File ‹higher_order_pattern_decomp_unification.ML›

(*  Title:      ML_Unification/higher_order_pattern_decomp_unification.ML
    Author:     Kevin Kappelmann

Tries to decompose terms that are outside the higher-order pattern fragment
into a higher-order pattern prefix and a list of remaining arguments.

Example: Let 0, 1 be bound variables and f, g, c be constants.
The unification problem ?x 0 1 (?y c 0) ≡? f (g c 0) is outside the HO-pattern
fragment, but it can be decomposed into ?x 0 1 ≡? f and (?y c 0) ≡? (g c 0).
The latter, in turn, can be decomposed into ?y ≡? g and c ≡? c and 0 ≡? 0.
  include HAS_LOGGER

  val e_match : Unification_Base.matcher -> Unification_Base.e_matcher
  val e_unify : Unification_Base.unifier -> Unification_Base.e_unifier

structure Higher_Order_Pattern_Decomp_Unification :

val logger = Logger.setup_new_logger Unification_Base.logger

structure UUtil = Unification_Util
structure UC = Unification_Combinator

exception FALLBACK of Pretty.T

(*check if sequence is empty or raise FALLBACK exception*)
fun seq_try msg sq = General_Util.seq_try (FALLBACK msg) sq

(*compute pattern prefixes*)
fun bounds_prefix bounds [] = (rev bounds, [])
  | bounds_prefix bounds (t :: ts) =
      if is_Bound t andalso not (member (op =) bounds t)
      then bounds_prefix (t :: bounds) ts
      else (rev bounds, t :: ts)
val bounds_prefix = bounds_prefix []

datatype ('a, 'b) either = Left of 'a | Right of 'b

fun bounds_prefix2 (bounds1, _) ([], _) = Left (rev bounds1, [])
  | bounds_prefix2 (_, bounds2) (_, []) = Right (rev bounds2, [])
  | bounds_prefix2 (bounds1, bounds2) (s :: ss, t :: ts)  =
      if is_Bound s andalso not (member (op =) bounds1 s)
      then if is_Bound t andalso not (member (op =) bounds2 t)
        then bounds_prefix2 (s :: bounds1, t :: bounds2) (ss, ts)
        else Right (rev bounds2, t :: ts)
      else Left (rev bounds1, s :: ss)
val bounds_prefix2 = bounds_prefix2 ([], [])

fun mk_decomp _ (_, []) = NONE (*no decomposition took place*)
  | mk_decomp h (args, rem) = SOME (list_comb (h, args), rem)

fun mk_bounds_decomp h args = bounds_prefix args |> mk_decomp h

fun pattern_prefix_match p = case strip_comb p of
    (v as Var _, args) => mk_bounds_decomp v args
  | _ => NONE

fun pattern_prefix_unif tp = case apply2 strip_comb tp of
    ((vl as Var _, argsl), (vr as Var _, argsr)) => (case bounds_prefix2 (argsl, argsr) of
        Left res => mk_decomp vl res |> Left
      | Right res => mk_decomp vr res |> Right)
  | ((v as Var _, args), _) => mk_bounds_decomp v args |> Left
  | (_, (v as Var _, args)) => mk_bounds_decomp v args |> Right
  | _ => NONE

fun mk_decomp_other ss t =
    val (th, ts) = strip_comb t
    val n = length ts - length ss
  in if n < 0 then NONE else chop n ts |> mk_decomp th end

fun decompose_msg ctxt tp = Pretty.block [
    Pretty.str "Decomposing ",
    UUtil.pretty_unif_problem ctxt tp,
    Pretty.str " into higher-order pattern prefix and list of remaining arguments."
  ] |> Pretty.string_of

fun decomposed_msg ctxt (ph, th) (ps, ts) = Pretty.block [
    Pretty.str "Decomposition result ",
    map (UUtil.pretty_unif_problem ctxt) ((ph, th) :: (ps ~~ ts))
    |> Pretty.separate "," |> Pretty.block
  ] |> Pretty.string_of

val failed_decompose_msg = Pretty.str "Decomposition failed."

fun e_match match_pattern match_theory binders ctxt (pt as (p, t)) env =
  let val failed_sub_patterns_msg = Pretty.str "Matching of sub-patterns failed."
    (@{log Logger.DEBUG} ctxt (fn _ => decompose_msg ctxt pt);
    case pattern_prefix_match p of
      SOME (ph, ps) => (case mk_decomp_other ps t of
        SOME (th, ts) =>
          (@{log Logger.TRACE} ctxt (fn _ => decomposed_msg ctxt (ph, th) (ps, ts));
          UUtil.strip_comb_strip_comb (K o K I) match_pattern
            binders ctxt (ph, th) (ps, ts) env
          |> seq_try failed_sub_patterns_msg)
      | NONE => raise FALLBACK failed_decompose_msg)
    | NONE => raise FALLBACK failed_decompose_msg)
    handle FALLBACK msg => (@{log Logger.DEBUG} ctxt (fn _ => Pretty.breaks [
        UUtil.pretty_call_theory_match ctxt pt
      ] |> Pretty.block |> Pretty.string_of);
      match_theory binders ctxt pt env)

fun e_unify unif_pattern unif_theory binders ctxt (tp as (s, t)) env =
    val unif_patterns =
      UUtil.strip_comb_strip_comb Envir_Normalisation.norm_thm_types_unif unif_pattern
    val failed_sub_patterns_msg = Pretty.str "Unification of sub-patterns failed."
    (@{log Logger.DEBUG} ctxt (fn _ => decompose_msg ctxt tp);
    case pattern_prefix_unif tp of
      SOME (Left (sh, ss)) => (case mk_decomp_other ss t of
        SOME (th, ts) =>
          (@{log Logger.TRACE} ctxt (fn _ => decomposed_msg ctxt (sh, th) (ss, ts));
          unif_patterns binders ctxt (sh, th) (ss, ts) env
          |> seq_try failed_sub_patterns_msg)
      | NONE => raise FALLBACK failed_decompose_msg)
    | SOME (Right (th, ts)) => (case mk_decomp_other ts s of
        SOME (sh, ss) =>
          (@{log Logger.TRACE} ctxt (fn _ => decomposed_msg ctxt (sh, th) (ss, ts));
          unif_patterns binders ctxt (sh, th) (ss, ts) env
          |> seq_try failed_sub_patterns_msg)
      | NONE => raise FALLBACK failed_decompose_msg)
    | NONE => raise FALLBACK failed_decompose_msg)
    handle FALLBACK msg => (@{log Logger.DEBUG} ctxt (fn _ => Pretty.breaks [
        UUtil.pretty_call_theory_unif ctxt tp
      ] |> Pretty.block |> Pretty.string_of);
      unif_theory binders ctxt tp env)
