File ‹measurable.ML›
signature MEASURABLE =
type preprocessor = thm -> Proof.context -> (thm list * Proof.context)
datatype level = Concrete | Generic
val dest_thm_attr : attribute context_parser
val cong_thm_attr : attribute context_parser
val measurable_thm_attr : bool * (bool * level) -> attribute
val add_del_cong_thm : bool -> thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic ;
val get_all : Context.generic -> thm list
val get_dest : Context.generic -> thm list
val get_cong : Context.generic -> thm list
val measurable_tac : Proof.context -> thm list -> tactic
val proc : Simplifier.proc
val add_preprocessor : string -> preprocessor -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val del_preprocessor : string -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val add_local_cong : thm -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val prepare_facts : Proof.context -> thm list -> (thm list * Proof.context)
structure Measurable : MEASURABLE =
type preprocessor = thm -> Proof.context -> thm list * Proof.context
datatype level = Concrete | Generic;
type measurable_thm = thm * (bool * level);
fun eq_measurable_thm ((th1, d1): measurable_thm, (th2, d2): measurable_thm) =
d1 = d2 andalso Thm.eq_thm_prop (th1, th2) ;
fun merge_preprocessors (xs: (string * preprocessor) list, ys) =
xs @ (filter (fn (name, _) => is_none (find_first (fn (name', _) => name' = name) xs)) ys)
structure Data = Generic_Data
type T =
measurable_thm Item_Net.T *
thm Item_Net.T *
thm Item_Net.T *
(string * preprocessor) list
val empty: T =
(Item_Net.init eq_measurable_thm (single o Thm.full_prop_of o fst), Thm.item_net, Thm.item_net, [])
fun merge
((measurable_thms1, dest_thms1, cong_thms1, preprocessors1),
(measurable_thms2, dest_thms2, cong_thms2, preprocessors2)) : T =
(Item_Net.merge (measurable_thms1, measurable_thms2),
Item_Net.merge (dest_thms1, dest_thms2),
Item_Net.merge (cong_thms1, cong_thms2),
merge_preprocessors (preprocessors1, preprocessors2))
val map_measurable_thms = o @{apply 4(1)}
val map_dest_thms = o @{apply 4(2)}
val map_cong_thms = o @{apply 4(3)}
val map_preprocessors = o @{apply 4(4)}
val debug = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>‹measurable_debug› (K false)
val split = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>‹measurable_split› (K true)
fun generic_add_del map : attribute context_parser =
(Args.add >> K Item_Net.update || Args.del >> K Item_Net.remove || Scan.succeed Item_Net.update) >>
(fn f => Thm.declaration_attribute (map o f o Thm.trim_context))
val dest_thm_attr = generic_add_del map_dest_thms
val cong_thm_attr = generic_add_del map_cong_thms
fun del_thm th net =
val thms = net |> Item_Net.content |> filter (fn (th', _) => Thm.eq_thm_prop (th, th'))
in fold Item_Net.remove thms net end ;
fun measurable_thm_attr (do_add, d) = Thm.declaration_attribute
(map_measurable_thms o (if do_add then Item_Net.update o rpair d else del_thm) o Thm.trim_context)
fun get_dest context = map (Thm.transfer'' context) (Item_Net.content (#2 (Data.get context)));
fun get_cong context = map (Thm.transfer'' context) (Item_Net.content (#3 (Data.get context)));
val add_cong = map_cong_thms o Item_Net.update o Thm.trim_context;
val del_cong = map_cong_thms o Item_Net.remove o Thm.trim_context;
fun add_del_cong_thm true = add_cong
| add_del_cong_thm false = del_cong
fun add_preprocessor name f = map_preprocessors (fn xs => xs @ [(name, f)])
fun del_preprocessor name = map_preprocessors (filter (fn (n, _) => n <> name))
val add_local_cong = Context.proof_map o add_cong
val get_preprocessors = Context.Proof #> Data.get #> #4;
fun is_too_generic thm =
val concl = Thm.concl_of thm
val concl' = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop concl handle TERM _ => concl
in is_Var (head_of concl') end
fun get_thms context =
map (apfst (Thm.transfer'' context)) (Item_Net.content (#1 (Data.get context)));
val get_all = get_thms #> map fst;
fun debug_tac ctxt msg f =
if Config.get ctxt debug then print_tac ctxt (msg ()) THEN f else f
fun nth_hol_goal thm i =
HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Logic.strip_imp_concl (strip_all_body (nth (Thm.prems_of thm) (i - 1))))
fun dest_measurable_fun t =
(case t of
\<^Const_>‹Set.member _ for f \<^Const_>‹measurable _ _ for _ _›› => f
| _ => raise (TERM ("not a measurability predicate", [t])))
fun not_measurable_prop n thm =
if length (Thm.prems_of thm) < n then false
(case nth_hol_goal thm n of
\<^Const_>‹Set.member _ for _ \<^Const_>‹sets _ for _›› => false
| \<^Const_>‹Set.member _ for _ \<^Const_>‹measurable _ _ for _ _›› => false
| _ => true)
handle TERM _ => true;
fun indep (Bound i) t b = i < b orelse t <= i
| indep (f $ t) top bot = indep f top bot andalso indep t top bot
| indep (Abs (_,_,t)) top bot = indep t (top + 1) (bot + 1)
| indep _ _ _ = true;
fun cnt_prefixes ctxt (Abs (n, T, t)) =
fun is_countable ty = Sign.of_sort (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (ty, \<^sort>‹countable›)
fun cnt_walk (Abs (ns, T, t)) Ts =
map (fn (t', t'') => (Abs (ns, T, t'), t'')) (cnt_walk t (T::Ts))
| cnt_walk (f $ g) Ts = let
val n = length Ts - 1
map (fn (f', t) => (f' $ g, t)) (cnt_walk f Ts) @
map (fn (g', t) => (f $ g', t)) (cnt_walk g Ts) @
(if is_countable (type_of1 (Ts, g)) andalso loose_bvar1 (g, n)
andalso indep g n 0 andalso g <> Bound n
then [(f $ Bound (n + 1), incr_boundvars (~ n) g)]
else [])
| cnt_walk _ _ = []
in map (fn (t1, t2) => let
val T1 = type_of1 ([T], t2)
val T2 = type_of1 ([T], t)
in ([SOME (Abs (n, T1, Abs (n, T, t1))), NONE, NONE, SOME (Abs (n, T, t2))],
end) (cnt_walk t [T])
| cnt_prefixes _ _ = []
fun apply_dests thm dests =
fun apply thm th' =
val th'' = thm RS th'
in [th''] @ loop th'' end
handle (THM _) => []
and loop thm =
flat (map (apply thm) dests)
[thm] @ ([thm RS @{thm measurable_compose_rev}] handle (THM _) => []) @ loop thm
fun prepare_facts ctxt facts =
val dests = get_dest (Context.Proof ctxt)
fun prep_dest thm =
(if is_too_generic thm then [] else apply_dests thm dests) ;
val preprocessors = (("std", prep_dest #> pair) :: get_preprocessors ctxt) ;
fun preprocess_thm (thm, raw) =
if raw then pair [thm] else fold_map (fn (_, proc) => proc thm) preprocessors #>> flat
fun sel lv (th, (raw, lv')) = if lv = lv' then SOME (th, raw) else NONE ;
fun get lv = ctxt |> Context.Proof |> get_thms |> rev |> map_filter (sel lv) ;
val pre_thms = map (Simplifier.norm_hhf ctxt #> rpair false) facts @ get Concrete @ get Generic
val (thms, ctxt) = fold_map preprocess_thm pre_thms ctxt |>> flat
in (thms, ctxt) end
fun measurable_tac ctxt facts =
fun debug_fact msg thm () =
msg ^ " " ^ Pretty.unformatted_string_of (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (Thm.prop_of thm))
fun IF' c t i = COND (c i) (t i) no_tac
fun r_tac msg =
if Config.get ctxt debug
then FIRST' o
map (fn thm => resolve_tac ctxt [thm]
THEN' K (debug_tac ctxt (debug_fact (msg ^ " resolved using") thm) all_tac))
else resolve_tac ctxt
val (thms, ctxt) = prepare_facts ctxt facts
fun is_sets_eq \<^Const_>‹HOL.eq _ for
\<^Const_>‹sets _ for _› \<^Const_>‹sets _ for _›› = true
| is_sets_eq \<^Const_>‹HOL.eq _ for
\<^Const_>‹measurable _ _ for _ _› \<^Const_>‹measurable _ _ for _ _›› = true
| is_sets_eq _ = false
val cong_thms = get_cong (Context.Proof ctxt) @
filter (fn thm => Thm.concl_of thm |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> is_sets_eq handle TERM _ => false) facts
fun sets_cong_tac i =
Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {context = ctxt', prems = prems, ...} => (
val ctxt'' = Simplifier.add_prems prems ctxt'
r_tac "cong intro" [@{lemma "A = B ⟹ x ∈ B ⟹ x ∈ A" by simp}]
((r_tac "cong solve" (cong_thms @ [@{thm refl}])
ORELSE' IF' (fn i => fn thm => Thm.nprems_of thm > i)
(SOLVED' (asm_full_simp_tac ctxt''))) i)))
end) 1) ctxt i
THEN flexflex_tac ctxt
val simp_solver_tac =
IF' not_measurable_prop (debug_tac ctxt (K "simp ") o SOLVED' (asm_full_simp_tac ctxt))
val split_countable_tac =
Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {context = ctxt, ...} => SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) =>
val f = dest_measurable_fun (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop t)
fun inst (ts, Ts) =
(map ( (Thm.ctyp_of ctxt)) Ts)
(map ( (Thm.cterm_of ctxt)) ts)
@{thm measurable_compose_countable}
in r_tac "case_prod countable" (cnt_prefixes ctxt f |> map inst) i end
handle TERM _ => no_tac) 1)
val splitter = if Config.get ctxt split then split_countable_tac ctxt else K no_tac
val single_step_tac =
ORELSE' r_tac "step" thms
ORELSE' splitter
ORELSE' (CHANGED o sets_cong_tac)
ORELSE' (K (debug_tac ctxt (K "backtrack") no_tac))
in debug_tac ctxt (K "start") (REPEAT (single_step_tac 1)) end;
fun proc ctxt redex =
val t = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Thm.term_of redex);
fun tac {context = ctxt, prems = _ } =
SOLVE (measurable_tac ctxt (Simplifier.prems_of ctxt));
in \<^try>‹Goal.prove ctxt [] [] t tac RS @{thm Eq_TrueI}› end;