ_. gc)"
unfolding gc_def by (intro ext depends_onD2[OF 2(3)]) (auto simp:J)
then show ?thesis unfolding g by (simp add:prob_space)
lemma neg_assoc_imp_measurable:
assumes "neg_assoc X I"
assumes "i ∈ I"
shows "random_variable borel (X i)"
using assms unfolding neg_assoc_def by auto
text ‹Even though the assumption was that defining property is true for pairs of monotone functions
over the random variables, it is also true for pairs of anti-monotone functions.›
lemma neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono_bounded:
fixes f g :: "('i ⇒ 'c::linorder_topology) ⇒ real"
assumes "neg_assoc X I"
assumes "J ⊆ I"
assumes "bounded (range f)" "bounded (range g)"
assumes "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) f" "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) g"
assumes "depends_on f J" "depends_on g (I-J)"
assumes [measurable]: "f ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M J (λ_. borel))"
assumes [measurable]: "g ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M (I-J) (λ_. borel))"
"covariance (f ∘ flip X) (g ∘ flip X) ≤ 0"
"(∫ω. f (λi. X i ω) * g (λi. X i ω) ∂M) ≤ expectation (λx. f(λy. X y x)) * expectation (λx. g(λy. X y x))"
(is "?L ≤ ?R")
proof -
define q where "q ι = (if ι = 0 then f else g)" for ι :: nat
define h where "h ι = ((*) (±⇘η⇙)) ∘ (q ι)" for ι :: nat
note [measurable] = neg_assoc_imp_measurable[OF assms(1)]
note bounded = integrable_bounded bounded_intros
have 1:"bounded (range ((*) (±⇘η⇙) ∘ q ι))" "depends_on (q ι) ([J,I-J]!ι)"
"q ι ∈ PiM ([J,I-J]!ι) (λ_. borel) →⇩M borel" "mono ((*) (±⇘η⇙) ∘ q ι)" if "ι ∈ {0,1}" for ι
using that assms unfolding q_def conv_rel_to_sign by (auto intro:bounded_mult_comp)
have 2: "((*) (±⇘η⇙::real)) ∈ borel →⇩M borel" by simp
have 3:"∀ι<Suc (Suc 0). bounded (range (h ι))∧mono(h ι) ∧ depends_on (h ι) ([J,I-J]!ι) ∧
h ι ∈ PiM ([J,I-J]!ι) (λ_. borel) →⇩M borel" unfolding All_less_Suc h_def
by (intro conjI 1 depends_on_comp measurable_comp[OF _ 2]) auto
have "covariance (f ∘ flip X) (g ∘ flip X) = covariance (q 0 ∘ flip X) (q 1 ∘ flip X)"
unfolding q_def by simp
also have "… = covariance (h 0 ∘ flip X) (h 1 ∘ flip X)"
unfolding h_def covariance_def comp_def by (cases η) (auto simp:algebra_simps)
also have "... ≤ 0" using 3 assms(1,2) numeral_2_eq_2 unfolding neg_assoc_def by metis
finally show "covariance (f ∘ flip X) (g ∘ flip X) ≤ 0" by simp
moreover have m_f: "random_variable borel (λx. f(λi. X i x))"
using subsetD[OF assms(2)] by (subst depends_onD[OF assms(7)]) measurable
moreover have m_g: "random_variable borel (λx. g(λi. X i x))"
by (subst depends_onD[OF assms(8)]) measurable
moreover have "integrable M (λω. ((f ∘ (λx y. X y x)) ω)⇧2)" unfolding comp_def
by (intro bounded bounded_subset[OF assms(3)] measurable_compose[OF m_f]) auto
moreover have "integrable M (λω. ((g ∘ (λx y. X y x)) ω)⇧2)" unfolding comp_def
by (intro bounded bounded_subset[OF assms(4)] measurable_compose[OF m_g]) auto
ultimately show "?L ≤ ?R" by (subst (asm) covariance_eq) (auto simp:comp_def)
lemma lim_min_n: "(λn. min (real n) x) ⇢ x"
proof -
define m where "m = nat ⌈x⌉"
have "min (real (n+m)) x = x" for n unfolding m_def by (intro min_absorb2) linarith
hence "(λn. min (real (n+m)) x) ⇢ x" by simp
thus ?thesis using LIMSEQ_offset[where k="m"] by fast
lemma lim_clamp_n: "(λn. clamp (-real n) (real n) x) ⇢ x"
proof -
define m where "m = nat ⌈¦x¦⌉"
have "clamp (-real (n+m)) (real (n+m)) x = x" for n unfolding m_def
by (intro clamp_eqI[symmetric]) linarith
hence "(λn. clamp (-real (n+m)) (real (n+m)) x) ⇢ x" by simp
thus ?thesis using LIMSEQ_offset[where k="m"] by fast
lemma neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono:
fixes f g :: "('i ⇒ 'c::linorder_topology) ⇒ real"
assumes "neg_assoc X I"
assumes "J ⊆ I"
assumes "square_integrable M (f ∘ flip X)" "square_integrable M (g ∘ flip X)"
assumes "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) f" "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) g"
assumes "depends_on f J" "depends_on g (I-J)"
assumes [measurable]: "f ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M J (λ_. borel))"
assumes [measurable]: "g ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M (I-J) (λ_. borel))"
shows "(∫ω. f (λi. X i ω) * g (λi. X i ω) ∂M) ≤ (∫x. f(λy. X y x)∂M) * (∫x. g(λy. X y x)∂M)"
(is "?L ≤ ?R")
proof -
let ?cf = "λn x. clamp (-real n) (real n) (f x)"
let ?cg = "λn x. clamp (-real n) (real n) (g x)"
note [measurable] = neg_assoc_imp_measurable[OF assms(1)]
have m_f: "random_variable borel (λx. f(λi. X i x))"
using subsetD[OF assms(2)] by (subst depends_onD[OF assms(7)]) measurable
have m_g: "random_variable borel (λx. g(λi. X i x))"
by (subst depends_onD[OF assms(8)]) measurable
note intro_rules = borel_measurable_times measurable_compose[OF _ clamp_borel] AE_I2
measurable_compose[OF _ borel_measurable_norm] lim_clamp_n m_f m_g
have a: "(λn. (∫ω. ?cf n (λi. X i ω) * ?cg n (λi. X i ω) ∂M)) ⇢ ?L" using assms(3,4)
by (intro integral_dominated_convergence[where w="λω. norm (f(λi. X i ω))*norm (g(λi. X i ω))"]
intro_rules tendsto_mult cauchy_schwartz(1)[where M="M"])
(auto intro!: clamp_abs_le mult_mono simp add:comp_def abs_mult)
have "(λn. (∫x. ?cf n (λy. X y x)∂M)) ⇢ (∫x. f(λy. X y x)∂M)"
using square_integrable_imp_integrable[OF m_f] assms(3) unfolding comp_def
by (intro integral_dominated_convergence[where w = "λω. norm (f(λi. X i ω))"] intro_rules)
(simp_all add:clamp_abs_le)
moreover have "(λn. (∫x. ?cg n (λy. X y x)∂M)) ⇢ (∫x. g(λy. X y x)∂M)"
using square_integrable_imp_integrable[OF m_g] assms(4) unfolding comp_def
by (intro integral_dominated_convergence[where w = "λω. norm (g(λi. X i ω))"] intro_rules)
(simp_all add:clamp_abs_le)
ultimately have b: "(λn. (∫x. ?cf n (λy. X y x)∂M) * (∫x. ?cg n (λy. X y x) ∂M)) ⇢ ?R"
by (rule tendsto_mult)
show ?thesis
by (intro lim_mono[OF _ a b, where N="0"] bounded_clamp_alt assms(5,6,9,10) monotone_clamp
neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono_bounded[OF assms(1,2), where η="η"] depends_on_comp_2[OF assms(7)]
measurable_compose[OF _ clamp_borel] depends_on_comp_2[OF assms(8)])
text ‹Property P4~\cite{joagdev1983}›
lemma neg_assoc_subset:
assumes "J ⊆ I"
assumes "neg_assoc X I"
shows "neg_assoc X J"
proof (rule neg_assocI,goal_cases)
case (1 i)
then show ?case using neg_assoc_imp_measurable[OF assms(2)] assms(1) by auto
case (2 f g K)
have a:"K ⊆ I" using 2 assms(1) by auto
have "g = g ∘ (λm. restrict m (J-K))"
using 2 depends_onD unfolding comp_def by (intro ext) auto
also have "... ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M (I - K) (λ_. borel))"
using 2 assms(1) by (intro measurable_comp[OF measurable_restrict_subset]) auto
finally have "g ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M (I - K) (λ_. borel))" by simp
moreover have "depends_on g (I-K)" using depends_on_mono assms(1) 2
by (metis Diff_mono dual_order.eq_iff)
ultimately show "covariance (f ∘ flip X) (g ∘ flip X) ≤ 0"
using 2 by (intro neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono_bounded[OF assms(2) a, where η="Fwd"]) simp_all
lemma neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono_nonneg:
fixes f g :: "('i ⇒ 'c::linorder_topology) ⇒ real"
assumes "neg_assoc X I" "J ⊆ I"
assumes "range f ⊆ {0..}" "range g ⊆ {0..}"
assumes "integrable M (f ∘ flip X)" "integrable M (g ∘ flip X)"
assumes "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) f" "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) g"
assumes "depends_on f J" "depends_on g (I-J)"
assumes "f ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M J (λ_. borel))" "g ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M (I-J) (λ_. borel))"
shows "has_int_that M (λω. f (flip X ω) * g (flip X ω))
(λr. r ≤ expectation (f ∘ flip X) * expectation (g ∘ flip X))"
proof -
let ?cf = "(λn x. min (real n) (f x))"
let ?cg = "(λn x. min (real n) (g x))"
define u where "u = (λω. f (λi. X i ω) * g (λi. X i ω))"
define h where "h n ω = ?cf n (λi. X i ω) * ?cg n (λi. X i ω)" for n ω
define x where "x = (SUP n. expectation (h n))"
note borel_intros = borel_measurable_times borel_measurable_const borel_measurable_min
note bounded_intros' = integrable_bounded bounded_intros bounded_const_min
have f_meas: "random_variable borel (λx. f (λi. X i x))"
using borel_measurable_integrable[OF assms(5)] by (simp add:comp_def)
have g_meas: "random_variable borel (λx. g (λi. X i x))"
using borel_measurable_integrable[OF assms(6)] by (simp add:comp_def)
have h_int: "integrable M (h n)" for n
unfolding h_def using assms(3,4) by (intro bounded_intros' borel_intros f_meas g_meas) fast+
have exp_h_le_R: "expectation (h n) ≤ expectation (f∘flip X) * expectation (g∘flip X)" for n
proof -
have "square_integrable M ((λa. min (real n) (f a)) ∘ (λx y. X y x))"
using assms(3) unfolding comp_def
by (intro bounded_intros' bdd_belowI[where m="0"] borel_intros f_meas) auto
moreover have "square_integrable M ((λa. min (real n) (g a)) ∘ (λx y. X y x))"
using assms(4) unfolding comp_def
by (intro bounded_intros' bdd_belowI[where m="0"] borel_intros g_meas) auto
moreover have "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) ((λa. min (real n) (f a)))"
using monotoneD[OF assms(7)] unfolding comp_def min_mult_distrib_left
by (intro monotoneI) (cases "η", fastforce+)
moreover have "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) ((λa. min (real n) (g a)))"
using monotoneD[OF assms(8)] unfolding comp_def min_mult_distrib_left
by (intro monotoneI) (cases η, fastforce+)
ultimately have "expectation (h n) ≤ expectation (?cf n∘flip X) * expectation (?cg n∘flip X)"
unfolding h_def comp_def
by (intro neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono[OF assms(1-2)] borel_intros assms(11,12)
depends_on_comp_2[OF assms(10)] depends_on_comp_2[OF assms(9)]) (auto simp:comp_def)
also have "... ≤ expectation (f∘flip X) * expectation (g∘flip X)"
using assms(3,4) by (intro mult_mono integral_nonneg_AE AE_I2 integral_mono' assms(5,6)) auto
finally show ?thesis by simp
have h_mono_ptw: "AE ω in M. mono (λn. h n ω)"
using assms(3,4) unfolding h_def by (intro AE_I2 monoI mult_mono) auto
have h_mono: "mono (λn. expectation (h n))"
by (intro monoI integral_mono_AE AE_mp[OF h_mono_ptw AE_I2] h_int) (simp add:mono_def)
have "random_variable borel u" using f_meas g_meas unfolding u_def by (intro borel_intros)
moreover have "AE ω in M. (λn. h n ω) ⇢ u ω"
unfolding h_def u_def by (intro tendsto_mult lim_min_n AE_I2)
moreover have "bdd_above (range (λn. expectation (h n)))"
using exp_h_le_R by (intro bdd_aboveI) auto
hence "(λn. expectation (h n)) ⇢ x"
using LIMSEQ_incseq_SUP[OF _ h_mono] unfolding x_def by simp
ultimately have "has_bochner_integral M u x" using h_int h_mono_ptw
by (intro has_bochner_integral_monotone_convergence[where f="h"])
moreover have "x ≤ expectation (f∘flip X) * expectation (g∘flip X)"
unfolding x_def by (intro cSUP_least exp_h_le_R) simp
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding has_bochner_integral_iff u_def has_int_that_def by auto
text ‹Property P2~\cite{joagdev1983}›
lemma neg_assoc_imp_prod_mono:
fixes f :: "'i ⇒ ('c::linorder_topology) ⇒ real"
assumes "finite I"
assumes "neg_assoc X I"
assumes "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ integrable M (λω. f i (X i ω))"
assumes "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) (f i)"
assumes "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ range (f i)⊆{0..}"
assumes "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ f i ∈ borel_measurable borel"
shows "has_int_that M (λω. (∏i∈I. f i (X i ω))) (λr. r≤(∏i∈ I. expectation (λω. f i (X i ω))))"
using assms
proof (induction I rule:finite_induct)
case empty then show ?case by (simp add:has_int_that_def)
case (insert x F)
define g where "g v = f x (v x)" for v
define h where "h v = (∏i∈F. f i (v i))" for v
have 0: "{x} ⊆ insert x F" by auto
have ran_g: "range g ⊆ {0..}" using insert(7) unfolding g_def by auto
have "True = has_int_that M (λω. ∏i∈F. f i(X i ω)) (λr. r≤(∏i∈F. expectation(λω. f i(X i ω))))"
by (intro true_eq_iff insert neg_assoc_subset[OF _ insert(4)]) auto
also have "... = has_int_that M (h ∘ flip X) (λr. r ≤ (∏i∈F. expectation (λω. f i (X i ω))))"
unfolding h_def by (intro arg_cong2[where f="has_int_that M"] refl)(simp add:comp_def)
finally have 2: "has_int_that M (h ∘ flip X) (λr. r ≤ (∏i∈F. expectation (λω. f i (X i ω))))"
by simp
have "(∏i∈F. f i (v i)) ≥ 0" for v using insert(7) by (intro prod_nonneg) auto
hence "range h ⊆ {0..}" unfolding h_def by auto
moreover have "integrable M (g ∘ flip X)" unfolding g_def using insert(5) by (auto simp:comp_def)
moreover have 3:"monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) (f x)" using insert(6) by simp
have "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) g" using monotoneD[OF 3]
unfolding g_def by (intro monotoneI) (auto simp:comp_def le_fun_def)
moreover have 4:"monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) (f i)" "⋀x. f i x ≥ 0" if "i ∈ F" for i
using that insert(6,7) by force+
hence "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) h" using monotoneD[OF 4(1)] unfolding h_def
by (intro monotoneI) (cases η, auto intro:prod_mono simp:comp_def le_fun_def)
moreover have "depends_on g {x}" unfolding g_def by (intro depends_onI) force
moreover have "depends_on h F"
unfolding h_def by (intro depends_onI prod.cong refl) force
hence "depends_on h (F - {x})" using insert(2) by simp
moreover have "g ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M {x} (λ_. borel))" unfolding g_def
by (intro measurable_compose[OF _ insert(8)] measurable_component_singleton) auto
moreover have "h ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M F (λ_. borel))"
unfolding h_def by (intro borel_measurable_prod measurable_compose[OF _ insert(8)]
measurable_component_singleton) auto
hence "h ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M (F - {x}) (λ_. borel))" using insert(2) by simp
ultimately have "True = has_int_that M (λω. g (flip X ω) * h (flip X ω))
(λr. r ≤ expectation (g ∘ flip X) * expectation (h ∘ flip X))"
by (intro true_eq_iff neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono_nonneg[OF insert(4) 0, where η="η"]
ran_g has_int_thatD[OF 2]) simp_all
also have "… = has_int_that M (λω. (∏i∈insert x F. f i (X i ω)))
(λr. r ≤ expectation (g ∘ flip X) * expectation (h ∘ flip X))"
unfolding g_def h_def using insert(1,2) by (intro arg_cong2[where f="has_int_that M"] refl) simp
also have "… ≤ has_int_that M (λω. (∏i∈insert x F. f i (X i ω)))
(λr. r ≤ expectation (g ∘ flip X) * (∏i ∈ F. expectation (f i ∘ X i)))"
using ran_g has_int_thatD[OF 2] by (intro has_int_that_mono le_trans mult_left_mono
integral_nonneg_AE AE_I2) (auto simp: comp_def)
also have "… = has_int_that M
(λω. ∏i∈insert x F. f i (X i ω)) (λr. r ≤ (∏i∈insert x F. expectation (f i ∘ X i)))"
using insert(1,2) by (intro arg_cong2[where f="has_int_that M"] refl) (simp add:g_def comp_def)
finally show ?case using le_boolE by (simp add:comp_def)
text ‹Property P5~\cite{joagdev1983}›
lemma neg_assoc_compose:
fixes f :: "'j ⇒ ('i ⇒ ('c::linorder_topology)) ⇒ ('d ::linorder_topology)"
assumes "finite I"
assumes "neg_assoc X I"
assumes "⋀j. j ∈ J ⟹ deps j ⊆ I"
assumes "⋀j1 j2. j1 ∈ J ⟹ j2 ∈ J ⟹ j1 ≠ j2 ⟹ deps j1 ∩ deps j2 = {}"
assumes "⋀j. j ∈ J ⟹ monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) (f j)"
assumes "⋀j. j ∈ J ⟹ depends_on (f j) (deps j)"
assumes "⋀j. j ∈ J ⟹ f j ∈ borel_measurable (PiM (deps j) (λ_. borel))"
shows "neg_assoc (λj ω. f j (λi. X i ω)) J"
proof (rule neg_assocI, goal_cases)
case (1 i)
note [measurable] = neg_assoc_imp_measurable[OF assms(2)] assms(7)[OF 1]
note 3 = assms(3)[OF 1]
have 2: "f i (λi. X i ω) = f i (λi∈deps i. X i ω)" for ω
using 3 by (intro depends_onD2[OF assms(6)] 1) fastforce
show ?case unfolding 2 by measurable (rule subsetD[OF 3])
case (2 g h K)
let ?g = "(λω. g (λj. f j ω))"
let ?h = "(λω. h (λj. f j ω))"
note dep_f = depends_onD[OF depends_on_mono[OF _ assms(6)],symmetric]
have g_alt_1: "?g = (λω. g (λj ∈ J. f j ω))"
using 2(1) by (intro ext depends_onD[OF depends_on_mono[OF _ 2(2)]]) auto
have g_alt_2: "?g = (λω. g (λj ∈ K. f j ω))"
by (intro ext depends_onD[OF 2(2)])
have g_alt_3: "?g = (λω. g (λj ∈ K. f j (restrict ω (deps j))))" unfolding g_alt_2 using 2(1)
by (intro restrict_ext ext arg_cong[where f="g"] depends_onD[OF assms(6)]) auto
have h_alt_1: "?h = (λω. h (λj ∈ J. f j ω))"
by (intro ext depends_onD[OF depends_on_mono[OF _ 2(3)]]) auto
have h_alt_2: "?h = (λω. h (λj ∈ J-K. f j ω))"
by (intro ext depends_onD[OF 2(3)])
have h_alt_3: "?h = (λω. h (λj ∈ J-K. f j (restrict ω (deps j))))" unfolding h_alt_2
by (intro restrict_ext ext arg_cong[where f="h"] depends_onD[OF assms(6)]) auto
have 3: "⋃ (deps ` (J-K)) ⊆ I - ⋃ (deps ` K)" using assms(3,4) 2(1) by blast
have "⋃ (deps ` K) ⊆ I" using 2(1) assms(3) by auto
moreover have "bounded (range ?g)" "bounded (range ?h)"
using 2(6,7) by (auto intro: bounded_subset)
moreover have "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) ?g"
unfolding g_alt_1 using monotoneD[OF assms(5)]
by (intro monotoneI) (cases η, auto intro!:monoD[OF 2(4)] le_funI)
moreover have "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) ?h"
unfolding h_alt_1 using monotoneD[OF assms(5)]
by (intro monotoneI) (cases η, auto intro!:monoD[OF 2(5)] le_funI)
moreover have "depends_on ?g (⋃ (deps ` K))"
using 2(1) unfolding g_alt_2
by (intro depends_onI arg_cong[where f="g"] restrict_ext depends_onD2[OF assms(6)]) auto
moreover have "depends_on ?h (⋃ (deps ` (J-K)))"
unfolding h_alt_2
by (intro depends_onI arg_cong[where f="h"] restrict_ext depends_onD2[OF assms(6)]) auto
hence "depends_on ?h (I - ⋃ (deps ` K))" using depends_on_mono[OF 3] by auto
moreover have "?g ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M (⋃ (deps ` K)) (λ_. borel))"
unfolding g_alt_3 using 2(1)
by (intro measurable_compose[OF _ 2(8)] measurable_compose[OF _ assms(7)]
measurable_restrict measurable_component_singleton) auto
moreover have "?h ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M (I - ⋃ (deps ` K)) (λ_. borel))"
unfolding h_alt_3 using 3
by (intro measurable_compose[OF _ 2(9)] measurable_compose[OF _ assms(7)] measurable_restrict
measurable_component_singleton) auto
ultimately have "covariance (?g ∘ flip X) (?h ∘ flip X) ≤ 0"
by (rule neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono_bounded[OF assms(2), where J="⋃(deps ` K)" and η="η"])
thus "covariance (g ∘ (λx y. f y (λi. X i x))) (h ∘ (λx y. f y (λi. X i x))) ≤ 0"
by (simp add:comp_def)
lemma neg_assoc_compose_simple:
fixes f :: "'i ⇒ ('c::linorder_topology) ⇒ ('d ::linorder_topology)"
assumes "finite I"
assumes "neg_assoc X I"
assumes "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) (f i)"
assumes [measurable]: "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ f i ∈ borel_measurable borel"
shows "neg_assoc (λi ω. f i (X i ω)) I"
proof -
have "depends_on (λω. f i (ω i)) {i}" if "i ∈ I" for i
by (intro depends_onI) auto
moreover have "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘η⇙) (λω. f i (ω i))" if "i ∈ I" for i
using monotoneD[OF assms(3)[OF that]] by (intro monotoneI) (cases η, auto dest:le_funE)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (intro neg_assoc_compose[OF assms(1,2), where deps="λi. {i}" and η="η"]) simp_all
lemma covariance_distr:
fixes f g :: "'b ⇒ real"
assumes [measurable]: "φ ∈ M →⇩M N" "f ∈ borel_measurable N" "g ∈ borel_measurable N"
shows "prob_space.covariance (distr M N φ) f g = covariance (f ∘ φ) (g ∘ φ)" (is "?L = ?R")
proof -
let ?M' = "distr M N φ"
have ps_distr: "prob_space ?M'" by (intro prob_space_distr) measurable
interpret p2: prob_space ?M'
using ps_distr by auto
have "?L = expectation (λx. (f(φ x)-expectation (λx. f(φ x)))*(g(φ x)-expectation (λx. g(φ x))))"
unfolding p2.covariance_def by (subst (1 2 3) integral_distr) measurable
also have "… = ?R"
unfolding covariance_def comp_def by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma neg_assoc_iff_distr:
assumes [measurable]: "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ X i ∈ borel_measurable M"
shows "neg_assoc X I ⟷
prob_space.neg_assoc (distr M (PiM I (λ_. borel)) (λω. λi∈I. X i ω)) (flip id) I"
(is "?L ⟷ ?R")
let ?M' = "distr M (Pi⇩M I (λ_. borel)) (λω. λi∈I. X i ω)"
have ps_distr: "prob_space ?M'"
by (intro prob_space_distr) measurable
interpret p2: prob_space ?M'
using ps_distr by auto
show "?R" if "?L"
proof (rule p2.neg_assocI, goal_cases)
case (1 i)
thus ?case using assms that unfolding id_def by measurable
case (2 f g J)
have dep_I: "depends_on f I" "depends_on g I"
using depends_on_mono[OF Diff_subset[of I J]] depends_on_mono[OF 2(1)] 2(2-3) by auto
have f_meas[measurable]: "(λx. f x) ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M I (λ_. borel))"
by (subst depends_onD[OF 2(2)]) (intro 2 measurable_compose[OF measurable_restrict_subset])
have g_meas[measurable]: "(λx. g x) ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M I (λ_. borel))"
by (subst depends_onD[OF 2(3)])
(intro 2 measurable_compose[OF measurable_restrict_subset], auto)
have "covariance (f ∘ id ∘ (λω. λi∈I. X i ω)) (g ∘ id ∘ (λω. λi∈I. X i ω)) =
covariance (f ∘ flip X) (g ∘ flip X)"
using depends_onD[OF dep_I(2)] depends_onD[OF dep_I(1)] by (simp add:comp_def)
also have "… ≤ 0"
using 2 by (intro neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono_bounded[OF that 2(1,6,7), where η="Fwd"]) simp_all
finally have "covariance (f ∘ id ∘ (λω. λi∈I. X i ω)) (g ∘ id ∘ (λω. λi∈I. X i ω)) ≤ 0" by simp
thus ?case by (subst covariance_distr) measurable
show "?L" if "?R"
proof (rule neg_assocI, goal_cases)
case (1 i)
then show ?case by measurable
case (2 f g J)
have dep_I: "depends_on f I" "depends_on g I"
using depends_on_mono[OF Diff_subset[of I J]] depends_on_mono[OF 2(1)] 2(2-3) by auto
have f_meas[measurable]: "(λx. f x) ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M I (λ_. borel))"
by (subst depends_onD[OF 2(2)]) (intro 2 measurable_compose[OF measurable_restrict_subset])
have g_meas[measurable]: "(λx. g x) ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M I (λ_. borel))"
by (subst depends_onD[OF 2(3)])
(intro 2 measurable_compose[OF measurable_restrict_subset], auto)
note [measurable] = 2(8,9)
have "covariance (f ∘ (λx y. X y x)) (g ∘ (λx y. X y x)) =
covariance (f ∘ (λω. λi∈I. X i ω)) (g ∘ (λω. λi∈I. X i ω))"
using depends_onD[OF dep_I(2)] depends_onD[OF dep_I(1)] by (simp add:comp_def)
also have "… = p2.covariance (f ∘ id) (g ∘ id)" by (subst covariance_distr) measurable
also have "… ≤ 0"
using 2 by (intro p2.neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono_bounded[OF that 2(1), where η="Fwd"])
(simp_all add:comp_def)
finally show ?case by simp
lemma neg_assoc_cong:
assumes "finite I"
assumes [measurable]: "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ Y i ∈ borel_measurable M"
assumes "neg_assoc X I" "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ AE ω in M. X i ω = Y i ω"
shows "neg_assoc Y I"
proof -
have [measurable]: "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ X i ∈ borel_measurable M"
using neg_assoc_imp_measurable[OF assms(3)] by auto
let ?B = "(λ_. borel)"
have a:"AE x in M. (∀i∈I. (X i x = Y i x))" by (intro AE_finite_allI assms)
have "AE x in M. (λi∈I. X i x) = (λi∈I. Y i x)" by (intro AE_mp[OF a AE_I2]) auto
hence b:"distr M (PiM I ?B) (λω. λi∈I. X i ω) = distr M (PiM I ?B) (λω. λi∈I. Y i ω)"
by (intro distr_cong_AE refl) measurable
have "prob_space.neg_assoc (distr M (PiM I (λ_. borel)) (λω. λi∈I. X i ω)) (flip id) I"
using assms(2,3) by (intro iffD1[OF neg_assoc_iff_distr]) measurable
thus ?thesis unfolding b using assms(2)
by (intro iffD2[OF neg_assoc_iff_distr[where I="I"]]) auto
lemma neg_assoc_reindex_aux:
assumes "inj_on h I"
assumes "neg_assoc X (h ` I)"
shows "neg_assoc (λk. X (h k)) I"
proof (rule neg_assocI, goal_cases)
case (1 i) thus ?case using neg_assoc_imp_measurable[OF assms(2)] by simp
case (2 f g J)
let ?f = "(λω. f (compose J ω h))"
let ?g = "(λω. g (compose (I-J) ω h))"
note neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono_intros =
neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono_bounded(1)[OF assms(2), where J="h`J" and η="Fwd"]
measurable_compose[OF _ 2(8)] measurable_compose[OF _ 2(9)]
measurable_compose[OF _ measurable_finmap_compose]
bounded_range_imp[OF 2(6)] bounded_range_imp[OF 2(7)]
have [simp]:"h ` I - h ` J = h ` (I-J)"
using assms(1) 2(1) by (simp add: inj_on_image_set_diff)
have "covariance (f∘(λx y. X(h y)x)) (g∘(λx y. X(h y)x)) = covariance (?f ∘ flip X) (?g ∘ flip X)"
unfolding comp_def
by (intro arg_cong2[where f="covariance"] ext depends_onD2[OF 2(2)] depends_onD2[OF 2(3)])
(auto simp:compose_def)
also have "… ≤ 0" using 2(1)
by (intro neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono_intros monotoneI depends_onI) (auto intro!:
monoD[OF 2(4)] monoD[OF 2(5)] simp:le_fun_def compose_def restrict_def cong:if_cong)
finally show ?case by simp
lemma neg_assoc_reindex:
assumes "inj_on h I" "finite I"
shows "neg_assoc X (h ` I) ⟷ neg_assoc (λk. X (h k)) I" (is "?L ⟷ ?R")
assume ?L
thus ?R using neg_assoc_reindex_aux[OF assms(1)] by blast
note inv_h_inj = inj_on_the_inv_into[OF assms(1)]
assume a:?R
hence b:"neg_assoc (λk. X (h (the_inv_into I h k))) (h ` I)"
using the_inv_into_onto[OF assms(1)] by (intro neg_assoc_reindex_aux[OF inv_h_inj]) auto
show ?L
using f_the_inv_into_f[OF assms(1)] neg_assoc_imp_measurable[OF a] assms(2)
by (intro neg_assoc_cong[OF _ _ b]) auto
lemma measurable_compose_merge_1:
assumes "depends_on h K"
assumes "h ∈ PiM K M' →⇩M N" "K ⊆ I ∪ J"
assumes "(λx. restrict (fst (f x)) (K ∩ I)) ∈ A →⇩M PiM (K ∩ I) M'"
assumes "(λx. restrict (snd (f x)) (K ∩ J)) ∈ A →⇩M PiM (K ∩ J) M'"
shows "(λx. h(merge I J (f x))) ∈ A →⇩M N"
proof -
let ?f1 = "λx. fst (f x)"
let ?f2 = "λx. snd (f x)"
let ?g1 = "λx. restrict (fst (f x)) (K ∩ I)"
let ?g2 = "λx. restrict (snd (f x)) (K ∩ J)"
have a1:"(λx. merge I J (?g1 x, ?g2 x) i) ∈ A →⇩M M' i" if "i ∈ K ∩ I" for i
using that measurable_compose[OF assms(4) measurable_component_singleton[OF that]]
by (simp add:merge_def)
have a2:"(λx. merge I J (?g1 x, ?g2 x) i) ∈ A →⇩M M' i" if "i ∈ K ∩ J" "i ∉ I" for i
using that measurable_compose[OF assms(5) measurable_component_singleton[OF that(1)]]
by (simp add:merge_def)
have a:"(λx. merge I J (?g1 x, ?g2 x) i) ∈ A →⇩M M' i" if "i ∈ K" for i
using assms(3) a1 a2 that by auto
have "(λx. h(merge I J (f x))) = (λx. h(merge I J (?f1 x, ?f2 x)))" by simp
also have "… = (λx. h(λi ∈ K. merge I J (?f1 x, ?f2 x) i))"
using depends_onD[OF assms(1)] by simp
also have "… = (λx. h(λi ∈ K. merge I J (?g1 x, ?g2 x) i))"
by (intro ext arg_cong[where f="h"]) (auto simp:comp_def restrict_def merge_def case_prod_beta)
also have "… ∈ A →⇩M N"
by (intro measurable_compose[OF _ assms(2)] measurable_restrict a)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma measurable_compose_merge_2:
assumes "depends_on h K" "h ∈ PiM K M' →⇩M N" "K ⊆ I ∪ J"
assumes "(λx. restrict (f x) (K ∩ I)) ∈ A →⇩M PiM (K ∩ I) M'"
assumes "(λx. restrict (g x) (K ∩ J)) ∈ A →⇩M PiM (K ∩ J) M'"
shows "(λx. h(merge I J (f x, g x))) ∈ A →⇩M N"
using assms by (intro measurable_compose_merge_1[OF assms(1-3)]) simp_all
lemma neg_assoc_combine:
fixes I I1 I2 :: "'i set"
fixes X :: "'i ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('b::linorder_topology)"
assumes "finite I" "I1 ∪ I2 = I" "I1 ∩ I2 = {}"
assumes "indep_var (PiM I1 (λ_. borel)) (λω. λi∈I1. X i ω) (PiM I2 (λ_. borel)) (λω. λi∈I2. X i ω)"
assumes "neg_assoc X I1"
assumes "neg_assoc X I2"
shows "neg_assoc X I"
proof -
define X' where "X' i = (if i ∈ I then X i else (λ_. undefined))" for i
have X_measurable: "random_variable borel (X i)" if "i ∈ I" for i
using that assms(2) neg_assoc_imp_measurable[OF assms(5)]
neg_assoc_imp_measurable[OF assms(6)] by auto
have rv[measurable]: "random_variable borel (X' i)" for i
unfolding X'_def using X_measurable by auto
have na_I1: "neg_assoc X' I1" using neg_assoc_cong
unfolding X'_def using assms(1,2) neg_assoc_imp_measurable[OF assms(5)]
by (intro neg_assoc_cong[OF _ _ assms(5)] AE_I2) auto
have na_I2: "neg_assoc X' I2" using neg_assoc_cong
unfolding X'_def using assms(1,2) neg_assoc_imp_measurable[OF assms(6)]
by (intro neg_assoc_cong[OF _ _ assms(6)] AE_I2) auto
have iv:"indep_var(PiM I1 (λ_. borel))(λω. λi∈I1. X' i ω)(PiM I2 (λ_. borel))(λω. λi∈I2. X' i ω)"
using assms(2,4) unfolding indep_var_def X'_def by (auto simp add:restrict_def cong:if_cong)
let ?N = "Pi⇩M I1 (λ_. borel) ⨂⇩M Pi⇩M I2 (λ_. borel)"
let ?A = "distr M (Pi⇩M I1 (λ_. borel)) (λω. λi∈I1. X' i ω)"
let ?B = "distr M (Pi⇩M I2 (λ_. borel)) (λω. λi∈I2. X' i ω)"
let ?H = "distr M ?N (λω. (λi∈I1. X' i ω, λi∈I2. X' i ω))"
have indep: "?H = (?A ⨂⇩M ?B)"
and rvs: "random_variable (Pi⇩M I1 (λ_. borel)) (λω. λi∈I1. X' i ω)"
"random_variable (Pi⇩M I2 (λ_. borel)) (λω. λi∈I2. X' i ω)"
using iffD1[OF indep_var_distribution_eq iv] by auto
interpret pa: prob_space ?A by (intro prob_space_distr rvs)
interpret pb: prob_space ?B by (intro prob_space_distr rvs)
interpret pair_sigma_finite ?A ?B
using pa.sigma_finite_measure pb.sigma_finite_measure by (intro pair_sigma_finite.intro)
interpret pab: prob_space "(?A ⨂⇩M ?B)"
by (intro prob_space_pair pa.prob_space_axioms pb.prob_space_axioms)
have pa_na: "pa.neg_assoc (λx y. y x) I1"
using assms(2) iffD1[OF neg_assoc_iff_distr na_I1] by fastforce
have pb_na: "pb.neg_assoc (λx y. y x) I2"
using assms(2) iffD1[OF neg_assoc_iff_distr na_I2] by fastforce
have na_X': "neg_assoc X' I"
proof (rule neg_assocI2, goal_cases)
case (1 i) thus ?case by measurable
case (2 f g K)
note bounded_intros =
bounded_range_imp[OF 2(6)] bounded_range_imp[OF 2(7)] pa.integrable_bounded
pb.integrable_bounded pab.integrable_bounded bounded_intros pb.finite_measure_axioms
have [measurable]:
"restrict x I ∈ space (Pi⇩M I (λ_. borel))" for x :: "('i ⇒ 'b)" and I by (simp add:space_PiM)
have a: "K ⊆ I1 ∪ I2" using 2 assms(2) by auto
have b: "I-K ⊆ I1 ∪ I2" using assms(2) by auto
note merge_1 = measurable_compose_merge_2[OF 2(2,8) a] measurable_compose_merge_2[OF 2(3,9) b]
note merge_2 = measurable_compose_merge_1[OF 2(2,8) a] measurable_compose_merge_1[OF 2(3,9) b]
have merge_mono:
"merge I1 I2 (w, y) ≤ merge I1 I2 (x, z)" if "w ≤ x" "y ≤ z" for w x y z :: "'i ⇒ 'b"
using le_funD[OF that(1)] le_funD[OF that(2)] unfolding merge_def by (intro le_funI) auto
have split_h: "h ∘ flip X' = (λω. h (merge I1 I2 (λi∈I1. X' i ω, λi∈I2. X' i ω)))"
if "depends_on h I" for h :: "_ ⇒ real"
using assms(2) unfolding comp_def
by (intro ext depends_onD2[OF that]) (auto simp:restrict_def merge_def)
have "depends_on f I" "depends_on g I"
using 2(1) by (auto intro:depends_on_mono[OF _ 2(2)] depends_on_mono[OF _ 2(3)])
note split = split_h[OF this(1)] split_h[OF this(2)]
have step_1: "(∫y. f (merge I1 I2 (x, y)) * g (merge I1 I2 (x, y)) ∂?B) ≤
(∫y. f (merge I1 I2 (x, y))∂ ?B) * (∫y. g (merge I1 I2 (x, y)) ∂?B)" (is "?L1 ≤ ?R1")
for x
proof -
have step1_1: "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘Fwd⇙) (λa. f (merge I1 I2 (x, a)))"
unfolding dir_le by (intro monoI monoD[OF 2(4)] merge_mono) simp
have step1_2: "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘Fwd⇙) (λa. g (merge I1 I2 (x, a)))"
unfolding dir_le by (intro monoI monoD[OF 2(5)] merge_mono) simp
have step1_3: "depends_on (λa. f (merge I1 I2 (x, a))) (K ∩ I2)"
by (subst depends_onD[OF 2(2)])
(auto intro:depends_onI simp:merge_def restrict_def cong:if_cong)
have step1_4: "depends_on (λa. g (merge I1 I2 (x, a))) (I2 - K ∩ I2)"
by (subst depends_onD[OF 2(3)])
(auto intro:depends_onI simp:merge_def restrict_def cong:if_cong)
show ?thesis
by (intro pb.neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono_bounded(2)[OF pb_na, where η="Fwd" and J="K ∩ I2"]
bounded_intros merge_1 step1_1 step1_2 step1_3 step1_4) measurable
have step2_1: "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘Fwd⇙) (λa. pb.expectation (λy. f (merge I1 I2 (a,y))))"
unfolding dir_le
by (intro monoI integral_mono bounded_intros merge_1 monoD[OF 2(4)] merge_mono) measurable
have step2_2: "monotone (≤) (≤≥⇘Fwd⇙) (λa. pb.expectation (λy. g (merge I1 I2 (a,y))))"
unfolding dir_le
by (intro monoI integral_mono bounded_intros merge_1 monoD[OF 2(5)] merge_mono) measurable
have step2_3: "depends_on (λa. pb.expectation (λy. f (merge I1 I2 (a, y)))) (K ∩ I1)"
by (subst depends_onD[OF 2(2)])
(auto intro:depends_onI simp:merge_def restrict_def cong:if_cong)
have step2_4: "depends_on (λa. pb.expectation (λy. g (merge I1 I2 (a, y)))) (I1-K∩I1)"
by (subst depends_onD[OF 2(3)])
(auto intro:depends_onI simp:merge_def restrict_def cong:if_cong)
have "(∫ω. (f∘flip X') ω * (g∘flip X') ω ∂M) = (∫ω. f (merge I1 I2 ω) * g(merge I1 I2 ω) ∂?H)"
unfolding split by (intro integral_distr[symmetric] merge_2 borel_measurable_times) measurable
also have "… = (∫ω. f(merge I1 I2 ω) * g(merge I1 I2 ω) ∂ (?A ⨂⇩M ?B))"
unfolding indep by simp
also have "… = (∫x. (∫y. f(merge I1 I2 (x,y)) * g(merge I1 I2 (x,y)) ∂?B) ∂?A)"
by (intro integral_fst'[symmetric] bounded_intros merge_2 borel_measurable_times)
also have "… ≤ (∫x. (∫y. f(merge I1 I2 (x,y)) ∂?B) * (∫y. g(merge I1 I2 (x,y)) ∂?B) ∂?A)"
by (intro integral_mono_AE bounded_intros step_1 AE_I2 pb.borel_measurable_lebesgue_integral
borel_measurable_times iffD2[OF measurable_split_conv] merge_2) measurable
also have "… ≤(∫x.(∫y. f(merge I1 I2 (x,y))∂?B)∂?A)*(∫x.(∫y. g(merge I1 I2(x,y))∂?B)∂?A)"
by (intro pa.neg_assoc_imp_mult_mono_bounded[OF pa_na, where η="Fwd" and J="K ∩ I1"]
bounded_intros pb.borel_measurable_lebesgue_integral iffD2[OF measurable_split_conv]
merge_2 step2_1 step2_2 step2_3 step2_4) measurable
also have "… = (∫ω. f(merge I1 I2 ω) ∂(?A ⨂⇩M ?B)) * (∫ω. g(merge I1 I2 ω) ∂(?A ⨂⇩M ?B))"
by (intro arg_cong2[where f="(*)"] integral_fst' merge_2 bounded_intros) measurable
also have "… = (∫ω. f(merge I1 I2 ω) ∂?H) * (∫ω. g(merge I1 I2 ω) ∂?H)"
unfolding indep by simp
also have "… = (∫ω. (f∘flip X') ω ∂M) * (∫ω. (g∘flip X') ω ∂M)"
unfolding split by (intro arg_cong2[where f="(*)"] integral_distr merge_2) measurable
finally show ?case by (simp add:comp_def)
show ?thesis by (intro neg_assoc_cong[OF assms(1) X_measurable na_X']) (simp_all add:X'_def)
text ‹Property P7~\cite{joagdev1983}›
lemma neg_assoc_union:
fixes I :: "'i set"
fixes p :: "'j ⇒ 'i set"
fixes X :: "'i ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('b::linorder_topology)"
assumes "finite I" "⋃(p ` J) = I"
assumes "indep_vars (λj. PiM (p j) (λ_. borel)) (λj ω. λi ∈ p j. X i ω) J"
assumes "⋀j. j ∈ J ⟹ neg_assoc X (p j)"
assumes "disjoint_family_on p J"
shows "neg_assoc X I"
proof -
let ?B = "(λ_. borel)"
define T where "T = {j ∈ J. p j ≠ {}}"
define g where "g i = (THE j. j ∈ J ∧ i ∈ p j)" for i
have g: "g i = j" if "i ∈ p j" "j ∈ J" for i j unfolding g_def
proof (rule the1_equality)
show "∃!j. j ∈ J ∧ i ∈ p j"
using assms(5) that unfolding bex1_def disjoint_family_on_def by auto
show "j ∈ J ∧ i ∈ p j" using that by auto
have ran_T: "T ⊆ J" unfolding T_def by simp
hence "disjoint_family_on p T" using assms(5) disjoint_family_on_mono by metis
moreover have "finite (⋃(p ` T))" using ran_T assms(1,2)
by (meson Union_mono finite_subset image_mono)
moreover have "⋀i. i ∈ T ⟹ p i ≠ {}" unfolding T_def by auto
ultimately have fin_T: "finite T" using infinite_disjoint_family_imp_infinite_UNION by auto
have "neg_assoc X (⋃(p ` T))"
using fin_T ran_T
proof (induction T rule:finite_induct)
case empty thus ?case using neg_assoc_empty by simp
case (insert x F)
note r = indep_var_compose[OF indep_var_restrict[OF assms(3), where A="F" and B="{x}"] _]
have a: "(λω. λi∈⋃(p`F). X i ω) = (λω. λi∈⋃(p`F). ω (g i) i) ∘ (λω. λi∈F. λi∈p i. X i ω)"
using insert(4) g by (intro restrict_ext ext) auto
have b: "(λω. λi∈p x. X i ω) = (λω i. ω x i) ∘ (λω. λi∈{x}. λi∈p i. X i ω)"
by (simp add:comp_def restrict_def)
have c:"(λx. x (g i) i) ∈ borel_measurable (Pi⇩M F (λj. Pi⇩M (p j) ?B))" if "i ∈ (⋃(p`F))" for i
proof -
have h: "i ∈ p (g i)" and q: "g i ∈ F" using g that insert(4) by auto
thus ?thesis
by (intro measurable_compose[OF measurable_component_singleton[OF q]]) measurable
have "finite (⋃ (p ` insert x F))" using assms(1,2) insert(4)
by (meson Sup_subset_mono image_mono infinite_super)
moreover have "⋃ (p ` F) ∪ p x = ⋃ (p ` insert x F)" by auto
moreover have "⋃ (p ` F) ∩ p x = {}"
using assms(5) insert(2,4) unfolding disjoint_family_on_def by fast
moreover have
"indep_var (PiM (⋃(p`F)) ?B) (λω. λi∈⋃(p`F). X i ω) (PiM (p x) ?B) (λω. λi∈p x. X i ω)"
unfolding a b using insert(1,2,4) by (intro r measurable_restrict c) simp_all
moreover have "neg_assoc X (⋃ (p ` F))" using insert(4) by (intro insert(3)) auto
moreover have "neg_assoc X (p x)" using insert(4) by (intro assms(4)) auto
ultimately show ?case by (rule neg_assoc_combine)
moreover have "(⋃(p ` T)) = I" using assms(2) unfolding T_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
text ‹Property P5~\cite{joagdev1983}›
lemma indep_imp_neg_assoc:
assumes "finite I"
assumes "indep_vars (λ_. borel) X I"
shows "neg_assoc X I"
proof -
have a:"neg_assoc X {i}" if "i ∈ I" for i
using that assms(2) unfolding indep_vars_def
by (intro neg_assoc_singleton) auto
have b: "(⋃j∈I. {j}) = I" by auto
have c: "indep_vars (λj. Pi⇩M {j} (λ_. borel)) (λj ω. λi∈{j}. X j ω) I"
by (intro indep_vars_compose2[OF assms(2)]) measurable
have d: "indep_vars (λj. Pi⇩M {j} (λ_. borel)) (λj ω. λi∈{j}. X i ω) I"
by (intro iffD2[OF indep_vars_cong c] restrict_ext ext) auto
show ?thesis by (intro neg_assoc_union[OF assms(1) b d a]) (auto simp:disjoint_family_on_def)
lemma neg_assoc_map_pmf:
shows "measure_pmf.neg_assoc (map_pmf f p) X I = measure_pmf.neg_assoc p (λi ω. X i (f ω)) I"
(is "?L ⟷ ?R")
proof -
let ?d1 = "distr (measure_pmf (map_pmf f p)) (Pi⇩M I (λ_. borel)) (λω. λi∈I. X i ω)"
let ?d2 = "distr (measure_pmf p) (Pi⇩M I (λ_. borel)) (λω. λi∈I. X i (f ω))"
have "emeasure ?d1 A = emeasure ?d2 A" if "A ∈ sets (Pi⇩M I (λ_. borel))" for A
proof -
have "emeasure ?d1 A = emeasure (measure_pmf p) {x. (λi∈I. X i (f x)) ∈ A}"
using that by (subst emeasure_distr) (simp_all add:vimage_def space_PiM)
also have "… = emeasure ?d2 A"
using that by (subst emeasure_distr) (simp_all add:space_PiM vimage_def)
finally show ?thesis by simp
hence a:"?d1 = ?d2" by (intro measure_eqI) auto
have "?L ⟷ prob_space.neg_assoc ?d1 (λx y. y x) I"
by (subst measure_pmf.neg_assoc_iff_distr) auto
also have "… ⟷ prob_space.neg_assoc ?d2 (λx y. y x) I"
unfolding a by simp
also have "… ⟷ ?R"
by (subst measure_pmf.neg_assoc_iff_distr) auto
finally show ?thesis by simp