Theory TypeComp

Up to index of Isabelle/HOL/Jinja

theory TypeComp
imports Compiler BVSpec
(*  Title:      Jinja/Compiler/TypeComp.thy

Author: Tobias Nipkow
Copyright TUM 2003

header {* \isaheader{Preservation of Well-Typedness} *}

theory TypeComp
imports Compiler "../BV/BVSpec"

declare nth_append[simp]

locale TC0 =
fixes P :: "J1_prog" and mxl :: nat

definition "ty E e = (THE T. P,E \<turnstile>1 e :: T)"

definition "tyl E A' = map (λi. if i ∈ A' ∧ i < size E then OK(E!i) else Err) [0..<mxl]"

definition "tyi' ST E A = (case A of None => None | ⌊A'⌋ => Some(ST, tyl E A'))"

definition "after E A ST e = tyi' (ty E e # ST) E (A \<squnion> \<A> e)"


lemma (in TC0) ty_def2 [simp]: "P,E \<turnstile>1 e :: T ==> ty E e = T"
apply (unfold ty_def)
apply(blast intro: the_equality WT1_unique)

lemma (in TC0) [simp]: "tyi' ST E None = None"
(*<*)by (simp add: tyi'_def)(*>*)

lemma (in TC0) tyl_app_diff[simp]:
"tyl (E@[T]) (A - {size E}) = tyl E A"
(*<*)by(auto simp add:tyl_def hyperset_defs)(*>*)

lemma (in TC0) tyi'_app_diff[simp]:
"tyi' ST (E @ [T]) (A \<ominus> size E) = tyi' ST E A"
(*<*)by(auto simp add:tyi'_def hyperset_defs)(*>*)

lemma (in TC0) tyl_antimono:
"A ⊆ A' ==> P \<turnstile> tyl E A' [≤\<top>] tyl E A"
(*<*)by(auto simp:tyl_def list_all2_conv_all_nth)(*>*)

lemma (in TC0) tyi'_antimono:
"A ⊆ A' ==> P \<turnstile> tyi' ST E ⌊A'⌋ ≤' tyi' ST E ⌊A⌋"
(*<*)by(auto simp:tyi'_def tyl_def list_all2_conv_all_nth)(*>*)

lemma (in TC0) tyl_env_antimono:
"P \<turnstile> tyl (E@[T]) A [≤\<top>] tyl E A"
(*<*)by(auto simp:tyl_def list_all2_conv_all_nth)(*>*)

lemma (in TC0) tyi'_env_antimono:
"P \<turnstile> tyi' ST (E@[T]) A ≤' tyi' ST E A"
(*<*)by(auto simp:tyi'_def tyl_def list_all2_conv_all_nth)(*>*)

lemma (in TC0) tyi'_incr:
"P \<turnstile> tyi' ST (E @ [T]) ⌊insert (size E) A⌋ ≤' tyi' ST E ⌊A⌋"
(*<*)by(auto simp:tyi'_def tyl_def list_all2_conv_all_nth)(*>*)

lemma (in TC0) tyl_incr:
"P \<turnstile> tyl (E @ [T]) (insert (size E) A) [≤\<top>] tyl E A"
(*<*)by(auto simp: hyperset_defs tyl_def list_all2_conv_all_nth)(*>*)

lemma (in TC0) tyl_in_types:
"set E ⊆ types P ==> tyl E A ∈ list mxl (err (types P))"
(*<*)by(auto simp add:tyl_def intro!:listI dest!: nth_mem)(*>*)

locale TC1 = TC0

primrec compT :: "ty list => nat hyperset => ty list => expr1 => tyi' list" and
compTs :: "ty list => nat hyperset => ty list => expr1 list => tyi' list" where
"compT E A ST (new C) = []"
| "compT E A ST (Cast C e) =
compT E A ST e @ [after E A ST e]"

| "compT E A ST (Val v) = []"
| "compT E A ST (e1 «bop» e2) =
(let ST1 = ty E e1#ST; A1 = A \<squnion> \<A> e1 in
compT E A ST e1 @ [after E A ST e1] @
compT E A1 ST1 e2 @ [after E A1 ST1 e2])"

| "compT E A ST (Var i) = []"
| "compT E A ST (i := e) = compT E A ST e @
[after E A ST e, tyi' ST E (A \<squnion> \<A> e \<squnion> ⌊{i}⌋)]"

| "compT E A ST (e•F{D}) =
compT E A ST e @ [after E A ST e]"

| "compT E A ST (e1•F{D} := e2) =
(let ST1 = ty E e1#ST; A1 = A \<squnion> \<A> e1; A2 = A1 \<squnion> \<A> e2 in
compT E A ST e1 @ [after E A ST e1] @
compT E A1 ST1 e2 @ [after E A1 ST1 e2] @
[tyi' ST E A2])"

| "compT E A ST {i:T; e} = compT (E@[T]) (A\<ominus>i) ST e"
| "compT E A ST (e1;;e2) =
(let A1 = A \<squnion> \<A> e1 in
compT E A ST e1 @ [after E A ST e1, tyi' ST E A1] @
compT E A1 ST e2)"

| "compT E A ST (if (e) e1 else e2) =
(let A0 = A \<squnion> \<A> e; τ = tyi' ST E A0 in
compT E A ST e @ [after E A ST e, τ] @
compT E A0 ST e1 @ [after E A0 ST e1, τ] @
compT E A0 ST e2)"

| "compT E A ST (while (e) c) =
(let A0 = A \<squnion> \<A> e; A1 = A0 \<squnion> \<A> c; τ = tyi' ST E A0 in
compT E A ST e @ [after E A ST e, τ] @
compT E A0 ST c @ [after E A0 ST c, tyi' ST E A1, tyi' ST E A0])"

| "compT E A ST (throw e) = compT E A ST e @ [after E A ST e]"
| "compT E A ST (e•M(es)) =
compT E A ST e @ [after E A ST e] @
compTs E (A \<squnion> \<A> e) (ty E e # ST) es"

| "compT E A ST (try e1 catch(C i) e2) =
compT E A ST e1 @ [after E A ST e1] @
[tyi' (Class C#ST) E A, tyi' ST (E@[Class C]) (A \<squnion> ⌊{i}⌋)] @
compT (E@[Class C]) (A \<squnion> ⌊{i}⌋) ST e2"

| "compTs E A ST [] = []"
| "compTs E A ST (e#es) = compT E A ST e @ [after E A ST e] @
compTs E (A \<squnion> (\<A> e)) (ty E e # ST) es"

definition compTa :: "ty list => nat hyperset => ty list => expr1 => tyi' list" where
"compTa E A ST e = compT E A ST e @ [after E A ST e]"


lemma compE2_not_Nil[simp]: "compE2 e ≠ []"
(*<*)by(induct e) auto(*>*)

lemma (in TC1) compT_sizes[simp]:
shows "!!E A ST. size(compT E A ST e) = size(compE2 e) - 1"
and "!!E A ST. size(compTs E A ST es) = size(compEs2 es)"
apply(induct e and es)
apply(auto split:bop.splits nat_diff_split)

lemma (in TC1) [simp]: "!!ST E. ⌊τ⌋ ∉ set (compT E None ST e)"
and [simp]: "!!ST E. ⌊τ⌋ ∉ set (compTs E None ST es)"
(*<*)by(induct e and es) (simp_all add:after_def)(*>*)

lemma (in TC0) pair_eq_tyi'_conv:
"(⌊(ST, LT)⌋ = tyi' ST0 E A) =
(case A of None => False | Some A => (ST = ST0 ∧ LT = tyl E A))"

(*<*)by(simp add:tyi'_def)(*>*)

lemma (in TC0) pair_conv_tyi':
"⌊(ST, tyl E A)⌋ = tyi' ST E ⌊A⌋"
(*<*)by(simp add:tyi'_def)(*>*)

declare (in TC0)
tyi'_antimono [intro!] after_def[simp]
pair_conv_tyi'[simp] pair_eq_tyi'_conv[simp]

lemma (in TC1) compT_LT_prefix:
"!!E A ST0. [| ⌊(ST,LT)⌋ ∈ set(compT E A ST0 e); \<B> e (size E) |]
==> P \<turnstile> ⌊(ST,LT)⌋ ≤' tyi' ST E A"

"!!E A ST0. [| ⌊(ST,LT)⌋ ∈ set(compTs E A ST0 es); \<B>s es (size E) |]
==> P \<turnstile> ⌊(ST,LT)⌋ ≤' tyi' ST E A"

proof(induct e and es)
case FAss thus ?case by(fastforce simp:hyperset_defs elim!:sup_state_opt_trans)
case BinOp thus ?case
by(fastforce simp:hyperset_defs elim!:sup_state_opt_trans split:bop.splits)
case Seq thus ?case by(fastforce simp:hyperset_defs elim!:sup_state_opt_trans)
case While thus ?case by(fastforce simp:hyperset_defs elim!:sup_state_opt_trans)
case Cond thus ?case by(fastforce simp:hyperset_defs elim!:sup_state_opt_trans)
case Block thus ?case
by(force simp add:hyperset_defs tyi'_def simp del:pair_conv_tyi'
case Call thus ?case by(fastforce simp:hyperset_defs elim!:sup_state_opt_trans)
case Cons_exp thus ?case
by(fastforce simp:hyperset_defs elim!:sup_state_opt_trans)
case TryCatch thus ?case
by(fastforce simp:hyperset_defs intro!:(* tyi'_env_antimono *) tyi'_incr
qed (auto simp:hyperset_defs)

declare (in TC0)
tyi'_antimono [rule del] after_def[simp del]
pair_conv_tyi'[simp del] pair_eq_tyi'_conv[simp del]

lemma [iff]: "OK None ∈ states P mxs mxl"
(*<*)by(simp add: JVM_states_unfold)(*>*)

lemma (in TC0) after_in_states:
"[| wf_prog p P; P,E \<turnstile>1 e :: T; set E ⊆ types P; set ST ⊆ types P;
size ST + max_stack e ≤ mxs |]
==> OK (after E A ST e) ∈ states P mxs mxl"

apply(subgoal_tac "size ST + 1 ≤ mxs")
apply(simp add: after_def tyi'_def JVM_states_unfold tyl_in_types)
apply(blast intro!:listI WT1_is_type)
using max_stack1[of e] apply simp

lemma (in TC0) OK_tyi'_in_statesI[simp]:
"[| set E ⊆ types P; set ST ⊆ types P; size ST ≤ mxs |]
==> OK (tyi' ST E A) ∈ states P mxs mxl"

apply(simp add:tyi'_def JVM_states_unfold tyl_in_types)
apply(blast intro!:listI)

lemma is_class_type_aux: "is_class P C ==> is_type P (Class C)"

declare is_type_simps[simp del] subsetI[rule del]

theorem (in TC1) compT_states:
assumes wf: "wf_prog p P"
shows "!!E T A ST.
[| P,E \<turnstile>1 e :: T; set E ⊆ types P; set ST ⊆ types P;
size ST + max_stack e ≤ mxs; size E + max_vars e ≤ mxl |]
==> OK ` set(compT E A ST e) ⊆ states P mxs mxl"

(*<*)(is "!!E T A ST. PROP ?P e E T A ST")(*>*)

and "!!E Ts A ST.
[| P,E \<turnstile>1 es[::]Ts; set E ⊆ types P; set ST ⊆ types P;
size ST + max_stacks es ≤ mxs; size E + max_varss es ≤ mxl |]
==> OK ` set(compTs E A ST es) ⊆ states P mxs mxl"

(*<*)(is "!!E Ts A ST. PROP ?Ps es E Ts A ST")
proof(induct e and es)
case new thus ?case by(simp)
case (Cast C e) thus ?case by (auto simp:after_in_states[OF wf])
case Val thus ?case by(simp)
case Var thus ?case by(simp)
case LAss thus ?case by(auto simp:after_in_states[OF wf])
case FAcc thus ?case by(auto simp:after_in_states[OF wf])
case FAss thus ?case
by(auto simp:image_Un WT1_is_type[OF wf] after_in_states[OF wf])
case Seq thus ?case
by(auto simp:image_Un after_in_states[OF wf])
case BinOp thus ?case
by(auto simp:image_Un WT1_is_type[OF wf] after_in_states[OF wf])
case Cond thus ?case
by(force simp:image_Un WT1_is_type[OF wf] after_in_states[OF wf])
case While thus ?case
by(auto simp:image_Un WT1_is_type[OF wf] after_in_states[OF wf])
case Block thus ?case by(auto)
case (TryCatch e1 C i e2)
moreover have "size ST + 1 ≤ mxs" using TryCatch.prems max_stack1[of e1] by auto
ultimately show ?case
by(auto simp:image_Un WT1_is_type[OF wf] after_in_states[OF wf]
case Nil_exp thus ?case by simp
case Cons_exp thus ?case
by(auto simp:image_Un WT1_is_type[OF wf] after_in_states[OF wf])
case throw thus ?case
by(auto simp: WT1_is_type[OF wf] after_in_states[OF wf])
case Call thus ?case
by(auto simp:image_Un WT1_is_type[OF wf] after_in_states[OF wf])

declare is_type_simps[simp] subsetI[intro!]

definition shift :: "nat => ex_table => ex_table"
"shift n xt ≡ map (λ(from,to,C,handler,depth). (from+n,to+n,C,handler+n,depth)) xt"

lemma [simp]: "shift 0 xt = xt"
(*<*)by(induct xt)(auto simp:shift_def)(*>*)

lemma [simp]: "shift n [] = []"
(*<*)by(simp add:shift_def)(*>*)

lemma [simp]: "shift n (xt1 @ xt2) = shift n xt1 @ shift n xt2"
(*<*)by(simp add:shift_def)(*>*)

lemma [simp]: "shift m (shift n xt) = shift (m+n) xt"
(*<*)by(induct xt)(auto simp:shift_def)(*>*)

lemma [simp]: "pcs (shift n xt) = {pc+n|pc. pc ∈ pcs xt}"
apply(auto simp:shift_def pcs_def)
apply(rule_tac x = "x-n" in exI)
apply (force split:nat_diff_split)

lemma shift_compxE2:
shows "!!pc pc' d. shift pc (compxE2 e pc' d) = compxE2 e (pc' + pc) d"
and "!!pc pc' d. shift pc (compxEs2 es pc' d) = compxEs2 es (pc' + pc) d"
apply(induct e and es)
apply(auto simp:shift_def add_ac)

lemma compxE2_size_convs[simp]:
shows "n ≠ 0 ==> compxE2 e n d = shift n (compxE2 e 0 d)"
and "n ≠ 0 ==> compxEs2 es n d = shift n (compxEs2 es 0 d)"
(*<*)by(simp_all add:shift_compxE2)(*>*)

locale TC2 = TC1 +
fixes Tr :: ty and mxs :: pc

wt_instrs :: "instr list => ex_table => tyi' list => bool"
("(\<turnstile> _, _ /[::]/ _)" [0,0,51] 50) where
"\<turnstile> is,xt [::] τs <-> size is < size τs ∧ pcs xt ⊆ {0..<size is} ∧
(∀pc< size is. P,Tr,mxs,size τs,xt \<turnstile> is!pc,pc :: τs)"


notation TC2.wt_instrs ("(_,_,_ \<turnstile>/ _, _ /[::]/ _)" [50,50,50,50,50,51] 50)

lemmas (in TC2) wt_defs =
wt_instrs_def wt_instr_def app_def eff_def norm_eff_def

lemma (in TC2) [simp]: "τs ≠ [] ==> \<turnstile> [],[] [::] τs"
(*<*) by (simp add: wt_defs) (*>*)

lemma [simp]: "eff i P pc et None = []"
(*<*)by (simp add: Effect.eff_def)(*>*)

declare split_comp_eq[simp del]

lemma wt_instr_appR:
"[| P,T,m,mpc,xt \<turnstile> is!pc,pc :: τs;
pc < size is; size is < size τs; mpc ≤ size τs; mpc ≤ mpc' |]
==> P,T,m,mpc',xt \<turnstile> is!pc,pc :: τs@τs'"

(*<*)by (fastforce simp:wt_instr_def app_def)(*>*)

lemma relevant_entries_shift [simp]:
"relevant_entries P i (pc+n) (shift n xt) = shift n (relevant_entries P i pc xt)"
apply (induct xt)
apply (unfold relevant_entries_def shift_def)
apply simp
apply (auto simp add: is_relevant_entry_def)

lemma [simp]:
"xcpt_eff i P (pc+n) τ (shift n xt) =
map (λ(pc,τ). (pc + n, τ)) (xcpt_eff i P pc τ xt)"

apply(simp add: xcpt_eff_def)
apply(cases τ)
apply(auto simp add: shift_def)

lemma [simp]:
"appi (i, P, pc, m, T, τ) ==>
eff i P (pc+n) (shift n xt) (Some τ) =
map (λ(pc,τ). (pc+n,τ)) (eff i P pc xt (Some τ))"

apply(simp add:eff_def norm_eff_def)
apply(cases "i",auto)

lemma [simp]:
"xcpt_app i P (pc+n) mxs (shift n xt) τ = xcpt_app i P pc mxs xt τ"
(*<*)by (simp add: xcpt_app_def) (auto simp add: shift_def)(*>*)

lemma wt_instr_appL:
"[| P,T,m,mpc,xt \<turnstile> i,pc :: τs; pc < size τs; mpc ≤ size τs |]
==> P,T,m,mpc + size τs',shift (size τs') xt \<turnstile> i,pc+size τs' :: τs'@τs"

apply(auto simp:wt_instr_def app_def)
prefer 2 apply(fast)
prefer 2 apply(fast)
apply(cases "i",auto)

lemma wt_instr_Cons:
"[| P,T,m,mpc - 1,[] \<turnstile> i,pc - 1 :: τs;
0 < pc; 0 < mpc; pc < size τs + 1; mpc ≤ size τs + 1 |]
==> P,T,m,mpc,[] \<turnstile> i,pc :: τ#τs"

apply(drule wt_instr_appL[where τs' = "[τ]"])
apply arith
apply arith
apply (simp split:nat_diff_split_asm)

lemma wt_instr_append:
"[| P,T,m,mpc - size τs',[] \<turnstile> i,pc - size τs' :: τs;
size τs' ≤ pc; size τs' ≤ mpc; pc < size τs + size τs'; mpc ≤ size τs + size τs' |]
==> P,T,m,mpc,[] \<turnstile> i,pc :: τs'@τs"

apply(drule wt_instr_appL[where τs' = τs'])
apply arith
apply arith
apply (simp split:nat_diff_split_asm)

lemma xcpt_app_pcs:
"pc ∉ pcs xt ==> xcpt_app i P pc mxs xt τ"
by (auto simp add: xcpt_app_def relevant_entries_def is_relevant_entry_def pcs_def)

lemma xcpt_eff_pcs:
"pc ∉ pcs xt ==> xcpt_eff i P pc τ xt = []"
by (cases τ)
(auto simp add: is_relevant_entry_def xcpt_eff_def relevant_entries_def pcs_def
intro!: filter_False)

lemma pcs_shift:
"pc < n ==> pc ∉ pcs (shift n xt)"
(*<*)by (auto simp add: shift_def pcs_def)(*>*)

lemma wt_instr_appRx:
"[| P,T,m,mpc,xt \<turnstile> is!pc,pc :: τs; pc < size is; size is < size τs; mpc ≤ size τs |]
==> P,T,m,mpc,xt @ shift (size is) xt' \<turnstile> is!pc,pc :: τs"

(*<*)by (auto simp:wt_instr_def eff_def app_def xcpt_app_pcs xcpt_eff_pcs)(*>*)

lemma wt_instr_appLx:
"[| P,T,m,mpc,xt \<turnstile> i,pc :: τs; pc ∉ pcs xt' |]
==> P,T,m,mpc,xt'@xt \<turnstile> i,pc :: τs"

(*<*)by (auto simp:wt_instr_def app_def eff_def xcpt_app_pcs xcpt_eff_pcs)(*>*)

lemma (in TC2) wt_instrs_extR:
"\<turnstile> is,xt [::] τs ==> \<turnstile> is,xt [::] τs @ τs'"
(*<*)by(auto simp add:wt_instrs_def wt_instr_appR)(*>*)

lemma (in TC2) wt_instrs_ext:
"[| \<turnstile> is1,xt1 [::] τs1@τs2; \<turnstile> is2,xt2 [::] τs2; size τs1 = size is1 |]
==> \<turnstile> is1@is2, xt1 @ shift (size is1) xt2 [::] τs1@τs2"

apply(clarsimp simp:wt_instrs_def)
apply(rule conjI, fastforce)
apply(rule conjI, fastforce)
apply clarsimp
apply(rule conjI, fastforce simp:wt_instr_appRx)
apply clarsimp
apply(erule_tac x = "pc - size is1" in allE)+
apply(thin_tac "?P --> ?Q")
apply(erule impE, arith)
apply(drule_tac τs' = "τs1" in wt_instr_appL)
apply arith
apply simp
apply(fastforce simp add:add_commute intro!: wt_instr_appLx)

corollary (in TC2) wt_instrs_ext2:
"[| \<turnstile> is2,xt2 [::] τs2; \<turnstile> is1,xt1 [::] τs1@τs2; size τs1 = size is1 |]
==> \<turnstile> is1@is2, xt1 @ shift (size is1) xt2 [::] τs1@τs2"

(*<*)by(rule wt_instrs_ext)(*>*)

corollary (in TC2) wt_instrs_ext_prefix [trans]:
"[| \<turnstile> is1,xt1 [::] τs1@τs2; \<turnstile> is2,xt2 [::] τs3;
size τs1 = size is1; prefixeq τs3 τs2 |]
==> \<turnstile> is1@is2, xt1 @ shift (size is1) xt2 [::] τs1@τs2"

(*<*)by(bestsimp simp:prefixeq_def elim: wt_instrs_ext dest:wt_instrs_extR)(*>*)

corollary (in TC2) wt_instrs_app:
assumes is1: "\<turnstile> is1,xt1 [::] τs1@[τ]"
assumes is2: "\<turnstile> is2,xt2 [::] τ#τs2"
assumes s: "size τs1 = size is1"
shows "\<turnstile> is1@is2, xt1@shift (size is1) xt2 [::] τs1@τ#τs2"
proof -
from is1 have "\<turnstile> is1,xt1 [::] (τs1@[τ])@τs2"
by (rule wt_instrs_extR)
hence "\<turnstile> is1,xt1 [::] τs1@τ#τs2" by simp
from this is2 s show ?thesis by (rule wt_instrs_ext)

corollary (in TC2) wt_instrs_app_last[trans]:
"[| \<turnstile> is2,xt2 [::] τ#τs2; \<turnstile> is1,xt1 [::] τs1;
last τs1 = τ; size τs1 = size is1+1 |]
==> \<turnstile> is1@is2, xt1@shift (size is1) xt2 [::] τs1@τs2"

apply(cases τs1 rule:rev_cases)
apply simp
apply(simp add:wt_instrs_app)

corollary (in TC2) wt_instrs_append_last[trans]:
"[| \<turnstile> is,xt [::] τs; P,Tr,mxs,mpc,[] \<turnstile> i,pc :: τs;
pc = size is; mpc = size τs; size is + 1 < size τs |]
==> \<turnstile> is@[i],xt [::] τs"

apply(clarsimp simp add:wt_instrs_def)
apply(rule conjI, fastforce)
apply(fastforce intro!:wt_instr_appLx[where xt = "[]",simplified]

corollary (in TC2) wt_instrs_app2:
"[| \<turnstile> is2,xt2 [::] τ'#τs2; \<turnstile> is1,xt1 [::] τ#τs1@[τ'];
xt' = xt1 @ shift (size is1) xt2; size τs1+1 = size is1 |]
==> \<turnstile> is1@is2,xt' [::] τ#τs1@τ'#τs2"

(*<*)using wt_instrs_app[where ?τs1.0 = "τ # τs1"] by simp (*>*)

corollary (in TC2) wt_instrs_app2_simp[trans,simp]:
"[| \<turnstile> is2,xt2 [::] τ'#τs2; \<turnstile> is1,xt1 [::] τ#τs1@[τ']; size τs1+1 = size is1 |]
==> \<turnstile> is1@is2, xt1@shift (size is1) xt2 [::] τ#τs1@τ'#τs2"

(*<*)using wt_instrs_app[where ?τs1.0 = "τ # τs1"] by simp(*>*)

corollary (in TC2) wt_instrs_Cons[simp]:
"[| τs ≠ []; \<turnstile> [i],[] [::] [τ,τ']; \<turnstile> is,xt [::] τ'#τs |]
==> \<turnstile> i#is,shift 1 xt [::] τ#τ'#τs"

using wt_instrs_app2[where ?is1.0 = "[i]" and ?τs1.0 = "[]" and ?is2.0 = "is"
and ?xt1.0 = "[]"]
by simp

corollary (in TC2) wt_instrs_Cons2[trans]:
assumes τs: "\<turnstile> is,xt [::] τs"
assumes i: "P,Tr,mxs,mpc,[] \<turnstile> i,0 :: τ#τs"
assumes mpc: "mpc = size τs + 1"
shows "\<turnstile> i#is,shift 1 xt [::] τ#τs"
proof -
from τs have "τs ≠ []" by (auto simp: wt_instrs_def)
with mpc i have "\<turnstile> [i],[] [::] [τ]@τs" by (simp add: wt_instrs_def)
with τs show ?thesis by (fastforce dest: wt_instrs_ext)

lemma (in TC2) wt_instrs_last_incr[trans]:
"[| \<turnstile> is,xt [::] τs@[τ]; P \<turnstile> τ ≤' τ' |] ==> \<turnstile> is,xt [::] τs@[τ']"
apply(clarsimp simp add:wt_instrs_def wt_instr_def)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(rename_tac pc' tau')
apply(erule allE, erule (1) impE)
apply(drule (1) bspec)
apply(subgoal_tac "pc' = size τs")
prefer 2
apply(clarsimp simp:app_def)
apply(drule (1) bspec)
apply(auto elim!:sup_state_opt_trans)

lemma [iff]: "xcpt_app i P pc mxs [] τ"
(*<*)by (simp add: xcpt_app_def relevant_entries_def)(*>*)

lemma [simp]: "xcpt_eff i P pc τ [] = []"
(*<*)by (simp add: xcpt_eff_def relevant_entries_def)(*>*)

lemma (in TC2) wt_New:
"[| is_class P C; size ST < mxs |] ==>
\<turnstile> [New C],[] [::] [tyi' ST E A, tyi' (Class C#ST) E A]"

(*<*)by(simp add:wt_defs tyi'_def)(*>*)

lemma (in TC2) wt_Cast:
"is_class P C ==>
\<turnstile> [Checkcast C],[] [::] [tyi' (Class D # ST) E A, tyi' (Class C # ST) E A]"

(*<*)by(simp add: tyi'_def wt_defs)(*>*)

lemma (in TC2) wt_Push:
"[| size ST < mxs; typeof v = Some T |]
==> \<turnstile> [Push v],[] [::] [tyi' ST E A, tyi' (T#ST) E A]"

(*<*)by(simp add: tyi'_def wt_defs)(*>*)

lemma (in TC2) wt_Pop:
"\<turnstile> [Pop],[] [::] (tyi' (T#ST) E A # tyi' ST E A # τs)"
(*<*)by(simp add: tyi'_def wt_defs)(*>*)

lemma (in TC2) wt_CmpEq:
"[| P \<turnstile> T1 ≤ T2 ∨ P \<turnstile> T2 ≤ T1|]
==> \<turnstile> [CmpEq],[] [::] [tyi' (T2 # T1 # ST) E A, tyi' (Boolean # ST) E A]"

(*<*) by(auto simp:tyi'_def wt_defs elim!: refTE not_refTE) (*>*)

lemma (in TC2) wt_IAdd:
"\<turnstile> [IAdd],[] [::] [tyi' (Integer#Integer#ST) E A, tyi' (Integer#ST) E A]"
(*<*)by(simp add:tyi'_def wt_defs)(*>*)

lemma (in TC2) wt_Load:
"[| size ST < mxs; size E ≤ mxl; i ∈∈ A; i < size E |]
==> \<turnstile> [Load i],[] [::] [tyi' ST E A, tyi' (E!i # ST) E A]"

(*<*)by(auto simp add:tyi'_def wt_defs tyl_def hyperset_defs)(*>*)

lemma (in TC2) wt_Store:
"[| P \<turnstile> T ≤ E!i; i < size E; size E ≤ mxl |] ==>
\<turnstile> [Store i],[] [::] [tyi' (T#ST) E A, tyi' ST E (⌊{i}⌋ \<squnion> A)]"

by(auto simp:hyperset_defs nth_list_update tyi'_def wt_defs tyl_def

lemma (in TC2) wt_Get:
"[| P \<turnstile> C sees F:T in D |] ==>
\<turnstile> [Getfield F D],[] [::] [tyi' (Class C # ST) E A, tyi' (T # ST) E A]"

(*<*)by(auto simp: tyi'_def wt_defs dest: sees_field_idemp sees_field_decl_above)(*>*)

lemma (in TC2) wt_Put:
"[| P \<turnstile> C sees F:T in D; P \<turnstile> T' ≤ T |] ==>
\<turnstile> [Putfield F D],[] [::] [tyi' (T' # Class C # ST) E A, tyi' ST E A]"

(*<*)by(auto intro: sees_field_idemp sees_field_decl_above simp: tyi'_def wt_defs)(*>*)

lemma (in TC2) wt_Throw:
"\<turnstile> [Throw],[] [::] [tyi' (Class C # ST) E A, τ']"
(*<*)by(auto simp: tyi'_def wt_defs)(*>*)

lemma (in TC2) wt_IfFalse:
"[| 2 ≤ i; nat i < size τs + 2; P \<turnstile> tyi' ST E A ≤' τs ! nat(i - 2) |]
==> \<turnstile> [IfFalse i],[] [::] tyi' (Boolean # ST) E A # tyi' ST E A # τs"

by(simp add: tyi'_def wt_defs eval_nat_numeral nat_diff_distrib)

lemma wt_Goto:
"[| 0 ≤ int pc + i; nat (int pc + i) < size τs; size τs ≤ mpc;
P \<turnstile> τs!pc ≤' τs ! nat (int pc + i) |]
==> P,T,mxs,mpc,[] \<turnstile> Goto i,pc :: τs"

(*<*)by(clarsimp simp add: TC2.wt_defs)(*>*)

lemma (in TC2) wt_Invoke:
"[| size es = size Ts'; P \<turnstile> C sees M: Ts->T = m in D; P \<turnstile> Ts' [≤] Ts |]
==> \<turnstile> [Invoke M (size es)],[] [::] [tyi' (rev Ts' @ Class C # ST) E A, tyi' (T#ST) E A]"

(*<*)by(fastforce simp add: tyi'_def wt_defs)(*>*)

corollary (in TC2) wt_instrs_app3[simp]:
"[| \<turnstile> is2,[] [::] (τ' # τs2); \<turnstile> is1,xt1 [::] τ # τs1 @ [τ']; size τs1+1 = size is1|]
==> \<turnstile> (is1 @ is2),xt1 [::] τ # τs1 @ τ' # τs2"

(*<*)using wt_instrs_app2[where ?xt2.0 = "[]"] by (simp add:shift_def)(*>*)

corollary (in TC2) wt_instrs_Cons3[simp]:
"[| τs ≠ []; \<turnstile> [i],[] [::] [τ,τ']; \<turnstile> is,[] [::] τ'#τs |]
==> \<turnstile> (i # is),[] [::] τ # τ' # τs"

using wt_instrs_Cons[where ?xt = "[]"]
by (simp add:shift_def)

declare nth_append[simp del]
declare [[simproc del: list_to_set_comprehension]]

lemma (in TC2) wt_instrs_xapp[trans]:
"[| \<turnstile> is1 @ is2, xt [::] τs1 @ tyi' (Class C # ST) E A # τs2;
∀τ ∈ set τs1. ∀ST' LT'. τ = Some(ST',LT') -->
size ST ≤ size ST' ∧ P \<turnstile> Some (drop (size ST' - size ST) ST',LT') ≤' tyi' ST E A;
size is1 = size τs1; is_class P C; size ST < mxs |] ==>
\<turnstile> is1 @ is2, xt @ [(0,size is1 - 1,C,size is1,size ST)] [::] τs1 @ tyi' (Class C # ST) E A # τs2"

apply(simp add:wt_instrs_def)
apply(rule conjI)
apply arith
apply clarsimp
apply(erule allE, erule (1) impE)
apply(clarsimp simp add: wt_instr_def app_def eff_def)
apply(rule conjI)
apply (thin_tac "∀x∈ ?A ∪ ?B. ?P x")
apply (thin_tac "∀x∈ ?A ∪ ?B. ?P x")
apply (clarsimp simp add: xcpt_app_def relevant_entries_def)
apply (simp add: nth_append is_relevant_entry_def split: split_if_asm)
apply (drule_tac x="τs1!pc" in bspec)
apply (blast intro: nth_mem)
apply fastforce
apply (rule conjI)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule disjE, blast)
apply (erule disjE, blast)
apply (clarsimp simp add: xcpt_eff_def relevant_entries_def split: split_if_asm)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule disjE, blast)
apply (erule disjE, blast)
apply (clarsimp simp add: xcpt_eff_def relevant_entries_def split: split_if_asm)
apply (simp add: nth_append is_relevant_entry_def split: split_if_asm)
apply (drule_tac x = "τs1!pc" in bspec)
apply (blast intro: nth_mem)
apply (fastforce simp add: tyi'_def)

declare [[simproc add: list_to_set_comprehension]]
declare nth_append[simp]

lemma drop_Cons_Suc:
"!!xs. drop n xs = y#ys ==> drop (Suc n) xs = ys"
apply (induct n)
apply simp
apply (simp add: drop_Suc)

lemma drop_mess:
"[|Suc (length xs0) ≤ length xs; drop (length xs - Suc (length xs0)) xs = x # xs0|]
==> drop (length xs - length xs0) xs = xs0"

apply (cases xs)
apply simp
apply (simp add: Suc_diff_le)
apply (case_tac "length list - length xs0")
apply simp
apply (simp add: drop_Cons_Suc)

declare (in TC0)
after_def[simp] pair_eq_tyi'_conv[simp]

lemma (in TC1) compT_ST_prefix:
"!!E A ST0. ⌊(ST,LT)⌋ ∈ set(compT E A ST0 e) ==>
size ST0 ≤ size ST ∧ drop (size ST - size ST0) ST = ST0"

"!!E A ST0. ⌊(ST,LT)⌋ ∈ set(compTs E A ST0 es) ==>
size ST0 ≤ size ST ∧ drop (size ST - size ST0) ST = ST0"

proof(induct e and es)
case (FAss e1 F D e2)
moreover {
let ?ST0 = "ty E e1 # ST0"
fix A assume "⌊(ST, LT)⌋ ∈ set (compT E A ?ST0 e2)"
with FAss
have "length ?ST0 ≤ length ST ∧ drop (size ST - size ?ST0) ST = ?ST0" by blast
hence ?case by (clarsimp simp add: drop_mess)
ultimately show ?case by auto
case TryCatch thus ?case by auto
case Block thus ?case by auto
case Seq thus ?case by auto
case While thus ?case by auto
case Cond thus ?case by auto
case (Call e M es)
moreover {
let ?ST0 = "ty E e # ST0"
fix A assume "⌊(ST, LT)⌋ ∈ set (compTs E A ?ST0 es)"
with Call
have "length ?ST0 ≤ length ST ∧ drop (size ST - size ?ST0) ST = ?ST0" by blast
hence ?case by (clarsimp simp add: drop_mess)
ultimately show ?case by auto
case (Cons_exp e es)
moreover {
let ?ST0 = "ty E e # ST0"
fix A assume "⌊(ST, LT)⌋ ∈ set (compTs E A ?ST0 es)"
with Cons_exp
have "length ?ST0 ≤ length ST ∧ drop (size ST - size ?ST0) ST = ?ST0" by blast
hence ?case by (clarsimp simp add: drop_mess)
ultimately show ?case by auto
case (BinOp e1 bop e2)
moreover {
let ?ST0 = "ty E e1 # ST0"
fix A assume "⌊(ST, LT)⌋ ∈ set (compT E A ?ST0 e2)"
with BinOp
have "length ?ST0 ≤ length ST ∧ drop (size ST - size ?ST0) ST = ?ST0" by blast
hence ?case by (clarsimp simp add: drop_mess)
ultimately show ?case by auto
case new thus ?case by auto
case Val thus ?case by auto
case Cast thus ?case by auto
case Var thus ?case by auto
case LAss thus ?case by auto
case throw thus ?case by auto
case FAcc thus ?case by auto
case Nil_exp thus ?case by auto

declare (in TC0)
after_def[simp del] pair_eq_tyi'_conv[simp del]

(* FIXME *)
lemma fun_of_simp [simp]: "fun_of S x y = ((x,y) ∈ S)"
(*<*) by (simp add: fun_of_def)(*>*)

theorem (in TC2) compT_wt_instrs: "!!E T A ST.
[| P,E \<turnstile>1 e :: T; \<D> e A; \<B> e (size E);
size ST + max_stack e ≤ mxs; size E + max_vars e ≤ mxl |]
==> \<turnstile> compE2 e, compxE2 e 0 (size ST) [::]
tyi' ST E A # compT E A ST e @ [after E A ST e]"

(*<*)(is "!!E T A ST. PROP ?P e E T A ST")(*>*)

and "!!E Ts A ST.
[| P,E \<turnstile>1 es[::]Ts; \<D>s es A; \<B>s es (size E);
size ST + max_stacks es ≤ mxs; size E + max_varss es ≤ mxl |]
==> let τs = tyi' ST E A # compTs E A ST es in
\<turnstile> compEs2 es,compxEs2 es 0 (size ST) [::] τs ∧
last τs = tyi' (rev Ts @ ST) E (A \<squnion> \<A>s es)"

(is "!!E Ts A ST. PROP ?Ps es E Ts A ST")
proof(induct e and es)
case (TryCatch e1 C i e2)
hence [simp]: "i = size E" by simp
have wt1: "P,E \<turnstile>1 e1 :: T" and wt2: "P,E@[Class C] \<turnstile>1 e2 :: T"
and "class": "is_class P C" using TryCatch by auto
let ?A1 = "A \<squnion> \<A> e1" let ?Ai = "A \<squnion> ⌊{i}⌋" let ?Ei = "E @ [Class C]"
let = "tyi' ST E A" let ?τs1 = "compT E A ST e1"
let 1 = "tyi' (T#ST) E ?A1" let 2 = "tyi' (Class C#ST) E A"
let 3 = "tyi' ST ?Ei ?Ai" let ?τs2 = "compT ?Ei ?Ai ST e2"
let 2' = "tyi' (T#ST) ?Ei (?Ai \<squnion> \<A> e2)"
let ?τ' = "tyi' (T#ST) E (A \<squnion> \<A> e1 \<sqinter> (\<A> e2 \<ominus> i))"
let ?go = "Goto (int(size(compE2 e2)) + 2)"
have "PROP ?P e2 ?Ei T ?Ai ST" by fact
hence "\<turnstile> compE2 e2,compxE2 e2 0 (size ST) [::] (?τ3 # ?τs2) @ [?τ2']"
using TryCatch.prems by(auto simp:after_def)
also have "?Ai \<squnion> \<A> e2 = (A \<squnion> \<A> e2) \<squnion> ⌊{size E}⌋"
by(fastforce simp:hyperset_defs)
also have "P \<turnstile> tyi' (T#ST) ?Ei … ≤' tyi' (T#ST) E (A \<squnion> \<A> e2)"
by(simp add:hyperset_defs tyl_incr tyi'_def)
also have "P \<turnstile> … ≤' tyi' (T#ST) E (A \<squnion> \<A> e1 \<sqinter> (\<A> e2 \<ominus> i))"
by(auto intro!: tyl_antimono simp:hyperset_defs tyi'_def)
also have "(?τ3 # ?τs2) @ [?τ'] = ?τ3 # ?τs2 @ [?τ']" by simp
also have "\<turnstile> [Store i],[] [::] ?τ2 # [] @ [?τ3]"
using TryCatch.prems
by(auto simp:nth_list_update wt_defs tyi'_def tyl_def
list_all2_conv_all_nth hyperset_defs)
also have "[] @ (?τ3 # ?τs2 @ [?τ']) = (?τ3 # ?τs2 @ [?τ'])" by simp
also have "P,Tr,mxs,size(compE2 e2)+3,[] \<turnstile> ?go,0 :: ?τ1#?τ2#?τ3#?τs2 @ [?τ']"
by (auto simp: hyperset_defs tyi'_def wt_defs nth_Cons nat_add_distrib
fun_of_def intro: tyl_antimono list_all2_refl split:nat.split)
also have "\<turnstile> compE2 e1,compxE2 e1 0 (size ST) [::] ?τ # ?τs1 @ [?τ1]"
using TryCatch by(auto simp:after_def)
also have "?τ # ?τs1 @ ?τ1 # ?τ2 # ?τ3 # ?τs2 @ [?τ'] =
(?τ # ?τs1 @ [?τ1]) @ ?τ2 # ?τ3 # ?τs2 @ [?τ']"
by simp
also have "compE2 e1 @ ?go # [Store i] @ compE2 e2 =
(compE2 e1 @ [?go]) @ (Store i # compE2 e2)"
by simp
let "?Q τ" = "∀ST' LT'. τ = ⌊(ST', LT')⌋ -->
size ST ≤ size ST' ∧ P \<turnstile> Some (drop (size ST' - size ST) ST',LT') ≤' tyi' ST E A"

have "?Q (tyi' ST E A)" by (clarsimp simp add: tyi'_def)
moreover have "?Q (tyi' (T # ST) E ?A1)"
by (fastforce simp add: tyi'_def hyperset_defs intro!: tyl_antimono)
moreover have "!!τ. τ ∈ set (compT E A ST e1) ==> ?Q τ" using TryCatch.prems
by clarsimp (frule compT_ST_prefix,
fastforce dest!: compT_LT_prefix simp add: tyi'_def)
have "∀τ∈set (tyi' ST E A # compT E A ST e1 @ [tyi' (T # ST) E ?A1]). ?Q τ"
by auto
also from TryCatch.prems max_stack1[of e1] have "size ST + 1 ≤ mxs" by auto
ultimately show ?case using wt1 wt2 TryCatch.prems "class"
by (simp add:after_def)
case new thus ?case by(auto simp add:after_def wt_New)
case (BinOp e1 bop e2)
let ?op = "case bop of Eq => [CmpEq] | Add => [IAdd]"
have T: "P,E \<turnstile>1 e1 «bop» e2 :: T" by fact
then obtain T1 T2 where T1: "P,E \<turnstile>1 e1 :: T1" and T2: "P,E \<turnstile>1 e2 :: T2" and
bopT: "case bop of Eq => (P \<turnstile> T1 ≤ T2 ∨ P \<turnstile> T2 ≤ T1) ∧ T = Boolean
| Add => T1 = Integer ∧ T2 = Integer ∧ T = Integer"
by auto
let ?A1 = "A \<squnion> \<A> e1" let ?A2 = "?A1 \<squnion> \<A> e2"
let = "tyi' ST E A" let ?τs1 = "compT E A ST e1"
let 1 = "tyi' (T1#ST) E ?A1" let ?τs2 = "compT E ?A1 (T1#ST) e2"
let 2 = "tyi' (T2#T1#ST) E ?A2" let ?τ' = "tyi' (T#ST) E ?A2"
from bopT have "\<turnstile> ?op,[] [::] [?τ2,?τ']"
by (cases bop) (auto simp add: wt_CmpEq wt_IAdd)
also have "PROP ?P e2 E T2 ?A1 (T1#ST)" by fact
with BinOp.prems T2
have "\<turnstile> compE2 e2, compxE2 e2 0 (size (T1#ST)) [::] ?τ1#?τs2@[?τ2]"
by (auto simp: after_def)
also from BinOp T1 have "\<turnstile> compE2 e1, compxE2 e1 0 (size ST) [::] ?τ#?τs1@[?τ1]"
by (auto simp: after_def)
finally show ?case using T T1 T2 by (simp add: after_def hyperUn_assoc)
case (Cons_exp e es)
have "P,E \<turnstile>1 e # es [::] Ts" by fact
then obtain Te Ts' where
Te: "P,E \<turnstile>1 e :: Te" and Ts': "P,E \<turnstile>1 es [::] Ts'" and
Ts: "Ts = Te#Ts'" by auto
let ?Ae = "A \<squnion> \<A> e"
let = "tyi' ST E A" let ?τse = "compT E A ST e"
let e = "tyi' (Te#ST) E ?Ae" let ?τs' = "compTs E ?Ae (Te#ST) es"
let ?τs = "?τ # ?τse @ (?τe # ?τs')"
have Ps: "PROP ?Ps es E Ts' ?Ae (Te#ST)" by fact
with Cons_exp.prems Te Ts'
have "\<turnstile> compEs2 es, compxEs2 es 0 (size (Te#ST)) [::] ?τe#?τs'" by (simp add: after_def)
also from Cons_exp Te have "\<turnstile> compE2 e, compxE2 e 0 (size ST) [::] ?τ#?τse@[?τe]"
by (auto simp: after_def)
from Ps Cons_exp.prems Te Ts' Ts
have "last ?τs = tyi' (rev Ts@ST) E (?Ae \<squnion> \<A>s es)" by simp
ultimately show ?case using Te by (simp add: after_def hyperUn_assoc)
case (FAss e1 F D e2)
hence Void: "P,E \<turnstile>1 e1•F{D} := e2 :: Void" by auto
then obtain C T T' where
C: "P,E \<turnstile>1 e1 :: Class C" and sees: "P \<turnstile> C sees F:T in D" and
T': "P,E \<turnstile>1 e2 :: T'" and T'_T: "P \<turnstile> T' ≤ T" by auto
let ?A1 = "A \<squnion> \<A> e1" let ?A2 = "?A1 \<squnion> \<A> e2"
let = "tyi' ST E A" let ?τs1 = "compT E A ST e1"
let 1 = "tyi' (Class C#ST) E ?A1" let ?τs2 = "compT E ?A1 (Class C#ST) e2"
let 2 = "tyi' (T'#Class C#ST) E ?A2" let 3 = "tyi' ST E ?A2"
let ?τ' = "tyi' (Void#ST) E ?A2"
from FAss.prems sees T'_T
have "\<turnstile> [Putfield F D,Push Unit],[] [::] [?τ2,?τ3,?τ']"
by (fastforce simp add: wt_Push wt_Put)
also have "PROP ?P e2 E T' ?A1 (Class C#ST)" by fact
with FAss.prems T'
have "\<turnstile> compE2 e2, compxE2 e2 0 (size ST+1) [::] ?τ1#?τs2@[?τ2]"
by (auto simp add: after_def hyperUn_assoc)
also from FAss C have "\<turnstile> compE2 e1, compxE2 e1 0 (size ST) [::] ?τ#?τs1@[?τ1]"
by (auto simp add: after_def)
finally show ?case using Void C T' by (simp add: after_def hyperUn_assoc)
case Val thus ?case by(auto simp:after_def wt_Push)
case Cast thus ?case by (auto simp:after_def wt_Cast)
case (Block i Ti e)
let ?τs = "tyi' ST E A # compT (E @ [Ti]) (A\<ominus>i) ST e"
have IH: "PROP ?P e (E@[Ti]) T (A\<ominus>i) ST" by fact
hence "\<turnstile> compE2 e, compxE2 e 0 (size ST) [::]
?τs @ [tyi' (T#ST) (E@[Ti]) (A\<ominus>(size E) \<squnion> \<A> e)]"

using Block.prems by (auto simp add: after_def)
also have "P \<turnstile> tyi' (T # ST) (E@[Ti]) (A \<ominus> size E \<squnion> \<A> e) ≤'
tyi' (T # ST) (E@[Ti]) ((A \<squnion> \<A> e) \<ominus> size E)"

by(auto simp add:hyperset_defs intro: tyi'_antimono)
also have "… = tyi' (T # ST) E (A \<squnion> \<A> e)" by simp
also have "P \<turnstile> … ≤' tyi' (T # ST) E (A \<squnion> (\<A> e \<ominus> i))"
by(auto simp add:hyperset_defs intro: tyi'_antimono)
finally show ?case using Block.prems by(simp add: after_def)
case Var thus ?case by(auto simp:after_def wt_Load)
case FAcc thus ?case by(auto simp:after_def wt_Get)
case (LAss i e) thus ?case using max_stack1[of e]
by(auto simp: hyper_insert_comm after_def wt_Store wt_Push)
case Nil_exp thus ?case by auto
case throw thus ?case by(auto simp add: after_def wt_Throw)
case (While e c)
obtain Tc where wte: "P,E \<turnstile>1 e :: Boolean" and wtc: "P,E \<turnstile>1 c :: Tc"
and [simp]: "T = Void" using While by auto
have [simp]: "ty E (while (e) c) = Void" using While by simp
let ?A0 = "A \<squnion> \<A> e" let ?A1 = "?A0 \<squnion> \<A> c"
let = "tyi' ST E A" let ?τse = "compT E A ST e"
let e = "tyi' (Boolean#ST) E ?A0" let 1 = "tyi' ST E ?A0"
let ?τsc = "compT E ?A0 ST c" let c = "tyi' (Tc#ST) E ?A1"
let 2 = "tyi' ST E ?A1" let ?τ' = "tyi' (Void#ST) E ?A0"
let ?τs = "(?τ # ?τse @ [?τe]) @ ?τ1 # ?τsc @ [?τc, ?τ2, ?τ1, ?τ']"
have "\<turnstile> [],[] [::] [] @ ?τs" by(simp add:wt_instrs_def)
have "PROP ?P e E Boolean A ST" by fact
hence "\<turnstile> compE2 e,compxE2 e 0 (size ST) [::] ?τ # ?τse @ [?τe]"
using While.prems by (auto simp:after_def)
have "[] @ ?τs = (?τ # ?τse) @ ?τe # ?τ1 # ?τsc @ [?τc,?τ2,?τ1,?τ']" by simp
let ?ne = "size(compE2 e)" let ?nc = "size(compE2 c)"
let ?if = "IfFalse (int ?nc + 3)"
have "\<turnstile> [?if],[] [::] ?τe # ?τ1 # ?τsc @ [?τc, ?τ2, ?τ1, ?τ']"
by(simp add: wt_instr_Cons wt_instr_append wt_IfFalse
nat_add_distrib split: nat_diff_split)
have "(?τ # ?τse) @ (?τe # ?τ1 # ?τsc @ [?τc, ?τ2, ?τ1, ?τ']) = ?τs" by simp
have "PROP ?P c E Tc ?A0 ST" by fact
hence "\<turnstile> compE2 c,compxE2 c 0 (size ST) [::] ?τ1 # ?τsc @ [?τc]"
using While.prems wtc by (auto simp:after_def)
also have "?τs = (?τ # ?τse @ [?τe,?τ1] @ ?τsc) @ [?τc,?τ2,?τ1,?τ']" by simp
also have "\<turnstile> [Pop],[] [::] [?τc, ?τ2]" by(simp add:wt_Pop)
also have "(?τ # ?τse @ [?τe,?τ1] @ ?τsc) @ [?τc,?τ2,?τ1,?τ'] = ?τs" by simp
also let ?go = "Goto (-int(?nc+?ne+2))"
have "P \<turnstile> ?τ2 ≤' ?τ" by(fastforce intro: tyi'_antimono simp: hyperset_defs)
hence "P,Tr,mxs,size ?τs,[] \<turnstile> ?go,?ne+?nc+2 :: ?τs"
by(simp add: wt_Goto split: nat_diff_split)
also have "?τs = (?τ # ?τse @ [?τe,?τ1] @ ?τsc @ [?τc, ?τ2]) @ [?τ1, ?τ']"
by simp
also have "\<turnstile> [Push Unit],[] [::] [?τ1,?τ']"
using While.prems max_stack1[of c] by(auto simp add:wt_Push)
finally show ?case using wtc wte
by (simp add:after_def)
case (Cond e e1 e2)
obtain T1 T2 where wte: "P,E \<turnstile>1 e :: Boolean"
and wt1: "P,E \<turnstile>1 e1 :: T1" and wt2: "P,E \<turnstile>1 e2 :: T2"
and sub1: "P \<turnstile> T1 ≤ T" and sub2: "P \<turnstile> T2 ≤ T"
using Cond by auto
have [simp]: "ty E (if (e) e1 else e2) = T" using Cond by simp
let ?A0 = "A \<squnion> \<A> e" let ?A2 = "?A0 \<squnion> \<A> e2" let ?A1 = "?A0 \<squnion> \<A> e1"
let ?A' = "?A0 \<squnion> \<A> e1 \<sqinter> \<A> e2"
let 2 = "tyi' ST E ?A0" let ?τ' = "tyi' (T#ST) E ?A'"
let ?τs2 = "compT E ?A0 ST e2"
have "PROP ?P e2 E T2 ?A0 ST" by fact
hence "\<turnstile> compE2 e2, compxE2 e2 0 (size ST) [::] (?τ2#?τs2) @ [tyi' (T2#ST) E ?A2]"
using Cond.prems wt2 by(auto simp add:after_def)
also have "P \<turnstile> tyi' (T2#ST) E ?A2 ≤' ?τ'" using sub2
by(auto simp add: hyperset_defs tyi'_def intro!: tyl_antimono)
let 3 = "tyi' (T1 # ST) E ?A1"
let ?g2 = "Goto(int (size (compE2 e2) + 1))"
from sub1 have "P,Tr,mxs,size(compE2 e2)+2,[] \<turnstile> ?g2,0 :: ?τ3#(?τ2#?τs2)@[?τ']"
by(auto simp: hyperset_defs wt_defs nth_Cons tyi'_def
split:nat.split intro!: tyl_antimono)
let ?τs1 = "compT E ?A0 ST e1"
have "PROP ?P e1 E T1 ?A0 ST" by fact
hence "\<turnstile> compE2 e1,compxE2 e1 0 (size ST) [::] ?τ2 # ?τs1 @ [?τ3]"
using Cond.prems wt1 by(auto simp add:after_def)
let ?τs12 = "?τ2 # ?τs1 @ ?τ3 # (?τ2 # ?τs2) @ [?τ']"
let 1 = "tyi' (Boolean#ST) E ?A0"
let ?g1 = "IfFalse(int (size (compE2 e1) + 2))"
let ?code = "compE2 e1 @ ?g2 # compE2 e2"
have "\<turnstile> [?g1],[] [::] [?τ1] @ ?τs12"
by(simp add: wt_IfFalse nat_add_distrib split:nat_diff_split)
also (wt_instrs_ext2) have "[?τ1] @ ?τs12 = ?τ1 # ?τs12" by simp also
let = "tyi' ST E A"
have "PROP ?P e E Boolean A ST" by fact
hence "\<turnstile> compE2 e, compxE2 e 0 (size ST) [::] ?τ # compT E A ST e @ [?τ1]"
using Cond.prems wte by(auto simp add:after_def)
finally show ?case using wte wt1 wt2 by(simp add:after_def hyperUn_assoc)
case (Call e M es)
obtain C D Ts m Ts' where C: "P,E \<turnstile>1 e :: Class C"
and method: "P \<turnstile> C sees M:Ts -> T = m in D"
and wtes: "P,E \<turnstile>1 es [::] Ts'" and subs: "P \<turnstile> Ts' [≤] Ts"
using Call.prems by auto
from wtes have same_size: "size es = size Ts'" by(rule WTs1_same_size)
let ?A0 = "A \<squnion> \<A> e" let ?A1 = "?A0 \<squnion> \<A>s es"
let = "tyi' ST E A" let ?τse = "compT E A ST e"
let e = "tyi' (Class C # ST) E ?A0"
let ?τses = "compTs E ?A0 (Class C # ST) es"
let 1 = "tyi' (rev Ts' @ Class C # ST) E ?A1"
let ?τ' = "tyi' (T # ST) E ?A1"
have "\<turnstile> [Invoke M (size es)],[] [::] [?τ1,?τ']"
by(rule wt_Invoke[OF same_size method subs])
have "PROP ?Ps es E Ts' ?A0 (Class C # ST)" by fact
hence "\<turnstile> compEs2 es,compxEs2 es 0 (size ST+1) [::] ?τe # ?τses"
"last (?τe # ?τses) = ?τ1"
using Call.prems wtes by(auto simp add:after_def)
also have "(?τe # ?τses) @ [?τ'] = ?τe # ?τses @ [?τ']" by simp
also have "\<turnstile> compE2 e,compxE2 e 0 (size ST) [::] ?τ # ?τse @ [?τe]"
using Call C by(auto simp add:after_def)
finally show ?case using Call.prems C by(simp add:after_def hyperUn_assoc)
case Seq thus ?case
by(auto simp:after_def)
(fastforce simp:wt_Push wt_Pop hyperUn_assoc
intro:wt_instrs_app2 wt_instrs_Cons)

lemma [simp]: "types (compP f P) = types P"
(*<*)by auto(*>*)

lemma [simp]: "states (compP f P) mxs mxl = states P mxs mxl"
(*<*)by (simp add: JVM_states_unfold)(*>*)

lemma [simp]: "appi (i, compP f P, pc, mpc, T, τ) = appi (i, P, pc, mpc, T, τ)"
apply (cases τ)
apply (cases i)
apply auto
apply (fastforce dest!: sees_method_compPD)
apply (force dest: sees_method_compP)

lemma [simp]: "is_relevant_entry (compP f P) i = is_relevant_entry P i"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (unfold is_relevant_entry_def)
apply (cases i)
apply auto

lemma [simp]: "relevant_entries (compP f P) i pc xt = relevant_entries P i pc xt"
(*<*) by (simp add: relevant_entries_def)(*>*)

lemma [simp]: "app i (compP f P) mpc T pc mxl xt τ = app i P mpc T pc mxl xt τ"
apply (simp add: app_def xcpt_app_def eff_def xcpt_eff_def norm_eff_def)
apply (fastforce simp add: image_def)

lemma [simp]: "app i P mpc T pc mxl xt τ ==> eff i (compP f P) pc xt τ = eff i P pc xt τ"
apply (clarsimp simp add: eff_def norm_eff_def xcpt_eff_def app_def)
apply (cases i)
apply auto

lemma [simp]: "subtype (compP f P) = subtype P"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (simp)

lemma [simp]: "compP f P \<turnstile> τ ≤' τ' = P \<turnstile> τ ≤' τ'"
(*<*) by (simp add: sup_state_opt_def sup_state_def sup_ty_opt_def)(*>*)

lemma [simp]: "compP f P,T,mpc,mxl,xt \<turnstile> i,pc :: τs = P,T,mpc,mxl,xt \<turnstile> i,pc :: τs"
(*<*)by (simp add: wt_instr_def cong: conj_cong)(*>*)

declare TC1.compT_sizes[simp] TC0.ty_def2[simp]

context TC2

lemma compT_method:
fixes e and A and C and Ts and mxl0
defines [simp]: "E ≡ Class C # Ts"
and [simp]: "A ≡ ⌊{..size Ts}⌋"
and [simp]: "A' ≡ A \<squnion> \<A> e"
and [simp]: "mxl0 ≡ max_vars e"
assumes mxs: "max_stack e = mxs"
and mxl: "Suc (length Ts + max_vars e) = mxl"
assumes assm: "wf_prog p P" "P,E \<turnstile>1 e :: T" "\<D> e A" "\<B> e (size E)"
"set E ⊆ types P" "P \<turnstile> T ≤ Tr"
shows "wt_method (compP2 P) C Ts Tr mxs mxl0 (compE2 e @ [Return])
(compxE2 e 0 0) (tyi' [] E A # compTa E A [] e)"

using assms apply (simp add: wt_method_def compTa_def after_def mxl)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (simp add: check_types_def OK_tyi'_in_statesI)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (drule (1) WT1_is_type)
apply simp
apply (insert max_stack1 [of e])
apply (rule OK_tyi'_in_statesI) apply (simp_all add: mxs)[3]
apply (erule compT_states(1))
apply assumption
apply (simp_all add: mxs mxl)[4]
apply (rule conjI)
apply (auto simp add: wt_start_def tyi'_def tyl_def list_all2_conv_all_nth
nth_Cons mxl split: nat.split dest: less_antisym)[1]
apply (frule (1) TC2.compT_wt_instrs [of P _ _ _ _ "[]" "max_stack e" "Suc (length Ts + max_vars e)" Tr])
apply simp_all
apply (clarsimp simp: after_def)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (clarsimp simp: wt_instrs_def after_def mxl mxs)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule (1) less_antisym)
apply (clarsimp simp: wt_defs xcpt_app_pcs xcpt_eff_pcs tyi'_def)


definition compTP :: "J1_prog => tyP" where
"compTP P C M = (
let (D,Ts,T,e) = method P C M;
E = Class C # Ts;
A = ⌊{..size Ts}⌋;
mxl = 1 + size Ts + max_vars e
in (TC0.tyi' mxl [] E A # TC1.compTa P mxl E A [] e))"

theorem wt_compP2:
"wf_J1_prog P ==> wf_jvm_prog (compP2 P)"
apply (simp add: wf_jvm_prog_def wf_jvm_prog_phi_def)
apply(rule_tac x = "compTP P" in exI)
apply (rule wf_prog_compPI)
prefer 2 apply assumption
apply (clarsimp simp add: wf_mdecl_def)
apply (simp add: compTP_def)
apply (rule TC2.compT_method [simplified])
apply (rule refl)
apply (rule refl)
apply assumption
apply assumption
apply assumption
apply assumption
apply (drule (1) sees_wf_mdecl)
apply (simp add: wf_mdecl_def)
apply (blast intro: sees_method_is_class)
apply assumption

theorem wt_J2JVM:
"wf_J_prog P ==> wf_jvm_prog (J2JVM P)"
apply(simp only:o_def J2JVM_def)
apply(blast intro:wt_compP2 compP1_pres_wf)
