Theory AutoCorres_Nondet_Syntax

theory AutoCorres_Nondet_Syntax
imports AutoCorres2.AutoCorres

section ‹Hide legacy nondet monad from user›

hide_const L2Defs.gets_theE

no_notation L1Valid.validE ("_/ _ /(_⦄,/ _)")
hide_const L1Valid.validE

definition gets_theE ::
    "('s  'b option)  ('e, 'b, 's) exn_monad" where 
    "gets_theE  λx. (liftE (gets_the x))"

section ‹Legacy syntax layer to mimic the nondet monad›

abbreviation (input) bindE:: 
  "('e,'a,'s) exn_monad  ('a  ('e, 'b, 's) exn_monad)  ('e, 'b, 's) exn_monad"  (infixl ">>=E" 60) where 
  "bindE  bind"

abbreviation (input) bind_nd:: 
  "('a,'s) res_monad  ('a  ('b, 's) res_monad)  ('b, 's) res_monad" where 
  "bind_nd  bind"

abbreviation (input) throwError::"'e  ('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad" where 
  "throwError  throw"

abbreviation (input) guardE:: "('s  bool)  ('e, unit, 's) exn_monad" where 
  "guardE  guard"

abbreviation (input) returnOk:: "'a  ('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad" where 
  "returnOk  return"
abbreviation (input) whenE:: "bool  ('e, unit, 's) exn_monad  ('e, unit, 's) exn_monad" where
  "whenE  when"

abbreviation (input) unlessE:: "bool  ('e, unit, 's) exn_monad  ('e, unit, 's) exn_monad" where
  "unlessE  unless"

abbreviation (input) modifyE:: "('s  's)  ('e, unit, 's) exn_monad" where
  "modifyE  modify"

abbreviation (input) selectE:: "'a set  ('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad" where
  "selectE  select"

abbreviation (input) unknownE:: "('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad" where
  "unknownE  unknown"

abbreviation (input) getsE:: "('s  'a)  ('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad" where
  "getsE  gets"

abbreviation (input) skipE:: "('e, unit, 's) exn_monad" where
  "skipE  skip"

abbreviation (input) whileLoopE::
  "('a  's  bool)  ('a  ('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad)  'a  ('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad"
  "whileLoopE  whileLoop"

abbreviation (input) handleE':: 
  "('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad  ('e  ('f, 'a, 's) exn_monad)  ('f, 'a, 's) exn_monad" 
  (infix "<handle2>" 10)
  "handleE'  catch"

abbreviation (input) handleE:: 
  "('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad  ('e  ('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad)  ('e, 'a, 's) exn_monad" 
  (infix "<handle>" 10)
  "handleE  catch"

  dobinds and dobind and nobind

syntax (input)
  "_dobind"    :: "[pttrn, 'a] => dobind"             ("(_ <-/ _)" 10)
  ""           :: "dobind => dobinds"                 ("_")
  "_nobind"    :: "'a => dobind"                      ("_")
  "_dobinds"   :: "[dobind, dobinds] => dobinds"      ("(_);//(_)")

  "_do"        :: "[dobinds, 'a] => 'a"               ("(do ((_);//(_))//od)" 100)
  "_doE" :: "[dobinds, 'a] => 'a"  ("(doE ((_);//(_))//odE)" 100)

syntax (xsymbols)
  "_dobind"    :: "[pttrn, 'a] => dobind"             ("(_ / _)" 10)

  "_do (_dobinds b bs) e"   "_do b (_do bs e)"
  "_do (_nobind b) e"       "CONST bind_nd b (λ_. e)"
  "do x <- a; e od"         "CONST bind_nd a (λx. e)"

  "_doE (_dobinds b bs) e"   "_doE b (_doE bs e)"
  "_doE (_nobind b) e"       "CONST bindE b (λ_. e)"
  "doE x <- a; e odE"        "CONST bindE a (λx. e)"

term "doE x <- f; g x odE"
term "do x <- f; g x od"

  "_doO" :: "[dobinds, 'a] => 'a"  ("(DO (_);//   (_)//OD)" 100)

  "_doO (_dobinds b bs) e" == "_doO b (_doO bs e)"
  "_doO (_nobind b) e"     == "b |>> (λ_.  e)"
  "DO x <- a; e OD"        == "a |>> (λx. e)"

term "DO x <- ogets (λ_. 2); oguard (λs. b  0); oreturn x OD"
