We present an operational semantics and type safety proof for multiple inheritance in C++. The semantics models the behavior of method calls, field accesses, and two forms of casts in C++ class hierarchies. For explanations see the OOPSLA 2006 paper by Wasserrab, Nipkow, Snelting and Tip.
Session CoreC++
- Auxiliary
- Type
- Value
- Expr
- Decl
- ClassRel
- SubObj
- Objects
- Exceptions
- Syntax
- State
- BigStep
- SmallStep
- SystemClasses
- TypeRel
- WellType
- WellForm
- WWellForm
- Equivalence
- DefAss
- WellTypeRT
- Conform
- Progress
- HeapExtension
- CWellForm
- TypeSafe
- Determinism
- Annotate
- Execute
- CoreC++