Theory Match_Cterm_Ex

 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

theory Match_Cterm_Ex

section ‹ML Antiquotation to Match and Morph›

text ‹The following example illustrates how to define a localized simproc› and properly morph
the formal entities to accomodate the interpretations. Note that the simproc› is a
declaration› and hence a similar approach might be useful for declarations in general›

declare [[verbose=5]]
locale two_eq =
  fixes f g ::"'a  'b" 
  assumes eq: "f = g"
lemma swap: "(f x = g x)  (g x = f x)"
  by (simp add: eq)

simproc_setup swap_simproc (f x = g y) = fn phi => fn ctxt => fn ct => 
    val _ = tracing ("swap_simproc: " ^ @{make_string} ct)
    val {x, ...} = @{cterm_morph_match (fo) f ?x = g ?x} phi ct ― ‹the pattern is morphed›
    val _ = tracing ("match for x: " ^ @{make_string} x) 
    val swap = Morphism.thm phi @{thm swap}  ― ‹the theorem is morphed an instantiated›
             |> Drule.infer_instantiate' ctxt [SOME x]
    val _ = tracing ("swap instantiated: " ^ @{make_string} swap)
  in SOME swap  end
  handle Pattern.MATCH => (tracing "match failed"; NONE)


definition "F  (λ_::int. 1::nat)"
definition "G  (λ_::int. 1::nat)"

interpretation F_G: two_eq F G
  by (unfold_locales) (simp add: F_def G_def)

lemma "F a = G a"
  apply simp ― ‹The interpreted pattern is matched by morph_match›
  apply (simp add: F_G.eq)

lemma "F a = G b"
  apply simp? ― ‹Matching fails because terma and termb are not the same›

lemma "G a = F a"
  apply simp? ― ‹Already the pattern match of the simproc_setup› fails here, because the
                  equation has the wrong order. So the simproc› is not even invoked›
declare [[verbose=0]]
