pGCL is both a programming language and a specification language that incorporates both probabilistic and nondeterministic choice, in a unified manner. Program verification is by refinement or annotation (or both), using either Hoare triples, or weakest-precondition entailment, in the style of GCL.
This package provides both a shallow embedding of the language primitives, and an annotation and refinement framework. The generated document includes a brief tutorial.
Session pGCL
- Misc
- Expectations
- Transformers
- Induction
- Embedding
- Healthiness
- Continuity
- LoopInduction
- Sublinearity
- WellDefined
- Algebra
- StructuredReasoning
- Automation
- Determinism
- Loops
- Termination
- pGCL
- Primitives
- LoopExamples
- Monty