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theory DependentLiveVariablesheader {*\isaheader{Dependent Live Variables} *}
theory DependentLiveVariables imports DynPDG begin
text {* @{text dependent_live_vars} calculates variables which
can change\\ the value of the @{term Use} variables of the target node *}
context DynPDG begin
dependent_live_vars :: "'node => ('var × 'edge list × 'edge list) set"
for n' :: "'node"
where dep_vars_Use:
"V ∈ Use n' ==> (V,[],[]) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
| dep_vars_Cons_cdep:
"[|V ∈ Use (sourcenode a); sourcenode a -a#as'->⇘cd⇙ n''; n'' -as''->⇣d* n'|]
==> (V,[],a#as'@as'') ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
| dep_vars_Cons_ddep:
"[|(V,as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'; V' ∈ Use (sourcenode a);
n' = last(targetnodes (a#as));
sourcenode a -{V}a#as'->⇘dd⇙ last(targetnodes (a#as'))|]
==> (V',[],a#as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
| dep_vars_Cons_keep:
"[|(V,as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'; n' = last(targetnodes (a#as));
¬ sourcenode a -{V}a#as'->⇘dd⇙ last(targetnodes (a#as'))|]
==> (V,a#as',a#as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
lemma dependent_live_vars_fst_prefix_snd:
"(V,as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n' ==> ∃as''. as'@as'' = as"
by(induct rule:dependent_live_vars.induct,simp_all)
lemma dependent_live_vars_Exit_empty [dest]:
"(V,as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars (_Exit_) ==> False"
proof(induct rule:dependent_live_vars.induct)
case (dep_vars_Cons_cdep V a as' n'' as'')
from `n'' -as''->⇣d* (_Exit_)` have "n'' = (_Exit_)"
by(fastforce intro:DynPDG_path_Exit)
with `sourcenode a -a#as'->⇘cd⇙ n''` have "sourcenode a -a#as'->⇣d* (_Exit_)"
by(fastforce intro:DynPDG_path_cdep)
hence "sourcenode a = (_Exit_)" by(fastforce intro:DynPDG_path_Exit)
with `V ∈ Use (sourcenode a)` show False by simp(erule Exit_Use_empty)
qed auto
lemma dependent_live_vars_lastnode:
"[|(V,as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'; as ≠ []|]
==> n' = last(targetnodes as)"
proof(induct rule:dependent_live_vars.induct)
case (dep_vars_Cons_cdep V a as' n'' as'')
from `sourcenode a -a#as'->⇘cd⇙ n''` have "sourcenode a -a#as'->* n''"
by(rule DynPDG_cdep_edge_CFG_path(1))
from `n'' -as''->⇣d* n'` have "n'' -as''->* n'" by(rule DynPDG_path_CFG_path)
show ?case
proof(cases "as'' = []")
case True
with `n'' -as''->* n'` have "n'' = n'" by (auto elim: DynPDG.dependent_live_vars.cases)
with `sourcenode a -a#as'->* n''` True
show ?thesis by(fastforce intro:path_targetnode[THEN sym])
case False
with `n'' -as''->* n'` have "n' = last(targetnodes as'')"
by(fastforce intro:path_targetnode[THEN sym])
with False show ?thesis by(fastforce simp:targetnodes_def)
qed simp_all
lemma dependent_live_vars_Use_cases:
"[|(V,as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'; n -as->* n'|]
==> ∃nx as''. as = as'@as'' ∧ n -as'->* nx ∧ nx -as''->⇣d* n' ∧ V ∈ Use nx ∧
(∀n'' ∈ set (sourcenodes as'). V ∉ Def n'')"
proof(induct arbitrary:n rule:dependent_live_vars.induct)
case (dep_vars_Use V)
from `n -[]->* n'` have "valid_node n'" by(rule path_valid_node(2))
hence "n' -[]->⇣d* n'" by(rule DynPDG_path_Nil)
with `V ∈ Use n'` `n -[]->* n'` show ?case
by(auto simp:sourcenodes_def)
case (dep_vars_Cons_cdep V a as' n'' as'' n)
from `n -a#as'@as''->* n'` have "sourcenode a = n"
by(auto elim:path.cases)
from `sourcenode a -a#as'->⇘cd⇙ n''` have "sourcenode a -a#as'->* n''"
by(rule DynPDG_cdep_edge_CFG_path(1))
hence "valid_edge a" by(auto elim:path.cases)
hence "sourcenode a -[]->* sourcenode a" by(fastforce intro:empty_path)
from `sourcenode a -a#as'->⇘cd⇙ n''` have "sourcenode a -a#as'->⇣d* n''"
by(rule DynPDG_path_cdep)
with `n'' -as''->⇣d* n'` have "sourcenode a -(a#as')@as''->⇣d* n'"
by(rule DynPDG_path_Append)
with `sourcenode a -[]->* sourcenode a` `V ∈ Use (sourcenode a)` `sourcenode a = n`
show ?case by(auto simp:sourcenodes_def)
case(dep_vars_Cons_ddep V as' as V' a n)
note ddep = `sourcenode a -{V}a#as'->⇘dd⇙ last (targetnodes (a#as'))`
note IH = `!!n. n -as->* n'
==> ∃nx as''. as = as'@as'' ∧ n -as'->* nx ∧ nx -as''->⇣d* n' ∧
V ∈ Use nx ∧ (∀n''∈set (sourcenodes as'). V ∉ Def n'')`
from `n -a#as->* n'` have "n -[]@a#as->* n'" by simp
hence "n = sourcenode a" and "targetnode a -as->* n'" and "valid_edge a"
by(fastforce dest:path_split)+
hence "n -[]->* n"
by(fastforce intro:empty_path simp:valid_node_def)
from IH[OF `targetnode a -as->* n'`]
have "∃nx as''. as = as'@as'' ∧ targetnode a -as'->* nx ∧ nx -as''->⇣d* n' ∧
V ∈ Use nx ∧ (∀n''∈set (sourcenodes as'). V ∉ Def n'')" .
then obtain nx'' as'' where "targetnode a -as'->* nx''"
and "nx'' -as''->⇣d* n'" and "as = as'@as''" by blast
have "last (targetnodes (a#as')) -as''->⇣d* n'"
proof(cases as')
case Nil
with `targetnode a -as'->* nx''` have "nx'' = targetnode a"
by(auto elim:path.cases)
with `nx'' -as''->⇣d* n'` Nil show ?thesis by(simp add:targetnodes_def)
case (Cons ax asx)
hence "last (targetnodes (a#as')) = last (targetnodes as')"
by(simp add:targetnodes_def)
from Cons `targetnode a -as'->* nx''` have "last (targetnodes as') = nx''"
by(fastforce intro:path_targetnode)
with `last (targetnodes (a#as')) = last (targetnodes as')` `nx'' -as''->⇣d* n'`
show ?thesis by simp
with ddep `as = as'@as''` have "sourcenode a -a#as->⇣d* n'"
by(fastforce dest:DynPDG_path_ddep DynPDG_path_Append)
with `V' ∈ Use (sourcenode a)` `n = sourcenode a` `n -[]->* n`
show ?case by(auto simp:sourcenodes_def)
case (dep_vars_Cons_keep V as' as a n)
note no_dep = `¬ sourcenode a -{V}a#as'->⇘dd⇙ last (targetnodes (a#as'))`
note IH = `!!n. n -as->* n'
==> ∃nx as''. (as = as'@as'') ∧ (n -as'->* nx) ∧ (nx -as''->⇣d* n') ∧
V ∈ Use nx ∧ (∀n''∈set (sourcenodes as'). V ∉ Def n'')`
from `n -a#as->* n'` have "n = sourcenode a" and "valid_edge a"
and "targetnode a -as->* n'" by(auto elim:path_split_Cons)
from IH[OF `targetnode a -as->* n'`]
have "∃nx as''. as = as'@as'' ∧ targetnode a -as'->* nx ∧ nx -as''->⇣d* n' ∧
V ∈ Use nx ∧ (∀n''∈set (sourcenodes as'). V ∉ Def n'')" .
then obtain nx'' as'' where "V ∈ Use nx''"
and "∀n''∈set (sourcenodes as'). V ∉ Def n''" and "targetnode a -as'->* nx''"
and "nx'' -as''->⇣d* n'" and "as = as'@as''" by blast
from `valid_edge a` `targetnode a -as'->* nx''` have "sourcenode a -a#as'->* nx''"
by(fastforce intro:Cons_path)
hence "last(targetnodes (a#as')) = nx''" by(fastforce dest:path_targetnode)
{ assume "V ∈ Def (sourcenode a)"
with `V ∈ Use nx''` `sourcenode a -a#as'->* nx''`
`∀n''∈set (sourcenodes as'). V ∉ Def n''`
have "(sourcenode a) influences V in nx'' via a#as'"
by(simp add:dyn_data_dependence_def sourcenodes_def)
with no_dep `last(targetnodes (a#as')) = nx''`
`∀n''∈set (sourcenodes as'). V ∉ Def n''` `V ∈ Def (sourcenode a)`
have False by(fastforce dest:DynPDG_ddep_edge) }
with `∀n''∈set (sourcenodes as'). V ∉ Def n''`
have "∀n''∈set (sourcenodes (a#as')). V ∉ Def n''"
by(fastforce simp:sourcenodes_def)
with `V ∈ Use nx''` `sourcenode a -a#as'->* nx''` `nx'' -as''->⇣d* n'`
`as = as'@as''` `n = sourcenode a` show ?case by fastforce
lemma dependent_live_vars_dependent_edge:
assumes "(V,as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
and "targetnode a -as->* n'"
and "V ∈ Def (sourcenode a)" and "valid_edge a"
obtains nx as'' where "as = as'@as''" and "sourcenode a -{V}a#as'->⇘dd⇙ nx"
and "nx -as''->⇣d* n'"
from `(V,as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'` `targetnode a -as->* n'`
have "∃nx as''. as = as'@as'' ∧ targetnode a -as'->* nx ∧ nx -as''->⇣d* n' ∧
V ∈ Use nx ∧ (∀n'' ∈ set (sourcenodes as'). V ∉ Def n'')"
by(rule dependent_live_vars_Use_cases)
then obtain nx as'' where "V ∈ Use nx"
and "∀n''∈ set(sourcenodes as'). V ∉ Def n''"
and "targetnode a -as'->* nx" and "nx -as''->⇣d* n'"
and "as = as'@as''" by blast
from `targetnode a -as'->* nx` `valid_edge a` have "sourcenode a -a#as'->* nx"
by(fastforce intro:Cons_path)
with `V ∈ Def (sourcenode a)` `V ∈ Use nx`
`∀n''∈ set(sourcenodes as'). V ∉ Def n''`
have "sourcenode a influences V in nx via a#as'"
by(auto simp:dyn_data_dependence_def sourcenodes_def)
hence "sourcenode a -{V}a#as'->⇘dd⇙ nx" by(rule DynPDG_ddep_edge)
with `nx -as''->⇣d* n'` `as = as'@as''`
show "∃as'' nx. (as = as'@as'') ∧ (sourcenode a -{V}a#as'->⇘dd⇙ nx) ∧
(nx -as''->⇣d* n')" by fastforce
lemma dependent_live_vars_same_pathsI:
assumes "V ∈ Use n'"
shows "[|∀as' a as''. as = as'@a#as'' --> ¬ sourcenode a -{V}a#as''->⇘dd⇙ n';
as ≠ [] --> n' = last(targetnodes as)|]
==> (V,as,as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
proof(induct as)
case Nil
from `V ∈ Use n'` show ?case by(rule dep_vars_Use)
case (Cons ax asx)
note lastnode = `ax#asx ≠ [] --> n' = last (targetnodes (ax#asx))`
note IH = `[|∀as' a as''. asx = as'@a#as'' -->
¬ sourcenode a -{V}a#as''->⇘dd⇙ n';
asx ≠ [] --> n' = last (targetnodes asx)|]
==> (V, asx, asx) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'`
from `∀as' a as''. ax#asx = as'@a#as'' --> ¬ sourcenode a -{V}a#as''->⇘dd⇙ n'`
have all':"∀as' a as''. asx = as'@a#as'' --> ¬ sourcenode a -{V}a#as''->⇘dd⇙ n'"
and "¬ sourcenode ax -{V}ax#asx->⇘dd⇙ n'"
by simp_all
show ?case
proof(cases "asx = []")
case True
from `V ∈ Use n'` have "(V,[],[]) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'" by(rule dep_vars_Use)
with `¬ sourcenode ax -{V}ax#asx->⇘dd⇙ n'` True lastnode
have "(V,[ax],[ax]) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
by(fastforce intro:dep_vars_Cons_keep)
with True show ?thesis by simp
case False
with lastnode have "asx ≠ [] --> n' = last (targetnodes asx)"
by(simp add:targetnodes_def)
from IH[OF all' this] have "(V, asx, asx) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'" .
with `¬ sourcenode ax -{V}ax#asx->⇘dd⇙ n'` lastnode
show ?thesis by(fastforce intro:dep_vars_Cons_keep)
lemma dependent_live_vars_same_pathsD:
"[|(V,as,as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'; as ≠ [] --> n' = last(targetnodes as)|]
==> V ∈ Use n' ∧ (∀as' a as''. as = as'@a#as'' -->
¬ sourcenode a -{V}a#as''->⇘dd⇙ n')"
proof(induct as)
case Nil
have "(V,[],[]) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'" by fact
thus ?case
by(fastforce elim:dependent_live_vars.cases simp:targetnodes_def sourcenodes_def)
case (Cons ax asx)
note IH = `[|(V,asx,asx) ∈ dependent_live_vars n';
asx ≠ [] --> n' = last (targetnodes asx)|]
==> V ∈ Use n' ∧ (∀as' a as''. asx = as'@a#as'' -->
¬ sourcenode a -{V}a#as''->⇘dd⇙ n')`
from `(V,ax#asx,ax#asx) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'`
have "(V,asx,asx) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
and "¬ sourcenode ax -{V}ax#asx->⇘dd⇙ last(targetnodes (ax#asx))"
by(auto elim:dependent_live_vars.cases)
from `ax#asx ≠ [] --> n' = last (targetnodes (ax#asx))`
have "n' = last (targetnodes (ax#asx))" by simp
show ?case
proof(cases "asx = []")
case True
with `(V,asx,asx) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'` have "V ∈ Use n'"
by(fastforce elim:dependent_live_vars.cases)
from `¬ sourcenode ax -{V}ax#asx->⇘dd⇙ last(targetnodes (ax#asx))`
True `n' = last (targetnodes (ax#asx))`
have "∀as' a as''. ax#asx = as'@a#as'' --> ¬ sourcenode a -{V}a#as''->⇘dd⇙ n'"
by auto(case_tac as',auto)
with `V ∈ Use n'` show ?thesis by simp
case False
with `n' = last (targetnodes (ax#asx))`
have "asx ≠ [] --> n' = last (targetnodes asx)"
by(simp add:targetnodes_def)
from IH[OF `(V,asx,asx) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'` this]
have "V ∈ Use n' ∧ (∀as' a as''. asx = as'@a#as'' -->
¬ sourcenode a -{V}a#as''->⇘dd⇙ n')" .
with `¬ sourcenode ax -{V}ax#asx->⇘dd⇙ last(targetnodes (ax#asx))`
`n' = last (targetnodes (ax#asx))` have "V ∈ Use n'"
and "∀as' a as''. ax#asx = as'@a#as'' -->
¬ sourcenode a -{V}a#as''->⇘dd⇙ n'"
by auto(case_tac as',auto)
thus ?thesis by simp
lemma dependent_live_vars_same_paths:
"as ≠ [] --> n' = last(targetnodes as) ==>
(V,as,as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n' =
(V ∈ Use n' ∧ (∀as' a as''. as = as'@a#as'' -->
¬ sourcenode a -{V}a#as''->⇘dd⇙ n'))"
by(fastforce intro!:dependent_live_vars_same_pathsD dependent_live_vars_same_pathsI)
lemma dependent_live_vars_cdep_empty_fst:
assumes "n'' -as->⇘cd⇙ n'" and "V' ∈ Use n''"
shows "(V',[],as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
proof(cases as)
case Nil
with `n'' -as->⇘cd⇙ n'` show ?thesis
by(fastforce elim:DynPDG_edge.cases dest:dyn_control_dependence_path)
case (Cons ax asx)
with `n'' -as->⇘cd⇙ n'` have "sourcenode ax = n''"
by(auto dest:DynPDG_cdep_edge_CFG_path elim:path.cases)
from `n'' -as->⇘cd⇙ n'` have "valid_node n'"
by(fastforce intro:path_valid_node(2) DynPDG_cdep_edge_CFG_path(1))
from Cons `n'' -as->⇘cd⇙ n'` have "last(targetnodes as) = n'"
by(fastforce intro:path_targetnode dest:DynPDG_cdep_edge_CFG_path)
with Cons `n'' -as->⇘cd⇙ n'` `V' ∈ Use n''` `sourcenode ax = n''` `valid_node n'`
have "(V', [], ax#asx@[]) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
by(fastforce intro:dep_vars_Cons_cdep DynPDG_path_Nil)
with Cons show ?thesis by simp
lemma dependent_live_vars_ddep_empty_fst:
assumes "n'' -{V}as->⇘dd⇙ n'" and "V' ∈ Use n''"
shows "(V',[],as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
proof(cases as)
case Nil
with `n'' -{V}as->⇘dd⇙ n'` show ?thesis
by(fastforce elim:DynPDG_edge.cases simp:dyn_data_dependence_def)
case (Cons ax asx)
with `n'' -{V}as->⇘dd⇙ n'` have "sourcenode ax = n''"
by(auto dest:DynPDG_ddep_edge_CFG_path elim:path.cases)
from Cons `n'' -{V}as->⇘dd⇙ n'` have "last(targetnodes as) = n'"
by(fastforce intro:path_targetnode elim:DynPDG_ddep_edge_CFG_path(1))
from Cons `n'' -{V}as->⇘dd⇙ n'` have all:"∀as' a as''. asx = as'@a#as'' -->
¬ sourcenode a -{V}a#as''->⇘dd⇙ n'"
by(fastforce dest:DynPDG_ddep_edge_no_shorter_ddep_edge)
from `n'' -{V}as->⇘dd⇙ n'` have "V ∈ Use n'"
by(auto elim!:DynPDG_edge.cases simp:dyn_data_dependence_def)
from Cons `n'' -{V}as->⇘dd⇙ n'` have "as ≠ [] --> n' = last(targetnodes as)"
by(fastforce dest:DynPDG_ddep_edge_CFG_path path_targetnode)
with Cons have "asx ≠ [] --> n' = last(targetnodes asx)"
by(fastforce simp:targetnodes_def)
with all `V ∈ Use n'` have "(V,asx,asx) ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
by -(rule dependent_live_vars_same_pathsI)
with `V' ∈ Use n''` `n'' -{V}as->⇘dd⇙ n'` `last(targetnodes as) = n'`
Cons `sourcenode ax = n''` show ?thesis
by(fastforce intro:dep_vars_Cons_ddep)
lemma ddep_dependent_live_vars_keep_notempty:
assumes "n -{V}a#as->⇘dd⇙ n''" and "as' ≠ []"
and "(V,as'',as') ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
shows "(V,as@as'',as@as') ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
proof -
from `n -{V}a#as->⇘dd⇙ n''` have "∀n'' ∈ set (sourcenodes as). V ∉ Def n''"
by(auto elim:DynPDG_edge.cases simp:dyn_data_dependence_def)
with `(V,as'',as') ∈ dependent_live_vars n'` show ?thesis
proof(induct as)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons ax asx)
note IH = `[|(V,as'',as') ∈ dependent_live_vars n';
∀n''∈set (sourcenodes asx). V ∉ Def n''|]
==> (V, asx@as'',asx@as') ∈ dependent_live_vars n'`
from `∀n''∈set (sourcenodes (ax#asx)). V ∉ Def n''`
have "∀n''∈set (sourcenodes asx). V ∉ Def n''"
by(auto simp:sourcenodes_def)
from IH[OF `(V,as'',as') ∈ dependent_live_vars n'` this]
have "(V,asx@as'',asx@as') ∈ dependent_live_vars n'" .
from `as' ≠ []` `(V,as'',as') ∈ dependent_live_vars n'`
have "n' = last(targetnodes as')"
by(fastforce intro:dependent_live_vars_lastnode)
with `as' ≠ []` have "n' = last(targetnodes (ax#asx@as'))"
by(fastforce simp:targetnodes_def)
have "¬ sourcenode ax -{V}ax#asx@as''->⇘dd⇙ last(targetnodes (ax#asx@as''))"
assume "sourcenode ax -{V}ax#asx@as''->⇘dd⇙ last(targetnodes (ax#asx@as''))"
hence "sourcenode ax -{V}ax#asx@as''->⇘dd⇙ last(targetnodes (ax#asx@as''))"
by simp
with `∀n''∈set (sourcenodes (ax#asx)). V ∉ Def n''`
show False
by(fastforce elim:DynPDG_edge.cases
simp:dyn_data_dependence_def sourcenodes_def)
with `(V,asx@as'',asx@as') ∈ dependent_live_vars n'`
`n' = last(targetnodes (ax#asx@as'))`
show ?case by(fastforce intro:dep_vars_Cons_keep)
lemma dependent_live_vars_cdep_dependent_live_vars:
assumes "n'' -as''->⇘cd⇙ n'" and "(V',as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n''"
shows "(V',as',as@as'') ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
proof -
from `n'' -as''->⇘cd⇙ n'` have "as'' ≠ []"
by(fastforce elim:DynPDG_edge.cases dest:dyn_control_dependence_path)
with `n'' -as''->⇘cd⇙ n'` have "last(targetnodes as'') = n'"
by(fastforce intro:path_targetnode elim:DynPDG_cdep_edge_CFG_path(1))
from `(V',as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n''` show ?thesis
proof(induct rule:dependent_live_vars.induct)
case (dep_vars_Use V')
from `V' ∈ Use n''` `n'' -as''->⇘cd⇙ n'` `last(targetnodes as'') = n'` show ?case
by(fastforce intro:dependent_live_vars_cdep_empty_fst simp:targetnodes_def)
case (dep_vars_Cons_cdep V a as' nx asx)
from `n'' -as''->⇘cd⇙ n'` have "n'' -as''->⇣d* n'" by(rule DynPDG_path_cdep)
with `nx -asx->⇣d* n''` have "nx -asx@as''->⇣d* n'"
by -(rule DynPDG_path_Append)
with `V ∈ Use (sourcenode a)` `(sourcenode a) -a#as'->⇘cd⇙ nx`
show ?case by(fastforce intro:dependent_live_vars.dep_vars_Cons_cdep)
case (dep_vars_Cons_ddep V as' as V' a)
from `as'' ≠ []` `last(targetnodes as'') = n'`
have "n' = last(targetnodes ((a#as)@as''))"
by(simp add:targetnodes_def)
with dep_vars_Cons_ddep
show ?case by(fastforce intro:dependent_live_vars.dep_vars_Cons_ddep)
case (dep_vars_Cons_keep V as' as a)
from `as'' ≠ []` `last(targetnodes as'') = n'`
have "n' = last(targetnodes ((a#as)@as''))"
by(simp add:targetnodes_def)
with dep_vars_Cons_keep
show ?case by(fastforce intro:dependent_live_vars.dep_vars_Cons_keep)
lemma dependent_live_vars_ddep_dependent_live_vars:
assumes "n'' -{V}as''->⇘dd⇙ n'" and "(V',as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n''"
shows "(V',as',as@as'') ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
proof -
from `n'' -{V}as''->⇘dd⇙ n'` have "as'' ≠ []"
by(rule DynPDG_ddep_edge_CFG_path(2))
with `n'' -{V}as''->⇘dd⇙ n'` have "last(targetnodes as'') = n'"
by(fastforce intro:path_targetnode elim:DynPDG_ddep_edge_CFG_path(1))
from `n'' -{V}as''->⇘dd⇙ n'` have notExit:"n' ≠ (_Exit_)"
by(fastforce elim:DynPDG_edge.cases simp:dyn_data_dependence_def)
from `(V',as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n''` show ?thesis
proof(induct rule:dependent_live_vars.induct)
case (dep_vars_Use V')
from `V' ∈ Use n''` `n'' -{V}as''->⇘dd⇙ n'` `last(targetnodes as'') = n'` show ?case
by(fastforce intro:dependent_live_vars_ddep_empty_fst simp:targetnodes_def)
case (dep_vars_Cons_cdep V' a as' nx asx)
from `n'' -{V}as''->⇘dd⇙ n'` have "n'' -as''->⇣d* n'" by(rule DynPDG_path_ddep)
with `nx -asx->⇣d* n''` have "nx -asx@as''->⇣d* n'"
by -(rule DynPDG_path_Append)
with `V' ∈ Use (sourcenode a)` `sourcenode a -a#as'->⇘cd⇙ nx` notExit
show ?case by(fastforce intro:dependent_live_vars.dep_vars_Cons_cdep)
case (dep_vars_Cons_ddep V as' as V' a)
from `as'' ≠ []` `last(targetnodes as'') = n'`
have "n' = last(targetnodes ((a#as)@as''))"
by(simp add:targetnodes_def)
with dep_vars_Cons_ddep
show ?case by(fastforce intro:dependent_live_vars.dep_vars_Cons_ddep)
case (dep_vars_Cons_keep V as' as a)
from `as'' ≠ []` `last(targetnodes as'') = n'`
have "n' = last(targetnodes ((a#as)@as''))"
by(simp add:targetnodes_def)
with dep_vars_Cons_keep
show ?case by(fastforce intro:dependent_live_vars.dep_vars_Cons_keep)
lemma dependent_live_vars_dep_dependent_live_vars:
"[|n'' -as''->⇣d* n'; (V',as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n''|]
==> (V',as',as@as'') ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
proof(induct rule:DynPDG_path.induct)
case (DynPDG_path_Nil n) thus ?case by simp
case (DynPDG_path_Append_cdep n asx n'' asx' n')
note IH = `(V', as', as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n ==>
(V', as', as @ asx) ∈ dependent_live_vars n''`
from IH[OF `(V',as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n`]
have "(V',as',as@asx) ∈ dependent_live_vars n''" .
with `n'' -asx'->⇘cd⇙ n'` have "(V',as',(as@asx)@asx') ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
by(rule dependent_live_vars_cdep_dependent_live_vars)
thus ?case by simp
case (DynPDG_path_Append_ddep n asx n'' V asx' n')
note IH = `(V', as', as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n ==>
(V', as', as @ asx) ∈ dependent_live_vars n''`
from IH[OF `(V',as',as) ∈ dependent_live_vars n`]
have "(V',as',as@asx) ∈ dependent_live_vars n''" .
with `n'' -{V}asx'->⇘dd⇙ n'` have "(V',as',(as@asx)@asx') ∈ dependent_live_vars n'"
by(rule dependent_live_vars_ddep_dependent_live_vars)
thus ?case by simp