Theory Test_Spec_Translation

 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

 * Tests for handling Spec constructs emitted by the C parser.
theory Test_Spec_Translation
imports "AutoCorres2_Main.AutoCorres_Main"

install_C_file "test_spec_translation.c" [ghostty="nat"]

autocorres [ts_rules = nondet] "test_spec_translation.c"

context test_spec_translation_simpl begin
thm abort_body_def
thm ghost_upd_body_def
thm abort_body_def
context test_spec_translation_all_impl begin

thm ghost_upd'_def

(* Check that our translation did honour the given spec. *)
lemma validNF_spec[runs_to_vcg]:
  "(∃t. (s, t) ∈ f) ⟹ (∀t. (s, t) ∈ f ⟶ P () t) ⟹spec f ∙ s ⦃P⦄"

  by (clarsimp simp: validNF_def NonDetMonad.valid_def no_fail_def spec_def)
(* We don't know what this function does, but it's guaranteed to modify only "reg". *)
thm magic_body_def magic'_def

lemma magic'_wp[runs_to_vcg]:
  "P s   magic' x  s λ_ s. x. P (sreg_'' := x)"
  apply (unfold magic'_def)
  apply runs_to_vcg
   apply (cases s; fastforce)+

(* This function is annotated with an assertion. *)
thm call_magic_body_def call_magic'_def

lemma call_magic'_wp:
  "of_int x < (42 :: 32 signed word) 
   P s   call_magic' x  s λ_ s. x. P (sreg_'' := x)"
  apply (unfold call_magic'_def)
  apply runs_to_vcg

(* This function is guaranteed to fail. *)
thm abort'_def abort_spec_def

lemma abort'_spec:
  "abort' = fail"
  apply (simp add: abort'_def)

