Theory Correctness1

Up to index of Isabelle/HOL/Jinja

theory Correctness1
imports J1WellForm Compiler1
(*  Title:      Jinja/Compiler/Correctness1.thy
Author: Tobias Nipkow
Copyright TUM 2003

header {* \isaheader{Correctness of Stage 1} *}

theory Correctness1
imports J1WellForm Compiler1

section{*Correctness of program compilation *}

primrec unmod :: "expr1 => nat => bool"
and unmods :: "expr1 list => nat => bool" where
"unmod (new C) i = True" |
"unmod (Cast C e) i = unmod e i" |
"unmod (Val v) i = True" |
"unmod (e1 «bop» e2) i = (unmod e1 i ∧ unmod e2 i)" |
"unmod (Var i) j = True" |
"unmod (i:=e) j = (i ≠ j ∧ unmod e j)" |
"unmod (e•F{D}) i = unmod e i" |
"unmod (e1•F{D}:=e2) i = (unmod e1 i ∧ unmod e2 i)" |
"unmod (e•M(es)) i = (unmod e i ∧ unmods es i)" |
"unmod {j:T; e} i = unmod e i" |
"unmod (e1;;e2) i = (unmod e1 i ∧ unmod e2 i)" |
"unmod (if (e) e1 else e2) i = (unmod e i ∧ unmod e1 i ∧ unmod e2 i)" |
"unmod (while (e) c) i = (unmod e i ∧ unmod c i)" |
"unmod (throw e) i = unmod e i" |
"unmod (try e1 catch(C i) e2) j = (unmod e1 j ∧ (if i=j then False else unmod e2 j))" |

"unmods ([]) i = True" |
"unmods (e#es) i = (unmod e i ∧ unmods es i)"

lemma hidden_unmod: "!!Vs. hidden Vs i ==> unmod (compE1 Vs e) i" and
"!!Vs. hidden Vs i ==> unmods (compEs1 Vs es) i"
apply(induct e and es)
apply (simp_all add:hidden_inacc)
apply(auto simp add:hidden_def)

lemma eval1_preserves_unmod:
"[| P \<turnstile>1 ⟨e,(h,ls)⟩ => ⟨e',(h',ls')⟩; unmod e i; i < size ls |]
==> ls ! i = ls' ! i"

and "[| P \<turnstile>1 ⟨es,(h,ls)⟩ [=>] ⟨es',(h',ls')⟩; unmods es i; i < size ls |]
==> ls ! i = ls' ! i"

apply(induct rule:eval1_evals1_inducts)
apply(auto dest!:eval1_preserves_len split:split_if_asm)

lemma LAss_lem:
"[|x ∈ set xs; size xs ≤ size ys |]
==> m1m m2(xs[\<mapsto>]ys) ==> m1(x\<mapsto>y) ⊆m m2(xs[\<mapsto>]ys[last_index xs x := y])"

by(simp add:map_le_def fun_upds_apply eq_sym_conv)
lemma Block_lem:
fixes l :: "'a \<rightharpoonup> 'b"
assumes 0: "l ⊆m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls]"
and 1: "l' ⊆m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls', V\<mapsto>v]"
and hidden: "V ∈ set Vs ==> ls ! last_index Vs V = ls' ! last_index Vs V"
and size: "size ls = size ls'" "size Vs < size ls'"
shows "l'(V := l V) ⊆m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls']"
proof -
have "l'(V := l V) ⊆m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls', V\<mapsto>v](V := l V)"
using 1 by(rule map_le_upd)
also have "… = [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls'](V := l V)" by simp
also have "… ⊆m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls']"
proof (cases "l V")
case None thus ?thesis by simp
case (Some w)
hence "[Vs [\<mapsto>] ls] V = Some w"
using 0 by(force simp add: map_le_def split:if_splits)
hence VinVs: "V ∈ set Vs" and w: "w = ls ! last_index Vs V"
using size by(auto simp add:fun_upds_apply split:if_splits)
hence "w = ls' ! last_index Vs V" using hidden[OF VinVs] by simp
hence "[Vs [\<mapsto>] ls'](V := l V) = [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls']" using Some size VinVs
by(simp add: map_upds_upd_conv_last_index)
thus ?thesis by simp
finally show ?thesis .

declare fun_upd_apply[simp del]

text{*\noindent The main theorem: *}

theorem assumes wf: "wwf_J_prog P"
shows eval1_eval: "P \<turnstile> ⟨e,(h,l)⟩ => ⟨e',(h',l')⟩
==> (!!Vs ls. [| fv e ⊆ set Vs; l ⊆m [Vs[\<mapsto>]ls]; size Vs + max_vars e ≤ size ls |]
==> ∃ls'. compP1 P \<turnstile>1 ⟨compE1 Vs e,(h,ls)⟩ => ⟨fin1 e',(h',ls')⟩ ∧ l' ⊆m [Vs[\<mapsto>]ls'])"

(is "_ ==> (!!Vs ls. PROP ?P e h l e' h' l' Vs ls)"
is "_ ==> (!!Vs ls. [| _; _; _ |] ==> ∃ls'. ?Post e h l e' h' l' Vs ls ls')")

and evals1_evals: "P \<turnstile> ⟨es,(h,l)⟩ [=>] ⟨es',(h',l')⟩
==> (!!Vs ls. [| fvs es ⊆ set Vs; l ⊆m [Vs[\<mapsto>]ls]; size Vs + max_varss es ≤ size ls |]
==> ∃ls'. compP1 P \<turnstile>1 ⟨compEs1 Vs es,(h,ls)⟩ [=>] ⟨compEs1 Vs es',(h',ls')⟩ ∧
l' ⊆m [Vs[\<mapsto>]ls'])"

(is "_ ==> (!!Vs ls. PROP ?Ps es h l es' h' l' Vs ls)"
is "_ ==> (!!Vs ls. [| _; _; _|] ==> ∃ls'. ?Posts es h l es' h' l' Vs ls ls')")
proof (induct rule:eval_evals_inducts)
case Nil thus ?case by(fastforce intro!:Nil1)
case (Cons e h l v h' l' es es' h2 l2)
have "PROP ?P e h l (Val v) h' l' Vs ls" by fact
with Cons.prems
obtain ls' where 1: "?Post e h l (Val v) h' l' Vs ls ls'"
"size ls = size ls'" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?Ps es h' l' es' h2 l2 Vs ls'" by fact
with 1 Cons.prems
obtain ls2 where 2: "?Posts es h' l' es' h2 l2 Vs ls' ls2" by(auto)
from 1 2 Cons show ?case by(auto intro!:Cons1)
case ConsThrow thus ?case
by(fastforce intro!:ConsThrow1 dest: eval_final)
case (Block e h l V e' h' l' T)
let ?Vs = "Vs @ [V]"
have IH:
"[|fv e ⊆ set ?Vs; l(V := None) ⊆m [?Vs [\<mapsto>] ls];
size ?Vs + max_vars e ≤ size ls|]
==> ∃ls'. compP1 P \<turnstile>1 ⟨compE1 ?Vs e,(h,ls)⟩ => ⟨fin1 e',(h', ls')⟩ ∧
l' ⊆m [?Vs [\<mapsto>] ls']"
fv: "fv {V:T; e} ⊆ set Vs" and rel: "l ⊆m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls]" and
len: "length Vs + max_vars {V:T; e} ≤ length ls" by fact+
have len': "length Vs < length ls" using len by auto
have "fv e ⊆ set ?Vs" using fv by auto
moreover have "l(V := None) ⊆m [?Vs [\<mapsto>] ls]" using rel len' by simp
moreover have "size ?Vs + max_vars e ≤ size ls" using len by simp
ultimately obtain ls' where
1: "compP1 P \<turnstile>1 ⟨compE1 ?Vs e,(h,ls)⟩ => ⟨fin1 e',(h',ls')⟩"
and rel': "l' ⊆m [?Vs [\<mapsto>] ls']" using IH by blast
have [simp]: "length ls = length ls'" by(rule eval1_preserves_len[OF 1])
show "∃ls'. compP1 P \<turnstile>1 ⟨compE1 Vs {V:T; e},(h,ls)⟩ => ⟨fin1 e',(h',ls')⟩
∧ l'(V := l V) ⊆m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls']"
(is "∃ls'. ?R ls'")
show "?R ls'"
show "compP1 P \<turnstile>1 ⟨compE1 Vs {V:T; e},(h,ls)⟩ => ⟨fin1 e',(h',ls')⟩"
using 1 by(simp add:Block1)
show "l'(V := l V) ⊆m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls']"
proof -
have "l' ⊆m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls', V \<mapsto> ls' ! length Vs]"
using len' rel' by simp
{ assume VinVs: "V ∈ set Vs"
hence "hidden (Vs @ [V]) (last_index Vs V)"
by(rule hidden_last_index)
hence "unmod (compE1 (Vs @ [V]) e) (last_index Vs V)"
by(rule hidden_unmod)
moreover have "last_index Vs V < length ls"
using len' VinVs by simp
ultimately have "ls ! last_index Vs V = ls' ! last_index Vs V"
by(rule eval1_preserves_unmod[OF 1])
ultimately show ?thesis using Block_lem[OF rel] len' by auto
case (TryThrow e' h l a h' l' D fs C V e2)
have "PROP ?P e' h l (Throw a) h' l' Vs ls" by fact
with TryThrow.prems
obtain ls' where 1: "?Post e' h l (Throw a) h' l' Vs ls ls'" by(auto)
show ?case using 1 TryThrow.hyps by(auto intro!:eval1_evals1.TryThrow1)
case (TryCatch e1 h l a h1 l1 D fs C e2 V e' h2 l2)
let ?e = "try e1 catch(C V) e2"
have IH1: "[|fv e1 ⊆ set Vs; l ⊆m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls];
size Vs + max_vars e1 ≤ length ls|]
==> ∃ls1. compP1 P \<turnstile>1 ⟨compE1 Vs e1,(h,ls)⟩ =>
⟨fin1 (Throw a),(h1,ls1)⟩ ∧
l1m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls1]"
fv: "fv ?e ⊆ set Vs" and
rel: "l ⊆m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls]" and
len: "length Vs + max_vars ?e ≤ length ls" by fact+
have "fv e1 ⊆ set Vs" using fv by auto
moreover have "length Vs + max_vars e1 ≤ length ls" using len by(auto)
ultimately obtain ls1 where
1: "compP1 P \<turnstile>1 ⟨compE1 Vs e1,(h,ls)⟩ => ⟨Throw a,(h1,ls1)⟩"
and rel1: "l1m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls1]" using IH1 rel by fastforce
from 1 have [simp]: "size ls = size ls1" by(rule eval1_preserves_len)
let ?Vs = "Vs @ [V]" let ?ls = "(ls1[size Vs:=Addr a])"
have IH2: "[|fv e2 ⊆ set ?Vs; l1(V \<mapsto> Addr a) ⊆m [?Vs [\<mapsto>] ?ls];
length ?Vs + max_vars e2 ≤ length ?ls|] ==> ∃ls2.
compP1 P \<turnstile>1 ⟨compE1 ?Vs e2,(h1,?ls)⟩ => ⟨fin1 e',(h2, ls2)⟩ ∧
l2m [?Vs [\<mapsto>] ls2]"
by fact
have len1: "size Vs < size ls1" using len by(auto)
have "fv e2 ⊆ set ?Vs" using fv by auto
moreover have "l1(V \<mapsto> Addr a) ⊆m [?Vs [\<mapsto>] ?ls]" using rel1 len1 by simp
moreover have "length ?Vs + max_vars e2 ≤ length ?ls" using len by(auto)
ultimately obtain ls2 where
2: "compP1 P \<turnstile>1 ⟨compE1 ?Vs e2,(h1,?ls)⟩ => ⟨fin1 e',(h2, ls2)⟩"
and rel2: "l2m [?Vs [\<mapsto>] ls2]" using IH2 by blast
from 2 have [simp]: "size ls1 = size ls2"
by(fastforce dest: eval1_preserves_len)
show "∃ls2. compP1 P \<turnstile>1 ⟨compE1 Vs ?e,(h,ls)⟩ => ⟨fin1 e',(h2,ls2)⟩ ∧
l2(V := l1 V) ⊆m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls2]"
(is "∃ls2. ?R ls2")
show "?R ls2"
have hp: "h1 a = Some (D, fs)" by fact
have "P \<turnstile> D \<preceq>* C" by fact hence caught: "compP1 P \<turnstile> D \<preceq>* C" by simp
from TryCatch1[OF 1 _ caught len1 2, OF hp]
show "compP1 P \<turnstile>1 ⟨compE1 Vs ?e,(h,ls)⟩ => ⟨fin1 e',(h2,ls2)⟩" by simp
show "l2(V := l1 V) ⊆m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls2]"
proof -
have "l2m [Vs [\<mapsto>] ls2, V \<mapsto> ls2 ! length Vs]"
using len1 rel2 by simp
{ assume VinVs: "V ∈ set Vs"
hence "hidden (Vs @ [V]) (last_index Vs V)" by(rule hidden_last_index)
hence "unmod (compE1 (Vs @ [V]) e2) (last_index Vs V)"
by(rule hidden_unmod)
moreover have "last_index Vs V < length ?ls"
using len1 VinVs by simp
ultimately have "?ls ! last_index Vs V = ls2 ! last_index Vs V"
by(rule eval1_preserves_unmod[OF 2])
moreover have "last_index Vs V < size Vs" using VinVs by simp
ultimately have "ls1 ! last_index Vs V = ls2 ! last_index Vs V"
using len1 by(simp del:size_last_index_conv)
ultimately show ?thesis using Block_lem[OF rel1] len1 by simp
case Try thus ?case by(fastforce intro!:Try1)
case Throw thus ?case by(fastforce intro!:Throw1)
case ThrowNull thus ?case by(fastforce intro!:ThrowNull1)
case ThrowThrow thus ?case by(fastforce intro!:ThrowThrow1)
case (CondT e h l h1 l1 e1 e' h2 l2 e2)
have "PROP ?P e h l true h1 l1 Vs ls" by fact
with CondT.prems
obtain ls1 where 1: "?Post e h l true h1 l1 Vs ls ls1"
"size ls = size ls1" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?P e1 h1 l1 e' h2 l2 Vs ls1" by fact
with 1 CondT.prems
obtain ls2 where 2: "?Post e1 h1 l1 e' h2 l2 Vs ls1 ls2" by(auto)
from 1 2 show ?case by(auto intro!:CondT1)
case (CondF e h l h1 l1 e2 e' h2 l2 e1 Vs ls)
have "PROP ?P e h l false h1 l1 Vs ls" by fact
with CondF.prems
obtain ls1 where 1: "?Post e h l false h1 l1 Vs ls ls1"
"size ls = size ls1" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?P e2 h1 l1 e' h2 l2 Vs ls1" by fact
with 1 CondF.prems
obtain ls2 where 2: "?Post e2 h1 l1 e' h2 l2 Vs ls1 ls2" by(auto)
from 1 2 show ?case by(auto intro!:CondF1)
case CondThrow thus ?case by(fastforce intro!:CondThrow1)
case (Seq e h l v h1 l1 e1 e' h2 l2)
have "PROP ?P e h l (Val v) h1 l1 Vs ls" by fact
with Seq.prems
obtain ls1 where 1: "?Post e h l (Val v) h1 l1 Vs ls ls1"
"size ls = size ls1" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?P e1 h1 l1 e' h2 l2 Vs ls1" by fact
with 1 Seq.prems
obtain ls2 where 2: "?Post e1 h1 l1 e' h2 l2 Vs ls1 ls2" by(auto)
from 1 2 Seq show ?case by(auto intro!:Seq1)
case SeqThrow thus ?case by(fastforce intro!:SeqThrow1)
case WhileF thus ?case by(fastforce intro!:eval1_evals1.intros)
case (WhileT e h l h1 l1 c v h2 l2 e' h3 l3)
have "PROP ?P e h l true h1 l1 Vs ls" by fact
with WhileT.prems
obtain ls1 where 1: "?Post e h l true h1 l1 Vs ls ls1"
"size ls = size ls1" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?P c h1 l1 (Val v) h2 l2 Vs ls1" by fact
with 1 WhileT.prems
obtain ls2 where 2: "?Post c h1 l1 (Val v) h2 l2 Vs ls1 ls2"
"size ls1 = size ls2" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?P (While (e) c) h2 l2 e' h3 l3 Vs ls2" by fact
with 1 2 WhileT.prems
obtain ls3 where 3: "?Post (While (e) c) h2 l2 e' h3 l3 Vs ls2 ls3" by(auto)
from 1 2 3 show ?case by(auto intro!:WhileT1)
case (WhileBodyThrow e h l h1 l1 c e' h2 l2)
have "PROP ?P e h l true h1 l1 Vs ls" by fact
with WhileBodyThrow.prems
obtain ls1 where 1: "?Post e h l true h1 l1 Vs ls ls1"
"size ls = size ls1" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?P c h1 l1 (throw e') h2 l2 Vs ls1" by fact
with 1 WhileBodyThrow.prems
obtain ls2 where 2: "?Post c h1 l1 (throw e') h2 l2 Vs ls1 ls2" by auto
from 1 2 show ?case by(auto intro!:WhileBodyThrow1)
case WhileCondThrow thus ?case by(fastforce intro!:WhileCondThrow1)
case New thus ?case by(fastforce intro:eval1_evals1.intros)
case NewFail thus ?case by(fastforce intro:eval1_evals1.intros)
case Cast thus ?case by(fastforce intro:eval1_evals1.intros)
case CastNull thus ?case by(fastforce intro:eval1_evals1.intros)
case CastThrow thus ?case by(fastforce intro:eval1_evals1.intros)
case (CastFail e h l a h1 l1 D fs C)
have "PROP ?P e h l (addr a) h1 l1 Vs ls" by fact
with CastFail.prems
obtain ls1 where 1: "?Post e h l (addr a) h1 l1 Vs ls ls1" by auto
show ?case using 1 CastFail.hyps
by(auto intro!:CastFail1[where D=D])
case Val thus ?case by(fastforce intro:eval1_evals1.intros)
case (BinOp e h l v1 h1 l1 e1 v2 h2 l2 bop v)
have "PROP ?P e h l (Val v1) h1 l1 Vs ls" by fact
with BinOp.prems
obtain ls1 where 1: "?Post e h l (Val v1) h1 l1 Vs ls ls1"
"size ls = size ls1" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?P e1 h1 l1 (Val v2) h2 l2 Vs ls1" by fact
with 1 BinOp.prems
obtain ls2 where 2: "?Post e1 h1 l1 (Val v2) h2 l2 Vs ls1 ls2" by(auto)
from 1 2 BinOp show ?case by(auto intro!:BinOp1)
case (BinOpThrow2 e0 h l v1 h1 l1 e1 e h2 l2 bop)
have "PROP ?P e0 h l (Val v1) h1 l1 Vs ls" by fact
with BinOpThrow2.prems
obtain ls1 where 1: "?Post e0 h l (Val v1) h1 l1 Vs ls ls1"
"size ls = size ls1" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?P e1 h1 l1 (throw e) h2 l2 Vs ls1" by fact
with 1 BinOpThrow2.prems
obtain ls2 where 2: "?Post e1 h1 l1 (throw e) h2 l2 Vs ls1 ls2" by(auto)
from 1 2 BinOpThrow2 show ?case by(auto intro!:BinOpThrow21)
case BinOpThrow1 thus ?case by(fastforce intro!:eval1_evals1.intros)
case Var thus ?case
by(force intro!:Var1 simp add: map_le_def fun_upds_apply)
case LAss thus ?case
by(fastforce simp add: LAss_lem intro:eval1_evals1.intros
case LAssThrow thus ?case by(fastforce intro:eval1_evals1.intros)
case FAcc thus ?case by(fastforce intro:eval1_evals1.intros)
case FAccNull thus ?case by(fastforce intro:eval1_evals1.intros)
case FAccThrow thus ?case by(fastforce intro:eval1_evals1.intros)
case (FAss e1 h l a h1 l1 e2 v h2 l2 C fs fs' F D h2')
have "PROP ?P e1 h l (addr a) h1 l1 Vs ls" by fact
with FAss.prems
obtain ls1 where 1: "?Post e1 h l (addr a) h1 l1 Vs ls ls1"
"size ls = size ls1" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?P e2 h1 l1 (Val v) h2 l2 Vs ls1" by fact
with 1 FAss.prems
obtain ls2 where 2: "?Post e2 h1 l1 (Val v) h2 l2 Vs ls1 ls2" by(auto)
from 1 2 FAss show ?case by(auto intro!:FAss1)
case (FAssNull e1 h l h1 l1 e2 v h2 l2 F D)
have "PROP ?P e1 h l null h1 l1 Vs ls" by fact
with FAssNull.prems
obtain ls1 where 1: "?Post e1 h l null h1 l1 Vs ls ls1"
"size ls = size ls1" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?P e2 h1 l1 (Val v) h2 l2 Vs ls1" by fact
with 1 FAssNull.prems
obtain ls2 where 2: "?Post e2 h1 l1 (Val v) h2 l2 Vs ls1 ls2" by(auto)
from 1 2 FAssNull show ?case by(auto intro!:FAssNull1)
case FAssThrow1 thus ?case by(fastforce intro:eval1_evals1.intros)
case (FAssThrow2 e1 h l v h1 l1 e2 e h2 l2 F D)
have "PROP ?P e1 h l (Val v) h1 l1 Vs ls" by fact
with FAssThrow2.prems
obtain ls1 where 1: "?Post e1 h l (Val v) h1 l1 Vs ls ls1"
"size ls = size ls1" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?P e2 h1 l1 (throw e) h2 l2 Vs ls1" by fact
with 1 FAssThrow2.prems
obtain ls2 where 2: "?Post e2 h1 l1 (throw e) h2 l2 Vs ls1 ls2" by(auto)
from 1 2 FAssThrow2 show ?case by(auto intro!:FAssThrow21)
case (CallNull e h l h1 l1 es vs h2 l2 M)
have "PROP ?P e h l null h1 l1 Vs ls" by fact
with CallNull.prems
obtain ls1 where 1: "?Post e h l null h1 l1 Vs ls ls1"
"size ls = size ls1" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?Ps es h1 l1 (map Val vs) h2 l2 Vs ls1" by fact
with 1 CallNull.prems
obtain ls2 where 2: "?Posts es h1 l1 (map Val vs) h2 l2 Vs ls1 ls2" by(auto)
from 1 2 CallNull show ?case
by (auto simp add: comp_def elim!: CallNull1)
case CallObjThrow thus ?case by(fastforce intro:eval1_evals1.intros)
case (CallParamsThrow e h l v h1 l1 es vs ex es' h2 l2 M)
have "PROP ?P e h l (Val v) h1 l1 Vs ls" by fact
with CallParamsThrow.prems
obtain ls1 where 1: "?Post e h l (Val v) h1 l1 Vs ls ls1"
"size ls = size ls1" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?Ps es h1 l1 (map Val vs @ throw ex # es') h2 l2 Vs ls1" by fact
with 1 CallParamsThrow.prems
obtain ls2 where 2: "?Posts es h1 l1 (map Val vs @ throw ex # es') h2 l2 Vs ls1 ls2" by(auto)
from 1 2 CallParamsThrow show ?case
by (auto simp add: comp_def
elim!: CallParamsThrow1 dest!:evals_final)
case (Call e h l a h1 l1 es vs h2 l2 C fs M Ts T pns body D l2' b' h3 l3)
have "PROP ?P e h l (addr a) h1 l1 Vs ls" by fact
with Call.prems
obtain ls1 where 1: "?Post e h l (addr a) h1 l1 Vs ls ls1"
"size ls = size ls1" by(auto intro!:eval1_preserves_len)
have "PROP ?Ps es h1 l1 (map Val vs) h2 l2 Vs ls1" by fact
with 1 Call.prems
obtain ls2 where 2: "?Posts es h1 l1 (map Val vs) h2 l2 Vs ls1 ls2"
"size ls1 = size ls2" by(auto intro!:evals1_preserves_len)
let ?Vs = "this#pns"
let ?ls = "Addr a # vs @ replicate (max_vars body) undefined"
have mdecl: "P \<turnstile> C sees M: Ts->T = (pns, body) in D" by fact
have fv_body: "fv body ⊆ set ?Vs" and wf_size: "size Ts = size pns"
using wf mdecl by(auto dest!:sees_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)
have mdecl1: "compP1 P \<turnstile> C sees M: Ts->T = (compE1 ?Vs body) in D"
using sees_method_compP[OF mdecl, of "λ(pns,e). compE1 (this#pns) e"]
have [simp]: "l2' = [this \<mapsto> Addr a, pns [\<mapsto>] vs]" by fact
have Call_size: "size vs = size pns" by fact
have "PROP ?P body h2 l2' b' h3 l3 ?Vs ?ls" by fact
with 1 2 fv_body Call_size Call.prems
obtain ls3 where 3: "?Post body h2 l2' b' h3 l3 ?Vs ?ls ls3" by(auto)
have hp: "h2 a = Some (C, fs)" by fact
from 1 2 3 hp mdecl1 wf_size Call_size show ?case
by(fastforce simp add: comp_def
intro!: Call1 dest!:evals_final)

subsection{*Preservation of well-formedness*}

text{* The compiler preserves well-formedness. Is less trivial than it
may appear. We start with two simple properties: preservation of
well-typedness *}

lemma compE1_pres_wt: "!!Vs Ts U.
[| P,[Vs[\<mapsto>]Ts] \<turnstile> e :: U; size Ts = size Vs |]
==> compP f P,Ts \<turnstile>1 compE1 Vs e :: U"

and "!!Vs Ts Us.
[| P,[Vs[\<mapsto>]Ts] \<turnstile> es [::] Us; size Ts = size Vs |]
==> compP f P,Ts \<turnstile>1 compEs1 Vs es [::] Us"

apply(induct e and es)
apply clarsimp
apply clarsimp
apply(fastforce split:bop.splits)
apply (fastforce simp:map_upds_apply_eq_Some split:split_if_asm)
apply (fastforce simp:map_upds_apply_eq_Some split:split_if_asm)
apply (fastforce)
apply (fastforce)
apply (fastforce dest!: sees_method_compP[where f = f])
apply (fastforce simp:nth_append)
apply (fastforce)
apply (fastforce)
apply (fastforce)
apply (fastforce)
apply (fastforce simp:nth_append)
apply simp
apply (fastforce)

text{*\noindent and the correct block numbering: *}

lemma \<B>: "!!Vs n. size Vs = n ==> \<B> (compE1 Vs e) n"
and \<B>s: "!!Vs n. size Vs = n ==> \<B>s (compEs1 Vs es) n"
(*<*)by(induct e and es) simp_all(*>*)

text{* The main complication is preservation of definite assignment
@{term"\<D>"}. *}

lemma image_last_index: "A ⊆ set(xs@[x]) ==> last_index (xs @ [x]) ` A =
(if x ∈ A then insert (size xs) (last_index xs ` (A-{x})) else last_index xs ` A)"

by(auto simp:image_def)

lemma A_compE1_None[simp]:
"!!Vs. \<A> e = None ==> \<A> (compE1 Vs e) = None"
and "!!Vs. \<A>s es = None ==> \<A>s (compEs1 Vs es) = None"
(*<*)by(induct e and es)(auto simp:hyperset_defs)(*>*)

lemma A_compE1:
"!!A Vs. [| \<A> e = ⌊A⌋; fv e ⊆ set Vs |] ==> \<A> (compE1 Vs e) = ⌊last_index Vs ` A⌋"
and "!!A Vs. [| \<A>s es = ⌊A⌋; fvs es ⊆ set Vs |] ==> \<A>s (compEs1 Vs es) = ⌊last_index Vs ` A⌋"
proof(induct e and es)
case (Block V' T e)
hence "fv e ⊆ set (Vs@[V'])" by fastforce
moreover obtain B where "\<A> e = ⌊B⌋"
using Block.prems by(simp add: hyperset_defs)
moreover from calculation have "B ⊆ set (Vs@[V'])" by(auto dest!:A_fv)
ultimately show ?case using Block
by(auto simp add: hyperset_defs image_last_index last_index_size_conv)
case (TryCatch e1 C V' e2)
hence fve2: "fv e2 ⊆ set (Vs@[V'])" by auto
show ?case
proof (cases "\<A> e1")
assume A1: "\<A> e1 = None"
then obtain A2 where A2: "\<A> e2 = ⌊A2⌋" using TryCatch
by(simp add:hyperset_defs)
hence "A2 ⊆ set (Vs@[V'])" using TryCatch.prems A_fv[OF A2] by simp blast
thus ?thesis using TryCatch fve2 A1 A2
by(auto simp add:hyperset_defs image_last_index last_index_size_conv)
fix A1 assume A1: "\<A> e1 = ⌊A1⌋"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "\<A> e2")
assume A2: "\<A> e2 = None"
then show ?case using TryCatch A1 by(simp add:hyperset_defs)
fix A2 assume A2: "\<A> e2 = ⌊A2⌋"
have "A1 ⊆ set Vs" using TryCatch.prems A_fv[OF A1] by simp blast
have "A2 ⊆ set (Vs@[V'])" using TryCatch.prems A_fv[OF A2] by simp blast
ultimately show ?thesis using TryCatch A1 A2
by(fastforce simp add: hyperset_defs image_last_index last_index_size_conv
Diff_subset_conv inj_on_image_Int[OF inj_on_last_index])
case (Cond e e1 e2)
{ assume "\<A> e = None ∨ \<A> e1 = None ∨ \<A> e2 = None"
hence ?case using Cond by(auto simp add:hyperset_defs image_Un)
{ fix A A1 A2
assume "\<A> e = ⌊A⌋" and A1: "\<A> e1 = ⌊A1⌋" and A2: "\<A> e2 = ⌊A2⌋"
have "A1 ⊆ set Vs" using Cond.prems A_fv[OF A1] by simp blast
have "A2 ⊆ set Vs" using Cond.prems A_fv[OF A2] by simp blast
ultimately have ?case using Cond
by(auto simp add:hyperset_defs image_Un
inj_on_image_Int[OF inj_on_last_index])
ultimately show ?case by fastforce
qed (auto simp add:hyperset_defs)

lemma D_None[iff]: "\<D> (e::'a exp) None" and [iff]: "\<D>s (es::'a exp list) None"
(*<*)by(induct e and es)(simp_all)(*>*)

lemma D_last_index_compE1:
"!!A Vs. [| A ⊆ set Vs; fv e ⊆ set Vs |] ==>
\<D> e ⌊A⌋ ==> \<D> (compE1 Vs e) ⌊last_index Vs ` A⌋"

and "!!A Vs. [| A ⊆ set Vs; fvs es ⊆ set Vs |] ==>
\<D>s es ⌊A⌋ ==> \<D>s (compEs1 Vs es) ⌊last_index Vs ` A⌋"

proof(induct e and es)
case (BinOp e1 bop e2)
hence IH1: "\<D> (compE1 Vs e1) ⌊last_index Vs ` A⌋" by simp
show ?case
proof (cases "\<A> e1")
case None thus ?thesis using BinOp by simp
case (Some A1)
have indexA1: "\<A> (compE1 Vs e1) = ⌊last_index Vs ` A1⌋"
using A_compE1[OF Some] BinOp.prems by auto
have "A ∪ A1 ⊆ set Vs" using BinOp.prems A_fv[OF Some] by auto
hence "\<D> (compE1 Vs e2) ⌊last_index Vs ` (A ∪ A1)⌋" using BinOp Some by auto
hence "\<D> (compE1 Vs e2) ⌊last_index Vs ` A ∪ last_index Vs ` A1⌋"
by(simp add: image_Un)
thus ?thesis using IH1 indexA1 by auto
case (FAss e1 F D e2)
hence IH1: "\<D> (compE1 Vs e1) ⌊last_index Vs ` A⌋" by simp
show ?case
proof (cases "\<A> e1")
case None thus ?thesis using FAss by simp
case (Some A1)
have indexA1: "\<A> (compE1 Vs e1) = ⌊last_index Vs ` A1⌋"
using A_compE1[OF Some] FAss.prems by auto
have "A ∪ A1 ⊆ set Vs" using FAss.prems A_fv[OF Some] by auto
hence "\<D> (compE1 Vs e2) ⌊last_index Vs ` (A ∪ A1)⌋" using FAss Some by auto
hence "\<D> (compE1 Vs e2) ⌊last_index Vs ` A ∪ last_index Vs ` A1⌋"
by(simp add: image_Un)
thus ?thesis using IH1 indexA1 by auto
case (Call e1 M es)
hence IH1: "\<D> (compE1 Vs e1) ⌊last_index Vs ` A⌋" by simp
show ?case
proof (cases "\<A> e1")
case None thus ?thesis using Call by simp
case (Some A1)
have indexA1: "\<A> (compE1 Vs e1) = ⌊last_index Vs ` A1⌋"
using A_compE1[OF Some] Call.prems by auto
have "A ∪ A1 ⊆ set Vs" using Call.prems A_fv[OF Some] by auto
hence "\<D>s (compEs1 Vs es) ⌊last_index Vs ` (A ∪ A1)⌋" using Call Some by auto
hence "\<D>s (compEs1 Vs es) ⌊last_index Vs ` A ∪ last_index Vs ` A1⌋"
by(simp add: image_Un)
thus ?thesis using IH1 indexA1 by auto
case (TryCatch e1 C V e2)
have "[| A∪{V} ⊆ set(Vs@[V]); fv e2 ⊆ set(Vs@[V]); \<D> e2 ⌊A∪{V}⌋|] ==>
\<D> (compE1 (Vs@[V]) e2) ⌊last_index (Vs@[V]) ` (A∪{V})⌋"
by fact
hence "\<D> (compE1 (Vs@[V]) e2) ⌊last_index (Vs@[V]) ` (A∪{V})⌋"
using TryCatch.prems by(simp add:Diff_subset_conv)
moreover have "last_index (Vs@[V]) ` A ⊆ last_index Vs ` A ∪ {size Vs}"
using TryCatch.prems by(auto simp add: image_last_index split:split_if_asm)
ultimately show ?case using TryCatch
by(auto simp:hyperset_defs elim!:D_mono')
case (Seq e1 e2)
hence IH1: "\<D> (compE1 Vs e1) ⌊last_index Vs ` A⌋" by simp
show ?case
proof (cases "\<A> e1")
case None thus ?thesis using Seq by simp
case (Some A1)
have indexA1: "\<A> (compE1 Vs e1) = ⌊last_index Vs ` A1⌋"
using A_compE1[OF Some] Seq.prems by auto
have "A ∪ A1 ⊆ set Vs" using Seq.prems A_fv[OF Some] by auto
hence "\<D> (compE1 Vs e2) ⌊last_index Vs ` (A ∪ A1)⌋" using Seq Some by auto
hence "\<D> (compE1 Vs e2) ⌊last_index Vs ` A ∪ last_index Vs ` A1⌋"
by(simp add: image_Un)
thus ?thesis using IH1 indexA1 by auto
case (Cond e e1 e2)
hence IH1: "\<D> (compE1 Vs e) ⌊last_index Vs ` A⌋" by simp
show ?case
proof (cases "\<A> e")
case None thus ?thesis using Cond by simp
case (Some B)
have indexB: "\<A> (compE1 Vs e) = ⌊last_index Vs ` B⌋"
using A_compE1[OF Some] Cond.prems by auto
have "A ∪ B ⊆ set Vs" using Cond.prems A_fv[OF Some] by auto
hence "\<D> (compE1 Vs e1) ⌊last_index Vs ` (A ∪ B)⌋"
and "\<D> (compE1 Vs e2) ⌊last_index Vs ` (A ∪ B)⌋"
using Cond Some by auto
hence "\<D> (compE1 Vs e1) ⌊last_index Vs ` A ∪ last_index Vs ` B⌋"
and "\<D> (compE1 Vs e2) ⌊last_index Vs ` A ∪ last_index Vs ` B⌋"
by(simp add: image_Un)+
thus ?thesis using IH1 indexB by auto
case (While e1 e2)
hence IH1: "\<D> (compE1 Vs e1) ⌊last_index Vs ` A⌋" by simp
show ?case
proof (cases "\<A> e1")
case None thus ?thesis using While by simp
case (Some A1)
have indexA1: "\<A> (compE1 Vs e1) = ⌊last_index Vs ` A1⌋"
using A_compE1[OF Some] While.prems by auto
have "A ∪ A1 ⊆ set Vs" using While.prems A_fv[OF Some] by auto
hence "\<D> (compE1 Vs e2) ⌊last_index Vs ` (A ∪ A1)⌋" using While Some by auto
hence "\<D> (compE1 Vs e2) ⌊last_index Vs ` A ∪ last_index Vs ` A1⌋"
by(simp add: image_Un)
thus ?thesis using IH1 indexA1 by auto
case (Block V T e)
have "[| A-{V} ⊆ set(Vs@[V]); fv e ⊆ set(Vs@[V]); \<D> e ⌊A-{V}⌋ |] ==>
\<D> (compE1 (Vs@[V]) e) ⌊last_index (Vs@[V]) ` (A-{V})⌋"
by fact
hence "\<D> (compE1 (Vs@[V]) e) ⌊last_index (Vs@[V]) ` (A-{V})⌋"
using Block.prems by(simp add:Diff_subset_conv)
moreover have "size Vs ∉ last_index Vs ` A"
using Block.prems by(auto simp add:image_def size_last_index_conv)
ultimately show ?case using Block
by(auto simp add: image_last_index Diff_subset_conv hyperset_defs elim!: D_mono')
case (Cons_exp e1 es)
hence IH1: "\<D> (compE1 Vs e1) ⌊last_index Vs ` A⌋" by simp
show ?case
proof (cases "\<A> e1")
case None thus ?thesis using Cons_exp by simp
case (Some A1)
have indexA1: "\<A> (compE1 Vs e1) = ⌊last_index Vs ` A1⌋"
using A_compE1[OF Some] Cons_exp.prems by auto
have "A ∪ A1 ⊆ set Vs" using Cons_exp.prems A_fv[OF Some] by auto
hence "\<D>s (compEs1 Vs es) ⌊last_index Vs ` (A ∪ A1)⌋" using Cons_exp Some by auto
hence "\<D>s (compEs1 Vs es) ⌊last_index Vs ` A ∪ last_index Vs ` A1⌋"
by(simp add: image_Un)
thus ?thesis using IH1 indexA1 by auto
qed (simp_all add:hyperset_defs)

lemma last_index_image_set: "distinct xs ==> last_index xs ` set xs = {..<size xs}"
(*<*)by(induct xs rule:rev_induct) (auto simp add: image_last_index)(*>*)

lemma D_compE1:
"[| \<D> e ⌊set Vs⌋; fv e ⊆ set Vs; distinct Vs |] ==> \<D> (compE1 Vs e) ⌊{..<length Vs}⌋"
(*<*)by(fastforce dest!: D_last_index_compE1[OF subset_refl] simp add:last_index_image_set)(*>*)

lemma D_compE1':
assumes "\<D> e ⌊set(V#Vs)⌋" and "fv e ⊆ set(V#Vs)" and "distinct(V#Vs)"
shows "\<D> (compE1 (V#Vs) e) ⌊{..length Vs}⌋"
proof -
have "{..size Vs} = {..<size(V#Vs)}" by auto
thus ?thesis using assms by (simp only:)(rule D_compE1)

lemma compP1_pres_wf: "wf_J_prog P ==> wf_J1_prog (compP1 P)"
apply simp
apply(rule wf_prog_compPI)
prefer 2 apply assumption
apply(case_tac m)
apply(simp add:wf_mdecl_def wf_J1_mdecl_def wf_J_mdecl)
apply(frule WT_fv)
apply(fastforce intro!: compE1_pres_wt D_compE1' \<B>)
