Theory explosion

 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

theory explosion imports

install_C_file "explosion.c"

text ‹The sequence of unitialised struct variables caused autocorres to explode in performace.›

autocorres [] "explosion.c"

text ‹Now it takes around 10-12 seconds on a 2,6 GHz Intel Core i7 Mac Pro. ›

context explosion_all_impl


lemma "caller' n m k = do { ret <- return (same' n);
                    reta <- return (same' n);
                    retb <- return (same' n);
                    retc <- return (same' n);
                    retd <- return (same' n);
                    rete <- return (same' n);
                    retf <- return (same' n);
                    retg <- return (same' n);
                    reth <- return (same' n);
                    reti <- return (same' n);
                    retj <- return (same' n);
                    retk <- return (same' n);
                    glob_add' ret 1;
                    glob_add' reta 1;
                    glob_add' retb 1;
                    glob_add' retc 1;
                    glob_add' retd 1;
                    glob_add' rete 1;
                    glob_add' retf 1;
                    glob_add' retg 1;
                    glob_add' reth 1;
                    glob_add' reti 1;
                    glob_add' retj 1;
                    glob_add' retk 1;
                    gets (λs. sint (G_'' s))
  by (simp add:  caller'_def)

section ‹What was going wrong before?›

(* The simplifier explosion rule *)
thm L2_unknown_bind

text ‹When local variables are not initialized this is represented by @{const "L2_unknown"} in
the monad, which models a nondeterministic value assigned to the variable. AutoCorres attempts to
simplify concerns by getting rid of the nondeterministic assignment in case the local variable will
properly be "assigned before use" in the code. This simplification was  building on 
@{thm L2_unknown_bind}. Note that the function @{term "f"} is duplicated in the precondition. Also
note that the simplifier will work buttom up. So whenever a sequence of unitialized variables 
appears, the simiplifiyer tries to simplify the last one first, in case this fails it goes one level
up and then attempts to simplify just the same goal again, as it works on the precondition.
The simplifier failed, because the initialisation of the struct was split into
two assignments which it did not fuse.

You can watch the following trace to see what as going on. Watch for

‹Applying instance of rewrite rule "L2Peephole.L2_unknown_bind"›
declare [[simp_trace=true, simp_depth_limit=50]]
unbundle clocals_string_embedding

lemma " 
     (L2_seq (L2_unknown [𝒮 ''ret__int''])
           L2_seq (L2_unknown [𝒮 ''p0''])
            (λp0. L2_seq (L2_seq (L2_call (l2_same' undefined n) (λx. x) []) (λret. L2_gets (λs. ret) [𝒮 ''retval'']))
                       L2_seq (L2_gets (λs. a_C_update (λ_. ret__int) p0) [𝒮 ''p0''])
                        (λp0. L2_seq (L2_gets (λs. b_C_update (λ_. 1) p0) [𝒮 ''p0''])
                               (λp0. L2_seq (L2_seq (L2_call (l2_glob_add' undefined (A_C p0) (B_C p0)) (λx. x) []) (λret. L2_skip))
                                      (λ_. L2_seq (L2_gets G_' [𝒮 ''ret''])
                                                L2_seq (L2_gets (λs. Return) [𝒮 ''global_exn_var''])
                                                 (λglobal_exn_var. L2_gets (λ_. ret__int) [𝒮 ''ret''])))))))))
     = XXX"
  apply (tactic simp_tac (put_simpset AUTOCORRES_SIMPSET @{context} addsimps @{thms  L2_unknown_bind}  ) 1)

declare [[simp_trace=false]]

text ‹We improved that situation by augmenting the simplification rules for records 
(generated for structs) and propagating them via the simproc MLL2Opt.l2_gets_bind_simproc›.

Sequences of record-updates that add up to a complete record are replaced by the constructor.
This captures the C-ideom that a struct is completely assigned before use, by a sequence of
assignments to its fields. 

thm POINT_C_idupdates
lemma "b_C_update (λ_. b) (a_C_update (λ_. a) p) = POINT_C a b"
  by simp

text ‹Moreover the specialised rule @{thm L2_unknown_bind_unbound} will simplify 
the @{term "L2_unknown"} without any precondition.

thm L2_unknown_bind_unbound

lemma "(L2_seq (L2_unknown [𝒮 ''ret__int''])
           L2_seq (L2_unknown [𝒮 ''p0''])
            (λp0. L2_seq (L2_seq (L2_call (l2_same' undefined n) (λx. x) []) (λret. L2_gets (λs. ret) [𝒮 ''retval'']))
                       L2_seq_gets (a_C_update (λ_. ret__int) p0) [𝒮 ''p0'']
                        (λp0. L2_seq_gets (b_C_update (λ_. 1) p0) [𝒮 ''p0'']
                               (λp0. L2_seq (L2_seq (L2_call (l2_glob_add' undefined (a_C p0) (b_C p0)) (λx. x) []) (λret. L2_skip))
                                      (λ_. L2_seq (L2_gets G_' [𝒮 ''ret''])
                                                L2_seq_gets (λs. Return) [𝒮 ''global_exn_var'']
                                                 (λglobal_exn_var. L2_gets (λ_. ret__int) [𝒮 ''ret''])))))))))
    L2_seq (L2_seq (L2_call (l2_same' undefined n) (λx. x) []) (λret. L2_gets (λs. ret) [𝒮 ''retval'']))
          (L2_seq (L2_call (l2_glob_add' undefined (a_C (POINT_C ret__int 1)) (b_C (POINT_C ret__int 1))) (λx. x) []) (λret. L2_skip))
          (λ_. L2_seq (L2_gets G_' [𝒮 ''ret'']) (λret__int. L2_gets (λ_. ret__int) [𝒮 ''ret''])))"
  apply (tactic let
val record_ss = RecursiveRecordPackage.get_simpset (Proof_Context.theory_of @{context});
val autocorres_record_ss = (merge_ss (AUTOCORRES_SIMPSET, record_ss));

simp_tac (put_simpset autocorres_record_ss @{context} addsimps @{thms L2_unknown_bind_unbound} 
  addsimprocs [L2Opt.l2_marked_gets_bind_simproc]  
  |> Simplifier.add_cong @{thm L2_marked_seq_gets_cong} ) 1
