File ‹nominal_inductive.ML›
val prove_strong_inductive: string list -> string list -> term list list -> thm -> thm list ->
Proof.context -> Proof.state
val prove_strong_inductive_cmd: xstring * (string * string list) list -> Proof.context -> Proof.state
structure Nominal_Inductive : NOMINAL_INDUCTIVE =
fun mk_cplus p q =
Thm.apply (Thm.apply @{cterm "plus :: perm => perm => perm"} p) q
fun mk_cminus p =
Thm.apply @{cterm "uminus :: perm => perm"} p
fun minus_permute_intro_tac ctxt p =
resolve_tac ctxt [Thm.instantiate' [] [SOME (mk_cminus p)] @{thm permute_boolE}]
fun minus_permute_elim p thm =
thm RS (Thm.instantiate' [] [NONE, SOME (mk_cminus p)] @{thm permute_boolI})
fun real_head_of \<^Const_>‹Trueprop for t› = real_head_of t
| real_head_of \<^Const_>‹Pure.imp for _ t› = real_head_of t
| real_head_of \<^Const_>‹Pure.all _ for ‹Abs (_, _, t)›› = real_head_of t
| real_head_of \<^Const_>‹All _ for ‹Abs (_, _, t)›› = real_head_of t
| real_head_of \<^Const_>‹HOL.induct_forall _ for ‹Abs (_, _, t)›› = real_head_of t
| real_head_of t = head_of t
fun mk_vc_compat (avoid, avoid_trm) prems concl_args params =
if null avoid then
val vc_goal = concl_args
|> HOLogic.mk_tuple
|> mk_fresh_star avoid_trm
|> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
|> (curry Logic.list_implies) prems
|> fold_rev (Logic.all o Free) params
val finite_goal = avoid_trm
|> mk_finite
|> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
|> (curry Logic.list_implies) prems
|> fold_rev (Logic.all o Free) params
[vc_goal, finite_goal]
fun map_term prop f trm =
if prop trm
then f trm
else case trm of
(t1 $ t2) => map_term prop f t1 $ map_term prop f t2
| Abs (x, T, t) => Abs (x, T, map_term prop f t)
| _ => trm
fun add_p_c p (c, c_ty) trm =
val (P, args) = strip_comb trm
val (P_name, P_ty) = dest_Free P
val (ty_args, bool) = strip_type P_ty
val args' = map (mk_perm p) args
list_comb (Free (P_name, (c_ty :: ty_args) ---> bool), c :: args')
|> (fn t => HOLogic.all_const c_ty $ lambda c t )
|> (fn t => HOLogic.all_const \<^Type>‹perm› $ lambda p t)
fun induct_forall_const T = \<^Const>‹HOL.induct_forall T›
fun mk_induct_forall (a, T) t =
induct_forall_const T $ Abs (a, T, t)
fun add_c_prop qnt Ps (c, c_name, c_ty) trm =
fun add t =
val (P, args) = strip_comb t
val (P_name, P_ty) = dest_Free P
val (ty_args, bool) = strip_type P_ty
val args' = args
|> qnt ? map (incr_boundvars 1)
list_comb (Free (P_name, (c_ty :: ty_args) ---> bool), c :: args')
|> qnt ? mk_induct_forall (c_name, c_ty)
map_term (member (op =) Ps o head_of) add trm
fun prep_prem Ps c_name c_ty (avoid, avoid_trm) (params, prems, concl) =
val prems' = prems
|> map (incr_boundvars 1)
|> map (add_c_prop true Ps (Bound 0, c_name, c_ty))
val avoid_trm' = avoid_trm
|> fold_rev absfree (params @ [(c_name, c_ty)])
|> strip_abs_body
|> (fn t => mk_fresh_star_ty c_ty t (Bound 0))
|> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
val prems'' =
if null avoid
then prems'
else avoid_trm' :: prems'
val concl' = concl
|> incr_boundvars 1
|> add_c_prop false Ps (Bound 0, c_name, c_ty)
mk_full_horn (params @ [(c_name, c_ty)]) prems'' concl'
fun same_name (Free (a1, _), Free (a2, _)) = (a1 = a2)
| same_name (Var (a1, _), Var (a2, _)) = (a1 = a2)
| same_name (Const (a1, _), Const (a2, _)) = (a1 = a2)
| same_name _ = false
open Nominal_Permeq
val eqvt_sconfig = eqvt_strict_config addpres @{thms permute_minus_cancel}
fun eqvt_stac ctxt = eqvt_tac ctxt eqvt_sconfig
fun eqvt_srule ctxt = eqvt_rule ctxt eqvt_sconfig
val all_elims =
fun spec' ct =
Thm.instantiate' [SOME (Thm.ctyp_of_cterm ct)] [NONE, SOME ct] @{thm spec}
fold (fn ct => fn th => th RS spec' ct)
fun helper_tac flag prm p ctxt =
Subgoal.SUBPROOF (fn {context = ctxt', prems, ...} =>
val prems' = prems
|> map (minus_permute_elim p)
|> map (eqvt_srule ctxt')
val prm' = (prems' MRS prm)
|> flag ? (all_elims [p])
|> flag ? (eqvt_srule ctxt')
asm_full_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt' addsimps (prm' :: @{thms HOL.induct_forall_def})) 1
end) ctxt
fun non_binder_tac prem intr_cvars Ps ctxt =
Subgoal.SUBPROOF (fn {context = ctxt', params, prems, ...} =>
val (prms, p, _) = split_last2 (map snd params)
val prm_tys = map (fastype_of o Thm.term_of) prms
val cperms = map (Thm.cterm_of ctxt' o perm_const) prm_tys
val p_prms = map2 (fn ct1 => fn ct2 => Thm.mk_binop ct1 p ct2) cperms prms
val prem' = prem
|> infer_instantiate ctxt' (map (#1 o dest_Var o Thm.term_of) intr_cvars ~~ p_prms)
|> eqvt_srule ctxt'
fun tac1 prm = helper_tac true prm p ctxt'
fun tac2 prm =
EVERY' [ minus_permute_intro_tac ctxt' p,
eqvt_stac ctxt',
helper_tac false prm p ctxt' ]
fun select prm (t, i) =
(if member same_name Ps (real_head_of t) then tac1 prm else tac2 prm) i
EVERY1 [ eqvt_stac ctxt',
resolve_tac ctxt' [prem'],
RANGE (map (SUBGOAL o select) prems) ]
end) ctxt
fun fresh_thm ctxt user_thm p c concl_args avoid_trm =
val conj1 =
mk_fresh_star (mk_perm (Bound 0) (mk_perm p avoid_trm)) c
val conj2 =
mk_fresh_star_ty \<^Type>‹perm› (mk_supp (HOLogic.mk_tuple (map (mk_perm p) concl_args))) (Bound 0)
val fresh_goal = mk_exists ("q", \<^Type>‹perm›) (HOLogic.mk_conj (conj1, conj2))
|> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
val ss = @{thms finite_supp supp_Pair finite_Un permute_finite} @
@{thms fresh_star_Pair fresh_star_permute_iff}
val simp = asm_full_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt addsimps ss)
Goal.prove ctxt [] [] fresh_goal
(fn {context = goal_ctxt, ...} =>
HEADGOAL (resolve_tac goal_ctxt @{thms at_set_avoiding2}
THEN_ALL_NEW EVERY' [cut_facts_tac user_thm, REPEAT o
eresolve_tac goal_ctxt @{thms conjE}, simp]))
val supp_perm_eq' = @{lemma "fresh_star (supp (permute p x)) q ==> permute p x == permute (q + p) x"
by (simp add: supp_perm_eq)}
val fresh_star_plus = @{lemma "fresh_star (permute q (permute p x)) c ==> fresh_star (permute (q + p) x) c"
by (simp add: permute_plus)}
fun binder_tac prem intr_cvars param_trms Ps user_thm avoid_trm concl_args ctxt =
Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {context = ctxt, params, prems, concl, ...} =>
val (prms, p, c) = split_last2 (map snd params)
val prm_trms = map Thm.term_of prms
val prm_tys = map fastype_of prm_trms
val avoid_trm' = subst_free (param_trms ~~ prm_trms) avoid_trm
val concl_args' = map (subst_free (param_trms ~~ prm_trms)) concl_args
val user_thm' = map (infer_instantiate ctxt (map (#1 o dest_Var o Thm.term_of) intr_cvars ~~ prms)) user_thm
|> map (full_simplify (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt addsimps (@{thm fresh_star_Pair}::prems)))
val fthm = fresh_thm ctxt user_thm' (Thm.term_of p) (Thm.term_of c) concl_args' avoid_trm'
val (([(_, q)], fprop :: fresh_eqs), ctxt') = Obtain.result
(K (EVERY1 [eresolve_tac ctxt @{thms exE},
full_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt
addsimps @{thms supp_Pair fresh_star_Un}),
REPEAT o eresolve_tac ctxt @{thms conjE},
dresolve_tac ctxt [fresh_star_plus],
REPEAT o dresolve_tac ctxt [supp_perm_eq']])) [fthm] ctxt
val expand_conv = Conv.try_conv (Conv.rewrs_conv fresh_eqs)
fun expand_conv_bot ctxt = Conv.bottom_conv (K expand_conv) ctxt
val cperms = map (Thm.cterm_of ctxt' o perm_const) prm_tys
val qp_prms = map2 (fn ct1 => fn ct2 => Thm.mk_binop ct1 (mk_cplus q p) ct2) cperms prms
val prem' = prem
|> infer_instantiate ctxt' (map (#1 o dest_Var o Thm.term_of) intr_cvars ~~ qp_prms)
|> eqvt_srule ctxt'
val fprop' = eqvt_srule ctxt' fprop
val tac_fresh = simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt' addsimps [fprop'])
fun tac1 goal_ctxt prm = helper_tac true prm (mk_cplus q p) goal_ctxt
fun tac2 goal_ctxt prm =
EVERY' [ minus_permute_intro_tac goal_ctxt (mk_cplus q p),
eqvt_stac goal_ctxt,
helper_tac false prm (mk_cplus q p) goal_ctxt ]
fun select goal_ctxt prm (t, i) =
(if member same_name Ps (real_head_of t) then tac1 goal_ctxt prm else tac2 goal_ctxt prm) i
val side_thm = Goal.prove ctxt' [] [] (Thm.term_of concl)
(fn {context = goal_ctxt, ...} =>
EVERY1 [ CONVERSION (expand_conv_bot goal_ctxt),
eqvt_stac goal_ctxt,
resolve_tac goal_ctxt [prem'],
RANGE (tac_fresh :: map (SUBGOAL o select goal_ctxt) prems) ])
|> singleton (Proof_Context.export ctxt' ctxt)
resolve_tac ctxt [side_thm] 1
end) ctxt
fun case_tac ctxt Ps avoid avoid_trm intr_cvars param_trms prem user_thm concl_args =
val tac1 = non_binder_tac prem intr_cvars Ps ctxt
val tac2 = binder_tac prem intr_cvars param_trms Ps user_thm avoid_trm concl_args ctxt
EVERY' [ resolve_tac ctxt @{thms allI}, resolve_tac ctxt @{thms allI},
if null avoid then tac1 else tac2 ]
fun prove_sinduct_tac raw_induct user_thms Ps avoids avoid_trms intr_cvars param_trms concl_args
{prems, context = ctxt} =
val cases_tac =
@{map 7} (case_tac ctxt Ps) avoids avoid_trms intr_cvars param_trms prems user_thms concl_args
EVERY1 [ DETERM o resolve_tac ctxt [raw_induct], RANGE cases_tac ]
val normalise = @{lemma "(Q ⟶ (∀p c. P p c)) ⟹ (⋀c. Q ⟹ P (0::perm) c)" by simp}
fun prove_strong_inductive pred_names rule_names avoids raw_induct intrs ctxt =
val ((_, [raw_induct']), ctxt') = Variable.import true [raw_induct] ctxt
val (ind_prems, ind_concl) = raw_induct'
|> Thm.prop_of
|> Logic.strip_horn
|>> map strip_full_horn
val params = map (fn (x, _, _) => x) ind_prems
val param_trms = (map o map) Free params
val intr_vars_tys = map (fn t => rev (Term.add_vars (Thm.prop_of t) [])) intrs
val intr_vars = (map o map) fst intr_vars_tys
val intr_vars_substs = map2 (curry (op ~~)) intr_vars param_trms
val intr_cvars = (map o map) (Thm.cterm_of ctxt o Var) intr_vars_tys
val (intr_prems, intr_concls) = intrs
|> map Thm.prop_of
|> map2 subst_Vars intr_vars_substs
|> map Logic.strip_horn
|> split_list
val intr_concls_args =
map (snd o fixed_nonfixed_args ctxt' o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop) intr_concls
val avoid_trms = avoids
|> (map o map) (setify ctxt')
|> map fold_union
val vc_compat_goals =
map4 mk_vc_compat (avoids ~~ avoid_trms) intr_prems intr_concls_args params
val ([c_name, a, p], ctxt'') = Variable.variant_fixes ["c", "'a", "p"] ctxt'
val c_ty = TFree (a, @{sort fs})
val c = Free (c_name, c_ty)
val p = Free (p, \<^Type>‹perm›)
val (preconds, ind_concls) = ind_concl
|> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
|> HOLogic.dest_conj
|> map HOLogic.dest_imp
|> split_list
val Ps = map (fst o strip_comb) ind_concls
val ind_concl' = ind_concls
|> map (add_p_c p (c, c_ty))
|> (curry (op ~~)) preconds
|> map HOLogic.mk_imp
|> fold_conj
|> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
val ind_prems' = ind_prems
|> map2 (prep_prem Ps c_name c_ty) (avoids ~~ avoid_trms)
fun after_qed ctxt_outside user_thms ctxt =
val strong_ind_thms = Goal.prove ctxt [] ind_prems' ind_concl'
(prove_sinduct_tac raw_induct user_thms Ps avoids avoid_trms intr_cvars param_trms intr_concls_args)
|> singleton (Proof_Context.export ctxt ctxt_outside)
|> Old_Datatype_Aux.split_conj_thm
|> map (fn thm => thm RS normalise)
|> map (asm_full_simplify (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt
addsimps @{thms permute_zero induct_rulify}))
|> map (Drule.rotate_prems (length ind_prems'))
|> map zero_var_indexes
val qualified_thm_name = pred_names
|> map Long_Name.base_name
|> space_implode "_"
|> (fn s => Binding.qualify false s ( "strong_induct"))
val attrs =
[ Attrib.internal ⌂ (K (Rule_Cases.consumes 1)),
Attrib.internal ⌂ (K (Rule_Cases.case_names rule_names)) ]
|> Local_Theory.note ((qualified_thm_name, attrs), strong_ind_thms)
|> snd
Proof.theorem NONE (after_qed ctxt) ((map o map) (rpair []) vc_compat_goals) ctxt''
fun prove_strong_inductive_cmd (pred_name, avoids) ctxt =
val ({names, ...}, {raw_induct, intrs, ...}) =
Inductive.the_inductive_global ctxt (long_name ctxt pred_name)
val rule_names = hd names
|> the o Induct.lookup_inductP ctxt
|> fst o Rule_Cases.get
|> map (fst o fst)
val case_names = map fst avoids
val _ = case duplicates (op =) case_names of
[] => ()
| xs => error ("Duplicate case names: " ^ commas_quote xs)
val _ = case subtract (op =) rule_names case_names of
[] => ()
| xs => error ("No such case(s) in inductive definition: " ^ commas_quote xs)
val avoids_ordered = order_default (op =) [] rule_names avoids
fun read_avoids avoid_trms intr =
val (((_, inst), _), ctxt') = Variable.import true [intr] ctxt
val trms = build (inst |> Vars.fold (cons o Thm.term_of o snd))
val ctxt'' = fold Variable.declare_term trms ctxt'
map (Syntax.read_term ctxt'') avoid_trms
val avoid_trms = map2 read_avoids avoids_ordered intrs
prove_strong_inductive names rule_names avoid_trms raw_induct intrs ctxt
val single_avoid_parser = -- (@{keyword ":"} |-- Parse.and_list1 Parse.term)
val avoids_parser =
Scan.optional (@{keyword "avoids"} |-- Parse.enum1 "|" single_avoid_parser) []
val main_parser = -- avoids_parser
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.local_theory_to_proof @{command_keyword nominal_inductive}
"prove strong induction theorem for inductive predicate involving nominal datatypes"
(main_parser >> prove_strong_inductive_cmd)