Theory Refine_Monadic.Refine_Pfun
section ‹Partial Function Package Setup›
theory Refine_Pfun
imports Refine_Basic Refine_Det
text ‹
In this theory, we set up the partial function package to be used
with our refinement framework.
subsection ‹Nondeterministic Result Monad›
interpretation nrec:
partial_function_definitions "(≤)" "Sup::'a nres set ⇒ 'a nres"
by unfold_locales (auto simp add: Sup_upper Sup_least)
lemma nrec_admissible: "nrec.admissible (λ(f::'a ⇒ 'b nres).
(∀x0. f x0 ≤ SPEC (P x0)))"
apply (rule ccpo.admissibleI)
apply (unfold fun_lub_def)
apply (intro allI impI)
apply (rule Sup_least)
apply auto
declaration ‹Partial_Function.init "nrec" @{term nrec.fixp_fun}
@{term nrec.mono_body} @{thm nrec.fixp_rule_uc} @{thm nrec.fixp_induct_uc}
lemma bind_mono_pfun[partial_function_mono]:
fixes C :: "'a ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c nres) ⇒ ('d nres)"
"⟦ monotone (fun_ord (≤)) (≤) B;
⋀y. monotone (fun_ord (≤)) (≤) (λf. C y f) ⟧ ⟹
monotone (fun_ord (≤)) (≤) (λf. bind (B f) (λy. C y f))"
apply rule
apply (rule Refine_Basic.bind_mono)
apply (blast dest: monotoneD)+
subsection ‹Deterministic Result Monad›
interpretation drec:
partial_function_definitions "(≤)" "Sup::'a dres set ⇒ 'a dres"
by unfold_locales (auto simp add: Sup_upper Sup_least)
lemma drec_admissible: "drec.admissible (λ(f::'a ⇒ 'b dres).
(∀x. P x ⟶
(f x ≠ dFAIL ∧
(∀r. f x = dRETURN r ⟶ Q x r))))"
proof -
have [simp]: "fun_ord ((≤) ::'b dres ⇒ _ ⇒ _) = (≤)"
apply (intro ext)
unfolding fun_ord_def le_fun_def
by (rule refl)
have [simp]: "⋀A x. {y. ∃f∈A. y = f x} = (λf. f x)`A" by auto
show ?thesis
apply (rule ccpo.admissibleI)
apply (unfold fun_lub_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac x=x in point_chainI)
apply (erule dres_Sup_chain_cases)
apply auto
apply (metis (poly_guards_query) SUP_bot_conv(1))
apply (metis (poly_guards_query) SUP_bot_conv(1))
apply metis
declaration ‹Partial_Function.init "drec" @{term drec.fixp_fun}
@{term drec.mono_body} @{thm drec.fixp_rule_uc} @{thm drec.fixp_induct_uc}
lemma drec_bind_mono_pfun[partial_function_mono]:
fixes C :: "'a ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c dres) ⇒ ('d dres)"
"⟦ monotone (fun_ord (≤)) (≤) B;
⋀y. monotone (fun_ord (≤)) (≤) (λf. C y f) ⟧ ⟹
monotone (fun_ord (≤)) (≤) (λf. dbind (B f) (λy. C y f))"
apply rule
apply (rule dbind_mono)
apply (blast dest: monotoneD)+