Building on parts of HOL-Analysis, we provide mathematical components for work on the
Stone-Cech compactification. The main concepts covered are: -embedding, weak topologies
and compactification, focusing in particular on the Stone-Cech compactification of an
arbitrary Tychonov space .
Using traditional topological proof strategies we define the evaluation and
projection functions for product spaces, and show that product spaces carry the weak
topology induced by their projections whenever those projections separate points both
from each other and from closed sets.
In particular, we show that the evaluation map from an arbitrary Tychonov space into
is a dense -embedding, and then verify the Stone-Cech Extension Property: any
continuous map from to a compact Hausdorff space extends uniquely to a continuous map
from to .
Many of the proofs given here derive from those of Willard (General Topology, 1970,
Addison-Wesley) and Walker (The Stone-Cech Compactification, 1974, Springer-Verlag).