Theory profile_conversion

 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

theory profile_conversion imports

install_C_file "profile_conversion.c"

text ‹Some ML profiling for the various optimisation stages. See also the additional information
on tracing and timing in 🗏‹../examples/TraceDemo.thy›.›

declare [[verbose=1]]
declare [[verbose_timing=2]]
declare [[autocorres_profile_conversion_enabled=true]]
declare [[autocorres_profile_conversion_verbosity=1]]
declare [[ML_print_depth=10000]]

text ‹Option ‹trace_opt› has to be set in order for the profiling to step in.›

autocorres [trace_opt]"profile_conversion.c"

ML val res = (AutoCorresTrace.ProfileConv.get ( @{context}))

text ‹The table is index by a tuple: function name, phase, stage.
The output is a tuple: timing information, input term and the output term of the optimisation.
ML val t = AutoCorresTrace.ProfileConv.Table.lookup res ("in_loop", FunctionInfo.WA, FunctionInfo.PEEP)

ML val ps = AutoCorresTrace.ProfileConv.Table.dest res

ML open AutoCorresTrace.Statistics

text ‹Summary of all the information.›
val _ = statistics ps

text ‹Examples of a retrieval of results by a predicate on the elements.›
ML val unchanged_glob_add = select ps (unchanged_eq andf (same_name "glob_add"))
val changed_glob_add = select ps (changed_eq andf (same_name "glob_add"))
