Theory Concentration_Inequalities.Paley_Zygmund_Inequality
section ‹Paley-Zygmund Inequality›
text ‹This section proves slight improvements of the Paley-Zygmund Inequality~\cite{paley1932note}.
Unfortunately, the improvements are on Wikipedia with no citation.›
theory Paley_Zygmund_Inequality
imports Lp.Lp
context prob_space
theorem paley_zygmund_inequality_holder:
assumes p: "1 < (p::real)"
assumes rv: "random_variable borel Z"
assumes intZp: "integrable M (λz. ¦Z z¦ powr p)"
assumes t: "θ ≤ 1"
assumes ZAEpos: "AE z in M. Z z ≥ 0"
shows "
(expectation (λx. ¦Z x - θ * expectation Z¦ powr p) powr (1 / (p-1))) *
prob {z ∈ space M. Z z > θ * expectation Z}
≥ ((1-θ) powr (p / (p-1)) * expectation Z powr (p / (p-1))) "
proof -
have intZ: "integrable M Z"
apply (subst bound_L1_Lp[OF _ rv intZp])
using p by auto
define eZ where "eZ = expectation Z"
have "eZ ≥ 0"
unfolding eZ_def
using ZAEpos intZ integral_ge_const prob_Collect_eq_1 by auto
have ezp: "expectation (λx. ¦Z x - θ * eZ¦ powr p) ≥ 0"
by (meson Bochner_Integration.integral_nonneg powr_ge_pzero)
have "expectation (λz. Z z - θ * eZ) = expectation (λz. Z z + (- θ * eZ))"
by auto
moreover have "... = expectation Z + expectation (λz. - θ * eZ)"
apply (subst Bochner_Integration.integral_add)
using intZ by auto
moreover have "... = eZ + (- θ * eZ)"
apply (subst lebesgue_integral_const)
using eZ_def prob_space by auto
ultimately have *: "expectation (λz. Z z - θ * eZ) = eZ - θ * eZ"
by linarith
have ev: "{z ∈ space M. θ * eZ < Z z} ∈ events"
using rv unfolding borel_measurable_iff_greater
by auto
define q where "q = p / (p-1)"
have sqI:"(indicat_real E x) powr q = indicat_real E (x::'a)" for E x
unfolding q_def
by (metis indicator_simps(1) indicator_simps(2) powr_0 powr_one_eq_one)
have bm1: "(λz. (Z z - θ * eZ)) ∈ borel_measurable M"
using borel_measurable_const borel_measurable_diff rv by blast
have bm2: "(λz. indicat_real {z ∈ space M. Z z > θ * eZ} z) ∈ borel_measurable M"
using borel_measurable_indicator ev by blast
have "integrable M (λx. ¦Z x + (-θ * eZ)¦ powr p)"
apply (intro Minkowski_inequality[OF _ rv _ intZp])
using p by auto
then have int1: "integrable M (λx. ¦Z x - θ * eZ¦ powr p)"
by auto
have "integrable M
(λx. 1 * indicat_real {z ∈ space M. θ * eZ < Z z} x)"
apply (intro integrable_real_mult_indicator[OF ev])
by auto
then have int2: " integrable M
(λx. ¦indicat_real {z ∈ space M. θ * eZ < Z z} x¦ powr q)"
by (auto simp add: sqI )
have pq:"p > (0::real)" "q > 0" "1/p + 1/q = 1"
unfolding q_def using p by (auto simp:divide_simps)
from Holder_inequality[OF pq bm1 bm2 int1 int2]
have hi: "expectation (λx. (Z x - θ * eZ) * indicat_real {z ∈ space M. θ * eZ < Z z} x)
≤ expectation (λx. ¦Z x - θ * eZ¦ powr p) powr (1 / p) *
expectation (λx. ¦indicat_real {z ∈ space M. θ * eZ < Z z} x¦ powr q) powr (1 / q)"
by auto
have "eZ - θ * eZ ≤
expectation (λz. (Z z - θ * eZ) * indicat_real {z ∈ space M. Z z > θ * eZ} z)"
unfolding *[symmetric]
apply (intro integral_mono)
using intZ ev apply auto[1]
apply (auto intro!: integrable_real_mult_indicator simp add: intZ ev)[1]
unfolding indicator_def of_bool_def
by (auto simp add: mult_nonneg_nonpos2)
also have "... ≤
expectation (λx. ¦Z x - θ * eZ¦ powr p) powr (1 / p) *
expectation (λx. indicat_real {z ∈ space M. θ * eZ < Z z} x) powr (1 / q)"
using hi by (auto simp add: sqI)
finally have "eZ - θ * eZ ≤
expectation (λx. ¦Z x - θ * eZ¦ powr p) powr (1 / p) *
expectation (λx. indicat_real {z ∈ space M. θ * eZ < Z z} x) powr (1 / q)"
by auto
then have "(eZ - θ * eZ) powr q ≤
(expectation (λx. ¦Z x - θ * eZ¦ powr p) powr (1 / p) *
expectation (λx. indicat_real {z ∈ space M. θ * eZ < Z z} x) powr (1 / q)) powr q"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) ‹0 ≤ eZ› mult_left_le_one_le powr_mono2 pq(2) right_diff_distrib' t zero_le_mult_iff)
also have "... =
(expectation (λx. ¦Z x - θ * eZ¦ powr p) powr (1 / p)) powr q *
(expectation (λx. indicat_real {z ∈ space M. θ * eZ < Z z} x) powr (1 / q)) powr q"
using powr_ge_pzero powr_mult by presburger
also have "... =
(expectation (λx. ¦Z x - θ * eZ¦ powr p) powr (1 / p)) powr q *
(expectation (λx. indicat_real {z ∈ space M. θ * eZ < Z z} x))"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Bochner_Integration.integral_nonneg divide_le_eq_1_pos indicator_pos_le nonzero_eq_divide_eq p powr_one powr_powr q_def)
also have "... =
(expectation (λx. ¦Z x - θ * eZ¦ powr p) powr (1 / (p-1))) *
(expectation (λx. indicat_real {z ∈ space M. θ * eZ < Z z} x))"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) divide_divide_eq_right divide_self_if p powr_powr q_def times_divide_eq_left)
also have "... =
(expectation (λx. ¦Z x - θ * eZ¦ powr p) powr (1 / (p-1))) *
prob {z ∈ space M. Z z > θ * eZ}"
by (simp add: ev)
finally have 1: "(eZ - θ * eZ) powr q ≤
(expectation (λx. ¦Z x - θ * eZ¦ powr p) powr (1 / (p-1))) *
prob {z ∈ space M. Z z > θ * eZ}" by linarith
have "(eZ - θ * eZ) powr q = ((1 - θ) * eZ) powr q"
by (simp add: mult.commute right_diff_distrib)
also have "... = (1 - θ) powr q * eZ powr q"
by (simp add: ‹0 ≤ eZ› powr_mult t)
finally show ?thesis using 1 eZ_def q_def by force
corollary paley_zygmund_inequality:
assumes rv: "random_variable borel Z"
assumes intZsq: "integrable M (λz. (Z z)^2)"
assumes t: "θ ≤ 1"
assumes Zpos: "⋀z. z ∈ space M ⟹ Z z ≥ 0"
shows "
(variance Z + (1-θ)^2 * (expectation Z)^2) *
prob {z ∈ space M. Z z > θ * expectation Z}
≥ (1-θ)^2 * (expectation Z)^2"
proof -
have ZAEpos: "AE z in M. Z z ≥ 0"
by (simp add: Zpos)
define p where "p = (2::real)"
have p1: "1 < p" using p_def by auto
have " integrable M (λz. ¦Z z¦ powr p)" unfolding p_def
using intZsq by auto
from paley_zygmund_inequality_holder[OF p1 rv this t ZAEpos]
have "(1 - θ) powr (p / (p - 1)) * (expectation Z powr (p / (p - 1)))
≤ expectation (λx. ¦Z x - θ * expectation Z¦ powr p) powr (1 / (p - 1)) *
prob {z ∈ space M. θ * expectation Z < Z z}" .
then have hi: "(1 - θ)^2 * (expectation Z)^2
≤ expectation (λx. (Z x - θ * expectation Z)^2) *
prob {z ∈ space M. θ * expectation Z < Z z}"
unfolding p_def by (auto simp add: Zpos t)
have intZ: "integrable M Z"
apply (subst square_integrable_imp_integrable[OF rv intZsq])
by auto
define eZ where "eZ = expectation Z"
have "eZ ≥ 0"
unfolding eZ_def
using Bochner_Integration.integral_nonneg Zpos by blast
have ezp: "expectation (λx. ¦Z x - θ * eZ¦ powr p) ≥ 0"
by (meson Bochner_Integration.integral_nonneg powr_ge_pzero)
have "expectation (λz. Z z - θ * eZ) = expectation (λz. Z z + (- θ * eZ))"
by auto
also have "... = expectation Z + expectation (λz. - θ * eZ)"
apply (subst Bochner_Integration.integral_add)
using intZ by auto
also have "... = eZ + (- θ * eZ)"
apply (subst lebesgue_integral_const)
using eZ_def prob_space by auto
finally have *: "expectation (λz. Z z - θ * eZ) = eZ - θ * eZ"
by linarith
have "variance Z =
variance (λz. (Z z - θ * eZ))"
using "*" eZ_def by auto
also have "... =
expectation (λz. (Z z - θ * eZ)^2)
- (expectation (λx. Z x - θ * eZ))⇧2"
apply (subst variance_eq)
by (auto simp add: intZ power2_diff intZsq)
also have "... = expectation (λz. (Z z - θ * eZ)^2) - ((1-θ)^2 * eZ^2)"
unfolding * by (auto simp:algebra_simps power2_eq_square)
finally have veq: "expectation (λz. (Z z - θ * eZ)^2) = (variance Z + (1-θ)^2 * eZ^2)"
by linarith
thus ?thesis
using hi by (simp add: eZ_def)