Theory RKAT_Models

(* Title: Models of Refinement KAT
   Author: Victor Gomes, Georg Struth
   Maintainer: Victor Gomes <>
               Georg Struth <> 

subsubsection ‹Models of Refinement KAT›

theory RKAT_Models
  imports RKAT

text ‹So far only the relational model is developed.›

definition rel_R :: "'a rel  'a rel  'a rel" where 
  "rel_R P Q = {X. rel_kat.H P X Q}"

interpretation rel_rkat: rkat "(∪)" "(;)" Id "{}" "(⊆)" "(⊂)" rtrancl "(λX. Id  - X)" rel_R
  by (standard, auto simp: rel_R_def rel_kat.H_def)
