Theory WordAbs

 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

theory WordAbs
imports "AutoCorres2_Main.AutoCorres_Main"

install_C_file "word_abs.c"
  [ (* signed_word_abs is implicit; these are the functions that would be abstracted: *)
    (*signed_word_abs =
        S_add_S S_sub_S S_mul_S S_div_S S_mod_S neg_S
        S_and_S S_or_S S_xor_S not_S
        U_shiftl_U_abs_S U_shiftr_U_abs_S U_shiftl_S_abs_S U_shiftr_S_abs_S
        S_shiftl_U_abs_S S_shiftr_U_abs_S S_shiftl_S_abs_S S_shiftr_S_abs_S
        U_shiftl_U_abs_US U_shiftr_U_abs_US U_shiftl_S_abs_US U_shiftr_S_abs_US
        S_shiftl_U_abs_US S_shiftr_U_abs_US S_shiftl_S_abs_US S_shiftr_S_abs_US
  ,*) no_signed_word_abs =
        U_shiftl_U_no_abs U_shiftr_U_no_abs U_shiftl_S_no_abs U_shiftr_S_no_abs
        S_shiftl_U_no_abs S_shiftr_U_no_abs S_shiftl_S_no_abs S_shiftr_S_no_abs
        U_shiftl_U_abs_U U_shiftr_U_abs_U U_shiftl_S_abs_U U_shiftr_S_abs_U
        S_shiftl_U_abs_U S_shiftr_U_abs_U S_shiftl_S_abs_U S_shiftr_S_abs_U
  , unsigned_word_abs =
        U_add_U U_sub_U U_mul_U U_div_U U_mod_U neg_U
        U_and_U U_or_U U_xor_U not_U
        U_shiftl_U_abs_U U_shiftr_U_abs_U U_shiftl_S_abs_U U_shiftr_S_abs_U
        S_shiftl_U_abs_U S_shiftr_U_abs_U S_shiftl_S_abs_U S_shiftr_S_abs_U
        U_shiftl_U_abs_US U_shiftr_U_abs_US U_shiftl_S_abs_US U_shiftr_S_abs_US
        S_shiftl_U_abs_US S_shiftr_U_abs_US S_shiftl_S_abs_US S_shiftr_S_abs_US
  , ts_rules = nondet
] "word_abs.c"

context word_abs_all_impl begin

lemma "(ver366' 0)  s  λr _. r = Result 0"
  unfolding ver366'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg)

lemma "(ver366' UINT_MAX)  s λr _. r = Result (UINT_MAX - 1)"
  unfolding ver366'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg)

section ‹Arithmetic ops›
thm S_add_S'_def S_sub_S'_def S_mul_S'_def S_div_S'_def S_mod_S'_def neg_S'_def
    U_add_U'_def U_sub_U'_def U_mul_U'_def U_div_U'_def U_mod_U'_def neg_U'_def

lemma "x + y < INT_MIN  x + y > INT_MAX  ¬ (succeeds (S_add_S' (x::int) (y::int)) s)"
  unfolding S_add_S'_def runs_to_def_old
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def INT_MIN_def INT_MAX_def)

lemma "INT_MIN  x + y  x + y  INT_MAX  P s 
         S_add_S' (x::int) (y::int)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x + y)  P s"
  unfolding S_add_S'_def 
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: INT_MIN_def INT_MAX_def)

lemma "x - y < INT_MIN  x - y > INT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (S_sub_S' (x::int) (y::int)) s"
  unfolding S_sub_S'_def runs_to_def_old
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def INT_MIN_def INT_MAX_def)

lemma "INT_MIN  x - y  x - y  INT_MAX  P s 
         S_sub_S' (x::int) (y::int)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x - y)  P s"
  unfolding S_sub_S'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: INT_MIN_def INT_MAX_def)

lemma "x * y < INT_MIN  x * y > INT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (S_mul_S' (x::int) (y::int)) s"
  unfolding S_mul_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def INT_MIN_def INT_MAX_def)

lemma "INT_MIN  x * y  x * y  INT_MAX  P s 
         S_mul_S' (x::int) (y::int)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x * y)  P s"
  unfolding S_mul_S'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: INT_MIN_def INT_MAX_def)

lemma "y = 0  x sdiv y < INT_MIN  x sdiv y > INT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (S_div_S' (x::int) (y::int)) s"
  unfolding S_div_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def INT_MIN_def INT_MAX_def)

lemma "y  0  INT_MIN  x sdiv y  x sdiv y  INT_MAX  P s 
         S_div_S' (x::int) (y::int)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x sdiv y)  P s"
  unfolding S_div_S'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: INT_MIN_def INT_MAX_def)

lemma "y = 0  x smod y < INT_MIN  x smod y > INT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (S_mod_S' (x::int) (y::int)) s"
  unfolding S_mod_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def INT_MIN_def INT_MAX_def)

lemma "y  0  INT_MIN  x smod y  x smod y  INT_MAX  P s 
         S_mod_S' (x::int) (y::int)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x smod y)  P s"
  unfolding S_mod_S'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: INT_MIN_def INT_MAX_def)

lemma "x  INT_MIN  x > -INT_MIN  ¬ succeeds (neg_S' (x::int)) s"
  unfolding neg_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def INT_MIN_def INT_MAX_def)

lemma "INT_MIN < x  x  -INT_MIN  P s  
  neg_S' (x::int)  s λr s. r = Result (-x)  P s"
  unfolding neg_S'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: INT_MIN_def INT_MAX_def)

lemma "x + y > UINT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (U_add_U' (x::nat) (y::nat)) s"
  unfolding U_add_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def UINT_MAX_def)

lemma "x + y  UINT_MAX  P s 
         U_add_U' (x::nat) (y::nat)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x + y)  P s"
  unfolding U_add_U'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: UINT_MAX_def)

lemma "x < y  ¬ succeeds (U_sub_U' (x::nat) (y::nat)) s"
  unfolding U_sub_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "x  y  P s 
         U_sub_U' (x::nat) (y::nat)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x - y)  P s"
  unfolding U_sub_U'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg)

lemma "x * y > UINT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (U_mul_U' (x::nat) (y::nat)) s"
  unfolding U_mul_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "x * y  UINT_MAX  P s 
         U_mul_U' (x::nat) (y::nat)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x * y)  P s"
  unfolding U_mul_U'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: UINT_MAX_def)

lemma "y = 0  ¬ succeeds (U_div_U' (x::nat) (y::nat)) s"
  unfolding U_div_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "y  0  P s 
         U_div_U' (x::nat) (y::nat)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x div y)  P s"
  unfolding U_div_U'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: UINT_MAX_def)

lemma "y = 0  ¬ succeeds (U_mod_U' (x::nat) (y::nat)) s"
  unfolding U_mod_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "y  0  P s 
         U_mod_U' (x::nat) (y::nat)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x mod y)  P s"
  unfolding U_mod_U'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: UINT_MAX_def)

lemma "P s  neg_U' (x::nat)  s λr s. r = Result (if x = 0 then 0 else Suc UINT_MAX - x)  P s"
  unfolding neg_U'_def 
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: UINT_MAX_def)

section ‹Bitwise ops›

thm S_and_S'_def S_or_S'_def S_xor_S'_def not_S'_def
    U_and_U'_def U_or_U'_def U_xor_U'_def not_U'_def

lemma "P s  S_and_S' (x::int) (y::int)  s λr s. r = Result (x AND y)  P s"
  unfolding S_and_S'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "P s  S_or_S' (x::int) (y::int)  s λr s. r = Result (x OR y)  P s"
  unfolding S_or_S'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "P s  S_xor_S' (x::int) (y::int)  s λr s. r = Result (x XOR y)  P s"
  unfolding S_xor_S'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "P s  not_S' (x::int)  s λr s. r = Result (NOT x)  P s"
  unfolding not_S'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "P s  U_and_U' (x::nat) (y::nat)  s λr s. r = Result (x AND y)  P s"
  unfolding U_and_U'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "P s  U_or_U' (x::nat) (y::nat)  s λr s. r = Result (x OR y)  P s"
  unfolding U_or_U'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "P s  U_xor_U' (x::nat) (y::nat)  s λr s. r = Result (x XOR y)  P s"
  unfolding U_xor_U'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "P s  not_U' (x::nat)  s λr s. r = Result (UINT_MAX - x)  P s"
  unfolding not_U'_def by runs_to_vcg

section ‹Left shifts›

thm U_shiftl_U_abs_US'_def U_shiftr_U_abs_US'_def U_shiftl_S_abs_US'_def U_shiftr_S_abs_US'_def
    S_shiftl_U_abs_US'_def S_shiftr_U_abs_US'_def S_shiftl_S_abs_US'_def S_shiftr_S_abs_US'_def
thm U_shiftl_U_abs_U'_def U_shiftr_U_abs_U'_def U_shiftl_S_abs_U'_def U_shiftr_S_abs_U'_def
    S_shiftl_U_abs_U'_def S_shiftr_U_abs_U'_def S_shiftl_S_abs_U'_def S_shiftr_S_abs_U'_def
thm U_shiftl_U_abs_S'_def U_shiftr_U_abs_S'_def U_shiftl_S_abs_S'_def U_shiftr_S_abs_S'_def
    S_shiftl_U_abs_S'_def S_shiftr_U_abs_S'_def S_shiftl_S_abs_S'_def S_shiftr_S_abs_S'_def
thm U_shiftl_U_no_abs'_def U_shiftr_U_no_abs'_def U_shiftl_S_no_abs'_def U_shiftr_S_no_abs'_def
    S_shiftl_U_no_abs'_def S_shiftr_U_no_abs'_def S_shiftl_S_no_abs'_def S_shiftr_S_no_abs'_def

subsection @{text U_shiftl_U}

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftl_U_abs_US' (x :: nat) (n :: nat)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftl_U_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 32  x << n  UINT_MAX 
         U_shiftl_U_abs_US' (x::nat) (n::nat)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << n)"
  unfolding U_shiftl_U_abs_US'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: UINT_MAX_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftl_U_abs_U' (x :: nat) (n :: nat)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftl_U_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 32  x << n  UINT_MAX 
         U_shiftl_U_abs_U' (x::nat) (n::nat)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << n)"
  unfolding U_shiftl_U_abs_U'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: UINT_MAX_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftl_U_abs_S' (x :: word32) (n :: word32)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftl_U_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 32 
         U_shiftl_U_abs_S' (x::word32) (n::word32)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << unat n)"
  unfolding U_shiftl_U_abs_S'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: UINT_MAX_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftl_U_no_abs' (x :: word32) (n :: word32)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftl_U_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 32 
         U_shiftl_U_no_abs' (x::word32) (n::word32)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << unat n)"
  unfolding U_shiftl_U_no_abs'_def by runs_to_vcg

subsection @{text U_shiftl_S}

lemma "n < 0  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftl_S_abs_US' (x :: nat) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftl_S_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftl_S_abs_US' (x :: nat) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftl_S_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "x << nat n > UINT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftl_S_abs_US' (x :: nat) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftl_S_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "0  n  n < 32  x << nat n  UINT_MAX 
         U_shiftl_S_abs_US' (x::nat) (n::int)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << nat n)"
  unfolding U_shiftl_S_abs_US'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: UINT_MAX_def)

lemma "n <s 0  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftl_S_abs_U' (x :: nat) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding  U_shiftl_S_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "32 <=s n  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftl_S_abs_U' (x :: nat) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding  U_shiftl_S_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "x << unat n > UINT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftl_S_abs_U' (x :: nat) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding  U_shiftl_S_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def
      word_sless_alt word_sle_def nat_sint)

lemma "0 <=s n  n <s 32  x << unat n  UINT_MAX 
         U_shiftl_S_abs_U' (x::nat) (n::sword32)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << unat n)"
  unfolding  U_shiftl_S_abs_U'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: UINT_MAX_def  nat_sint word_sle_def word_sless_alt)

lemma "n < 0  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftl_S_abs_S' (x :: word32) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftl_S_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftl_S_abs_S' (x :: word32) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftl_S_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "0  n  n < 32 
         U_shiftl_S_abs_S' (x::word32) (n::int)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << nat n)"
  unfolding U_shiftl_S_abs_S'_def
  supply unsigned_of_int [simp del]
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: UINT_MAX_def unat_of_int)

lemma "n <s 0  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftl_S_no_abs' (x :: word32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftl_S_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def word_sle_def word_sless_alt)

lemma "32 <=s n  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftl_S_no_abs' (x :: word32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftl_S_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def word_sle_def word_sless_alt)

lemma "0 <=s n  n <s 32 
         U_shiftl_S_no_abs' (x :: word32) (n :: sword32)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << unat n)"
  unfolding U_shiftl_S_no_abs'_def by (runs_to_vcg simp add: UINT_MAX_def)

subsection @{text S_shiftl_U}

lemma "x < 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_U_abs_US' (x :: int) (n :: nat)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_U_abs_US'_def   
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_U_abs_US' (x :: int) (n :: nat)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_U_abs_US'_def   
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "x << nat (int n) > INT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_U_abs_US' (x :: int) (n :: nat)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_U_abs_US'_def   
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 32  0  x  x << nat (int n)  INT_MAX 
         S_shiftl_U_abs_US' (x::int) (n::nat)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << nat (int n))"
  unfolding S_shiftl_U_abs_US'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg 
      simp add: INT_MAX_def shiftl_int_def flip: nat_mult_distrib nat_power_eq nat_numeral)

lemma "x <s 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_U_abs_U' (x :: sword32) (n :: nat)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_U_abs_U'_def   
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def word_sle_def word_sless_alt)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_U_abs_U' (x :: sword32) (n :: nat)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_U_abs_U'_def   
  apply (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def word_sle_def word_sless_alt)
  oops ― ‹C parser issue: Jira VER-509›
  thm S_shiftl_U_abs_U'_def
  thm int_unat_nonneg

lemma uint_sint_nonneg:
  "0 <=s (x :: 'a::len signed word)  uint x = sint x"
  by (simp add: int_unat word_sle_msb_le sint_eq_uint)

lemma "sint x << n > INT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_U_abs_U' (x :: sword32) (n :: nat)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_U_abs_U'_def   
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def 
      shiftl_int_def INT_MAX_def nat_int_comparison(2) uint_sint_nonneg)

lemma "n < 32  0 <=s x  sint x << nat (int n)  INT_MAX 
         S_shiftl_U_abs_U' (x::sword32) (n::nat)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << nat (int n))"
  unfolding  S_shiftl_U_abs_U'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: INT_MAX_def shiftl_int_def
                   nat_int_comparison(2) uint_sint_nonneg)

lemma "x < 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_U_abs_S' (x :: int) (n :: word32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_U_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_U_abs_S' (x :: int) (n :: word32)) s"
 unfolding S_shiftl_U_abs_S'_def
 by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def word_le_nat_alt)

lemma "x << unat n > INT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_U_abs_S' (x :: int) (n :: word32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_U_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def INT_MAX_def)

lemma "n < 32  0  x  x << unat n  INT_MAX 
         S_shiftl_U_abs_S' (x::int) (n::word32)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << unat n)"
  unfolding S_shiftl_U_abs_S'_def 
  supply unsigned_of_nat [simp del] unsigned_of_nat [simp del]
  apply (runs_to_vcg)
  apply (simp_all add: INT_MAX_def shiftl_int_def
  apply (simp flip: nat_mult_distrib nat_power_eq nat_numeral)

lemma "x <s 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_U_no_abs' (x :: sword32) (n :: word32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_U_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def word_le_nat_alt)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_U_no_abs' (x :: sword32) (n :: word32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_U_no_abs'_def
  apply (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)
  oops ― ‹C parser issue: Jira VER-509›

lemma "sint x << unat n > INT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_U_no_abs' (x :: sword32) (n :: word32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_U_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def shiftl_int_def INT_MAX_def
                     nat_int_comparison(2) uint_sint_nonneg)

lemma "n < 32  0 <=s x == sint x << unat n  INT_MAX 
         S_shiftl_U_no_abs' (x::sword32) (n::word32)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << unat n)"
  unfolding S_shiftl_U_no_abs'_def
  apply (runs_to_vcg )
  apply (simp_all add:  INT_MAX_def shiftl_int_def
                   nat_int_comparison(2) uint_sint_nonneg )
   apply (smt (verit) Word.sint_0 Word_Lib_Sumo.word_sle_def not_exp_less_eq_0_int 
      uint_sint_nonneg zero_le_mult_iff)+

subsection @{text S_shiftl_S}

lemma "x < 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_abs_US' (x :: int) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_abs_US' (x :: int) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "x << nat n > INT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_abs_US' (x :: int) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_abs_US' (x :: int) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "0  n  n < 32  0  x  x << nat n  INT_MAX 
         S_shiftl_S_abs_US' (x::int) (n::int)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << nat n)"
  supply unsigned_of_nat [simp del] unsigned_of_int [simp del]
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_US'_def
  apply runs_to_vcg
  apply (simp_all add: INT_MAX_def shiftl_int_def)
  apply (simp flip: nat_mult_distrib nat_power_eq nat_numeral)

lemma "x <s 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_abs_U' (x :: sword32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n <s 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_abs_U' (x :: sword32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "32 <=s n  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_abs_U' (x :: sword32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_U'_def
  apply (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)
  oops ― ‹C parser issue: Jira VER-509›

lemma "sint x << unat n > INT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_abs_U' (x :: sword32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def shiftl_int_def INT_MAX_def
                     nat_int_comparison(2) uint_sint_nonneg)

lemma "0 <=s n  n <s 32  0 <=s x  sint x << unat n  INT_MAX 
         S_shiftl_S_abs_U' (x::sword32) (n::sword32)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << unat n)"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_U'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: INT_MAX_def shiftl_int_def
                   nat_int_comparison(2) uint_sint_nonneg)
lemma "x < 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_abs_S' (x :: int) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_abs_S' (x :: int) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_abs_S' (x :: int) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "x << nat n > INT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_abs_S' (x :: int) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "0  n  n < 32  0  x  x << n  INT_MAX 
         S_shiftl_S_abs_S' (x::int) (int n)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << nat (int n))"
  supply unsigned_of_nat [simp del] unsigned_of_int [simp del]
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_abs_S'_def
  apply (runs_to_vcg)
  apply (simp_all add: INT_MAX_def shiftl_int_def)
  apply (simp flip: nat_mult_distrib nat_power_eq nat_numeral)

lemma "x <s 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_no_abs' (x :: sword32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n <s 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_no_abs' (x :: sword32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "32 <=s n  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_no_abs' (x :: sword32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_no_abs'_def
  apply (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)
  oops ― ‹C parser issue: Jira VER-509›

lemma "sint x << unat n > INT_MAX  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftl_S_no_abs' (x :: sword32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def shiftl_int_def INT_MAX_def
                     nat_int_comparison(2) uint_sint_nonneg)

lemma "0 <=s n  n <s 32  0 <=s x  sint x << unat n  INT_MAX 
         S_shiftl_S_no_abs' (x::sword32) (n::sword32)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x << unat n)"
  unfolding S_shiftl_S_no_abs'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: INT_MAX_def shiftl_int_def
                   nat_int_comparison(2) uint_sint_nonneg)

section ‹Right shifts›

subsection @{text U_shiftr_U}

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftr_U_abs_US' (x :: nat) (n :: nat)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftr_U_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 32  U_shiftr_U_abs_US' (x::nat) (n::nat)  s λr s. r = Result (x >> n)"
  unfolding U_shiftr_U_abs_US'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftr_U_abs_U' (x :: nat) (n :: nat)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftr_U_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 32  U_shiftr_U_abs_U' (x::nat) (n::nat)  s λr s. r = Result (x >> n)"
  unfolding U_shiftr_U_abs_U'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftr_U_abs_S' (x :: word32) (n :: word32)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftr_U_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 32  U_shiftr_U_abs_S' (x::word32) (n::word32)  s λr s. r = Result (x >> unat n)"
  unfolding U_shiftr_U_abs_S'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftr_U_no_abs' (x :: word32) (n :: word32)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftr_U_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 32  U_shiftr_U_no_abs' (x::word32) (n::word32)  s λr s. r = Result (x >> unat n)"
  unfolding U_shiftr_U_no_abs'_def by runs_to_vcg

subsection @{text U_shiftr_S}

lemma "n < 0  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftr_S_abs_US' (x :: nat) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftr_S_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftr_S_abs_US' (x :: nat) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftr_S_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "0  n  n < 32  U_shiftr_S_abs_US' (x::nat) (n::int)  s λr s. r = Result (x >> nat n)"
  unfolding U_shiftr_S_abs_US'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "n <s 0  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftr_S_abs_U' (x :: nat) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftr_S_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "32 <=s n  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftr_S_abs_U' (x :: nat) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftr_S_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "0 <=s n  n <s 32  U_shiftr_S_abs_U' (x::nat) (n::sword32)  s λr s. r = Result (x >> unat n)"
  unfolding U_shiftr_S_abs_U'_def by (runs_to_vcg simp add: nat_sint word_sle_def word_sless_alt)

lemma "n < 0  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftr_S_abs_S' (x :: word32) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftr_S_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftr_S_abs_S' (x :: word32) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftr_S_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "0  n  n < 32  U_shiftr_S_abs_S' (x::word32) (n::int)  s λr s. r = Result (x >> nat n)"
  unfolding U_shiftr_S_abs_S'_def by (runs_to_vcg)

lemma "n <s 0  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftr_S_no_abs' (x :: word32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftr_S_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "32 <=s n  ¬ succeeds (U_shiftr_S_no_abs' (x :: word32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding U_shiftr_S_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "0 <=s n  n <s 32  
  U_shiftr_S_no_abs' (x :: word32) (n :: sword32)  s λr s. r = Result (x >> unat n)"
  unfolding U_shiftr_S_no_abs'_def by runs_to_vcg

subsection @{text S_shiftr_U}

lemma "x < 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_U_abs_US' (x :: int) (n :: nat)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_U_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_U_abs_US' (x :: int) (n :: nat)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_U_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 32  0  x  S_shiftr_U_abs_US' (x::int) (n::nat)  s λr s. r = Result (x >> nat (int n))"
  unfolding S_shiftr_U_abs_US'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "x <s 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_U_abs_U' (x :: sword32) (n :: nat)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_U_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_U_abs_U' (x :: sword32) (n :: nat)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_U_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 32  0 <=s x  S_shiftr_U_abs_U' (x::sword32) (n::nat)  s λr s. r = Result (x >> nat (int n))"
  unfolding S_shiftr_U_abs_U'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "x < 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_U_abs_S' (x :: int) (n :: word32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_U_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_U_abs_S' (x :: int) (n :: word32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_U_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 32  0  x  
  S_shiftr_U_abs_S' (x::int) (n::word32)  s λr s. r = Result (x >> unat n)"
  unfolding S_shiftr_U_abs_S'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "x <s 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_U_no_abs' (x :: sword32) (n :: word32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_U_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_U_no_abs' (x :: sword32) (n :: word32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_U_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 32  0 <=s x  
  S_shiftr_U_no_abs' (x::sword32) (n::word32)  s λr s. r = Result (x >> unat n)"
  unfolding S_shiftr_U_no_abs'_def by runs_to_vcg

subsection @{text S_shiftr_S}

lemma "x < 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_S_abs_US' (x :: int) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_S_abs_US' (x :: int) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_S_abs_US' (x :: int) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_abs_US'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "0  n  n < 32  0  x  
  S_shiftr_S_abs_US' (x::int) (n::int)  s λr s. r = Result (x >> nat n)"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_abs_US'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "x <s 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_S_abs_U' (x :: sword32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n <s 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_S_abs_U' (x :: sword32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "32 <=s n  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_S_abs_U' (x :: sword32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_abs_U'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "0 <=s n  n <s 32  0 <=s x 
         S_shiftr_S_abs_U' (x::sword32) (n::sword32)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x >> unat n)"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_abs_U'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "x < 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_S_abs_S' (x :: int) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n < 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_S_abs_S' (x :: int) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n  32  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_S_abs_S' (x :: int) (n :: int)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_abs_S'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "0  n  n < 32  0  x 
         S_shiftr_S_abs_S' (x::int) (n::int)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x >> nat n)"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_abs_S'_def by runs_to_vcg

lemma "x <s 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_S_no_abs' (x :: sword32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "n <s 0  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_S_no_abs' (x :: sword32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "32 <=s n  ¬ succeeds (S_shiftr_S_no_abs' (x :: sword32) (n :: sword32)) s"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_no_abs'_def
  by (auto simp add: succeeds_def run_bind run_guard top_post_state_def)

lemma "0 <=s n  n <s 32  0 <=s x 
         S_shiftr_S_no_abs' (x::sword32) (n::sword32)  s
       λr s. r = Result (x >> unat n)"
  unfolding S_shiftr_S_no_abs'_def by runs_to_vcg

