Theory PKCS_Model07

(*  Title:      PKCS_Model07.thy
    Author:     Andreas Viktor Hess, DTU
    Author:     Sebastian A. Mödersheim, DTU
    Author:     Achim D. Brucker, University of Exeter
    Author:     Anders Schlichtkrull, DTU
    SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

section‹The PKCS Protocol, Scenario 7›
theory PKCS_Model07
  imports "../../PSPSP"


declare [[code_timing,pspsp_timing]]


token   = {token1}

extract/1 wrap/1 unwrap/1 decrypt/1 sensitive/1

Public  senc/2 h/2 bind/2
Private inv/1

senc(M1,K2) ? K2 -> M1  #This analysis rule corresponds to the decrypt2 rule in the AIF-omega specification.
                        #M1 was type untyped

  new K1
  new N1
  insert N1 sensitive(token1)
  insert N1 extract(token1)
  insert K1 sensitive(token1)
  send h(N1,K1).

  new K2
  new N2
  insert N2 wrap(token1)
  insert N2 extract(token1)
  send h(N2,K2).

# =====set wrap=====
  receive h(N2,K2)
  N2 notin sensitive(token1)
  N2 notin decrypt(token1)
  insert N2 wrap(token1).

# =====set unwrap===
  receive h(N2,K2)
  N2 notin sensitive(token1)
  insert N2 unwrap(token1).

# =====unwrap, generate new handler======
#-----------the senstive attr copy-------------
unwrapsensitive(M2:value, K2:value, N1:value, N2:value) #M2 was untyped in the AIF-omega specification.
  receive senc(M2,K2)
  receive bind(N1,M2)
  receive h(N2,K2)
  N1 in sensitive(token1)
  N2 in unwrap(token1)
  new Nnew
  insert Nnew sensitive(token1)
  send h(Nnew,M2).

#-----------the wrap attr copy-------------
wrapattr(M2:value, K2:value, N1:value, N2:value) #M2 was untyped in the AIF-omega specification.
  receive senc(M2,K2)
  receive bind(N1,M2)
  receive h(N2,K2)
  N1 in wrap(token1)
  N2 in unwrap(token1)
  new Nnew
  insert Nnew wrap(token1)
  send h(Nnew,M2).

#-----------the decrypt attr copy-------------
decrypt1attr(M2:value,K2:value,N1:value,N2:value) #M2 was untyped in the AIF-omega specification.
  receive senc(M2,K2)
  receive bind(N1,M2)
  receive h(N2,K2)
  N1 in decrypt(token1)
  N2 in unwrap(token1)
  new Nnew
  insert Nnew decrypt(token1)
  send h(Nnew,M2).

decrypt2attr(M2:value,K2:value,N1:value,N2:value) #M2 was untyped in the AIF-omega specification.
  receive senc(M2,K2)
  receive bind(N1,M2)
  receive h(N2,K2)
  N1 notin sensitive(token1)
  N1 notin wrap(token1)
  N1 notin decrypt(token1)
  N2 in unwrap(token1)
  new Nnew
  send h(Nnew,M2).

# ======================wrap================
  receive h(N1,K1)
  receive h(N2,K2)
  N1 in extract(token1)
  N2 in wrap(token1)
  send senc(K1,K2)
  send bind(N1,K1).

# =====set decrypt===
setdecrypt(Nnew:value, K2:value)
  receive h(Nnew,K2) 
  Nnew notin wrap(token1)
  insert Nnew decrypt(token1).

# ======================decrypt================
decrypt1(Nnew:value, K2:value,M1:value) #M1 was untyped in the AIF-omega specification.
  receive h(Nnew,K2)
  receive senc(M1,K2)
  Nnew in decrypt(token1)
  delete Nnew decrypt(token1)
  send M1.

# ======================attacks================
  receive K1
  K1 in sensitive(token1)

subsection ‹Protocol model setup›
protocol_model_setup spm: RE_IMPORT_ATT

subsection ‹Fixpoint computation›
compute_fixpoint RE_IMPORT_ATT_protocol RE_IMPORT_ATT_fixpoint attack_trace

text ‹The fixpoint contains an attack signal›
lemma "attack⟨ln 0  set (fst RE_IMPORT_ATT_fixpoint)"
by code_simp

text ‹The attack trace can be inspected as follows›
print_attack_trace RE_IMPORT_ATT RE_IMPORT_ATT_protocol attack_trace

(* subsection ‹Proof of security›
compute_SMP [optimized] RE_IMPORT_ATT_protocol RE_IMPORT_ATT_SMP
protocol_security_proof [eval] ssp: RE_IMPORT_ATT
  for RE_IMPORT_ATT_protocol RE_IMPORT_ATT_fixpoint RE_IMPORT_ATT_SMP *)

subsection ‹The generated theorems and definitions›
(* thm ssp.protocol_secure *)

thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_enum_consts.nchotomy
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_sets.nchotomy
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_fun.nchotomy
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_atom.nchotomy
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_arity.simps
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_public.simps
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_Γ.simps
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_Ana.simps

thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_transaction_iik1_def
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_transaction_iik2_def
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_transaction_setwrap_def
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_transaction_setunwrap_def
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_transaction_unwrapsensitive_def
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_transaction_wrapattr_def
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_transaction_decrypt1attr_def
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_transaction_decrypt2attr_def
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_transaction_wrap_def
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_transaction_setdecrypt_def
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_transaction_decrypt1_def
thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_transaction_attack1_def

thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_protocol_def

thm RE_IMPORT_ATT_fixpoint_def
