Theory Alternating_Permutations
section ‹Alternating permutations›
theory Alternating_Permutations
imports "HOL-Combinatorics.Combinatorics" Boustrophedon_Transform_Library
text ‹
Given a strict linear order $<$ on some finite set $A = \{a_1, \ldots, a_n\}$ with
$a_1 < \ldots < a_n$ we call a permutation $\pi$ ∗‹alternating› if
$f(a_1) > f(a_2) < f(a_3) > f_(a_4) \ldots$.
Since it is somewhat awkward to specify this for a function, we instead define what an
alternating permutation is using the view that a permutation on $A$ is simple the tuple
$(f_(a_1), \ldots, f(a_n))$.
subsection ‹Alternating lists›
text ‹
Given a relation $R$, we say that a list $[x_1, \ldots, x_n]$ is ∗‹$R$-alternating› if
we have $(x_i, x_{i+1}) \in R$ for any even $i$ and $(x_{i+1}, x_i)\in R$ for any odd $i$.
In other words: if we view $R$ as an order then the list alternates between ``rises`` and
``falls``, starting with a ``fall''.
fun alternating_list :: "('a × 'a) set ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool" where
"alternating_list R [] ⟷ True"
| "alternating_list R [x] ⟷ True"
| "alternating_list R (x # y # xs) ⟷ (y,x) ∈ R ∧ alternating_list (R¯) (y # xs)"
lemma alternating_list_Cons_iff:
"alternating_list R (x # xs) ⟷ xs = [] ∨ ((hd xs, x) ∈ R ∧ alternating_list (converse R) xs)"
by (cases xs) auto
lemma alternating_list_append_iff:
"alternating_list R (xs @ ys) ⟷ (let R' = if even (length xs) then R else converse R in
alternating_list R xs ∧ alternating_list R' ys ∧ (xs = [] ∨ ys = [] ∨ (last xs, hd ys) ∈ R'))"
by (induction R xs rule: alternating_list.induct)
(auto simp: Let_def alternating_list_Cons_iff)
text ‹
A reverse-alternating list is the same as an alternating list except that it starts with a
``rise'' instead of a ``fall''. Equivalently, a reverse-alternating list is an alternating list
with respect to the converse relation.
abbreviation rev_alternating_list :: "('a × 'a) set ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool" where
"rev_alternating_list R ≡ alternating_list (R¯)"
lemma alternating_list_rev:
"alternating_list R (rev xs) ⟷ alternating_list (if odd (length xs) then R else converse R) xs"
by (induction xs arbitrary: R)
(auto simp: alternating_list_append_iff last_rev alternating_list_Cons_iff)
lemma alternating_list_map:
assumes "alternating_list R xs"
assumes "monotone_on (set xs) (λx y. (x, y) ∈ R) (λx y. (x, y) ∈ R') f"
shows "alternating_list R' (map f xs)"
proof -
define A where "A = set xs"
have "(f x, f y) ∈ R'" if "(x, y) ∈ R" "x ∈ A" "y ∈ A" for x y
using assms(2) that by (auto simp: monotone_on_def A_def)
moreover have "set xs ⊆ A"
by (simp add: A_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using assms(1)
by (induction R xs arbitrary: R' rule: alternating_list.induct) auto
lemma alternating_list_map_iff:
assumes "monotone_on (set xs) (λx y. (x, y) ∈ R) (λx y. (x, y) ∈ R') f"
assumes "strict_linear_order_on (set xs) R" "strict_linear_order_on (f ` set xs) R'"
shows "alternating_list R' (map f xs) ⟷ alternating_list R xs"
assume "alternating_list R xs"
thus "alternating_list R' (map f xs)"
by (intro alternating_list_map) (use assms in simp_all)
assume "alternating_list R' (map f xs)"
hence "alternating_list R (map (inv_into (set xs) f) (map f xs))"
proof (rule alternating_list_map)
have "monotone_on (f ` set xs) (λx y. (x, y) ∈ R') (λx y. (x, y) ∈ R) (inv_into (set xs) f)"
by (rule monotone_on_inv_into) (use assms in simp_all)
thus "monotone_on (set (map f xs)) (λx y. (x, y) ∈ R') (λx y. (x, y) ∈ R) (inv_into (set xs) f)"
by simp
also have "map (inv_into (set xs) f) (map f xs) = map (λx. x) xs"
unfolding map_map o_def
by (intro map_cong inv_into_f_f monotone_on_imp_inj_on[OF assms(1)])
(use assms in simp_all)
finally show "alternating_list R xs"
by simp
subsection ‹The set of alternating permutations on a set›
definition alternating_permutations_of_set :: "('a × 'a) set ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a list set" where
"alternating_permutations_of_set R A = {ys∈permutations_of_set A. alternating_list R ys}"
lemma finite_alternating_permutations_of_set [intro]: "finite (alternating_permutations_of_set R A)"
unfolding alternating_permutations_of_set_def by simp
lemma alternating_permutations_of_set_code [code]:
"alternating_permutations_of_set R A = Set.filter (alternating_list R) (permutations_of_set A)"
by (simp add: alternating_permutations_of_set_def Set.filter_def)
abbreviation rev_alternating_permutations_of_set :: "('a × 'a) set ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a list set" where
"rev_alternating_permutations_of_set R A ≡ alternating_permutations_of_set (converse R) A"
definition alt_permutes ("_ alt'_permutes⇘_⇙ _" [40,0,40] 41) where
"f alt_permutes⇘R⇙ A ⟷ f permutes A ∧ alternating_list R (map f (sorted_list_of_set_wrt R A))"
abbreviation rev_alt_permutes ("_ rev'_alt'_permutes⇘_⇙ _" [40,0,40] 41) where
"f rev_alt_permutes⇘R⇙ A ≡ f alt_permutes⇘converse R⇙ A"
abbreviation alt_permutes_less ("_ alt'_permutes _" [40,40] 41) where
"f alt_permutes A ≡ f alt_permutes⇘{(x,y). x < y}⇙ A"
abbreviation rev_alt_permutes_less ("_ rev'_alt'_permutes _" [40,40] 41) where
"f rev_alt_permutes A ≡ f rev_alt_permutes⇘{(x,y). x < y}⇙ A"
lemma alternating_permutations_of_set_empty [simp]:
"alternating_permutations_of_set R {} = {[]}"
by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_def)
lemma alternating_permutations_of_set_singleton [simp]:
"alternating_permutations_of_set R {x} = {[x]}"
by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_def)
lemma bij_betw_alternating_permutations_of_set:
assumes "monotone_on A (λx y. (x,y) ∈ R) (λx y. (x,y) ∈ R') f"
assumes "strict_linear_order_on A R" "strict_linear_order_on (f ` A) R'" "B = f ` A"
shows "bij_betw (map f) (alternating_permutations_of_set R A) (alternating_permutations_of_set R' B)"
proof -
have "inj_on f A"
by (rule monotone_on_imp_inj_on[OF assms(1)]) (use assms(2,3) in simp_all)
have inj: "inj_on (map f) (alternating_permutations_of_set R A)"
by (rule inj_on_mapI[OF inj_on_subset[OF ‹inj_on f A›]])
(auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def)
have "map f ` alternating_permutations_of_set R A = alternating_permutations_of_set R' (f ` A)"
(is "_ ` ?lhs = ?rhs")
proof safe
fix xs assume "xs ∈ ?lhs"
thus "map f xs ∈ ?rhs" using assms
by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def distinct_map alternating_list_map
inj_on_subset[OF ‹inj_on f A›])
fix xs assume xs: "xs ∈ ?rhs"
hence set_xs: "set xs = f ` A"
by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def)
define ys where "ys = map (inv_into A f) xs"
have mono: "monotone_on (f ` A) (λx y. (x,y) ∈ R') (λx y. (x,y) ∈ R) (inv_into A f)"
by (intro monotone_on_inv_into) (use assms in simp_all)
hence inj': "inj_on (inv_into A f) (f ` A)"
by (rule monotone_on_imp_inj_on) (use assms ‹inj_on f A› in simp_all)
have "ys ∈ ?lhs" using xs mono ‹inj_on f A› inj' assms(2,3)
by (auto simp: ys_def alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def distinct_map
intro!: inj_on_subset[OF ‹inj_on f A›] alternating_list_map)
moreover have "map f ys = map (λx. x) xs"
unfolding ys_def map_map o_def
by (intro map_cong inv_into_f_f) (use ‹inj_on f A› set_xs in auto)
ultimately show "xs ∈ map f ` ?lhs"
by auto
with inj show ?thesis using ‹B = f ` A›
unfolding bij_betw_def by blast
lemma alternating_permutations_of_set_glue:
assumes A: "finite A"
assumes X: "X ⊆ A" and x: "x ∈ A - X" "⋀y. y ∈ A-{x} ⟹ (x,y) ∈ R"
assumes xs: "xs ∈ alternating_permutations_of_set R X"
assumes ys: "ys ∈ alternating_permutations_of_set R (A - X - {x})"
defines "R' ≡ (if odd (card X) then R else R¯)"
shows "rev xs @ [x] @ ys ∈ alternating_permutations_of_set R' A"
proof -
have "set (xs @ ys) ⊆ A - {x}"
using xs ys X x unfolding alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def
by auto
hence *: "y ∈ A - {x}" if "y ∈ set (xs @ ys)" for y
using that by blast
have length_xs: "length xs = card X"
using xs distinct_card[of xs]
unfolding alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def by simp
have "xs = [] ∨ (hd xs, x) ∈ R¯"
using x(2)[OF *, of "hd xs"] by (cases "xs = []") auto
moreover have "ys = [] ∨ (hd ys, x) ∈ R¯"
using x(2)[OF *, of "hd ys"] by (cases "ys = []") auto
ultimately have "alternating_list R' (rev xs @ [x] @ ys)"
using xs ys unfolding alternating_list_append_iff R'_def alternating_permutations_of_set_def
by (simp add: length_xs alternating_list_rev last_rev)
moreover have "rev xs @ [x] @ ys ∈ permutations_of_set A"
using xs ys X x unfolding alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding alternating_permutations_of_set_def by blast
lemma alternating_permutations_of_set_split:
assumes A: "finite A"
assumes z: "z ∈ A"
assumes zs: "zs ∈ alternating_permutations_of_set R A"
assumes k: "k < length zs" "zs ! k = z"
defines "R' ≡ (if odd k then R else converse R)"
obtains xs ys where
"zs = rev xs @ [z] @ ys" "alternating_list R' xs" "alternating_list R' ys"
"distinct xs" "distinct ys" "length xs = k"
proof -
have "set zs = A" "distinct zs"
using zs unfolding alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def by blast+
with z(1) have "z ∈ set zs"
by blast
then obtain xs ys where zs_eq: "zs = xs @ z # ys"
by (metis in_set_conv_decomp)
have "zs ! length xs = z" "length xs < length zs"
using k by (simp_all add: zs_eq)
with ‹distinct zs› and k have k_eq: "k = length xs"
using distinct_conv_nth by blast
have "alternating_list R (xs @ z # ys)"
using zs by (simp add: alternating_permutations_of_set_def zs_eq)
hence "alternating_list R' (rev xs)" "alternating_list R' ys"
by (auto simp: alternating_list_append_iff alternating_list_Cons_iff
Let_def k_eq R'_def alternating_list_rev)
thus ?thesis
using ‹distinct zs› k_eq by (intro that[of "rev xs" ys]) (simp_all add: zs_eq)
lemma inj_on_glue_alternating_permutations_of_set:
fixes A :: "'a set"
assumes x: "x ∈ A" "⋀y. y ∈ A - {x} ⟹ (x, y) ∈ R"
defines "P ≡ (λX::'a set. alternating_permutations_of_set R X)"
shows "inj_on (λ(xs, ys). rev xs @ [x] @ ys) ((⋃X∈Pow (A-{x}). P X × P (A - X - {x})))"
proof (rule inj_onI, clarify, goal_cases)
case (1 xs1 ys1 xs2 ys2)
from 1 have "rev xs1 @ x # ys1 = rev xs2 @ x # ys2"
by simp
moreover have "x ∉ set xs1" "x ∉ set xs2" "x ∉ set ys1" "x ∉ set ys2"
using 1 unfolding P_def alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def
by auto
ultimately show "xs1 = xs2 ∧ ys1 = ys2"
by (subst (asm) append_Cons_eq_iff) auto
subsection ‹Zigzag numbers›
text ‹
The zigzag numbers $E_n$ count the number of alternating permutations on a linearly ordered set
with $n$ elements. Note that varying conventions exist; e.g.\ these are also sometimes
also called ``Euler numbers'' or ``Euler zigzag numbers''.~\oeiscite{A000111}
In our formalisation, ``Euler numbers'' are something closely related but different,
following the conventions of ProofWiki and Mathematica.
It is easy to see that we can w.l.o.g.\ assume that the set in question is the integers
from $1$ to $n$ and the order in question is the natural order $<$.
definition zigzag_number :: "nat ⇒ nat" where
"zigzag_number n = card (alternating_permutations_of_set {(x,y). x < y} {1..n})"
lemma zigzag_number_0 [simp]: "zigzag_number 0 = 1"
and zigzag_number_1 [simp]: "zigzag_number (Suc 0) = 1"
by (simp_all add: zigzag_number_def)
lemma card_alternating_permutations_of_set:
assumes "strict_linear_order_on A R" "finite A"
shows "card (alternating_permutations_of_set R A) = zigzag_number (card A)"
proof -
obtain f :: "nat ⇒ 'a" where f:
"bij_betw f {1..card A} A" "monotone_on {1..card A} (<) (λx y. (x,y) ∈ R) f"
using strict_linear_orderE_bij_betw'[OF assms] .
define P1 where "P1 = alternating_permutations_of_set {(x, y). x < y} {1..card A}"
define P2 where "P2 = alternating_permutations_of_set R A"
have "zigzag_number (card A) = card P1"
by (simp add: zigzag_number_def P1_def)
also have "bij_betw (map f) P1 P2"
unfolding P1_def P2_def
proof (rule bij_betw_alternating_permutations_of_set)
show "strict_linear_order_on (f ` {1..card A}) R" and "A = f ` {1..card A}"
using assms f(1) by (simp_all add: bij_betw_def)
qed (use f(2) in auto)
hence "card P1 = card P2"
by (rule bij_betw_same_card)
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: P2_def)
text ‹
The zigzag numbers satisfy the Catalan-like recurrence
\[ 2 E_{n+1} = \sum_{k=0}^n {n \choose k} E_k E_{n-k}\ . \]
The idea behind the proof is to look at a linearly ordered set $A$ of size $n+1$ (with $n > 0$)
and its largest element $x$. We now do the following:
▸ Pick a number $0\leq k\leq n$.
▸ Pick a subset $X\subseteq A\setminus\{x\}$ of elements to occur to the left of $A$
in our permutation. We have ${n\choose k}$ choices for this.
▸ Pick an alternating permutation ‹xs› of $X$ and a reverse-alternating permutation of
‹ys› of $A\setminus(X\cup\{x\})$. We have $E_k$ and $E_{n-k}$ choices for this, respectively.
▸ Return the permutation ‹rev xs @ [x] @ ys›
This process constructs exactly all alternating and reverse-alternating permutations on $A$.
Moreover, the alternating and reverse-alternating permutations of $A$ are disjoint and have
the same cardinality since $|A| \geq 2$.
Thus if we sum the number of possibilities we counted above over all $k$,
we obtain exactly $2 E_{n+1}$.
theorem zigzag_number_Suc:
assumes "n > 0"
shows "2 * zigzag_number (Suc n) =
(∑k≤n. (n choose k) * (zigzag_number k * zigzag_number (n - k)))"
proof -
define P where "P = (λX::nat set. alternating_permutations_of_set {(x,y). x < y} X)"
define P' where "P' = (λX::nat set. alternating_permutations_of_set {(x,y). x > y} X)"
define glue :: "nat list × nat list ⇒ nat list" where "glue = (λ(xs, ys). rev xs @ [1] @ ys)"
define A where "A = {1..n+1}"
have [intro]: "finite (P X)" "finite (P' X)" for X
unfolding P_def P'_def by auto
let ?less = "{(x,y). x < (y::nat)}"
let ?greater = "{(x,y). x > (y::nat)}"
have [simp]: "converse ?less = ?greater" "converse ?greater = ?less"
by (auto simp: converse_def)
define R where "R = (λk. if odd (k::nat) then ?less else ?greater)"
have disjoint: "P A ∩ P' A = {}"
proof -
have False if "zs ∈ P A" "zs ∈ P' A" for zs
proof -
have zs: "set zs = A" "distinct zs" "alternating_list ?less zs" "alternating_list ?greater zs"
using that
unfolding P_def P'_def alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def
by simp_all
have "length zs ≥ 2"
using distinct_card[of zs] zs ‹n > 0› by (simp add: A_def)
then obtain x y zs' where zs_eq: "zs = x # y # zs'"
by (auto simp: Suc_le_length_iff numeral_2_eq_2)
show False
using zs by (simp add: zs_eq)
thus ?thesis
by blast
have "card (glue ` (⋃X∈Pow (A-{1}). P X × P (A - X - {1}))) =
card (⋃X∈Pow (A-{1}). P X × P (A - X - {1}))"
unfolding glue_def P_def
by (rule card_image, rule inj_on_glue_alternating_permutations_of_set)
(auto simp: A_def)
also have "glue ` (⋃X∈Pow (A-{1}). P X × P (A - X - {1})) = P A ∪ P' A"
proof (rule antisym)
have "glue (xs, ys) ∈ P A ∪ P' A"
if X: "X ∈ Pow (A - {1})" and xs: "xs ∈ P X" and ys: "ys ∈ P (A - X - {1})" for X xs ys
proof -
have "rev xs @ [1] @ ys ∈ alternating_permutations_of_set
(if odd (card X) then ?less else ?less¯) A"
by (rule alternating_permutations_of_set_glue[of A X 1 ?less xs ys])
(use X xs ys in ‹auto simp: A_def P_def›)
hence "glue (xs, ys) ∈ (if odd (card X) then P A else P' A)"
by (auto simp: glue_def P_def P'_def)
also have "… ⊆ P A ∪ P' A"
by auto
finally show "glue (xs, ys) ∈ P A ∪ P' A" .
thus "glue ` (⋃X∈Pow (A-{1}). P X × P (A - X - {1})) ⊆ P A ∪ P' A"
by blast
have "zs ∈ glue ` (⋃X∈Pow (A-{1}). P X × P (A - X - {1}))" if zs: "zs ∈ P A ∪ P' A" for zs
proof -
from zs have set_zs: "set zs = A" and "distinct zs"
by (auto simp: P_def P'_def alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def)
have "length zs = Suc n"
using set_zs ‹distinct zs› distinct_card[of zs] by (simp add: A_def)
from set_zs have "1 ∈ set zs"
by (auto simp: A_def)
then obtain k where k: "k < length zs" "zs ! k = 1"
by (meson in_set_conv_nth)
define R' where "R' = (if zs ∈ P A then ?less else ?greater)"
obtain xs ys where xs_ys:
"zs = rev xs @ [1] @ ys" "alternating_list (if odd k then R' else R'¯) xs"
"alternating_list (if odd k then R' else R'¯) ys" "distinct xs" "distinct ys" "length xs = k"
by (rule alternating_permutations_of_set_split[of A 1 zs R' k])
(use k zs in ‹auto simp: A_def R'_def P_def P'_def›)
have set_xs: "set xs ⊆ A - {1}"
using ‹distinct zs› unfolding set_zs [symmetric] xs_ys(1) by (auto simp: xs_ys(1))
have set_ys: "set ys = A - set xs - {1}"
using ‹distinct zs› unfolding set_zs [symmetric] xs_ys(1) by (auto simp: xs_ys(1))
have "odd k ⟷ zs ∈ P A"
proof -
have 1: "xs ≠ [] ∨ ys ≠ []"
using xs_ys(1) ‹n > 0› ‹length zs = Suc n› by (auto simp: A_def)
have 2: "x ∈ A - {1}" if "x ∈ set (xs @ ys)" for x
proof -
have "x ∈ set (xs @ ys)"
using that by simp
also have "… ⊆ set zs - {1}"
using ‹distinct zs› by (auto simp add: xs_ys(1))
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: set_zs)
have 3: "xs = [] ∨ 1 < hd xs"
using 2[of "hd xs"] by (cases "xs = []") (auto simp: hd_in_set A_def)
have 4: "ys = [] ∨ 1 < hd ys"
using 2[of "hd ys"] by (cases "ys = []") (auto simp: hd_in_set A_def)
have "alternating_list R' zs"
using zs by (auto simp: R'_def P_def P'_def alternating_permutations_of_set_def)
thus ?thesis
using 1 3 4 xs_ys(2,3) ‹length xs = k› zs
by (auto simp: xs_ys(1) alternating_list_append_iff alternating_list_Cons_iff
alternating_list_rev Let_def R'_def last_rev split: if_splits)
hence "(if odd k then R' else R'¯) = ?less"
by (auto simp: R'_def)
with xs_ys and set_ys have "zs = glue (xs, ys)" "xs ∈ P (set xs)" "ys ∈ P (A - set xs - {1})"
by (simp_all add: glue_def P_def alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def)
thus "zs ∈ glue ` (⋃X∈Pow (A-{1}). P X × P (A - X - {1}))"
using set_xs by blast
thus "P A ∪ P' A ⊆ glue ` (⋃X∈Pow (A-{1}). P X × P (A - X - {1}))"
by blast
also have "card (P A ∪ P' A) = card (P A) + card (P' A)"
by (subst card_Un_disjoint) (use disjoint in auto)
also have "card (P A) = zigzag_number (Suc n)"
unfolding P_def by (subst card_alternating_permutations_of_set) (auto simp: A_def)
also have "card (P' A) = zigzag_number (Suc n)"
unfolding P'_def by (subst card_alternating_permutations_of_set) (auto simp: A_def)
also have "card (⋃X∈Pow (A-{1}). P X × P (A - X - {1})) =
(∑X∈Pow (A - {1}). card (P X × P (A - X - {1})))"
proof (intro card_UN_disjoint ballI impI)
fix X Y assume "X ∈ Pow (A - {1})" "Y ∈ Pow (A - {1})" "X ≠ Y"
show "P X × P (A - X - {1}) ∩ P Y × P (A - Y - {1}) = {}"
using ‹X ≠ Y› unfolding P_def alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def
by blast
qed (auto simp: A_def)
also have "… = (∑X∈Pow (A - {1}). zigzag_number (card X) * zigzag_number (n - card X))"
proof (rule sum.cong)
fix X assume X: "X ∈ Pow (A - {1})"
have [simp]: "finite X"
by (rule finite_subset[of _ A]) (use X in ‹auto simp: A_def›)
have "card (P X × P (A - X - {1})) = card (P X) * card (P (A - X - {1}))"
by (rule card_cartesian_product)
also have "card (P X) = zigzag_number (card X)"
unfolding P_def by (rule card_alternating_permutations_of_set) (use X in auto)
also have "card (P (A - X - {1})) = zigzag_number (card (A - X - {1}))"
unfolding P_def by (rule card_alternating_permutations_of_set) (use X in ‹auto simp: A_def›)
also have "card (A - X - {1}) = card (A - X) - 1"
using X by (subst card_Diff_subset) (auto simp: A_def)
also have "card (A - X) = card A - card X"
using X finite_subset[of X A] by (subst card_Diff_subset) (auto simp: A_def)
also have "card A = n + 1"
by (simp add: A_def)
finally show "card (P X × P (A - X - {1})) =
zigzag_number (card X) * zigzag_number (n - card X)"
by simp
qed auto
also have "Pow (A - {1}) = (⋃k≤n. {X∈Pow (A-{1}). card X = k})"
by (subst Pow_conv_subsets_of_size) (simp_all add: A_def)
also have "(∑X∈…. zigzag_number (card X) * zigzag_number (n - card X)) =
(∑k≤n. card {X. X ⊆ A-{1} ∧ card X = k} * (zigzag_number k * zigzag_number (n - k)))"
by (subst sum.UNION_disjoint) (auto simp: A_def)
also have "… = (∑k≤n. (n choose k) * (zigzag_number k * zigzag_number (n - k)))"
using n_subsets[of "A - {1}"] by (simp add: A_def)
finally show ?thesis
by simp
text ‹
The exponential generating function of the zigzag numbers is:
\[f(x) = \sum_{n\geq 0} \frac{E_n}{n!} x^n = \sec x + \tan x\]
This follows from the fact that by the above recurrence for $E_n$, both $f$ and $\sin + \tan$
satisfy the ordinary differential equation $2 f'(x) = 1 + f(x)^2$
corollary exponential_generating_function_zigzag_number:
"Abs_fps (λn. of_nat (zigzag_number n) / fact n :: 'a :: field_char_0) = fps_sec 1 + fps_tan 1"
proof -
define F where "F ≡ Abs_fps (λn. of_nat (zigzag_number n) / fact n :: 'a)"
define G where "G ≡ (fps_sec 1 + fps_tan 1 :: 'a fps)"
have [simp]: "fps_nth F 0 = 1" "fps_nth F (Suc 0) = 1"
by (simp_all add: F_def)
have F_Suc: "fps_nth F (Suc n) = (∑k≤n. fps_nth F k * fps_nth F (n - k)) / (2 * of_nat (n + 1))"
if "n > 0" for n
proof -
have "2 * fps_nth F (Suc n) = of_nat (2 * zigzag_number (Suc n)) / fact (Suc n)"
by (simp add: F_def)
also have "… = (∑k≤n. fps_nth F k * fps_nth F (n - k)) / of_nat (n + 1)"
by (subst zigzag_number_Suc) (use that in ‹auto simp: F_def mult_ac binomial_fact sum_divide_distrib›)
finally show ?thesis
unfolding of_nat_mult by (simp add: divide_simps mult_ac del: of_nat_Suc)
have "2 * fps_deriv F = 1 + F ^ 2"
by (rule fps_ext) (auto simp: fps_nth_power_0 F_Suc fps_square_nth divide_simps simp del: of_nat_Suc)
have "2 * fps_deriv G = 1 + G ^ 2"
using fps_sec_square_conv_fps_tan_square[where ?'a = 'a]
by (simp add: G_def fps_sec_deriv fps_tan_deriv' power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
have "fps_nth F n = fps_nth G n" for n
proof (induction rule: less_induct)
case (less n)
show ?case
proof (cases "n = 0")
case True
thus ?thesis
by (auto simp: F_def G_def)
case n: False
have "2 * of_nat n * fps_nth F n = fps_nth (2 * fps_deriv F) (n - 1)"
using n by simp
also have "2 * fps_deriv F = 1 + F ^ 2"
by fact
also have "fps_nth (1 + F ^ 2) (n - 1) = fps_nth 1 (n - 1) + (∑k≤n-1. F $ k * F $ (n - Suc k))"
using n by (simp add: fps_square_nth)
also have "(∑k≤n-1. F $ k * F $ (n - Suc k)) = (∑k≤n-1. G $ k * G $ (n - Suc k))"
by (intro sum.cong arg_cong2[of _ _ _ _ "(*)"] less.IH) (use n in auto)
also have "fps_nth 1 (n - 1) + … = fps_nth (1 + G ^ 2) (n - 1)"
using n by (simp add: fps_square_nth)
also have "(1 + G ^ 2) = 2 * fps_deriv G"
using ‹2 * fps_deriv G = 1 + G ^ 2› ..
also have "fps_nth … (n - 1) = 2 * of_nat n * fps_nth G n"
using n by simp
finally show ?thesis
using n by simp
thus "F = G"
by (rule fps_ext)
text ‹
Lastly, we get the following explicit relationships between the zigzag numbers
and the coefficients appearing in the Maclaurin series of $\sec$ and $\tan$.
corollary zigzag_number_conv_fps_sec:
assumes "even n"
shows "real (zigzag_number n) = fps_nth (fps_sec 1) n * fact n"
proof -
have "real (zigzag_number n) / fact n =
fps_nth (Abs_fps (λn. real (zigzag_number n) / fact n)) n"
by simp
also have "Abs_fps (λn. real (zigzag_number n) / fact n) = fps_sec 1 + fps_tan 1"
by (rule exponential_generating_function_zigzag_number)
also have "fps_nth … n = fps_nth (fps_sec 1) n"
using assms by (simp add: fps_nth_tan_even)
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: field_simps)
corollary zigzag_number_conv_fps_tan:
assumes "odd n"
shows "real (zigzag_number n) = fps_nth (fps_tan 1) n * fact n"
proof -
have "real (zigzag_number n) / fact n =
fps_nth (Abs_fps (λn. real (zigzag_number n) / fact n)) n"
by simp
also have "Abs_fps (λn. real (zigzag_number n) / fact n) = fps_sec 1 + fps_tan 1"
by (rule exponential_generating_function_zigzag_number)
also have "fps_nth … n = fps_nth (fps_tan 1) n"
using assms by (simp add: fps_nth_sec_odd)
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: field_simps)
subsection ‹Alternating permutations with a fixed first element›
text ‹
In order to study the ∗‹Entringer numbers›, a generalisation of the zigzag numbers,
we introduce the set of alternating permutations on a set that start with some fixed
element ‹x›.
definition alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd ::
"('a × 'a) set ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a list set" where
"alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x =
{xs∈alternating_permutations_of_set R A. xs ≠ [] ∧ hd xs = x}"
lemma alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_singleton:
"alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R {y} x = (if x = y then {[x]} else {})"
by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def alternating_permutations_of_set_def)
lemma alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_outside:
assumes "x ∉ A"
shows "alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x = {}"
proof -
fix xs assume "xs ∈ alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x"
hence "set xs = A" "xs ≠ []" "hd xs = x"
by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def
alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def)
moreover from this have "hd xs ∈ set xs"
by (intro hd_in_set)
ultimately have "x ∈ A"
by auto
hence False
using assms by simp
thus ?thesis
by blast
lemma alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_least:
assumes "strict_linear_order_on A R"
assumes "⋀y. y ∈ A - {x} ⟹ (x, y) ∈ R" "x ∈ A" "A ≠ {x}" "finite A"
shows "alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x = {}"
proof -
from assms have "A - {x} ≠ {}"
by auto
hence "card (A - {x}) > 0"
using ‹finite A› card_gt_0_iff by blast
hence "card A ≥ 2"
by (subst (asm) card_Diff_subset) (use assms in auto)
fix xs assume "xs ∈ alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x"
hence xs: "set xs = A" "xs ≠ []" "hd xs = x" "alternating_list R xs" "distinct xs"
by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def
alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def)
have "length xs ≥ 2"
using distinct_card[of xs] xs ‹card A ≥ 2› by simp
then obtain x' y xs' where xs_eq: "xs = x' # y # xs'"
by (auto simp: Suc_le_length_iff numeral_2_eq_2)
have [simp]: "x' = x"
using ‹hd xs = x› by (simp add: xs_eq)
from xs(4) have "(y, x) ∈ R"
by (simp add: xs_eq)
moreover from this and assms(1) have "y ∈ A - {x}"
using ‹set xs = A› by (auto simp: strict_linear_order_on_def irrefl_def xs_eq)
with assms(2)[of y] and ‹set xs = A› have "(x, y) ∈ R"
by (auto simp: xs_eq)
ultimately have False
using strict_linear_order_on_asym_on[OF assms(1)] ‹x ∈ A› ‹y ∈ A - {x}›
by (auto simp: asym_on_def)
thus ?thesis
by blast
lemma alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_greatest:
assumes "strict_linear_order_on A R"
assumes "⋀y. y ∈ A - {x} ⟹ (y, x) ∈ R" "x ∈ A"
shows "bij_betw (λxs. x # xs)
(rev_alternating_permutations_of_set R (A - {x}))
(alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x)"
proof -
have [simp]: "A ≠ {}"
using ‹x ∈ A› by auto
show ?thesis
proof (rule bij_betwI)
show "(#) x ∈ rev_alternating_permutations_of_set R (A - {x}) →
alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x"
proof (safe, goal_cases)
case (1 xs)
hence "set xs ⊆ A - {x}"
by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def)
moreover have "hd xs ∈ set xs ∨ xs = []"
using hd_in_set by blast
ultimately have "hd xs ∈ A - {x} ∨ xs = []"
by blast
hence "(hd xs, x) ∈ R ∨ xs = []"
using assms(2) by blast
thus ?case
using ‹x ∈ A› assms(2) 1
by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def alternating_permutations_of_set_def
permutations_of_set_nonempty alternating_list_Cons_iff)
show "tl ∈ alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x →
rev_alternating_permutations_of_set R (A - {x})"
by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def
alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_nonempty
qed (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def)
lemma UN_alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd:
assumes "A ≠ {}"
shows "(⋃x∈A. alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x) =
alternating_permutations_of_set R A"
using assms
by (force simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def
alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def intro!: hd_in_set)
lemma alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_split_first:
assumes "strict_linear_order_on A R" "x ∈ A" "A ≠ {x}"
shows "bij_betw ((#) x)
(⋃y∈{y∈A-{x}. (y,x)∈R}. alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd (converse R) (A - {x}) y)
(alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x)"
proof -
have [simp]: "A ≠ {}"
using assms by auto
have "A - {x} ≠ {}"
using assms by blast
show ?thesis
proof (rule bij_betwI)
show "(#) x ∈ ⋃ (alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd (R¯) (A - {x}) ` {y ∈ A - {x}. (y, x) ∈ R}) →
alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x"
proof (intro Pi_I; elim UN_E, goal_cases)
case (1 xs y)
have xs: "xs ∈ permutations_of_set (A - {x})" "alternating_list (converse R) xs" "hd xs = y"
using 1 by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def
have "x # xs ∈ permutations_of_set A"
using xs ‹x ∈ A› by (auto simp: permutations_of_set_nonempty)
moreover have "alternating_list R (x # xs)"
using xs 1 by (auto simp: alternating_list_Cons_iff)
ultimately show "x # xs ∈ alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x"
unfolding alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def
by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_def)
show "tl ∈ alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x →
⋃ (alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd (R¯) (A - {x}) ` {y ∈ A - {x}. (y, x) ∈ R})"
proof (safe, goal_cases)
case (1 xs)
have xs: "xs ∈ permutations_of_set A" "alternating_list R xs" "hd xs = x"
using 1 by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def
have "xs ≠ []"
using xs assms by (auto simp: permutations_of_set_def)
then obtain ys where xs_eq: "xs = x # ys"
using xs(3) by (cases xs) auto
have ys: "ys ∈ permutations_of_set (A - {x})"
using xs by (auto simp: permutations_of_set_nonempty xs_eq)
hence "set ys = A - {x}"
by (auto simp: permutations_of_set_def)
hence "ys ≠ []"
using ‹A - {x} ≠ {}› by (intro notI) auto
have "hd ys ∈ A"
using hd_in_set[of ys] ‹set ys = A - {x}› ‹ys ≠ []› by auto
moreover have "rev_alternating_list R ys" "(hd ys, x) ∈ R"
using xs ‹ys ≠ []› by (auto simp: xs_eq alternating_list_Cons_iff)
moreover have "(hd ys, hd ys) ∉ R"
using assms(1) by (auto simp: strict_linear_order_on_def irrefl_def)
ultimately show ?case
using ‹ys ≠ []› ys
by (auto simp: xs_eq alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def
qed (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def)
lemma bij_betw_alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_flip:
assumes "x ≤ n"
shows "bij_betw (map (λk. n - k))
(alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x::nat,y). x < y} {0..n} x)
(alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x::nat,y). x > y} {0..n} (n - x))"
proof -
have *: "bij_betw (λk. n - k) {0..n} {0..n}"
by (rule bij_betwI[of _ _ _ "λk. n - k"]) auto
have "bij_betw (map ((-) n))
(alternating_permutations_of_set {(x, y). x < y} {0..n})
(alternating_permutations_of_set {(x, y). y < x} {0..n})"
by (rule bij_betw_alternating_permutations_of_set)
(use * in ‹auto simp: monotone_on_def image_def bij_betw_def›)
thus ?thesis
unfolding alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def
proof (rule bij_betw_Collect, goal_cases)
case (1 xs)
hence "xs ≠ []" "set xs = {0..n}"
by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def)
with hd_in_set[of xs] have "hd xs ≤ n"
by auto
thus ?case using ‹xs ≠ []› assms
by (auto simp: hd_map)
subsection ‹Entringer numbers›
text ‹
The Entringer number $E_{n,k}$ now counts the number of alternating permutations
on a set with $n+1$ elements that start with the (unique) element of rank $k$,
i.e.\ the $k$-th largest element of the set.~\oeiscite{A008282}
As we will see, it suffices to w.l.o.g.\ only consider sets of integers of the form
$\{0, \ldots, n\}$.
definition entringer_number :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat" where
"entringer_number n k =
card (alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x,y). x < y} {0..n} k)"
lemma entringer_number_0_0 [simp]: "entringer_number 0 0 = 1"
and entring_number_0_left [simp]: "k ≠ 0 ⟹ entringer_number 0 k = 0"
by (simp_all add: entringer_number_def alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_singleton)
lemma entringer_number_0_right [simp]:
assumes "n > 0"
shows "entringer_number n 0 = 0"
proof -
have "alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x,y). x < y} {0..n} 0 = {}"
by (rule alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_least) (use assms in auto)
thus ?thesis
using assms by (simp add: entringer_number_def)
lemma entringer_number_greater_eq_0 [simp]:
assumes "k > n"
shows "entringer_number n k = 0"
proof -
have "alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x,y). x < y} {0..n} k = {}"
by (rule alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_outside) (use assms in auto)
thus ?thesis
using assms by (simp add: entringer_number_def)
theorem card_alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd:
assumes "strict_linear_order_on A R" "finite A" "x ∈ A"
shows "card (alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x) =
entringer_number (card A - 1) (card {y∈A-{x}. (y,x) ∈ R})"
proof -
define n where "n = card A - 1"
have "A ≠ {}"
using ‹x ∈ A› by auto
with ‹finite A› have "card A > 0"
using card_gt_0_iff by blast
hence "card A = Suc n"
by (auto simp: n_def)
hence *: "{0..n} = {0..<card A}"
by auto
obtain f :: "nat ⇒ 'a" where f:
"bij_betw f {0..n} A" "monotone_on {0..n} (<) (λx y. (x,y) ∈ R) f"
using strict_linear_orderE_bij_betw[OF assms(1,2)] unfolding * .
obtain k where k: "k ≤ n" "f k = x"
using f(1) ‹x ∈ A› by (auto simp: bij_betw_def)
have R_f_iff: "(f x, f y) ∈ R ⟷ x < y" if "x ≤ n" "y ≤ n" for x y
by (rule monotone_on_strict_linear_orderD[OF f(2)])
(use assms that f(1) in ‹auto simp: bij_betw_def›)
have f_eq_iff: "f x = f y ⟷ x = y" if "x ≤ n" "y ≤ n" for x y
using f(1) that by (auto simp: bij_betw_def inj_on_def)
have "bij_betw f {i∈{0..n}. i < k} {y∈A. (y, x) ∈ R}"
using f(1) by (rule bij_betw_Collect) (use f(2) k in ‹auto simp: monotone_on_def R_f_iff›)
hence "card {i∈{0..n}. i < k} = card {y∈A. (y, x) ∈ R}"
by (rule bij_betw_same_card)
also have "{i∈{0..n}. i < k} = {..<k}"
using k by auto
also have "{y∈A. (y, x) ∈ R} = {y∈A-{x}. (y, x) ∈ R}"
using ‹x ∈ A› assms by (auto simp: strict_linear_order_on_def irrefl_def)
finally have k_eq: "k = card {y∈A-{x}. (y, x) ∈ R}"
by simp
have "bij_betw (map f)
(alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x,y). x < y} {0..n} k)
(alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x)"
unfolding alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def
using bij_betw_alternating_permutations_of_set
proof (rule bij_betw_Collect)
show "A = f ` {0..n}" "strict_linear_order_on (f ` {0..n}) R"
using f(1) assms by (simp_all add: bij_betw_def)
fix xs assume "xs ∈ alternating_permutations_of_set {(x, y). x < y} {0..n}"
hence xs: "set xs = {0..n}" "xs ≠ []"
by (auto simp: alternating_permutations_of_set_def permutations_of_set_def)
show "(map f xs ≠ [] ∧ hd (map f xs) = x) ⟷ (xs ≠ [] ∧ hd xs = k)"
using k hd_in_set[of xs] xs by (auto simp: hd_map f_eq_iff)
qed (use f assms in ‹auto simp: hd_map›)
hence "card (alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x,y). x < y} {0..n} k) =
card (alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd R A x)"
by (rule bij_betw_same_card)
also have "card (alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x,y). x < y} {0..n} k) =
entringer_number n k"
unfolding entringer_number_def by simp
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: n_def k_eq)
text ‹
It is not difficult to show that $E_{n,n} = E_n$, i.e.\ the Entringer numbers really
are a generalisation of the Euler numbers. The idea is that if we have an alternating
permutation of $n$ elements $0, 1, \ldots, n$ that starts with largest one (i.e.\ $n$)
then the list we obtain after dropping the initial element is a reverse-alternating
permutation of $0, 1, \ldots, n-1$ with no further restrictions, and this map is one-to-one.
lemma entringer_number_same [simp]:
"entringer_number n n = zigzag_number n"
proof (cases "n = 0")
case False
have "bij_betw (λxs. n # xs)
(rev_alternating_permutations_of_set {(x, y). x < y} ({0..n}-{n}))
(alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x, y). x < y} {0..n} n)"
by (rule alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_greatest) auto
hence "card (rev_alternating_permutations_of_set {(x, y). x < y} ({0..n}-{n})) =
card (alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x, y). x < y} {0..n} n)"
by (rule bij_betw_same_card)
also have "… = entringer_number n n"
using False by (simp add: entringer_number_def)
also have "converse {(x, y). x < y} = {(x::nat, y). x > y}"
by auto
also have "card (alternating_permutations_of_set {(x, y). x > y} ({0..n}-{n})) = zigzag_number n"
by (subst card_alternating_permutations_of_set) auto
finally show ?thesis ..
qed auto
lemma card_rev_alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd:
assumes x: "x ≤ n"
shows "card (alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x::nat,y). x > y} {0..n} x) =
entringer_number n (n - x)"
proof -
have "card (alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x::nat,y). x > y} {0..n} x) =
entringer_number n (card {y ∈ {0..n} - {x}. x < y})"
by (subst card_alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd) (use assms in auto)
also have "{y ∈ {0..n} - {x}. x < y} = {x<..n}"
using x by auto
finally show ?thesis
by simp
text ‹
The following summation identity can be visualised as follows: if we have an alternating
permutation of the elements $0, \ldots, n$ that starts with $k$ then the next element
after $k$ must be a reverse-alternating permutation starting with one of the elements
$0, \ldots, k-1$, and this is again a bijection.
theorem sum_entringer_numbers:
assumes k: "k ≤ Suc n"
shows "(∑i<k. entringer_number n (n - i)) = entringer_number (Suc n) k"
proof -
define A where "A = (λX x. alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x::nat,y). x < y} X x)"
define A' where "A' = (λX x. alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x::nat,y). x > y} X x)"
have converses: "converse {(x::nat,y). x < y} = {(x::nat,y). x > y}"
"converse {(x::nat,y). x > y} = {(x::nat,y). x < y}"
by auto
have "bij_betw ((#) k)
(⋃ (alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd ({(x, y). x < y}¯) ({0..Suc n} - {k}) ` {y ∈ {0..Suc n} - {k}. (y, k) ∈ {(x, y). x < y}}))
(alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd {(x, y). x < y} {0..Suc n} k)"
by (intro alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_split_first) (use k in auto)
also have "{y ∈ {0..Suc n} - {k}. (y, k) ∈ {(x, y). x < y}} = {0..<k}"
using k by auto
finally have "bij_betw ((#) k) (⋃i<k. A' ({0..Suc n} - {k}) i) (A {0..Suc n} k)"
using converses by (simp add: A_def A'_def case_prod_unfold atLeast0LessThan)
hence "card (⋃i<k. A' ({0..Suc n} - {k}) i) = card (A {0..Suc n} k)"
by (rule bij_betw_same_card)
also have "card (A {0..Suc n} k) = entringer_number (Suc n) k"
by (simp add: entringer_number_def A_def)
also have "card (⋃i<k. A' ({0..Suc n} - {k}) i) = (∑i<k. card (A' ({0..Suc n} - {k}) i))"
by (subst card_UN_disjoint)
(auto simp: A'_def alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd_def alternating_permutations_of_set_def)
also have "… = (∑i<k. entringer_number n (n - i))"
proof (intro sum.cong)
fix i assume i: "i ∈ {..<k}"
have "card (A' ({0..Suc n} - {k}) i) =
entringer_number n (card {j ∈ {0..Suc n} - {k} - {i}. i < j})"
unfolding A'_def using i k
by (subst card_alternating_permutations_of_set_with_hd) auto
also have "{j ∈ {0..Suc n} - {k} - {i}. i < j} = {i<..Suc n} - {k}"
using i k by auto
also have "card … = n - i"
using i k by (subst card_Diff_subset) auto
finally show "card (A' ({0..Suc n} - {k}) i) = entringer_number n (n - i)" .
qed auto
finally show ?thesis .
lemma sum_entringer_numbers':
assumes k: "k ≤ n"
shows "(∑i≤k. entringer_number n (n - i)) = entringer_number (Suc n) (Suc k)"
proof -
have "(∑i<Suc k. entringer_number n (n - i)) = entringer_number (Suc n) (Suc k)"
by (rule sum_entringer_numbers) (use k in auto)
also have "{..<Suc k} = {..k}"
by auto
finally show ?thesis .
text ‹
A consequence of this summation identity is that the sum of all the values in the $n$-th row
of the Entringer triangle is exactly the $n$-th zigzag number.
corollary sum_entringer_numbers_row: "(∑k≤n. entringer_number n k) = zigzag_number (Suc n)"
proof -
have "(∑k≤n. entringer_number n (n - k)) = zigzag_number (Suc n)"
using sum_entringer_numbers'[OF order.refl, of n] by simp
also have "(∑k≤n. entringer_number n (n - k)) = (∑k≤n. entringer_number n k)"
by (rule sum.reindex_bij_witness[of _ "λk. n - k" "λk. n - k"]) auto
finally show ?thesis
by simp
text ‹
By telescoping the summation identity, we also obtain the following simple recurrence
for the Entringer numbers:
corollary entringer_number_rec:
assumes "k ≤ n"
shows "entringer_number (Suc n) (Suc k) =
entringer_number (Suc n) k + entringer_number n (n - k)"
proof -
have "entringer_number (Suc n) (Suc k) = (∑i≤k. entringer_number n (n - i))"
by (rule sum_entringer_numbers' [symmetric]) (use assms in auto)
also have "{..k} = insert k {..<k}"
by auto
also have "(∑i∈…. entringer_number n (n - i)) =
(∑i<k. entringer_number n (n - i)) + entringer_number n (n - k)"
by (subst sum.insert) auto
also have "(∑i<k. entringer_number n (n - i)) = entringer_number (Suc n) k"
by (rule sum_entringer_numbers) (use assms in auto)
finally show ?thesis .
text ‹
This recurrence can be used to compute the Entringer numbers (although if one wants
this to be efficient one has to be a bit smarter about avoiding double computations;
either by memoisation or by finding a smarter way to traverse the triangle).
lemma entringer_number_code [code]:
"entringer_number n k =
(if n = 0 then if k = 0 then 1 else 0
else if k = 0 ∨ k > n then 0
else entringer_number n (k - 1) + entringer_number (n - 1) (n - k))"
using entringer_number_rec[of "k - 1" "n - 1"] by (cases n; cases k) auto