Theory ReturnAndCallNodes

Up to index of Isabelle/HOL/Jinja/HRB-Slicing

theory ReturnAndCallNodes
imports CFG
header {* \isaheader{Return and their corresponding call nodes} *}

theory ReturnAndCallNodes imports CFG begin

context CFG begin

subsection {* Defining @{text "return_node"} *}

definition return_node :: "'node => bool"
where "return_node n ≡ ∃a a'. valid_edge a ∧ n = targetnode a ∧
valid_edge a' ∧ a ∈ get_return_edges a'"

lemma return_node_determines_call_node:
assumes "return_node n"
shows "∃!n'. ∃a a'. valid_edge a ∧ n' = sourcenode a ∧ valid_edge a' ∧
a' ∈ get_return_edges a ∧ n = targetnode a'"

proof(rule ex_ex1I)
from `return_node n`
show "∃n' a a'. valid_edge a ∧ n' = sourcenode a ∧ valid_edge a' ∧
a' ∈ get_return_edges a ∧ n = targetnode a'"

by(simp add:return_node_def) blast
fix n' nx
assume "∃a a'. valid_edge a ∧ n' = sourcenode a ∧ valid_edge a' ∧
a' ∈ get_return_edges a ∧ n = targetnode a'"

and "∃a a'. valid_edge a ∧ nx = sourcenode a ∧ valid_edge a' ∧
a' ∈ get_return_edges a ∧ n = targetnode a'"

then obtain a a' ax ax' where "valid_edge a" and "n' = sourcenode a"
and "valid_edge a'" and "a' ∈ get_return_edges a"
and "n = targetnode a'" and "valid_edge ax" and "nx = sourcenode ax"
and "valid_edge ax'" and "ax' ∈ get_return_edges ax"
and "n = targetnode ax'"
by blast
from `valid_edge a` `a' ∈ get_return_edges a` have "valid_edge a'"
by(rule get_return_edges_valid)
from `valid_edge a` `a' ∈ get_return_edges a` obtain a''
where intra_edge1:"valid_edge a''" "sourcenode a'' = sourcenode a"
"targetnode a'' = targetnode a'" "kind a'' = (λcf. False)\<surd>"
by(fastforce dest:call_return_node_edge)
from `valid_edge ax` `ax' ∈ get_return_edges ax` obtain ax''
where intra_edge2:"valid_edge ax''" "sourcenode ax'' = sourcenode ax"
"targetnode ax'' = targetnode ax'" "kind ax'' = (λcf. False)\<surd>"
by(fastforce dest:call_return_node_edge)
from `valid_edge a` `a' ∈ get_return_edges a`
obtain Q r p fs where "kind a = Q:r\<hookrightarrow>pfs"
by(fastforce dest!:only_call_get_return_edges)
with `valid_edge a` `a' ∈ get_return_edges a` obtain Q' p f'
where "kind a' = Q'\<hookleftarrow>pf'" by(fastforce dest!:call_return_edges)
with `valid_edge a'`
have "∃!a''. valid_edge a'' ∧ targetnode a'' = targetnode a' ∧ intra_kind(kind a'')"
by(rule return_only_one_intra_edge)
with intra_edge1 intra_edge2 `n = targetnode a'` `n = targetnode ax'`
have "a'' = ax''" by(fastforce simp:intra_kind_def)
with `sourcenode a'' = sourcenode a` `sourcenode ax'' = sourcenode ax`
`n' = sourcenode a` `nx = sourcenode ax`
show "n' = nx" by simp

lemma return_node_THE_call_node:
"[|return_node n; valid_edge a; valid_edge a'; a' ∈ get_return_edges a;
n = targetnode a'|]
==> (THE n'. ∃a a'. valid_edge a ∧ n' = sourcenode a ∧ valid_edge a' ∧
a' ∈ get_return_edges a ∧ n = targetnode a') = sourcenode a"

by(fastforce intro!:the1_equality return_node_determines_call_node)

subsection {* Defining call nodes belonging to a certain @{text "return_node"} *}

definition call_of_return_node :: "'node => 'node => bool"
where "call_of_return_node n n' ≡ ∃a a'. return_node n ∧
valid_edge a ∧ n' = sourcenode a ∧ valid_edge a' ∧
a' ∈ get_return_edges a ∧ n = targetnode a'"

lemma return_node_call_of_return_node:
"return_node n ==> ∃!n'. call_of_return_node n n'"
by -(frule return_node_determines_call_node,unfold call_of_return_node_def,simp)

lemma call_of_return_nodes_det [dest]:
assumes "call_of_return_node n n'" and "call_of_return_node n n''"
shows "n' = n''"
proof -
from `call_of_return_node n n'` have "return_node n"
by(simp add:call_of_return_node_def)
hence "∃!n'. call_of_return_node n n'" by(rule return_node_call_of_return_node)
with `call_of_return_node n n'` `call_of_return_node n n''`
show ?thesis by auto

lemma get_return_edges_call_of_return_nodes:
"[|valid_call_list cs m; valid_return_list rs m;
∀i < length rs. rs!i ∈ get_return_edges (cs!i); length rs = length cs|]
==> ∀i<length cs. call_of_return_node (targetnodes rs!i) (sourcenode (cs!i))"

proof(induct cs arbitrary:m rs)
case Nil thus ?case by fastforce
case (Cons c' cs')
note IH = `!!m rs. [|valid_call_list cs' m; valid_return_list rs m;
∀i<length rs. rs ! i ∈ get_return_edges (cs' ! i); length rs = length cs'|]
==> ∀i<length cs'. call_of_return_node (targetnodes rs ! i) (sourcenode (cs'!i))`

from `length rs = length (c' # cs')` obtain r' rs' where "rs = r' # rs'"
and "length rs' = length cs'" by(cases rs) auto
with `∀i<length rs. rs ! i ∈ get_return_edges ((c' # cs') ! i)`
have "∀i<length rs'. rs' ! i ∈ get_return_edges (cs' ! i)"
and "r' ∈ get_return_edges c'" by auto
from `valid_call_list (c'#cs') m` have "valid_edge c'"
by(fastforce simp:valid_call_list_def)
from this `r' ∈ get_return_edges c'`
have "get_proc (sourcenode c') = get_proc (targetnode r')"
by(rule get_proc_get_return_edge)
from `valid_call_list (c'#cs') m`
have "valid_call_list cs' (sourcenode c')"
apply(clarsimp simp:valid_call_list_def)
apply(erule_tac x="c'#cs'" in allE) apply clarsimp
by(case_tac cs')(auto simp:sourcenodes_def)
from `valid_return_list rs m` `rs = r' # rs'`
`get_proc (sourcenode c') = get_proc (targetnode r')`
have "valid_return_list rs' (sourcenode c')"
apply(clarsimp simp:valid_return_list_def)
apply(erule_tac x="r'#cs'" in allE) apply clarsimp
by(case_tac cs')(auto simp:targetnodes_def)
from IH[OF `valid_call_list cs' (sourcenode c')`
`valid_return_list rs' (sourcenode c')`
`∀i<length rs'. rs' ! i ∈ get_return_edges (cs' ! i)` `length rs' = length cs'`]
have all:"∀i<length cs'.
call_of_return_node (targetnodes rs' ! i) (sourcenode (cs' ! i))"
from `valid_edge c'` `r' ∈ get_return_edges c'` have "valid_edge r'"
by(rule get_return_edges_valid)
from `valid_edge r'` `valid_edge c'` `r' ∈ get_return_edges c'`
have "return_node (targetnode r')" by(fastforce simp:return_node_def)
with `valid_edge c'` `r' ∈ get_return_edges c'` `valid_edge r'`
have "call_of_return_node (targetnode r') (sourcenode c')"
by(simp add:call_of_return_node_def) blast
with all `rs = r' # rs'` show ?case
by auto(case_tac i,auto simp:targetnodes_def)

