Theory Substitution_First_Order_Term

theory Substitution_First_Order_Term

abbreviation is_ground_trm where
  "is_ground_trm t  vars_term t = {}"

lemma is_ground_iff: "is_ground_trm (t  γ)  (x  vars_term t. is_ground_trm (γ x))"
  by (induction t) simp_all

lemma is_ground_trm_iff_ident_forall_subst: "is_ground_trm t  (σ. t  σ = t)"
proof(induction t)
  case Var
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case Fun

  moreover have "xs x σ. σ. map (λs. s  σ) xs = xs  x  set xs  x  σ = x"
    by (metis list.map_ident map_eq_conv)

  ultimately show ?case
    by (auto simp: map_idI)

(* TODO: Rename to term.subst *)
global_interpretation term_subst: substitution where
  subst = subst_apply_term and id_subst = Var and comp_subst = subst_compose and
  is_ground = is_ground_trm
proof unfold_locales
  show "x. x  Var = x"
    by simp
  show "x σ τ. x  σ s τ = x  σ  τ"
    by simp
  show "x. is_ground_trm x  σ. x  σ = x"
    using is_ground_trm_iff_ident_forall_subst ..

lemma term_subst_is_unifier_iff_unifiers_Times:
  assumes "finite X"
  shows "term_subst.is_unifier μ X  μ  unifiers (X × X)"
  unfolding term_subst.is_unifier_iff_if_finite[OF assms] unifiers_def
  by simp

lemma term_subst_is_unifier_set_iff_unifiers_Union_Times:
  assumes "X XX. finite X"
  shows "term_subst.is_unifier_set μ XX  μ  unifiers (XXX. X × X)"
  using term_subst_is_unifier_iff_unifiers_Times assms
  unfolding term_subst.is_unifier_set_def unifiers_def
  by fast

lemma term_subst_is_mgu_iff_is_mgu_Union_Times:
  assumes fin: "X XX. finite X"
  shows "term_subst.is_mgu μ XX  is_mgu μ (XXX. X × X)"
  unfolding term_subst.is_mgu_def is_mgu_def
  unfolding term_subst_is_unifier_set_iff_unifiers_Union_Times[OF fin]
  by auto

lemma term_subst_is_imgu_iff_is_imgu_Union_Times:
  assumes "X XX. finite X"
  shows "term_subst.is_imgu μ XX  is_imgu μ (XXX. X × X)"
  using term_subst_is_unifier_set_iff_unifiers_Union_Times[OF assms]
  unfolding term_subst.is_imgu_def is_imgu_def
  by auto

lemma range_vars_subset_if_is_imgu:
  assumes "term_subst.is_imgu μ XX" "XXX. finite X" "finite XX"
  shows "range_vars μ  (tXX. vars_term t)"
  have is_imgu: "is_imgu μ (XXX. X × X)"
    using term_subst_is_imgu_iff_is_imgu_Union_Times[of "XX"] assms
    by simp

  have finite_prod: "finite (XXX. X × X)"
    using assms
    by blast

  have "(eXXX. X × X. vars_term (fst e)  vars_term (snd e)) = (tXX. vars_term t)"
    by fastforce

  then show ?thesis
    using imgu_range_vars_subset[OF is_imgu finite_prod]
    by argo

lemma term_subst_is_renaming_iff:
  "term_subst.is_renaming ρ  inj ρ  (x. is_Var (ρ x))"
proof (rule iffI)
  show "term_subst.is_renaming ρ  inj ρ  (x. is_Var (ρ x))"
    unfolding term_subst.is_renaming_def
    unfolding subst_compose_def inj_def
    by (metis subst_apply_eq_Var term.discI(1) term.inject(1))
  show "inj ρ  (x. is_Var (ρ x))  term_subst.is_renaming ρ"
    unfolding term_subst.is_renaming_def
    using ex_inverse_of_renaming by metis

lemma term_subst_is_renaming_iff_ex_inj_fun_on_vars:
  "term_subst.is_renaming ρ  (f. inj f  ρ = Var  f)"
proof (rule iffI)
  assume "term_subst.is_renaming ρ"
  hence "inj ρ" and all_Var: "x. is_Var (ρ x)"
    unfolding term_subst_is_renaming_iff by simp_all
  from all_Var obtain f where "x. ρ x = Var (f x)"
    by (metis comp_apply term.collapse(1))
  hence "ρ = Var  f"
    using x. ρ x = Var (f x)
    by (intro ext) simp
  moreover have "inj f"
      using inj ρ unfolding ρ = Var  f
      using inj_on_imageI2 by metis
  ultimately show "f. inj f  ρ = Var  f"
    by metis
  show "f. inj f  ρ = Var  f  term_subst.is_renaming ρ"
    unfolding term_subst_is_renaming_iff comp_apply inj_def
    by auto

lemma ground_imgu_equals:
  assumes "is_ground_trm t1" and "is_ground_trm t2" and "term_subst.is_imgu μ {{t1, t2}}"
  shows "t1 = t2"
  using assms
  using term_subst.ground_eq_ground_if_unifiable
  by (metis insertCI term_subst.is_imgu_def term_subst.is_unifier_set_def)

lemma is_unifier_the_mgu: contributor ‹Balazs Toth›
  assumes "t  the_mgu t t' = t'  the_mgu t t'"
  shows "term_subst.is_unifier (the_mgu t t') {t, t'}"
  using assms
  unfolding term_subst.is_unifier_def the_mgu_def
  by simp

lemma obtains_imgu_from_unifier_and_the_mgu: contributor ‹Balazs Toth›
  fixes υ :: "('f, 'v) subst"
  assumes "t  υ = t'  υ" "P t t' (Unification.the_mgu t t')"
  obtains μ :: "('f, 'v) subst"
  where "υ = μ s υ" "term_subst.is_imgu μ {{t, t'}}" "P t t' μ"
  have finite: "finite {t, t'}"
    by simp

  have "term_subst.is_unifier_set (the_mgu t t') {{t, t'}}"
    unfolding term_subst.is_unifier_set_def
    using is_unifier_the_mgu[OF the_mgu[OF assms(1), THEN conjunct1]]
    by simp

  moreover have "σ. term_subst.is_unifier_set σ {{t, t'}}  σ = the_mgu t t' s σ"
    unfolding term_subst.is_unifier_set_def
    using term_subst.is_unifier_iff_if_finite[OF finite] the_mgu
    by blast

  ultimately have is_imgu: "term_subst.is_imgu (the_mgu t t') {{t, t'}}"
    unfolding term_subst.is_imgu_def
    by metis

  show "υ = (the_mgu t t') s υ"
    using the_mgu[OF assms(1)]
    by blast

  show "term_subst.is_imgu (the_mgu t t') {{t, t'}}"
    using is_imgu
    by blast

  show "P t t' (the_mgu t t')"
    using assms(2).

lemma obtains_imgu: contributor ‹Balazs Toth›
  fixes υ :: "('f, 'v) subst"
  assumes "t  υ = t'  υ"
  obtains μ :: "('f, 'v) subst"
  where "υ = μ s υ" "term_subst.is_imgu μ {{t, t'}}"
  using obtains_imgu_from_unifier_and_the_mgu[OF assms, of "(λ_ _ _. True)"]
  by auto

(* The other way around it does not work! *)
lemma is_renaming_if_term_subst_is_renaming: contributor ‹Balazs Toth›
  assumes "term_subst.is_renaming ρ"
  shows "Term.is_renaming ρ"
  using assms
  by (simp add: inj_on_def is_renaming_def term_subst_is_renaming_iff)

lemma is_mgu_iff_term_subst_is_imgu_image_set_prod: contributor ‹Balazs Toth›
  fixes μ :: "('f, 'v) subst" and X :: "(('f, 'v) term × ('f, 'v) term) set"
  shows "Unifiers.is_imgu μ X  term_subst.is_imgu μ (set_prod ` X)"
proof (rule iffI)
  assume "is_imgu μ X"

  moreover then have
    "eX. fst e  μ = snd e  μ"
    "τ :: ('f, 'v) subst. (eX. fst e  τ = snd e  τ)  τ = μ s τ"
    unfolding is_imgu_def unifiers_def
    by auto

  moreover then have
    "τ :: ('f, 'v) subst. eX. t t'. e = (t, t')  card {t  τ, t'  τ}  Suc 0  μ s τ = τ"
    by (metis Suc_n_not_le_n card_1_singleton_iff card_Suc_eq insert_iff prod.collapse)

  ultimately show "term_subst.is_imgu μ (set_prod ` X)"
    unfolding term_subst.is_imgu_def term_subst.is_unifier_set_def term_subst.is_unifier_def
    by (auto split: prod.splits)
  assume is_imgu: "term_subst.is_imgu μ (set_prod ` X)"

  show "is_imgu μ X"
  proof(unfold is_imgu_def unifiers_def, intro conjI ballI)

    show "μ  {σ. eX. fst e  σ = snd e  σ}"
      using term_subst.is_imgu_unifies[OF is_imgu]
      by fastforce
    fix τ :: "('f, 'v) subst"
    assume "τ  {σ. eX. fst e  σ = snd e  σ}"

    then have "eX. fst e  τ = snd e  τ"
      by blast

    then show "τ = μ s τ"
      using is_imgu
      unfolding term_subst.is_imgu_def term_subst.is_unifier_set_def
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) case_prod_conv empty_iff finite.emptyI finite.insertI image_iff
          insert_iff prod.collapse term_subst.is_unifier_iff_if_finite)

lemma the_mgu_term_subst_is_imgu: contributor ‹Balazs Toth›
  fixes υ :: "('f, 'v) subst"
  assumes "s  υ = t  υ"
  shows "term_subst.is_imgu (Unification.the_mgu s t) {{s, t}}"
  using the_mgu_is_imgu[OF assms]
  unfolding is_mgu_iff_term_subst_is_imgu_image_set_prod
  by simp
