Theory Semantics

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theory Semantics
imports Labels
header {* \isaheader{Semantics} *}

theory Semantics imports Labels Com begin

subsection {* Small Step Semantics *}

inductive red :: "cmd * state => cmd * state => bool"
and red' :: "cmd => state => cmd => state => bool"
("((1⟨_,/_⟩) ->/ (1⟨_,/_⟩))" [0,0,0,0] 81)
"⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩ == red (c,s) (c',s')"
| RedLAss:
"⟨V:=e,s⟩ -> ⟨Skip,s(V:=(interpret e s))⟩"

| SeqRed:
"⟨c1,s⟩ -> ⟨c1',s'⟩ ==> ⟨c1;;c2,s⟩ -> ⟨c1';;c2,s'⟩"

| RedSeq:
"⟨Skip;;c2,s⟩ -> ⟨c2,s⟩"

| RedCondTrue:
"interpret b s = Some true ==> ⟨if (b) c1 else c2,s⟩ -> ⟨c1,s⟩"

| RedCondFalse:
"interpret b s = Some false ==> ⟨if (b) c1 else c2,s⟩ -> ⟨c2,s⟩"

| RedWhileTrue:
"interpret b s = Some true ==> ⟨while (b) c,s⟩ -> ⟨c;;while (b) c,s⟩"

| RedWhileFalse:
"interpret b s = Some false ==> ⟨while (b) c,s⟩ -> ⟨Skip,s⟩"

lemmas red_induct = red.induct[split_format (complete)]

abbreviation reds ::"cmd => state => cmd => state => bool"
("((1⟨_,/_⟩) ->*/ (1⟨_,/_⟩))" [0,0,0,0] 81) where
"⟨c,s⟩ ->* ⟨c',s'⟩ == red** (c,s) (c',s')"

subsection{* Label Semantics *}

inductive step :: "cmd => cmd => state => nat => cmd => state => nat => bool"
("(_ \<turnstile> (1⟨_,/_,/_⟩) \<leadsto>/ (1⟨_,/_,/_⟩))" [51,0,0,0,0,0,0] 81)

"V:=e \<turnstile> ⟨V:=e,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨Skip,s(V:=(interpret e s)),1⟩"

| StepSeq:
"[|labels (c1;;c2) l (Skip;;c2); labels (c1;;c2) #:c1 c2; l < #:c1|]
==> c1;;c2 \<turnstile> ⟨Skip;;c2,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c2,s,#:c1⟩"

| StepSeqWhile:
"labels (while (b) c') l (Skip;;while (b) c')
==> while (b) c' \<turnstile> ⟨Skip;;while (b) c',s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨while (b) c',s,0⟩"

| StepCondTrue:
"interpret b s = Some true
==> if (b) c1 else c2 \<turnstile> ⟨if (b) c1 else c2,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c1,s,1⟩"

| StepCondFalse:
"interpret b s = Some false
==> if (b) c1 else c2 \<turnstile> ⟨if (b) c1 else c2,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c2,s,#:c1 + 1⟩"

| StepWhileTrue:
"interpret b s = Some true
==> while (b) c \<turnstile> ⟨while (b) c,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c;;while (b) c,s,2⟩"

| StepWhileFalse:
"interpret b s = Some false ==> while (b) c \<turnstile> ⟨while (b) c,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨Skip,s,1⟩"

| StepRecSeq1:
"prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩
==> prog;;c2 \<turnstile> ⟨c;;c2,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c';;c2,s',l'⟩"

| StepRecSeq2:
"prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩
==> c1;;prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l + #:c1⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l' + #:c1⟩"

| StepRecCond1:
"prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩
==> if (b) prog else c2 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l + 1⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l' + 1⟩"

| StepRecCond2:
"prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩
==> if (b) c1 else prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l + #:c1 + 1⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l' + #:c1 + 1⟩"

| StepRecWhile:
"cx \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩
==> while (b) cx \<turnstile> ⟨c;;while (b) cx,s,l + 2⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c';;while (b) cx,s',l' + 2⟩"

lemma step_label_less:
"prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩ ==> l < #:prog ∧ l' < #:prog"
proof(induct rule:step.induct)
case (StepSeq c1 c2 l s)
from `labels (c1;;c2) l (Skip;;c2)`
have "l < #:(c1;; c2)" by(rule label_less_num_inner_nodes)
thus ?case by(simp add:num_inner_nodes_gr_0)
case (StepSeqWhile b cx l s)
from `labels (while (b) cx) l (Skip;;while (b) cx)`
have "l < #:(while (b) cx)" by(rule label_less_num_inner_nodes)
thus ?case by simp
qed (auto intro:num_inner_nodes_gr_0)

abbreviation steps :: "cmd => cmd => state => nat => cmd => state => nat => bool"
("(_ \<turnstile> (1⟨_,/_,/_⟩) \<leadsto>*/ (1⟨_,/_,/_⟩))" [51,0,0,0,0,0,0] 81) where
"prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto>* ⟨c',s',l'⟩ ==
(λ(c,s,l) (c',s',l'). prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩)** (c,s,l) (c',s',l')"

subsection{* Proof of bisimulation of @{term "⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩"}\\
and @{term "prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto>* ⟨c',s',l'⟩"} via @{term "labels"} *}

lemmas converse_rtranclp_induct3 =
converse_rtranclp_induct[of _ "(ax,ay,az)" "(bx,by,bz)", split_rule,
consumes 1, case_names refl step]

subsubsection {* From @{term "prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto>* ⟨c',s',l'⟩"} to
@{term "⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩"} *}

lemma step_red:
"prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩ ==> ⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩"
by(induct rule:step.induct,rule RedLAss,auto intro:red.intros)

lemma steps_reds:
"prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto>* ⟨c',s',l'⟩ ==> ⟨c,s⟩ ->* ⟨c',s'⟩"
proof(induct rule:converse_rtranclp_induct3)
case refl thus ?case by simp
case (step c s l c'' s'' l'')
then have "prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c'',s'',l''⟩"
and "⟨c'',s''⟩ ->* ⟨c',s'⟩" by simp_all
from `prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c'',s'',l''⟩` have "⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c'',s''⟩"
by(fastforce intro:step_red)
with `⟨c'',s''⟩ ->* ⟨c',s'⟩` show ?case
by(fastforce intro:converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)

(*<*)declare fun_upd_apply [simp del] One_nat_def [simp del](*>*)

subsubsection {* From @{term "⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩"} and @{term labels} to
@{term "prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto>* ⟨c',s',l'⟩"} *}

lemma red_step:
"[|labels prog l c; ⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩|]
==> ∃l'. prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩ ∧ labels prog l' c'"

proof(induct arbitrary:c' rule:labels.induct)
case (Labels_Base c)
from `⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩` show ?case
proof(induct rule:red_induct)
case (RedLAss V e s)
have "V:=e \<turnstile> ⟨V:=e,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨Skip,s(V:=(interpret e s)),1⟩" by(rule StepLAss)
have "labels (V:=e) 1 Skip" by(fastforce intro:Labels_LAss)
with `V:=e \<turnstile> ⟨V:=e,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨Skip,s(V:=(interpret e s)),1⟩` show ?case by blast
case (SeqRed c1 s c1' s' c2)
from `∃l'. c1 \<turnstile> ⟨c1,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c1',s',l'⟩ ∧ labels c1 l' c1'`
obtain l' where "c1 \<turnstile> ⟨c1,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c1',s',l'⟩" and "labels c1 l' c1'" by blast
from `c1 \<turnstile> ⟨c1,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c1',s',l'⟩` have "c1;;c2 \<turnstile> ⟨c1;;c2,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c1';;c2,s',l'⟩"
by(rule StepRecSeq1)
from `labels c1 l' c1'` have "labels (c1;;c2) l' (c1';;c2)" by(rule Labels_Seq1)
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (RedSeq c2 s)
have "labels c2 0 c2" by(rule Labels.Labels_Base)
hence "labels (Skip;;c2) (0 + #:Skip) c2" by(rule Labels_Seq2)
have "labels (Skip;;c2) 0 (Skip;;c2)" by(rule Labels.Labels_Base)
with `labels (Skip;;c2) (0 + #:Skip) c2`
have "Skip;;c2 \<turnstile> ⟨Skip;;c2,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c2,s,#:Skip⟩"
by(fastforce intro:StepSeq)
with `labels (Skip;;c2) (0 + #:Skip) c2` show ?case by auto
case (RedCondTrue b s c1 c2)
from `interpret b s = Some true`
have "if (b) c1 else c2 \<turnstile> ⟨if (b) c1 else c2,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c1,s,1⟩"
by(rule StepCondTrue)
have "labels (if (b) c1 else c2) (0 + 1) c1"
by(rule Labels_CondTrue,rule Labels.Labels_Base)
with `if (b) c1 else c2 \<turnstile> ⟨if (b) c1 else c2,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c1,s,1⟩` show ?case by auto
case (RedCondFalse b s c1 c2)
from `interpret b s = Some false`
have "if (b) c1 else c2 \<turnstile> ⟨if (b) c1 else c2,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c2,s,#:c1 + 1⟩"
by(rule StepCondFalse)
have "labels (if (b) c1 else c2) (0 + #:c1 + 1) c2"
by(rule Labels_CondFalse,rule Labels.Labels_Base)
with `if (b) c1 else c2 \<turnstile> ⟨if (b) c1 else c2,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c2,s,#:c1 + 1⟩`
show ?case by auto
case (RedWhileTrue b s c)
from `interpret b s = Some true`
have "while (b) c \<turnstile> ⟨while (b) c,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c;; while (b) c,s,2⟩"
by(rule StepWhileTrue)
have "labels (while (b) c) (0 + 2) (c;; while (b) c)"
by(rule Labels_WhileBody,rule Labels.Labels_Base)
with `while (b) c \<turnstile> ⟨while (b) c,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c;; while (b) c,s,2⟩`
show ?case by(auto simp del:add_2_eq_Suc')
case (RedWhileFalse b s c)
from `interpret b s = Some false`
have "while (b) c \<turnstile> ⟨while (b) c,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨Skip,s,1⟩"
by(rule StepWhileFalse)
have "labels (while (b) c) 1 Skip" by(rule Labels_WhileExit)
with `while (b) c \<turnstile> ⟨while (b) c,s,0⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨Skip,s,1⟩` show ?case by auto
case (Labels_LAss V e)
from `⟨Skip,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩` have False by(auto elim:red.cases)
thus ?case by simp
case (Labels_Seq1 c1 l c c2)
note IH = `!!c'. ⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩ ==>
∃l'. c1 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩ ∧ labels c1 l' c'`

from `⟨c;;c2,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩`
have "(c = Skip ∧ c' = c2 ∧ s = s') ∨ (∃c''. c' = c'';;c2)"
by -(erule red.cases,auto)
thus ?case
assume [simp]:"c = Skip ∧ c' = c2 ∧ s = s'"
from `labels c1 l c` have "l < #:c1"
by(rule label_less_num_inner_nodes[simplified])
have "labels (c1;;c2) (0 + #:c1) c2"
by(rule Labels_Seq2,rule Labels_Base)
from `labels c1 l c` have "labels (c1;; c2) l (Skip;;c2)"
by(fastforce intro:Labels.Labels_Seq1)
with `labels (c1;;c2) (0 + #:c1) c2` `l < #:c1`
have "c1;; c2 \<turnstile> ⟨Skip;;c2,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c2,s,#:c1⟩"
by(fastforce intro:StepSeq)
with `labels (c1;;c2) (0 + #:c1) c2` show ?case by auto
assume "∃c''. c' = c'';;c2"
then obtain c'' where [simp]:"c' = c'';;c2" by blast
with `⟨c;;c2,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩` have "⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c'',s'⟩"
by(auto elim!:red.cases,induct c2,auto)
from IH[OF this] obtain l' where "c1 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c'',s',l'⟩"
and "labels c1 l' c''" by blast
from `c1 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c'',s',l'⟩` have "c1;;c2 \<turnstile> ⟨c;;c2,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c'';;c2,s',l'⟩"
by(rule StepRecSeq1)
from `labels c1 l' c''` have "labels (c1;;c2) l' (c'';;c2)"
by(rule Labels.Labels_Seq1)
with `c1;;c2 \<turnstile> ⟨c;;c2,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c'';;c2,s',l'⟩` show ?case by auto
case (Labels_Seq2 c2 l c c1 c')
note IH = `!!c'. ⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩ ==>
∃l'. c2 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩ ∧ labels c2 l' c'`

from IH[OF `⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩`] obtain l' where "c2 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩"
and "labels c2 l' c'" by blast
from `c2 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩` have "c1;; c2 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l + #:c1⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l' + #:c1⟩"
by(rule StepRecSeq2)
from `labels c2 l' c'` have "labels (c1;;c2) (l' + #:c1) c'"
by(rule Labels.Labels_Seq2)
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (Labels_CondTrue c1 l c b c2 c')
note label = `labels c1 l c` and red = `⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩`
and IH = `!!c'. ⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩ ==>
∃l'. c1 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩ ∧ labels c1 l' c'`

from IH[OF `⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩`] obtain l' where "c1 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩"
and "labels c1 l' c'" by blast
from `c1 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩`
have "if (b) c1 else c2 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l + 1⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l' + 1⟩"
by(rule StepRecCond1)
from `labels c1 l' c'` have "labels (if (b) c1 else c2) (l' + 1) c'"
by(rule Labels.Labels_CondTrue)
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (Labels_CondFalse c2 l c b c1 c')
note IH = `!!c'. ⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩ ==>
∃l'. c2 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩ ∧ labels c2 l' c'`

from IH[OF `⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩`] obtain l' where "c2 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩"
and "labels c2 l' c'" by blast
from `c2 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩`
have "if (b) c1 else c2 \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l + #:c1 + 1⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l' + #:c1 + 1⟩"
by(rule StepRecCond2)
from `labels c2 l' c'` have "labels (if (b) c1 else c2) (l' + #:c1 + 1) c'"
by(rule Labels.Labels_CondFalse)
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (Labels_WhileBody c' l c b cx)
note IH = `!!c''. ⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c'',s'⟩ ==>
∃l'. c' \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c'',s',l'⟩ ∧ labels c' l' c''`

from `⟨c;;while (b) c',s⟩ -> ⟨cx,s'⟩`
have "(c = Skip ∧ cx = while (b) c' ∧ s = s') ∨ (∃c''. cx = c'';;while (b) c')"
by -(erule red.cases,auto)
thus ?case
assume [simp]:"c = Skip ∧ cx = while (b) c' ∧ s = s'"
have "labels (while (b) c') 0 (while (b) c')"
by(fastforce intro:Labels_Base)
from `labels c' l c` have "labels (while (b) c') (l + 2) (Skip;;while (b) c')"
by(fastforce intro:Labels.Labels_WhileBody simp del:add_2_eq_Suc')
hence "while (b) c' \<turnstile> ⟨Skip;;while (b) c',s,l + 2⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨while (b) c',s,0⟩"
by(rule StepSeqWhile)
with `labels (while (b) c') 0 (while (b) c')` show ?case by simp blast
assume "∃c''. cx = c'';;while (b) c'"
then obtain c'' where [simp]:"cx = c'';;while (b) c'" by blast
with `⟨c;;while (b) c',s⟩ -> ⟨cx,s'⟩` have "⟨c,s⟩ -> ⟨c'',s'⟩"
by(auto elim:red.cases)
from IH[OF this] obtain l' where "c' \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c'',s',l'⟩"
and "labels c' l' c''" by blast
from `c' \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c'',s',l'⟩`
have "while (b) c' \<turnstile> ⟨c;;while (b) c',s,l + 2⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c'';;while (b) c',s',l' + 2⟩"
by(rule StepRecWhile)
from `labels c' l' c''` have "labels (while (b) c') (l' + 2) (c'';;while (b) c')"
by(rule Labels.Labels_WhileBody)
ultimately show ?case by simp blast
case (Labels_WhileExit b c' c'')
from `⟨Skip,s⟩ -> ⟨c'',s'⟩` have False by(auto elim:red.cases)
thus ?case by simp

lemma reds_steps:
"[|⟨c,s⟩ ->* ⟨c',s'⟩; labels prog l c|]
==> ∃l'. prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto>* ⟨c',s',l'⟩ ∧ labels prog l' c'"

proof(induct rule:rtranclp_induct2)
case refl
from `labels prog l c` show ?case by blast
case (step c'' s'' c' s')
note IH = `labels prog l c ==>
∃l'. prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto>* ⟨c'',s'',l'⟩ ∧ labels prog l' c''`

from IH[OF `labels prog l c`] obtain l'' where "prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto>* ⟨c'',s'',l''⟩"
and "labels prog l'' c''" by blast
from `labels prog l'' c''` `⟨c'',s''⟩ -> ⟨c',s'⟩` obtain l'
where "prog \<turnstile> ⟨c'',s'',l''⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩"
and "labels prog l' c'" by(auto dest:red_step)
from `prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto>* ⟨c'',s'',l''⟩` `prog \<turnstile> ⟨c'',s'',l''⟩ \<leadsto> ⟨c',s',l'⟩`
have "prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto>* ⟨c',s',l'⟩"
by(fastforce elim:rtranclp_trans)
with `labels prog l' c'` show ?case by blast

subsubsection {* The bisimulation theorem *}

theorem reds_steps_bisimulation:
"labels prog l c ==> (⟨c,s⟩ ->* ⟨c',s'⟩) =
(∃l'. prog \<turnstile> ⟨c,s,l⟩ \<leadsto>* ⟨c',s',l'⟩ ∧ labels prog l' c')"

by(fastforce intro:reds_steps elim:steps_reds)
