Theory Residues

theory Residues
imports UniqueFactorization MiscAlgebra
(*  Title:      HOL/Number_Theory/Residues.thy
    Author:     Jeremy Avigad

An algebraic treatment of residue rings, and resulting proofs of
Euler's theorem and Wilson's theorem.

section ‹Residue rings›

theory Residues
imports UniqueFactorization MiscAlgebra

subsection ‹A locale for residue rings›

definition residue_ring :: "int ⇒ int ring"
  "residue_ring m =
    ⦇carrier = {0..m - 1},
     mult = λx y. (x * y) mod m,
     one = 1,
     zero = 0,
     add = λx y. (x + y) mod m⦈"

locale residues =
  fixes m :: int and R (structure)
  assumes m_gt_one: "m > 1"
  defines "R ≡ residue_ring m"

lemma abelian_group: "abelian_group R"
  apply (insert m_gt_one)
  apply (rule abelian_groupI)
  apply (unfold R_def residue_ring_def)
  apply (auto simp add: mod_add_right_eq [symmetric] ac_simps)
  apply (case_tac "x = 0")
  apply force
  apply (subgoal_tac "(x + (m - x)) mod m = 0")
  apply (erule bexI)
  apply auto

lemma comm_monoid: "comm_monoid R"
  apply (insert m_gt_one)
  apply (unfold R_def residue_ring_def)
  apply (rule comm_monoidI)
  apply auto
  apply (subgoal_tac "x * y mod m * z mod m = z * (x * y mod m) mod m")
  apply (erule ssubst)
  apply (subst mod_mult_right_eq [symmetric])+
  apply (simp_all only: ac_simps)

lemma cring: "cring R"
  apply (rule cringI)
  apply (rule abelian_group)
  apply (rule comm_monoid)
  apply (unfold R_def residue_ring_def, auto)
  apply (subst mod_add_eq [symmetric])
  apply (subst mult.commute)
  apply (subst mod_mult_right_eq [symmetric])
  apply (simp add: field_simps)


sublocale residues < cring
  by (rule cring)

context residues

text ‹
  These lemmas translate back and forth between internal and
  external concepts.

lemma res_carrier_eq: "carrier R = {0..m - 1}"
  unfolding R_def residue_ring_def by auto

lemma res_add_eq: "x ⊕ y = (x + y) mod m"
  unfolding R_def residue_ring_def by auto

lemma res_mult_eq: "x ⊗ y = (x * y) mod m"
  unfolding R_def residue_ring_def by auto

lemma res_zero_eq: "𝟬 = 0"
  unfolding R_def residue_ring_def by auto

lemma res_one_eq: "𝟭 = 1"
  unfolding R_def residue_ring_def units_of_def by auto

lemma res_units_eq: "Units R = {x. 0 < x ∧ x < m ∧ coprime x m}"
  apply (insert m_gt_one)
  apply (unfold Units_def R_def residue_ring_def)
  apply auto
  apply (subgoal_tac "x ≠ 0")
  apply auto
  apply (metis invertible_coprime_int)
  apply (subst (asm) coprime_iff_invertible'_int)
  apply (auto simp add: cong_int_def mult.commute)

lemma res_neg_eq: "⊖ x = (- x) mod m"
  apply (insert m_gt_one)
  apply (unfold R_def a_inv_def m_inv_def residue_ring_def)
  apply auto
  apply (rule the_equality)
  apply auto
  apply (subst mod_add_right_eq [symmetric])
  apply auto
  apply (subst mod_add_left_eq [symmetric])
  apply auto
  apply (subgoal_tac "y mod m = - x mod m")
  apply simp
  apply (metis minus_add_cancel mod_mult_self1 mult.commute)

lemma finite [iff]: "finite (carrier R)"
  by (subst res_carrier_eq) auto

lemma finite_Units [iff]: "finite (Units R)"
  by (subst res_units_eq) auto

text ‹
  The function @{text "a ↦ a mod m"} maps the integers to the
  residue classes. The following lemmas show that this mapping
  respects addition and multiplication on the integers.

lemma mod_in_carrier [iff]: "a mod m ∈ carrier R"
  unfolding res_carrier_eq
  using insert m_gt_one by auto

lemma add_cong: "(x mod m) ⊕ (y mod m) = (x + y) mod m"
  unfolding R_def residue_ring_def
  apply auto
  apply presburger

lemma mult_cong: "(x mod m) ⊗ (y mod m) = (x * y) mod m"
  unfolding R_def residue_ring_def
  by auto (metis mod_mult_eq)

lemma zero_cong: "𝟬 = 0"
  unfolding R_def residue_ring_def by auto

lemma one_cong: "𝟭 = 1 mod m"
  using m_gt_one unfolding R_def residue_ring_def by auto

(* FIXME revise algebra library to use 1? *)
lemma pow_cong: "(x mod m) (^) n = x^n mod m"
  apply (insert m_gt_one)
  apply (induct n)
  apply (auto simp add: nat_pow_def one_cong)
  apply (metis mult.commute mult_cong)

lemma neg_cong: "⊖ (x mod m) = (- x) mod m"
  by (metis mod_minus_eq res_neg_eq)

lemma (in residues) prod_cong: "finite A ⟹ (⨂i∈A. (f i) mod m) = (∏i∈A. f i) mod m"
  by (induct set: finite) (auto simp: one_cong mult_cong)

lemma (in residues) sum_cong: "finite A ⟹ (⨁i∈A. (f i) mod m) = (∑i∈A. f i) mod m"
  by (induct set: finite) (auto simp: zero_cong add_cong)

lemma mod_in_res_units [simp]:
  assumes "1 < m" and "coprime a m"
  shows "a mod m ∈ Units R"
proof (cases "a mod m = 0")
  case True with assms show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: res_units_eq gcd_red_int [symmetric])
  case False
  from assms have "0 < m" by simp
  with pos_mod_sign [of m a] have "0 ≤ a mod m" .
  with False have "0 < a mod m" by simp
  with assms show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: res_units_eq gcd_red_int [symmetric] ac_simps)

lemma res_eq_to_cong: "(a mod m) = (b mod m) ⟷ [a = b] (mod m)"
  unfolding cong_int_def by auto

text ‹Simplifying with these will translate a ring equation in R to a congruence.›
lemmas res_to_cong_simps = add_cong mult_cong pow_cong one_cong
    prod_cong sum_cong neg_cong res_eq_to_cong

text ‹Other useful facts about the residue ring.›
lemma one_eq_neg_one: "𝟭 = ⊖ 𝟭 ⟹ m = 2"
  apply (simp add: res_one_eq res_neg_eq)
  apply (metis add.commute add_diff_cancel mod_mod_trivial one_add_one uminus_add_conv_diff
    zero_neq_one zmod_zminus1_eq_if)


subsection ‹Prime residues›

locale residues_prime =
  fixes p and R (structure)
  assumes p_prime [intro]: "prime p"
  defines "R ≡ residue_ring p"

sublocale residues_prime < residues p
  apply (unfold R_def residues_def)
  using p_prime apply auto
  apply (metis (full_types) of_nat_1 of_nat_less_iff prime_gt_1_nat)

context residues_prime

lemma is_field: "field R"
  apply (rule cring.field_intro2)
  apply (rule cring)
  apply (auto simp add: res_carrier_eq res_one_eq res_zero_eq res_units_eq)
  apply (rule classical)
  apply (erule notE)
  apply (subst gcd.commute)
  apply (rule prime_imp_coprime_int)
  apply (rule p_prime)
  apply (rule notI)
  apply (frule zdvd_imp_le)
  apply auto

lemma res_prime_units_eq: "Units R = {1..p - 1}"
  apply (subst res_units_eq)
  apply auto
  apply (subst gcd.commute)
  apply (auto simp add: p_prime prime_imp_coprime_int zdvd_not_zless)


sublocale residues_prime < field
  by (rule is_field)

section ‹Test cases: Euler's theorem and Wilson's theorem›

subsection ‹Euler's theorem›

text ‹The definition of the phi function.›

definition phi :: "int ⇒ nat"
  where "phi m = card {x. 0 < x ∧ x < m ∧ gcd x m = 1}"

lemma phi_def_nat: "phi m = card {x. 0 < x ∧ x < nat m ∧ gcd x (nat m) = 1}"
  apply (simp add: phi_def)
  apply (rule bij_betw_same_card [of nat])
  apply (auto simp add: inj_on_def bij_betw_def image_def)
  apply (metis dual_order.irrefl dual_order.strict_trans leI nat_1 transfer_nat_int_gcd(1))
  apply (metis One_nat_def of_nat_0 of_nat_1 of_nat_less_0_iff int_nat_eq nat_int
    transfer_int_nat_gcd(1) of_nat_less_iff)

lemma prime_phi:
  assumes "2 ≤ p" "phi p = p - 1"
  shows "prime p"
proof -
  have *: "{x. 0 < x ∧ x < p ∧ coprime x p} = {1..p - 1}"
    using assms unfolding phi_def_nat
    by (intro card_seteq) fastforce+
  have False if **: "1 < x" "x < p" and "x dvd p" for x :: nat
  proof -
    from * have cop: "x ∈ {1..p - 1} ⟹ coprime x p"
      by blast
    have "coprime x p"
      apply (rule cop)
      using ** apply auto
    with ‹x dvd p› ‹1 < x› show ?thesis
      by auto
  then show ?thesis
    using ‹2 ≤ p›
    by (simp add: prime_def)
       (metis One_nat_def dvd_pos_nat nat_dvd_not_less nat_neq_iff not_gr0
              not_numeral_le_zero one_dvd)

lemma phi_zero [simp]: "phi 0 = 0"
  unfolding phi_def
(* Auto hangs here. Once again, where is the simplification rule
   1 ≡ Suc 0 coming from? *)
  apply (auto simp add: card_eq_0_iff)
(* Add card_eq_0_iff as a simp rule? delete card_empty_imp? *)

lemma phi_one [simp]: "phi 1 = 0"
  by (auto simp add: phi_def card_eq_0_iff)

lemma (in residues) phi_eq: "phi m = card (Units R)"
  by (simp add: phi_def res_units_eq)

lemma (in residues) euler_theorem1:
  assumes a: "gcd a m = 1"
  shows "[a^phi m = 1] (mod m)"
proof -
  from a m_gt_one have [simp]: "a mod m ∈ Units R"
    by (intro mod_in_res_units)
  from phi_eq have "(a mod m) (^) (phi m) = (a mod m) (^) (card (Units R))"
    by simp
  also have "… = 𝟭"
    by (intro units_power_order_eq_one) auto
  finally show ?thesis
    by (simp add: res_to_cong_simps)

(* In fact, there is a two line proof!

lemma (in residues) euler_theorem1:
  assumes a: "gcd a m = 1"
  shows "[a^phi m = 1] (mod m)"
proof -
  have "(a mod m) (^) (phi m) = 𝟭"
    by (simp add: phi_eq units_power_order_eq_one a m_gt_one)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: res_to_cong_simps)


text ‹Outside the locale, we can relax the restriction @{text "m > 1"}.›
lemma euler_theorem:
  assumes "m ≥ 0"
    and "gcd a m = 1"
  shows "[a^phi m = 1] (mod m)"
proof (cases "m = 0 | m = 1")
  case True
  then show ?thesis by auto
  case False
  with assms show ?thesis
    by (intro residues.euler_theorem1, unfold residues_def, auto)

lemma (in residues_prime) phi_prime: "phi p = nat p - 1"
  apply (subst phi_eq)
  apply (subst res_prime_units_eq)
  apply auto

lemma phi_prime: "prime p ⟹ phi p = nat p - 1"
  apply (rule residues_prime.phi_prime)
  apply (erule residues_prime.intro)

lemma fermat_theorem:
  fixes a :: int
  assumes "prime p"
    and "¬ p dvd a"
  shows "[a^(p - 1) = 1] (mod p)"
proof -
  from assms have "[a ^ phi p = 1] (mod p)"
    by (auto intro!: euler_theorem dest!: prime_imp_coprime_int simp add: ac_simps)
  also have "phi p = nat p - 1"
    by (rule phi_prime) (rule assms)
  finally show ?thesis
    by (metis nat_int)

lemma fermat_theorem_nat:
  assumes "prime p" and "¬ p dvd a"
  shows "[a ^ (p - 1) = 1] (mod p)"
  using fermat_theorem [of p a] assms
  by (metis of_nat_1 of_nat_power transfer_int_nat_cong zdvd_int)

subsection ‹Wilson's theorem›

lemma (in field) inv_pair_lemma: "x ∈ Units R ⟹ y ∈ Units R ⟹
    {x, inv x} ≠ {y, inv y} ⟹ {x, inv x} ∩ {y, inv y} = {}"
  apply auto
  apply (metis Units_inv_inv)+

lemma (in residues_prime) wilson_theorem1:
  assumes a: "p > 2"
  shows "[fact (p - 1) = (-1::int)] (mod p)"
proof -
  let ?Inverse_Pairs = "{{x, inv x}| x. x ∈ Units R - {𝟭, ⊖ 𝟭}}"
  have UR: "Units R = {𝟭, ⊖ 𝟭} ∪ ⋃?Inverse_Pairs"
    by auto
  have "(⨂i∈Units R. i) = (⨂i∈{𝟭, ⊖ 𝟭}. i) ⊗ (⨂i∈⋃?Inverse_Pairs. i)"
    apply (subst UR)
    apply (subst finprod_Un_disjoint)
    apply (auto intro: funcsetI)
    using inv_one apply auto[1]
    using inv_eq_neg_one_eq apply auto
  also have "(⨂i∈{𝟭, ⊖ 𝟭}. i) = ⊖ 𝟭"
    apply (subst finprod_insert)
    apply auto
    apply (frule one_eq_neg_one)
    using a apply force
  also have "(⨂i∈(⋃?Inverse_Pairs). i) = (⨂A∈?Inverse_Pairs. (⨂y∈A. y))"
    apply (subst finprod_Union_disjoint)
    apply auto
    apply (metis Units_inv_inv)+
  also have "… = 𝟭"
    apply (rule finprod_one)
    apply auto
    apply (subst finprod_insert)
    apply auto
    apply (metis inv_eq_self)
  finally have "(⨂i∈Units R. i) = ⊖ 𝟭"
    by simp
  also have "(⨂i∈Units R. i) = (⨂i∈Units R. i mod p)"
    apply (rule finprod_cong')
    apply auto
    apply (subst (asm) res_prime_units_eq)
    apply auto
  also have "… = (∏i∈Units R. i) mod p"
    apply (rule prod_cong)
    apply auto
  also have "… = fact (p - 1) mod p"
    apply (subst fact_altdef_nat)
    apply (insert assms)
    apply (subst res_prime_units_eq)
    apply (simp add: int_setprod zmod_int setprod_int_eq)
  finally have "fact (p - 1) mod p = ⊖ 𝟭" .
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis of_nat_fact Divides.transfer_int_nat_functions(2)
      cong_int_def res_neg_eq res_one_eq)

lemma wilson_theorem:
  assumes "prime p"
  shows "[fact (p - 1) = - 1] (mod p)"
proof (cases "p = 2")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: cong_int_def fact_altdef_nat)
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    using assms prime_ge_2_nat
    by (metis residues_prime.wilson_theorem1 residues_prime.intro le_eq_less_or_eq)
