Theory Multiplication
theory Multiplication
text ‹
This is the formalisation of ABY3's multiplication protocol.
We manually book-keep the messages to be simulated,
and we manually define the simulator used in the simulation proof.
definition do_mul :: "(natL × natL) ⇒ (natL × natL) ⇒ natL" where
"do_mul xy1 xy2 = fst xy1 * snd xy1 + fst xy1 * snd xy2 + fst xy2 * snd xy1"
type_synonym mul_in = "natL × natL"
type_synonym mul_msg = "(natL × natL) × natL"
type_synonym mul_view = "mul_in × mul_msg"
type_synonym mul_out = "natL"
definition aby3_mulR :: "mul_in sharing ⇒ (mul_msg sharing × mul_out sharing) spmf" where
"aby3_mulR xy = (do {
let xy_shift = shift_sharing xy;
let z_raw = map_sharing2 do_mul xy xy_shift;
ζ ← zero_sharing;
let z = map_sharing2 (+) z_raw ζ;
let msg = prod_sharing xy_shift ζ;
return_spmf (msg, z)
definition aby3_mulF :: "mul_in sharing ⇒ mul_out sharing spmf" where
"aby3_mulF xy = (
let x = reconstruct (map_sharing fst xy);
y = reconstruct (map_sharing snd xy)
in share_nat (x * y))"
definition S :: "mul_in ⇒ mul_out ⇒ mul_msg spmf" where
"S inp outp = (do {
let (x1, y1) = inp;
(x2, y2) ← spmf_of_set UNIV;
let ζ = outp - do_mul (x1, y1) (x2, y2);
return_spmf ((x2, y2), ζ)
lemma reconstruct_do_mul:
"reconstruct (map_sharing2 do_mul xys (shift_sharing xys)) = reconstruct (map_sharing fst xys) * reconstruct (map_sharing snd xys)"
supply [simp] = shift_sharing_make_sharing do_mul_def
by (cases xys) (auto simp: algebra_simps)
theorem mul_spec:
fixes x_dist y_dist :: "natL sharing spmf"
assumes "is_uniform_sharing x_dist" "is_uniform_sharing y_dist"
"(do {
xs ← x_dist;
ys ← y_dist;
let inps = prod_sharing xs ys;
(msgs, outps) ← (aby3_mulR inps);
let view = (get_party p inps, get_party p msgs);
return_spmf (view, outps)
(do {
xs ← x_dist;
ys ← y_dist;
let inps = prod_sharing xs ys;
outps ← aby3_mulF inps;
msg ← S (get_party p inps) (get_party p outps);
let view = (get_party p inps, msg);
return_spmf (view, outps)
})" (is ?secure)
"is_uniform_sharing (do {
xs ← x_dist;
ys ← y_dist;
aby3_mulF (prod_sharing xs ys)
})" (is ?uniform)
proof -
obtain xd yd where xd: "x_dist = bind_spmf xd share_nat" and yd: "y_dist = bind_spmf yd share_nat"
using assms unfolding is_uniform_sharing_def by auto
show ?secure
unfolding aby3_mulR_def xd yd
apply (subst (3) hoist_map_spmf[where f="map_sharing2 (+) _"])
apply (subst inv_zero_sharing)
apply (unfold bind_map_spmf comp_def
unfolding Let_def
apply (subst reconstruct_do_mul)
unfolding bind_spmf_assoc
apply (unfold prod_sharing_map_sel)
apply (subst hoist_map_spmf[where f="reconstruct"])
apply (subst hoist_map_spmf[where f="reconstruct"])
apply (unfold reconstruct_share_nat)
apply (unfold bind_map_spmf comp_def
unfolding return_bind_spmf
unfolding prod_sharing_sel get_prev_sharing map_sharing_sel
apply (subst (1 2) share_nat_def_calc'[of "prev_role p" p "next_role p", unfolded case_prod_unfold, simplified])
unfolding bind_spmf_assoc return_bind_spmf
unfolding make_sharing_sel_p2
apply (subst (2 3) share_nat_def_calc'[of "prev_role p" p "next_role p", simplified, abs_def])
unfolding case_prod_unfold Let_def
unfolding aby3_mulF_def S_def
apply (clarsimp simp add: bind_commute_spmf[where q=yd] bind_commute_spmf[where q="share_nat _"])
supply [simp del] = UNIV_Times_UNIV
apply (fold UNIV_Times_UNIV )
apply (fold pair_spmf_of_set)
apply (unfold pair_spmf_alt_def)
apply clarsimp
unfolding make_sharing_sel_p2
apply (subst bind_spmf_const, simp)
apply (subst bind_spmf_const, simp)
apply (rule arg_cong[where f="bind_spmf _"], rule)
apply (rule arg_cong[where f="bind_spmf _"], rule)
apply (rule arg_cong[where f="bind_spmf _"], rule)
apply (subst (3) bind_commute_spmf)
apply (subst (1) bind_commute_spmf)
apply (subst (2) bind_commute_spmf)
apply simp
show ?uniform
unfolding xd yd aby3_mulF_def
unfolding prod_sharing_map_sel
unfolding bind_spmf_assoc
apply (subst (1 2) hoist_map_spmf[where f="reconstruct"])
apply (unfold reconstruct_share_nat)
unfolding bind_map_spmf comp_def Let_def
unfolding bind_commute_spmf[where q=yd]
apply (fold pair_spmf_alt_def[of yd xd, THEN arg_cong[where f="λx. bind_spmf x (case_prod _)"], simplified])
unfolding bind_spmf_const weight_share_nat scale_spmf_1
unfolding case_prod_unfold
apply (fold bind_map_spmf[where f="λx. snd x * fst x", unfolded comp_def])
unfolding is_uniform_sharing_def
by auto