This is a library of constructions on regular expressions and languages. It provides the operations of concatenation, Kleene star and derivative on languages. Regular expressions and their meaning are defined. An executable equivalence checker for regular expressions is verified; it does not need automata but works directly on regular expressions. By mapping regular expressions to binary relations, an automatic and complete proof method for (in)equalities of binary relations over union, concatenation and (reflexive) transitive closure is obtained.
Extended regular expressions with complement and intersection are also defined and an equivalence checker is provided.
- May 10, 2012
- Tobias Nipkow added equivalence checking with partial derivatives
- August 26, 2011
- Christian Urban added a theory about derivatives and partial derivatives of regular expressions
Related publications
- Krauss, A., & Nipkow, T. (2011). Proof Pearl: Regular Expression Equivalence and Relation Algebra. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 49(1), 95โ106. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10817-011-9223-4
- author's copy
Session Regular-Sets
- Regular_Set
- Regular_Exp
- NDerivative
- Equivalence_Checking
- Relation_Interpretation
- Regexp_Method
- Regexp_Constructions
- Derivatives
- pEquivalence_Checking
- Regular_Exp2
- Equivalence_Checking2
Used by
- Functional Automata
- Abstract Rewriting
- The Myhill-Nerode Theorem Based on Regular Expressions
- Executable Transitive Closures
- Light-weight Containers
- A Codatatype of Formal Languages
- Unified Decision Procedures for Regular Expression Equivalence
- Finite Automata in Hereditarily Finite Set Theory
- Analysis of List Update Algorithms
- POSIX Lexing with Derivatives of Regular Expressions
- Formalization of KnuthโBendix Orders for Lambda-Free Higher-Order Terms
- The number of comparisons in QuickSort
- Isabelle/DOF
- First Order Clause