Theory unfold_bind_options

 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

theory unfold_bind_options
imports "AutoCorres2_Main.AutoCorres_Main"

install_C_file "unfold_bind_options.c"

text ‹

This theory demonstrates the autocorres option unfold_constructor_bind›, which allows
to tweak the behaviour of expanding certain 'simple' assignments which manifest in 'bind' variants.

Unfolding the bind can trigger simplifications later on in the code (e.g. guards). As 
a drawback the correspondence to the original C code gets obfuscated, as intermediate assignments

Currently the following heuristics is implemented:
 If the assigned value is atomic the bind is unfolded
 If the assigned value is only used once in the following code it is unfolded.
 If none of the above rules triggered and the assigned value is a compound C type (aka struct) then
   In case it is a constructor expression the option unfold_constructor_bind› is used.
     Never: the bind in not unfolded.
     Always: the bind is always unfolded.
     Selectors: the bind is unfolded if the constructor is only applied to field-selectors. This
      is the default option.
   In case it is an update-expression then the bind is unfolded if it is only applied to the
    corresponding field-selector.

This is immplemented via a simproc: @{ML L2Opt.l2_marked_gets_bind_simproc'}

autocorres [scope = add add3] "unfold_bind_options.c"

context ts_definition_add3
thm ts_def

text ‹Here we demonstrate the case were the assigned value is only used once. Even if
the option is Never› the bind gets unfolded.›
autocorres [scope = single, unfold_constructor_bind = Never] "unfold_bind_options.c"
context ts_definition_single
lemma "single' inner  add' (fld1_C inner) 1" 
  by (simp add: ts_def)

text ‹Here the constructor is only used with field selectors, hence the bind gets unfolded
with option Selectors›, which is also the default option.›
autocorres [scope = foo_selectors, unfold_constructor_bind=Selectors] "unfold_bind_options.c"
context ts_definition_foo_selectors
lemma "foo_selectors' inner  add' (fld1_C inner) 0x2A"
  by (simp add: ts_def)

text ‹You can force unfolding by setting the option to Always›. Note that the resulting
function is in the "pure"-monad. The "bind" became a "let" in the final outcome.›
autocorres [scope = foo_never, unfold_constructor_bind=Never] "unfold_bind_options.c"
context ts_definition_foo_never
lemma "foo_never' inner 
  let my_inner = inner_C (fld1_C inner) 0x2A
  in add' (fld1_C my_inner) (fld2_C my_inner)"
  by (simp add: ts_def)

text ‹We can surpress the unfolding by setting the option to Never›.›
autocorres [scope = foo_never, unfold_constructor_bind = Never] "unfold_bind_options.c"
context ts_definition_foo_never
lemma "foo_never' inner 
  let my_inner = inner_C (fld1_C inner) 0x2A
  in add' (fld1_C my_inner) (fld2_C my_inner)"
  by (simp add: ts_def)
thm ts_def 

text ‹Here is an example where the constructor is not only applied to selectors, but passed
down to a function. The bind is hence not unfolded by default (option Selectors›) ›
autocorres [scope = bar_selectors, unfold_constructor_bind = Selectors] "unfold_bind_options.c"

context ts_definition_bar_selectors
thm bar_selectors'_def
lemma "bar_selectors' inner 
  let my_inner = inner_C (fld1_C inner) 0x2A
  in add3' 1 my_inner + add3' 2 my_inner"
  by (simp add: ts_def)

text ‹You can force unfolding by setting the option to Always›.›
autocorres [scope = bar_always, unfold_constructor_bind = Always] "unfold_bind_options.c"
context ts_definition_bar_always
lemma "bar_always' inner 
  add3' 1 (inner_C (fld1_C inner) 0x2A) +
  add3' 2 (inner_C (fld1_C inner) 0x2A)"
  by (simp add: ts_def)
