Theory JVMCFG_wf

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theory JVMCFG_wf
imports JVMInterpretation CFGExit_wf
theory JVMCFG_wf imports JVMInterpretation "../StaticInter/CFGExit_wf" begin

inductive_set Def :: "wf_jvmprog => cfg_node => var set"
for P :: "wf_jvmprog"
and n :: "cfg_node"
"n = (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, ⌊0⌋, Return)
==> Heap ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Main_Exception:
"n = (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, ⌊0⌋, Return)
==> Exception ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Main_Stack_0:
"n = (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, ⌊0⌋, Return)
==> Stack 0 ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Load:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Load idx;
i = stkLength (P, C, M) pc|]
==> Stack i ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Store:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Store idx |]
==> Local idx ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Push:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Push v;
i = stkLength (P, C, M) pc |]
==> Stack i ∈ Def P n"

| Def_IAdd:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = IAdd;
i = stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2 |]
==> Stack i ∈ Def P n"

| Def_CmpEq:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = CmpEq;
i = stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2 |]
==> Stack i ∈ Def P n"

| Def_New_Heap:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Normal);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl |]
==> Heap ∈ Def P n"

| Def_New_Stack:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Normal);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl;
i = stkLength (P, C, M) pc |]
==> Stack i ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Exception:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Exceptional pco nt);
C ≠ ClassMain P |]
==> Exception ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Exception_handle:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Exceptional ⌊pc'⌋ Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
i = stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1 |]
==> Stack i ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Exception_handle_return:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Exceptional ⌊pc'⌋ Return);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
i = stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1 |]
==> Stack i ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Getfield:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Normal);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Getfield Cl Fd;
i = stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1 |]
==> Stack i ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Putfield:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Normal);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Putfield Cl Fd |]
==> Heap ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Invoke_Return_Heap:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Return);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n' |]
==> Heap ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Invoke_Return_Exception:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Return);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n' |]
==> Exception ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Invoke_Return_Stack:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Return);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n';
i = stkLength (P, C, M) (Suc pc) - 1 |]
==> Stack i ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Invoke_Call_Heap:
"[| n = (C, M, None, Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P |]
==> Heap ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Invoke_Call_Local:
"[| n = (C, M, None, Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
i < locLength (P, C, M) 0 |]
==> Local i ∈ Def P n"

| Def_Return:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = instr.Return |]
==> Stack 0 ∈ Def P n"

inductive_set Use :: "wf_jvmprog => cfg_node => var set"
for P :: "wf_jvmprog"
and n :: "cfg_node"
"n = (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, ⌊0⌋, Normal)
==> Heap ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Load:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Load idx |]
==> Local idx ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Enter_Stack:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
case (instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc)
of Store n' => d = 1
| Getfield F Cl => d = 1
| Putfield F Cl => d = 2
| Checkcast Cl => d = 1
| Invoke M' n' => d = Suc n'
| IAdd => d ∈ {1, 2}
| IfFalse i => d = 1
| CmpEq => d ∈ {1 , 2}
| Throw => d = 1
| instr.Return => d = 1
| _ => False;
i = stkLength (P, C, M) pc - d |]
==> Stack i ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Enter_Local:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Load n' |]
==> Local n' ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Enter_Heap:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
case (instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc)
of New Cl => True
| Checkcast Cl => True
| Throw => True
| _ => False |]
==> Heap ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Normal_Heap:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Normal);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
case (instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc)
of New Cl => True
| Getfield F Cl => True
| Putfield F Cl => True
| Invoke M' n' => True
| _ => False |]
==> Heap ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Normal_Stack:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Normal);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
case (instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc)
of Getfield F Cl => d = 1
| Putfield F Cl => d ∈ {1, 2}
| Invoke M' n' => d > 0 ∧ d ≤ Suc n'
| _ => False;
i = stkLength (P, C, M) pc - d |]
==> Stack i ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Return_Heap:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Return);
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n' ∨ C = ClassMain P |]
==> Heap ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Return_Stack:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Return);
(instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n' ∧ i = stkLength (P, C, M) (Suc pc) - 1) ∨
(C = ClassMain P ∧ i = 0) |]
==> Stack i ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Return_Exception:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Return);
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n' ∨ C = ClassMain P |]
==> Exception ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Exceptional_Stack:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Exceptional opc' nt);
case (instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc)
of Throw => True
| _ => False;
i = stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1 |]
==> Stack i ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Exceptional_Exception:
"[| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Exceptional ⌊pc'⌋ Return);
instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n' |]
==> Exception ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Method_Leave_Exception:
"[| n = (C, M, None, Return);
C ≠ ClassMain P |]
==> Exception ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Method_Leave_Heap:
"[| n = (C, M, None, Return);
C ≠ ClassMain P |]
==> Heap ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Method_Leave_Stack:
"[| n = (C, M, None, Return);
C ≠ ClassMain P |]
==> Stack 0 ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Method_Entry_Heap:
"[| n = (C, M, None, Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P |]
==> Heap ∈ Use P n"

| Use_Method_Entry_Local:
"[| n = (C, M, None, Enter);
C ≠ ClassMain P;
i < locLength (P, C, M) 0 |]
==> Local i ∈ Use P n"

fun ParamDefs :: "wf_jvmprog => cfg_node => var list"
"ParamDefs P (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Return) = [Heap, Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) (Suc pc) - 1), Exception]"
| "ParamDefs P (C, M, opc, nt) = []"

function ParamUses :: "wf_jvmprog => cfg_node => var set list"
"ParamUses P (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, ⌊0⌋, Normal) = [{Heap},{}]"
"M ≠ MethodMain P ∨ opc ≠ ⌊0⌋ ∨ nt ≠ Normal
==> ParamUses P (ClassMain P, M, opc, nt) = []"

"C ≠ ClassMain P
==> ParamUses P (C, M, opc, nt) = (case opc of None => []
| ⌊pc⌋ => (case nt of Normal => (case (instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc) of
Invoke M' n => (
{Heap} # rev (map (λn. {Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - (Suc n))}) [0..<n + 1])
| _ => [])
| _ => []

by atomize_elim auto
termination by lexicographic_order

lemma in_set_ParamDefsE:
"[| V ∈ set (ParamDefs P n);
!!C M pc. [| n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Return);
V ∈ {Heap, Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) (Suc pc) - 1), Exception} |] ==> thesis |]
==> thesis"

by (cases "(P, n)" rule: ParamDefs.cases) auto

lemma in_set_ParamUsesE:
assumes V_in_ParamUses: "V ∈ \<Union>set (ParamUses P n)"
obtains "n = (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, ⌊0⌋, Normal)" and "V = Heap"
| C M pc M' n' i where "n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Normal)" and "instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n'"
and "V = Heap ∨ V = Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc i)" and "i < Suc n'" and "C ≠ ClassMain P"
proof (cases "(P, n)" rule: ParamUses.cases)
case 1 with V_in_ParamUses that show ?thesis by clarsimp
case 2 with V_in_ParamUses that show ?thesis by clarsimp
case (3 C P M pc nt)
with V_in_ParamUses that show ?thesis
using [[simproc del: list_to_set_comprehension]] by (cases nt, auto) (case_tac "instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! a", simp_all, fastforce)

lemma sees_method_fun_wf:
assumes "PROG P \<turnstile> D sees M': Ts->T = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in D"
and "(D, D', fs, ms) ∈ set (PROG P)"
and "(M', Ts', T', mxs', mxl0', is', xt') ∈ set ms"
shows "Ts = Ts' ∧ T = T' ∧ mxs = mxs' ∧ mxl0 = mxl0' ∧ is = is' ∧ xt = xt'"
proof -
from distinct_class_names [of P] `(D, D', fs, ms) ∈ set (PROG P)`
have "class (PROG P) D = ⌊(D', fs, ms)⌋"
by (fastforce intro: map_of_SomeI simp: class_def)
moreover with distinct_method_names have "distinct_fst ms"
by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis using
`PROG P \<turnstile> D sees M': Ts->T = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in D`
`(M', Ts', T', mxs', mxl0', is', xt') ∈ set ms`
by (fastforce dest: visible_method_exists map_of_SomeD distinct_fst_isin_same_fst
simp: distinct_fst_is_distinct_fst)

interpretation JVMCFG_wf:
CFG_wf "sourcenode" "targetnode" "kind" "valid_edge (P, C0, Main)"
"(ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter)"
"(λ(C, M, pc, type). (C, M))" "get_return_edges P"
"((ClassMain P, MethodMain P),[],[]) # procs (PROG P)"
"(ClassMain P, MethodMain P)"
"Def P" "Use P" "ParamDefs P" "ParamUses P"
for P C0 Main
proof (unfold_locales)
show "Def P (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) = {} ∧
Use P (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) = {}"

by (fastforce elim: Def.cases Use.cases)
fix a Q r p fs ins outs
assume "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a"
and "kind a = Q:r\<hookrightarrow>pfs"
and params: "(p, ins, outs) ∈ set (((ClassMain P, MethodMain P), [], []) # procs (PROG P))"
hence "(P, C0, Main) \<turnstile> sourcenode a -Q:r\<hookrightarrow>pfs-> targetnode a"
by (simp add: valid_edge_def)
from this params show "length (ParamUses P (sourcenode a)) = length ins"
proof cases
case Main_Call
with params show ?thesis
by auto (erule in_set_procsE, auto dest: sees_method_idemp sees_method_fun)
case (CFG_Invoke_Call C M pc M' n ST LT D' Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt D Q' paramDefs)
hence [simp]: "Q' = Q" and [simp]: "r = (C, M, pc)" and [simp]: "p = (D, M')"
and [simp]: "fs = paramDefs"
by simp_all
from CFG_Invoke_Call obtain T' mxs' mpc' xt' where
"PROG P,T',mxs',mpc',xt' \<turnstile> instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc,pc :: TYPING P C M"
by (blast dest: reachable_node_impl_wt_instr)
moreover from `PROG P \<turnstile> D' sees M': Ts->T = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in D`
have "PROG P \<turnstile> D sees M': Ts->T = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in D"
by -(drule sees_method_idemp)
with params have "PROG P \<turnstile> D sees M': Ts->T=(mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in D"
and "ins = Heap # map Local [0..<Suc (length Ts)]"
by (fastforce elim: in_set_procsE dest: sees_method_fun)+
ultimately show ?thesis using CFG_Invoke_Call
by (fastforce dest: sees_method_fun list_all2_lengthD simp: min_def)
qed simp_all
fix a
assume "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a"
thus "distinct (ParamDefs P (targetnode a))"
by (clarsimp simp: valid_edge_def) (erule JVMCFG.cases, auto)
fix a Q' p f' ins outs
assume "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a"
and "kind a = Q'\<hookleftarrow>pf'"
and params: "(p, ins, outs) ∈ set (((ClassMain P, MethodMain P), [], []) # procs (PROG P))"
hence "(P, C0, Main) \<turnstile> sourcenode a -Q'\<hookleftarrow>pf'-> targetnode a"
by (simp add: valid_edge_def)
from this params
show "length (ParamDefs P (targetnode a)) = length outs"
by cases (auto elim: in_set_procsE)
fix n V
assume params: "V ∈ set (ParamDefs P n)"
and vn: "CFG.valid_node sourcenode targetnode (valid_edge (P, C0, Main)) n"
then obtain ek n'
where ve:"valid_edge (P, C0, Main) (n, ek, n') ∨ valid_edge (P, C0, Main) (n', ek, n)"
by (fastforce simp: JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_node_def)
from params obtain C M pc where [simp]: "n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Return)"
and V: "V ∈ {Heap, Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) (Suc pc) - 1), Exception}"
by (blast elim: in_set_ParamDefsE)
from ve show "V ∈ Def P n"
assume "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) (n, ek, n')"
thus ?thesis unfolding valid_edge_def
proof cases
case Main_Return_to_Exit with V show ?thesis
by (auto intro: Def_Main_Heap Def_Main_Stack_0 Def_Main_Exception simp: stkLength_def)
case CFG_Invoke_Return_Check_Normal with V show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Invoke_Return_Heap
Def_Invoke_Return_Stack Def_Invoke_Return_Exception)
case CFG_Invoke_Return_Check_Exceptional with V show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Invoke_Return_Heap
Def_Invoke_Return_Stack Def_Invoke_Return_Exception)
case CFG_Invoke_Return_Exceptional_prop with V show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Invoke_Return_Heap
Def_Invoke_Return_Stack Def_Invoke_Return_Exception)
qed simp_all
assume "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) (n', ek, n)"
thus ?thesis unfolding valid_edge_def
proof cases
case Main_Call_LFalse with V show ?thesis
by (auto intro: Def_Main_Heap Def_Main_Stack_0 Def_Main_Exception simp: stkLength_def)
case CFG_Invoke_False with V show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Invoke_Return_Heap
Def_Invoke_Return_Stack Def_Invoke_Return_Exception)
case CFG_Return_from_Method with V show ?thesis
by (fastforce elim!: JVMCFG.cases intro!: Def_Main_Stack_0
intro: Def_Main_Heap Def_Main_Exception Def_Invoke_Return_Heap
Def_Invoke_Return_Exception Def_Invoke_Return_Stack simp: stkLength_def)
qed simp_all
fix a Q r p fs ins outs V
assume ve: "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a"
and kind: "kind a = Q:r\<hookrightarrow>pfs"
and params: "(p, ins, outs) ∈ set (((ClassMain P, MethodMain P), [], []) # procs (PROG P))"
and V: "V ∈ set ins"
from params V obtain D fs ms Ts T mb where "class (PROG P) (fst p) = ⌊(D, fs, ms)⌋"
and method: "PROG P \<turnstile> (fst p) sees (snd p): Ts->T = mb in (fst p)"
and ins: "ins = Heap # map Local [0..<Suc (length Ts)]"
by (cases p) (fastforce elim: in_set_procsE)
from ve kind show "V ∈ Def P (targetnode a)" unfolding valid_edge_def
proof cases
case (Main_Call T' mxs mxl0 "is" xt D' initParams)
with kind have "PROG P \<turnstile> D' sees Main: []->T' = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in D'"
and [simp]: "p = (D', Main)"
by (auto dest: sees_method_idemp)
with method have [simp]: "Ts = []" and [simp]: "T' = T" and [simp]: "mb = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt)"
by (fastforce dest: sees_method_fun)+
from Main_Call ins V show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro!: Def_Invoke_Call_Heap Def_Invoke_Call_Local
dest: sees_method_idemp wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_start[OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ]
simp: locLength_def wt_start_def)
case (CFG_Invoke_Call C M pc M' n ST LT D' Ts' T' mxs mxl0 "is" xt D'')
with kind have "PROG P \<turnstile> D'' sees M': Ts'->T' = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in D''"
and [simp]: "p = (D'', M')"
by (auto dest: sees_method_idemp)
with method have [simp]: "Ts' = Ts" and [simp]: "T' = T" and [simp]: "mb = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt)"
by (fastforce dest: sees_method_fun)+
from CFG_Invoke_Call ins V show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro!: Def_Invoke_Call_Local Def_Invoke_Call_Heap
dest: sees_method_idemp wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_start[OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ] list_all2_lengthD
simp: locLength_def min_def wt_start_def)
qed simp_all
fix a Q r p fs
assume "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a" and "kind a = Q:r\<hookrightarrow>pfs"
thus "Def P (sourcenode a) = {}" unfolding valid_edge_def
by cases (auto elim: Def.cases)
fix n V
assume "CFG.valid_node sourcenode targetnode (valid_edge (P, C0, Main)) n"
and V: "V ∈ \<Union>set (ParamUses P n)"
then obtain ek n'
where ve:"valid_edge (P, C0, Main) (n, ek, n') ∨ valid_edge (P, C0, Main) (n', ek, n)"
by (fastforce simp: JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_node_def)
from V obtain C M pc M' n'' i where
V: "n = (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, ⌊0⌋, Normal) ∧ V = Heap ∨
n = (C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Normal) ∧ instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n'' ∧
(V = Heap ∨ V = Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc i)) ∧ i < Suc n'' ∧ C ≠ ClassMain P"

by -(erule in_set_ParamUsesE, fastforce+)
from ve show "V ∈ Use P n"
assume "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) (n, ek, n')"
from this V show ?thesis unfolding valid_edge_def
proof cases
case Main_Call_LFalse with V show ?thesis by (fastforce intro: Use_Main_Heap)
case Main_Call with V show ?thesis by (fastforce intro: Use_Main_Heap)
case CFG_Invoke_Call with V show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Use_Normal_Heap Use_Normal_Stack [where d="Suc i"])
case CFG_Invoke_False with V show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Use_Normal_Heap Use_Normal_Stack [where d="Suc i"])
qed simp_all
assume "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) (n', ek, n)"
from this V show ?thesis unfolding valid_edge_def
proof cases
case Main_to_Call with V show ?thesis by (fastforce intro: Use_Main_Heap)
case CFG_Invoke_Check_NP_Normal with V show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Use_Normal_Heap Use_Normal_Stack [where d="Suc i"])
qed simp_all
fix a Q p f ins outs V
assume "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a"
and "kind a = Q\<hookleftarrow>pf"
and "(p, ins, outs) ∈ set (((ClassMain P, MethodMain P), [], []) # procs (PROG P))"
and "V ∈ set outs"
thus "V ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)" unfolding valid_edge_def
by (cases, simp_all)
(fastforce elim: in_set_procsE
intro: Use_Method_Leave_Heap Use_Method_Leave_Stack Use_Method_Leave_Exception)
fix a V s
assume ve: "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a"
and V_notin_Def: "V ∉ Def P (sourcenode a)"
and ik: "intra_kind (kind a)"
and pred: "JVMCFG_Interpret.pred (kind a) s"
show "JVMCFG_Interpret.state_val
(CFG.transfer (((ClassMain P, MethodMain P), [], []) # procs (PROG P)) (kind a) s) V
= JVMCFG_Interpret.state_val s V"

proof (cases s)
case Nil
thus ?thesis by simp
case Cons [simp]
with ve V_notin_Def ik pred show ?thesis unfolding valid_edge_def
proof cases
case CFG_Load with V_notin_Def show ?thesis by (fastforce intro: Def_Load)
next case CFG_Store with V_notin_Def show ?thesis by (fastforce intro: Def_Store)
next case CFG_Push with V_notin_Def show ?thesis by (fastforce intro: Def_Push)
next case CFG_IAdd with V_notin_Def show ?thesis by (fastforce intro: Def_IAdd)
next case CFG_CmpEq with V_notin_Def show ?thesis by (fastforce intro: Def_CmpEq)
next case CFG_New_Update with V_notin_Def show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_New_Heap Def_New_Stack)
next case CFG_New_Exceptional_prop with V_notin_Def show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Exception)
next case CFG_New_Exceptional_handle with V_notin_Def show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Exception Def_Exception_handle)
next case CFG_Getfield_Update with V_notin_Def show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Getfield split: split_split)
next case CFG_Getfield_Exceptional_prop with V_notin_Def show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Exception)
next case CFG_Getfield_Exceptional_handle with V_notin_Def show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Exception Def_Exception_handle)
next case CFG_Putfield_Update with V_notin_Def show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Putfield split: split_split)
next case CFG_Putfield_Exceptional_prop with V_notin_Def show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Exception)
next case CFG_Putfield_Exceptional_handle with V_notin_Def show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Exception Def_Exception_handle)
next case CFG_Checkcast_Exceptional_prop with V_notin_Def show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Exception)
next case CFG_Checkcast_Exceptional_handle with V_notin_Def show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Exception Def_Exception_handle)
next case CFG_Throw_prop with V_notin_Def show ?thesis by (fastforce intro: Def_Exception)
next case CFG_Throw_handle with V_notin_Def show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Exception Def_Exception_handle)
next case CFG_Invoke_NP_prop with V_notin_Def show ?thesis by (fastforce intro: Def_Exception)
next case CFG_Invoke_NP_handle with V_notin_Def show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Exception Def_Exception_handle)
next case CFG_Invoke_Return_Exceptional_handle with V_notin_Def show ?thesis
by (fastforce intro: Def_Exception_handle_return Def_Exception)
next case CFG_Return with V_notin_Def show ?thesis by (fastforce intro: Def_Return)
qed (simp_all add: intra_kind_def)
fix a s s'
assume ve: "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a"
and use_Eq: "∀V∈Use P (sourcenode a). JVMCFG_Interpret.state_val s V
= JVMCFG_Interpret.state_val s' V"

and ik: "intra_kind (kind a)"
and pred_s: "JVMCFG_Interpret.pred (kind a) s"
and pred_s': "JVMCFG_Interpret.pred (kind a) s'"
then obtain cfs C M pc cs cfs' C' M' pc' cs' where [simp]: "s = (cfs, (C, M, pc)) # cs"
and [simp]: "s' = (cfs', (C', M', pc')) # cs'"
by (cases s, fastforce) (cases s', fastforce+)
from ve show "∀V∈Def P (sourcenode a).
(CFG.transfer (((ClassMain P, MethodMain P), [], []) # procs (PROG P)) (kind a) s) V =
(CFG.transfer (((ClassMain P, MethodMain P), [], []) # procs (PROG P)) (kind a) s') V"

unfolding valid_edge_def
proof cases
case Main_Call with ik show ?thesis by (simp add: intra_kind_def)
next case Main_Return_to_Exit with use_Eq show ?thesis
by (fastforce elim: Def.cases intro: Use_Return_Heap Use_Return_Exception Use_Return_Stack)
next case Method_LFalse with use_Eq show ?thesis
by (fastforce elim: Def.cases intro: Use_Method_Entry_Heap Use_Method_Entry_Local)
next case Method_LTrue with use_Eq show ?thesis
by (fastforce elim: Def.cases intro: Use_Method_Entry_Heap Use_Method_Entry_Local)
next case CFG_Load with use_Eq show ?thesis
by (fastforce elim: Def.cases intro: Use_Enter_Local)
next case CFG_Store with use_Eq show ?thesis
by (fastforce elim: Def.cases intro: Use_Enter_Stack)
next case (CFG_IAdd C M pc)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
and "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Stack)+
with use_Eq CFG_IAdd show ?thesis by (auto elim!: Def.cases)
next case (CFG_CmpEq C M pc)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
and "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Stack)+
with use_Eq CFG_CmpEq show ?thesis by (auto elim!: Def.cases)
next case CFG_New_Update
hence "Heap ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)" by (fastforce intro: Use_Normal_Heap)
with use_Eq CFG_New_Update show ?thesis by (fastforce elim: Def.cases)
next case (CFG_Getfield_Update C M pc)
hence "Heap ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
and "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Normal_Heap Use_Normal_Stack)+
with use_Eq CFG_Getfield_Update show ?thesis by (auto elim!: Def.cases split: split_split)
next case (CFG_Putfield_Update C M pc)
hence "Heap ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
and "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
and "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Normal_Heap Use_Normal_Stack)+
with use_Eq CFG_Putfield_Update show ?thesis by (auto elim!: Def.cases split: split_split)
next case (CFG_Throw_prop C M pc)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Exceptional_Stack)
with use_Eq CFG_Throw_prop show ?thesis by (fastforce elim: Def.cases)
next case (CFG_Throw_handle C M pc)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Exceptional_Stack)
with use_Eq CFG_Throw_handle show ?thesis by (fastforce elim: Def.cases)
next case CFG_Invoke_Call with ik show ?thesis by (simp add: intra_kind_def)
next case CFG_Invoke_Return_Check_Normal with use_Eq show ?thesis
by (fastforce elim: Def.cases intro: Use_Return_Heap Use_Return_Exception Use_Return_Stack)
next case CFG_Invoke_Return_Check_Exceptional with use_Eq show ?thesis
by (fastforce elim: Def.cases intro: Use_Return_Heap Use_Return_Exception Use_Return_Stack)
next case CFG_Invoke_Return_Exceptional_handle with use_Eq show ?thesis
by (fastforce elim: Def.cases intro: Use_Exceptional_Exception)
next case CFG_Invoke_Return_Exceptional_prop with use_Eq show ?thesis
by (fastforce elim: Def.cases intro: Use_Return_Heap Use_Return_Exception Use_Return_Stack)
next case CFG_Return with use_Eq show ?thesis
by (fastforce elim!: Def.cases intro: Use_Enter_Stack)
next case CFG_Return_from_Method with ik show ?thesis by (simp add: intra_kind_def)
qed (fastforce elim: Def.cases)+
fix a s s'
assume ve: "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a"
and pred: "JVMCFG_Interpret.pred (kind a) s"
and "snd (hd s) = snd (hd s')"
and use_Eq: "∀V∈Use P (sourcenode a).
JVMCFG_Interpret.state_val s V = JVMCFG_Interpret.state_val s' V"

and "length s = length s'"
then obtain cfs C M pc cs cfs' cs' where [simp]: "s = (cfs, (C, M, pc)) # cs"
and [simp]: "s' = (cfs', (C, M, pc)) # cs'" and length_cs: "length cs = length cs'"
by (cases s, fastforce) (cases s', fastforce+)
from ve pred show "JVMCFG_Interpret.pred (kind a) s'"
unfolding valid_edge_def
proof cases
case Main_Call_LFalse with pred show ?thesis by simp
next case Main_Call with pred use_Eq show ?thesis by simp
next case Method_LTrue with pred use_Eq show ?thesis by simp
next case CFG_Goto with pred use_Eq show ?thesis by simp
next case (CFG_IfFalse_False C M pc)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Stack)
with use_Eq CFG_IfFalse_False pred show ?thesis by fastforce
next case (CFG_IfFalse_True C M pc)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Stack)
with pred use_Eq CFG_IfFalse_True show ?thesis by fastforce
next case CFG_New_Check_Normal
hence "Heap ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Heap)
with pred use_Eq CFG_New_Check_Normal show ?thesis by fastforce
next case CFG_New_Check_Exceptional
hence "Heap ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Heap)
with pred use_Eq CFG_New_Check_Exceptional show ?thesis by fastforce
next case (CFG_Getfield_Check_Normal C M pc)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Stack)
with pred use_Eq CFG_Getfield_Check_Normal show ?thesis by fastforce
next case (CFG_Getfield_Check_Exceptional C M pc)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Stack)
with pred use_Eq CFG_Getfield_Check_Exceptional show ?thesis by fastforce
next case (CFG_Putfield_Check_Normal C M pc)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Stack)
with pred use_Eq CFG_Putfield_Check_Normal show ?thesis by fastforce
next case (CFG_Putfield_Check_Exceptional C M pc)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Stack)
with pred use_Eq CFG_Putfield_Check_Exceptional show ?thesis by fastforce
next case (CFG_Checkcast_Check_Normal C M pc)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
and "Heap ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Stack Use_Enter_Heap)+
with pred use_Eq CFG_Checkcast_Check_Normal show ?thesis by fastforce
next case (CFG_Checkcast_Check_Exceptional C M pc)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
and "Heap ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Stack Use_Enter_Heap)+
with pred use_Eq CFG_Checkcast_Check_Exceptional show ?thesis by fastforce
next case (CFG_Throw_Check C M pc)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
and "Heap ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Stack Use_Enter_Heap)+
with pred use_Eq CFG_Throw_Check show ?thesis by fastforce
next case (CFG_Invoke_Check_NP_Normal C M pc M' n)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - (Suc n)) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Stack)
with pred use_Eq CFG_Invoke_Check_NP_Normal show ?thesis by fastforce
next case (CFG_Invoke_Check_NP_Exceptional C M pc M' n)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - (Suc n)) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Enter_Stack)
with pred use_Eq CFG_Invoke_Check_NP_Exceptional show ?thesis by fastforce
next case (CFG_Invoke_Call C M pc M' n)
hence "Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - (Suc n)) ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
and "Heap ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Normal_Heap Use_Normal_Stack)+
with pred use_Eq CFG_Invoke_Call show ?thesis by fastforce
next case CFG_Invoke_Return_Check_Normal
hence "Exception ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Return_Exception)
with pred use_Eq CFG_Invoke_Return_Check_Normal show ?thesis by fastforce
next case CFG_Invoke_Return_Check_Exceptional
hence "Exception ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)" and "Heap ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Return_Exception Use_Return_Heap)+
with pred use_Eq CFG_Invoke_Return_Check_Exceptional show ?thesis by fastforce
next case CFG_Invoke_Return_Exceptional_prop
hence "Exception ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)" and "Heap ∈ Use P (sourcenode a)"
by (fastforce intro: Use_Return_Exception Use_Return_Heap)+
with pred use_Eq CFG_Invoke_Return_Exceptional_prop show ?thesis by fastforce
next case CFG_Return_from_Method with pred length_cs show ?thesis by clarsimp
qed auto
fix a Q r p fs ins outs
assume "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a"
and kind: "kind a = Q:r\<hookrightarrow>pfs"
and params: "(p, ins, outs) ∈ set (((ClassMain P, MethodMain P), [], []) # procs (PROG P))"
thus "length fs = length ins" unfolding valid_edge_def
proof cases
case (Main_Call T mxs mxl0 "is" xt D)
with kind params have [simp]: "p = (D, Main)"
and "PROG P \<turnstile> D sees Main: []->T = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in D"
and "ins = Heap # map Local [0..<Suc 0]"
by (auto elim!: in_set_procsE dest: sees_method_fun sees_method_idemp)
with Main_Call kind show ?thesis
by auto
case (CFG_Invoke_Call C M pc M' n ST LT D' Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt D)
with kind params have [simp]: "p = (D, M')"
and "PROG P \<turnstile> D' sees M': Ts->T = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in D"
and "ins = Heap # map Local [0..<Suc (length Ts)]"
by (auto elim!: in_set_procsE dest: sees_method_fun sees_method_idemp)
moreover with `(P, C0, Main) \<turnstile> =>(C, M, ⌊pc⌋, Normal)` `C ≠ ClassMain P`
`instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n` `TYPING P C M ! pc = ⌊(ST, LT)⌋`
`ST ! n = Class D'` have "n = length Ts"
by (fastforce dest!: reachable_node_impl_wt_instr dest: sees_method_fun list_all2_lengthD)
ultimately show ?thesis using CFG_Invoke_Call kind by auto
qed simp_all
fix a Q r p fs a' Q' r' p' fs' s s'
assume ve_a: "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a"
and kind_a: "kind a = Q:r\<hookrightarrow>pfs"
and ve_a': "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a'"
and kind_a': "kind a' = Q':r'\<hookrightarrow>p'fs'"
and src: "sourcenode a = sourcenode a'"
and pred_s: "JVMCFG_Interpret.pred (kind a) s"
and pred_s': "JVMCFG_Interpret.pred (kind a') s"
then obtain cfs C M pc cs cfs' C' M' pc' cs'
where [simp]: "s = (cfs, (C, M, pc)) # cs"
by (cases s) fastforce+
with ve_a kind_a show "a = a'" unfolding valid_edge_def
proof cases
case Main_Call with ve_a' kind_a' src pred_s pred_s' show ?thesis unfolding valid_edge_def
by (cases a, cases a') (fastforce elim: JVMCFG.cases dest: sees_method_fun)
case CFG_Invoke_Call
note invoke_call1 = this
from ve_a' kind_a' show ?thesis unfolding valid_edge_def
proof cases
case Main_Call with CFG_Invoke_Call src have False by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
case CFG_Invoke_Call with src invoke_call1 show ?thesis
by clarsimp (cases a, cases a', fastforce dest: sees_method_fun)
qed simp_all
qed simp_all
fix a Q r p fs i ins outs s s'
assume ve: "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a"
and kind: "kind a = Q:r\<hookrightarrow>pfs"
and "i < length ins"
and "(p, ins, outs) ∈ set (((ClassMain P, MethodMain P), [], []) # procs (PROG P))"
and "JVMCFG_Interpret.pred (kind a) s"
and "JVMCFG_Interpret.pred (kind a) s'"
and use_Eq: "∀V∈ParamUses P (sourcenode a) ! i.
JVMCFG_Interpret.state_val s V = JVMCFG_Interpret.state_val s' V"

then obtain cfs C M pc cs cfs' C' M' pc' cs' where [simp]: "s = (cfs, (C, M, pc)) # cs"
and [simp]: "s' = (cfs', (C', M', pc')) # cs'"
by (cases s, fastforce) (cases s', fastforce+)
from ve kind
show "JVMCFG_Interpret.params fs (JVMCFG_Interpret.state_val s) ! i =
JVMCFG_Interpret.params fs (JVMCFG_Interpret.state_val s') ! i"

unfolding valid_edge_def
proof cases
case Main_Call with kind use_Eq `i < length ins` show ?thesis
by (cases i) auto
case CFG_Invoke_Call
{ fix P C M pc n st st' i
have "∀V∈rev (map (λn. {Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc n)}) [0..<n]) ! i. st V = st' V
==> JVMCFG_Interpret.params
(rev (map (λi s. s (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc i))) [0..<n])) st ! i =
(rev (map (λi s. s (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc i))) [0..<n])) st' ! i"

by (induct n arbitrary: i) (simp, case_tac i, auto)
note stack_params = this
from CFG_Invoke_Call kind use_Eq `i < length ins` show ?thesis
by (cases i, auto) (case_tac nat, auto intro: stack_params)
qed simp_all
fix a Q' p f' ins outs vmap vmap'
assume "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a"
and "kind a = Q'\<hookleftarrow>pf'"
and "(p, ins, outs) ∈ set (((ClassMain P, MethodMain P), [], []) # procs (PROG P))"
thus "f' vmap vmap' = vmap'(ParamDefs P (targetnode a) [:=] map vmap outs)"
unfolding valid_edge_def
by (cases, simp_all) (fastforce elim: in_set_procsE simp: fun_upd_twist)
fix a a'
{ fix P n f n' e n''
assume "P \<turnstile> n -\<Up>f-> n'" and "P \<turnstile> n -e-> n''"
hence "e = \<Up>f ∧ n' = n''"
by cases (simp_all, (fastforce elim: JVMCFG.cases)+)
note upd_det = this
{ fix P n Q n' Q' n'' s
assume "P \<turnstile> n -(Q)\<surd>-> n'" and edge': "P \<turnstile> n -(Q')\<surd>-> n''" and trg: "n' ≠ n''"
hence "(Q s --> ¬ Q' s) ∧ (Q' s --> ¬ Q s)"
proof cases
case CFG_Throw_Check with edge' trg show ?thesis by cases fastforce+
qed (simp_all, (fastforce elim: JVMCFG.cases)+)
note pred_det = this
assume "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a"
and ve': "valid_edge (P, C0, Main) a'"
and src: "sourcenode a = sourcenode a'"
and trg: "targetnode a ≠ targetnode a'"
and "intra_kind (kind a)"
and "intra_kind (kind a')"
thus "∃Q Q'. kind a = (Q)\<surd> ∧ kind a' = (Q')\<surd> ∧ (∀s. (Q s --> ¬ Q' s) ∧ (Q' s --> ¬ Q s))"
unfolding valid_edge_def intra_kind_def
by (auto dest: upd_det pred_det)

interpretation JVMCFGExit_wf :
CFGExit_wf "sourcenode" "targetnode" "kind" "valid_edge (P, C0, Main)"
"(ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter)"
"(λ(C, M, pc, type). (C, M))" "get_return_edges P"
"((ClassMain P, MethodMain P),[],[]) # procs (PROG P)"
"(ClassMain P, MethodMain P)"
"(ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Return)"
"Def P" "Use P" "ParamDefs P" "ParamUses P"
show "Def P (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, nodeType.Return) = {} ∧
Use P (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, nodeType.Return) = {}"

by (fastforce elim: Def.cases Use.cases)
