Theory QuasiTerms_Environments_Substitution

section ‹Environments and Substitution for Quasi-Terms›

theory QuasiTerms_Environments_Substitution
imports QuasiTerms_PickFresh_Alpha

text‹Inside this theory, since anyway all the interesting properties hold only
modulo alpha, we forget completely about qAFresh and use only qFresh.›

text‹In this section we define, for quasi-terms, parallel substitution according to
{\em environments}.
This is the most general kind of substitution -- an environment, i.e., a partial
map from variables
to quasi-terms, indicates which quasi-term (if any) to be substituted for each
variable; substitution
is then applied to a subject quasi-term and an environment.  In order to ``keep up"
with the notion
of good quasi-term, we define good environments and show that substitution
preserves goodness.  Since,
unlike swapping, substitution does not behave well w.r.t. quasi-terms
(but only w.r.t. terms, i.e., to alpha-equivalence classes),
here we prove the minimum amount of properties required for properly lifting
parallel substitution to terms. Then compositionality properties
of parallel substitution will be proved directly for terms.

subsection ‹Environments›

type_synonym ('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qEnv =
      "'varSort  'var  ('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qTerm option"

context FixVars  (* scope all throughout the file *)

definition qGoodEnv :: "('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qEnv  bool"
"qGoodEnv rho ==
 ( xs. liftAll qGood (rho xs)) 
 ( ys. |{y. rho ys y  None}| <o |UNIV :: 'var set| )"

definition qFreshEnv where
"qFreshEnv zs z rho ==
 rho zs z = None  ( xs. liftAll (qFresh zs z) (rho xs))"

definition alphaEnv where
"alphaEnv =
 {(rho,rho').  xs. sameDom (rho xs) (rho' xs) 
                      liftAll2 (λX X'. X #= X') (rho xs) (rho' xs)}"

abbreviation alphaEnv_abbrev ::
 ('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qEnv  bool" (infix "&=" 50)
"rho &= rho' == (rho,rho')  alphaEnv"

definition pickQFreshEnv
"pickQFreshEnv xs V XS Rho ==
 pickQFresh xs (V  ( rho  Rho. {x. rho xs x  None}))
               (XS  ( rho  Rho. {X.  ys y. rho ys y = Some X}))"

lemma qGoodEnv_imp_card_of_qTerm:
assumes "qGoodEnv rho"
shows "|{X.  y. rho ys y = Some X}| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|"
  let ?rel = "{(y,X). rho ys y = Some X}"
  let ?Left = "{X.  y. rho ys y = Some X}"
  let ?Left' = "{y.  X. rho ys y = Some X}"
  have " y X X'. (y,X)  ?rel  (y,X')  ?rel  X = X'" by force
  hence "|?Left| ≤o |?Left'|" using card_of_inj_rel[of ?rel] by auto
  moreover have "|?Left'| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|" using assms unfolding qGoodEnv_def by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using ordLeq_ordLess_trans by blast

lemma qGoodEnv_imp_card_of_qTerm2:
assumes "qGoodEnv rho"
shows "|{X.  ys y. rho ys y = Some X}| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|"
  let ?Left = "{X.  ys y. rho ys y = Some X}"
  let ?F = "λ ys. {X.  y. rho ys y = Some X}"
  have "?Left = ( ys. ?F ys)" by auto
  moreover have " ys. |?F ys| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|"
  using assms qGoodEnv_imp_card_of_qTerm by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
  using var_regular_INNER varSort_lt_var_INNER by(force simp add: regular_UNION)

lemma qGoodEnv_iff:
"qGoodEnv rho =
 (( xs. liftAll qGood (rho xs)) 
  ( ys. |{y. rho ys y  None}| <o |UNIV :: 'var set| ) 
  |{X.  ys y. rho ys y = Some X}| <o |UNIV :: 'var set| )"
unfolding qGoodEnv_def apply auto
apply(rule qGoodEnv_imp_card_of_qTerm2) unfolding qGoodEnv_def by simp

lemma alphaEnv_refl:
"qGoodEnv rho  rho &= rho"
using alpha_refl
unfolding alphaEnv_def qGoodEnv_def liftAll_def liftAll2_def sameDom_def by fastforce

lemma alphaEnv_sym:
"rho &= rho'  rho' &= rho"
using alpha_sym unfolding alphaEnv_def liftAll2_def sameDom_def by fastforce

lemma alphaEnv_trans:
assumes good: "qGoodEnv rho" and
        alpha1: "rho &= rho'" and alpha2: "rho' &= rho''"
shows "rho &= rho''"
using assms unfolding alphaEnv_def
using sameDom_trans apply blast
unfolding liftAll2_def proof(auto)
  fix xs x X X''
  assume rho: "rho xs x = Some X" and rho'': "rho'' xs x = Some X''"
  moreover have "(rho xs x = None) = (rho' xs x = None)"
  using alpha1 unfolding alphaEnv_def sameDom_def by auto
  ultimately obtain X' where rho': "rho' xs x = Some X'" by auto
  hence "X #= X'" using alpha1 rho unfolding alphaEnv_def liftAll2_def by auto
  moreover have "X' #= X''"
  using alpha2 rho' rho'' unfolding alphaEnv_def liftAll2_def by auto
  moreover have "qGood X" using good rho unfolding qGoodEnv_def liftAll_def by auto
  ultimately show "X #= X''" using alpha_trans by blast

lemma pickQFreshEnv_card_of:
assumes Vvar: "|V| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|" and XSvar: "|XS| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|" and
        good: " X  XS. qGood X" and
        Rhovar: "|Rho| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|" and RhoGood: " rho  Rho. qGoodEnv rho"
"pickQFreshEnv xs V XS Rho  V 
 ( X  XS. qFresh xs (pickQFreshEnv xs V XS Rho) X) 
 ( rho  Rho. qFreshEnv xs (pickQFreshEnv xs V XS Rho) rho)"
  let ?z =" pickQFreshEnv xs V XS Rho"
  let ?V2 = " rho  Rho. {x. rho xs x  None}"  let ?W = "V  ?V2"
  let ?XS2 = " rho  Rho. {X.  ys y. rho ys y = Some X}" let ?YS = "XS  ?XS2"
  have "|?W| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|"
    have " rho  Rho. |{x. rho xs x  None}| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|"
    using RhoGood unfolding qGoodEnv_iff using qGoodEnv_iff by auto
    hence "|?V2| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|"
    using var_regular_INNER Rhovar by (auto simp add: regular_UNION)
    thus ?thesis using var_infinite_INNER Vvar card_of_Un_ordLess_infinite by auto
  moreover have "|?YS| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|"
    have " rho  Rho. |{X.  ys y. rho ys y = Some X}| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|"
    using RhoGood unfolding qGoodEnv_iff by auto
    hence "|?XS2| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|"
    using var_regular_INNER Rhovar by (auto simp add: regular_UNION)
    thus ?thesis using var_infinite_INNER XSvar card_of_Un_ordLess_infinite by auto
  moreover have " Y  ?YS. qGood Y"
  using good RhoGood unfolding qGoodEnv_iff liftAll_def by blast
  have "?z  ?W  ( Y  ?YS. qFresh xs ?z Y)"
  unfolding pickQFreshEnv_def using pickQFresh_card_of[of ?W ?YS] by auto
  thus ?thesis unfolding qFreshEnv_def liftAll_def by(auto)

lemma pickQFreshEnv:
assumes Vvar: "|V| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|  finite V"
and XSvar: "|XS| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|  finite XS"
and good: " X  XS. qGood X"
and Rhovar: "|Rho| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|  finite Rho"
and RhoGood: " rho  Rho. qGoodEnv rho"
"pickQFreshEnv xs V XS Rho  V 
 ( X  XS. qFresh xs (pickQFreshEnv xs V XS Rho) X) 
 ( rho  Rho. qFreshEnv xs (pickQFreshEnv xs V XS Rho) rho)"
  have 1: "|V| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|  |XS| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|  |Rho| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|"
  using assms var_infinite_INNER by(auto simp add: finite_ordLess_infinite2)
  show ?thesis
  apply(rule pickQFreshEnv_card_of)
  using assms 1 by auto

corollary obtain_qFreshEnv:
fixes XS::"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qTerm set" and
      Rho::"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qEnv set" and rho
assumes Vvar: "|V| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|  finite V"
and XSvar: "|XS| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|  finite XS"
and good: " X  XS. qGood X"
and Rhovar: "|Rho| <o |UNIV :: 'var set|  finite Rho"
and RhoGood: " rho  Rho. qGoodEnv rho"
" z. z  V 
 ( X  XS. qFresh xs z X)  ( rho  Rho. qFreshEnv xs z rho)"
apply(rule exI[of _ "pickQFreshEnv xs V XS Rho"])
using assms by(rule pickQFreshEnv)

subsection ‹Parallel substitution›

(* I shall prove only a *minimal* collection of facts for quasi-
[parallel substitution], just enough
  to show that substitution preserves alpha.  The other properties shall be proved
  for alpha-equivalence directly.   *)

definition aux_qPsubst_ignoreFirst ::
"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qEnv * ('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qTerm +
 ('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qEnv * ('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qAbs
"aux_qPsubst_ignoreFirst K ==
 case K of Inl (rho,X)  termIn X
          |Inr (rho,A)  absIn A"

lemma aux_qPsubst_ignoreFirst_qTermLessQSwapped_wf:
"wf(inv_image qTermQSwappedLess aux_qPsubst_ignoreFirst)"
using qTermQSwappedLess_wf wf_inv_image by auto

qPsubst ::
"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qEnv  ('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qTerm 
qPsubstAbs ::
"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qEnv  ('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qAbs 
"qPsubst rho (qVar xs x) = (case rho xs x of None  qVar xs x| Some X  X)"
"qPsubst rho (qOp delta inp binp) =
 qOp delta (lift (qPsubst rho) inp) (lift (qPsubstAbs rho) binp)"
"qPsubstAbs rho (qAbs xs x X) =
 (let x' = pickQFreshEnv xs {x} {X} {rho} in qAbs xs x' (qPsubst rho (X #[[x'  x]]_xs)))"
by(pat_completeness, auto)
apply(relation "inv_image qTermQSwappedLess aux_qPsubst_ignoreFirst")
apply(simp add: aux_qPsubst_ignoreFirst_qTermLessQSwapped_wf)
by(auto simp add: qTermQSwappedLess_def qTermLess_modulo_def
   aux_qPsubst_ignoreFirst_def qSwap_qSwapped)

abbreviation qPsubst_abbrev ::
"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qTerm  ('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qEnv 
 ('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qTerm" ("_ #[[_]]")
where "X #[[rho]] == qPsubst rho X"

abbreviation qPsubstAbs_abbrev ::
"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qAbs  ('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qEnv 
 ('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qAbs" ("_ $[[_]]")
where "A $[[rho]] == qPsubstAbs rho A"

lemma qPsubstAll_preserves_qGoodAll:
fixes X::"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qTerm" and
      A::"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qAbs" and rho
assumes GOOD_ENV: "qGoodEnv rho"
"(qGood X  qGood (X #[[rho]]))  (qGoodAbs A  qGoodAbs (A $[[rho]]))"
proof(induction rule: qTerm_induct[of _ _ X A])
  case (Var xs x)
  show ?case 
  using GOOD_ENV unfolding qGoodEnv_iff liftAll_def
  by(cases "rho xs x", auto)
  case (Op delta inp binp)
  show ?case proof safe
    assume g: "qGood (qOp delta inp binp)"
    hence 0: "liftAll qGood (lift (qPsubst rho) inp)  
              liftAll qGoodAbs (lift (qPsubstAbs rho) binp)"
    using Op unfolding liftAll_lift_comp comp_def
    by (simp_all add: Let_def liftAll_mp)
    have "{i. lift (qPsubst rho) inp i  None} = {i. inp i  None}  
     {i. lift (qPsubstAbs rho) binp i  None} = {i. binp i  None}"
    by simp (meson lift_Some)
    hence "|{i. y. lift (qPsubst rho) inp i = Some y}| <o |UNIV:: 'var set|" 
    and "|{i. y. lift (qPsubstAbs rho) binp i = Some y}| <o |UNIV:: 'var set|"
    using g by (auto simp: liftAll_def)
    thus "qGood qOp delta inp binp #[[rho]]" using 0 by simp
  case (Abs xs x X)
  show ?case proof safe
    assume g: "qGoodAbs (qAbs xs x X)"      
    let ?x' = "pickQFreshEnv xs {x} {X} {rho}"  let ?X' = "X #[[?x'  x]]_xs"
    have "qGood ?X'" using g qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    moreover have "(X,?X')  qSwapped" using qSwap_qSwapped by fastforce
    ultimately have "qGood (qPsubst rho ?X')" using Abs.IH by simp
    thus "qGoodAbs ((qAbs xs x X) $[[rho]])" by (simp add: Let_def)

corollary qPsubst_preserves_qGood:
"qGoodEnv rho; qGood X  qGood (X #[[rho]])"
using qPsubstAll_preserves_qGoodAll by auto

corollary qPsubstAbs_preserves_qGoodAbs:
"qGoodEnv rho; qGoodAbs A  qGoodAbs (A $[[rho]])"
using qPsubstAll_preserves_qGoodAll by auto

lemma qPsubstAll_preserves_qFreshAll:
fixes X::"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qTerm" and
      A::"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qAbs" and rho
assumes GOOD_ENV: "qGoodEnv rho"
"(qFresh zs z X 
  (qGood X  qFreshEnv zs z rho  qFresh zs z (X #[[rho]]))) 
 (qFreshAbs zs z A 
  (qGoodAbs A  qFreshEnv zs z rho  qFreshAbs zs z (A $[[rho]])))"
proof(induction rule: qTerm_induct[of _ _ X A])
  case (Var xs x)
  then show ?case
  unfolding qFreshEnv_def liftAll_def by (cases "rho xs x") auto 
  case (Op delta inp binp)
  thus ?case 
  by (auto simp add: lift_def liftAll_def qFreshEnv_def split: option.splits)
  case (Abs xs x X)
  show ?case proof safe
    assume q: "qFreshAbs zs z (qAbs xs x X)"
    "qGoodAbs (qAbs xs x X)" "qFreshEnv zs z rho"
    let ?x' = "pickQFreshEnv xs {x} {X} {rho}"  let ?X' = "X #[[?x'  x]]_xs"
    have x': "qFresh xs ?x' X  qFreshEnv xs ?x' rho"
    using q GOOD_ENV by(auto simp add: pickQFreshEnv)
    hence goodX': "qGood ?X'" using q qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    have XX': "(X,?X')  qSwapped" using qSwap_qSwapped by fastforce
    have  "(zs = xs  z = ?x')  qFresh zs z (qPsubst rho ?X')"
    by (meson qSwap_preserves_qFresh_distinct 
    Abs.IH(1) XX' goodX' q qAbs_alphaAbs_qSwap_qFresh qFreshAbs.simps 
    qFreshAbs_preserves_alphaAbs1 qSwap_preserves_qGood2 x')
    thus "qFreshAbs zs z ((qAbs xs x X) $[[rho]])"
    by simp (meson qFreshAbs.simps)+ 

lemma qPsubst_preserves_qFresh:
"qGood X; qGoodEnv rho; qFresh zs z X; qFreshEnv zs z rho
  qFresh zs z (X #[[rho]])"
by(simp add: qPsubstAll_preserves_qFreshAll)

lemma qPsubstAbs_preserves_qFreshAbs:
"qGoodAbs A; qGoodEnv rho; qFreshAbs zs z A; qFreshEnv zs z rho
  qFreshAbs zs z (A $[[rho]])"
by(simp add: qPsubstAll_preserves_qFreshAll)

text‹While in general we try to avoid proving facts in parallel,
   here we seem to have no choice -- it is the first time we must use mutual 

lemma qPsubstAll_preserves_alphaAll_qSwapAll:
fixes X::"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qTerm" and
      A::"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qAbs" and
assumes goodRho: "qGoodEnv rho"
"(qGood X 
  ( Y. X #= Y  (X #[[rho]]) #= (Y #[[rho]])) 
  ( xs z1 z2. qFreshEnv xs z1 rho  qFreshEnv xs z2 rho 
               ((X #[[z1  z2]]_xs) #[[rho]]) #= ((X #[[rho]]) #[[z1  z2]]_xs))) 
 (qGoodAbs A 
  ( B. A $= B  (A $[[rho]]) $= (B $[[rho]])) 
  ( xs z1 z2. qFreshEnv xs z1 rho  qFreshEnv xs z2 rho 
               ((A $[[z1  z2]]_xs) $[[rho]]) $= ((A $[[rho]]) $[[z1  z2]]_xs)))"
proof(induction rule: qGood_qTerm_induct_mutual)
  case (Var1 xs x)
  then show ?case  
  by (metis alpha_refl goodRho qGood.simps(1) qPsubst_preserves_qGood qVar_alpha_iff)
  case (Var2 xs x)
  show ?case proof safe
    fix s::'sort and zs z1 z2
    assume FreshEnv: "qFreshEnv zs z1 rho" "qFreshEnv zs z2 rho"
    hence n: "rho zs z1 = None  rho zs z2 = None" unfolding qFreshEnv_def by simp
    let ?Left = "qPsubst rho ((qVar xs x) #[[z1  z2]]_zs)"
    let ?Right = "(qPsubst rho (qVar xs x)) #[[z1  z2]]_zs"
    have "qGood (qVar xs x)" by simp
    hence "qGood ((qVar xs x) #[[z1  z2]]_zs)"
    using qSwap_preserves_qGood by blast
    hence goodLeft: "qGood ?Left" using goodRho qPsubst_preserves_qGood by blast
    show "?Left #= ?Right"
    proof(cases "rho xs x")  
      case None
      hence "rho xs (x @xs[z1  z2]_zs) = None"
      using n unfolding sw_def by auto
      thus ?thesis using None by simp
      case (Some X) 
      hence "xs  zs  x  {z1,z2}" using n by auto
      hence "(x @xs[z1  z2]_zs) = x" unfolding sw_def by auto
      {have "qFresh zs z1 X  qFresh zs z2 X"
       using Some FreshEnv unfolding qFreshEnv_def liftAll_def by auto
       moreover have "qGood X" using Some goodRho unfolding qGoodEnv_def liftAll_def by auto
       ultimately have "X #= (X #[[z1  z2]]_zs)"
       by(auto simp: alpha_qFresh_qSwap_id alpha_sym)
      ultimately show ?thesis using Some by simp
  case (Op1 delta inp binp)
  show ?case proof safe
    fix Y assume q: "qOp delta inp binp #= Y" 
    then obtain inp' binp' where Y: "Y = qOp delta inp' binp'" and
       *: "(i. (inp i = None) = (inp' i = None)) 
           (i. (binp i = None) = (binp' i = None))" and
       **: "(i X X'. inp i = Some X  inp' i = Some X'  X #= X') 
            (i A A'. binp i = Some A  binp' i = Some A'  A $= A')"
    unfolding qOp_alpha_iff sameDom_def liftAll2_def by auto
    show "(qOp delta inp binp) #[[rho]] #= (Y #[[rho]])"  
    using Op1 **
    by (simp add: Y sameDom_def liftAll2_def)
       (fastforce simp add: * lift_None lift_Some 
        liftAll_def lift_def split: option.splits)
  case (Op2 delta inp binp)
  thus ?case  
  by (auto simp: sameDom_def liftAll2_def lift_None lift_def liftAll_def split: option.splits)  
  case (Abs1 xs x X)
  show ?case proof safe
    fix B
    assume alpha_xXB: "qAbs xs x X $= B"
    then obtain y Y where B: "B = qAbs xs y Y" unfolding qAbs_alphaAbs_iff by auto  
    have "qGoodAbs B" using qGood X alpha_xXB alphaAbs_preserves_qGoodAbs by force
    hence goodY: "qGood Y" unfolding B by simp
    let ?x' = "pickQFreshEnv xs {x} {X} {rho}"
    let ?y' = "pickQFreshEnv xs {y} {Y} {rho}"
    obtain x' and y' where x'y'_def: "x' = ?x'" "y' = ?y'" and
           x'y'_rev: "?x' = x'" "?y' = y'" by blast
    have x'y'_freshXY: "qFresh xs x' X  qFresh xs y' Y"
    unfolding x'y'_def using qGood X goodY goodRho by (auto simp add: pickQFreshEnv)
    have x'y'_fresh_rho: "qFreshEnv xs x' rho  qFreshEnv xs y' rho"
    unfolding x'y'_def using qGood X goodY goodRho by (auto simp add: pickQFreshEnv)
    have x'y'_not_xy: "x'  x  y'  y"
    unfolding x'y'_def using qGood X goodY goodRho
    using pickQFreshEnv[of "{x}" "{X}"] pickQFreshEnv[of "{y}" "{Y}"] by force
    have goodXx'x: "qGood (X #[[x'  x]]_xs)" using qGood X qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    hence good: "qGood(qPsubst rho (X #[[x'  x]]_xs))"
    using goodRho qPsubst_preserves_qGood by auto
    have goodYy'y: "qGood (Y #[[y'  y]]_xs)" using goodY qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    obtain z where z_not: "z  {x,y,x',y'}" and
    z_fresh_XY: "qFresh xs z X  qFresh xs z Y"
    and z_fresh_rho: "qFreshEnv xs z rho" using qGood X goodY goodRho
    using obtain_qFreshEnv[of "{x,y,x',y'}" "{X,Y}" "{rho}"] by auto
    (* Notations: *)
    let ?Xx'x = "X #[[x'  x]]_xs"   let ?Yy'y = "Y #[[y'  y]]_xs"
    let ?Xx'xzx' = "?Xx'x #[[z  x']]_xs" let ?Yy'yzy' = "?Yy'y #[[z  y']]_xs"
    let ?Xzx = "X #[[z  x]]_xs"   let ?Yzy = "Y #[[z  y]]_xs"
    (* Preliminary facts: *)
    have goodXx'x: "qGood ?Xx'x" using qGood X qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    hence goodXx'xzx': "qGood ?Xx'xzx'" using qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    have "qGood (?Xx'x #[[rho]])" using goodXx'x goodRho qPsubst_preserves_qGood by auto
    hence goodXx'x_rho_zx': "qGood ((?Xx'x #[[rho]]) #[[z  x']]_xs)"
    using qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    have goodYy'y: "qGood ?Yy'y" using goodY qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    (*  *)
    have skelXx'x: "qSkel ?Xx'x = qSkel X" using qSkel_qSwap by fastforce
    hence skelXx'xzx': "qSkel ?Xx'xzx' = qSkel X" by (auto simp add: qSkel_qSwap)
    have "qSkelAbs B = qSkelAbs (qAbs xs x X)"
    using alpha_xXB alphaAll_qSkelAll by fastforce
    hence "qSkel Y = qSkel X" unfolding B by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
    hence skelYy'y: "qSkel ?Yy'y = qSkel X" by(auto simp add: qSkel_qSwap)
    (* Main proof: *)
    have "((?Xx'x #[[rho]]) #[[z  x']]_xs) #= (?Xx'xzx' #[[rho]])"
    using skelXx'x goodXx'x z_fresh_rho x'y'_fresh_rho
          Abs1.IH(2)[of "?Xx'x"] by (auto simp add: alpha_sym)
    {have "?Xx'xzx' #= ?Xzx"
     using qGood X x'y'_freshXY z_fresh_XY alpha_qFresh_qSwap_compose by fastforce
     moreover have "?Xzx #= ?Yzy" using alpha_xXB unfolding B
     using z_fresh_XY qGood X goodY
     by (simp only: alphaAbs_qAbs_iff_all_qFresh)
     moreover have "?Yzy #= ?Yy'yzy'" using goodY x'y'_freshXY z_fresh_XY
     by(auto simp add: alpha_qFresh_qSwap_compose alpha_sym)
     ultimately have "?Xx'xzx' #= ?Yy'yzy'" using goodXx'xzx' alpha_trans by blast
     hence "(?Xx'xzx' #[[rho]]) #= (?Yy'yzy' #[[rho]])"
     using goodXx'xzx' skelXx'xzx' Abs1.IH(1) by auto
    moreover have "(?Yy'yzy' #[[rho]]) #= ((?Yy'y #[[rho]]) #[[z  y']]_xs)"
    using skelYy'y goodYy'y z_fresh_rho x'y'_fresh_rho
          Abs1.IH(2)[of "?Yy'y"] alpha_sym by fastforce
    have "((?Xx'x #[[rho]]) #[[z  x']]_xs) #= ((?Yy'y #[[rho]]) #[[z  y']]_xs)"
    using goodXx'x_rho_zx' alpha_trans by blast  
    thus "(qAbs xs x X) $[[rho]] $= (B $[[rho]])"
    unfolding B apply simp unfolding Let_def 
    unfolding x'y'_rev
    using good z_not apply(simp only: alphaAbs_qAbs_iff_ex_qFresh)
    by (auto intro!: exI[of _ z]
    simp: alphaAbs_qAbs_iff_ex_qFresh goodRho goodXx'x qPsubstAll_preserves_qFreshAll 
    qSwap_preserves_qFresh_distinct z_fresh_XY goodYy'y qPsubst_preserves_qFresh z_fresh_rho)
  case (Abs2 xs x X)
  show ?case proof safe 
    fix zs z1 z2
    assume z1z2_fresh_rho: "qFreshEnv zs z1 rho" "qFreshEnv zs z2 rho" 
    let ?x' = "pickQFreshEnv xs {x @xs[z1  z2]_zs} {X #[[z1  z2]]_zs} {rho}"
    let ?x'' = "pickQFreshEnv xs {x} {X} {rho}"
    obtain x' x'' where x'x''_def: "x' = ?x'" "x'' = ?x''" and
           x'x''_rev: "?x' = x'" "?x'' = x''" by blast
    let ?xa = "x @xs[z1  z2]_zs"  let ?xa'' = "x'' @xs[z1  z2]_zs"
    obtain u where "u  {x,x',x'',z1,z2}" and
    u_fresh_X: "qFresh xs u X" and u_fresh_rho: "qFreshEnv xs u rho"
    using qGood X goodRho using obtain_qFreshEnv[of "{x,x',x'',z1,z2}" "{X}" "{rho}"] by auto
    hence u_not: "u  {x,x',x'',z1,z2,?xa,?xa''}" unfolding sw_def by auto
    let ?ua = "u @xs [z1  z2]_zs"
    let ?Xz1z2 = "X #[[z1  z2]]_zs"  
      let ?Xz1z2x'xa = "?Xz1z2 #[[x'  ?xa]]_xs"
        let ?Xz1z2x'xa_rho = "?Xz1z2x'xa #[[rho]]"
          let ?Xz1z2x'xa_rho_ux' = "?Xz1z2x'xa_rho #[[u  x']]_xs"
        let ?Xz1z2x'xaux' = "?Xz1z2x'xa #[[u  x']]_xs"
          let ?Xz1z2x'xaux'_rho = "?Xz1z2x'xaux' #[[rho]]"
      let ?Xz1z2uxa = "?Xz1z2 #[[u  ?xa]]_xs"
      let ?Xz1z2uaxa = "?Xz1z2 #[[?ua  ?xa]]_xs"
    let ?Xux = "X #[[u  x]]_xs"
      let ?Xuxz1z2 = "?Xux #[[z1  z2]]_zs"
    let ?Xx''x = "X #[[x''  x]]_xs"
      let ?Xx''xux'' = "?Xx''x #[[u  x'']]_xs"
        let ?Xx''xux''z1z2 = "?Xx''xux'' #[[z1  z2]]_zs"
      let ?Xx''xz1z2 = "?Xx''x #[[z1  z2]]_zs"
        let ?Xx''xz1z2uaxa'' = "?Xx''xz1z2 #[[?ua  ?xa'']]_xs"
          let ?Xx''xz1z2uaxa''_rho = "?Xx''xz1z2uaxa'' #[[rho]]"
        let ?Xx''xz1z2uxa'' = "?Xx''xz1z2 #[[u  ?xa'']]_xs"
          let ?Xx''xz1z2uxa''_rho = "?Xx''xz1z2uxa'' #[[rho]]"
        let ?Xx''xz1z2_rho = "?Xx''xz1z2 #[[rho]]"
          let ?Xx''xz1z2_rho_uxa'' = "?Xx''xz1z2_rho #[[u  ?xa'']]_xs"
      let ?Xx''x_rho = "?Xx''x #[[rho]]"
        let ?Xx''x_rho_z1z2 = "?Xx''x_rho #[[z1  z2]]_zs"
          let ?Xx''x_rho_z1z2uxa'' = "?Xx''x_rho_z1z2 #[[u  ?xa'']]_xs"
    (* Facts about x', x'', ?xa, ?ua, ?xa'': *)
    have goodXz1z2: "qGood ?Xz1z2" using qGood X qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    have x'x''_fresh_Xz1z2: "qFresh xs x' ?Xz1z2  qFresh xs x'' X"
    unfolding x'x''_def using qGood X goodXz1z2 goodRho by (auto simp add: pickQFreshEnv)
    have x'x''_fresh_rho: "qFreshEnv xs x' rho  qFreshEnv xs x'' rho"
    unfolding x'x''_def using qGood X goodXz1z2 goodRho by (auto simp add: pickQFreshEnv)
    have ua_eq_u: "?ua = u" using u_not unfolding sw_def by auto
    (* Good: *)
    have goodXz1z2x'xa: "qGood ?Xz1z2x'xa" using goodXz1z2 qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    have goodXux: "qGood ?Xux" using qGood X qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    hence goodXuxz1z2: "qGood ?Xuxz1z2" using qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    have goodXx''x: "qGood ?Xx''x" using qGood X qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    hence goodXx''xz1z2: "qGood ?Xx''xz1z2" using qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    hence "qGood ?Xx''xz1z2_rho" using goodRho qPsubst_preserves_qGood by auto
    hence goodXx''xz1z2_rho: "qGood ?Xx''xz1z2_rho"
    using goodRho qPsubst_preserves_qGood by auto
    have goodXz1z2x'xaux': "qGood ?Xz1z2x'xaux'"
    using goodXz1z2x'xa qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    have goodXz1z2x'xa_rho: "qGood ?Xz1z2x'xa_rho"
    using goodXz1z2x'xa goodRho qPsubst_preserves_qGood by auto
    hence goodXz1z2x'xa_rho_ux': "qGood ?Xz1z2x'xa_rho_ux'"
    using qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
    (* Fresh: *)
    have xa''_fresh_rho: "qFreshEnv xs ?xa'' rho"
    using x'x''_fresh_rho z1z2_fresh_rho unfolding sw_def by auto
    have u_fresh_Xz1z2: "qFresh xs u ?Xz1z2"
    using u_fresh_X u_not by(auto simp add: qSwap_preserves_qFresh_distinct)
    hence "qFresh xs u ?Xz1z2x'xa" using u_not by(auto simp add: qSwap_preserves_qFresh_distinct)
    hence u_fresh_Xz1z2x'xa_rho: "qFresh xs u ?Xz1z2x'xa_rho"
    using u_fresh_rho u_fresh_X goodRho goodXz1z2x'xa qPsubst_preserves_qFresh by auto
    have "qFresh xs u ?Xx''x"
    using u_fresh_X u_not by(auto simp add: qSwap_preserves_qFresh_distinct)
    hence "qFresh xs u ?Xx''x_rho" using goodRho goodXx''x u_fresh_rho
    by(auto simp add: qPsubst_preserves_qFresh)
    hence u_fresh_Xx''x_rho_z1z2: "qFresh xs u ?Xx''x_rho_z1z2"
    using u_not by(auto simp add: qSwap_preserves_qFresh_distinct)
    (* Skeleton: *)
    have skel_Xz1z2x'xa: "qSkel ?Xz1z2x'xa = qSkel X" by(auto simp add: qSkel_qSwap)
    hence skel_Xz1z2x'xaux': "qSkel ?Xz1z2x'xaux' = qSkel X" by(auto simp add: qSkel_qSwap)
    have skel_Xx''x: "qSkel ?Xx''x = qSkel X" by(auto simp add: qSkel_qSwap)
    hence skel_Xx''xz1z2: "qSkel ?Xx''xz1z2 = qSkel X" by(auto simp add: qSkel_qSwap)
    (* Main proof: *)     
    have "?Xz1z2x'xaux'_rho #= ?Xz1z2x'xa_rho_ux'"
    using x'x''_fresh_rho u_fresh_rho skel_Xz1z2x'xa goodXz1z2x'xa
    using Abs2.IH(2)[of ?Xz1z2x'xa] by auto
    hence "?Xz1z2x'xa_rho_ux' #= ?Xz1z2x'xaux'_rho" using alpha_sym by auto
    {have "?Xz1z2x'xaux' #= ?Xz1z2uxa"
     using goodXz1z2 u_fresh_Xz1z2 x'x''_fresh_Xz1z2
     using alpha_qFresh_qSwap_compose by fastforce
     moreover have "?Xz1z2uxa = ?Xuxz1z2"
     using ua_eq_u qSwap_compose[of zs z1 z2 xs x u X] by(auto simp: qSwap_sym)
     {have "?Xux #= ?Xx''xux''"
      using qGood X u_fresh_X x'x''_fresh_Xz1z2
      by(auto simp: alpha_qFresh_qSwap_compose alpha_sym)
      hence "?Xuxz1z2 #= ?Xx''xux''z1z2"
      using goodXux by (auto simp add: qSwap_preserves_alpha)
     moreover have "?Xx''xux''z1z2 = ?Xx''xz1z2uxa''"
     using ua_eq_u qSwap_compose[of zs z1 z2 _  _ _ ?Xx''x] by auto
     ultimately have "?Xz1z2x'xaux' #= ?Xx''xz1z2uxa''"
     using goodXz1z2x'xaux' alpha_trans by auto
     hence "?Xz1z2x'xaux'_rho #= ?Xx''xz1z2uxa''_rho"
     using goodXz1z2x'xaux' skel_Xz1z2x'xaux' Abs2.IH(1) by auto
    moreover have "?Xx''xz1z2uxa''_rho #= ?Xx''xz1z2_rho_uxa''"
    using xa''_fresh_rho u_fresh_rho skel_Xx''xz1z2 goodXx''xz1z2
    using Abs2.IH(2)[of ?Xx''xz1z2] by auto
    {have "?Xx''xz1z2_rho #= ?Xx''x_rho_z1z2"
     using z1z2_fresh_rho skel_Xx''x goodXx''x
     using Abs2.IH(2)[of ?Xx''x] by auto
     hence "?Xx''xz1z2_rho_uxa'' #= ?Xx''x_rho_z1z2uxa''"
     using goodXx''xz1z2_rho by(auto simp add: qSwap_preserves_alpha)
    ultimately have "?Xz1z2x'xa_rho_ux' #= ?Xx''x_rho_z1z2uxa''"
    using goodXz1z2x'xa_rho_ux' alpha_trans by blast
    thus "((qAbs xs x X) $[[z1  z2]]_zs) $[[rho]] $= 
          (((qAbs xs x X) $[[rho]]) $[[z1  z2]]_zs)"
    using goodXz1z2x'xa_rho    
    goodXz1z2x'xa u_not u_fresh_Xz1z2x'xa_rho u_fresh_Xx''x_rho_z1z2 
    apply(simp add: Let_def x'x''_rev del: alpha.simps alphaAbs.simps ) 
    by (auto simp only: Let_def alphaAbs_qAbs_iff_ex_qFresh)

corollary qPsubst_preserves_alpha1:
assumes "qGoodEnv rho" and "qGood X  qGood Y" and "X #= Y"
shows "(X #[[rho]]) #= (Y #[[rho]])"
using alpha_preserves_qGood assms qPsubstAll_preserves_alphaAll_qSwapAll by blast
corollary qPsubstAbs_preserves_alphaAbs1:
assumes "qGoodEnv rho" and "qGoodAbs A  qGoodAbs B" and "A $= B"
shows "(A $[[rho]]) $= (B $[[rho]])"
using alphaAbs_preserves_qGoodAbs assms qPsubstAll_preserves_alphaAll_qSwapAll by blast

corollary alpha_qFreshEnv_qSwap_qPsubst_commute:
"qGoodEnv rho; qGood X; qFreshEnv zs z1 rho; qFreshEnv zs z2 rho 
 ((X #[[z1  z2]]_zs) #[[rho]]) #= ((X #[[rho]]) #[[z1  z2]]_zs)"
by(simp add: qPsubstAll_preserves_alphaAll_qSwapAll)

corollary alphaAbs_qFreshEnv_qSwapAbs_qPsubstAbs_commute:
"qGoodEnv rho; qGoodAbs A;
  qFreshEnv zs z1 rho; qFreshEnv zs z2 rho 
 ((A $[[z1  z2]]_zs) $[[rho]]) $= ((A $[[rho]]) $[[z1  z2]]_zs)"
by(simp add: qPsubstAll_preserves_alphaAll_qSwapAll)

lemma qPsubstAll_preserves_alphaAll2:
fixes X::"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qTerm" and
      A::"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qAbs" and
      rho'::"('index,'bindex,'varSort,'var,'opSym)qEnv" and rho''
assumes rho'_alpha_rho'': "rho' &= rho''" and
        goodRho': "qGoodEnv rho'" and goodRho'': "qGoodEnv rho''"
"(qGood X  (X #[[rho']]) #= (X #[[rho'']])) 
 (qGoodAbs A  (A $[[rho']]) $= (A $[[rho'']]))"
proof(induction rule: qGood_qTerm_induct)
  case (Var xs x)
  then show ?case 
  proof (cases "rho' xs x") 
    case None
    hence "rho'' xs x = None" using rho'_alpha_rho'' unfolding alphaEnv_def sameDom_def by auto
    thus ?thesis using None by simp
    case (Some X')
    then obtain X'' where rho'': "rho'' xs x = Some X''"
    using assms unfolding alphaEnv_def sameDom_def by force
    hence "X' #= X''" using Some rho'_alpha_rho''
    unfolding alphaEnv_def liftAll2_def by auto
    thus ?thesis using Some rho'' by simp
  case (Op delta inp binp)
  then show ?case 
  by (auto simp: lift_def liftAll_def liftAll2_def sameDom_def Let_def
      split: option.splits)
  case (Abs xs x X)   
  let ?x' = "pickQFreshEnv xs {x} {X} {rho'}"
  let ?x'' = "pickQFreshEnv xs {x} {X} {rho''}"
  obtain x' x'' where x'x''_def: "x' = ?x'" "x'' = ?x''" and
          x'x''_rev: "?x' = x'" "?x'' = x''" by blast
  have x'x''_fresh_X: "qFresh xs x' X  qFresh xs x'' X"
  unfolding x'x''_def using qGood X goodRho' goodRho'' by (auto simp add: pickQFreshEnv)
  have x'_fresh_rho': "qFreshEnv xs x' rho'"
  unfolding x'x''_def using qGood X goodRho' goodRho'' by (auto simp add: pickQFreshEnv)
  have x''_fresh_rho'': "qFreshEnv xs x'' rho''"
  unfolding x'x''_def using qGood X goodRho' goodRho'' by (auto simp add: pickQFreshEnv)
  obtain u where u_not: "u  {x,x',x''}" and
  u_fresh_X: "qFresh xs u X" and
  u_fresh_rho': "qFreshEnv xs u rho'" and u_fresh_rho'': "qFreshEnv xs u rho''"
  using qGood X goodRho' goodRho''
  using obtain_qFreshEnv[of "{x,x',x''}" "{X}" "{rho',rho''}"] by auto
  (* Preliminary facts and notations: *)
  let ?Xx'x = "X #[[x'  x]]_xs"
    let ?Xx'x_rho' = "?Xx'x #[[rho']]"
      let ?Xx'x_rho'_ux' = "?Xx'x_rho' #[[u  x']]_xs"
    let ?Xx'xux' = "?Xx'x #[[u  x']]_xs"
      let ?Xx'xux'_rho' = "?Xx'xux' #[[rho']]"
  let ?Xux = "X #[[u  x]]_xs"
    let ?Xux_rho' = "?Xux #[[rho']]"
    let ?Xux_rho'' = "?Xux #[[rho'']]"
  let ?Xx''x = "X #[[x''  x]]_xs"
    let ?Xx''xux'' = "?Xx''x #[[u  x'']]_xs"
      let ?Xx''xux''_rho'' = "?Xx''xux'' #[[rho'']]"
    let ?Xx''x_rho'' = "?Xx''x #[[rho'']]"
      let ?Xx''x_rho''_ux'' = "?Xx''x_rho'' #[[u  x'']]_xs"
  (* Good: *)
  have goodXx'x: "qGood ?Xx'x" using qGood X qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
  hence goodXx'x_rho': "qGood ?Xx'x_rho'" using qGood X goodRho' qPsubst_preserves_qGood by auto
  hence goodXx'x_rho'_ux': "qGood ?Xx'x_rho'_ux'"
  using qGood X qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
  have goodXx'xux': "qGood ?Xx'xux'" using goodXx'x qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
  have goodXux: "qGood ?Xux" using qGood X qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
  have goodXx''x: "qGood ?Xx''x" using qGood X qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
  hence goodXx''x_rho'': "qGood ?Xx''x_rho''"
  using qGood X goodRho'' qPsubst_preserves_qGood by auto
  (* Fresh: *)
  have "qFresh xs u ?Xx'x" using u_not u_fresh_X
  by(auto simp add: qSwap_preserves_qFresh_distinct)
  hence fresh_Xx'x_rho': "qFresh xs u ?Xx'x_rho'"
  using u_fresh_rho'  goodXx'x goodRho' by(auto simp add: qPsubst_preserves_qFresh)
  have "qFresh xs u ?Xx''x" using u_not u_fresh_X
  by(auto simp add: qSwap_preserves_qFresh_distinct)
  hence fresh_Xx''x_rho'': "qFresh xs u ?Xx''x_rho''"
  using u_fresh_rho''  goodXx''x goodRho'' by(auto simp add: qPsubst_preserves_qFresh)
  (* qSwapped: *)
  have Xux: "(X,?Xux) :qSwapped" by(simp add: qSwap_qSwapped)
  (* Main proof: *)
  have "?Xx'x_rho'_ux' #= ?Xx'xux'_rho'"
  using goodRho' goodXx'x u_fresh_rho' x'_fresh_rho'
  by(auto simp: alpha_qFreshEnv_qSwap_qPsubst_commute alpha_sym)
  {have "?Xx'xux' #= ?Xux" using qGood X u_fresh_X x'x''_fresh_X
   using alpha_qFresh_qSwap_compose by fastforce
   hence "?Xx'xux'_rho' #= ?Xux_rho'" using goodXx'xux' goodRho'
   using qPsubst_preserves_alpha1 by auto
  moreover have "?Xux_rho' #= ?Xux_rho''" using Xux Abs.IH by auto
  {have "?Xux #= ?Xx''xux''" using qGood X u_fresh_X x'x''_fresh_X
   by(auto simp add: alpha_qFresh_qSwap_compose alpha_sym)
   hence "?Xux_rho'' #= ?Xx''xux''_rho''" using goodXux goodRho''
   using qPsubst_preserves_alpha1 by auto
  moreover have "?Xx''xux''_rho'' #= ?Xx''x_rho''_ux''"
  using goodRho'' goodXx''x u_fresh_rho'' x''_fresh_rho''
  by(auto simp: alpha_qFreshEnv_qSwap_qPsubst_commute)
  ultimately have "?Xx'x_rho'_ux' #= ?Xx''x_rho''_ux''"
  using goodXx'x_rho'_ux' alpha_trans by blast
  hence "qAbs xs ?x' (qPsubst rho' (X #[[?x'  x]]_xs)) $=
         qAbs xs ?x''(qPsubst rho''(X #[[?x'' x]]_xs))"
  unfolding x'x''_rev using goodXx'x_rho' fresh_Xx'x_rho' fresh_Xx''x_rho'' 
  by (auto simp only: alphaAbs_qAbs_iff_ex_qFresh)
  thus ?case by (metis qPsubstAbs.simps)

corollary qPsubst_preserves_alpha2:
"qGood X; qGoodEnv rho'; qGoodEnv rho''; rho' &= rho''
  (X #[[rho']]) #= (X #[[rho'']])"
by(simp add: qPsubstAll_preserves_alphaAll2)

corollary qPsubstAbs_preserves_alphaAbs2:
"qGoodAbs A; qGoodEnv rho'; qGoodEnv rho''; rho' &= rho''
  (A $[[rho']]) $= (A $[[rho'']])"
by(simp add: qPsubstAll_preserves_alphaAll2)

lemma qPsubst_preserves_alpha:
assumes "qGood X  qGood X'" and "qGoodEnv rho" and "qGoodEnv rho'" 
and "X #= X'" and "rho &= rho'"
shows "(X #[[rho]]) #= (X' #[[rho']])"
 by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms alpha_trans qPsubst_preserves_alpha1 
qPsubst_preserves_alpha2 qPsubst_preserves_qGood) 

lemma qPsubstAbs_preserves_alphaAbs:
assumes "qGoodAbs A  qGoodAbs A'" and "qGoodEnv rho" and "qGoodEnv rho'" 
and "A $= A'" and "rho &= rho'"
shows "(A $[[rho]]) $= (A' $[[rho']])"
using assms 
by (meson alphaAbs_trans qPsubstAbs_preserves_alphaAbs1 
    qPsubstAbs_preserves_qGoodAbs qPsubstAll_preserves_alphaAll2)
lemma qFresh_qPsubst_commute_qAbs:
assumes good_X: "qGood X" and good_rho: "qGoodEnv rho" and
        x_fresh_rho: "qFreshEnv xs x rho"
shows "((qAbs xs x X) $[[rho]]) $= qAbs xs x (X #[[rho]])"
  (* Preliminary facts and notations: *)
  let ?x' = "pickQFreshEnv xs {x} {X} {rho}"
  obtain x' where x'_def: "x' = ?x'" and x'_rev: "?x' = x'" by blast
  have x'_not: "x'  x" unfolding x'_def
  using assms pickQFreshEnv[of "{x}" "{X}"] by auto
  have x'_fresh_X: "qFresh xs x' X"  unfolding x'_def
  using assms pickQFreshEnv[of "{x}" "{X}"] by auto
  have x'_fresh_rho: "qFreshEnv xs x' rho"  unfolding x'_def
  using assms pickQFreshEnv[of "{x}" "{X}"] by auto
  obtain u where u_not: "u  {x,x'}" and
  u_fresh_X: "qFresh xs u X" and u_fresh_rho: "qFreshEnv xs u rho"
  using good_X good_rho obtain_qFreshEnv[of "{x,x'}" "{X}" "{rho}"] by auto
  let ?Xx'x = "X #[[x'  x]]_xs"
    let ?Xx'x_rho = "?Xx'x #[[rho]]"
      let ?Xx'x_rho_ux' = "?Xx'x_rho #[[u  x']]_xs"
    let ?Xx'xux' = "?Xx'x #[[u  x']]_xs"
      let ?Xx'xux'_rho = "?Xx'xux' #[[rho]]"
  let ?Xux = "X #[[u  x]]_xs"
    let ?Xux_rho = "?Xux #[[rho]]"
  let ?Xrho = "X #[[rho]]"
    let ?Xrho_ux = "?Xrho #[[u  x]]_xs"
  (* Good: *)
  have good_Xx'x: "qGood ?Xx'x" using good_X qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
  hence good_Xx'x_rho: "qGood ?Xx'x_rho" using good_rho qPsubst_preserves_qGood by auto
  hence good_Xx'x_rho_ux': "qGood ?Xx'x_rho_ux'" using qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
  have good_Xx'xux': "qGood ?Xx'xux'" using good_Xx'x qSwap_preserves_qGood by auto
  (* Fresh: *)
  have u_fresh_Xx'x: "qFresh xs u ?Xx'x"
  using u_fresh_X u_not by(auto simp add: qSwap_preserves_qFresh_distinct)
  hence u_fresh_Xx'x_rho: "qFresh xs u ?Xx'x_rho"
  using good_rho good_Xx'x u_fresh_rho by(auto simp add: qPsubst_preserves_qFresh)
  have u_fresh_Xrho: "qFresh xs u ?Xrho"
  using good_rho good_X u_fresh_X u_fresh_rho by(auto simp add: qPsubst_preserves_qFresh)
  (* Main proof: *)  -
  have "?Xx'x_rho_ux' #= ?Xx'xux'_rho"
  using good_Xx'x good_rho u_fresh_rho x'_fresh_rho
  using alpha_qFreshEnv_qSwap_qPsubst_commute alpha_sym by blast
  {have "?Xx'xux' #= ?Xux"
   using good_X u_fresh_X x'_fresh_X by (auto simp add: alpha_qFresh_qSwap_compose)
   hence "?Xx'xux'_rho #= ?Xux_rho"
   using good_Xx'xux' good_rho qPsubst_preserves_alpha1 by auto
  moreover have "?Xux_rho #= ?Xrho_ux"
  using good_X good_rho u_fresh_rho x_fresh_rho
  using alpha_qFreshEnv_qSwap_qPsubst_commute by blast
  ultimately have "?Xx'x_rho_ux' #= ?Xrho_ux"
  using good_Xx'x_rho_ux' alpha_trans by blast
  thus ?thesis apply (simp add: Let_def del: alpha.simps alphaAbs.simps) 
  unfolding x'_rev using good_Xx'x_rho
  using u_fresh_Xx'x_rho u_fresh_Xrho by (auto simp only: alphaAbs_qAbs_iff_ex_qFresh) 

end  (* context FixVars *)
