Theory Matrix_Record_Based
subsection ‹Matrix Operations in Fields›
text ‹We use our record based description of a field to perform matrix operations.›
theory Matrix_Record_Based
definition mat_rel :: "('a ⇒ 'b ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a mat ⇒ 'b mat ⇒ bool" where
"mat_rel R A B ≡ dim_row A = dim_row B ∧ dim_col A = dim_col B ∧
(∀ i j. i < dim_row B ⟶ j < dim_col B ⟶ R (A $$ (i,j)) (B $$ (i,j)))"
lemma right_total_mat_rel: "right_total R ⟹ right_total (mat_rel R)"
unfolding right_total_def
fix B
assume "∀ y. ∃ x. R x y"
from choice[OF this] obtain f where f: "⋀ x. R (f x) x" by auto
show "∃ A. mat_rel R A B"
by (rule exI[of _ "map_mat f B"], unfold mat_rel_def, auto simp: f)
lemma left_unique_mat_rel: "left_unique R ⟹ left_unique (mat_rel R)"
unfolding left_unique_def mat_rel_def mat_eq_iff by (auto, blast)
lemma right_unique_mat_rel: "right_unique R ⟹ right_unique (mat_rel R)"
unfolding right_unique_def mat_rel_def mat_eq_iff by (auto, blast)
lemma bi_unique_mat_rel: "bi_unique R ⟹ bi_unique (mat_rel R)"
using left_unique_mat_rel[of R] right_unique_mat_rel[of R]
unfolding bi_unique_def left_unique_def right_unique_def by blast
lemma mat_rel_eq: "((R ===> R ===> (=))) (=) (=) ⟹
((mat_rel R ===> mat_rel R ===> (=))) (=) (=)"
unfolding mat_rel_def rel_fun_def mat_eq_iff by (auto, blast+)
definition vec_rel :: "('a ⇒ 'b ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a vec ⇒ 'b vec ⇒ bool" where
"vec_rel R A B ≡ dim_vec A = dim_vec B ∧ (∀ i. i < dim_vec B ⟶ R (A $ i) (B $ i))"
lemma right_total_vec_rel: "right_total R ⟹ right_total (vec_rel R)"
unfolding right_total_def
fix B
assume "∀ y. ∃ x. R x y"
from choice[OF this] obtain f where f: "⋀ x. R (f x) x" by auto
show "∃ A. vec_rel R A B"
by (rule exI[of _ "map_vec f B"], unfold vec_rel_def, auto simp: f)
lemma left_unique_vec_rel: "left_unique R ⟹ left_unique (vec_rel R)"
unfolding left_unique_def vec_rel_def vec_eq_iff by auto
lemma right_unique_vec_rel: "right_unique R ⟹ right_unique (vec_rel R)"
unfolding right_unique_def vec_rel_def vec_eq_iff by auto
lemma bi_unique_vec_rel: "bi_unique R ⟹ bi_unique (vec_rel R)"
using left_unique_vec_rel[of R] right_unique_vec_rel[of R]
unfolding bi_unique_def left_unique_def right_unique_def by blast
lemma vec_rel_eq: "((R ===> R ===> (=))) (=) (=) ⟹
((vec_rel R ===> vec_rel R ===> (=))) (=) (=)"
unfolding vec_rel_def rel_fun_def vec_eq_iff by (auto, blast+)
lemma multrow_transfer[transfer_rule]: "((R ===> R ===> R) ===> (=) ===> R
===> mat_rel R ===> mat_rel R) mat_multrow_gen mat_multrow_gen"
unfolding mat_rel_def[abs_def] mat_multrow_gen_def[abs_def]
by (intro rel_funI conjI allI impI eq_matI, auto simp: rel_fun_def)
lemma swap_rows_transfer: "mat_rel R A B ⟹ i < dim_row B ⟹ j < dim_row B ⟹
mat_rel R (mat_swaprows i j A) (mat_swaprows i j B)"
unfolding mat_rel_def mat_swaprows_def
by (intro rel_funI conjI allI impI eq_matI, auto)
lemma pivot_positions_gen_transfer: assumes [transfer_rule]: "(R ===> R ===> (=)) (=) (=)"
"(R ===> mat_rel R ===> (=)) pivot_positions_gen pivot_positions_gen"
proof (intro rel_funI, goal_cases)
case (1 ze ze' A A')
note trans[transfer_rule] = 1
from 1 have dim: "dim_row A = dim_row A'" "dim_col A = dim_col A'" unfolding mat_rel_def by auto
obtain i j where id: "i = 0" "j = 0" and ij: "i ≤ dim_row A'" "j ≤ dim_col A'" by auto
have "pivot_positions_main_gen ze A (dim_row A) (dim_col A) i j =
pivot_positions_main_gen ze' A' (dim_row A') (dim_col A') i j"
using ij
proof (induct i j rule: pivot_positions_main_gen.induct[of "dim_row A'" "dim_col A'" A' ze'])
case (1 i j)
note simps[simp] = pivot_positions_main_gen.simps[of _ _ _ _ i j]
show ?case
proof (cases "i < dim_row A' ∧ j < dim_col A'")
case False
with dim show ?thesis by auto
case True
hence ij: "i < dim_row A'" "j < dim_col A'" and j: "Suc j ≤ dim_col A'" by auto
note IH = 1(1-2)[OF ij _ _ j]
from ij True trans have [transfer_rule]:"R (A $$ (i,j)) (A' $$ (i,j))"
unfolding mat_rel_def by auto
have eq: "(A $$ (i,j) = ze) = (A' $$ (i,j) = ze')" by transfer_prover
show ?thesis
proof (cases "A' $$ (i,j) = ze'")
case True
from ij have "i ≤ dim_row A'" by auto
note IH = IH(1)[OF True this]
thus ?thesis using True ij dim eq by simp
case False
from ij have "Suc i ≤ dim_row A'" by auto
note IH = IH(2)[OF False this]
thus ?thesis using False ij dim eq by simp
thus "pivot_positions_gen ze A = pivot_positions_gen ze' A'"
unfolding pivot_positions_gen_def id .
lemma set_pivot_positions_main_gen:
"set (pivot_positions_main_gen ze A nr nc i j) ⊆ {0 ..< nr} × {0 ..< nc}"
proof (induct i j rule: pivot_positions_main_gen.induct[of nr nc A ze])
case (1 i j)
note [simp] = pivot_positions_main_gen.simps[of _ _ _ _ i j]
from 1 show ?case
by (cases "i < nr ∧ j < nc", auto)
lemma find_base_vectors_transfer: assumes [transfer_rule]: "(R ===> R ===> (=)) (=) (=)"
shows "((R ===> R) ===> R ===> R ===> mat_rel R
===> list_all2 (vec_rel R)) find_base_vectors_gen find_base_vectors_gen"
proof (intro rel_funI, goal_cases)
case (1 um um' ze ze' on on' A A')
note trans[transfer_rule] = 1 pivot_positions_gen_transfer[OF assms]
from 1(4) have dim: "dim_row A = dim_row A'" "dim_col A = dim_col A'" unfolding mat_rel_def by auto
have id: "pivot_positions_gen ze A = pivot_positions_gen ze' A'" by transfer_prover
obtain xs where xs: "map snd (pivot_positions_gen ze' A') = xs" by auto
obtain ys where ys: "[j←[0..<dim_col A'] . j ∉ set xs] = ys" by auto
show "list_all2 (vec_rel R) (find_base_vectors_gen um ze on A)
(find_base_vectors_gen um' ze' on' A')"
unfolding find_base_vectors_gen_def Let_def id xs list_all2_conv_all_nth length_map ys dim
proof (intro conjI[OF refl] allI impI)
fix i
assume i: "i < length ys"
define y where "y = ys ! i"
from i have y: "y < dim_col A'" unfolding y_def ys[symmetric] using nth_mem by fastforce
let ?map = "map_of (map prod.swap (pivot_positions_gen ze' A'))"
fix i
assume i: "i < dim_col A'"
and neq: "i ≠ y"
have "R (case ?map i of None ⇒ ze | Some j ⇒ um (A $$ (j, y)))
(case ?map i of None ⇒ ze' | Some j ⇒ um' (A' $$ (j, y)))"
proof (cases "?map i")
case None
with trans(2) show ?thesis by auto
case (Some j)
from map_of_SomeD[OF this] have "(j,i) ∈ set (pivot_positions_gen ze' A')" by auto
from subsetD[OF set_pivot_positions_main_gen this[unfolded pivot_positions_gen_def]]
have j: "j < dim_row A'" by auto
with trans(4) y have [transfer_rule]: "R (A $$ (j,y)) (A' $$ (j,y))" unfolding mat_rel_def by auto
show ?thesis unfolding Some by (simp, transfer_prover)
} note main = this
show "vec_rel R (map (non_pivot_base_gen um ze on A (pivot_positions_gen ze' A')) ys ! i)
(map (non_pivot_base_gen um' ze' on' A' (pivot_positions_gen ze' A')) ys ! i)"
unfolding y_def[symmetric] nth_map[OF i]
unfolding non_pivot_base_gen_def Let_def dim vec_rel_def
by (intro conjI allI impI, force, insert main, auto simp: trans(3))
lemma eliminate_entries_gen_transfer: assumes *[transfer_rule]: "(R ===> R ===> R) ad ad'"
"(R ===> R ===> R) mul mul'"
and vs: "⋀ j. j < dim_row B' ⟹ R (vs j) (vs' j)"
and i: "i < dim_row B'"
and B: "mat_rel R B B'"
shows "mat_rel R
(eliminate_entries_gen ad mul vs B i j)
(eliminate_entries_gen ad' mul' vs' B' i j)"
proof -
note BB = B[unfolded mat_rel_def]
show ?thesis unfolding mat_rel_def dim_eliminate_entries_gen
proof (intro conjI impI allI)
fix i' j'
assume ij': "i' < dim_row B'" "j' < dim_col B'"
with BB have ij: "i'< dim_row B" "j' < dim_col B" by auto
have [transfer_rule]: "R (B $$ (i', j')) (B' $$ (i', j'))" using BB ij' by auto
have [transfer_rule]: "R (B $$ (i, j')) (B' $$ (i, j'))" using BB ij' i by auto
have [transfer_rule]: "R (vs i') (vs' i')" using ij' vs[of i'] by auto
show "R (eliminate_entries_gen ad mul vs B i j $$ (i', j'))
(eliminate_entries_gen ad' mul' vs' B' i j $$ (i', j'))"
unfolding eliminate_entries_gen_def index_mat(1)[OF ij] index_mat(1)[OF ij'] split
by transfer_prover
qed (insert BB, auto)
fixes ops :: "'i arith_ops_record" (structure)
private abbreviation (input) zero where "zero ≡ ops"
private abbreviation (input) one where "one ≡ ops"
private abbreviation (input) plus where "plus ≡ ops"
private abbreviation (input) times where "times ≡ arith_ops_record.times ops"
private abbreviation (input) minus where "minus ≡ arith_ops_record.minus ops"
private abbreviation (input) uminus where "uminus ≡ arith_ops_record.uminus ops"
private abbreviation (input) divide where "divide ≡ arith_ops_record.divide ops"
private abbreviation (input) inverse where "inverse ≡ arith_ops_record.inverse ops"
private abbreviation (input) modulo where "modulo ≡ arith_ops_record.modulo ops"
private abbreviation (input) normalize where "normalize ≡ arith_ops_record.normalize ops"
definition eliminate_entries_gen_zero :: "('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'a ⇒ (integer ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'a mat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a mat" where
"eliminate_entries_gen_zero minu time z v A I J = mat (dim_row A) (dim_col A) (λ (i, j).
if v (integer_of_nat i) ≠ z ∧ i ≠ I then minu (A $$ (i,j)) (time (v (integer_of_nat i)) (A $$ (I,j))) else A $$ (i,j))"
definition eliminate_entries_i where "eliminate_entries_i ≡ eliminate_entries_gen_zero minus times zero"
definition multrow_i where "multrow_i ≡ mat_multrow_gen times"
lemma dim_eliminate_entries_gen_zero[simp]:
"dim_row (eliminate_entries_gen_zero mm tt z v B i as) = dim_row B"
"dim_col (eliminate_entries_gen_zero mm tt z v B i as) = dim_col B"
unfolding eliminate_entries_gen_zero_def by auto
partial_function (tailrec) gauss_jordan_main_i :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'i mat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'i mat" where
[code]: "gauss_jordan_main_i nr nc A i j = (
if i < nr ∧ j < nc then let aij = A $$ (i,j) in if aij = zero then
(case [ i' . i' <- [Suc i ..< nr], A $$ (i',j) ≠ zero]
of [] ⇒ gauss_jordan_main_i nr nc A i (Suc j)
| (i' # _) ⇒ gauss_jordan_main_i nr nc (swaprows i i' A) i j)
else if aij = one then let
v = (λ i. A $$ (nat_of_integer i,j)) in
gauss_jordan_main_i nr nc
(eliminate_entries_i v A i j) (Suc i) (Suc j)
else let iaij = inverse aij; A' = multrow_i i iaij A;
v = (λ i. A' $$ (nat_of_integer i,j))
in gauss_jordan_main_i nr nc (eliminate_entries_i v A' i j) (Suc i) (Suc j)
else A)"
definition gauss_jordan_single_i :: "'i mat ⇒ 'i mat" where
"gauss_jordan_single_i A ≡ gauss_jordan_main_i (dim_row A) (dim_col A) A 0 0"
definition find_base_vectors_i :: "'i mat ⇒ 'i vec list" where
"find_base_vectors_i A ≡ find_base_vectors_gen uminus zero one A"
context field_ops
lemma right_total_poly_rel[transfer_rule]: "right_total (mat_rel R)"
using right_total_mat_rel[of R] right_total .
lemma bi_unique_poly_rel[transfer_rule]: "bi_unique (mat_rel R)"
using bi_unique_mat_rel[of R] bi_unique .
lemma eq_mat_rel[transfer_rule]: "(mat_rel R ===> mat_rel R ===> (=)) (=) (=)"
by (rule mat_rel_eq[OF eq])
lemma multrow_i[transfer_rule]: "((=) ===> R ===> mat_rel R ===> mat_rel R)
(multrow_i ops) multrow"
using multrow_transfer[of R] times unfolding multrow_i_def rel_fun_def by blast
lemma eliminate_entries_gen_zero[simp]:
assumes "mat_rel R A A'" "I < dim_row A'" shows
"eliminate_entries_gen_zero minus times zero v A I J = eliminate_entries_gen minus times (v o integer_of_nat) A I J"
unfolding eliminate_entries_gen_def eliminate_entries_gen_zero_def
case (1 i j)
have d1:"DP (A $$ (I, j))" and d2:"DP (A $$ (i, j))" using assms DPR 1
unfolding mat_rel_def dim_col_mat dim_row_mat
by (metis Domainp.DomainI)+
have e1:"⋀ x. (0::'a) * x = 0" and e2:"⋀ x. x - (0::'a) = x" by auto
from e1[untransferred,OF d1] e2[untransferred,OF d2] 1 show ?case by auto
qed auto
lemma eliminate_entries_i: assumes
vs: "⋀ j. j < dim_row B' ⟹ R (vs (integer_of_nat j)) (vs' j)"
and i: "i < dim_row B'"
and B: "mat_rel R B B'"
shows "mat_rel R (eliminate_entries_i ops vs B i j)
(eliminate_entries vs' B' i j)"
unfolding eliminate_entries_i_def eliminate_entries_gen_zero[OF B i]
by (rule eliminate_entries_gen_transfer, insert assms, auto simp: plus times minus)
lemma gauss_jordan_main_i:
"nr = dim_row A' ⟹ nc = dim_col A' ⟹ mat_rel R A A' ⟹ i ≤ nr ⟹ j ≤ nc ⟹
mat_rel R (gauss_jordan_main_i ops nr nc A i j) (fst (gauss_jordan_main A' B' i j))"
proof -
obtain P where P: "P = (A',i,j)" by auto
let ?Rel = "measures [λ (A' :: 'a mat,i,j). nc - j, λ (A',i,j). if A' $$ (i,j) = 0 then 1 else 0]"
have wf: "wf ?Rel" by simp
show "nr = dim_row A' ⟹ nc = dim_col A' ⟹ mat_rel R A A' ⟹ i ≤ nr ⟹ j ≤ nc ⟹
mat_rel R (gauss_jordan_main_i ops nr nc A i j) (fst (gauss_jordan_main A' B' i j))"
using P
proof (induct P arbitrary: A' B' A i j rule: wf_induct[OF wf])
case (1 P A' B' A i j)
note prems = 1(2-6)
note P = 1(7)
note A[transfer_rule] = prems(3)
note IH = 1(1)[rule_format, OF _ _ _ _ _ _ refl]
note simps = gauss_jordan_main_code[of A' B' i j, unfolded Let_def, folded prems(1-2)]
gauss_jordan_main_i.simps[of ops nr nc A i j] Let_def if_True if_False
show ?case
proof (cases "i < nr ∧ j < nc")
case False
hence id: "(i < nr ∧ j < nc) = False" by simp
show ?thesis unfolding simps id by simp transfer_prover
case True note ij' = this
hence id: "(i < nr ∧ j < nc) = True" "⋀ x y z. (if x = x then y else z) = y" by auto
from True prems have ij [transfer_rule]:"R (A $$ (i,j)) (A' $$ (i,j))"
unfolding mat_rel_def by auto
from True prems have i: "i < dim_row A'" "j < dim_col A'" and i': "i < nr" "j < nc" by auto
fix i
assume "i < dim_row A'"
with i True prems have R[transfer_rule]:"R (A $$ (i,j)) (A' $$ (i,j))"
unfolding mat_rel_def by auto
have "(A $$ (i,j) = zero) = (A' $$ (i,j) = 0)" by transfer_prover
note this R
} note eq_gen = this
have eq: "(A $$ (i,j) = zero) = (A' $$ (i,j) = 0)"
"(A $$ (i,j) = one) = (A' $$ (i,j) = 1)"
by transfer_prover+
show ?thesis
proof (cases "A' $$ (i, j) = 0")
case True
hence eq: "A $$ (i,j) = zero" using eq by auto
let ?is = "[ i' . i' <- [Suc i ..< nr], A $$ (i',j) ≠ zero]"
let ?is' = "[ i' . i' <- [Suc i ..< nr], A' $$ (i',j) ≠ 0]"
define xs where "xs = [Suc i..<nr]"
have xs: "set xs ⊆ {0 ..< dim_row A'}" unfolding xs_def using prems by auto
hence id': "?is = ?is'" unfolding xs_def[symmetric]
by (induct xs, insert eq_gen, auto)
show ?thesis
proof (cases ?is')
case Nil
have "?thesis = (mat_rel R (gauss_jordan_main_i ops nr nc A i (Suc j))
(fst (gauss_jordan_main A' B' i (Suc j))))"
unfolding True simps id eq unfolding Nil id'[unfolded Nil] by simp
also have "…"
by (rule IH, insert i prems P, auto)
finally show ?thesis .
case (Cons i' idx')
from arg_cong[OF this, of set] i
have i': "i' < nr" "A' $$ (i', j) ≠ 0" by auto
with ij' prems(1-2) have *: "i' < dim_row A'" "i < dim_row A'" "j < dim_col A'" by auto
have rel: "((swaprows i i' A', i, j), P) ∈ ?Rel"
by (simp add: P True * i')
have "?thesis = (mat_rel R (gauss_jordan_main_i ops nr nc (swaprows i i' A) i j)
(fst (gauss_jordan_main (swaprows i i' A') (swaprows i i' B') i j)))"
unfolding True simps id eq Cons id'[unfolded Cons] by simp
also have "…"
by (rule IH[OF rel _ _ swap_rows_transfer], insert i i' prems P True, auto)
finally show ?thesis .
case False
from False eq have neq: "(A $$ (i, j) = zero) = False" "(A' $$ (i, j) = 0) = False" by auto
fix B B' i
assume B[transfer_rule]: "mat_rel R B B'" and dim: "dim_col B' = nc" and i: "i < dim_row B'"
from dim i True have "j < dim_col B'" by simp
with B i have "R (B $$ (i,j)) (B' $$ (i,j))"
by (simp add: mat_rel_def)
} note vec_rel = this
from prems have dim: "dim_row A = dim_row A'" unfolding mat_rel_def by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases "A' $$ (i, j) = 1")
case True
from True eq have eq: "(A $$ (i,j) = one) = True" "(A' $$ (i,j) = 1) = True" by auto
note rel = vec_rel[OF A]
show ?thesis unfolding simps id neq eq
by (rule IH[OF _ _ _ eliminate_entries_i], insert rel prems ij i P dim, auto)
case False
from False eq have eq: "(A $$ (i,j) = one) = False" "(A' $$ (i,j) = 1) = False" by auto
show ?thesis unfolding simps id neq eq
proof (rule IH, goal_cases)
case 4
have A': "mat_rel R (multrow_i ops i (inverse (A $$ (i, j))) A)
(multrow i (inverse_class.inverse (A' $$ (i, j))) A')" by transfer_prover
note rel = vec_rel[OF A']
show ?case
by (rule eliminate_entries_i[OF _ _ A'], insert rel prems i dim, auto)
qed (insert prems i P, auto)
lemma gauss_jordan_i[transfer_rule]:
"(mat_rel R ===> mat_rel R) (gauss_jordan_single_i ops) gauss_jordan_single"
proof (intro rel_funI)
fix A A'
assume A: "mat_rel R A A'"
show "mat_rel R (gauss_jordan_single_i ops A) (gauss_jordan_single A')"
unfolding gauss_jordan_single_def gauss_jordan_single_i_def gauss_jordan_def
by (rule gauss_jordan_main_i[OF _ _ A], insert A, auto simp: mat_rel_def)
lemma find_base_vectors_i[transfer_rule]:
"(mat_rel R ===> list_all2 (vec_rel R)) (find_base_vectors_i ops) find_base_vectors"
unfolding find_base_vectors_i_def[abs_def]
using find_base_vectors_transfer[OF eq] uminus zero one
unfolding rel_fun_def by blast
lemma list_of_vec_transfer[transfer_rule]: "(vec_rel A ===> list_all2 A) list_of_vec list_of_vec"
unfolding rel_fun_def vec_rel_def vec_eq_iff list_all2_conv_all_nth
by auto
lemma IArray_sub'[simp]: "i < IArray.length a ⟹ IArray.sub' (a, integer_of_nat i) = IArray.sub a i"
by auto
lift_definition eliminate_entries_i2 ::
"'a ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a) ⇒ (integer ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'a mat_impl ⇒ integer ⇒ 'a mat_impl" is
"λ z mminus ttimes v (nr, nc, a) i'.
(nr,nc,let ai' = IArray.sub' (a, i') in (IArray.tabulate (integer_of_nat nr, λ i. let ai = IArray.sub' (a, i) in
if i = i' then ai else
let vi'j = v i
in if vi'j = z then ai
IArray.tabulate (integer_of_nat nc, λ j. mminus (IArray.sub' (ai, j)) (ttimes vi'j
(IArray.sub' (ai', j))))
case (1 z mm tt vec prod nat2)
thus ?case by(cases prod;cases "snd (snd prod)";auto simp:Let_def)
lemma eliminate_entries_gen_zero [simp]:
assumes "i<(dim_row A)" "j<(dim_col A)" shows
"eliminate_entries_gen_zero mminus ttimes z v A I J $$ (i, j) =
(if v (integer_of_nat i) = z ∨ i = I then A $$ (i,j) else mminus (A $$ (i,j)) (ttimes (v (integer_of_nat i)) (A $$ (I,j))))"
using assms unfolding eliminate_entries_gen_zero_def by auto
lemma eliminate_entries_gen [simp]:
assumes "i<(dim_row A)" "j<(dim_col A)" shows
"eliminate_entries_gen mminus ttimes v A I J $$ (i, j) =
(if i = I then A $$ (i,j) else mminus (A $$ (i,j)) (ttimes (v i) (A $$ (I,j))))"
using assms unfolding eliminate_entries_gen_def by auto
lemma dim_mat_impl [simp]:
"dim_row (mat_impl x) = dim_row_impl x"
"dim_col (mat_impl x) = dim_col_impl x"
by (cases "Rep_mat_impl x";auto simp:mat_impl.rep_eq dim_row_def dim_col_def dim_row_impl.rep_eq dim_col_impl.rep_eq)+
lemma dim_eliminate_entries_i2 [simp]:
"dim_row_impl (eliminate_entries_i2 z mm tt v m i) = dim_row_impl m"
"dim_col_impl (eliminate_entries_i2 z mm tt v m i) = dim_col_impl m"
by (transfer, auto)+
lemma tabulate_nth: "i < n ⟹ IArray.tabulate (integer_of_nat n, f) !! i = f (integer_of_nat i)"
using of_fun_nth[of i n] by auto
lemma eliminate_entries_i2[code]:"eliminate_entries_gen_zero mm tt z v (mat_impl m) i j
= (if i < dim_row_impl m
then mat_impl (eliminate_entries_i2 z mm tt v m (integer_of_nat i))
else (Code.abort (STR ''index out of range in eliminate_entries'')
(λ _. eliminate_entries_gen_zero mm tt z v (mat_impl m) i j)))"
proof (cases "i < dim_row_impl m")
case True
hence id: "(i < dim_row_impl m) = True" by simp
show ?thesis unfolding id if_True
proof (standard;goal_cases)
case (1 i j)
have dims: "i < dim_row (mat_impl m)" "j < dim_col (mat_impl m)" using 1 by (auto simp:eliminate_entries_i2.rep_eq)
then show ?case unfolding eliminate_entries_gen_zero[OF dims] using True
proof(transfer, goal_cases)
case (1 i m j ia v z mm tt)
obtain nr nc M where m: "m = (nr,nc,M)" by (cases m)
note 1 = 1[unfolded m, simplified]
have mk: "⋀ f. mk_mat nr nc f (i,j) = f (i,j)"
"⋀ f. mk_mat nr nc f (ia,j) = f (ia,j)"
using 1 unfolding mk_mat_def mk_vec_def by auto
note of_fun = of_fun_nth[OF 1(2)] of_fun_nth[OF 1(3)] tabulate_nth[OF 1(2)] tabulate_nth[OF 1(3)]
let ?c1 = "v (integer_of_nat i) = z"
show ?case
proof (cases "?c1 ∨ i = ia")
case True
hence id: "(if ?c1 ∨ i = ia then x else y) = x"
"(if integer_of_nat i = integer_of_nat ia then x else if ?c1 then x else y) = x" for x y
by auto
show ?thesis unfolding id m o_def Let_def split snd_conv mk of_fun by (auto simp: 1)
case False
hence id: "?c1 = False " "(integer_of_nat i = integer_of_nat ia) = False" "(False ∨ i = ia) = False"
by (auto simp add: integer_of_nat_eq_of_nat)
show ?thesis unfolding m o_def Let_def split snd_conv mk of_fun id if_False
by (auto simp: 1)
qed (auto simp:eliminate_entries_i2.rep_eq)
qed auto