Theory Monoid_Action
theory Monoid_Action
imports Main
section ‹General Results on Groups›
lemma (in monoid) right_inverse_idem:
fixes inv
assumes right_inverse: "⋀a. a ❙* inv a = ❙1"
shows "⋀a. inv (inv a) = a"
by (metis assoc right_inverse right_neutral)
lemma (in monoid) left_inverse_if_right_inverse:
fixes inv
right_inverse: "⋀a. a ❙* inv a = ❙1"
shows "inv a ❙* a = ❙1"
by (metis right_inverse_idem right_inverse)
lemma (in monoid) group_wrt_right_inverse:
fixes inv
assumes right_inverse: "⋀a. a ❙* inv a = ❙1"
shows "group (❙*) ❙1 inv"
proof unfold_locales
show "⋀a. ❙1 ❙* a = a"
by simp
show "⋀a. inv a ❙* a = ❙1"
by (metis left_inverse_if_right_inverse right_inverse)
section ‹Monoid›
definition (in monoid) is_left_invertible where
"is_left_invertible a ⟷ (∃a_inv. a_inv ❙* a = ❙1)"
definition (in monoid) is_right_invertible where
"is_right_invertible a ⟷ (∃a_inv. a ❙* a_inv = ❙1)"
definition (in monoid) left_inverse where
"is_left_invertible a ⟹ left_inverse a = (SOME a_inv. a_inv ❙* a = ❙1)"
definition (in monoid) right_inverse where
"is_right_invertible a ⟹ right_inverse a = (SOME a_inv. a ❙* a_inv = ❙1)"
lemma (in monoid) comp_left_inverse [simp]:
"is_left_invertible a ⟹ left_inverse a ❙* a = ❙1"
by (auto simp: is_left_invertible_def left_inverse_def intro: someI_ex)
lemma (in monoid) comp_right_inverse [simp]:
"is_right_invertible a ⟹ a ❙* right_inverse a = ❙1"
by (auto simp: is_right_invertible_def right_inverse_def intro: someI_ex)
lemma (in monoid) neutral_is_left_invertible [simp]:
"is_left_invertible ❙1"
by (simp add: is_left_invertible_def)
lemma (in monoid) neutral_is_right_invertible [simp]:
"is_right_invertible ❙1"
by (simp add: is_right_invertible_def)
section ‹Semigroup Action›
text ‹We define both left and right semigroup actions. Left semigroup actions seem to be prevalent
in algebra, but right semigroup actions directly uses the usual notation of term/atom/literal/clause
locale left_semigroup_action = semigroup +
fixes action :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b" (infix ‹⋅› 70)
assumes action_compatibility[simp]: "⋀a b x. (a ❙* b) ⋅ x = a ⋅ (b ⋅ x)"
locale right_semigroup_action = semigroup +
fixes action :: "'b ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b" (infix ‹⋅› 70)
assumes action_compatibility[simp]: "⋀x a b. x ⋅ (a ❙* b) = (x ⋅ a) ⋅ b"
text ‹We then instantiate the right action in the context of the left action in order to get access
to any lemma proven in the context of the other locale. We do analogously in the context of the
right locale.›
sublocale left_semigroup_action ⊆ right: right_semigroup_action where
f = "λx y. f y x" and action = "λx y. action y x"
proof unfold_locales
show "⋀a b c. c ❙* (b ❙* a) = c ❙* b ❙* a"
by (simp only: assoc)
show "⋀x a b. (b ❙* a) ⋅ x = b ⋅ (a ⋅ x)"
by simp
sublocale right_semigroup_action ⊆ left: left_semigroup_action where
f = "λx y. f y x" and action = "λx y. action y x"
proof unfold_locales
show "⋀a b c. c ❙* (b ❙* a) = c ❙* b ❙* a"
by (simp only: assoc)
show "⋀a b x. x ⋅ (b ❙* a) = (x ⋅ b) ⋅ a"
by simp
lemma (in right_semigroup_action) lifting_semigroup_action_to_set:
"right_semigroup_action (❙*) (λX a. (λx. action x a) ` X)"
proof unfold_locales
show "⋀x a b. (λx. x ⋅ (a ❙* b)) ` x = (λx. x ⋅ b) ` (λx. x ⋅ a) ` x"
by (simp add: image_comp)
lemma (in right_semigroup_action) lifting_semigroup_action_to_list:
"right_semigroup_action (❙*) (λxs a. map (λx. action x a) xs)"
proof unfold_locales
show "⋀x a b. map (λx. x ⋅ (a ❙* b)) x = map (λx. x ⋅ b) (map (λx. x ⋅ a) x)"
by (simp add: image_comp)
section ‹Monoid Action›
locale left_monoid_action = monoid +
fixes action :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b" (infix ‹⋅› 70)
monoid_action_compatibility: "⋀a b x. (a ❙* b) ⋅ x = a ⋅ (b ⋅ x)" and
action_neutral[simp]: "⋀x. ❙1 ⋅ x = x"
locale right_monoid_action = monoid +
fixes action :: "'b ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b" (infix ‹⋅› 70)
monoid_action_compatibility: "⋀x a b. x ⋅ (a ❙* b) = (x ⋅ a) ⋅ b" and
action_neutral[simp]: "⋀x. x ⋅ ❙1 = x"
sublocale left_monoid_action ⊆ left_semigroup_action
by unfold_locales (fact monoid_action_compatibility)
sublocale right_monoid_action ⊆ right_semigroup_action
by unfold_locales (fact monoid_action_compatibility)
sublocale left_monoid_action ⊆ right: right_monoid_action where
f = "λx y. f y x" and action = "λx y. action y x"
by unfold_locales simp_all
sublocale right_monoid_action ⊆ left: left_monoid_action where
f = "λx y. f y x" and action = "λx y. action y x"
by unfold_locales simp_all
lemma (in right_monoid_action) lifting_monoid_action_to_set:
"right_monoid_action (❙*) ❙1 (λX a. (λx. action x a) ` X)"
proof (unfold_locales)
show "⋀x a b. (λx. x ⋅ (a ❙* b)) ` x = (λx. x ⋅ b) ` (λx. x ⋅ a) ` x"
by (simp add: image_comp)
show "⋀x. (λx. x ⋅ ❙1) ` x = x"
by simp
lemma (in right_monoid_action) lifting_monoid_action_to_list:
"right_monoid_action (❙*) ❙1 (λxs a. map (λx. action x a) xs)"
proof unfold_locales
show "⋀x a b. map (λx. x ⋅ (a ❙* b)) x = map (λx. x ⋅ b) (map (λx. x ⋅ a) x)"
by simp
show "⋀x. map (λx. x ⋅ ❙1) x = x"
by simp
section ‹Group Action›
locale left_group_action = group +
fixes action :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b" (infix ‹⋅› 70)
group_action_compatibility: "⋀a b x. (a ❙* b) ⋅ x = a ⋅ (b ⋅ x)" and
group_action_neutral: "⋀x. ❙1 ⋅ x = x"
locale right_group_action = group +
fixes action :: "'b ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b" (infixl ‹⋅› 70)
group_action_compatibility: "⋀x a b. x ⋅ (a ❙* b) = (x ⋅ a) ⋅ b" and
group_action_neutral: "⋀x. x ⋅ ❙1 = x"
sublocale left_group_action ⊆ left_monoid_action
by unfold_locales (fact group_action_compatibility group_action_neutral)+
sublocale right_group_action ⊆ right_monoid_action
by unfold_locales (fact group_action_compatibility group_action_neutral)+
sublocale left_group_action ⊆ right: right_group_action where
f = "λx y. f y x" and action = "λx y. action y x"
by unfold_locales simp_all
sublocale right_group_action ⊆ left: left_group_action where
f = "λx y. f y x" and action = "λx y. action y x"
by unfold_locales simp_all