Theory Tangent_Numbers_Imperative

subsection ‹Imperative in-place computation›
theory Tangent_Numbers_Imperative
  imports Tangent_Numbers "Refine_Monadic.Refine_Monadic" "Refine_Imperative_HOL.IICF"

text ‹
  We will now formalise and verify the imperative in-place version of the algorithm given by
  Brent et al.~citebrent. We use as storage only an array of $n$ numbers, 
  which will also contain the results in the end. Note however that the size of these numbers
  grows enormously the longer the algorithm runs.

locale tangent_numbers_imperative

  fixes n :: nat

definition I_init :: "nat list × nat  bool" where
  "I_init = (λ(xs, i). 
     (n = 0  i = 1  xs = [])  
     (i  {1..n}  xs = map fact [0..<i] @ replicate (n-i) 0))"

definition init_loop_aux :: "nat list nres" where
  "init_loop_aux = 
     do {xs  RETURN (op_array_replicate n 0);
         (if n = 0 then RETURN xs else do {ASSERT (length xs > 0); RETURN (xs[0 := 1])})}"

definition init_loop :: "nat list nres" where
  "init_loop =
     do {
       xs  init_loop_aux;
       (xs', _) 
         WHILETI_init(λ(_, i). i < n)
           (λ(xs, i). do {
             ASSERT (i - 1 < length xs);
             x  RETURN (xs ! (i - 1));
             ASSERT (i < length xs);
             RETURN (xs[i := i * x], i + 1)
           (xs, 1);
       RETURN xs'

definition I_inner where
  "I_inner xs i = (λ(xs', j). j  {i..n}  length xs' = n 
     (k<n. xs' ! k = (if k{i..<j} then tangent_number_aux (k+Suc i-1) (k+2-Suc i) else xs ! k)))"

definition inner_loop :: "nat list  nat  nat list nres" where
  "inner_loop xs i =
     do {
       (xs', _) 
         WHILETI_inner xs i(λ(_, j). j < n)
         (λ(xs, j). do {
           ASSERT (j - 1 < length xs);
           x  RETURN (xs ! (j - 1));
           ASSERT (j < length xs);
           y  RETURN (xs ! j);
           RETURN (xs[j := (j - i) * x + (j - i + 2) * y], j + 1)
         (xs, i);
       RETURN xs'

definition I_compute :: "nat list × nat  bool" where
  "I_compute = (λ(xs, i). (n = 0  i = 1  xs = []) 
     (i  {1..n}  xs = map (λk. if k < i then tangent_number (k+1) else tangent_number_aux (k+i-1) (k+2-i)) [0..<n]))"

definition compute :: "nat list nres" where
  "compute =
     do {
       xs  init_loop;
       (xs', _) 
         WHILETI_compute(λ(_, i). i < n)
           (λ(xs, i). do { xs'  inner_loop xs i; RETURN (xs', i + 1) })
           (xs, 1);
       RETURN xs'

lemma init_loop_aux_correct [refine_vcg]:
  "init_loop_aux  SPEC (λxs. xs = (replicate n 0)[0 := 1])"
  unfolding init_loop_aux_def
  by refine_vcg auto

lemma init_loop_correct [refine_vcg]: "init_loop  SPEC (λxs. xs = map fact [0..<n])"
  unfolding init_loop_def
  apply refine_vcg
  apply (rule wf_measure[of "λ(_, i). n - i"])
    by (auto simp: I_init_def nth_list_update' intro!: nth_equalityI)
    by (auto simp: I_init_def)
    by (auto simp: I_init_def)
    by (auto simp: I_init_def nth_list_update' fact_reduce nth_Cons nth_append
             intro!: nth_equalityI split: nat.splits)
    by auto
    by (auto simp: I_init_def)

lemma I_inner_preserve:
  assumes invar: "I_inner xs i (xs', j)" and invar': "I_compute (xs, i)"
  assumes j: "j < n"
  defines "y  (j - i) * xs' ! (j - 1) + (j - i + 2) * xs' ! j"
  defines "xs''  list_update xs' j y"
  shows   "I_inner xs i (xs'', j + 1)"
  unfolding I_inner_def
proof safe
  show "j + 1  {i..n}" "length xs'' = n"
    using invar j by (simp_all add: xs''_def I_inner_def)
  fix k assume k: "k < n"
  define T where "T = tangent_number_aux"
  have ij: "1  i" "i  j" "j < n"
    using invar invar' j by (auto simp: I_inner_def I_compute_def)
  have nth_xs': "xs' ! k = (if k  {i..<j} then T (k + Suc i - 1) (k + 2 - Suc i) else xs ! k)"
    if "k < n" for k using invar that unfolding I_inner_def T_def by blast
  have nth_xs: "xs ! k = (if k < i then tangent_number (k + 1)
                             else T (k + i - 1) (k + 2 - i))"
    if "k < n" for k using invar' that unfolding I_compute_def T_def by auto
  have [simp]: "length xs' = n"
    using invar by (simp add: I_inner_def)

  consider "k = j" | "k  {i..<j}" | "k  {i..j}"
    by force
  thus "xs'' ! k = (if k  {i..<j + 1} then T (k + Suc i - 1) (k + 2 - Suc i) else xs ! k)"
  proof cases
    assume [simp]: "k = j"
    have "xs'' ! k = y"
      using ij by (simp add: xs''_def)
    also have " = (j - i) * xs' ! (j - 1) + (j - i + 2) * xs' ! j"
      by (simp add: y_def)
    also have "xs' ! j = xs ! j"
      using ij by (subst nth_xs') auto
    also have " = T (j + i - 1) (j + 2 - i)"
      using ij by (subst nth_xs) auto
    also have "xs' ! (j - 1) = (if i = j then xs ! (i - 1) else T (j + i - 1) (j - i))"
      using ij by (subst nth_xs')  auto
    also have "xs ! (i - 1) = T (2 * i - 1) 0"
      using ij by (subst nth_xs) (auto simp: tangent_number_conv_aux T_def)
    also have "(if i = j then T (2 * i - 1) 0 else T (j + i - 1) (j - i)) = T (j + i - 1) (j - i)"
      by (auto simp: mult_2)
    also have "(j - i) * T (j + i - 1) (j - i) + (j - i + 2) * T (j + i - 1) (j + 2 - i) =
               T (j + i) (j + 1 - i)"
      unfolding T_def by (subst (3) tangent_number_aux_rec') (use ij in auto)
    finally show ?thesis
      using ij by simp
    assume k: "k  {i..<j}"
    hence "xs'' ! k = xs' ! k"
      unfolding xs''_def by auto
    also have " = T (k + i) (Suc k - i)"
      by (subst nth_xs') (use k ij in auto)
    finally show ?thesis
      using k by simp
    assume k: "k  {i..j}"
    hence "xs'' ! k = xs' ! k"
      using ij unfolding xs''_def by auto
    also have "xs' ! k = xs ! k"
      using k k < n by (subst nth_xs') auto
    finally show ?thesis
      using k by auto

lemma inner_loop_correct [refine_vcg]:
  assumes "I_compute (xs, i)" "i < n"
  shows "inner_loop xs i  SPEC (λxs'. xs' = 
           map (λk. if k  i then tangent_number_aux (k+Suc i-1) (k+2-Suc i) else xs ! k) [0..<n])"
  unfolding inner_loop_def
  apply refine_vcg
        apply (rule wf_measure[of "λ(_, j). n - j"])
    using assms by (auto simp: I_inner_def I_compute_def)
    using assms unfolding I_inner_def by auto
    using assms unfolding I_inner_def by auto
  subgoal for s xs' j
    using I_inner_preserve[of xs i xs' j] assms by auto
    by auto
  subgoal using assms
    by (auto simp: I_inner_def intro!: nth_equalityI)

lemma compute_correct [refine_vcg]: "compute  SPEC (λxs'. xs' = tangent_numbers n)"
  unfolding compute_def
  apply refine_vcg
      apply (rule wf_measure[of "λ(_, i). n - i"])
    by (auto simp: I_compute_def tangent_number_aux_last')
    by (auto simp: I_compute_def tangent_number_conv_aux less_Suc_eq mult_2)
    by auto
    by (auto simp: I_compute_def tangent_number_conv_aux less_Suc_eq mult_2 intro!: nth_equalityI)
    by auto
    by (auto simp: I_compute_def tangent_numbers_def intro!: nth_equalityI simp del: upt_Suc)

lemmas defs = 
  compute_def inner_loop_def init_loop_def init_loop_aux_def


sepref_definition compute_imp is
  "tangent_numbers_imperative.compute" ::
     "nat_assnd a array_assn nat_assn"
  unfolding tangent_numbers_imperative.defs by sepref

lemma imp_correct':
  "(compute_imp, λn. RETURN (tangent_numbers n))  nat_assnd a array_assn nat_assn"
proof -
  have *: "(compute, λn. RETURN (tangent_numbers n))  nat_rel  Idnres_rel"
    by refine_vcg simp?
  show ?thesis
    using compute_imp.refine[FCOMP *] .

theorem imp_correct:
   "<nat_assn n n> compute_imp n <array_assn nat_assn (tangent_numbers n)>t"
proof -
  have [simp]: "nofail (compute n)"
    using compute_correct[of n] le_RES_nofailI by blast
  have 1: "xs = tangent_numbers n" if "RETURN xs  compute n" for xs
    using that compute_correct[of n] by (simp add: pw_le_iff)
  note rl = compute_imp.refine[THEN hfrefD, of n n, THEN hn_refineD, simplified]
  show ?thesis
    apply (rule cons_rule[OF _ _ rl])
    apply (sep_auto simp: pure_def)
    apply (sep_auto simp: pure_def dest!: 1)


lemmas [code] = tangent_numbers_imperative.compute_imp_def
