Theory Refine_Imperative_HOL.Sepref_Foreach

section ‹Setup for Foreach Combinator›
theory Sepref_Foreach
imports Sepref_HOL_Bindings "Lib/Pf_Add" "HOL-Library.Rewrite"

subsection "Foreach Loops"

subsubsection "Monadic Version of Foreach"

text ‹
  In a first step, we define a version of foreach where the continuation condition
  is also monadic, and show that it is equal to the standard version for
  continuation conditions of the form λx. RETURN (c x)›

definition "FOREACH_inv xs Φ s  
  case s of (it, σ)  xs'. xs = xs' @ it  Φ (set it) σ"

definition "monadic_FOREACH R Φ S c f σ0  do {
  ASSERT (finite S);
  xs0  it_to_sorted_list R S;
  (_,σ)  RECT (λW (xs,σ). do {
    ASSERT (FOREACH_inv xs0 Φ (xs,σ));
    if xs[] then do {
      b  c σ;
      if b then
        FOREACH_body f (xs,σ)  W
        RETURN (xs,σ)
    } else RETURN (xs,σ)
  }) (xs0,σ0);

lemma FOREACH_oci_to_monadic:
  "FOREACHoci R Φ S c f σ0 = monadic_FOREACH R Φ S (λσ. RETURN (c σ)) f σ0"
  unfolding FOREACHoci_def monadic_FOREACH_def WHILEIT_def WHILEI_body_def
  unfolding it_to_sorted_list_def FOREACH_cond_def FOREACH_inv_def
  apply simp
  apply (fo_rule arg_cong[THEN cong] | rule refl ext)+
  apply (simp split: prod.split)
  apply (rule refl)+

text ‹Next, we define a characterization w.r.t. nfoldli›
definition "monadic_nfoldli l c f s  RECT (λD (l,s). case l of 
    []  RETURN s
  | x#ls  do {
      b  c s;
      if b then do { s'f x s; D (ls,s')} else RETURN s
  ) (l,s)"

lemma monadic_nfoldli_eq:
  "monadic_nfoldli l c f s = (
    case l of 
      []  RETURN s 
    | x#ls  do {
        bc s; 
        if b then f x s  monadic_nfoldli ls c f else RETURN s
  apply (subst monadic_nfoldli_def)
  apply (subst RECT_unfold)
  apply (tagged_solver)
  apply (subst monadic_nfoldli_def[symmetric])
  apply simp
lemma monadic_nfoldli_simp[simp]:
  "monadic_nfoldli [] c f s = RETURN s"
  "monadic_nfoldli (x#ls) c f s = do {
    bc s;
    if b then f x s  monadic_nfoldli ls c f else RETURN s
  apply (subst monadic_nfoldli_eq, simp)
  apply (subst monadic_nfoldli_eq, simp)

lemma nfoldli_to_monadic:
  "nfoldli l c f = monadic_nfoldli l (λx. RETURN (c x)) f"
  apply (induct l)
  apply auto

definition "nfoldli_alt l c f s  RECT (λD (l,s). case l of 
    []  RETURN s
  | x#ls  do {
      let b = c s;
      if b then do { s'f x s; D (ls,s')} else RETURN s
  ) (l,s)"

lemma nfoldli_alt_eq:
  "nfoldli_alt l c f s = (
    case l of 
      []  RETURN s 
    | x#ls  do {let b=c s; if b then f x s  nfoldli_alt ls c f else RETURN s}
  apply (subst nfoldli_alt_def)
  apply (subst RECT_unfold)
  apply (tagged_solver)
  apply (subst nfoldli_alt_def[symmetric])
  apply simp
lemma nfoldli_alt_simp[simp]:
  "nfoldli_alt [] c f s = RETURN s"
  "nfoldli_alt (x#ls) c f s = do {
    let b = c s;
    if b then f x s  nfoldli_alt ls c f else RETURN s
  apply (subst nfoldli_alt_eq, simp)
  apply (subst nfoldli_alt_eq, simp)

lemma nfoldli_alt:
  "(nfoldli::'a list  ('b  bool)  ('a  'b  'b nres)  'b  'b nres)
  = nfoldli_alt"
proof (intro ext)
  fix l::"'a list" and c::"'b  bool" and f::"'a  'b  'b nres" and s :: 'b
  have "nfoldli l c f = nfoldli_alt l c f"
    by (induct l) auto
  thus "nfoldli l c f s = nfoldli_alt l c f s" by simp

lemma monadic_nfoldli_rec:
  "monadic_nfoldli x' c f σ
          Id (RECT
             (λW (xs, σ).
                 ASSERT (FOREACH_inv xs0 I (xs, σ)) 
                 (λ_. if xs = [] then RETURN (xs, σ)
                      else c σ 
                           (λb. if b then FOREACH_body f (xs, σ)  W
                                else RETURN (xs, σ))))
             (x', σ) 
            (λ(_, y). RETURN y))"
  apply (induct x' arbitrary: σ)

  apply (subst RECT_unfold, refine_mono)
  apply (simp)
  apply (rule le_ASSERTI)
  apply simp

  apply (subst RECT_unfold, refine_mono)
  apply (subst monadic_nfoldli_simp)
  apply (simp del: conc_Id cong: if_cong)
  apply refine_rcg
  apply simp
  apply (clarsimp simp add: FOREACH_body_def)
  apply (rule_tac R="br (Pair x') (λ_. True)" in intro_prgR)
  apply (simp add: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps br_def)

  apply (rule order_trans)
  apply rprems
  apply (simp add: br_def)

lemma monadic_nfoldli_arities[sepref_monadify_arity]:
  "monadic_nfoldli  λ2s c f σ. SP (monadic_nfoldli)$s$(λ2x. c$x)$(λ2x σ. f$x$σ)$σ"
  by (simp_all)

lemma monadic_nfoldli_comb[sepref_monadify_comb]:
  "s c f σ. (monadic_nfoldli)$s$c$f$σ  
    Refine_Basic.bind$(EVAL$s)$(λ2s. Refine_Basic.bind$(EVAL$σ)$(λ2σ. 
      SP (monadic_nfoldli)$s$c$f$σ
  by (simp_all)

lemma list_rel_congD: 
  assumes A: "(li,l)Slist_rel" 
  shows "(li,l)S(set li×set l)list_rel"
proof -
    fix Si0 S0
    assume "set li  Si0" "set l  S0"
    with A have "(li,l)S(Si0×S0)list_rel"
      by (induction rule: list_rel_induct) auto  
  } from this[OF order_refl order_refl] show ?thesis .
lemma monadic_nfoldli_refine[refine]:
  assumes L: "(li, l)  Slist_rel"
    and  [simp]: "(si, s)  R"
    and CR[refine]: "si s. (si,s)R  ci si bool_rel (c s)"
    and [refine]: "xi x si s.  (xi,x)S; xset l; (si,s)R; inres (c s) True   fi xi si  R (f x s)"
  shows "monadic_nfoldli li ci fi si   R (monadic_nfoldli l c f s)"
  supply RELATESI[of "S(set li×set l)", refine_dref_RELATES]
  supply RELATESI[of R, refine_dref_RELATES]
  unfolding monadic_nfoldli_def  
  apply (refine_rcg bind_refine')
  apply refine_dref_type  
  apply (vc_solve simp: list_rel_congD[OF L]) 
lemma monadic_FOREACH_itsl:
  fixes R I tsl
    "do { l  it_to_sorted_list R s; monadic_nfoldli l c f σ } 
      monadic_FOREACH R I s c f σ"
    apply (rule refine_IdD)
    unfolding monadic_FOREACH_def it_to_sorted_list_def
    apply (refine_rcg)
    apply simp
    apply (rule monadic_nfoldli_rec[simplified])

lemma FOREACHoci_itsl:
  fixes R I tsl
    "do { l  it_to_sorted_list R s; nfoldli l c f σ } 
      FOREACHoci R I s c f σ"
    apply (rule refine_IdD)
    unfolding FOREACHoci_def it_to_sorted_list_def
    apply refine_rcg
    apply simp
    apply (rule nfoldli_while)

lemma [def_pat_rules]:
  "FOREACHc  PR_CONST (FOREACHoci (λ_ _. True) (λ_ _. True))"
  "FOREACHci$I  PR_CONST (FOREACHoci (λ_ _. True) I)"
  "FOREACHi$I  λ2s. PR_CONST (FOREACHoci (λ_ _. True) I)$s$(λ2x. True)"
  "FOREACH  FOREACHi$(λ2_ _. True)"
  by (simp_all add: 
    FOREACHci_def FOREACHi_def[abs_def] FOREACHc_def FOREACH_def[abs_def])
term "FOREACHoci R I"
lemma id_FOREACHoci[id_rules]: "PR_CONST (FOREACHoci R I) ::i 
  TYPE('c set  ('d  bool)  ('c  'd  'd nres)  'd  'd nres)"
  by simp

text ‹We set up the monadify-phase such that all FOREACH-loops get
  rewritten to the monadic version of FOREACH›
lemma FOREACH_arities[sepref_monadify_arity]:
  (*"FOREACHc ≡ FOREACHoci$(λ2_ _. True)$(λ2_ _. True)"
  "FOREACHci ≡ FOREACHoci$(λ2_ _. True)"
  "FOREACHi ≡ λ2I s. FOREACHci$I$s$(λ2x. True)"
  "FOREACH ≡ FOREACHi$(λ2_ _. True)"*)
  "PR_CONST (FOREACHoci R I)  λ2s c f σ. SP (PR_CONST (FOREACHoci R I))$s$(λ2x. c$x)$(λ2x σ. f$x$σ)$σ"
  by (simp_all)

lemma FOREACHoci_comb[sepref_monadify_comb]:
  "s c f σ. (PR_CONST (FOREACHoci R I))$s$(λ2x. c x)$f$σ  
    Refine_Basic.bind$(EVAL$s)$(λ2s. Refine_Basic.bind$(EVAL$σ)$(λ2σ. 
      SP (PR_CONST (monadic_FOREACH R I))$s$(λ2x. (EVAL$(c x)))$f$σ
  by (simp_all add: FOREACH_oci_to_monadic)

subsubsection "Imperative Version of nfoldli"
text ‹We define an imperative version of nfoldli›. It is the
  equivalent to the monadic version in the nres-monad›

definition "imp_nfoldli l c f s  heap.fixp_fun (λD (l,s). case l of 
    []  return s
  | x#ls  do {
      bc s;
      if b then do { s'f x s; D (ls,s')} else return s
  ) (l,s)"

declare imp_nfoldli_def[code del]

lemma imp_nfoldli_simps[simp,code]:
  "imp_nfoldli [] c f s = return s"
  "imp_nfoldli (x#ls) c f s = (do {
    b  c s;
    if b then do { 
      s'f x s; 
      imp_nfoldli ls c f s'
    } else return s
  apply -
  unfolding imp_nfoldli_def
  apply (subst heap.mono_body_fixp)
  apply pf_mono
  apply simp
  apply (subst heap.mono_body_fixp)
  apply pf_mono
  apply simp

lemma monadic_nfoldli_refine_aux:
  assumes c_ref: "s s'. hn_refine 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt Rs s' s) 
    (c s) 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt Rs s' s) 
    (c' s')"
  assumes f_ref: "x x' s s'. hn_refine 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt Rl x' x * hn_ctxt Rs s' s)
    (f x s)
    (Γ * hn_invalid Rl x' x * hn_invalid Rs s' s) Rs
    (f' x' s')"

  shows "hn_refine 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt (list_assn Rl) l' l * hn_ctxt Rs s' s) 
    (imp_nfoldli l c f s) 
    (Γ * hn_invalid (list_assn Rl) l' l * hn_invalid Rs s' s) Rs
    (monadic_nfoldli l' c' f' s')"
  applyF (induct pRl l' l 
    arbitrary: s s'
    rule: list_assn.induct)

    applyF simp
    apply (rule hn_refine_cons_post)
    apply (rule hn_refine_frame[OF hnr_RETURN_pass])
    apply (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)
    apply (simp add: hn_ctxt_def ent_true_drop invalid_assn_const)

    apply1 weaken_hnr_post
    apply1 (simp only: imp_nfoldli_simps monadic_nfoldli_simp)
    applyF (rule hnr_bind)
      apply1 (rule hn_refine_frame[OF c_ref])
      applyS (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)

      applyF (rule hnr_If)
        applyS (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)
        applyF (rule hnr_bind)
          apply1 (rule hn_refine_frame[OF f_ref])
          apply1 (simp add: assn_assoc)
          apply1 (rule ent_imp_entt)
          apply1 (fr_rot 1, rule fr_refl)
          apply1 (fr_rot 2, rule fr_refl)
          apply1 (fr_rot 1, rule fr_refl)
          applyS (rule ent_refl)

          applyF (rule hn_refine_frame)
            applyS rprems

            apply1 (simp add: assn_assoc)
            apply1 (rule ent_imp_entt)
            apply (rule fr_refl)
            apply1 (fr_rot 3, rule fr_refl)
            apply1 (fr_rot 3, rule fr_refl)
            applyS (rule ent_refl)
          apply simp

          applyS (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)

        apply1 (rule hn_refine_frame[OF hnr_RETURN_pass])
        applyS (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)

        apply1 (simp add: assn_assoc)
        applyS (tactic Sepref_Frame.merge_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)

      apply (rule enttI)
      apply (fr_rot_rhs 1)
      apply (fr_rot 3, rule fr_refl)
      applyS (fr_rot 3, rule ent_star_mono[rotated]; sep_auto simp: hn_ctxt_def)
    applyS (simp add: hn_ctxt_def invalid_assn_def)

    applyS (rule, sep_auto)

lemma hn_monadic_nfoldli:
  assumes FR: "P t Γ * hn_ctxt (list_assn Rl) l' l * hn_ctxt Rs s' s"
  assumes c_ref: "s s'. hn_refine 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt Rs s' s) 
    (c s) 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt Rs s' s)
  assumes f_ref: "x x' s s'. hn_refine 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt Rl x' x * hn_ctxt Rs s' s)
    (f x s)
    (Γ * hn_invalid Rl x' x * hn_invalid Rs s' s) Rs
  shows "hn_refine 
    (imp_nfoldli l c f s) 
    (Γ * hn_invalid (list_assn Rl) l' l * hn_invalid Rs s' s)
  apply (rule hn_refine_cons_pre[OF FR])
  unfolding APP_def
  apply (rule monadic_nfoldli_refine_aux)
  apply (rule c_ref[unfolded APP_def])
  apply (rule f_ref[unfolded APP_def])

  imp_foreach :: "('b  'c list Heap)  'b  ('a  bool Heap)  ('c  'a  'a Heap)  'a  'a Heap"
    "imp_foreach tsl s c f σ  do { l  tsl s; imp_nfoldli l c f σ}"

lemma heap_fixp_mono[partial_function_mono]:
  assumes [partial_function_mono]: 
    "x d. mono_Heap (λxa. B x xa d)"
    "Z xa. mono_Heap (λa. B a Z xa)" 
  shows "mono_Heap (λx. heap.fixp_fun (λD σ. B x D σ) σ)"
  apply rule
  apply (rule ccpo.fixp_mono[OF heap.ccpo, THEN fun_ordD])
  apply (rule mono_fun_fun_cnv, erule thin_rl, pf_mono)+
  apply (rule fun_ordI)
  apply (erule monotoneD[of "fun_ord Heap_ord" Heap_ord, rotated])
  apply pf_mono

lemma imp_nfoldli_mono[partial_function_mono]:
  assumes [partial_function_mono]: "x σ. mono_Heap (λfa. f fa x σ)"
  shows "mono_Heap (λx. imp_nfoldli l c (f x) σ)"
  unfolding imp_nfoldli_def
  by pf_mono

lemma imp_foreach_mono[partial_function_mono]:
  assumes [partial_function_mono]: "x σ. mono_Heap (λfa. f fa x σ)"
  shows "mono_Heap (λx. imp_foreach tsl l c (f x) σ)"
  unfolding imp_foreach_def
  by pf_mono

(* Inline foreach and nfoldli as fixed-points *)
lemmas [sepref_opt_simps] = imp_foreach_def (*imp_nfoldli_def*)

  "IS_TO_SORTED_LIST Ω Rs Rk tsl  (tsl,it_to_sorted_list Ω)  (Rs)k a list_assn Rk"

  assumes "(tsl,PR_CONST (it_to_sorted_list Ω))  (Rs)k a list_assn Rk"
  shows "IS_TO_SORTED_LIST Ω Rs Rk tsl"
  using assms unfolding IS_TO_SORTED_LIST_def PR_CONST_def .

lemma hn_monadic_FOREACH[sepref_comb_rules]:
  assumes "INDEP Rk" "INDEP Rs" "INDEP "
  assumes FR: "P t Γ * hn_ctxt Rs s' s * hn_ctxt  σ' σ"
  assumes STL: "GEN_ALGO tsl (IS_TO_SORTED_LIST ordR Rs Rk)"
  assumes c_ref: "σ σ'. hn_refine 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt Rs s' s * hn_ctxt  σ' σ) 
    (c σ) 
    (Γc σ' σ) 
    (c' σ')"
  assumes C_FR: 
    "σ' σ. TERM monadic_FOREACH  
      Γc σ' σ t Γ * hn_ctxt Rs s' s * hn_ctxt  σ' σ"

  assumes f_ref: "x' x σ' σ. hn_refine 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt Rs s' s * hn_ctxt Rk x' x * hn_ctxt  σ' σ)
    (f x σ)
    (Γf x' x σ' σ) 
    (f' x' σ')"
  assumes F_FR: "x' x σ' σ. TERM monadic_FOREACH  Γf x' x σ' σ t 
    Γ * hn_ctxt Rs s' s * hn_ctxt Pfx x' x * hn_ctxt Pfσ σ' σ"

  shows "hn_refine 
    (imp_foreach tsl s c f σ) 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt Rs s' s * hn_invalid  σ' σ)
    ((PR_CONST (monadic_FOREACH ordR I))
      $s'$(λ2σ'. c' σ')$(λ2x' σ'. f' x' σ')$σ'
proof -
  from STL have STL: "(tsl,it_to_sorted_list ordR)  (Rs)k a list_assn Rk"
    unfolding GEN_ALGO_def IS_TO_SORTED_LIST_def by simp

  show ?thesis
    apply (rule hn_refine_cons_pre[OF FR])
    apply weaken_hnr_post
    unfolding APP_def PROTECT2_def PR_CONST_def imp_foreach_def
    apply (rule hn_refine_ref[OF monadic_FOREACH_itsl])
    apply (rule hn_refine_guessI)
    apply (rule hnr_bind)
    apply (rule hn_refine_frame)
    apply (rule STL[to_hnr, unfolded APP_def])
    apply (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)
    apply (rule hn_monadic_nfoldli[unfolded APP_def])
    apply (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)
    apply (rule hn_refine_cons_post)
    apply (rule c_ref[unfolded APP_def])
    apply (rule C_FR)
    apply (rule TERMI)
    apply weaken_hnr_post
    apply (rule hn_refine_cons_post)
    apply (rule f_ref[unfolded APP_def])
    apply (rule entt_trans[OF F_FR])
    apply (rule TERMI)
    applyS (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)
    applyS (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)

    apply simp


lemma monadic_nfoldli_assert_aux:
  assumes "set l  S"
  shows "monadic_nfoldli l c (λx s. ASSERT (xS)f x s) s = monadic_nfoldli l c f s"
  using assms
  apply (induction l arbitrary: s)
  apply (auto simp: pw_eq_iff refine_pw_simps)
lemmas monadic_nfoldli_assert = monadic_nfoldli_assert_aux[OF order_refl]

(* Refinement Setup for nfoldli  *)
lemma nfoldli_arities[sepref_monadify_arity]:
  "nfoldli  λ2s c f σ. SP (nfoldli)$s$(λ2x. c$x)$(λ2x σ. f$x$σ)$σ"
  by (simp_all)

lemma nfoldli_comb[sepref_monadify_comb]:
  "s c f σ. (nfoldli)$s$(λ2x. c x)$f$σ  
    Refine_Basic.bind$(EVAL$s)$(λ2s. Refine_Basic.bind$(EVAL$σ)$(λ2σ. 
      SP (monadic_nfoldli)$s$(λ2x. (EVAL$(c x)))$f$σ
  by (simp_all add: nfoldli_to_monadic)

lemma monadic_nfoldli_refine_aux':
  assumes SS: "set l'  S"
  assumes c_ref: "s s'. hn_refine 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt Rs s' s) 
    (c s) 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt Rs s' s) 
    (c' s')"
  assumes f_ref: "x x' s s'. x'  S  hn_refine 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt Rl x' x * hn_ctxt Rs s' s)
    (f x s)
    (Γ * hn_ctxt Rl' x' x * hn_invalid Rs s' s) Rs
    (f' x' s')"

  assumes merge[sepref_frame_merge_rules]: "x x'. hn_ctxt Rl' x' x A hn_ctxt Rl x' x t hn_ctxt Rl'' x' x"
  notes [sepref_frame_merge_rules] = merge_sat2[OF merge]

  shows "hn_refine 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt (list_assn Rl) l' l * hn_ctxt Rs s' s) 
    (imp_nfoldli l c f s) 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt (list_assn Rl'') l' l * hn_invalid Rs s' s) Rs
    (monadic_nfoldli l' c' f' s')"

  apply1 (subst monadic_nfoldli_assert_aux[OF SS,symmetric])  

  applyF (induct pRl l' l 
    arbitrary: s s'
    rule: list_assn.induct)

  applyF simp
  apply (rule hn_refine_cons_post)
  apply (rule hn_refine_frame[OF hnr_RETURN_pass])
  apply (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)
  apply (simp add: hn_ctxt_def ent_true_drop)

  apply (simp only: imp_nfoldli_simps monadic_nfoldli_simp)
  apply (rule hnr_bind)
  apply (rule hn_refine_frame[OF c_ref])
  apply (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)

  apply (rule hnr_If)
  apply (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)
  apply (simp only: nres_monad_laws)
  apply (rule hnr_ASSERT)
  apply (rule hnr_bind)
  apply (rule hn_refine_frame[OF f_ref])
  apply assumption
  apply (simp add: assn_aci)
  apply (rule ent_imp_entt)
  apply (fr_rot_rhs 1)
  apply (fr_rot 2)
  apply (rule fr_refl)
  apply (rule fr_refl)
  apply (rule fr_refl)
  apply (rule ent_refl)

  applyF (rule hn_refine_frame)
    applyS rprems

      apply (simp add: assn_aci)
      apply (rule ent_imp_entt)
      apply (fr_rot_rhs 1, rule fr_refl)
      apply (fr_rot 2, rule fr_refl)
      apply (fr_rot 1, rule fr_refl)
      apply (rule ent_refl)

  focus (simp add: assn_assoc)
    apply (rule ent_imp_entt)
    apply (rule fr_refl)
    apply (rule ent_refl)

  apply1 (rule hn_refine_frame[OF hnr_RETURN_pass])
  applyS (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)

  apply1 (simp add: assn_assoc)
  applyS (tactic Sepref_Frame.merge_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)

  apply simp
  apply (rule ent_imp_entt)
  apply solve_entails
  apply (rule, sep_auto)
  apply (rule, sep_auto)

lemma hn_monadic_nfoldli_rl'[sepref_comb_rules]:
  assumes "INDEP Rk" "INDEP "
  assumes FR: "P t Γ * hn_ctxt (list_assn Rk) s' s * hn_ctxt  σ' σ"
  assumes c_ref: "σ σ'. hn_refine 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt  σ' σ) 
    (c σ) 
    (Γc σ' σ) 
    (c' σ')"
  assumes C_FR: 
    "σ' σ. TERM monadic_nfoldli  
      Γc σ' σ t Γ * hn_ctxt  σ' σ"

  assumes f_ref: "x' x σ' σ. x'set s'  hn_refine 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt Rk x' x * hn_ctxt  σ' σ)
    (f x σ)
    (Γf x' x σ' σ) 
    (f' x' σ')"
  assumes F_FR: "x' x σ' σ. TERM monadic_nfoldli  Γf x' x σ' σ t 
    Γ * hn_ctxt Rk' x' x * hn_ctxt Pfσ σ' σ"

  assumes MERGE: "x x'. hn_ctxt Rk' x' x A hn_ctxt Rk x' x t hn_ctxt Rk'' x' x"  

  shows "hn_refine 
    (imp_nfoldli s c f σ) 
    (Γ * hn_ctxt (list_assn Rk'') s' s * hn_invalid  σ' σ)
      $s'$(λ2σ'. c' σ')$(λ2x' σ'. f' x' σ')$σ'
  unfolding APP_def PROTECT2_def PR_CONST_def
  apply1 (rule hn_refine_cons_pre[OF FR])
  apply1 weaken_hnr_post
  applyF (rule hn_refine_cons[rotated])
    applyF (rule monadic_nfoldli_refine_aux'[OF order_refl])
        apply (rule hn_refine_cons_post)
        applyS (rule c_ref)
        apply1 (rule entt_trans[OF C_FR[OF TERMI]])
        applyS (rule entt_refl)

      apply1 weaken_hnr_post
      applyF (rule hn_refine_cons_post)
        applyS (rule f_ref; simp)

        apply1 (rule entt_trans[OF F_FR[OF TERMI]])
        applyS (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)

      apply (rule MERGE)

    applyS (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)
    applyS (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)
    applyS (tactic Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (K (K no_tac)) @{context} 1)

lemma nfoldli_assert:
  assumes "set l  S"
  shows "nfoldli l c (λ x s. ASSERT (x  S)  f x s) s = nfoldli l c f s"
  using assms by (induction l arbitrary: s) (auto simp: pw_eq_iff refine_pw_simps)

lemmas nfoldli_assert' = nfoldli_assert[OF order.refl]

lemma fold_eq_nfoldli:
  "RETURN (fold f l s) = nfoldli l (λ_. True) (λx s. RETURN (f x s)) s"
  apply (induction l arbitrary: s) apply (auto) done

lemma fold_eq_nfoldli_assert:
  "RETURN (fold f l s) = nfoldli l (λ_. True) (λx s. ASSERT (xset l)  RETURN (f x s)) s"
  by (simp add: nfoldli_assert' fold_eq_nfoldli)

lemma fold_arity[sepref_monadify_arity]: "fold  λ2f l s. SP fold$(λ2x s. f$x$s)$l$s" by auto

lemma monadify_plain_fold[sepref_monadify_comb]: 
  "EVAL$(fold$(λ2x s. f x s)$l$s)  (⤜)$(EVAL$l)$(λ2l. (⤜)$(EVAL$s)$(λ2s. nfoldli$l$(λ2_. True)$(λ2x s. EVAL$(f x s))$s))"
  by (simp add: fold_eq_nfoldli)

lemma monadify_plain_fold_old_rl: 
  "EVAL$(fold$(λ2x s. f x s)$l$s)  (⤜)$(EVAL$l)$(λ2l. (⤜)$(EVAL$s)$(λ2s. nfoldli$l$(λ2_. True)$(λ2x s. PR_CONST (op_ASSERT_bind (xset l))$(EVAL$(f x s)))$s))"
  by (simp add: fold_eq_nfoldli_assert)

text ‹foldli›

lemma foldli_eq_nfoldli:
  "RETURN (foldli l c f s) = nfoldli l c (λx s. RETURN (f x s)) s"
by (induction l arbitrary: s) auto

lemma foldli_arities[sepref_monadify_arity]:
  "foldli  λ2s c f σ. SP (foldli)$s$(λ2x. c$x)$(λ2x σ. f$x$σ)$σ"
  by (simp_all)

lemma monadify_plain_foldli[sepref_monadify_comb]: 
  "EVAL$(foldli$l$c$(λ2x s. f x s)$s) 
     (λ2l. (⤜)$(EVAL$s)$
      (λ2s. nfoldli$l$c$(λ2x s. (EVAL$(f x s)))$s))"
by (simp add: foldli_eq_nfoldli)

subsubsection ‹Deforestation›
lemma nfoldli_filter_deforestation: 
  "nfoldli (filter P xs) c f s = nfoldli xs c (λx s. if P x then f x s else RETURN s) s"
  apply (induction xs arbitrary: s)
  by (auto simp: pw_eq_iff refine_pw_simps) 
lemma extend_list_of_filtered_set:
  assumes [simp, intro!]: "finite S" 
    and A: "distinct xs'" "set xs' = {x  S. P x}"
  obtains xs where "xs' = filter P xs" "distinct xs" "set xs = S"
proof -
  obtain xs2 where "{xS. ¬P x} = set xs2" "distinct xs2"
    using finite_distinct_list[where A="{xS. ¬P x}"] by auto
  with A have "xs' = filter P (xs'@xs2)" "distinct (xs'@xs2)" "set (xs'@xs2) = S"  
    by (auto simp: filter_empty_conv)
  from that[OF this] show ?thesis .

lemma FOREACHc_filter_deforestation:
  assumes FIN[simp, intro!]: "finite S"
  shows "(FOREACHc {xS. P x} c f s) 
    = FOREACHc S c (λx s. if P x then f x s else RETURN s) s"
      LIST_FOREACH'_def it_to_sorted_list_def
  proof (induction rule: antisym[consumes 0, case_names 1 2])
    case 1
    then show ?case
      apply (rule le_ASSERTI)  
      apply (rule ASSERT_leI, simp)  
      apply (rule intro_spec_refine[where R=Id, simplified]; clarsimp)
      apply (rule extend_list_of_filtered_set[OF FIN _ sym], assumption, assumption)
      subgoal for xs' xs
        apply (rule rhs_step_bind_SPEC[where R=Id and x'="xs", simplified])
        applyS simp  
        applyS (simp add: nfoldli_filter_deforestation)
    case 2
    then show ?case
    apply (rule le_ASSERTI)  
    apply (rule ASSERT_leI, (simp; fail))  
    apply (rule intro_spec_refine[where R=Id, simplified]; clarsimp)
    subgoal for xs  
      apply (rule rhs_step_bind_SPEC[where R=Id and x'="filter P xs", simplified])
      apply simp  
      apply (simp add: nfoldli_filter_deforestation)

lemma FOREACHc_filter_deforestation2:
  assumes [simp]: "distinct xs"
  shows "(FOREACHc (set (filter P xs)) c f s) 
    = FOREACHc (set xs) c (λx s. if P x then f x s else RETURN s) s"
  using FOREACHc_filter_deforestation[of "set xs", simplified, folded set_filter]
subsection ‹For Loops›

partial_function (heap) imp_for :: "nat  nat  ('a  bool Heap)  (nat  'a  'a Heap)  'a  'a Heap" where
  "imp_for i u c f s = (if i  u then return s else do {ctn <- c s; if ctn then f i s  imp_for (i + 1) u c f else return s})"

declare imp_for.simps[code]

lemma [simp]:
  "i  u  imp_for i u c f s = return s"
  "i < u  imp_for i u c f s = do {ctn <- c s; if ctn then f i s  imp_for (i + 1) u c f else return s}"
by (auto simp: imp_for.simps)

lemma imp_nfoldli_deforest[sepref_opt_simps]:
  "imp_nfoldli [l..<u] c = imp_for l u c"
 apply (intro ext)
 subgoal for f s
  apply (induction "u - l" arbitrary: l u s)
  apply (simp add: upt_conv_Cons; fail)
  apply (simp add: upt_conv_Cons)
  apply (fo_rule arg_cong)
 by (auto cong: if_cong)

partial_function (heap) imp_for' :: "nat  nat  (nat  'a  'a Heap)  'a  'a Heap" where
  "imp_for' i u f s = (if i  u then return s else f i s  imp_for' (i + 1) u f)"

declare imp_for'.simps[code]

lemma [simp]:
  "i  u  imp_for' i u f s = return s"
  "i < u  imp_for' i u f s = f i s  imp_for' (i + 1) u f"
by (auto simp: imp_for'.simps)

lemma imp_for_imp_for'[sepref_opt_simps]:
  "imp_for i u (λ _. return True) = imp_for' i u"
apply (intro ext)
subgoal for f s
  apply (induction "u - i" arbitrary: i u s)
  apply (simp; fail)
  apply simp
  apply (fo_rule arg_cong)
  by auto

partial_function (heap) imp_for_down :: "nat  nat  ('a  bool Heap)  (nat  'a  'a Heap)  'a  'a Heap" where
  "imp_for_down l i c f s = do {
    let i = i - 1;
    ctn  c s;
    if ctn then do {
      s  f i s;
      if i>l then imp_for_down l i c f s else return s
    } else return s

declare imp_for_down.simps[code]

lemma imp_nfoldli_deforest_down[sepref_opt_simps]:
  "imp_nfoldli (rev [l..<u]) c = 
    (λf s. if ul then return s else imp_for_down l u c f s)"
proof (intro ext)
  fix f s
  show "imp_nfoldli (rev [l..<u]) c f s =
          (if l  u then return s else imp_for_down l u c f s)"
  proof cases
    assume "lu" thus ?thesis by auto
    assume "¬(lu)" hence "l<u" by auto
    thus ?thesis 
      apply simp
    proof (induction "u - l" arbitrary: u s)
      case 0 thus ?case by auto
      case (Suc u')
        from Suc.prems Suc.hyps(2) have [simp]: "rev [l..<u] = (u-1)#rev [l..<u-1]"
          apply simp
          apply (subst upt_Suc_append[symmetric])
          apply auto
        show ?case using Suc.hyps(1)[of "u-1"] Suc.hyps(2) Suc.prems
          apply (subst imp_for_down.simps)
          apply (cases "l < u - Suc 0")
          apply (auto simp: Let_def cong: if_cong)

context begin

private fun imp_for_down_induction_scheme :: "nat  nat  unit" where
  "imp_for_down_induction_scheme l i = (
    let i=i-1 in 
    if i>l then 
      imp_for_down_induction_scheme l i
    else ()  

partial_function (heap) imp_for_down' :: "nat  nat  (nat  'a  'a Heap)  'a  'a Heap" where
  "imp_for_down' l i f s = do {
    let i = i - 1;
    s  f i s;
    if i>l then imp_for_down' l i f s else return s
declare imp_for_down'.simps[code]

lemma imp_for_down_no_cond[sepref_opt_simps]:
  "imp_for_down l u (λ_. return True) = imp_for_down' l u"
  apply (induction l u rule: imp_for_down_induction_scheme.induct)
  apply (intro ext)
  apply (subst imp_for_down.simps)
  apply (subst imp_for_down'.simps)
  apply (simp cong: if_cong)

(* TODO: Move. Add rule for imp_for! *)    
lemma imp_for'_rule:
  assumes LESS: "lu"
  assumes PRE: "P A I l s"
  assumes STEP: "i s.  li; i<u   <I i s> f i s <I (i+1)>"
  shows "<P> imp_for' l u f s <I u>"
  apply (rule Hoare_Triple.cons_pre_rule[OF PRE])  
  using LESS 
proof (induction arbitrary: s rule: inc_induct)  
  case base thus ?case by sep_auto  
  case (step k)
  show ?case using step.hyps 
    by (sep_auto heap: STEP step.IH)  
text ‹This lemma is used to manually convert a fold to a loop over indices. ›
lemma fold_idx_conv: "fold f l s = fold (λi. f (l!i)) [0..<length l] s"
proof (induction l arbitrary: s rule: rev_induct)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (snoc x l) 
  { fix x s
    have "fold (λa. f ((l @ [x]) ! a)) [0..<length l] s = fold (λa. f (l ! a)) [0..<length l] s"
      by (rule fold_cong) (simp_all add: nth_append)
  with snoc show ?case by simp
