We formulate classical propositional logic as an axiom class. Our
class represents a Hilbert-style proof system with the axioms
\(\vdash \varphi \to \psi \to \varphi\),
\(\vdash (\varphi \to \psi \to \chi) \to (\varphi \to \psi) \to
\varphi \to \chi\), and
\(\vdash ((\varphi \to \bot) \to \bot) \to \varphi\) along with the
rule modus ponens
\(\vdash \varphi \to \psi \Longrightarrow \; \vdash \varphi
\Longrightarrow \; \vdash \psi\). In this axiom class we provide
lemmas to obtain Maximally Consistent Sets via Zorn's lemma.
We define the concrete classical propositional calculus inductively
and show it instantiates our axiom class. We formulate the usual
semantics for the propositional calculus and show strong soundness
and completeness. We provide conventional definitions of the other
logical connectives and prove various common identities. Finally, we
show that the propositional calculus embeds into any logic in
our axiom class.