Residuated Transition Systems II: Categorical Properties

Eugene W. Stark 📧

June 16, 2024


This article extends the formal development of the theory of residuated transition systems (RTS's), begun in the author's previous article, to include category-theoretic properties. There are two main themes: (1) RTS's as categories; and (2) RTS's in categories. Concerning the first theme, we show that every RTS determines a category via the "composite completion" construction given in the previous article, and we obtain a characterization of the "categories of transitions" that arise in this way. Concerning the second theme, we show that the "small" extensional RTS's having arrows that inhabit a type with suitable closure properties, form the objects of a cartesian closed category ${\bf RTS}$ when equipped with simulations as morphisms. This category can in turn be regarded as contained in a larger, $2$-category-like structure which is a category under "horizontal" composition, and is an RTS under "vertical" residuation. We call such structures RTS-categories. We explore in particular detail the RTS-category ${\bf RTS}^\dagger$ having RTS's as objects, simulations as $1$-cells, and transformations between simulations as $2$-cells. As a category, ${\bf RTS}^\dagger$ is also cartesian closed, and the category ${\bf RTS}$ occurs as the subcategory comprised of the arrows that are identities with respect to the residuation. To obtain these results various technical issues, related to the formalization within the relatively weak HOL, have to be addressed. We also consider RTS-categories from the point of view of enriched category theory and we show that RTS-categories are essentially the same thing as categories enriched in ${\bf RTS}$ and that the RTS-category ${\bf RTS}^\dagger$ is determined up to isomorphism by its cartesian closed subcategory ${\bf RTS}$.


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Related publications

  • Stark, E. W. (1989). Concurrent transition systems. Theoretical Computer Science, 64(3), 221–269.

Session ResiduatedTransitionSystem2